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How do Celtic build on title success? | The Journos

The panel discuss Celtic FC’s title win away to Kilmarnock and how the league champions can build on their success ahead of next season UEFA Champions League campaign.


Alison McConnell hosts the The Journos this week and is joined by Michael Gannon of the Daily Record and High MacDonald.

Also on the agenda is the current state of play at Rangers FC ahead of next weekend’s Scottish Cup Final, managerial change at Hibernian with Nick Montgomery axed as head coach before Malky Mackay was appointed to a Sporting Director role and the Journos react to the news that Willie Collum will take over the role as Head of Refereeing in Scotland.

The Journos Highlights:

00:00:00 Celtic Scottish Premiership Champions
00:02:20 Why did Brendan Rodgers return to Celtic?
00:09:25 How does Celtic build on title success?
00:18:06 Celtic vs Rangers transfer budget
00:21:07 James Forrest Celtic legend
00:24:39 Celtic squad vs Rangers squad
00:32:09 Rangers fans expectations for Scottish Cup Final
00:38:37 Nick Montgomery sacked by Hibernian
00:40:47 Malky Mackay as Hibernian manager
00:47:41 Willie Collum Head of Refereeing in Scotland
00:56:13 Most expensive football shirts in the world

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welcome to the journals on plz soccer’s YouTube channel I’m joined by The Daily records Michael Ganon and Hugh McDonald a pleasure to have you both with us so Hugh we have a title winner yeah and and uh well like every title win every title story there’s huge narratives uh running through that we talk through the day not only how did they get there how did they win in a very interesting season but what it means for the future and it’s got great significance I think in in in both ways it’s great significance for a manager coming back for an arc of redemption uh and it’s got great significance in what happens in the near uh medium term as well yeah there’s a lot of facets there obviously the financial implications of it are huge but to just touch on what you said The Arc of redemption it seemed complete last night Brendon Rogers said an needed on the rugby park Turf yeah I mean it’s it’s been incredible campaign really I mean ups and downs and twists and turns hasn’t it it’s been wild um I remember um when Rogers got unveiled back last summer um I was dispatched to do the the color in the car park uh and it was it wasn’t there wasn’t that many people there um given there was like 14,000 or something like the first time around it was maybe Celtic Park first yeah yeah but it was maybe a couple hundred hardly Souls um it was a guy it was a guy a bag of can of beer and he shouted Brandon I’ve got my bag of cans think the thing was it was so quiet actually complet actually heard them a big devil dog in um but it was a very lowkey kind of I mean it was a warm welcome from that little CR but you could tell that this is different this time um he’s got a bit work and he knew as well and he referenced it I think last night cuzz back again the steps Park head this time there was thousands I think he said was 200 here last time there was thousands this is and so is it is the complete Redemption Arc to go from that to that um the kind of slightly Frosty reception from some fans to being the hero again um always forgiven and all that stuff he mentioned it to you last night after the game when he he spoke about how awkward the first few months had been H which I think was interesting because because he appreciated that I I think he maybe underestimated how quickly it took just to one people over and of course he bristled accusations that the style wasn’t there and all the there’s a lot of things mixed up a great story that way because a great personal story like all great dramas have got to have a a flawed Hero at the center of it and you couldn’t get more flawed here on this and see the thing about I was talking last night about it to to my son was that that you know if a guy and for good or all we’ve all got egos see if you’ve got a big ego that Brandon has some things you miss out and I remember the guys went down when he went down to Leicester and the guys went down a couple of weeks later and can you remember when he left C it was absolutely toxic I’m not talking about you know uh jungle gy 18 whatever 1888 I’m talking about you know C supps of good standings in substance just like appalled by this you know that leaving in at the end you know for the season had ended and and and Brandon didn’t he get honestly didn’t he see me get didn’t see me well is it still going on what for so I don’t think he actually got it so when he came back I think the thing about me Michael I was in you Al I mean you you’re in the the throws of the two of you all the time I always wondered why did still even now that he’s got this Redemption what brought them back I think a big aspect of it is to be loved is to be wanted to be appreciated not just for for what he done the first time but also to see I can I can come and I can I can do it again but I think H I think we’ve seen signs of Brandon this time around that we never saw in his first spell different faces of Brandon that we maybe didn’t see ER and in that first SP when everything went so swimmingly well this season it’s been a bit more up there been far more ups and downs yeah actually I’ve said to him as well um I said um the questions we’ve asked him this year I’ve asked about fans not like I’ve asked about falling out with the green bagade in the club I’ve asked about Palestine I mean I mean literally I mean global politics um sexism I mean I’ve every kind of questioned it the first time it was it was so smooth it was like what you having for your dinner you got nice holiday plans this year it was it was the contrast has been has been huge um I think there times I’ve been wondering why why walk back into this I think he does love it and I think he does I think I think some people felt because of the first time round he was he he was so involved and he was so loved and he he listen he L on my trail sometimes that the Celtic affection and the fans loved all that stuff and then he left like that and I think that was the reason why there was such a backlash cuz listen an poo did pretty much the same thing timing that was was slightly different yeah there’s an argument to say everyone does the same thing players come players go here’s more money here’s a better League here’s a different prop timing Tim wasn’t Tim wasn’t great a good position when he left right enough and was pretty safe hands with new coming in but anyway but so I mean that agulation from there that’s the reason why there was so much animosity I don’t think I think you’re right I don’t think you quite knew the extent of it um but I think he also listen jobs at Celtic new are tough jobs I mean people think oh he’s going back to Scotland and all stuff it’s a breeze and all that stuff and by the way people that now because he’s come back and despite all what’s going on this season injuries and all carry on talking about he’s still wants to do it people say it’s easy but it’s not easy and it sends guys completely Taun to time there’s plent ofes that come here get dragged into the blender and not survived he seems to relish it he seems to and he actually seemed to be the more he was boxed in this season the more he came out fighting I mean the last 6 eight weeks like say different side of BR rers somebody who’s actually quite enjoyed the the situation you’ve been in yeah the intensity of it I think you you’ve seen a different side of them see the Intensive was underplayed because I think you know if you talk to managers in England that that really know like DAV mois etc etc they’ll tell you how big they do the job I always remember the the first time I make Gordon strien as a Celtic manager I was walking up the the stairs up to the the Walford and he was coming up it was Friday and I said how you how you managing this remember striking a you the Scot scen inside out it was an absolute Elite player who played for the biggest Club in Scotland at the time Aline played for the biggest clubs in England he’ managed Southampton to an FA Cup final he managed centry when they were in re you know got a last day relegation saved so he’d been he knew the score and he he says he this is crazy this is crazy going upstairs now to do my fifth press conference of the day but he also had to run over support because absolutely like Gord a player I mean he was slightly I was actually thinking about that on Sunday night when you saw the footage coming in from Celtics play of the Year event and how how that has changed so even how it’s changed since despite all you know all his success was even then there were still look at the at times and you look at that now I mean you look at ear at Celtic and I was a big critic of him you know at the time I fell out with him you know badly at one time did at some point I always do but you look back and it was again was my son last night saying you says probably one of the the most underrated Celtic managers I mean the great startat about Gordon is he gets he plays three hours against AC Milan in a knockout Champions League team and only loses by one goal with a back four of t for MC calwell and ner you know you sometimes it’s just at time frames things differently need a perspective that’s also I think reason Rogers has come back well because he doesn’t want that to be the his departure to be the end of story I think there is a bit of them that that would like to see the picture on the wall um and L I say again people think it’s disingenuous because of what happened the last time but he has CU there’s family who are Celtic DFT me listen I don’t I don’t think Celtic get a manager of Brandon Rogers ilk without there being some kind of emotional connection to the club because in terms of finances he could go he could get a lot more m i mean know for a fact he turned in so he’s not short there has to be a pool there has to be some kind of connection that would that would bring you up but obviously in terms of the finances now is huge Michael like this opens a door now to to Champions League riches that are that blow anything else out the water are Celtic already of course on a very sound financial footing they could cash in and mat if Jeremy frong makes a move there’ll be more money coming in it’s been a really sustained period of dominance across the last 20 years where do you think they go from here now in the summer phas minted don’t they I got plenty of money in the bank um and now they’re going to be another big wack Mone coming in um I think the has to be Lessons Learned From the last two windows um I think Adam meter is probably the only real sign that I think is been the business you look at the game at iBook last week St line up not one new signing from last from last June sign 15 players or something like that not one new sign in that team it was it was pretty much nine of the team that won the league year four minus J and Starfield and bringing in forest and scales who were bit part players over that time so or one was in loan elsewhere so the rec equipment wasn’t wasn’t particularly great in the last two two windows I talked last summer when he came in was I me foret the table War chest a Champions League War chest to spend in it and it it spent money but it was all on um quantity it was think 10 players spent 21 million one and2 million P players here there um with prospects younger guys listen that’s whated a lot of times with Celtic M was a prospect 1.5 million from MK Dawns he’s now the best player in Scotland and so that you can really argue that sometimes that does really work but sometimes you need to go and get a higher level of gamble you know I mean every player going buy is going to be a prospect every one of them they’re not they’re going to go and spend some 25 million a 29 year old Striker it’s not going to happen there will be a developmental aspect to it but it’s to take it up to the next level of development Edward who signed for 9 million pound a higher level of development who go on makes 20 million Adia could be similar you think 23 still fits in that braet where you could bring him in and again two years down International player potential but I think this this summer I think C fans are right to think right you’ve now got a huge pot of money let’s let’s not go to the Champions League again with the hands tied behind the back with guys that are getting untested and untried that that level and you could get a bit of a fright which happened at the times this year and it’s awkward though isn’t it because what you’re talking about if you if you’re going to out to talk about quality you’re also talking about one a long-term contract you don’t want to break the wage structure they won’t break the wage structure at the club I don’t have to some point I don’t think they’ll deviate significantly from the structure that’s in place just now I think that odson Edwards may be like a classic example of where Celtic can push the boat to but I don’t think you’re going to see people talk about Marquee signings and bringing in you know a guy 26 27 at his Peak I just I I don’t think realistically that would be a possibility the the interesting thing about it first of all is people talk about um like like they’ve got to go into 789 million pound bracket and they will do that because I think Ida will be a big chunk of that and you just had to listen to Rogers last night and think that IID is a certainty Bernardo is going to be a 6 million pound player and I think they’ll take him uh I think no ially I supp’s G and I think Bernard I think he likes Bernardo he likes the age of Bernardo likes his technique likes his mentality so I think he takes him but the problem the 678 million pound player is can be summed up in this Queens par Center half that Rangers Center half that they’re sniffing around he’s 24 I think he’s 25 26 so he’s a center and a half so you’ve got a possibility of a resale cuz 28 for a center and a half is not a problem but C’s looking for seven now the kids got or the young man has got Burnley and Bournemouth in for him so he can choose Vincent company in a Burnley project or he can choose playing in English Premier League Celtic are going to him and saying you’re going playing for 60,000 fans look what we did from Van Dyke look at what we did for starfelt look at what we did for Armstrong Christie we’ve got you’ll get Premier League you’ll get Champions League here so will the GU with I don’t know the guy but that’s their pitch and another pitch is the agent says well that’s all great and you know what he quite interesting what you going to offer us a week and that’s when the wage structure is you’re not going to buy a potential a guy turning down a premier league offer even from bourou you’re not going what you going to what he going to want 50 60 Grand a week I think that’s where the headache is I think that’s where the real problem why is that a headache though because I think once you open the door argument is one guy on 70 grand a week and the rest on there going to be disharmony the rest room why that CA see that guy’s doing the business and get me my wi bonus every human nature I think it’s every team has got a guy who has got more money than maybe not not so not with such a Chasm I don’t think if this guy scoring 30 goals get me if you me 4 wi bonuses this year I’d be quite happy to get me money also but it’s a question of sustainability so Celtic right now have all this money you’ve opened the door to these Champions League funds however next season getting into champions league is a lot tougher next season it’s impossible for SC not it’s for Scot te to so if you look at that for next if you look at it across the next five seasons what’s your finances going to look like across not the immediate term but the longer term and can you afford to then if you have one on 50 60 Grand a week before you know it you’re going to have three or four can you sustain that over the course of a four year period yeah but the only way to to to stop the the difficult route into champions league is to perform in the Champions League so therefore you have to they have to speculate and invest to perform at a level to get the coefficient points to stay in there so if you don’t do it you bumped out becomes harder so you want a virtuous circle or a vicious cycle that’s that’s that’s what you’re going to be so they have to they have to get this right that they can get to that level I’m not saying going blow the whole lot and could probally spent 100 million quid last summer and get relegated I was going to say parachute payment off but Celtic you could go and spend 100 million pound and not make a de in the Champions League that that’s a big conundrum that’s a I don’t think that’s a gamble that that they’re going to take this evidence isid I always say see you’re looking at the future look what they’ve done in the past it’s always a good sign and what cty have done in the past and there’s been huge shouting and balling and breach of the peace about it but if we talk about the last 25 years just to round it up there’ll be U the success in Scotland has been unprecedented you know the the the dominance off the SK I’ll tell you what the dominance is across the last 20 years since 201 18 leagues 38 trophies six Tres six doubles nine in a row and a quadruple treble and there was an invincible so the last 20 years for the strategy has ensured domestic dominance in the last 20 years as well everybody shout some balls about their oh this flawed and you know all another Windows they can he buy and all that you see if you look at the cold facts of Celtics transfer strategy it’s one of the most successful transfer strategies in the game people will talk about oh look at Tio and look at you know whoever you know you look at this one look at that see yeah but uh look at oilly look at yot look at Armstrong look at van djk look at Edward I mean you just go on go through every other every other season you had one mark you’ve had an exit that bring that Banks the biggest problem with Celtic in the last 20 OD years the catastrophic season for Celtic was that they didn’t sell at the right time yeah exactly and that underpinned that whole season because you have guys like guys that didn’t want to play didn’t want to be there and that becomes toxic you people the heart goes out the team entirely that that again though that’s almost only framed in hindsight at the time you’re in a no one sit because if Celtic had sold at that point then you would be lacerated for sing got the problem rers got the problem now and they’ had it the the Rangers have made an absolute mess of it because of Rand down contracts but in the season they won their title they could have sold Morel and Kent in the summer and they had good offers from people well I can see the keyboard Warriors ah there was never a bid for we know there was a bid for marelis we just know that I mean I was I was private the structure wasn’t great wasn’t it structure was terrible but it was better than what you got come once a week get 5 p a week up but since the guy walked away from nothing now the problem then was and the problem with all this is is politics because if you said in a street economic thing should they’ve sold meles and Kent that that summer absolutely economically that’s your model if they had there’d be protests in the street yeah might not have won the league and it comes around this time as well because when we move on to talk about Rangers the smart business move at the moment is to sell anybody that moves sell anybody and get a price for and people buy into that as a concept we should be we should be producing players and nurturing them they buy into that concept until you actually sell them yeah imagine if what the reaction will be if Ranger sell but land for example the summer I think that’s looking increasingly like yeah I think I think if it’s it depends on the the value I think most supporters know I mean last summer at Celtic J get a 25 million bid from Saudi I mean J much loved player for Celtic who seem to have a home there as well even the most ient fans are thinking 25 million he’s done well but you got to take the money you can’t knock him back let him knock that back either so I think people understand that level I mean let when they cheap different matter but if you get get right value for these players I think people I think the key is that when you are seen to to invest and then sell on that then the funds go back in to the team that you get some of it and you think Celtic have done that very well you think Neil if you go all the way back to MC going in Neil L and then rebuilding a team with a funds that he got from the sale M to spartac then and I mean when you go through that whole list in the transfer thing but people don’t forget people will talk about you know the guys that came in and yangs O and things like that see when you think back in the FR pongs yanovich is that that they made a buck on very very quickly I mean they turned yanov around like they put him in they put him into the garage gave him a spray paint he was out in the next transfer window like when you Dallas or Johnson coming in it was almost like it was just a conveyor Bell it was just like here’s another but that’s that’s the way it should work that’s when it’s successful when your strategy successful gble I mean listen players come and go all time there’s no constant unless it’s I don’t know James Forest he’s the only constant isn’t he well that’s another I mean that’s another topic story what story is because he especially if you you know if you’re a a football fan of a certain generation I’m know the fact that when you sit and go through your Wikipedia uh last night to look at Forest career you know say oh he’s said a great career no no no Forest could be could be and reasonably the greatest ever Celtic player in terms of medals one that’s what’s in his s the greatest ever and what what’s more incredible about is the fact there’s been a question mark hung over him until the last month when all of a sudden he’s come back in remember when he got the fouryear deal remember he got the foure deal what Celtic D signing as you know I mean he was good in his day but he’s a done now he’s done send him a hims and loan he was one of the players actually that Rogers really reinvigorated when he came back the first time he really got the best out of in terms of goals and assists and would you take he on his way out you take him to the Euros oh the Euros I doubt thought doubt because he’s listen not only in bang in form I mean he’s been terrific the last the last month of the Season U but he’s also something we’ve not really got the Scotland Squad I mean he natural width which Scotland doesn’t have at all um I know we don’t play that that way but we could he can play he can play a kind of wing back role because he run up down that flank and he’s he’s good defensively and he can play up front he’s played up front led the line so I mean he’s about three possessions in one if there’s an extra three SE in the play now with the new squads I think he’s he’s surely put him to me another thing is and it matters a lot he’s I mean he’s been in the squad so he knows the way clar works I think he’s a good type you’re not bringing in a guy that’s going to oh did we bring him in cuz question over what he does the most unflustered I mean were you again talking last night about how in January when he was talked about his being alone his his comments last night well I just sto down got my head in and said well if I if I really stick in training I’ve got to ask the manager a question is a reminiscent a Gordon striking isn’t he he’s just he’s the most kind of humble Unum guy I mean we’ve for for years and dealt with him for years I remember great story sums him up I remember in Scotland I think it was in Albania like deepest darkest Albania it wasn’t even was in the capital it was like somewhere up in mid nowhere and and he scored twice and it was like important goals I think it was under Mich they game double header he scored a hattick against Israel next game I think they got us to they got us to the playoffs they got us to the Euros but anyway scored two goals man the match in Albania and they get drug tested after the game so as you know there’s the MX Zone afterwards you’re waiting for players to pass to interview so we’re grab a few players but we need to wait for the hero the hour to speak he’s the last man because he’s in the bathroom so we’re all hanging there it’s now 1:00 in the morning in deepest darkest Albania and re James walks through and he’s he just wanders through and he starts walking past us where you where are you going he’s you want to talk to me like yes you want to talk to you the man of the match you just run the game like yes please all right completely oblivious like like I mean oh know it like that sums him up it’s kind of strange he’s only really had the love and recognition from Celtic fans when he come back into the team for this business and the season but I just wonder how um how Celtic win the title now frames this Scottish Cup final at hamen Rangers really Philip K he needs it not just for a trophy I would suggest but also for the fact that he needs a win over Celtic and something to offer even the most fragile Foundation for next season well Rangers is a huge story in the bank I mean Rangers and when you know we talking domestic as soon as you say Celtic won the title or Rangers win the you look at you look at the team that hasn’t won the title because they’re the ones that are now Under Pressure uh and the Rangers I mean people going about the the the Celtic model and through all the statistics to say that you know since you know and you can’t you’re not allowed to see it now but since Peter Lael came in at Celtic the dominance financially in football terms and the club infrastructure has been overwhelming it’s been overwhelming you’re almost getting to the stage now what you’re saying Rangers winning the league is like a blip every now and again so they’ve got to change that and they’ve got to change it by a strategy not going to change it by just directors throwing in tens of millions every year to buy players that are coming up from the championship and big wages at 26 267 Etc but that’s for the long term and a short term a week on Saturday they’ve got to walk out into hon and they’ll be facing a team that could not be more full of confidence and you just wondered about CL Mon’s lineup that day because it’ll be fed of players that have failed in the league it’ll be full of players who have not full of players but it’ll be players that playing the last game for Rangers he’s got to play players that will play the last game for Rangers and question marks over the entire Squad the entire Squad I mean how many you many do absolute certainties that clont can keep maybe five absolute certainties would you keep ters oh yeah I would definitely keep them your team around those goals well I I don’t know if he built a team around him because he has got failings if he didn’t have feelings he be playing 100 Grand a week in the Premier League in England um he does he does know how to get goals and you always need somebody to score 20 goals a season um Rangers and Celtic historically have always had someone who who could do that maybe maybe wasn’t exactly world class but could still get that kind of kind of numbers where it let him down is he’s missed big chances in big games and you and you wouldn’t really hang your hat on them through and goal in the final minute of H with nothing each because I think most be the couch think at that point um but he’s definitely worth keeping I think he’s I think he’s he’s he’s nice H one he had great attitude he’s been B at the post and he just quietly got about business always kind of plugging away um and I think I think even even by now I think he’s won over a lot of the Rangers fans now as well but he’s attitud um so no one on empty I think there is major major work needing done um I think come on I get this narrative that he done well to compete for so long um listen Celtic talked about injuries Rangers have had brutal injuries this year I mean we’ve lost I mean s out for most of the Season Deno Danilo out for most of the season um Rasin out for a long while now go at the end the business end as well s was a big one for S was a big one after I of slow start you was getting going was looking gives him a bit of WTH bit pace so I mean I think I think I still think man for and even the guys fit I think Celtic were if they put two FIT squads together I think were a stronger Squad I think they’ve got higher levels to go I think the best performances the these rers players couldn’t match the best performance players I think that’s the way they are also well I think what you’ve seen from Celtic is maybe players Welling to take on an element of responsibility thrive in big games you look at K McGregor across the last couple of weeks mat you look at James Forest at the contribution when you look at the equivalent at Rangers you’re maybe just not getting the same something like Todd kwell he kissing the badge when he scored the the third goal against dunde the other night is there a sign almost that these guys just don’t quite appreciate what playing for Rangers is like what the demand is it’s not about scoring the winner against IND the when the title slipping away from you a grasp it matters that’s almost an insult to to the Rangers fans you know it matters not a it’s worse than that actually you know they I think when you’re talking about mentality we talked about managers that people underestimate how difficult it is to manage Celtic Rangers you know you even find people in Scotland go well that’s the easiest job in the week you should try a we at stay SM and all that it’s not it’s a huge job because there’s only two outcomes to be the manager there you’re a success or you’re a failure there’s not like oh it’s not a bad season I mean if you looked objectively at clemon well when he come in X points behind him that made them pretty competitive last couple of games got to the squat final we don’t know how that’s going to work out and they win the league cup a lot of people were saying you know what that’s not a bad F things instead of that everybody’s going the pressure is absolutely on him and it’s think about and the pressure is on the players as well and I think like take McGregor for instance McGregor’s not fit at the moment McGregor’s playing through an injury you can see it see when you see him playing he’s playing through pain now if you actually put him down and put the the light on them and said you he would deny it all yeah but he yeah and he’ll deny it to your face but he’s he’s he’s played with a serious injury for the last six seven weeks now it may I’m not a doctor maybe recuperating that but it certainly impacted on him in many ways you couldn’t sport that with him string out as a captain hars as well that game against hars so fundamental to and and so last night he’s a great like anybody would be he’s a much better player with hatti in the team but last night with a game which you would have thought I would have come in you’re playing a team there was a great startat last night the only teams to beat Karo since uh since Christmas are Celtic and Rangers yeah you know that’s only they’ve been terrific they’ve been absolutely outstanding I think what we’ve seen in the last five six weeks is is the the cores of these two teams what they call the leadership group they call business terms but the cor of these teams you’ve got the Celtic core McGregor Hart Carter viers Arthur Johnson kyogo one these guys um who are hooked on winning and the core group at Rangers are spooked by winning they got the s in position they get top of the league and they get spooked and that’s maybe it’s because of scar tissue from previous experiences maybe it’s because they’re not used to handling that kind of pressure and but any they’ve got in position to to go and kick on they’ve they’ve crashed um weirdly for the cut final I think that helps them because when Rangers press is off they play bit more freedom and yet and you see it might as well start the game two and0 down because that’s when they seem to click into life um is though for the Cup Final do you think I think the expectation for this cupers fans is practically zero because of what you’re talking about one team is full of confidence and flying I mean the game has come out should have been a pressure game it should have been one of those horrible Scrappy one nil deflected goal just get it done jobs not not that and not a five five goal SC so I think fans and i’ like to say that this team has has got that core who have been battered and bruised a few times over the years and it looks like having your Baris Goldson lrom guys that maybe look a bit B than Bru by all and didn’t cope with it at this time round so you think Lort needs it does he need something from the Cup Final I think he’ll definitely take something I think the the big game for him uh say they lose the cfal the big game for him will be the first game against Celtic in the league and that’s I was just be Celtic Park year that be you know the way we move in Scottish Football as journalists and as fans is if Celtic WN the Cup Final the laser like Focus will be in that first game you almost start you start you start the season under pressure and and but not even you start the pre-season Under Pressure because it’ll be the end of the May by June the message boards the papers will be talking who’s he getting in look at all the guys going out so he’s under severe pressure the thing about it is as well is that we can talk about external psychological recruitment Etc but if you just look at the teams if you say to them like of course Rangers could win the Scottish cup it’s that’s football but if you talk about just watching it last night Allon and watching Rangers the night before and I know it was a completed Rangers but if you say to yourself right games are one in Midfield that’s the great cliche of all time you say well what three can Rangers or four if they if they want to P the Midfield and could that they can compete with McGregor hatti and or I think you’re going what three or four I mean can go in there and and and do a job did you get that I think clont knows that as well I he can’t come out publicly at any point in this season go I need to clear this place out and start again can’t see that he got them into possession probably surprised himself he knew fairly early on or this and he’s a about of work here and nothing’s changed on that he still knows that nothing nothing’s really no lesson’s been learned in the last you know month or so um he’s having to rely on these guys to get to get a job done and I think that’s why I think he a bit of criticism the way he played against Celtic long I I get that because it I mean take away the the atmosphere and take away the team involved you think that’s way a lot of teams try to play against Celtic doesn’t work well for them either but um didn’t look great did it there wasn’t any particular kind of patterns of play or any kind of style it was a very much long diagonals and getting a ball up early and you think well and I get that as well because have struggled with that kind of play some sometimes this season but that’s not a long-term strategy but I don’t think it will be’s long-term strategy I think it’s because of the circumstances he knows he’s got a difficult hand to play with just now and he’s got to figure out a way to you say to combat that he’ll need to do something different you can’t take set on to to middle of the park he go Raskin in the middle do you think for the Cup Final well it looks as if he doesn’t really fancy Rasin you know I mean but I think rasen’s a decent bet I mean I think Raskin his bet can best is a good technical player I mean and there’s not many banging down the door for that Midfield he obviously doesn’t fancy canall in big games I think damond day it will be he’ll play and I think he’s one that that they’re going to hang their hat on for season people say a we about this and that but have paid 4 and a half million for him he was well scouted there was a strategy between that SC he’s a young kid and and so I you know I think that the he’s he’s got potential what else in Midfield Sterling’s probably been the best performer for them in 17 different positions and his energy in Midfield but you don’t know what’s happening inside I Brooks at the moment what is the state of play where the center defense is is is you know how injured are they injured you know are they I mean he’s got he’s got to come up with a p as balagan Goldson Sutter I mean are they going to be at least one of them going to be fit knows I think I think I agree with you I think he is going to be under pressure if he loses the final because it’s back to a kind of simar situation that that Michael be had having won a lot of games got in possession almost and then lost big games against Celtic and then the first old put under Mega pressure I don’t think it should be that way though though I think I do think there’s an element of clont it’s been like the kind of the the Wy coyote and Road Runner he’s been across the cliff and he’s managed to run so far but at some point the rav’s call and now he’s in the Ravine isn’t it so I think but isn’t that isn’t that the actual centrality of the question that we’ve already talked about how this isn’t just a season here and a season there and this season goes this way and that season goes this way and it’s a there it’s systemic now in the last quarter of a century that you know Rangers win the odd title to S 18 we’re talking about 18 out of 24 yeah so you think well you’ve got to sit down and say right what how do we address this we’ve addressed it by uh throwing everything but the citchen sinking it and and you know and stopping the 10 also Rangers wage bill this season is slightly higher than do a lot of money into this but it’s it’s it’s not working out long term it’s not producing a pattern of success and you think some strategically has got to sit down and say right this is what we do and it might incur shortterm pain and that’s a big thing because the dangers patience for pain they’re not set up for shortterm pain speaking of speaking of such issues of course been a very different question at hibs when you look in terms of patience and pain another you were at Easter Road I think this week H HEBs beaten mother well was it the right time do you think to sack Nick Montgomery could he have could they have survived it I mean speaking to folk behind the scen we but I think they felt that it wasn’t really going anywhere I I thought they should have given the window another another the summer window and and see how it gets on especially with the kind of investment coming in in the summer interest to see where that goes um but I just felt behind the scenes this is obviously coming from elsewhere as well this guy’s not our guy to to lead the club forward um the place needs a shock it really does me almost an apathy setting HS this season anger goes to apathy that’s the dangerous situation isn’t it um the game against M weirdly but I think because it was the last home game for for for for Paul handland and Lou Stevenson it was much more of like an a friendly atmosphere and it was it seemed to be it was one of those games that you see the potential of hibs there was it wasn’t a full full house but at the end you see them all singing Sunshine Le and atmosphere and all that stuff and it w pretty well and you think there there’s so much potential HS if somebody can just tap into and get us right it could really really left off we’ve seen it before in the past me Jack Ross third new had the place flying for a couple of seasons and is something can tap into that it’s there for them this year has just been G I thought it’s nice ideas but some of very naive at times when I watched them at hearts and they were come I think two down or something at one point and it was like I can’t believe put this way against Hearts T castle like I can’t believe how naive this is Midfield was wide open just was days was 442 but you changed a we bit eventually because it was getting slaughtered with it and think naivity be unb belief here again a heart team who are well drilled Midfield who are strong um run a mock and you’re like I think they got us out eventually but it was you think no he need needs a bit more B more bit more news in there um so yeah you don’t like see guys on a job not stuff had one kind of proper window himself but still think needs something controversy too Maly mck absolutely but that controversy is is just going to um follow Mai around whatever job you the thing I mean the mitigation for him I was very heavy against it when he became uh you know member of the Scottish Football Association in that role he had in I thought it was completely utterly uh inappropriate uh I think you couldn’t have a guy that had that background talking to parents of Asian kids or talking if if you had you know an all- inclusive policy of uh gender etc etc having that I think that was just it was inappropriate if if no more but the whole thing that always strikes me about this is the guy has the guy’s gone in a course and you know blahy blah you know uh done the the people say a box ticking exercise I it’s kind to say well at least he’s addressed it but the whole thing it gets to the bottom is this do these past texts which were absolutely vile and I’m asking this question cuz I really don’t know the answer do does that disqualify you forever do you never complex situation I think what you have to see can’t keep recaning I me people these days get canceled Left Right can’t keep canceling the guy with the same things also I’m not I’m not defending going defend M need me to defend him but a lot of the messages that now are I mean now associated with him weren’t actually his messages were from other people to his his phone and he’s part part of the conversation again that right actually his messages a lot of them um but he was it’s all wrapped into the same the same story it’s 10 years ago the guy I mean been battered P post you never forget it you got let the guy do a job you got let him work I mean it’s not wasn’t wasn’t the most Pleasant thing in the world obviously he’s he has paid a price for it I mean he was he’s been given a fair old rough time about it um is it also about the authenticity of an apology or I think yeah I think it’s that I’m always interested um in the actual victims of the T you know who he’s I think she likes um like me if if if I’m a white male steel heterosexual in his 60s would a man more forgiven than a woman homosexual an Asian all people that he’s he’s troduced and I would say I certainly am I think that’s really interesting I am when when mali’s manager at Ross County they they lost a game at karok and I had asked a question after the game and he was really sharp with me he was really short now that’s not unusual when you’re speaking to people straight after a game and they’re still a bit sore but immediately I subconsciously you’re thinking like being spoken to like that by a woman now I don’t know if that’s fair or not but that’s where your brain correlates those two things very very quickly yeah we talk to a guy like that I absolutely I’m just saying like automatically you think that’s the reason why but it doesn’t necess it should be the opposite really yeah exactly there’s a he’s not he’s not ping his punches cuz we all get it absolutely like we all had especially I think immediately in the after disappointment there is always an emotional aspect to things when people don’t put don’t put hand in the cage at that point sometimes but but it is interesting because sometimes that is where your brain goes but I also think it’s interesting we’ve got David Martin you don’t seem to have the the say there’s been an acceptance of his situation it’s slightly it seems to have been perceived slightly differently although I still think that would prevent him from moving on to another job it’s killed him in other ways I mean because you know at one point and I still think uh Martin de would have been a candidate for for many jobs would’ been in the frame I mean if step Robinson and and people like that who’ve done great don’t get me wrong I mentioned you know for hearts and some you know and Aberdine and HS whenever those jobs come well Mar should be in there as well I think the public perception of Martin deal is the he’s done his time he’s admitted to have I sat down and did an interview with him a few years ago but it was chapter and verse and you could ask him in and it was all walks in the woods with guns and you know I mean cocaine under car seat I mean it was just nothing was off so he’s just said you know he said fill disclosure F hands up next question and and because of that there was a there was a run of interviews on that theme and now it’s it’s died out the fact that he done hard time like he genuinely done his T like there was retribution clear retribution there and also I think to like a cul an acceptance of cility and a wish to to change there’s a Redemption again with absolutely we talked about the in the less serious sense Redemption Arc of Rogers is a Redemption Arc in M but it won’t it won’t Le a big Club so why can’t Mar m have a Redemption that’s the question I’m asking time he’s had to reassess his behavior had to think yeah I was an immature egy having that kind of involvement in that kind of lot stuff and those kind of things um and it’s now 10 years in the line he’s now in his 50s being hit with this for a decade I mean there’s not a time for people to let Maly going with things there may be a time for it but it’s not happening see the first thing that the interes in the and I know we can overemphasize what happens in Social Med media and and I know that but if you look at social media and the hibs fans in social media that maybe higher profile you know instead of avatars and and nicknames people what you names that that I follow or there was a real I mean there was one one supporters groups even come out and said this is not hibs this is not the be so the question is when will it ever end and I think some people I think it will in Michael it’s a perennial I think it it it follows you in every job that you go to I think H I think he’ll have the opportunity to go in and do his job and be judged maybe on on what he does but I think it’ll be it will always be a shadow I think it’s always there but the job he’s got Tak on is going to be kind of in the background anyway he’s not going to be kind of front um speaking of arcs of redemption Willie Colm as a head of referees I think it’s Napolean move right and I’ll tell you why not because of Willie colum not because he’s I mean Willie colum is what in his 40s been refering since he was an embryo um and uh so he’s he’s a FIFA referee um FIFA Hotel he the most senior referee in Scotland blah blah blah the big problem of it is this was an opportunity for Scottish referee not just through V but for a long time has been a poor place that been a poor place where we haven’t had top referees coming through that’s not a subjective view that’s a view that will be held by UFA and FIFA who don’t appoint Scottish referees to big games so we’re in a death so we’ve got to say to ourself why why is this the case why is this been the case for the the last 10 maybe more years and people say well if the league is poor why should referees be poor the Slovenian League or not be great and they’ve got referees going the Polish League will not be able to top League the guy did the World Cup final uh so what we really needed I think was a complete reset and I think we needed a reset to bring a new set there a guy coming in from the outside you know Hannah bordon from trumo coming in and saying well I’ve got three referees did go exactly see what you know I’ve had you know I got a referee in orever I got three referees into BL blah FIFA Elite list and all this and this is how we train our referees and this is how that and we need to do but instead it WS very strongly of the Bowling Club doesn’t it mhm it feels quite stale it just feels well the way the giv it to Crawford Allen felt the same way mhm would you go along with that Michael or a because if you bring in something from outside your basic the whole thing doesn’t work and need somebody doesn’t award admission for to I but I think I think that would be reflective in the fact that we’ve not had any referees at not just like the Euros coming up are not in Champions League but if you go all the way back there’s not been anyone represented at a major tournament or in major competition for a long time is it is it a sign of a major problem systemic or is it a bad crop and waiting for wave of Top Class referees problem the crop last a long time you know it’s just generational it’s not like you have a turnover that comes frequently what what is RO col going to be able to do I mean I mean apart from sitting in the phone on Monday morning getting battered by managers un happy of the weekend I mean is he going to set up some sort of um referee in school of excellence and getting the kids in it 13 14 get them trained up to become Elite crack referees that going to manage at the top level I don’t know I mean it’s it’s like you look at you look at what SFA have done with the coaching courses at LS and created all these world class managers across the globe flocking to to do these courses we need to get that but for referees there has to be some sort of setup that can produce good referees um I don’t know how that about that or well I think the system’s got to CH I mean if you look at the supervising system the guys that go along in Mt referees and all that I’m not saying it’s the case but it is it is all referees and it feels quite in in terms you see I mean here’s the question why has Slovenia I mean I’m really mean this why is Slovenia got good referees that would be my first question somebody said to me you’re know hader’s referees in Scotland i’ be SE right I’m going to go to slov how have they good referees I mean how what does FIFA see in them that doesn’t see in our referees are we too parochial that we get are we are we not are we not training them proper way cuz like I’m saying CU like if you watch I mean I’m blessed that I travel the world watching football and a few you know I was at Napoli Juventus and things like and the referee was just like and it wasn’t the guy was doing the Napoli eventus game wasn’t the top referee he was a good referee in Italy but he wouldn’t be in the top three just the way the gamer referee I get every decision right but there was a kind of certainty about the way the refere work there was a certainty about the VAR VAR was quicker there was a huge there’s a huge decision in the game apparently right at then and it was just everyone was slicker everyone was in you can imagine the pressure Napoli Venus and you say I I could really imagine that happening here would better communication be a start I think so yeah unfortunately in our country when they do try and communicate things it seems to just make things worse wor in transl it’s almost like handing shovels to guys in holes Ian it’s like it seems to get worse try to communicate um I just don’t know I don’t understand why quite why it’s not I mean some think is it because we put on so much scening so much pressure on officials and that’s that’s why maybe perception is it’s not great but then like H saying they’re not going to the Euros they’re not going to World Cups they’re not in champ League finals so obviously it’s not just us it’s been outside outside not are seeing something that’s not quite there so I can’t understand why because the offish in this country are very well paid so I mean it’s a good gig believe it I mean especially for a second job for for first job people would got fulltime referees full the referee salary is is a good fulltime wage for most of is this country if they get if they get a European game during the week it’s thousand honestly it’s a good it’s a good gig to get to that point I know but that’s why I think we should have better official because it’s a hard School in Scotland I mean if you to go through junior football and all that stuff and and you got through the lower leagues and you get to that point you have dealt with a lot I even back remember the days young referees when I played we guys on that path um I mean guys will might have been at that time some er um I mean even Saturday morning football and that stuff I remember a guy pulled up a red card and a guy basically punched through punched through the card um to get to them I mean these guys have a tough skill to get to that point so a lot a lot respect for them to get to that stage appearance abuse them in the sidelines you name it so what I can’t get is how they get to that point deal with all that and they’re still not doing great just they disconnect somewhere on the line for fulltime referees I think it would improve I think what the big argument will happen one day it certainly happen in a European Super League the ham where you take more of the pressure of as outside referees will be for a small country like Scotland it’ll be probably impossible to do but I think the elite game all big games now will be handled by outside referees I think you even see in Italy already see when you talk about outside referees not only can you not referee a team that you support right you can’t referee the rivals if they’re in that situation and you can’t refere a team from the same region now they can do that so difficult you know in Scotland you couldn’t do that you just couldn’t do it it’s just impossible it’s a bit like in England as well it’s England it’s the same big countries are doing that because they see the thing of subconscious bias they see the thing of pressure which is all reasonable and they see most crucially that as a referees can change games I I wouldn’t say unconscious bias I think it’s perception of bias it’s not it’s not actual bi think it’s perception of it if it can perceived that this is the case then that’s why you have to avoid it I think that’s just the culture that we’re in that it’s almost inable you could bring turkey lost a plot with the referees this season everybody always says only in Scotland and you go no no no it’s everywhere not I haven’t walked in England and Wales that this referee hates us saw a couple weeks ago yeah I mean England English football I’ve got fulltime referees and and every week every day there’s a thing on on television will they fure it wrong I mean that’s the whole segments on it so they’re not going right either just before we go starting to run out of time but H we’re going to talk about the top 10 most expenses of pieces of football memorability I think some of them might be in the walls in this office but H Diego maradona’s handed God shirt 7.1 million P had my photo taken with that it’s only I was in the Guitar World Cup uh they had a football Museum uh so my son and Andy mol’s mate dragged me along to this football Museum and maradona’s shirt was there it’s got a great story behind the sh not only just the Steve Hodge thing but see when you look at it even I mean I know it’s a long time away for the likes of YouTube but for me it was only last week 1986 you know it’s the actual fabric of the shirt and the badge on it it’s real heavy and the reason for that was they decided to wear the second Shir that day uh for a reason I can’t quite remember and they had to sew on the badges cuz they didn’t have a second shot with badges on it so they more or L did main thing the old your old more used to do it’s not sticking so it was really beautiful to see we talking earlier about memorability and uh how i’ I should have kept an awful stuff over the years that I crewed I was talking about you know when muray w Wimbledon I had my accreditation around it says H McDonald’s Center Court 2013 and Mar signed it and luckily my my son’s rescued it and he’s got it but see when you think in your career all this stuff we’ve done in our careers and I have to say I’m quite careless with stuff like that you kept telling no that’s the thing I regret it as well I think when I started ear I was younger um I was lucky I was I was working down south I was covering Joe kagi World title fights and all that stuff and I had the lanyards and all that box full that kind of stuff and um and I don’t know what I’ve done lost along the way um so I used to but I wish I had kept some of that stuff and like programs from big games and all that stuff like around the world I’ve never kept this kind of stuff this mellia stuff’s just gone through the roof of course because the reason for it is this week maradon Golden Balls going up for for for auction and uh o and and and Terry buter been H he promote it and I I just look all the stuff uh as well you know the like mcer stuff and all that and I I always remember like um a few months ago me m Jimmy Fox he bought um the duag the from the and I’m not a great shut I’m I was too old to get you know you SE shut I looked at that one you know that old the old the old line all I want for Christmas is a du prag I looked at that that’s a belter you know Messi’s two 2022 World Cup sh much do you think that thing he wore shirt was 6.1 million F Cup trophy 760 Grand Messi’s first Barcelona contract right 300K right H Noby Styles World Cup winners medal 200k Alan balls World Cup medal 200k P’s World Cup final shirt 1970 oh you’re Tau Millions for that surely 157k oh no I could have got that I could draw that for my P in the car anyway that’s all we’ve got time for this week don’t forget to hit the Subscribe button on plz soccer’s YouTube channel from me from Michael and from F thanks for listening and thanks for watching


  1. Sounds like a lot of finger crossing and hopes that celtic dont start spending money…if we spend you may as well give us the next 10 titles now!

    Catch us if you can!

  2. I think because Brendan went to Leicester who are not a big club and Ange went to Tottenham also had something to do with it. Celtic are far bigger than both of course

  3. Alison and Hugh.🤦🏻‍♂️. Tell me you’re a Celtic supporter without telling me you’re a Celtic supporter. Dreadful and biased. They forget the chat when Rangers were on top.

  4. I was 10 years old in 1981 and in my early 20s by 1992. That might as well be 1000 years ago in cultural terms. Eduction is what's needed 9/10

  5. As a Hibs fan don’t talk about our season when we played Celtic and rangers early this season I knew Celtic would win the league theydestroyed us for forty mins playing the best football I has seen from away teamfor years congrats to Celtic hope we give you more problems next years ggtth

  6. Do enjoy Alison more than Peter for sure. But James Forrest has been loved for more than a few weeks ? both my sons love him , what are you talking about ?

  7. If a company offers you 30 pound an hour and your working for 10 pound an hour it’s a no brainer that’s why Rodgers left who can blame him we would all do it he’s back and apologized let’s get rite behind him he’s a class manager he’s won us the league again he’s the man for us hh

  8. Fair play to mcinnes…ano hes a rangers man but hes done unbelievable good wae killie…and Aberdeen good few cup finals.

  9. I don’t understand how or why David Martindale gets to work in any kind of social situation especially involving kids? Convicted drug dealer?

  10. What Malky McKay did was, albeit morally reprehensible, was miles and miles less offensive than what Martindale did and as Gannon said there, only 3 of the 8 texts were sent by MvKay

  11. I work in a football stadium on matchdays and also do a bit of youth coaching. I had to have PVG checks done. If I had ANY kind of criminal record, I would be barred from both activities and yet, wee Davie Martindale gets to do what he does

  12. i saw jorge olguin's 1978 world cup winning argentina top on ebay a year or 2 ago. the less remembered players stuff is obviously not as desirable but i think it was about 50k. loved that top, almost looked like knitted wool, but not enough to part with that kinda dosh.

  13. Get off Malky McKay's back and grow up, FFS!
    Is this panel solely composed of faultless saints of impeccable credentials?
    Aye, right. I didn't think so either.

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