Golf Players

Grant Horvat’s First PGA Tour Qualifying Round of His Life!

In Today’s video we review my full round of my first PGA Tour qualifier. It was an unbelievable experience having the opportunity to possibly play in a PGA Tour Event – The Myrtle Beach Classic. Thank you guys for watching and I hope you enjoy today’s video!

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well guys this is going to be hard to watch if you guys have not already watched the first video that was released it’s the recap of basically the entire tournament and who won go check that out but today we’re just going to look at my round and I’m going to give you my honest opinion on how I was feeling throughout the round yeah this is my first time watching it you guys are going to see shots that they were not able to show in their video so you’re going to see my full round there’s a lot of good shots I had and there’s a lot of moments that are going to be hard to watch so we’re going to react to that today but it was hard I first just want to say I haven’t felt these emotions and I haven’t felt this amount of pressure in a long time you know I’m very lucky to film with some really cool people like John ROM and Bryson I get nervous of course but not to the level that I felt in this and that is something I haven’t felt since college or playing in a tournament and the second it gets serious you know when George stops talking and he’s what that’s something to say and George was dialed in and so it just felt different and felt very very serious I’m not used to it and yeah we’re going to show you the entire round today and how I was feeling huge shout out we got kenry gillo one of my best friends on the bag he helped me a lot throughout this round so you’re going to hear his commentary as well but this is my full round of my PGA Tour qualifier come on that was it h did you see that yeah that’ll F was that divid nson to the right that one was I was hitting it good on the Range I got to say this felt so good this warm up session we’re going to play these walls too I’m getting nervous watching this like I just remember how I felt leading up to the first te yep and got on both sides of the number it was just something different it’s funny I’m I’m hitting putts here on the pting green I forgot the camera was even recording I feel the Nerf guy it’s like you’re all alone on the putting green about to go to all final group I forgot we were even filming till right now all right guys hopefully we have a good day and you guys enjoy this video get past the nerves the adrenaline put on a show hopefully you guys watching we have a good time watching it time to go first te all right I’m excited for today see what happens um we’re just going to have fun most important thing let’s just have fun and have fun on the golf course scores happen so that’s what we’re going to do man I haven’t seen one of these since College it’s been a while our order of play is going to go Grant George Matt and then Tyler love it I’m playing at Taylor Made I remember I got to pause this really quick because I remember right before I tee off here when they said I was going first I got so happy just because I was like okay we can get this over with and I remember going up to this t-shot I haven’t felt these nerves in a long time I don’t know what I don’t know why it’s so different but got good I not all right oh found the Fairway y little drop kicky didn’t playing out of aen South Carolina George briyan I feel like I’m in George’s element right now we’re playing in this just d now playing out of hille Alabama it was like my little bun George is the best to play with he was helping me out along the day and nice Shotz George is the best to play with he’s helping me out just talking to me all day as well as Matt Atkins Matt is great too got 162 62 I like aiming a little bit right of this pen eight yeah think we keep it below with an eight yeah right yeah like 8 come left oh KCK right sorry I got to talk about it so that first Iron shot there that I missed to the right the amount of adrenaline I just felt on that first t- shot it got to a point there where I was like you’re almost coming off that adrenaline and man I could not feel my body I’m telling you and I was just happy to make contact we’re pin High just a little right got green to work with over there little right on 60 right to left seeing how it’s going to release yeah little right to left I release yep up go on oh my gosh thought that chip was going in WoW I really did man I love that phrase oh my gosh I say that a lot oh man I thought we did it all right come on let’s make that we did it on the first yeah like left Edge like d it in with face just die right in there never want to leave yourself with a four like four five foot slider left to right on the first hole but we did it made it come on good job just be no right over that steak there maybe yeah right over the steak you see those two trees right there inide so right over this water thing yeah the little draw I got to say leading up to this event I was I was feeling really confident in my golf swing right here good ball Grant yeah how’s that feel that was good nice I could have g a little up to that but I was like no that for like I not that’s a great it’s a fantastic golf shot my dad’s Ling this dude look at him girl guys look at my dad right now that man is on a mission this is what he lives for he showed up to every single one of my college tournaments and walked all 54 holes with me all three rounds he walked every single round in college I played you know tons of tournaments every year look at that man 76 years old 77 shout out to Steve it’s in like a little bit of a hole I’m going to have to go down after it just a nice full 3-wood I’m just like it’s it’s literally sitting in like an indent yeah so I want to talk about this quick second hole here I’m talking about the ball um kind of being in a weird lie which it was but I don’t want that to be an excuse I still should have not hit a shot like this but I’m just going to have to get down a little bit after it got squeeze and it’s going to come out hot should go a little right just got to squeeze down on oh I knew I was going to shoot on me right I knew that lie get right hopefully that’s down there far enough all right it’s not a good golf I figured it yeah that Li was weird still trying to get sett in just that is control the breathing nice and thick hand you’re not going to have a ton of green to work with hey I’m not worried about the green I’m just worried about getting it up there yeah cuz I feel like oh my gosh 50 yards yep set sit sit set it’s got to be on the green it’s not bad it’s not bad little long there I got to say that rough was thick left myself with a look at that it’s a good part wow slider up the hill I think that green that left green side bunker is a good reference point like I said in the beginning though guys make sure you go check out play golf Myrtle Beach the full video is on their Channel and you know I think this is a huge step for YouTube golf and in the community to like to give us a chance to have an opportunity to play in a PJ Tour event is something I never saw coming this quick in the space and and it’s truly mind blown okay green it agree third shot here third hole t- shot I remember that pulled that just a little bit that’s fine it’s fine though it’s fine left side a Miss there H if anything yeah I mean we can’t be missing that that’s not bad right yeah 155 yeah playing 160 um I almost could hit a nine though 28 on five from the right I’m kind of worried right here H I don’t know if I should hit a nine iron I like an eight here you like an eight yeah okay yeah smooth good call by Henry there really good call he did a great job he kept me in it oh be good mentally out work out this putt here I thought this was going in oh my go it just burned the edge but now I had a little work left I had a good four feet coming back gave it a run but made the PT thank you job fourth hole now this is something that they weren’t able to show in the full video and I’ll show you what happened on this hole right here oh no got to pause that so that first t- shot on whole four I pulled it it was a it was a hookie pull shot down the left side into those trees and OB comes in really close to that left side but I still think the ball’s in so I think I saw it down going to hit a provisional here yeah I think it’s okay though another one another [Music] yeah all right that was not my best down the right side got that one Landing that’s fine not looking too good D this is OB stinks uh tailor made two with a red dot okay this hurt pick it up this hurt really bad oh dang it all right shout out to Tyler also Guys Tyler Watts the Lefty in the video what an absolute stud I mean he’s I think he’s 15 years old and he was incredible he hit the ball so good you’re going to hear that name Tyler Watts all good but it’s out of bounds yeah so now Grant we can’t do anything I mean that hurts so bad that really really hurts usually I’m pretty good off the T too so yeah just going to go like a little bunt seven up there at a six that’s fine B low enough yeah now we’re hitting my fourth shot after going OB it’s hard to watch this that’s all you can do really is cuz we got up to a nice solid start here is my fifth shot on whole four chunky little steep tried to bring it in low now we got a putt for a double bogey on the fourth pole get that there this is for a seven and that is a trip boogy seven ski sininsky all right fifth hole here part three oh dude this was a great swing and you guys will see they didn’t actually show this oh my gosh is that fly the green yeah yeah is that bunker I think blue the green I didn’t even hit that too hard at all I think the wind died yeah completely down the hill all the way yeah this was not shown in the video right here this is one of my best shots all day yeah just get it moving it’ll get down there okay think if anything it’s going to want to break to your left going down like that I was super super nervous over that bunker shop because the water was long and it was super fast downhill not be short but I love bunkers And We snuck that down there to about 3 ft we have a little left to rer though still not a no gimme we made it though for the par sett we got to do we got anything at that bunker on the left yeah just R of that bunker on the left is perfect 240 hybrid so now we’re on a par five we just hit our t-shot there um I want to say I’m still not truly settled into this round like I feel like I’m slowly getting settled in but there is something in me that I just wasn’t fully swinging freely and you guys can probably see it it just looks like I’m holding on to the shots a little guidy I just haven’t felt tournament nerves in a long time and there is a huge difference between filming a YouTube golf video and playing in a tournament for a PJ tour spot there’s a huge huge difference and you know we’re very lucky to be able to film with people like John ROM and Bryson and a lot of these big names and I get nervous but not to this level this is like this feels like the real dealer hybrid there’s so many bunkers that are like 4050 or bunker shots up there I don’t want you to get in one of those yeah I mean like we can’t like at this point no we got to go for birdies we got to we got to go for it yeah priority number one is just keep it left of these trees mhm I might might need we could yeah I think I think we almost need to hit an iron what is it to that bunker to clear the left bunker is 190 but we’re not looking that way cuz there’s no fa stay short of it stay short of that bunker I mean it’s just like this little tiny Gap out of the rough it’s like let’s go with a 60 shot 160 yeah 160 shot okay it’ll leave us about going punch 6 leave us about a 90 yards so that was a good layup shot there that’s it thank you that should be F got to dig down after that stuff yeah good job sure it’s not plug that’s the ruling in golf that everyone’s pretty fired up about I me h a perfect layup to a divot what’s the yardage here you know what’s funny though every time I I got to talk about that um I want to know your guys thoughts I laid it up in a divot and this is a really bad lie on this wed shot here I just it’s a ruling in golf that is very interesting to me cuz it’s like a 5050 50 split on whether you should actually it’s probably like a 7030 split I would say 70% think you should get relief there’s probably 30 that probably you know that’s how it goes but ended up in a divot here um we have like 83 yards to the pin do this on TV and the Bros H in a divot they always hit the best shots well hey so that’s what we’re going to do right now and get me in a good mental space 83 yards let’s just dig down after it so good so freaking good that was one of my better shots all day too and it was out of a divot so it’s kind of wild here is our birdie putt oh my pushed it I felt pushed it just a hair off the face it’s okay that is a par on the par five but if you guys remember watching the full video that pin location you could see a lot of players going long and it rolling all the way down into the rough um I was so scared over that putt to hit it past and it rolled all the way down that hill and have to chip so it was almost like a lag putt from 8 ft one of the craziest Pit locations I’ve seen yeah Grant I don’t even think I think you go up I not go at it but like it’s full swing yeah nice oh no caught it fat that might work out oh my gosh it’s fine found the green you’re poting yeah I think if it rolls on the right edge of that on the left or yeah right Edge inside of that cup I think that’s it get it to roll over that yeah like that oh yeah pushed it oh good P Grant than I got a low I got it teed up super low bunker yeah yeah keep it left of that bunker if you’re going to keep it low wind is definitely picking up here really nice there it is it’s one of my better t- shots of the day good job 91 you have eight yards behind that pin okay I have a 56 I’m going to kind of go for like the skitter you going to try and one hop stop it yeah one hop stop okay shot here 91 you got a little room long of it okay we’ll be good good shot oh my gosh dude dude just rips thank you good shot that thing spun back like crazy do you see it breaking good bet I want you to take the high line here one of my best birdie looks of the day finally comes here yeah I love that line you have I love that line you have nice good burning job J well we just finished eight holes I’m now two overp par after eight with a birdie there it’s the first good birdie look I will say at this moment I’m thinking to myself you know we can really shoot a respectable round we’re kind of starting to I would say settle in but we never truly settled in but to the most this is definitely the most I’ve settled in after this birdie putt here on eight heading into a really difficult ninth hole he guys this golf course was hard um it’s long and it was windy and the greens aren’t easy it was a beast this is a beast of a hole nice ball Grant thank you that’s my low te ball dude if you could do that every time I want you to low t- ball the rest of your life yeah maybe it’s not that low it’s it’s low okay but I like it I like just look left of that pin you see the camera guy up there yeah honestly right at him okay I like that oh my gosh that’s as good as I can hit it yep fantastic so good dude thank you that right there it was 2 15 yard into the breeze uphill and I hit a four iron to the center I don’t want to have to rehit that that green is so difficult we hit it to the center of the green and it’s a 490 yard par 4 so just happy to be in the center of the green shot good as I can do it I mean that was a big forine for me 210 like into the wi 210 215 no all right let good for I pushed it okay you how hard that hole is that’s an absolutely great bar one bad golf SP costed us all that so we are done with the first nine holes and in the full video they’re going to show a lot less of my shots because I’m Not In Contention um which is understandable you it’s only a you know you’re not going to make a 6- hour long video um you’re not going to be able to always Show everybody’s shots either so we’re going to get to see now on this back n a lot more of the shots that they weren’t able to show and also also I got two things I want to talk about really quick first off I want to announce the winner of the giveaway for the Josh Allen signed tayor made staff bag the Master’s Edition um let me pull this up quick got it on my phone over here we selected a winner the winner of the tailor made Master’s Edition signed golf bag by myself and Josh Allen is Bryce Stags Bryce Stags I’m going to shoot you a DM you are the winner of the tailor made staff bag thank you guys for entering that giveaway let’s keep going um just those couple I feel like you could say that for so many rounds you could say that for every round but like looking back I truly feel like we’re we’re in a good spot yeah I got past the nerves I mean to me like the first five six holes so much adrenaline like it just felt like my body was just like my heart rate usually never gets up that high in any video um so it’s like a whole different feeling of your body almost like you can feel your body shaking it’s just like adrenaline dumping I don’t I don’t ever feel that in normal videoos so well this is a different thing just a different got quiet you know George wasn’t talking much and then I was like oh boy he’s like you know George how much he talks like the other tournaments that we’ve done completely different k I love you George and it’s just right of the bunker H yep you can’t reach that bunker regardless all right tth hole here B gr really nice thank you nice swing bro that was it good job it’s freaking 268 to that was a good shot there on 10 good t- shot smoke that’s a long hybrid 125 what it is jeez that’s tough for me it’s a weird yardage I mean I got to go 52 downwind like this we got to take the pins on like it’s not about making far out here like it’s a wedge in our hand oh my gosh it’s got to go how that one hurt that one really hurt I feel like I hit that so good really yeah it was 125 got to talk about that you know we shot at two over par on the front nine which it could have been a lot worse it could have been a lot better but we weren’t totally out of it and that really hurt um since then we’ve actually so that was my 52 degree wedge I had I went to a 50° I wasn’t hitting my 52 far enough and I noticed I kept coming up short and that’s the club I pulled right there and tried to hit it hard came up short in the water going to have to take a drop dang it so I can go back I can go B basically let’s let’s get a yardage first you got from right here 96 96 yeah H like a full full 56° yeah I like that down spinning back man that goes long what the heck that went as far both of those that went as far as your 52 that’s that is crazy like those I could not have hit any better both of those shots okay for the bogey on 10 here good pot it went right at the end it’s pretty wild oh that one [Music] hurts oh I didn’t hit that good oh I missed it good Miss hit though oh no gosh dang it dude St up out of it just stood up out of it when you’re miked up like that every little tiny thing you say gets just I mean I I definitely looking back at this watching myself play I feel like I was definitely complaining a lot and kind of saying you know I I just wasn’t in a great head space I just feel like I could have been a little bit more positive um usually I’m good at that but I just feel like I was getting a little bit down on myself super frustrated right now after hitting a drive down the middle and missing it to the right but this was also not shown so get ready for this on whole [Music] 11 oh no set [Music] set came out hot yeah I like this or the par let’s go go I said we’re going to make it h right over the burnt Mark that was a long bur so now we’re only four over par still not terrible around that t- shot was tight came straight down we’re in the Fairway so on ho 12 there you guys just saw it was a very guidy golf swing I had tried to hit a low fade that’s what the hole sets up for but it hits one of those trees on the right and drops straight down down and I have a seven iron into this green usually you have a little 60° but I have a seven iron into this green from like 180 I believe it was well here here 78 178 mhm oh God 1 178 oh yeah come on sit down let’s go it’s really close let’s go that was a little bit like that taking it on like I don’t know want to do that but no I mean we’re look at where we’re at we got to go for it wow this is honestly playing shockingly similar to their appro shot on nine I mean okay so I don’t mind the five it’s just if you get after it you can’t be left of this pin you don’t want to miss left of this pin so that’s all you like something right at Matt’s ball with a five is fine missing it right here it’s got to sit too that was really hard wow yeah it’s pretty straight I don’t think it’s doing much once it gets on the Green landing spot and trust it simple chip though terrible shot got to hit that one close I think you go right edge with some pace and it’ll go in yeah now I blow it by and leave my S at the tricky downhill putt here oh that hurts that hurts yeah that’s that’s tough that’s tough to watch cuz it felt like you know I make a birdie there I take a step forward and then I take two steps back making a double there but on the whole 14 here par five I think at this moment plus five currently we’re trying to finish the round as strong as we possibly can and here’s a very reachable par five whole 14 that was an aggressive shot yeah nice that was aggressive H man that was aggressive for us come on let’s go let’s bounce back have us make an eagle here yeah 2011 downwind if I I fly this like 90 it should release yeah I think we hit six full six yeah I like it downwind it’ll land pitch on the green release my gosh no oh my gosh please come off that I can see it on the camera here I don’t think we knew exactly that plug yeah it’s plug but not turn I was just trying to go a little bit lower I don’t know if you need to go oh wait this is not as bad no no we can make birdie we can make birdie I mean I almost need a 56 but I don’t know how I was so confident in this plug bunker shot but is that even like you know no let’s go 60 okay let’s ensure we get it out here we go going for it let’s go straight down oh yeah go go go go go not bad so good that was pretty cool out of that lie that was insane got a bires being plugged under that was ridiculous are you kidding me with that shot that was insane right center yeah yeah love it yeah no way but I could not believe that didn’t I remember that I thought it was going in the whole way there you got robbed there that was such a good you got robbed no no left sit down okay it’s a tricky it’s a very well-placed tree strategic very well placed tree I mean we got to keep it low low Runner pins middle right okay it’s going to be about 195 just going to like 3/4 or four low this a super aggressive play here that start at that bunker yep draw it over ball slightly above the feet should help you draw it draw keep drawing keep drawing keep drawing oh yeah oh that’s a great could been really close shot great shot that was inches I got to say right there that low hook around that tree was one of the better shots but I’m getting to a point now in the round where I’m starting to root for George so heavily um and I’m just watching George just play this unbelievable round of golf I mean he’s playing so solid and I think he’s leading at this point maybe by like three shots on the field belong me I don’t have aspirations of playing pro or competitive but of course a dream to play on the PJ tour makes me love YouTube too I do love YouTube loving what I do yeah okay this is really tricky H yeah cuz of a lie yeah I only have half of it makes you not take uh YouTube for granted when uh you’re out here grinding for a score I just got to kind of chop down on this and that comes out cuz it’s sitting you a if you can chop down on it and have like no spin land right on that sand pile it’s it’s going to go in oh man kind of caught that thing I knew it I knew it the lies around this rough is hard man that is so unfortunate no that’s right more break I guess H three more holes to go here just left of that bunker on the right hand r four it’s absolutely perfect thank you that work sit stay there wow it’s okay took some hard bounces it’s hit good though yeah you got this low draw hit that drive and I ended up having a little bit of tree trouble here 52 52 but now I’m I’m six over trying to keep low enough just finish this round as solid as I can I just don’t want to shoot 80 if you guys want me to be honest I did not want to shoot 80 I think I got a low draw 52 on me just cuz I feel like the pitching wedge is going to be tough to spin it I like starting a pitching wedge on the left side of that metal bunker just having a drawback keeping it well okay cuz you don’t want basically at that guy yeah basically start it just a touch right of that guy okay well didn’t want to go at it like that oh all right thought that was the didn’t see your ball you’re the best s player I know Henry the ultimate hyp man gillo that was a solid bunker shot I couldn’t actually see the pin good job but we still have a good good job four and a half five ft here for par oh my gosh that’s I got to say right there whole 16 I missed that for par that could be the most frustrated I’ve been all year in myself seven over now on the day and now like I said said I’m thinking I just want to break 80 I do not want to shoot in the 80s we have two more holes to go but there’s no excuse to miss a pot like that just a little left of the pin going to go for almost the center of the green down down down down down down down down it’s floating mhm long putt now there we go on the green center of the green right to left it’s right left the whole way yeah I just don’t think there’s a lot you know also guys if you want any Primo apparel I’m using the Primo golf pants here wearing them um I have the pink blade collar Polo and also we got some good stuff coming out I’m super pumped I have a discount code Grant 15 so you guys will get a discount if you buy any of the apparel you can get a polo for like 50 bucks so a blade collar so go check it out that link will be in the description if you guys want to get some Primo apparel more at the end I mean I think it’s like just a little bit I like the line you got on it okay yeah I just don’t think there’s a ton yeah it’s more speed long long P oh boy I remember what I was thinking over this I’m like this is to go to eight over which should be an 80 if I miss this and I was like I’m going to make this you we did it all right so this is when we get to whole 18 and I don’t want to spoil the video for you if you guys have not watched that go watch it for the third time I’m going to say that this is where I’m truly a spectator of George and George has become a really really really close friend and Wesley but I’m rooting for George so much in this moment I think yeah right now heading into 18 he has a two-shot lead um so I’m just thinking of you know I’m thinking of myself George he’s the most consistent golfer I know he’s going to make par at the worst on this par five but sitting here watching this here’s his t- shot and this just super intense moment Nice Nice Shot so good he’s unbelievable man this my first actual round watching him besides the practice round special this is impressive ni oh gosh I missed it here we go just laying up here on this par five it’s pretty long with the breeze into US sucker rooting right now in this moment so much for George I just I love the guy so much and I I want to see him I think he’s going to win this thank you solid shot there but I’ll take that all day I want to walk you guys through this really quick so George now is about to hit his third shot into this par five and I got to experience this whole thing firsthand um he hits a really really solid shot here and you guys will see this ball it lands just On The Fringe there rolls rolling rolling rolling and it goes down the bank now when you guys see it disappear when that ball disappears it’s actually still hanging up on the bank by a little piece of grass and I’m on the green at this moment and I walk over to look where George’s ball is and as I’m looking down the bank the ball plops into the water I watch it fall into the water and I had to go tell George that his ball actually is in the water and it was so difficult to do that because I mean you hit a good shot and it’s like you’re break you’re bringing the news the bad news to George and I’m rooting for him so much but it goes in the water let’s keep watching here so Matt Atkins hits a great shot there and you know he has like a 9 10 foot this is to finish up my round with a birdie and man I thought that was going in oh that caught the lip thought that was it but that finishes my round with a 79 now I’m sitting here watching George and Matt Atkins and as you guys see there we didn’t show the putt but George now knows he has to go into a playoff with Matt Atkins um also huge shout out to Matt great guy and I didn’t even think Matt truly had a chance cuz George had a two- shot lead I was like there’s no way this is even in the equation so I’m rooting so heavily for George but Matt is an unbelievable guy and I’m so happy to see him make it past this stage and you know get a start on the PJ tour he’s been grinding for years great golfer great guy um but now George and Matt are going to go into a playoff they’re going to head back to the 18th hole and as you guys know George does not make it unfortunately it was hard it was hard to watch the playoff and everything um but I was really happy for Matt at the same time George played wonderful and guys that ended the video for me with a 79 um we go I think this is right this is right when George knows that you know he has to go back into the playoff but well then golf a game at the end of the day and we we tried to play the game and didn’t make it through the game the game got us the game got us the game of golf did it to us that finished at a 79 still shot in the 70s which is cool yeah you know you got to take the wins it’s better than 80 you guys 79 is way better than 80 that is true 79 is way better than 809 Saturday yeah I know you know we weren’t doing that today but I just want to make sure we didn’t shoot 80 H but we shot 79 and don’t know where that put us but the fact that the winning scor is only three under is mindblowing yeah the golf course had some tea the winning score was three under par shout out to the Myrtle Beach Classic for putting this on play golf Myrtle Beach what a what a cool event and what a step forward in the community also huge shout out to Henry for Cad and for me we will we will link his channel in the description if you guys want to go subscribe to his YouTube channel he’s going to be posting a lot of YouTube content now so go support Henry as well what a day I got to say I’m really happy with the way everything turned out you know it was new for everybody it’s not going to be perfect there’s a lot of you know different opinions I saw comments on the production and I saw a lot of positive comments I saw different things and you know it’s the first time ever doing something so it’s only going to go up from here and once again huge shout out to everybody that was a part of this and all the guys that played in it it’s a 79 for me and not my best you know I I felt emotions and nerves that I haven’t felt in a long time I just want to make that clear there’s a huge difference between tournament golf and YouTube golf and when you put yourself in this position more and more times I feel like I’ll be better for the next time but got a lot of work to do I’m always getting better at golf and thank you guys so much for watching the channel thank you for an unbelievable month on YouTube all the wonderful comments and the support on the channel is mindblowing if you guys are new to the channel make sure you go subscribe and also hit the little notification Bell so you get notified when new videos are released also you guys probably saw what I was sipping on in this video this is a Celsius and they have been wonderful sponsor of the channel and this is the Astro Vibe so it’s a blue raspberry Edition very good flavor it’s my favorite flavor yeah thank huge shout out to Celsius for being a wonderful sponsor and that wraps it up for the video make sure you like this video till next time guys peace [Music]


  1. the only problem with getting relief from a divot is that some people would argue that there is a divot when there really isn't

  2. I like the Celcius packets. I Add them to my water 16 oz water bottles.. It takes off at least 3 strokes per round, or none at all. Gives good energy though.

  3. Considering that some divots I make are literal hazards, I would like some relief for that – it’s not part of the course, is it?

  4. The fact that you got to play with someone you know really well should have been a huge relief! Imagine playing with complete strangers you don't know? Understanding with the nerves that you would try and steer the golf ball. It almost looked like you were lined up right on many shots. Thanks for sharing your experience and commentary on what your thoughts were.

  5. Guess it was a great experience. Take it as it was and look on the positive things you definitely have done. Looking at your game I need to say it again (was my comment in a previous video as well) Why the heck you shooting a full swing with a high lofted club when you have a hazard inbetween ??? Take a 9 or PW and let it land smoothly with an 3/4 or even half swing. There nothing more save than this. You can do fancy shots in a private round of golf.

  6. George shot was gut wrenching. About the only thing may have stopped is hitting green or hitting into rough.

  7. I think that you are an ok golfer not pro.I mean that you play well with the buddys on the course in a group.There you can look so professional

  8. I enjoyed your video! great job. My unsolicited advice regarding the video, is to upload the video with just your voice commentary vs. pausing the video and looking at the camera. I feel that format might fit better! I'm not a professional YouTuber though 🙂

  9. It’s not the nerves about the tournament. It’s the nerves about Dad watching. awesome. Glad you got the experience it with him. Enjoy the moments.

  10. Your swing looks noticeably different compared to your other (no tournament) videos, so tense. Nothing you don't know already, but it's very clearly visible, you never loosened up the entire round.

  11. you need to buy your dad the biggest trophy ever for being the most supportive father that was my favorite moment of this whole video. a father truly supporting his sons passion

  12. Hmmmmmm…. Never seen him golf this bad in any of his other videos.. He supposedly would have made all the cuts in his other videos. Makes you wonder how much editing goes into his videos?… I must say at least he's real enough to post this one..

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