Pro V1 Performance For Half The Price?! Seed Golf Ball Review

Seed claims its golf balls are just as good as Titleist Pro V1s at half the price. But is that the reality?

In this video, I test the Seed SD-01 golf ball and the Seed SD-02 golf ball against the Titleist Pro V1 to see how the performance stacks up. I put each ball through its paces on TrackMan with driver, 7-iron and wedges before taking them out for some on-course testing.

So can a £25 golf ball perform as well as a £50 golf ball? You’ll have to watch the video to find out.

Buy from the SEED store on Amazon:
SEED SD-01: –

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can these 25 per dozen golf balls compete with the titless Pro V1 seed golfer claiming their golf balls are just as good as the number one ball in golf so is that true or not let’s go hit them all and find out so if you’ve not heard of SE golf before they’re actually an irish-based company and they’re relatively new to the Golf Market the direct consumers you just buy straight off them have them Shi to your house and you can either buy one off or have like a subscription delivery so they come at set in throughout the year perfect if you know you’re going to be losing Lads of golf balls now these are their two tall golf balls they also do have a wide variety of different models move up and down the range but these are the two that they’re claiming are nearest to the Prov V one now this one would be typically against your Prov V1 that’s the SD R1 this is a three-piece golf ball 95 compression the sdr2 is one that’s designed much for slightly lower ball fly for maximum ball speed probably more like your prov1x or maybe your tp5x this is the one you want if you want maximum distance is what seed are claiming now the main differences here is this is a 90 compression so it’s a little bit lower and also this is a four piece construction but I guess the most important part here is they both have urethane covers so that real T cover that we know people want that’ll grip in the grooves with your wedges give you really good Sprint properties so if you’re trying to pick between the two think of this Mor as a Pro V1 that kind of all round ball from te to Green this slightly more your pro v1x in terms of it’s the most distance but they are saying this goes slightly lower let’s see if all these claims are true and if it does perform as well as Pro one I’m kind of struggling to see how that’s possible I mean this is the first ball they ever designed this has had a couple of iterations I think it’s in round two now so it’ be pretty impressive to me if it gets anywhere near the pro B1 especially for the fact it’s half the price of that premium golf ball now first things first where we’ve got a big plus point for these balls already is that they actually look really good so I think sometimes if you pick a cheaper golf ball up it just kind of doesn’t look right the Finish doesn’t sit right it can be too shiny and the text just doesn’t sit right on the Hof ball whereas these both look really good really simple I like the fact they’ve stuck to quite plain colors but then we just got that little pop on the front we’ve got a fairly simple side stamp bch I think it’s really nice and it’s bold enough the only thing I would say here is like these are different golf balls and they look identical the only way you know the difference is by looking at this tiny little lettering on the side St could easily get confused between models I would to be quite careful when I’ve been testing in other ranges You’ see like the pro on the pro onx they have different colored numbers so maybe they could do something like that just to make it more obvious which model is which but in terms of like overall looks of the ball I really like it it feels like a premium product and I think that’s really important right we’re going to start with the sd1 so this is the one they’re claiming this closest to the Pro V1 I’ve used the Pro V1 a lot we’ve got some to hit against it let’s see what we think pretty solid start not going to lie so 95 Club head speed that’s typically what I would expect 140 ball speed very good number 29 spin perhaps a bit high but I don’t really mind a spin at that number number I think it kind of holds your ball flight decently and doesn’t let it dip off too much for a 224 carry 248 Turtle 80 fet in height perhaps it could go a little bit higher pretty solid numbers 148 smash so far so good I mean that’s pretty much identical to the last one slightly less ball speed 13 n.4 but still pretty close spin dropped a bit carryer wasn’t quite as good and again the heights a little bit low I would say one thing I feel with this from my testing previously is that it sounds a bit weird like it sounds quite metallic off the face um I don’t know if that makes any sense and if you’ll pick that up perfectly on the microphone but that’s just how I feel it sounds a little bit different from other golf balls I’ve used previously okay that was my Sunday Best I struck that a lot better and the high has popped up let’s see what’s that’s done to the numbers intered my cled speed was lowest a 94 222 carry 34 spin height 107 and but smash 149 that’s nicely in the middle of the faway I mean they’re pretty consistent numbers and they’re pretty much around where I would expect my shots to go been maybe a little bit variable some of that’s obviously down to impact conditions I’ve increased my launch angle a little bit there so this it spun up a bit more actually it’s a really strong performer so far right SD O2 what I’m expecting to see here is a jumping ball speed a bit more distant are also saying this fly is lower than the other one but I’m not sure that’s possible and it’s not really what I’ve seen so far let’s see if this confirms that or not yeah I mean straight away that’s a similar kind of strike to the first three shots I hit there and it’s flown a lot higher on the eye yeah my launch angle was down a little bit but that’s flown much higher it’s got up to 93 ft so if you take out that one where I launched it at 14.5 with the other it’s flown a lot higher than kind of the medium with the last ball that’s flown 228 for a total of 247 of 95 cled speed but it’s got 1.5 smash which is really efficient and 14 2.9 ball speed which is easily my quickest so far now that actually spun a lot at 33 which is more than I’ve been seen for four so let’s see if we can get that down a little bit and see what that does to my distance very unhelpfully pulled that a little bit so it’s not really going to help my numbers cuz I have brought the launch down but it’s got a 14 3.9 ball speed which is fast so that was 95 K speed again consistent um the spins dropped a bit so down to 2 six and that carried 232 so definitely getting more out of this and more height which is definitely why I’d prefer um if anything at the moment I need a little bit more height on my t-shir we all like a little bit of extra distance like the dispersion is not really any different but I’m getting extra yardage what’s not to love okay now for the fun part seeing how the pro compar it just doesn’t feel believable that that that ball is going to be near them given how new it is and the fact i’ literally not heard about it till about two weeks ago let’s see how we get on I’ve also pulled that been consistent in my Mist today didn’t feel as fast as that other one now 140 ball speed not bad it’s only got me 71 ft of height 24 spin 217 carry definitely not my best strike though so 94 CED speed 1 38.6 ball Speed 2 three spin so a little bit more optimized on the spin category definitely 225 carry and 88 height I think despite what CED claiming like the sd2 is definitely going in a higher flight window and actually that suits me a lot better High bombs so overall let’s do a quick review here the seed st2 was definitely the longest I had the best ball speed off that the best smash Factor so 1.5 smash factor 142. eight ball speed launch angle 12.8 2,700 Spin and carrying out for an average of 229 yards now yesterday when I was testing this I actually got one ball that got up to 144.5 ball speed which is pretty obscene for me with driver like that is seriously optimized and it carried 242 which is insane like that’s not a number I see very often so it’s definitely delivering in terms of speed speed I don’t think they’re quite right on this launch is lower for me it launches higher than the other ones and compared to like the other seed is definitely faster and more efficient and goes in a bare flight trajectory window this sd1 was n yard shorter for me um it spun a little bit more so 200 more RPMs roughly um interesting it launched a degree higher but I definitely say on average it flew lower if we take out the freak one that hit quite High the highest of the shot I hit was 85 ft which is not particularly High whereas both my good ones with the sd2 were at 94 93 almost 10 ft different in terms of fly I think I preferred that higher fly now if we move down into the Prov V1 no the numbers are quite similar to the SD o1 it does fly a little bit higher so I think the height is a little bit more optimized here um and the spin is probably a little bit more consist but generally between 2 4 and also did still get up to 3,000 and the carry was 223 on average so it sits kind of right between the other ones the sd1 was 220 the provy was 223 and the sd2 was 229 now I do think in general drivers probably the place where it’s a bit easier to optimize your ball so it’s going to be interesting as we now move down the bag and see how all three models still stack up Hest so far it’s looking pretty good for the seed golf balls I actually really preferred the sound of SD or to as well I think it sounds faster it doesn’t sound as metallic it sounds much more like a normal golf ball definitely probably has the upper hand in terms of sound and feel at this point though if you’re enjoying the video make sure you hit that subscribe button it makes a massive difference in terms of the content and what we can produce and while you’re at it you might as well hit that like button and drop us a comment if there’s anything else you want to see on the channel right back to that short game performance okay 7 iron stick to the same order start with the ST1 we’re going to be really looking at kind of the spin in the launch this is a club where you trying to control the ball into the green so it’s a much different variable I’m not necessarily bothered about that Max ball speed I want maximum control strike felt fairly spinning one like 55 which I don’t think is too bad probably generally around where I’d expect with a 7 iron a lot of people say it should be the same in thousands as the club so 7,000 and I would agree but that would stand more with like a blade this is a bit of a bigger head there a little bit more mass in the bottom of it so it’s not going to quite spin as much so anything in those like mid to high 5000s I think would be a good Mark at 82 feet in high I think I could lead a little bit more height than that but at the moment I am that is kind of my launch and flight angle carry 153 yards which just right around what I’d expect I’d be expecting this to go in between 150 155 kind of depending on strike struck that b the height popped up it just sit and stop and control really nicely on the green like that it’s basically pitched pin high and Dro dead which is pretty good so if we kind of look at my overall testing data so what I’ve done with this when I’ve been hitting it in practice carry distance has been super consistent which is really important to me that dispersion is like really thin front to back it’s obviously important with a club that you’re hitting into the greens you don’t want really big distance differences all the time the spin’s been pretty consistent too it’s really only varied from like high 23s up to High 2 Sixers it’s only like 300 100 RPM pretty consistent in terms of height that one got up a bit higher so it’s got to 97 ft which definitely where I prefer some of my not as good strikes are kind of in the low 8s but that’s down to me as well and some of the strike conditions but all in all like I can’t really complain about the performance here perhaps the smash factor and the ball speed could be up a little bit but it’s really fractional I’m getting the distance I would want averaging at 156 carry which is definitely like exactly where I’d want my 79 to sit so all in all pretty good data here okay SD too let’s see if this goes as far as the driver does maybe we’ll knock it off the back of the green if it does definitely flies higher it has gone over the back as well yeah that car 165.540 I thought it might have dropped off a bit given like more balls be more distance but it does seem to do at all which is really interesting I definitely really like this golf B I like the fact this getting at least half a club of extra distance off the tea and the same again with myON so like I’m just making every hole on the golf course a club shower so I see that didn’t quite fly as far as the sd2 I think it’s probably back more in like the sd1 in terms of distance yeah through Bridges the spin was 5,000 so a tad lower and the height was 82 ft okay so if we look at the overall numbers here for like the SD or two there compared to the sdo1 again it’s kind of a similar story from what we saw off the T so my ball speed was up 3 mph Mash SMH Factor was up slightly and my launch angle was down a little bit Mash spin was almost identical in terms of the average and my height was up a little bit but only about 2 ft on average the biggest difference would come in terms of the total car distance this averag 161.8% it is I’m not sure if this ball STS as straight in the wind it does seem to be affected a little bit more and that’s probably what I would expect there’s just not the years of research in terms of aerodynamics as there is with the Pro V1 and I guess if you look at like the two golf balls we have a more kind of structured and developed dimple pattern in the prov1 there’s lots of different shapes and sizing in here where the seed has much more uniform dimples so I wonder if that’s something to do with that so if you’re playing a lot of wind that may be something to consider but when it’s like pretty flat clal like this it doesn’t make too much difference okay there’s an overall comparison there with the pro1 now and maybe I was wrong when I said it didn’t go that far actually did it got up to 160 on average so it was 1.6 yards shorter shorter than the seed sd2 which is very very marginal the height was almost identical 90.6 for the sd2 versus 90.9 for the Prov V1 and I would say the Prov one was a bit more consistent it didn’t get quite as low or quite as high the spin was 100 RPM more so a little bit higher but not a massive difference it was slightly more consistent only varied from 5550 to 5750 the 200 RPM so definitely more consistent in terms of that variable but really I mean there’s not there’s not a massive difference the turtle distance was 2 yards less so it has a little bit more stopping power the land angle fractionally more but it really really is margins and when you’re looking at £ 25 difference per box like how much are you willing to over look the small margins that you’re getting the big thing now I think is going to go into the short game looking at the feel and the spin on those shorter shots because that’s really where you kind of make your score up and where you don’t really want to be losing out in terms of performance actually felt really spinny did you see how quickly that stopped on the green there’s definitely a lot of control here which I would expect given the urethane cover but that spun over 9,000 which is is really good for like a pit shot that’s like my 80 yard shot so kind of a fullish 58 and that’s giv me a really good control my height was at like 70 ft there which is pretty good I want like kind of like low control trajectory so it’s not going to go weird in the wind my carry was 83.3 which is kind of what I would expect out of a full 58 now if we look at my historic data and testing here it was pretty consistent throughout so the whole time my lowest spin with this was 9,169 and my highest got to 9,500 so you getting some really good level of control there the carry distance was pretty consistent only varied by like four under four yards front to back my launch angle was 34.6 so that combined with the spins giving me like good control coming into the green no I can’t really ask for much more than this I’ve also taken these out on the C and like half pitch shot chip shots and you do get really good control there as well so it’s really performing in terms of the scoring clubs interesting to see how this differs to the SD or to let’s hit that one now so it definitely flew a bit higher in terms of height it got up to 83 ft which is definitely more not sure if that’s optimal in a pitch shot cuz you kind of want it a bit lower on controlled actually so I’d kind of may prefer the lower flight here Carri again was up a little bit but obviously it’s much more marginal at this point it’s only like one to two yards compared to what we saw with driver and kind of through the sets and the historic data I’ve collected the spin was up by only about 100 RPM so not a massive difference at this point a little bit extra High kind of 8 ft extra high 100 RPM spin three extra yards carry so both very similar in terms of performance here it’s kind of quite nice you don’t have to pick based on if you can control the ball around the greens they’re both giving you that spin I would say with this one when I hit it on the course doing like the half shots and the chip shots I noticed it spins a little bit more on them especially trying to hit like a low checky on um so possibly a preference towards the SD to if you’re someone who really likes to spin the ball a lot around the green especially if you like to hit different shots kind of manipul at The Loft it’s going to give you really good stopping power okay Prov one comparison time I mean the dispersion of them is literally like that they’re literally all next to each other basically nearly carried the same that almost looked like it spun back a little bit more but to be honest I think all of them felt pretty spinny off the face the height of that is close to that of the sd2 so it’s definitely come up a little bit higher compared to the sdl1 I could see that in the ball flight but the spinning is really similar again in the 9,300 and the carry distance is a bit close to that of the SD 2 as well maybe a couple yards shorter okay so if we look at the average of all three of the balls we’ve hit there there’s not a massive amount to pick between them to be honest the sd1 definitely flies the lowest that average 68 ft in height then we had the Prov one at 77 ft and then the SD are2 at 79 wonder if that was a fraction on the high high side but it is what it is I kind of saw a similar thing in terms of the carry distance so the sdo one was the short shortst the proie one was 1.4 yard longer and then the sd2 was another 2.3 yard longer four yards difference in wedges I don’t think you’re really going to pick a ball based on that in terms of spin they were all very close so the SD on averaged 9,376 the proy one averaged 9,452 and the sd2 averaged 9,480 and actually the sd2 was the most consistent in terms of spin it really didn’t vary much at all there’s only 100 RPM difference from like the best to the worst shot whereas there was about 300 with the Prov V one and the same again with the sdo one so overall really I’m not sure there’s anything to pick between here like all these balls basically perform nearly identical on piture apart from the slight variance in height and two or three yards of carry distance pretty interesting so i’ say where I probably noticed the biggest difference in these balls is a bit in the sound and feel I think especially the SD o1 isn’t quite there in terms of sound off the tea but and also on the putting green it just feels a little bit firm to me off the putter face some people won’t mind that at all it’s a personal preference but I do kind of like that soft feel of a Prov V I do think when you move into the sd2 though it definitely gets a little bit better this is a ball they’ve done a few more versions of it’s a bit more refined you can see over time how they might get this sound and feel a little bit more dialed in with the rest of the performance definitely been pretty interesting test experience for me in terms of overall testing it’s pretty hard to say that there kind of 25 difference in terms of the quality of the two products you I played out on the course a full round with the SD or2 yesterday and I was really pleased with the performance like the distance is really good the control was good my spin was good I didn’t really feel like I was missing anything compared to playing with one of my usual golf balls which really brings the question why we’re paying 50 a dozen for a lot of products on the market now obviously my testing here has been fairly short if I put thousands and thousands of rounds together and collected data on every shot I think I probably would see more differences I think in general the Prov one was a little bit more consistent in some of the variables and the sound and feel is definitely better but these seed gol BS are really keeping up there they’re not far off that Mark out all and for half the price I’m really not sure why you wouldn’t go out at least test these models and see what they do for your game because these are both really strong performers and to be honest I’d quite happily use them let me know if you found this interesting is there any other interesting or different golf ball Brands you’ve heard of that you want me to try out so definitely be an eye opening I think it’s worth testing a few different models out and seeing how we get on


  1. There are now plenty of top quality, competitively price golf balls on the market – Seed, Vice, Snell, OnCore, Kirkland, Wilson Staff etc. and every review suggests they might be the 'Pro V1 killer'. However, my experience is that so many golfers still remain fiercely loyal to the Pro V1.

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