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No. 12 causing ‘carnage’ at U.S. Women’s Open | Live From the U.S. Women’s Open | Golf Channel

Nelly Korda’s disaster at No. 12 in the opening round of the U.S. Women’s Open wasn’t the only example of the hole causing problems for the field at Lancaster. #GolfChannel #GolfCentral #USGA #USWomensOpen

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No. 12 causing ‘carnage’ at U.S. Women’s Open | Live From the U.S. Women’s Open | Golf Channel

watching it happen live Mel what was your initial reaction to seeing what took place I mean it’s unbelievable isn’t it I mean it’s you know I always it’s kind of amusing for me because I’m sat here trust me my performance anxiety will be going through the roof if if I was having to play that 12 hole I mean it’s just we knew it was going to be a tough hole anyway um I mean that front right pin is just nasty I think the US shaved and the girls a bit a bit dirty there but um I did not expect to see that from Nelly um I don’t think anybody did but the thing is as well on that 12th ho it’s almost because it’s such Carnage out there and it’s so dramatic it’s almost had a bit of a backup as well so not only you still on the tea waiting till your t- shot you’re actually watching the Carnage unfold in front of you as well yeah lots of anticipation for for what could be and then that plays an entire mental game in itself bethan for you for the to see the world number one go out and have that happen so early what does that mean for the overall story for the championship well it certainly felt like a lot of air just was sucked out of the room I mean I can’t think of a time that a player this dominant coming into a major championship has almost essentially bowed out this early after three holes I mean it’s going to be an incredibly tough road for Nelly Corda to to to get back into this thing you know make the cut I think would be the first order of business but you know when we look at what she’s done this year how good she’s been at not compounding her errors how great she’s worked with her caddy Jason mcdeed at at being conservative when needed and just kind of felt like a lot of that flew out of the window in one hole and it’s it’s it’s stunning well it’s officially a US Open isn’t it uh when you have uh that kind of chaos uh but you know they didn’t Cordon that hole off and keep everybody from playing it the last three days they they they could have known and foreseen I mean one walk down there and you see how the front of that uh green is shaved off and you thought I you know I took a walk down there I was I don’t really know where you hit it here but I know where you don’t hit it which is the front part of that green and and maybe it’s just a you know a lesson that you know you don’t always get to a tack ho location certainly not in US opens like the best way to get to to a is maybe over here and then work your way in there and when she was in the back bunker it’s like again this is kind of her Mo in US opens there’s a reason why she’s only had two top 10 in spite of her enormous Talent uh in US opens is that she does okay maybe not tens but she makes almost and we talked about this yesterday on average three big numbers in every single US Open that she’s played in whereas the eventual winners make less than one uh so you know not compounding your errors is a big part Mel you hit that at the top of the show yesterday not compounding your erors in a US Open so uh you know one mistake to another mistake oh well we saw what happened with her on 12 but let’s get to the rest of her round and see how things have played out for Nelly Corda now she started on the back on the par 410th this was her putt for par yeah well she had uh come up short of the green uh chipped it to about 11 ft down the hill and you can just get a sense of how fast these greens are so starting the round with a bogey now of course on the par 312 this was her t- shot yeah I mean obviously the one place you don’t want to hit it is short in the water but they kind of over compensated here and one Club too many I’m afraid in that back bunker and then from that back bunker uh yeah I mean she’s not alone here I mean there’s been other players uh left bunker left of the green pitch it into the water uh you know it’s just uh so counterintuitive to get back there and think okay 20 feet above the hole here is a good shot because you don’t dare run the risk of doing what she did now her for from the Fairway yeah I think she was trying to play a little bump and run there trying to be a little bit cute and you know she got penalized for it I don’t know why she didn’t just like we said just hit it kind of pass the pin and and and take a six but here she goes again trying to play the exact same shot and unfortunately the same result takes another drop in the Fairway and at this point brandle What’s going through her head look you know when you’re as good as she is and she’s obviously pitched the ball beautifully you know you look at that and you think yeah I can just nip a little pitch in there just short of the hole skip it up four five feet and and move on but you know you just there’s such a penalty there for a one yard mistake so you know it’s tough to sit there and think 15 ft above the hole is all I need here uh to eliminate the risk and take your double Bogey and move on so the 10 uh she’s added aogi at the 15th aogi at the 17th she’s currently playing the 18th hole she pars uh she’s she’s on for uh 45 so here she is making the the mistake at the 15th and obviously still reeling from what happened earlier in the round miss it with bogy drops to nine over after the 15th and just taking an overall look at the scorecard of course you started with the bogey then the catastrophe on 12 another bogey on 15 and boogy on 17 as well so certainly a difficult day so far in the opening round of the US Women’s Open for Nelly Corda and you know when we speak about the struggles that somebody has early on in around like that you know what does she bounce back from this what’s going through her mind in order to try to even write the ship well I I can remember a story I was trying to think of somebody who’d made a 10 and then bounced back uh there was a story in College of Ben kinw uh when he was winning everything who hit three out of bounds on the very first hole made 10 birdie his next five holes then birdie five more and shot 67 and went on to win the golf tournament now that’s going back 50 years you know searching the head trying to come up with somebody who’s made a mistake that big you remember Rory triple bogey in the first ho at the Tour Championship and they going on to win it but to come back from a t uh On a par three uh you know look it’s uh she could go out and shoot you know four under or so on the back nine uh get herself in at 76 uh and sure she could carve her way back in and Claw her way back into this Championship but it’s pretty unlikely out there the birdies are hard to come by as we said here one out pars leading this golf tournament Mill yeah I mean it’s going to be a a pretty big climb for her to get back into this Championship but if anyone can do it it’s Nelly c um I’d be surprised actually the last time she had a 10 we were talking about it wer we I had an eight the other week and that felt like a pretty big number but Nell’s just Trump me there with a 10 on a par three but um yeah she’s probably not had number like that since she’s about 2 or 3 years old honestly um and you could tell that you know you could see that she was obviously very visibly upset as well um she needs to just gather her thoughts a little bit which she will do and like we were talking about Jason he’s fantastic on the bag and he’s a good friend of hers just kind of bring her back in her own little space and like you’ve got a whole new fresh back nine let’s try and get some birdies out there and let’s see what we can do and what do you think the rest of the field is thinking right now they’re seeing the the big numbers not just from from Nelly we’ve had we’ve seen several other players go through some difficulties on 12 already you know what’s the rest of the field thinking as they have to step up and possibly hit that shot well Oh I thought you were say what are they thinking about Nelly being so far well that too thinking wow we have a chance it’s wide open but as Mel alluded to earlier I mean having to stand on that t-shot watching the Carnage playing out in front of you and and trying to figure out what your game plan is going to be that’s about as mentally tough as it gets right there so um that but that’s what this Championship is all about right testing your mental fortitude uh and and that’s one thing we’ve praised Nelly All season for what she’s been able to do you know when in all kinds of conditions under all kinds of different circumstances and this is a new one for her but um but it’ll be interesting to see you know how how she recovers yeah well she’s actually over on the first te right here which we can see from our set she’s uh making the turn so brandle in terms of of making the turn you know what what are the main goals and priorities for her as she begins to tackle the challenge of the front line now at Lancer country CL uh just be patient not try to push it uh you know get out there and get back to playing good golf it was one hole really I mean other than that she’s turning uh in three over par there’s again uh it’s a very difficult Golf Course Nelly called it a beast the number one player in the world called it a beast yesterday so you know just get back to hitting good golf shots okay uh be patient uh and try and look I mean it would be a marvelous story if she clawed her way back into this it would be an astounding story it would add to her Legacy but what is the field thinking they’re thinking let’s tiptoe through a few holes out there uh again you know there’s two three four holes out there that you just sort of tiptoe around and then wait until you get the right yardage or you get a part five and and U but there’s only two of them out there so it’s just a sort of a precursor what we’re going to see this week well speaking of tiptoeing around 12 we’re going to have to see how some of these players go ahead and attack that let’s take a closer look at 12 brandle as we see how the players are going to as you said tiptoe through this yeah I mean it can play as long as 181 yards uh you know they added a little bit of link to it since 2015 you know it’s uh about a club club and a half playing down the hill but the green uh plays considerably smaller than what you see right there that first third of that green really it the the whole location six on and I I thought well if you hit it six on it will still come back in the water obviously there’s a flat spot there on the right they used that whole location or something like that uh I believe Saturday in 2015 but anywhere in the back of those uh back of that green or off the back of that green uh and try to make your four Mel actually said it’s not a bad play to play up short of the water yeah I actually thought I saw Gabby Lopez do it earlier but um yeah I mean this is Charlie as well you know fellow English girl uh English woman she hit in the water here made yeah and then Lydia Co on the part part 31 12 again her t- shot yeah I mean this one just goes way less so it doesn’t end up in the water uh but from there uh you know she’s got a tough chip she actually chipped it in the bunker where jiny young Co is and then made double bogey Jin young Co hits in the bunker and this one’s going to slip off the front of the green and she’ll eventually go on and make a triple yeah drops her to three over so some of the biggest names of the game really struggling on 12 Alana uel her t- shot here again I mean that wins as well is gusting up to 20 mph I mean this is not the kind of t-shot that you want to hit when it’s gusting into 20 mph she hits it sh on the water here and would obviously which she would also make another double Bogey and on the list of bizarre things that we have seen on the 12th hole I mean this one’s kind of sad Takes the Cake uh gosh just a bird sitting on the green mining its own business um for at all yeah that’s not something that you uh ever want to see on the golf course and it’s just um plenty of challenges happening over on the 12th hole so that one’s one that you want to get in get out as quickly as possible let’s take a look at how it’s playing overall compared to 2015 the first round scoring average much higher at 4.23 versus 3.21 N9 years ago and um it’s ranking as the hardest hole in the golf course so far we’ve seen 11 double bogis or Worse on 12 so when a whole in a US Open or any golf tournament for that matters just reveals itself to be so difficult is is there a line at any point of maybe being too difficult yeah I I wouldn’t say this one crossed it uh look it’s a a cold front came through here it’s dry uh that dries out the golf course it’s windy that makes it more difficult uh again a US Open is supposed to be intimidating it’s it’s supposed to test you technically but it’s also supposed to test you uh and be the greatest test uh mentally so you know you get up on a hole like that and you think okay that’s 161 yards is probably a seven iron an eight iron uh a six iron at the most uh but you can’t go at the Hole uh you have to go middle of the green or left hole location uh and four is a very good score take it move on and it’s almost weird for me if is playing in the afternoon it’s almost an advantage kind of seeing all this unfold because you can see how difficult the golf course is playing so you almost play a little bit more conservative so the the afternoon players I think have a big Advantage yes I know there’s Carnage there’s drama going on but it’s actually an advantage to see that and recognize how the golf course is playing in the difficult holes that it’s kind of um that it’s kind of showing us this morning and you know I know a lot of uh the players in this field went back and looked at 2015 The Telecast to sort of get a sense of how this golf course is playing and so if you do go back and if you did go back uh you know it shouldn’t come as any surprise that the 12th hole is being so problematic because it it certainly was in 2015 not to the degree but we take a look at ybi this uh is uh her path to a nine off the back of the green in a similar spot to where Nelly cter was but not in the bunker uh she went a couple times uh into the water


  1. What if I had told you yesterday that Lydia, Nelly, Jin Young, and Charley would finish rd 1 with a combined score of (+30)… would you have believed me?

  2. Golf was never initially envisioned to have greens running at 15 on upturned saucer designs. Yes, golfers have amazing equipment and are very athletic now. -30 under par is fine, it still defines how good a player is. I love golf, play in am tournaments. The same players always win, year after year. They are best putters. Golf should be more about all aspects. Just tighten fairways and grow rough. Its called golf, not putt!

  3. Louisville PD and Prosecutors Office pull off the dumbest thing in golf this year. USGA…”Hold my beer “

  4. Did the girl that hit the bird end up making her putt ? I've never heard of someone getting 2 birdies on one hole.

  5. You can’t blame anyone but yourself for that series of mistakes. Don’t blame the course on that one.

  6. Bomb and gouge isn't supposed to be able to win a us open. Now if they'll just set the course up like this for the men.

  7. waiting on the tee box and “watching carnage in front of you” reminds me of those savannah animals waiting to cross a crocodile filled river.

  8. Good job USGA…way to kill your ratings by setting up this joke of a hole. If Nelly isn’t playing then I’m not watching.

  9. Women gonna regret they kept asking to play men's courses… Finding out, even with public course distances, it is no piece of cake… Girls just duffing their way around, TV commentators just trying to find something positive to say. Running out of excuses.

  10. The hardest lesson in golf is to learn to take your medicine. Nothing worst than following a bad shot with a bad shot.

  11. Well I hate it for the USGA…. They tend to make decisions and do things that only hurt the average golfer. WE DONT WANT TO WATCH BOGEYS. AND WE DONT WANT GOOFY GOLF.

  12. With the amount of slope on the front of that green, it’s interesting how they used that front right hole location because there was probably a chance that players could putt it into the water. That’s when it would get out of hand. They’ve got to use back hole locations on that green the rest of the week, without question. That green would be perfect running at about a 9 on the stimpmeter. But when you want them running at 12 or 13, that’s when holes like this become a problem.

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