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Charges Dropped Against Scottie Scheffler, Arresting Officer Releases Insane Statement | Pat McAfee

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charges have been dropped okay Scot really yeah cool letter put out buddy too we will certainly get into uh detective uh dumb ass’s uh entire I don’t know if that’s his name uh it seems to be the case though that might not be Brian Gillis there it is Mr Gillis uh not related to Shane at all it might be shout out to tires by the way shout it’s good I seen a little bit baby Shan baby Shan we’re going Shane baby um but you know detect Gillis uh has released a statement now after an agreement has been reached between Sheffer and Louisville where nobody will sue anybody for this entire thing okay Scotty we just dropped the dropped the charges Y and we both just move along never see each other again never SE Each Other Well detective Brian Gillis had a statement for immediate release a tragic incident occurred the family of Mr Mills remains in my family’s thoughts and prayers amen it was very very tragic what happened when a member of the PGA Tour vendors uh was killed and hit by a car down the road before obviously the situation with Scotty sheer in which this guy who’s writing this statement lied about mostly everything and we saw it all on video but don’t worry that would not change his St this was a chaotic situation for everyone involved ensuring the safety of everyone in the vicinity was my utmost priority thank you for protecting and serving Sir Mr Sheffer and I both agree that there will be no ill will over this going forward instead of giving a negative public reaction he chose to speak with dignity humility and respect my family and I appreciate that now he he not make that deal with us that deal didn’t that deal is not with wi with us it was unfortunate and disturbing to hear Steve romin who’s the lawyer for uh Scotty Sheffer who we’ve seen with a beard and with a clean face commentary today claiming that a false arrest was made and for him to challenge my honesty and integrity I’d be surprised and disappointed Mr Sheffer actually a Parton making those statements to be clear I was drugged by the car I went to the ground and I received visible injuries to my knees and wrist I’m going to recover from it and it will be okay this is the extent of my commentary on the incident the reality is that there are more important things in the world right now than a back and forth ever this a person lost his life that day and a family lost the loved one agreed we all bummed out about that not a bad way to Grand stand at the end of a quote though to kind of keep it moving uh you know after how you feel at the end of the day I take pride work for the people in the community to preserve their safety I’ve spent two decades trying to protect this city through some challenging times and I would like to keep doing so without the distractions caused by the series of events that he created once again I wish gotty Sheffer and his family all the best sincerely B Mills B Mills PS yes the department has us buying freaking $80 pants to those concerned they were indeed ruined but Scotty it’s all good I never would have guessed I’d have the most famous pair of pants in the country for your few weeks because of this take care and be safe Brian done even put the detective at the beginning he said we’re friends now but we saw the video like what do we even you didn’t get dragged you you sprinted up to a car and tried to break the windshield of it and then he immediately stopped and then maybe whenever you were reaching into his window to try to either put it in park or turn it off before dragging him out your pants were ruined on the side maybe there was poop bird poop on the side of the car could have been even though it was a wet early morning and maybe when he was reaching in almost elbowing the number one golfer in the world in the head while trying to do maybe he got bird poop on his pants that weren’t a able to come out maybe that was what maybe poop did leave his butt through the entire process after finding out oh no that Scotty Scot oh no you guys got my back right I’m never what this is a wild turn of events but it’s over and we’re all thankful for it a yeah yeah I’m sure it’s over I mean the fact that allegedly are we surprised that the arrest happened after reading this letter I don’t think so right the PS at the bottom the $80 pants situation that what a bizarre way to end it like I don’t I this is this whole thing is just it’s ridiculous and I understand why this is yeah this is the guy that arrested Scotty yeah this is why it happened and he’ll continue to be in the community mhm yep send him on out there two more decades thank you for your service for shoot to police officers okay not an easy job scary job not a lot of people come home okay we lot but this is the type of guy that all the other cops are like shut up yeah please stop you’re not helping us we saw the video come on everyone saw evidence dragged what do you mean dragged is he act like his his coat got caught and he got dragged or something doesn’t know what it means we’re back tomorrow more investigating that was how it ended mhm good nice more investigating investigative journalist I thought the letter was fake I legit thought it was I thought the PS part was fake I thought the whole thing was fake ped I mean maybe it’s fake and maybe everybody’s getting duped but I don’t think that’s I don’t think so nope that’s his signature we’re happy it’s dropped though yeah yes it is weird it’s dropped because not a lot I feel like not a lot of people who drag police officers with their car gets dropped yeah especially if he got bruis visible on my wrists ain’t my knees now we’re not going to ask where those bruises potentially came from I don’t know what this guy’s doing in his free time no idea you know like I watch my baby crawl around the house MH and I think to myself her knees this is it’s crazy that they ever hurt them maybe this guy you know there’s people that act like cats yeah oh yeah maybe this guy is at night catting around the house could be that’d be cool cat at least yeah he got caught on wrong stuff you know they gave him a little catnip he was he went outside by accident yeah on maybe he was on AstroTurf that old school houseat astr that’s tough that’s tough on your knees they gave him some catnip you know he was like he was going around on the astr turf and all of a sudden wrists and knees yeah kind of bruised up we don’t know no didn’t greeny talk about this this morning I thought greeny set the tone this morning talking about this yeah that’s why we’re following suit here exact drop the suit we’ll follow his suit Scotty Sheffer is now a man that doesn’t have a felony George that’s all right SC PR cool what a wild scene dude counter suit would have been awesome I’m bummed that he said we agree not to sue each other I would have loved to see Scotty say you know what actually you’re the reason that I didn’t win a [ __ ] major so I’m going to go ahead and carry out this you know what his lawyer oh who was presented with hey we’re going to drop the charges just nobody’s allowed to be smudge anybody like this is we’re going to sign NDA we’re not going to do anything no future lawsuits none of that he goes no I’ll take it to him but we’re this is [ __ ] and then he takes it to Scotty I this [ __ ] all this is [ __ ] you were you were a false arrest like we can really make some real change here potentially because the amount of attention this is begin how many times this happens in real life that doesn’t get heard about to a lot of different people because it’s not the number one golfer on Earth but they will drop the charges [ __ ] if I am acting as your legal counsel this is [ __ ] we should be able to say no we go yeah this is not how this potential Legacy yes it’s a major millions of dollars Bingo whole thing PGA champ ship that’s what his that’s what his lawyer was obviously saying because you hear his lawyer go this is [ __ ] like his lawyer is like against my recommendation yeah this is happen that’s not Scotty though Scotty just like all right let’s yeah we’re done with it I I like cops yeah we all like cops but like these cops need to be sorted yeah right I think for the for the did the lawyer maybe even pitch out like hey if your if your boy grows up to be a lawyer and he hears that you didn’t counter Su as a lawyer he might be pretty pissed at you all right I mean maybe he did talk about that’s what he should that should have been his angle if he wanted to that should have been his angle this guy had a baby got arrested played in a major all in one week got a felony charge against him yeah all in one week that mug shot lives forever now you know I me it’s like the same thing it like and then we saw the body cam footage of the other cop who instead of kind of instead like Scotty’s Shell Shocked like hey I I thought I was just following instructions I’m just trying to get get in here and and kind of you know do what I got to do and instead of like de-escalating the situation kind of talk to him a little bit more he’s like no you knew he was a cop why do you think we got these [ __ ] yellow jackets on get your ass out of the car right now yeah what if Scotty would responding been like well I play in a tournament every single week and all the security people wear Yellow Jackets actually and they’re not all cops you know that are outside big events like this and I what if Scotty does give any smartass answer if Scotty Sheffer is any other human with that situ like I couldn’t even fathom me sitting there imagine how upset most people would be they’d be pissed like people would be responding violently that lady from C City Bingo could you imagine what she would have done oh my God cuz he he he starts saying yeah you bruised him yeah we saw it yeah sh you sold a cop bro he’s like oh and Scotty even like kind of agrees to it because I would assume Scotty could not see let’s get it was dark and rainy and he heard boom so at that moment when Scotty’s being talked to by detective or cop Scotty probably say oh GE I’m in big sh I didn’t know I felt so terrible think about it Scott Scotty Jeff we know I dragged him yeah what did I kill somebody yeah oh I’m a bad guy when that guy’s body cam was on so I bet if you keep rolling that footage there is absolutely a shot of that detective with his pants in like there’s no doubt about it well how about them just talking yes yeah and that’s probably why they’re like we don’t need any followup yes we don’t need any what’s that called whenever they go through all your [ __ ] Discovery Discovery there it is yeah Discovery I remember that was part remember that was a part of a threat to us uh whenever Brett Favre and their people were suing us you want to get to a discovery phase I don’t care do you yeah yeah what yeah yeah you tell yeah no you might be right let’s just drop it drop it what a scene that was a real time crazy for our show oh yeahh Super Bowl real lawsuit real law real I remember when you got the letter I remember when you got that yeah that was wild that was a crazy time in Arizona Scotty sheffler you know his lawyer was like yeah we need to do one of those yeah I wish I I truly do no way if I’m Scotty I want this [ __ ] over as fast as possible no doubt about it so you’re telling me I don’t I just what do I I need to not talk ill about guy that lied on police report and we everybody saw it on Earth allegedly yep yeah all right sounds good but the guy called the guy called Scotty’s lawyer a liar he did he didn’t directly call Scotty a liar yeah he said I hope Scotty wasn’t a part of any of these statements from the lawyer he said that in there he said I hope he was that’s kind of disparaging Scotty isn’t it a little bit this guy’s representing Scotty if the guy is representing Scotty is saying that no the cop did not get drag did not happen no cuz he said he’s giving him an out I think I think he’s given Scotty an out and he said in the first paragraph like Scotty responded with Grace humility and dignity on the other hand his lawyer he said look I like this guy just like Ty look I love whoever it’s like Ty how he starts it no I I think he Ty says that about people he hates Ricochet strictly I’m not saying he hates Scotty I’m saying he believes his story that he got dragged in his pants and all that if we know detective if we know this personality profile well enough MH this guy is trying to meet up with Scotty Chef for 5 years from now for a hey you want to talk the the whole thing like I’m thinking you know like we’re going to find out too how they feel about them because if the body more body cam footage does come out you got to think like they might it’s not going to come out I I hope it does I didn’t I was surprised that this came out the three minute one like do we think the three minute one was even going to come out true very true it was long two it was tough to get through you go 130 into that it is tough especially after seeing the video that’s the whole yes like yo we we saw it hey aint it yeah this isn’t back in the day where like some people saw it and not everybody the whole world you know why cuz he’s number one start to finish too you saw it not as if it was like halfway through and there was already something going on like saw him slam on the window like we saw the whole entire day what if he dragged him when he was behind his butt we haven’t even thought about that g to say is that what he’s saying probably he got dragged behind for the Split Second behind the bus yeah so he he was on all fours like Braun breaker and then he got up and chased that car have you seen this video of Braun breaker coming through Monday Night Raw down there in Savannah he shouldn’t he should not be able to move this well for how big and Jack about he’s absolutely jacked his ass is an inch and a half off the ground while he’s in a full you know like pouncing stance he’s a freak this hey is a real deal yeah barking is a cool thing sweet love the baring love love The Barking ripping his shirt off every time he just absolutely implants someone into the mat yeah it’s an in and full line yeah we saw some of his highlights on football field obviously the guy can move he was a fullback look at this dude like a jungle cat he was uh he wasn’t allowed to be there obviously he snuck in he was a Bosa he was suspended for a week he might be a Bosa that is what he looks like isn’t it look at his traps look at his a look how low he is just casually crawling pretty much pable so pliable and flexible and Ricochet just did a shooting star in the background the highlight of Monday Night is D the and explodes through Ricochet and then he would do the same to Ila by the way and Ilia wouldn’t be able to walk behind like they had to get him they had to peel his ass his Russian ass off the mat and then get him to the back he couldn’t even stand up in the back because Braun breaker broke him in half


  1. End qualified immunity…stop letting police investigate themselves and stop making taxpayers suffer for incompetent officers.

  2. I personally really appreciate this entire situation with Scottie because it's finally getting folks who support cops no matter what they do realize that what other folks have been saying for decades now is correct – some of them lie their ass off or even plant evidence, get innocent folks thrown in prison, and then face no repercussions and even receive public support. Finally those same folks saying that cops can do no wrong are seeing some do indeed abuse the public's trust and their position of power. And for those who say "not all cops", we'll its certainly enough of them to keep the "bad apples" who do make false arrests out in the field instead of locked up themselves. ofc this will differ by department, naturally, but it's just something to consider….

  3. Dont stick your hand through a tiny window and you don't have the possibility to get dragged

  4. McAfee’s coverage on this has been the literal best. So entertaining and informative.

  5. Black butthurt cop is a black eye to the police department and the city of Louisville. The PGA should ban the city from future ventures!

  6. These were the cops that murdered Breonna Taylor. So there you go. Scottie may be luckier than we know.

  7. Nobody here will care but the dragging incident happened while the car was hidden by the bus. You won't see a cop run that fast unless a doughnut is involved or he has been put in harms way in some way.

  8. Love pat and the boys but he’s becoming too biased… one cop ruins it for the rest of the good ones and pat is feeding into that.

  9. @patmcafee should file a freedom of information request for the full body cam footage

  10. The only statement from the officer should be that he lied about the entire matter, his fellow cops lied and supported his claims and the prosecutor knowing full well the truth still persisted in attempting to prosecuting this case.
    I read the cops statement and I watched the video, they didn’t match up and that is a question that needs to be answered. He’s right that there is a lot more at hand than a “back and forth” here in question, it’s the honesty of the police and prosecutor that need to be questioned because if they tried it on somebody famous they can try it on anybody.

  11. Again the f'ing pants get called out. I wouldn't have made that agreement. Scott should have pursued a lawsuit, which he would have fully won. Worst cop of the year nominee for sure.

  12. Hey Scottie. I get why you don't want to press charges but the PGA certainly should hire a private investigator to comb through that detectives arrests. How many people has he arrested when he didn't have his body camera on. The people of Louisville need to know this. PGA has the money to hire an investigator to find out this information. And also the chief of police who backed this guy. And if the PGA won't do it, I bet LIV would for their #1 player. Lol. How funny would it be if LIV golf came out and said since the PGA won't hire a private investigator to dig into this police force and their crooked add on charges, we're going to do it. Because it's the right thing to do not only for athletes but for the everyday people. That video show that cop is crooked as hell, when somebody needs to get to the bottom of it because the police are probably going to protect each other. How about all these rich people that own the Masters, how are they not hiring some investigators so this embarrassment never happens again.

  13. This cop is a pig and he should be sued because this isn't the first time he violated someones rights and nothing is going to happen to him so he will do it again!! What a disgrace this pig is!

  14. Liv golf would already have hired a private investigator to dig through this department and make it public. It's amazing that the people who run the Masters aren't hiring people to dig through the department with a fine tooth comb all these cops and the chief of police and even the Governor. What an embarrassment.

    the Prosecutor is as corrupt as the Police…
    the "Officer" committed false arrest, false imprisonment, aggravated assault, aggravated battery, mis-malfeasance, falsifying charges, falsifying government documents, deprivation of rights; the "Officer" is also the sole cause if 95% of his injuries latching onto a moving automobile when he could have (being an accident scene recreation expert) instead pounded on the hood or trunk to get the driver's attention…
    the Prosecutor is also REQUIRED to disclose exculpatory evidence, AND prosecute the "Officer" if there is evidence of the "Officers" wrong doing…
    If there is any true Justice the "Officer" should not be being treated as thought everything he did was lawful, and everything Scottie did was unlawful…🤔

  16. This guy should not be a cop not because of the incident but because apparently he is quite blind.

  17. that cop is a sociopath. He would have done himself a lot of favor for himself if he didn't release any statements.

  18. This sucks cause they only did that cause they know the cops would lose jobs and got to jail for false arrest and he has to come back here again for golf lol

  19. I find it hard to believe the DA came in and said hey were going to drop the charges if you agree not to sue us. Id guess they politely asked to not be sued and are lucky hes already very wealthy. You can't sign your right to sue away. There is no written agreement here id be willing to bet.

  20. Pat is talking out his assss. The video we saw does not show the incident. In the latest video released, Scotty is heard admitting to everything that happened. Scotty attorney, like all attorney's, is lying about everything to help his client. All attorney's lie untill they are in court or under oath….that what they do. It seems to me the fact there was no body cam of the incident was Scottys lucky day.

  21. So, how many cops were in the direct vicinity of that whole situation? 4? 5? Maybe more? And every single one of them lied about what happened. So according to police sympathizers, there’s only a few bad apples, right? Not all cops, right? So, it just so happened that every bad apple cop in that department happened to be in the same spot? And all the good ones were elsewhere by sheer happenstance? Or, is it more likely that the majority of cops think they’re part of this sort of gang/fraternity? And they’ll lie cheat steal intimidate threaten and abuse their power to ensure they always come out on top? And the “good cops” are actually the rare great white Buffalos? You can’t argue with math at this point. And it’s pathetic seeing people still trying to defend this idea that it’s only a few bad apples. I think it’s the other way around.

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