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Top Stories as OTA’s Begin – Talkin Jets Draft

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Top Stories as OTA’s Begin – Talkin Jets Draft

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[Music] hey welcome to talking Jets my name’s Ryan that’s not domc what up Egghead what’s up how you doing everybody Jets chaos here I killed DC boom dunzo D’s running a little bit late his son made the All-Star game so Daddy’s got to do a little bit more coaching it’s totally fine we respect it love it Don will be joining us uh just a little bit here we’re excited to have Jeremy on talk a little bit about uh Jets otaa starting we can get some thoughts about like how the schedule kind of played out because there was a lot of speculation going into last week’s show and then even tomorrow’s Tuesday talking Jets panel we didn’t know what the schedule was actually going to be until like literally like an hour after the show aired got the got the Tweet he’s like oh I know I know what the schedule is and then boom drops it talking Jets oi first on the schedule release got to love it uh I see infrared is in here says let’s go go Jets harlon greetings fellow Jet fans an jet says hope everyone is doing well Zachary says I can’t believe they put jet porn on Twitter today crazy LOL talking about did you see that throw the throw of Rogers to Garrett to touchdown uh it just it’s I love it and it also drives me crazy because I just want the season to start dude I’m chomping at the bit like everything that comes out from the Jets whether it’s like oh you know saw said this or or Roger said that and it’s like man I just can’t wait for football to start and like I mean literally since the season ended at the end of 2022 or you know the season of 2022 we have been in holding formation who is our quarterback going to be to like okay we got Rogers we can’t wait we’re all hyped up for the season till like here he is it’s right on the end we like end immediately after the first game and then we just wait the entire time so we’ve been like waiting in limbo for like two years for this season so I’m like chomping at the bit uh Zachary if we’re going to keep watching all this stuff on Jets Twitter you have to apologize uh because I’m on the edge any minute it could go uh boycott comes in says first uh cronon cronon on Cheers Cameron says uh call-in show uh I haven’t done the call-in show basically since the dra draft I think um I’m going to hold off on the call-in show until the end of uh like the summer and take a little bit more of a Hiatus over on the talking Jets stuff uh or jets talk stuff I will uh I’ll put out videos as like you know things pop up and and stories come out but uh give myself a little bit of uh you know little break here th says there he is chaos thumbs up Jets football good to see you m Blitz crw in Here Andrew says whenever I join the show or whenever I join before the show I always have to refresh the page to get it to actually go always miss the first little bit LOL I know cuz we’re never on time it’s like oh okay it’s 905 oh now the stream’s starting but like do you refresh it at 901 and then 902 and then 903 assuming we’re just going to be on maybe we just got to be on earlier or we have a longer countdown yeah I was goingon to say longer countdown you do like a three minute count Maas says the greenhouse is in the house is the greenhouse in the house sure why not I don’t know what that means maybe Maas is the greenhouse we like it I you could be the you could be the greenhouse Blitz crew says uh we have the NFL version of blue balls at this point Thank You Blitz crew for catching on to what I was laying down before um I was on the uh say I guess I was going a little bit further than that and saying I might uh need a new pair of pants uh Haron comes in says yes talking Jets you need a break uh talking Jets will keep going it’s the Jets talk side of my stuff that I’m like going to dial it back a little bit I got golf season in full swing right now focusing on all that all the good stuff maybe maybe you know what I’m going to put a little I’m going to put a little poll question there a lot of high golf they gotta like take a lot out of you oh yeah my my new uh job that I’m doing is a lot less stressed because I’m not overseeing 50 people anymore so like I’m not getting calls seven days a week because golf is a 7-Day operation now I’m working like Monday through Friday no weekends so I actually I this is the first time I’ve had backtack days off with Becca in like almost ever like other than like the winters when I’m not like yeah like I never never never get weekends off that’s amazing you probably don’t know what to do with yourself on a Saturday oh dude I feel like I have so much free time and then I also have two kids so it’s incredibly hard to make content anyway especially when there’s not like a lot going on I don’t I don’t want to Rack my brain like too crazy hard yeah you got to start do with like the gim B thing and all the fun stuff so I’m going to throw a little poll question in trat you guys can let us know if you’re hanging out in here if you’d be interested in this would you do a talking Jets golf outing we’ve been talking about this for the last few years but uh I’ve accidentally not accidentally I’ve planned and sort of accidentally crammed my schedule too much by having two kids the last two summers so I haven’t been able to do a golf outing and we’ve been talking about doing a golf outing for a long time so if you guys are interested in that just voting the uh the poll question just something that we’ve been kicking around uh probably I I like the idea of doing a golf outing like in the summer prior to the start of the season because once golf outing season starts like in September and like football season starts just a lot harder to try and organize stuff so if we did something probably wind up being over the summer uh Mias says so do we now stay tight with wide receivers we have or do we pick up another one wide receiver Camp Cuts uh Jeremy what do you think the wide receiver room uh where do you think we’re at do you think this is what the room is going to be do you think we’re going to add someone else do you see someone in the future Beyond like the immediacy of of like heading into trading Camp I think they’re looking I don’t think they necessarily feel they have to but I think if somebody gets cut that they like or there might be someone out there they already are eyeing you know I don’t think it’s going to be a big move like don’t expect it to be a big splash it’s not going to be a big money move but you might see them at least bring in another boundary receiver just to have in Camp and to take a look at and see you know how the younger guys stack up like how do you know like how does brownley stack up against a veteran guy that’s proven in the NFL that they might be able to bring in and make a decision that way create some competition now do you think that brownley makes the roster this was a conversation that I’ve had with a few people now and when I start going through like how many receivers I think we keep you know obviously you got Garrett Wilson you got Mike Williams you got Corley you got Lazard they’re all here guaranteed and then you start getting into the Gibsons and the IR Charles and the uh brownley and then you know obviously I don’t think any of us are expecting Cobb to come back at this point but that would be seven wide receivers unless I’m missing someone in there do you think that’s the seven we keep do you think we keep six and if so is there a player you would think might not make it I think we went with seven last year and it surprised us all um I think that it’s a possibility but if somebody’s going to go in case we do pick up someone obviously I think brownley is in a lot of trouble but I don’t think he’s definitely definitively the guy that’s out I think it will be a Fair competition I think now that we got Corley um it might be Gibson that’s in trouble you know he’s I can we trust him he you know he had the great return the first game but after that if you go games two to 17 Xavier Gibson it’s not like he did a ton to secure a job this year yeah no we saw a lot like even in uh pre maybe not so much preseason but definitely in training camp when we were at the the practices Gibson and Hardman the two of them dropped a lot of punts and kickoffs throughout Camp so it wouldn’t shock me I do sort of think like obviously Garrett Wilson and Mike Williams and Corley those are our three but then when I start thinking beyond that it’s like okay well Lazard is kind of the backup for like Mike Williams that bigger body might be able to help you block on the the outside type receiver then you got Gibson who could kind of back up uh corle and then you’re at this next point of like okay is brownley the I I feel like brownley is probably closer to Mike Williams honestly like from like a size perspective but then you know is that enough to overcome the Special Teams prowess of ir Charles and if you’re only going to keep six which is kind of where I thought we’d wind up going I I like brownley I’d like to keep him on the team but if we could stash him on the practice squad I think I’d feel a little bit more comfortable about that I don’t really want to lose IR Charles I think special teams is going to be sneaky sneaky important this uh maybe not even sneaky important but just like really important this year with how the kickoffs have changed I think you are going to see a lot more scoring on those on those uh plays and I think it will be a higher priority yeah no I agree and I think that IR Charles you know if if we didn’t pick up Oliver I would say that IR Charles was 100 100% making the roster the only thing that makes it at all a question is the fact that the fact that we picked up somebody who could replace Hardy but Earth Charles look so good on special teams last year like really an asset for the team so um it’s gonna be a tough decision I mean but again we say it every year um at least the last couple of years it’s a good problem to have when you have to like literally can’t protect you know you protect 53 guys and there’s 54 number 55 are guys you’re work you going to go somewhere else that means you have a lot of talent it’s a good problem right we heard people after the draft say oh the Jets may not have gotten a day one starter it’s like is that a problem or is that like a good thing because our roster is like not requiring us to start players anymore so I agree with you I think that could be a uh a big thing Harland says uh not a golf fan anymore many of the good golfers have retired ah tiger was was still playing he’s hanging around not as good as he was he’s out there Allan says evening guys it’s bowling season for me I don’t golf uh bowling’s a lot of fun I don’t know you could I guess you could do a bowling outing like just local bowling alley just get a ton of people to to go out that’d be interesting I like bowling it’s always a good time I’ve never not had a good time bowling yeah the worst part is like you just got to make sure you eat your chicken fingers or mozzarella sticks or whatever you’re having you eat them with your like opposite hand not the hand you throw the bowling ball with because then you wind up slipping and then it’s a whole issue well I’m professional I’m a professional at that you know I’m a professional eat professional eater Zachary says uh who are more excited to see truck someone corle or brillan Allen I think because of the shock of the size corle would be my pick I am really excited for brillan Allen though Jeremy do you have an answer for this one yeah I mean he asked me that that’s funny because I was already saying um I expect it probably to be Corley that it’s going to happen before it happens with with brayan Allen because we just don’t know how many reps he’s going to get whereas I think Corley is definitely going to be in there right away the first time we go to a three wide receiver set um but I don’t know it’s hard to pick which one I’m more excited about either one will pump me up and I’ll be going crazy when it happens so I feel like corley’s contract like the reason why at least to my knowledge he has not signed his rookie deal yet I feel like that’s because he’s the most important of the draft picks that we’ve had whereas like the number one overall pick has really been like our our Focus the last few years with Olu it’s like ah we know you’re not starting like you know we’ll we’ll get to you at some point but corle it’s like we know you’re starting so I feel like there’s going to be some like offset language discussion that they’re they’re trying to figure out uh there any thoughts on like why he he may not have signed yet it’s really strange and surprising because there’s not much to negotiate there really isn’t I mean even in the first round there’s so little you’re talking about language about what if you’re cut what if you’re not I believe it’s even less after the first round there’s like there’s less complication so uh I I don’t know everybody else signed for pretty much the same amount it was pretty standard but you’re right I mean his agent has the most leverage because we need him in Camp and we need him ready to go especially with Michael Williams status you know kind of in the unknown uh so maybe that agent is taking advantage of that I don’t think it has anything to do with Corley as much as it has for the agent doing his job and trying to get you know every dollar he can Maas says how about a food outing and Chaos as the guide what what kind of food if you had to do like a food outing oh well we we would definitely do Italian food and we would go through Brooklyn and through the city for sure I mean or we could just do a like we could do the allaround let’s jump all over the map culturally wise like we’ll go to a great Jewish jelli we’ll go to a great Italian restaurant in New York City or you know Sacramento I’ll do the I’ll do the world tour we could do you know Pon and Nathan the American Experience yeah we could we could do it all great Chinese food we could go to Chinatown I mean you give me time I could plan anything Crossfire comes and says what’s up everyone what do we think about Justin Jefferson visiting the Jets today Crossfire he didn’t visit the Jets he was in Floren Park which is a location not uh the Atlantic Health Center which is where the Jets train so the the Vikings owner I believe or GM or someone is uh lives in Floren Park so that’s that’s my understanding is that they’re trying to work on a long-term deal with the Vikings not like the Jets could potentially be getting him Jeremy any thoughts on some of the rumors that were getting kicked around social media earlier today yeah yeah you know I wish but it’s uh unfortunately I we’re just not going to see anything like that happen there’s just no I don’t see any realistic path to any big name guy like that I mean the it just doesn’t fit in the plan and what we’ve done I think we’ve already put our chips in I don’t think there are any more chips to put in John says hey fellas hi John Allan says drop the milk thumb milk thumbs yeah smack them for us hit him around wild wave Ryan Jeremy my guys wild wave I’m gonna do a wild wave for him see we we were talking about that the other day I was like so is it like wild wave like the ocean or like wild wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube band so anytime I see it come up that’s going to be the the signature it’s gonna be way I know I know I know that snowballs out there when I did that and he’s saying that was Jeremy when he was looking for parking lot j9 that King Blaze says Justin Jefferson not coming to the Jets would be too much cap space we would be in trouble in the future well that sounds like a problem for future fans not for like now when we got a Super Bowl winning quarterback you know maybe we can hold off and wait until we uh you know find that next quarterback that’s been eluding us for 50 years King Blaze if there was an opportunity to get Justin Jefferson all we had to do is worry about the cap I’m going to not worry about the cap and we are going to figure it the hell out uh it’s not going to happen as long as we don’t have to give away the whole team if it’s just about money I think a guy like that you say screw the future like you go all in and you roll the dice if you put Garrett Wilson and Justin Jefferson on the same team with that defense and brall it’d be stupid it’d be absolutely insane absolutely crazy town Billy coming in Billy says uh I remember when bowling used to be Prime Time big so like I I was never uh like Prime Time big bowling like I like I was not alive for that I don’t think at least um my like experience with bowling was going through like late elementary school early middle school in like a little bowling league lots of fun got a bowling ball at the end of it you know a little red white and blue bowling ball pretty proud of that one um and we you know each year we had the same kind of like three guys that would play in it and then uh outside of that like the summer camp that I worked for used to do bowling and they’re like okay counselors get to bowl for free so it’s like all right I get me and like all my buddies would go out we just have like there’ be a ton of like it wasn’t the campers that would go it was like the the siblings of the campers that had like aged out of the camp would go to like I think it was like 700 p.m. bowling or 8:00 p.m. bowling or something like that uh I’ve never broken 200 though I’ve always gotten like I’m I’m a consistent like probably 170 to like 195 and for whatever reason I just can’t get to two I think I broke 150 like once in my life ah like I’m a chaotic bowler man I just Chuck the ball I cannot imagine why you would be named Jets chaos without a chaotic uh throwing motion I’ve had the manager come to me and say look you might you gotta let go of the ball a little sooner you gotta come do no more throwing bowling balls through the ceiling why are you using an eight pound ball go use a 15 pound ball joury come on I know Zachary says also we have 91 on the roster but have 90 signed so we will have to release someone uh so I guess we’ yeah I don’t know whoever 90 is yeah some guy you know yeah there’s some undrafted free agents they already let go and then they picked up Replacements already so they’ve already made Moves like that there’s plenty of noname guys I wouldn’t mind if they if they if they part ways with Willie Tyler I I wouldn’t be surprised or care Crossfire comes in with an interesting Super Chat let’s let’s let’s take this and break it down using all the Jets content creators build a Jets roster uh to the best of your abilities man that would be interesting so like I feel like green bean would be a really good like either dend like attacking a quarterback like just a snarling mess with his like one bar like helmet that he’s got or like blocking I feel like he would be a lot of fun the only place you could stick me is guard or interior defensive line like just where do youti okay we need offensive lineman that that’s solid I feel like Matt with his size should be like a tight end I feel like the speed might not be there for Matt yeah yeah I mean he did have an interesting triout tape for quarterback but but I agree be a nice big Target I kind of imagine you as a quarterback I don’t know if you play quarterback but see I got I don’t have like huge hands so like gripping a ball would be a little tough I could probably I’m like a good size for like a running back or a slot receiver maybe a corner something along those lines I’m fast I could hit someone yeah maybe too would be a quarterback we need someone tall I Matt could be a quarterback he had that he had the quarterback tape yeah he had the he’s the only one that puts together tape you know I mean I feel like we could have a fun defense I feel like Tyson could knock the [ __ ] out of some people blew it too blew it would be a blast yeah I see domc as uh as Sen yeah just like like Stout understands like where guys could be coming from that would be a really good one I’m trying I don’t remember how tall Buffalo Jet fan is we met him two two years ago yeah he’s like 63 I okay so he’s bigger so maybe he’s one of our like receiver guys potentially or maybe he’s the other tight end him and O bookend tight ends yeah or or Edge because he’s an athlete you know he’s like a yeah I was say he’s he does like karate or something like that yeah he’s got that will McDonald thing you know he’s probably jumping out of pools and stuff like way steep jumping over cars what do you do with Richie throw him at cornerback or something Richie would be pretty good I bet I feel like Richie’s probably got some wheels on him I would say probably like a receiver receiver and corner like Richie and I like corner cuz we’re neither one of us is like super tall he might we’re like right around the same height I’m like 5’9 he’s probably plus or minus an inch um who are we missing I don’t know how tall Ian is but he seems like he’s probably pretty athletic he could be our quarterback he looks like the type of guy that might be a quarterback actually yeah when you think about it he’s a good looking Dude too I feel like plugging him as the face of the franchise might not be a bad thing any any of our ugly mugs going on there we’re not selling many uh many jerseys yeah and you could stick um I’m sure you could stick um Nick shine on the line between you and him and the belly bump that we had at the draft party you guys would make perfect offensive lineman it would be Rock Solid would have to like tell us what to do and oh 100 you guys would make perfect guards on either side of damy and Dy is probably losing his mind he’s like I I better get some good tackles in here now I gotta think let’s say green beans got to be one of the tackles I feel like that would be a lot fun I feel like BL it could be a running back BL it feels like he could just run through people he’s a pretty good size too he’s probably like six [Music] oneish yeah if he play if you play both ways he’d be a linebacker he’s smart probably have to have guys play both ways I don’t think there’s any way like I don’t think we have enough creators to or at least that I’m aware of to to make a a full team bo boy green would be on the defensive line somewhere or you know he would be a scrap he’d be like he’d be Scrappy I don’t know where you plug him in you see on Twitter with those kicks go can you can you kick people I don’t know if you can kick people put him in uh him and Nanny on either side of the line she like all right you got to get to each other behind the quarterback attack I feel like nania could be a safety I feel like he’s a smart dude analyze the defense in front of him Sabo could probably be like sabo’s not I don’t think sabo’s real big but he’s probably like he’s another one of those like him and I would say him and nania as our safeties yeah I don’t know what we would do Jake asmin would be the field goal kicker I think yeah I you know I didn’t even think about asmin where would uh he’s like me him and Richie are all like closer in in height I guess I think Richie and I are a little taller yeah not good we would make a very good basketball team I’d say that much I think I agree with your assessment of Richie as a Speedster like slot receiver cornerback really quick really good his friend Jack you know his partner Jack Jack Jack would be a good receiver I he’s a tall dude yeah that’d be fresh and Jack and I have the same shoes so we gota get Richie in the same shoes and then all three receivers could could be like rocking the same shoes great the Adidas with green stripes it’s hot and then are we missing any other content guys trying to Rattle through my head right now oh oh gunny we got gunny well that’s our middle that’s our middle linebacker that’s he’s got to be a linebacker that dude like him and too I feel like too could be a linebacker too like two ex-military guys yeah they could do it they figure it out G gives you the toughness you know you get on to an onfield fight you just go wherever gunny is you’re gonna be safe oh yeah I’m not gonna be a guy picking fights with other people I know my role I’m not I’m not a big dude I can kick I’m I’m halfway decent at like punting so maybe I could do that outside of that I think we’ve is that the majority of people let’s see if the we got other guys got we got jet Italy you know Italy jet Italy jet maybe somewhere in there yeah I mean I mean he can get in there somewhere maybe be a fullback you or a running back you got Porto he’s a tall dude Porto is really tall he looks pretty lanky that’d be pretty and what’s his yeah what’s his face the guy from uh uh what’s that jet channel uh turbulence he’s a big guy he always wears the muscle shirt so he’s a big strong guy see we we got some we got some muscles there there yeah got some people we could we could build a halfway decent team Allan says uh oir is an ex receiver Dom interior offensive line gunny for cornerback nania can run yeah Nan can definitely run I’ve seen him run uh and in like in the parking lot we were throwing the football around me him and uh blew it he’s got he’s got some wheels on him all right jet Central for quarterback green bean tight end’s coach yeah maybe green bean isn’t a player and he’s just like the Wy Old Coach he be so offended because he’s so old he’s not so old he’s just like old than you’re old it’s the beard it’s that’s what it is it’s just the beard is so white he when we were making the monkey shirts the uh the here no evil see no evil speak no evil I asked them to uh make green beans hair white not just the beard and he goes my hair’s not gray I was like I just assumed everything was gray cuz the Beard’s gray and he just he was offended by that I was like I’m so sorry green bean I didn’t mean it there’s no no ill intent there I don’t look at the top of your head very frequently that’s the first thing my wife said to him when she met him she said he covered his beard and she took his hat off for her and she goes oh you’re goodlooking you’re he was like well thank you thank you for that step says 91st player is an international player he doesn’t count towards the 90 I did not know that oh that’s really interesting Stephen Engel knows stuff man let me tell you something this guy’s been around for a long time angle guy we like him yeah you ever ever you ever a rule thing you you need to know like anything like that he’s out in Jersey he’s uh I think he’s a postman that’s pretty cool got a few buddies that are uh postmen or yeah mailman mailman Billy says I don’t know what happened to NFL kickers every one of them used to be money now it’s like finding a good kicker is one in 10 business um I mean I guess maybe you feel like you see more missed kicks because you do just because the the extra point is further back I don’t know if it’s so much that they’re missing more field goals because like I mean aside from like vanderjack and like vinary like we saw those were two of like the best kickers of all time for the last like I don’t know 20 years or vanderjack wasn’t that long I guess but like uh viner’s been around forever Janikowski like had the monster leg I don’t know where he ranks as far as like accuracy and that sort of stuff um it took us forever to find a kicker I’ll say that much like basically once Nick Folk was gone I think it was folk or fely who was the our most Rec I think we had m f was the FK was the last good one where we were all pissed afterwards yeah yeah we had Myers for a little bit was it Myers to folk was the weird point or was it folk then Myers I think it was folk then Myers we had Myers for one year and then we had a stretch of like ridiculous punters and kickers until we got zero line yeah horrendous Greg Ed the bad streak H I love me some Greg the leg Dom says I was all County Center back in the day oh see look Jeremy did you know Dom was a center I had no idea I just nailed that dude talk about a scout Jeremy Don we were talking we were like yo Don would be a great Center and he’d have to put up with Nick shine and Jeremy on either side as the guards it be absolute chaos I think I just noticed that um it may have been in my head that he was a center only because he gets very technical when he talks about like titman being big and you have to be low to the ground like he said a lot of things that shows like a lot of knowledge about the position see there we go Dom and the center position is like a highly knowledgeable position as well like you have to know what’s going on the other offensive lineman and Dom’s a smart smart mother trucker yeah he’s also bigger than people think not in the bad way he’s big no he’s he is when I saw him I met him I think the was it the first time I met him when we went and got those uh hot dog the Italian hot dogs or whatever was that before one of the games or was that that was before the the Monday Night Football game before the Chargers game it was okay so I’m pretty sure that was the I think that was the first time I met domc and I remember thinking like wow he’s a lot bigger than I thought like he doesn’t look like super big on camera yeah you met him you may have met him briefly at the Ravens game that opener you may have met him briefly but you know what honestly I didn’t realize how big he was until the last time I hung out with him like um the last time I hung out with him I said whoa you’re bigger than I think of you in my head like so I don’t know what it was but it takes a couple of times to realize he’s that big to recognize it it’s a compliment Frank from Flatbush as a guard yeah we got a pretty decent offensive line then yeah yeah I like that Frankie if anyone was GNA take the role of Coach um you know even if it’s player coach or whatever it’s like you you know that Frankie is going to be a coordinator or some kind of coaching role so oh for sure Allan says Janikowski was a first round kicker is he the only first round kicker that was insane I mean we took a second kicker Tampa Bay traded up for to take a kicker and I think they um they cut him they did it yeah they cut him I mean and then a few years later they took a guy in the sixth round that we all liked and they took him even though they had a guy signed to a big contract they’re like obsessed with with kicker I honestly I always felt like like if your team is in a really good spot if you think there’s like a generational kicker or a guy that’s just going to like kickers are always the highest scoring players on your team like almost always I think um yeah between extra points and field goals just like if you’re telling me I could get someone that’s going to guarantee me 50 55 yard field goals consistently like Zer Lin’s worth his weight in gold him and morstead from a special teams perspective it I am I am a very large proponent of like scoring on special teams and like it’s huge I mean look if you’re old enough to have lived for that you know playoff game against Pittsburgh in 2004 you know like if you’re old enough to remember that you never forget the importance of kicker after after that like so there’s teams like the Vikings have lost that way you know obviously the bills don’t you know lost the Super Bowl that way I mean if had the double dink yeah I mean if you’re one if you’re one of those kind of fans you can’t be a fan of football your team go through that and not understand the value of the kicker position yeah yeah no it’s definitely like we’ve gone through it the last bunch of years before zerine where it was like man we just can’t kick a field goal which honestly until you get a good team it’s probably worth having dog [ __ ] as kickers because then you wind up losing games like not not that you’re trying to tank but like if you’re a GM and you’re like oh I just have a [ __ ] kicker like guess what crunch time whoops I guess guess I got an extra loss on the Belt like now that we’ve got a good team like it feels good to have like good special teams guys yeah I almost felt that way the the first year with Zach Wilson when we went into that season everybody was crying about tight ends they were crying about like you know we had no kicker and I’m thinking I just don’t think that’s important I think that deep down they you know there’s only so so much you can address in one season and I think that deep down they knew and they said having a bad kicker is perfect because we could still get the confidence if we played well enough to win but hopefully you’ll get a few extra double you know L’s and you know get a better draft pick to continue the rebuild uh Allan says there are five first round kickers ever so Janikowski uh he said Charlie goac uh was a kicker in 1966 in the first round and then Ray guy was a punter in the first round which still qualifies as a kicker wow Tony zenas is another one that he threw in there H then Allan says no jet content creator running back I we you said BW it blw it our running back yeah BW it we got cop he run run people over did you ever see the video of him like just like bodying a dude he was in the right it was like a good good cop video and he just boom puts this dude on a wall oh really really good he texts me he goes dude I went viral just like I think I had well over 100,000 views if I’m not mistaken it was it was is a fun one to watch um what else you talking about Rico says how many times have the Ravens W game specifically because of Justin Tucker kickers are like Insurance you don’t think about it too often until you really need it yeah no 100% like we we absolutely love having a good kicker but I think what we were trying to argue is that like when your team is not ready to win games right now not having a kicker isn’t necessarily the worst it’s like one of those easy positions that a GM could flub up and like get himself a few higher draft picks because you you inevitably wind up losing a few games because you miss kicks or something like that yeah this is this is the year we really need Greg the leg to be the man like this is the year we’re gonna be in big games we’re gonna need him to kick those field goals 100% uh Ray guy was top tier punter says Gohan angered Clancy says Ryan sweet Jersey supposed to finally get mine tomorrow same one yeah this came in the mail I want to say it was like two weeks ago and I go into my email I’m like man you know I ordered that helmet which is right back there got the jersey and I was like where’s my Jets draft hat I was like this is ridiculous so I look at the tracking it was supposed to get delivered a month ago I was like this is stupid I was like let’s like drill down a little bit deeper I reach out to Jet shop or Fanatics or whoever it is that that takes care of that and I was like Hey like it says it’s still like in shipping like what’s going on they’re like oh they’re sold out now uh so yours is probably lost in the mail so we’re just going to refund your money and give you a 25% coupon code but like you can’t get the hat and I was like damn it I really wanted that hat I was so bummed so no no draft hat for Ryan unfortunately but no for Ryan I have my last year I have my last year’s jet hat yeah my draft hat let’s go you know Jeremy I didn’t get your thoughts about the um the schedule so I want to get your thoughts a little bit here guys you can let us know your thoughts on the schedule we got we we’ll pull up comments as uh as you guys come up with stuff that I you know find interesting I’ll throw it up here but uh just some of your thoughts schedule comes out we got this early by way of Mr Matt oy so if you guys do not follow us on all social media make sure you do because we got some inside information that was crazy got it spot on the only thing that was different was his Source had the Miami games flip-flopped he had the home game first and the away game to end the season and everyone was like man this sucks we got two away games to start and two away games to end this is a rough way to go it and then finding out that that final Miami game is going to be a jet home game oh the fins coming up to MetLife in January where they have not beat a team with a winning record in sub 45 degree weather I am all about it and it’s a flex game too cuz we already got we we got the two Thursday we got the two Sunday we got the two Monday we got the Standalone London and then that final week 18 game could get flexed into prime time so like kind of cool from like a national Spotlight perspective but at the same time I feel so bad for the season ticket holders and like Jet fans in general that want to play and watch One o00 games Young Fathers or not even just young father just fathers in general that want to bond with their kid like my kids are asleep by seven like I was hoping to expose them to a little bit more than whatever like we’re going to be do we have 1 1 p.m. home game that’s the Bronco game until December that’s insane it’s insane what are your thoughts on the schedule I I hate that part of it you know um you know doing the show with green bean and reacting to the games I prefer like a routine you know a structure because that fits into my life it’s like my wife knows 10 o’clock to 1:30 on Sundays I’m doing the Jet game this is going to be it’s all going to be fire messed up and uh you know I mean it’s it’s an interference it’s an inconvenience I’m not so worried about the team as I’m just disappointed with uh just I just hate it man I hate not having a game on Sunday I hate waiting until the evening you know for a game to happen I hate that Thursday games are never about the two teams they’re like like it’s like a joke it’s like a it doesn’t even feel like a real game because neither team has had time to really prepare it’s it feels like a vanilla game I I don’t like it I don’t like it but I’m glad we’re getting it all over with early and that we could lock in for the last eight games you know yeah I I I’m with you on that I wish they would add a second buy before they add an 18th game onto the schedule like for me there’s no reason to not figure out a way to have every Thursday night game come from teams that just had a bye-week prior then no one is playing on short rest aside from a Monday to a Sunday or a Sunday to a Saturday like later in the season and that sort of stuff but like right super super frustrating Rico comes in sorry Rico let’s get this in front of this image says uh Ryan and Jeremy what non-division games are really are you really intrigued by I don’t know why but I feel like the Rams game is going to be a really exciting one so let’s take a look what uh non division games obviously the first one’s an interesting one because it’s kind of a litness test while we’re not at full strength or at full chemistry yet um if the Jets can hang with the 49ers I’m going to feel pretty good moving forward like even if we wind up losing that game which I I in my own mind I have penil in as a loss um but outside of that I outside of that I I do really like the Rams like Rico is saying I think the Rams is is a fun one I would I would also throw in not the day of the week that I love but the the Texans game is another interesting one I’d like to see because they weren’t at full strength when we played them last year we obviously were not at full strength last year but they’re an upand cominging team and we’re like what feels like an established team once the quarterback gets gets back in there what about you what uh what non-conference game are you kind of like or not non-conference non-iv division game are you looking at here well I agree with the other ners if if that if we can make if that game I want to win it don’t get me wrong obviously we want to win it but if if we play well enough that that game comes down to the wire if it’s one of those you know 5050 you know comes down to the last bit no matter what we walk away a winner because that’s a statement for the Jets especially with so many new players but uh I I’m looking forward to Seattle because if it’s Gino Smith I’m looking forward to get some Revenge you know against against last time there’s no Pete Carol there anymore I think that uh they’re coming to us instead of us having to go there I’m I’m ready to you know see the Jets ter terport the seaha Hawks like they used to do when I was a little kid so we’re this is like the the former jet quarterback reunion tour you got Zach with Denver you got Sam with Minnesota you got Gino with Seattle is Mike White still with Miami like could there be a potential situation where we’re at the end of the season Tua gets hurt and Mike White’s coming in or is Mike White no longer with Miami I did not follow him this off season I don’t know I didn’t hear about him going anywhere else but he definitely he had a one-year contract though last year pretty yeah Blitz crew says no I think it was a two-year contract I’m almost positive it was because I feel like I was surprised to see him get the two years but Blitz crew says he’s in Miami as a backup so that’s like that feels like it could very well happen we could see him twice because we we start playing them so late in the year yeah so BL says I want to go to Miami but no idea how to plan it uh I’ve been to Miami Stadium it’s pretty cool I do have cousins down in uh Fort Lauderdale so I was able to stay with them and then I I don’t know how far that is from the stadium I don’t remember I did this a long like God it’s got to be close to 10 years ago now that we did this um fun trip yeah I would enjoy there was part of me that was like you know final game of the season going down to Miami like I would do that but I’m like I think I’m more likely to go to the Miami home game in January for like for us because I feel like that could be like the division winner and I would I could get Rowdy it’s going to be cold as hell but like that would be a fun game to get up for especially if the Jets are like chugging along you know heading into the byee I went to the Super Bowl week in Miami in 1994 it was San Francisco uh Chargers and it’s actually I mean back then it was pretty cool Miami Beach just all these motels and we were young guys so we just found this dump Motel along the beach and everything is reasonably a reasonable drive you probably Tak an Uber to the stadium I remember the drive wasn’t too bad so it’s uh pretty easy to plan just get a place to stay and you’re good Ricky says thank you for doing a show been sitting here working on a logo design for hours and I can’t even see straight I needed a break perfect timing Ricky what kind of logo are you working on that’s what I’m interested in curious we’re glad you’re uh you’re hanging out with us Gohan says uh I looked into it the longest field goal kicked is actually 69 yards by a college kicker in 1976 wow I feel like Janikowski could have set the record at like 70 plus like if they really like they I know they tried to give it to them a few times like late in games where it’s like a just like a hey let’s see if he could do it type situation I wish we could see like some sort of skills competition that would just be like the best kickers in the league like yeah just try to like kick it as far as you can like instead of being in a game scenario because you you start getting to a point where it’s like well if I miss this it’s a much shorter field at 70 yards you’re kicking that from the 40 is that right no further back no it’s the 40 because it’s 10 yards into the end zone that’s wild that’s insane cuz now all of a sudden if you miss that that is a 50 yard field goal the opposite well 57 yard field goal the opposite direction crazy I I feel like we’ve seen field goals in the high 50s where I mean you probably will agree that you think to yourself that would have went 70 yeah oh 100% where splits the net it’s still got hit halfway up like the net and it’s like 58 yards 60 yards you’re like how far could that have been I like that they now have the techn to be able to say like hey that would have been good from X distance y distance I don’t know which channel does that all the time but I I see it occasionally um I see hype has two super chats in there I want to throw this one up first he says Mike White signed a two-year 8 million contract last year uh and then he also says hot take Earth Charles is going to be on roster he’s been highlighted numerous times working out with Quincy doing route running drills with coaches yeah I I think a lot of us feel like IR Charles probably deserves that spot over like if had to come down to wide receivers I think I’m more likely to cut brownley than I am to cut Irv Charles and that’s in the event that you wanted to keep six instead of seven wide receivers I think a lot of it has to do with how many offensive linemen they ultimately decide to keep do they want to keep nine like they did last year do they want to add 10 like Douglas said he wanted to at the end of the season or was that just like a hindsight type thing uh do they want to carry a third Quarterback does That if they only carry two does that allow them to carry the extra wide receiver Isaiah Oliver like you brought up earlier if he’s going to wind up replacing a Hardy or someone like that on special teams and also replacing uh gidry in the slot now all of a sudden you you’re saving yourself a roster spot right there as well you see any way Irv Charles is not on the roster Jeremy well you know you never know Travis might end up on the IR right if if he’s not healthy in Camp I mean even and you know they they they fudge that anyway but they might they might not be planning to have him active they might be planning to have him any you know where they they have no in of using him anyway Irv Charles huh Irv Charles not Jord TRS no no no I me I’m sorry I meant like the Young quarterback that we drafted if we no I understand that I asked you do do you think IR Charles is going to make the roster right no but I think that’s how he would because we would we go with seven we can go with seven wide receivers if we if we put the if we put the quarterback on IR right it gives us the extra roster spot Jeremy where did you where did you hear that IR plan I think we’ve been talking about it right we have a very long time I’m not gonna say I loved it first but I definitely probably heard it from you first and fell I’ve been on that for a while I’ve been big proponent of that uh Zachary comes and says did you guys see the two is Camp is asking for 5 years 253 million please sign him to that uh that would be over $50 million a year I honestly I think I think that’s what the going price is for a franchise quarterback cuz the option is if Tua walks you’re either paying that now you’re paying a higher premium after or you’re looking for another quarterback as a Jet fan I can tell you I hope you pay him that a lot of money because I don’t think he’s worth that much money but if I had to uh after every quarterback that we’ve had to put up with for the last forever I would probably pay him that unfortunately like that I don’t think he’s worth it but most quarterbacks when they get paid their contract are not worth the M like the deal they’re signing they’re just the next guy up and that’s just how contracts work what are your thought processes now this is obviously just a rumor there’s no no like sourcing behind that uh from what Zachary says a little bit later down in there um what do you think about Tu and how much money do you think he’s going to get no that looks accurate of what they have no choice to do uh I think it’s I think what if I’m Miami I’m not fighting over the amount of money he makes year because let’s face it he makes their team very good as far as winning percentage no matter what anybody feels about him right so what they probably want to do is guarantee as little of that as possible so I don’t know what they’ll get away with but if they did let’s say because that could be easily be 200 million guaranteed four years or it could be 140 million guaranteed and it’s just three years which is a big difference when you’re talking about a guy that’s a tackle away from a concussion that would end his career so for me I think that they’re going to be stuck paying him about 50 million that’s not the issue I think it’s about the guaranteed money where the hardest part of that negotiation is gonna be yeah it’s almost like uh like revas signed an interesting deal when he went to Tampa Bay it was like you’re going to get paid handsomely I think it was like $16 million a year if I remember correctly and as long as you’re on the roster you’re guaranteed that money and it was like one year on the roster then cut the next year cuz new regime change or whatever um but yeah the guaranteed money is going to be an interesting one for for Tua Rico says I hope the snow is coming down that first fins game so that’s December 8th it’s gonna that would be early it could could happen we’ve had snow as early as Halloween but that’s that that would still be early uh see two a throw ducks and McDaniel’s in a bad mood because his liquid in his vape pen froze uh I think you’re more likely to see that in January for the home game as opposed to the the first fins game the first fins game is a is a road game so I guess obviously you’re not going to see you’re not going to see snow down in Miami uh Ricky says it’s a logo for a content creator actually For an upcoming live stream oh very cool Richie nice Ricky said Richie didn’t mean that um Clancy says brownley already turning heads again at Camp no that’s great I’m about it if we’re going to keep seven I like brownley a lot I just I think if we don’t keep seven he feels I mean honestly I like brownley more than I like Gibson I just don’t think we have a back up for Corley um where I feel like Lazard almost pushes brownley out unfortunately is that how you would maybe Lazard I feel like because we have Lazard like I would like to get rid of Lazard instead of getting rid of brownley like on the contract but but lazard’s contract were locked into we’re locked into but how many snaps did Lazard take I want to look into when he was with Rogers and Green Bay how many snaps he took at slot uh was because I think they used them as aot they did so maybe he’s the I mean there’s the argument right like if he’s the big slot that would would Corley be a big slot even though he’s a like height-wise a little bit smaller um or do you consider Lazard more of like maybe that outside blocking presence I I don’t know I like I like I like brownley I hope we keep him around it’ be nice to kind of see that play out I would love to keep him Mor I mean he’s definitely a guy that could develop into a real guy like you know like for real and I’m not saying star but like if he goes into being a solid wr2 wr3 even um at no cost because you found him that the you know undrafted free agent it’s valuable to fill roles like that 100% Rico says if Daniel Jones can get 40 million a year Tua can get 50 that that’s a really good point now yeah Daniel Jones did kind of force the hand because they they needed to use their franchise tag for Barkley um so they paid Jones the 40 million a year Tua I don’t know if Miami is in that same boat like do they have someone that’s going to be hitting free agency that’s so valuable that they want to use their tag on that other person as opposed to Tua like I would almost rather tag Tua two years in a row based on his health and then have to pay him a fortune later on um I don’t know would you sign to it or would you or maybe he just holds out at that point if he’s not signed I feel like that’s too much money I mean if he wasn’t will If he if he doesn’t hold out that would be the best scenario for them because you’re paying him year by year that’s kind of what we wanted to that’s what we wanted to do with Marcus May when he was asking for all that money like we me and green be kept talking about it it makes no sense you could like for that money you could literally franchise him twice and get for the same amount of money so why would you put any guarantees in and you know obviously it ended up being the smartest thing we ever did with Marcus may but yeah if I’m Miami I’m definitely gonna use that logic I’m gonna say hell man what what does it cost to just franchise franchise yeah that’s probably the right move at least from a guaranteed money perspective too the only thing is you wind up having that fat quarterback contract for a year so if you’re tight against the cap you’re that it’s a fully guaranteed contract all hitting in that one year you can’t do like the cap maneuvering around where you say like this guy’s get $253 million deal but his cap hits only going to be $20 million like that doesn’t happen with the franchise tag when you do it that way you see and that was the weakness of Miami is that you know we had potential and we were growing as a team with draft picks and young guys and not horrendous contracts what people forget is they had the cheap quarterback for all those years and they bought all these players now they’re going to have the problem of we have to pay the quarterback so we can’t have a team that relies all on these high price guys oh for sure wd’s gonna need a new contract I don’t think he’ll I have to look at his deal I don’t know if he’s done after this year because his contract gets like enormous so he’s either going to another team or they’re going to have to restructure that contract that he’s on uh hype comes in says I also don’t know why Corey Davis still hasn’t been reinstated by the NFL to become a free agent is is it the Jets holding it up or the NFL just a thought I don’t think the Jets based on like everything that I’ve seen the Jets do from like uh you know trading players or releasing players or sending players to teams that they would like to go to I don’t think the Jets would hold that over Corey Davis’s head and prevent him from being reinstated I also feel like the ship has kind of sailed on Corey Davis like if he really wanted to play I think last year in a contract year with Aaron roders would have been that time now I don’t know what he could have possibly had going on like familywise maybe there was just something that that prevented him from being able to do that um I would love to get Cory Davis back if we could have Cory Davis back and and bump Lazard down one extra spot I’m 100% on board I just I think the Corey Davis train has uh left the station where do you fall on that Jeremy yeah I mean I think you’re likely right it’s I I mean the the only other scenario that I can imagine is is he thought he was going to get a certain amount of money and it didn’t happen like he was just way off on what he thought he was going to get maybe he thought he was gonna come in and have somebody will will willing to pay him 10 to 12 million and he found out that nobody’s willing to go over four million because you’ve been gone over a year and you didn’t really perform up to your last contract like how how many people did he get did he excite really in his years with the Jets he was injured a lot so I mean so I mean I guess that’s the only other alternative possibility is that he wants to play but he wants way too much money you know but I think it’s more likely you’re right I think that he probably just doesn’t have the desire to play Brian comes in with a super chat thank you so much says do you see Xavier Gibson fixing his fumble issue if not then I don’t want him look I that was I was a little surprised Gibson made the team last year because of how frequently we saw him and Hardman fumble in Camp and I thought just cuz Hardman was the free agent they would let him kind of figure it out and the fact that they kept him Gibson that is uh kind of surprised me um I hope he fixes it I like him he’s a fun kid to watch he’s really fast explosive um I hope he fixes the fumbling issues because if you can’t hold on to the ball I don’t want you back there for punt returns I want to be able to feel confident that the guy that’s at least calling the fair catch is going to catch the ball like with Gibson there were times I was like I just hope he doesn’t run underneath it like just go off to the side see where that ball goes if it’s going to land on the 10 fine I’d rather get the ball on the 10 than give it to them on the 20 yeah look it was scary every punt was scary to him like it got to a point where it got to a point where I think during the game we were both yelling don’t field it yeah we were just saying let them punt the ball and don’t field it that’s how bad it got so I don’t know I mean he has to turn it around I I don’t know if that was you know cuz nobody knows he’s an undrafted free agent nobody really follows his college career we don’t know if he had a history of that or not you know it could have been nerves um but we can’t have it like you can’t you can’t play in fear that you can’t you know you can’t play with a guy you can’t trust which hype follows this up with uh Davis can’t even negotiate with a team he isn’t a free agent so I guess if he’s cuz I he was released by the Jets I’m almost positive so I guess he’s just got to be reinstated to become the free agent um I don’t thought he I thought he had permission to negotiate I could be wrong I thought that he may it may have been the Jets I think the Jets gave him permission to negotiate oh so maybe he’s still like do we kind of own his right like does a contract toll when you don’t play I think that you can’t do that you can’t you can’t quit a team in the last year oh no because we didn’t we yeah because we accepted it by not having to pay him so that that may have freed him up that may have freed him up I’m not really sure I thought that I had remembered something where the Jets and I’m probably so wrong but for some reason it’s in my head that we we did a really cool thing like the right thing by him and said talk to other teams but maybe that was just the NFL I thought for sure he was allowed to talk to teams though I feel like that does sound right I feel like I I heard that at some point like the Jets were like allowed him to explore other options or other opportunities and I think I just assumed he was a free agent at that point or that maybe he could come back um Eddie says Jets released him so yeah I guess it’s just being reinstated at that point then so I guess if the Jets did release him maybe we he was going to get reinstated prior to the start of the or not reinstated but I think he applied to be reinstated before the start of the new league year and maybe that’s why he was under contract with us he was allowed to negotiate and then now that he was released from our you know new year but he’s not reinstated maybe that’s something that’s going on I I have no idea no idea but it would he didn’t do anything wrong to not be reinstated right I mean like it can’t it’s hard to believe that he’s stuck and not able to negotiate with te why doesn’t he just get himself reinstated he didn’t do anything wrong there was no break of code of conduct yeah it’s an odd situation drums says uh Ryan you too Jeremy uh should Rock a mustache for the next stream I uh no if we win the Super Bowl I’ll go mustache I will uh or if we go on like some sort of crazy run like leading into the playoffs next year like if it’s if if the mustache is working I’ll just keep the mustache going but uh I don’t really want to do that I look weird with a mustache uh Wyland says Ryan are you a nervous Pacer quiet demeanor or angry person when watching Jet games in the comfort of your lair um so I don’t watch many games in my office a lot of times I’ll watch them downstairs on the bigger TV um and I it depends what I’m doing sometimes and it depends how much I’m invested into it cuz once Rogers got hurt last year it was very hard to stay like emotionally connected to like where the Jets were like it like my see season was over the first week of the Season like that that’s kind of how my mindset operated so and I do the every throw video so I’m editing those while the game’s still going on a lot of times um I would say in an ideal situation when the Jets are good and I’m actively like excited for [ __ ] that’s going on on the TV um I would say I am a little bit of a nervous Pacer I will sometimes get up and like put my hands behind my head and give it give it a few paces back and forth I’m definitely not quiet I wouldn’t consider myself an angry person I would say vocal nervous Pacer somewhere in that realm where I’ll like I’ll yell at the TV not angry but just like excitement what are what kind of fan are you Jeremy obviously we see you with the the game streams we’ve done a few streams together I think most people would say that watch me would say that’s why they call me chaos because you don’t know which it’s GNA be I’m I’m I’m always nervous I’m always nervous um but I’ve been angry and I’ve been um quiet where I just shut down and I’ve been just um negative I go I go into like what green bean call calls toilet ball land uh Greg says Ryan get a mohawk I actually I’ve had a mohawk numerous times I not had it in my professional career but like going through high school and like College I’ve done the mo and even probably after college I’ve done Mohawks like a lot of times like oh yeah not not like bicked on the sides but like I’ll go down to like probably I don’t know if it would be a two on a on a buzzer like a a uh quarter inch and then I’ll keep this like a middle stripe longer and I’ve had it like pretty tall I’ve had it I’ve bet like up to there as far as like Mohawk goes I would do that again why not if I’m not doing professional things have to do stuff like at work they’d be like Ryan you you you can’t do that we didn’t hire you with a mohawk you can’t have a mohawk I know there are certain things you just don’t have the luxury to do you want a job wild wave says the commander game is the only time you will see Ryan angry costed us Marvin Harrison Jr dude I don’t get like really angry I got I was pissed after that commander game that game and the Jaguars game when we lost or not Jaguar game sorry um the Rams game when we lost Trevor Lawrence when that happened I [ __ ] blew my stack I was so mad and like I got on Jacksonville radio they’re like this poor bastard up in New Jersey is like distraught he’s he’s so upset that the Jets lost Trevor Lawrence I was like dude there’s like certain things and it’s never a guarantee but like imagine owning the number two pick in the draft this past year and all these teams that were trying to get up you’re probably getting three first round picks realistically from a team to get up to number three or two like the Raiders would have given it up to go get Jaden Daniels 100% we probably would have got Devonte Adams and three firsts and we would be sitting at [ __ ] Pick 12 or 13 or whatever pick they were at and we’d still get Olu fashanu and you’d get like H so when people are upset with me for being upset at that game that’s why yeah it’s uh it’s there are times where I I really wonder about the organization cuz other organizations have figured that out you know without question we’ve seen it and I told my wife when when we beat the rounds that day I was screaming she goes I don’t understand you won she was so confused and I said yeah but we just threw away the future you know we had it we had it dude my the only thing that makes me feel better about that game is because I thought it was over I I don’t know if it was a week or two before when we beat when the Raiders beat do on that like that final Hail Mary like with to to rugs or whatever I was working at the tree farm I started doing the airplane I’m running around I was like we lost we lost we still have a shot like I’m jumping up and down excited it’s like so dumb and I know jet like fans like hate like rooting for losses but man that was probably the best I had felt for that entire season followed up by like immediately the following week or the week after that whatever it was winning that Jaguar game was awful it was so bad man we at the end of our show right now Jeremy any last words for our uh our little panel here I guess everybody is asking all these questions about the roster so I guess that’s what we need to focus on moving forward what’s who’s going to be the final 53 I’ll tell you what though no matter how much you argue with each other we see that happen in Jets Nation all the time just remember it’s a good problem to have boys and girls make sure you hit that like button if you’re uh hanging out with us get us over 100 likes before we dip on out of here I appreciate that we had uh nearly 200 people in here on a Monday in late May kind of nice not the normal time either we were so domc tell I got throw domc under the bus right now he goes oh Ryan uh do you think you could could bump it back from 8:00 to 9 o’clock I like yeah dude I’m I’m All About It sure like I got a little extra time to to relax and he’s like yeah it’s fine my you know All-Star kid baseball he’s awesome you know just taking a little bit longer then he’s just like 2 minutes before the show hey I need someone to step in I’m like oh I guess I’m doing the show with Egghead now it’s totally fine I like hanging out with you it’s all right you’re replaced no I’m kidding I love you Dom we’ll see you next week boys and girls thank you so much for hanging out with us it’s been a lot of fun this is Jets talk signing off JS j e s


  1. These Jefferson rumors openings heโ€™s not coming here – disaster in the making and it always happens to us / adios Jeff

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