Golf Players

PGA Recap: Schauffele’s performance, Scheffler’s arrested, Valhalla critique

In this episode, Matt Cook and Buttsy recap the PGA Championship and discuss the Swannies Golf contest. They delve into Scottie Scheffler’s legal issues and performance, critique Valhalla golf course, and analyze current player performances, notably Xander Schauffele. They also discuss Bryson DeChambeau’s impact on golf, cover the PGA Championship leaderboard, and preview the upcoming Charles Schwab Challenge. The hosts also talk about golf fashion, PGA Tour PIF Madness, and the impact of negative publicity on golf.

– The Pull Hook Golf podcast episode featured discussions on the PGA Championship recap, including Xander Schauffele’s victory and Scottie Scheffler’s arrest before playing.
– The hosts shared their insights on the upcoming Charles Schwab Challenge, offering predictions and highlighting key players to watch.
– Controversy and debates surrounding the PGA Tour and LIV Golf continued, with discussions on player board positions and the need for golf to be unified.

0:00 Introduction and setting the scene at We-Ko-Pa Golf Club
2:12 PGA Championship recap and Swannies Golf contest
5:00 In-depth discussion on Scottie Scheffler’s legal issues and performance
20:04 Sponsor: Swannies Golf
21:14 Criticism and defense of Valhalla golf course
25:40 Analysis of current player performances, with focus on Xander Schauffele
35:03 Examination of Bryson DeChambeau’s performance and influence on golf
43:28 Overview of the PGA Championship leaderboard and standout players
53:12 Preview of the Charles Schwab Challenge at Colonial Country Club
1:03:33 Off-topic banter and discussion on the podcast production
1:06:03 Swannies Style Segment: Featuring the new collection Split Rock
1:08:55 Discussion on golf fashion and styles
1:12:05 Examination of PGA Tour PIF Madness and player reactions
1:17:51 Impact of negative publicity on golf and promotion of Instagram giveaway

[Music] welcome back everybody to pull hook golf the podcast I’m your host Matt Cook with me is our co-host butsy and we’ve got one hell of a show tonight I know I say that often but tonight it really is we’re out here at wopa Golf Club this place is gorgeous the backdrop scenery of 18 here I don’t know which course is this zaro or choya I don’t I don’t know which one I think that’s sorro yeah I think so too but it is an awesome finishing hole par five you got some water in there as well sun setting here I mean it’s actually a little bit romantic here buty a little breeze what 88 degrees maybe yeah I you know what last week last week was like being on the Amazon River just getting attacked by bugs and trying to pretend that that wasn’t happening I hope that doesn’t happen tonight because I did a bunch of cleanup of all the equipment afterwards the next day it was an absolute nightmare it was like an infestation of mosquitoes I went to the hospital Wednesday morning and uh confirmed dangi fever oh dang fever dang he dang he now folks we also got to give some credit to the makers of these wooden chairs now they’re like rocking chairs so we’re going to try not to be rocking all night and we’re like bumping uglies here in the middle if you can’t tell um but that being said the Amish the Amish made these these are Amish made chair that is a real thing by the way it is not not fake news no it’s not brother jedadiah got a little wooden burn stamp with his initials underneath it saw that incredible Jedediah Morgan left live golf went back to the Amish and started making these chairs again fantastic yeah love that so on tonight’s episode we’ve got oh God I almost had a long episode jeez bro you sent these show notes over and I looked at them and I’m trying to do research right to make sure [ __ ] spot on I gave up it was like doing math I mean how long did it take you to type out the notes couple hours it’s like a book yeah I mean this a buy op we came we come prepared folks that’s that’s the thing now we’re going to go over the biggest topic ever which is the PGA Championship recap yes and I know there’s a lot of people that want to get into the whole Xander shle take we’ll be definitely diving into that we’ve also got the upcoming Charles Schwab challenge which uh you know that’s a name change of sponsors uh that’s out there at Colonial Country Club which is going to be awesome and then we’ve got the swan style segment then we got a little PGA Tour piff action towards the end of the episode maybe a little Twitter Wars action as well absolutely love the haters out there they’re great it’s good to be hated it really is you know it’s funny because I just enjoy it and I’m like there was this one guy today I was just like make making them do everything I wanted like just the engagement just keeps going up and up and up and up and up and I’m just like dance monkey Dan and they don’t realize that they don’t they don’t get it they think they’re like oh I’m really getting him today oh my buddies are going to love that how we doing how do we play what’s wrong with your nose oh he didn’t punch you or something cuz you didn’t pay him all right all right see we got some players over here uh at weoa one guy’s got a bloody nose got punched in the on no he did not you hate to see it you hate to see it I mean you got you got to pay up you got to pay up or else that happen happens to the best of us so here we go folks we’ve got a little announcement here from swanie so we’ve got a contest going on just launched yesterday Swan’s golf see you boys and on top of all you got to do is go on Instagram very simple the rules you got to go on Instagram you got to follow P hook golf you got to follow swanes and you got to tag your forsome that you would play golf with uh go over to Instagram become part of the contest there’s over $250 worth of gear from head to toe I mean you got a layer that you could get you got the polo you got the shorts you got the hat so $250 worth of gear pull that one back out real quick oh yeah this is a little pull over in case I get a little little bit you know just and I just saw I just got a notification that somebody just went on and uh became part of the contest so it’s been blowing up today and yesterday uh started it so definitely go on there and once again folks if you’re going to go to Swan’s golf utilize promo code P hook golf 25 at checkout for 25% off your entire order at swan. let’s get into it PGA Championship recap here we go and we got to start it with the arrest herd around the world a no but part Chef what the actual did you I saw that at like 6:30 7 o’ like okay hang onent me so like I was barely awake what what is this funny stories no way I woke up at 6:00 a.m. cuz I got to get into the personal trainer at 700 a.m. you big on the trainer I go I goce twice a week because I I’m I sit in a chair pretty much all day long every day working on podcast stuff so I’m just like you know what I got to at least get into the gym twice a week so I do I go in twice a week it’s great um but when I went in all of a sudden like I woke up and I popped up I it’s a bad habit no popped up Twitter popped up Instagram and I’m just like what the hell is going on I’m seeing Scotty sheffler arrested I thought it was a joke and this was on Friday so Friday it all goes down right then I see a mug shot of Scotty sheffler and I swear to God I thought it was photoshopped I’m like oh that’s that’s really funny like somebody’s hitting the memes and everything no that was his actual goddamn it’s that hard like out of everybody in the world of professional golf that is the last that you would see uh getting arrested right like I almost called you do a a verification yeah right I almost called you to do an emergency pod because Kevin stman I saw him that morning and he goes Matt you got to do an emergency pod you got to get it you got to get it I’m like I don’t really like we’re not really emergency pod guys though like we come in prepared no we need yeah we need to settle in have some I mean I would have done it I would have done it just I I I would have too uh we probably should have but we get to do it now some parameters for that going forward if something like that happens we have uh it’s like a fire escape directions right I text Sheffer arrested 911 we do yeah like a code yeah okay cool boom shower dress let’s go I like that I like that a lot I like it too it’s good for the world moving forward expect it um now as I mentioned Scotty Sheffer gets arrested Friday morning this cop apparently attached him to his car so One Cop so this is the story that I’ve gotten for multiple people now because I had it wrong like I I did a as soon as I got done with the gym rushed home did a quick like green screen deal on Instagram where I’m like Scotty Sheffer gets arrested not fake news blah blah blah and all of a sudden I’m like I and I mentioned because I saw at the time people were like but they’re dropping the charges so I just ran with that thinking that that was factual as soon as I found out that it was not factual I recanted that by adding a to that particular re and I’m like son of a gun he is not released what kind of a super cop did Scotty draw a bad card on we got Derek Shin’s brother here or what like this is a bad deal I it’s it’s a bad look on Lou Louisville it’s Louisville it’s not Louisville it’s Louisville the most God-fearing innocent man supposedly on the planet yeah I don’t know there might be some conspiracy to this something might come out Rock golfer wants to he goes we the people are demanding the body camera footage there was none so this guy apparently was not wearing a body camera so they do not have the body camera for us to see look at or anything along those lines so that’s super sus really suspect seemed like this guy just got on his Hopper like I’ve seen photos of this guy now like I threw it out there to the Twitter sphere and they like the our Twitter audience actually found this guy’s GNA get fired the cop’s name his photo and he just looks like I am better than you I I rule the world and you obey me [ __ ] lot of Pomade in the hair I’m sure it’s uh it it’s a tough look for Louisville oh man you can’t arrest Scotty Sheffer no that’s a he’s a God-fearing man yeah that Police Department made bogey that morning it’s just ridiculous but his court date was supposed to be today ends up getting postponed to June 3rd which is fantastic for Scotty Sheffer I guess cuz he’s participating this week which we’ll get into that a little bit later on um but man he goes out there on Friday after being arrested said he was doing some work his like prep his little stretching and everything in the jail cell what what time did he get arrested like so this and I know we’re going to get in like 6:00 a.m. yeah that’s what I’m saying like we’re going to get into uh the effect this had on him but how much time for when he got arrested like till he had to be at the tea I mean this cut into what he was doing and obviously you can only work through paperwork and find out who you are and then okay [ __ ] we’re sorry we’ll let you go and you’re going to make it like how how much time went by do we know couple hours because he was getting in I think around 6:00 a.m. they got lucky because there was a rain delay right if that doesn’t happen he misses his tea top oh can you imagine if that would happened I’m surprised there weren’t a bunch of live trolls that were like PGA Tour did it on purpose to like well that’s what I meant conspiracy wise like some there’s something behind or the fact that PJ tour calls a rain delay so Scotty Sheffer can make it back for his [ __ ] tea time because that Golf Course really took on a lot of water they have drains in the fairways like they were prepared for this thing so I don’t know man but Scotty sheffler not only did he had to deal with the adrenaline Friday which when the adrenaline’s there that’s great but when the adrenaline wears off and you got to sleep on that that you got arrested for the first time in your life as a God-fearing man like Scotty sheffler right not good do you think it’s weird to wonder if he has any other sexual position than missionary I I think if you if you zoom in close enough to him when he started his warm-up Friday you will find that his butt cheeks are shaped identical to the corner of the jail cell there was nobody getting that ass Scotty was locked and loaded backed up against the wall yeah like the the water hadn’t quite dissipated yet his butt cheeks were literally formed to the corner you got to love it yeah so Scotty sheer I think we confirm missionary is what uh what they do yeah um I don’t think they’ve ever seen another position but I don’t think we’re oh soaking can’t can’t get into the Mormon world right now for the Latter Day Saints yeah you got to have a buddy who’s underneath just kicking that uh kicking that mattress shake the bed you got to have a bunk bed though any any okay we got we got off track got off track that’s going to happen it’s his first couple drinks in how many weeks ah I mean we’re making a big deal out of this it’s been 15 days 15 days you know it’s a long time folks it’s a long goddamn time it is it is in this world so the other thing that happens to Scotty Sheffer so Scotty sheffler not only gets screwed over okay but he ends up going out Saturday and he doesn’t even have his goddamn caddy like oh yeah he’s at a graduation or some [ __ ] Teddy decides and tells him beforehand hey it’s my kids graduation is it okay if I go Scotty Sheffer being the great guy that he is is like yeah you go to your kids grad Championship don’t worry about it don’t worry about it uh there’s a pastor that is apparently on tour and Scotty was like hey man I guess he used to play college golf he’s like so I thought for sure that having Jesus on his side that he was going to go out there and have a magical magical Saturday and granted tro golfer throws in that it was according to Scotty his time in jail was a magical time which is great to know a magical time magical so Scotty Sher I love this um I love the the audience interaction too Jesus I because of the internet connection it just keeps popping it back up and I got to shut it down pop it back how many air swings do you think Scotty made in the cell like just waiting to figure out if he’s going to get out of there quite a few for sure he did though right like at absolutely he was getting warm in there so doing his EXC bar stret and here’s the thing Jesus even being on him his side could not overcome Saturday’s golf round no he was absolutely terrible out there very very difficult um to deal with and uh golfer HD says that the X feed is unstable coincidence or conspiracy I’m going to tell you what I think it’s the live trolls coming after us gol for HD I think it is you hate to see it hackers yeah absolute hackers out there just hacking into the Twitter fear but with that said now Scotty Sheffer his old caddy and here’s the thing I learned about this on an earlier episode of P hook golf who was his old cadd his old caddy was Scott mcginness okay Scott mcginness is now the caddy foro Pereira but we had a very candid conversation on this podcast he was drinking a little bit we got him to open up and he really didn’t want to talk about Scotty sheffler and his time with him but then Bobby Brown did a great job obviously being another caddy opening him up a little bit and we got out of him that Scotty sheffler is a very difficult bag okay Scotty Sheffer demands a lot of information all the time very needy very difficult as a bad has no encore brain for himself yeah so without Ted Scott I mean we just learned how great Ted Scott really is for Scotty sheffler Ted’s been playing a video game this whole time Ted’s also been I point you I shoot you he he had to deal with Bubba Bubba Watson I mean that was a tough bag I heard bub is a dick dealing dealing with Scotty she not going to comment on it Scotty sheffler also a very difficult bag so without Ted scan without good old Teddy they they just everything fell apart for Scotty Sheffer on Saturday absolutely fell apart I’ve never seen him play that badly in such a small stretch what did he shoot shot like two or three over okay but the point of that was that he had I believe a triple and two doubles Scotty needs Ted it was ridiculous can’t do it himself yeah is that where we’re going with this that’s where we’re going with this he needs Ted Scott he has uh no brain he needs somebody to uh Captain his ship yeah he’s like a he’s like a little kid he needs a teddy bear so oh there you go the whole thing is hilarious look at that you’re getting all the credit here butsy butsy once again on the money Teddy is printing money you got to love that I mean if a player gets to the point whether real life or not that you’re a requirement I mean good on Ted dude that’s salesmanship 101 he is so far in this dude’s Dome that he’s one so much with him like he has secured the bag for at least another 5 years until Scotty figures out goes to some sports psychologist and finds out that uh hey man you could think for yourself it’s weird oh here we go we got a jack Fuso who’s here in person good old Jack Jack don’t break don’t break the microphone puty but Jack’s here him and his boys are at the table across from s right behind us here love that appreciate you Jack Jack in all the Gin joints yeah alrighty so the other thing that I want to talk about CU Scotty Sheffer obviously comes back Sunday once Ted’s back on the bag plays a fantastic round of golf ends up finishing in the top 20 like Scotty sheffler doing Scotty sheffler things right I am gonna go ahead and pause it that uh Scotty is not going to let Ted do another single thing if he asks for Relief during a major um funeral graduation sorry dude it’s going to have to wait till after because we sucked a fat one I think this is how it’s going to go hey Scotty can I go to my father’s funeral absolutely not you know what happened the last time Jesus did not protect me go dig him up on Wednesday and do your own thing we need you here definitely 100% then we got to move on from Scotty Sheffer I’m going to keep getting into that that but Butch Harmon goes off on the ESPN broadcast did you see that I didn’t know that Butch Harman was still alive to be honest with you he’s the greatest golf coach he been working with Rory Moy D see this is like what’s that effect where it’s like the barenstein Bears thing the effect oh it’s the uh oh God it’s the uh I literally thought I saw something where like Butch died and he was inducted into the Golf Hall of Fame anyways he’s still with us so what what did he say so he said that ESPN is basically now he’s like did ESPN turn into a betting Network because he hated all the BET ESPN stuff real bitter actually it did ESPN bet it is ESPN bet they are tied at and that’s a lot of money coming into ESPN I mean those Sports books make a ton of money I didn’t mind it but I know where Butch was going with it that there was too much tied around odds and everything like that another little comment from Jack here University of Texas runs the PGA pretty much oh between Jordan Speed Scotty Sheffer who else Jesus there’s a bunch of longhorns out there KW good old kensaw is he I don’t think khaw is still alive didn’t he didn’t that’s another one is Ben khaw still alive okay all right fair enough that’s amazing that’s fantastic news you can’t hear it on the podcast but uh they butsy hurt him well we’re we’re getting some action from about 45 yards away here on the patio from some boys that look like they had a pretty good time today Jack thank you I’m really appreciative of them right now the uh okay that that was the butch Haron take now the course took some shots the actual Golf Course can we just back up one sec MD to the Butch Harmon thing and this is the last thing I’m going to say about it go ahead I it irritates me that everybody that ever worked with Tiger Woods has been put on some sort of a political pedestal where now because they worked with tiger now a quick word from our sponsor swanes is here with a fresh take performance-based materials are a given these days but if you’re looking for the stretchiest and most lightweight pieces that deliver a look that says I’m here for a good time take a walk on the swanie side with fabric Source from recycled Plastics and Designs Source from our very own weekend warrior years Swan is looking out for both our planet and those that need a little style to boost their drive another 15 yards premium looks from top to bottom at swan. they are a force and a Beacon of Hope and and a voice in The Golf Community and we’re I got to disagree though he’s the greatest coach of all time why because because tiger no because of everybody he look what he did for Dustin Johnson what did he do for Dustin Johnson everything that’s why Dustin Johnson was winning before ever going to Claude well this is why I brought it up see you’re more versed okay listen [ __ ] Butch Haron just kidding no you can’t say Butch Haron is the is is the legend thank you gentlemen appreciate you guys hope you guys got a ride little cart bar guys here we got uh chug contest with the fellas oh boy brought this that was last week he wants us to do a chug I I don’t think we can do a chug off I am not doing a double Tios transfusion chug with you and I’m almost done with my old fashioned we do have full ofter but those are the seltzers hurt man they hurt oh can I get one more one more old fashion please actually make it a Manhattan that’d be fantastic if they’re still in there are they closing out I’ll do one more of these and see if we ever make it to the ners because I’m already starting to slur the old shabka you got to love it mid show let’s get some more drinks going anyways anyway let’s go to the course cuz the course took some shots on social media there were a lot of haters out there that were like Valhalla sucks this is boy it’s like watching a normal PGA Tour event I thought the complete opposite I thought it was awesome like I really really enjoyed Val who hated on the golf course oh my gosh and why let me tell you couple couple live [ __ ] nerds that don’t know [ __ ] Couple live trolls did and then you know I I also saw like there wasn’t nearly as many on the PG side of things that people like I don’t know man it just it rubbed me the wrong way because awesome golf tournament like I thought that it was very well run the course was in great shape it was soft so if you were rewarded impeccable yep I was just going to say it rewarded impeccable ball striking and honestly that played right into the hands of Xander shley which we’ll get into but once again it was designed by Jack Nicholas he this course though there were a few that you actually had to hit a little bit of a draw so it actually worked out for a lot of the guys that don’t hit just Fades hence Bryson D Shambo which we’ll be getting into in a little bit uh he hits only draws so we’ll talk about that I like that um but yes there were two major championship course records out there one be Xander Schley the other being Shane Lowry people were [ __ ] on Shane Lowry because they’re like how does Shane Lowry get the course right record of a major championship this course is way too easy so it wasn’t just enough that Xander did it but then Shane Lowry does it a couple days later and all of a sudden there’s all this chaos about it I didn’t understand that in the least didn’t appreciate it you you don’t know golf if you’re saying something like that Shane Lowry is one of the best players in the world he got hot for a day uh and he’s capable of the number that he put up exactly he played incredible it has nothing to do with the severity the you guys are dumb these people probably and these the same guys that are saying that probably know nothing about the golf course they they couldn’t tell you what whole four five and six are they’re just like they think about the history of the golf course or anything no way he’s got a belly there’s no way got to give him an asteris for the course record of 62 and it’s just like no like everybody was playing the same damn golf course yes it played a little bit easier because it was soft but that goes to show you how great of ball Strikers these guys are nowadays and how much they know their numbers I was talking to a couple golf instructors actually and um inside with my personal trainer and so forth we were talking about it as well to like I was saying I was like these guys are so good now because they know their numbers so damn well from trackman to foresight to full swing like when you have launch monitors that give you the exact yardages and you even have like what your ball flight is doing to we like are you trying to keep it lower like you can actually measure that in feet now it’s like they know what they’re doing out there I mean sorry we’re just trying to suck the teed off this cocktail here I apologize um look if hang if you’ve ever played like if you’ve ever played with a tour player or somebody of that caliber and this this runs the gamut for all of them if somebody gets hot they’re absolutely it doesn’t matter what the golf course is they’re capable of of going deep like they are blaming the golf course because Shane Lowry played good is crazy Trot I don’t know what the do they is in reference to what’s that so he he put in there do they question mark you’re going to have to explain that one what I will say is this that when it comes to players being at this super high level I was talking to a caddy out here in Arizona that cat’s for Pro and he was telling me that Charlie Belgian all people right he’s out here in Arizona and he’s like we went out and played and he goes big drinker he he shot the smoothest careless 66 you’d ever see and it’s just like yeah these guys are that freaking good yeah they’re they’re that good so I take nothing away I just think golf is at such a high expertise right now that it is going to be tough for people unless you are gaining that perfect consistency in your game you’re just not going to win and that goes to our take on Xander effing scha okay his middle his middle name is Fu to the SE to the K because yeah that’s right he absolutely me and no he didn’t oh he didn’t here’s the thing no he didn’t and I’m actually really really proud of Xander and really happy for him because Bobby who was on previously as a co-host right Bobby Brown the caddy he is good buddies with Xander and those guys out there in San Diego and he only said the nicest of things about Xander schafle and we used to talk last year about the fact can you so Xander really proud of you man because we were wondering last year we’re like why can’t he get the job done like his game is so good there were really no weaknesses this year I feel like it was a little bit different his putter has been a weakness now for anybody by the way who wants to be like that was a terrible take that was God awful in terms like I wasn’t so concerned based on historical data that’s the only thing we have to go off and there’s a guy did you see the comment that I I uh threw back at this guy that said it was a terrible take did you see what I said I did not and I think you’ll like this I liked it after I said it I don’t even know if I articulated it correctly but I said well here’s the deal bro unfortunately uh uh we don’t come from the future we come from the past and if you’re going to run out what the guy has done over the last few years then you like we’re making an educated guess based on that that that’s it it’s not and I think people get personal with they’re like oh you don’t like Xander yeah and that wasn’t it at all nothing to do with that and what was fun I hope wins when I build out these show notes I put in the odds but I don’t pay attention to them right so when we were live and all of a sudden we’re going down through the list and I see Xander chofay third at plus 1400 I’m thinking to myself what the hell like why is he third aren’t that like Brooks Kea came to mind immediately so like that was the one guy that I’m like he should be ahead of him because he’s a closer one last year he’s won on live he won the last Liv tournament coming into the PGA Championship I’m like he’s got to be the guy that is aead of Xander chafl now Xander was coming in playing very consistent so it wasn’t on the odds being so off from him finishing in the top 20 it was is he going to win this golf tournament right I feel like you’re having a seizure over there what are you talking about what’s funny if people can watch right now butsy is rocking his chair back and forth with authority I’m 100% stable abs abute Authority Amish quality of this chair I mean Amish did make a very solid chair all right getting back to Xander schof the chease man now Xander with this by the way everybody so both Nance and imman brought it up during the broadcast I’ve had to repeat that to people on social media like this is a thing then Xander schafle after the win even said this he goes all those close calls for me and even last week that sort of feeling it gets you at some point it just makes this even sweeter so he knew and he like and I feel like he’d been working with a mental coach because he was in a position where he said after the round I kept telling myself you can do this you are this good like he was giving himself affirmations that normally like a mental coach is going to work with you on okay what was your opinion of Xander beforehand and now what do you think of him we went through this last week when we were I’m G to try to say a big word pontificating uh that’s a great work about you know his ability to close and where he stood in the odds and blah blah blah and we were going off historical data and as of that timing um it looks like he can’t close and I think we pretty much said this we said we’ll see and boom tournament starts lights it on fire as he has many times in the past will he close and he got the monkey office back like good like now now uh if you ask me if Xander’s gonna win I think absolutely like I I think now it’s on kind of deal like yeah he he he crossed a threshold uh for himself somebody called called me out for saying I don’t think he’s going to get the camel off of his back apparently it’s monkey so well what the who cares what kind of animal it is it’s all relative it means the same thing he got the monkey off of his back okay Xander is one of the best players in the world there no doubt about that I’m very proud that he proved us wrong that he closed out that golf tournament but Xander knew that he was having issues closing out golf tournaments Trevor imman as well as um Jim Nance knew that he was having issues closing it out and that was a storyline so it’s not like we were jumping some great type of thing and just being idiots no we’re following what the trend really was and by the way data backs it up so I looked afterwards I’m like all right am I insane like we’re getting beat up from like round number one because he shoots 62 are we absolutely insane what do you think of the eyeball test and what I’ve seen over the past two years from Xander schafle and here’s the thing before the PGA Championship he was ranked 50th on tour in Final Round scoring average his scoring average was 69.1 18 so yes he had a very difficult time closing out golf tournaments that’s why he had so many top 20s throughout the past two years and the other thing is too he’s now currently 24th because he shot a 65 okay so that goes to show you how much it dropped he’s now down to a 68.8 three for final round scoring average so and by the way Xander chofay I don’t think he got enough credit for how well his ball striking was all week oh no the golf course was too easy man oh no it was too easy yeah here was he didn’t play good the golf course was just so simple get this what’s crazy Xander hit 14 out of 18 greens and regulation round one 16 16 for 18 in round two 16 for 18 in round three and 14 for 18 in round four this is just unbelievable it’s unreal what he was able to do and I don’t think people are giving him enough credit for how well he was at ball striking now if he was struggling with potting real quick if he was struggling with potting right in final rounds especially ball striking helped him immensely and he missed a lot of putts he was absolutely dro in in just absolute beautiful approach shots he was just crushing it and he was flag hunting I’ve called him out in the past in the past months last year that he gets it stuck in neutral he goes for too many greens too too much going not aggressive enough yeah not aggressive in a final round to where you have to go out there and win it you can’t just hang on on the PGA tour and he did that this week that’s the key he did that this week and again I couldn’t be any more proud of Xander Schley he absolutely killed it man he and if you’re going to say the camel on his back I would I would kind of revert to camel toe and then I would fast forward to what about elephant moose knuckle Xander has one of the worst moose knuckles out of anybody on tour if you zoom in to some post round coverage I don’t know what kind of underwear this guy’s wearing but I zoomed in several times and I was like oh my God like what’s going on how’s he doing anything I mean his package is just getting raped by whatever under underclothes he’s got on I don’t know I don’t know if I noticed that I did it’s something I look for in all the players it’s something I look at yeah so cuz that’s comfortability okay yeah that’s why I love the plates and pants you’re not going to see a moose knuckle no and his is just gripping the grain like this thing is talled in so anyways U there’s a local Pro local Pro uh Andrew McGee I don’t really want to give him a shout outre MC God he’s a piece of he really is just giant piece of but I liked him growing up as a kid I don’t know him never met him oh yeah I got some funny videos of him I won’t share but he uh he talks about Sheffer being Steep and then he goes to Xander and he talks about Steep and you got everybody these days everybody’s on YouTube yeah how to shallow Oh God you got to shallow the club the one thing he said that that I liked was and and I agree with Xander is just as good if not better a ball Striker than Scotty sheffler I don’t think the data backs set up though I mean I’m gonna have to look into that because I don’t know does the data not back it up or does the putter not back it up like that’s Scotty sher’s Putter’s worse than xanders I mean hasn’t been for a year now like or eight months like I don’t know anyways yeah we’re gonna have to look I I’ll look into that for next week’s show that’s pretty good I like that that’s what I I kind of wanted to mention that I don’t want to give that guy a shout out cuz he uh you just did well he he absolutely berates me every time I post anything on Instagram it’s always a fat joke really yeah no it’s it’s he’s actually very funny wow so anyways carry on yeah runner up Bryson D shamut Bryson day slamb butt we got to talk about it man because you know what Bryson has arrived and he arrived at the Masters but like that was really the first time that I saw him and then he faded obviously but in this golf tournament he was not only entertaining he was a competitor he was mature did you see where he threw the ball into the crowd kid I love go ahead get this you got I have an opinion on this like he did that knowing that there’s publicity behind the purity of calling the ball back and giving it to the kid no you know what did that knowingly I don’t think so because that was in the middle of competition he was dead nuts serious too and he like made sure that the guy came over I that guy came running back did you see the guy was already out of the area Bryson was ped the guy was gone Bryson was pissed and here’s the thing I’ve been tough on Bryson in the past because of all the past transgressions that he had on the PGA tour heard it from numerous caddies I still hear it from Cades that are like oh he was such a piece of [ __ ] imagine intercepting a ball from a little kid knowingly and then running off with it like a real herd piece of [ __ ] Bryson did the right thing there but that was In the Heat of competition so I don’t think he was doing it for the cameras I I was very skeptical when he started doing all the YouTube stuff and started getting on to bobda sports because I could tell he lik it and Paige spanic no I felt like it was a PR move that they’re trying to change his image right oh I see what you and so it was definitely like they were definitely paying for him to be on some of these shows and I got that and I understood it and I’m like okay cool but is he really a changed person and that’s where now I’m convinced that he is that move because the Bryson previously in the middle of competition would have said you to the kid and just kept moving on yeah and wouldn’t have cared yeah you’re probably right about that he didn’t know that there was a camera he’s a changed man he’s a changed man he’s matured man it’s it’s cool to see love seeing people go from being immature they’re [ __ ] whatever and then they mature and then you like you appreciate them more well that that that previous Bryson was what everybody hated and players alike right you’re a super nerd you don’t get it you’re you’re not quite with it and now maybe he’s like okay he didn’t treat people right people like Cobra he treated like [ __ ] the R&D guy he treated like [ __ ] like and I’ve heard this firsthand from the people over at Cobra so I’m like man like that is that’s a tough look right right and that’s not that long ago but the one thing I will say too is that he had a great role model in his dad everybody on the PGA tour loved his dad his dad was a class act just a funny guy that everybody loved he like you you put him in a room and he was the guy right I didn’t know that and just like everybody beloved him Charisma everybody even as much as all the caddies and everybody couldn’t stand Bryson they still loved his dad gotcha so that was he had a great role model in that and again is Bryon and I’m going to ask you this because I want your opinion as an influencer a golf influencer go ahead do you think Bryson is now the needle mover in golf man no yeah no like I think that there’s no needle movers and somebody like him stepping up to fill the spot I think that’s the best of what we got right now I don’t think it’s like the best but if there was a guy I guess that is involved with everybody and speaking to the Common Man and doing all the [ __ ] and yeah maybe he’s starting to win some people over I’m with you yeah I’m with you I don’t think he is moving the need I don’t think anybody else is doing it I don’t think anybody else is giving up enough to to spend the time doing it like like he is well the the follow-up question is who’s bigger right now than Bryson uh I mean it depends on who you ask ask it depends on who you ask if somebody is talking about hey I’m on social media and like I want to watch the most hyped up person that I can that comes across my feed he’s involved in more [ __ ] and he’s up there and he’s more seen um from a playing perspective I don’t know like I I’d still go back to like a Walken like somebody like that it depends on what you’re looking for are you looking for uh the public Outlet where you’re in the public guy and you’re doing all this other [ __ ] and you’re seeing Bryson he’s making a concerted effort for sure to be involved in everything that he possibly can I mean he’s doing the long drive things still like giving those guys credibility which Jesus Christ but yeah and that leads us right into the next commentary around leave Gulf at the BJ Championship oh and the fact that a lot of these live golf like fan accounts have really taken on like because they feel like Taylor gu has been screwed by the man that he hasn’t been accepted and brought into these major championships with an exemption or anything along those lines well that’s the wrong person to get behind in my opinion because that guy like Taylor gu is good of a golfer as he is never won on us soil has not competed well in major championships like guys do your effing research and understand who Taylor gu is and here’s the thing Bryson is a much better person to get behind him Brooks age and I I would say that those two guys him and Brooks Bryson and Brooks are the two guys to get behind as live golf accounts and if you’re going to seem intelligent right Dean burmaster is actually the guy who is playing really really well right now and was in contention over the weekend at the PGA Championship I feel like he could be another guy that you really get behind that doesn’t get as much attention as these other guys so you could really support him but the whole Taylor gu thing I get why they’re trying to get behind him but it’s just unintelligent all of the Taylor gu media and and everything that he’s doing it just it all spirals down and it equals little baby back [ __ ] and that’s kind of where I’m at on the Taylor gu thing you’re just a just kind of a whiny like I don’t know it’s I’m just out on that well he he’s shown his true colors through his whininess and everything and here’s the crazy thing that he’s been on the most amount of live golf team so far he was on the four races to begin with four races wanted nothing to do of them got rid of them goes over to the range goats then he gets traded for one of the worst players on live golf why is that at the end of the year so I didn’t know and that’s the thing I don’t know Taylor gu but I interacted with the range coat social media yeah and I was like how do you trade your the best player in Liv golf for literally one of the worst and like they were Koy about it and then I threw out there I go are you saying that Taylor G peaked and is no longer like relevant or something along those lines and you don’t like being around them and they literally said yes and they like the comment oh I’m like oh [ __ ] okay so there is I’m like there you have it folks so Taylor gu not the guy you want to get behind as a as a live golf fan account as a troll whatever you are don’t that’s not the guy last name is behind the other guys lives up to the GU all right let’s go through a quick leaderboard rundown of the PGA Championship Victor hin this was in my opinion the best story of the PJ Championship outside of obviously Xander shley winning outside of Scotty sheffler getting arrested outside of Bryson D Shambo really becoming a fan favorite a lot of lot it’s actually a lot of um but Victor hoveland finishes third he had a chance to tie with Bryson for second place uh missed the birdie Putt and then he was just out of it missed the F the comebacker and finished third at 18 under so two shots back or three shots back of the winner two shots back of Bryson but he almost wed deed before the PGA Championship that’s how bad B his play was leading into the PGA Championship went back to his instructor mayo and because he had after last year’s win he wanted to revamp his golf swing it’s the dumbest thing that Pros do they want to revamp their golf swing because they’re searching for Perfection got to blame it on something there’s no perfection in golf and so for Victor went back they worked on his old mechanics and we saw what happened all of a sudden Victor hoveland had a chance to win the PGA Championship which is a lesson for anybody that is an aspiring golfer out there okay if you’re an aspiring golfer and you get to the PGA Tour level remember what got you there because works if your golf swing works that well to get you there you’re in the top like Point 1% okay with that you just need to perfect what you have which which means building consistency around it yeah and that’s where Victor hovin I think he made a huge mistake if he had just focused on those fundamentals that got him there and really honed in on creating a more and more consistent golf swing rather than trying to change things he wouldn’t have gone through the slump that he did I was very high on Victor hoveland coming into this year and it was very disappointing to see his play so far up until this this was a shocker yeah there’s a lull we have to change something nobody expected dude you don’t have to change anything nobody expected him this week and again why mess with your swing at the highest level tiger showed that his greatness because totally revamped his swing not once not twice not three times like it’s kind of crazy that tiger was able to still win major championships like that well that just lends to how good he actually was seriously it really does yeah guy could you know give him any swing you want he’s going to get the job done but that was actually my favorite story line out of the PJ Championship then you got Thomas dietre you know anything about Thomas dietre I don’t have a single clue who Thomas drie is I don’t know anything about him so me I don’t I don’t have that in my notes but I’m pretty sure I saw German flag T4 oh yeah minus 15 and oh he played in the tournament oh yeah there you go you are feeding the haters right now there you go come at us had no idea so Thomas dietre he’s got one of these swings that you’re just like holy [ __ ] how does this guy not compete week in and week out it is a beautiful thing of art like get this guy in the L and Thomas dietry is goingon to be around so expect him to be around on leaderboards in the future okay that’s for that’s a little tip for the betting guys that are out there now ker morawa guess who was high on him last week morawa me yes you were yeah so he’s got the game he’s long enough we didn’t clip the part where I was like watch out for Colin morawa because he played well at the Masters he’s been super consistent played well at qual Hollow now Colin morawa even though he finished T4 poor guy couldn’t make a putt to save his life his putter went ice cold on Sunday do you know he hit 16 of 18 greens and only made one birdie butter is ice cold that’s tough man so the game was there the game was 100% there might and what’s crazy is he’s sitting there going I’ve been playing with my B and C game yeah so imagine the confidence when he starts to feel like oh I’m getting some aame aame ball striking shown up and this ball is just not going in the hole unreal man golf that’s golf it’s golf God damn is it ever um I do want want to go back before we finish up with the PJ Championship yeah to where we began was it with well we actually started with Scotty sheer by Xander Schley okay for the people that were like well he closed it out he did fantastic I’m gonna have a little bit of a moment here because did you see the final putt butsy the little uh heel rim job in the hole heel pole good catch hole that’s what my buddies say when all of a sudden you miss a putt and you the hole catches the ball but you know what the gravity of the situation and like we said everything that has built up to him being able to close don’t really fault the guy for making a weird stroke there and the fact that it’s totally with you 100% here’s here’s here’s where I’m going with this here’s where I’m going with this because his putter if you watched his round Sunday he made a few big pots yeah okay but he missed a lot of thought it should have been made yeah he should have won by probably five or six mhm barely got it done is what you’re saying barely scrape by it’s these selters man they add so much gas yeah by the way weoa Golf Club some of the best wings on the planet solid solid wings I do have to agree they gave us some complimentary before the show fantastic might have added a little bit of gas to my boy here but we’re going to be doing just fine as We Roll Along long because we got more to the show folks we’re almost an hour in an hour in and I’m going to give you a uh 8 to 10 minute piss warning we got 8 to 10 minutes before but’s got a piss and we are not far from the bathroom here any questions guys and like I’m surprised with this chat that and we invited all the guys who were [ __ ] on us on it was mainly Instagram and Tik Tok yeah there was a lot of people Twitter actually I was surprised Twitter was just like we understand your take which means that there’s a lot of smart people on Twitter that understood it but on Instagram and Tik Tok had a lot of lot of haters on there we didn’t say that he wasn’t going to be there no we said he’s going to be there I think no you know what it was it was how I looked at the notes yeah and like it looked like I scripted that what the Xander schafle like are you kidding me it was kind of like one of those like I watched the video over and over again to see where people could possibly be taking this out of context and I’m like do you guys realize that all I was saying is that he he’s had a very difficult time closing and I don’t think he’s going to close at the PJ champ based on historical data and guess what it was the perfect setup for Xander and he did it and you text me like we couldn’t have been happier I was yeah I was like because yeah he got it done godamn I text you Sunday I go I go I can’t wait for him to win we’re going to get so much heat but I don’t care because this is awesome I hope he gets the monkey off of his back no comments I don’t see any comment or is it not updating I mean that’s we’ve got 333 on right now which actually seems a little bit light might be because the internet issues but uh man W I don’t know like there there’s people on Twitter guys let us know Twitter folk YouTube let us know if you’re still there just add a com everybody’s got an opinion until they I know need to have an opinion and then they’re like it’s not worth it that’s what’s interesting here all right [ __ ] [ __ ] until P you guys add some more comments here we go [ __ ] boys we’re going to preview the Charles Schwab challenge okay this is that Colonial Country Club in for Fort Worth Texas designed by out your bat per Mox okay I don’t know either of those designers do you no I’ve never heard of courses that they’ve done they must be good um but recent Renovations began in 20123 by none other than Gil Hans feel like Gil Hance is like the modern-day golf AR architect that everybody everybody goes to him for like a renovation not to be confused with Jim N no Gil H Gil H good old Gil hands but this is a course at par 70 7289 so it’s not the longest thing that’s out there and that’s where I’m like you know some guys that are shorter hitters are going to have a good opportunity this week is my guy nap playing I don’t think so I really want to just I didn’t see him stand behind him like a totem pole you know I I should have thrown you under the bus and thrown that up on Instagram oh my my uh my pics yeah yeah Woodland actually was looking all right there for a minute T 29th at one point yeah what do you finish if I know oh here we go C Barn guys good old Kyle throws in there that Scotty is winning for sure so let’s not get into the gambling yet we’re gonna get in because I do not want buty to know where I’m going with my bets this week as we’re going to compete against each other here um but let’s talk about the course a little bit have you ever heard of the horrible horseshoe nope say that five times fast horrible horseshoe horrible Hors horrible hor she okay is that the princess from are we having a Disney week this week tell that that is I can’t even look at you it’s fine don’t worry about and Kyle you got to spell Scotty correctly it’s no why there it’s not a y it’s an ie I do the same thing so that’s why I got to call you out Kyle actually jumped his scooter for the first time this week know we’ll get into it I’ll show you video pretty sick all right horrible horseshoe it’s the third hole fourth hole fifth hole the fifth hole is their iconic hole okay is Charles there is Charles here Charles who’s Charles what’s the hole called the Dirty horseshoe it’s it’s the horrible horseshoe horrible horseshoe oh there’s Charles play coming down the stret what hole is it there we go Fifth Fifth hole pa pa pa pa paw triple bog 80 yards ride trying to find it [ __ ] can’t find it’s a 481 Y3 got a p in Jordan will play this whole cran it demands precision and strategy to navigate it successfully okay and he did he majored in English believe it or not lay up bust a hoes ass Magic Johnson a that’s how I’m working the way back from the fifth hole which is the iconic hole the fourth hole is a 247 Yard part three I hate long holes long part 3es hate them make a really good you don’t like long part50 Yard part three how do you do that look at Marion maran’s got part 3es that are like 150 160 yards you’ve got uh Saw Grass that has the 17th hole like all the iconic part 3 that you ever know are shorter par 3s it’s phenomenal gosh I’d like to see like a 345 Yard part three [ __ ] that part Island third hole 483 yard Par Four dog leg left we got golfers that must hit an aggressive and accurate t- shot there so that’s great for them so watch out for three four and five this week Folks at Colonial the dirty horseshoe it’s it’s the horrible horseshoe dirty dirty dirty and then do you remember last year the winner was Amano gillo he hit it over into the creek and all that stuff yeah was that true he was deported after that tournament didn’t have a Visa did yeah Green Card it got banned after that that’s not true before people start running with that that’s not that’s not accurate okay all right field analysis this is actually a stronger field because a lot of players live in Texas and this is obviously happening in Fort Worth in the Dallas area so 23 out of the top 50 players I know official world golf rankings but that’s what we’re going off of here okay Scotty sheffler favorite to win plus 270 Teddy’s going to be on the bag all week no court arraignment so he’s got that postponed until June yeah thank God then you got Colin morawa at plus 1200 we got Jordan spe Hometown favorite there in Dallas plus 2,000 I like that pick we got Max hom plus 2200 we got Tony feno at plus 3,000 SEIU Kim at plus 3,300 Harris English a plus 3500 sunj minwoo Brian Harmon plus 4,000 Denny McCarthy rounding it out at plus 4500 your faor has Harmon played good there do we know he has cuz I don’t mind the Harmon pick and and this is one of the courses that is not going to overpower Brian Harmon okay okay so then we got notables okay Tom Kim and Billy horel plus 5500 Adam Scott OE ba and Justin Rose plus 6,000 we got Keegan Bradley plus 6,500 we got Ricky Fowler as a notable at plus 9,000 that’s my guy so I want you to give me a your five picks for the top 20 oh five is going to be tough but all right give me your pick uh I think so I’m definitely throwing Fowler in the mix Jay be probably number one okay yeah that’s your two uh Kim I don’t know I think he’s there sheffler wait which Kim C or Tom C okay yeah C pickle Kim whatever dude I can’t keep the Kim there’s a lot of Kim there’s a lot of yeah they all grew up with their dad beating the [ __ ] out of anyways sorry you don’t hit rainball today you don’t eat okay that’s it um sorry so yeah beyond that Sheffer where am I at on sheffler this week I think sheffler finishes in the the top 10 I do have him finishing the top 10 I don’t think he’s going to win I don’t think he’ll be in the top five um outside of that dude it’s tough I I I’m I’m at kind of a loss for the other the other two here to be honest with you I don’t want to inaccurately pick somebody I’m not versed enough to to make that call here here’s my big one for the week K Mora CWA why so he has been trending in the right direction his game is in form if he’s thinking that his game right now is a b or a c if he finds that a gear he’s going to be Untouchable the Potter isn’t going to stay cold forever he had been puttting really well up until the final round so I feel like that’s going to come back these greens aren’t as difficult he’s going to have a really good week think 16 of 18 greens and making nothing is going to pop in his head this week yeah and here’s the thing if you’re not first you’re last well yeah we gotta kilo Colombian Bam Bam taped to the bottom of this car Ricky and that’s from Kyle over at C Barn guys so KY Mora is my guy this week my second pick is Scotty shuffler OB obviously because Mr consistency I think he’s going to come out I think he’s going to play absolutely fine this week it’s in Texas I think he’s going to be absolutely fun then here’s a surprise Oh Billy horel you know where Barry I watch Sanders finished last week Billy horel Billy horel just celebrated his wife being sober for like seven years it’s a big deal which means he’s probably the most controlling overbearing on the planet to get her to change her lifestyle enough to not drink beer for that long so I’m not so sure man maybe a bit of a control freak I don’t know if Billy horse you that’s your Dark Horse well here’s the thing because Micah fugit who’s been on the podcast before is Billy horel caddy so Billy horse was a great guy great guy actually a sweetheart off of the course okay and just a super nice guy seems like a controller I don’t know I’d have to meet him well there you go so but Billy horel he finished in the top 10 last week top 10 yeah and that was a surprise he came out of nowhere finished top 10 so I like Billy H horel to be my third pick this week top 20s is what we’re talking about here Tom Kim I do like him as well and then how can you really go against Jordan spe in Texas especially in for worth that’s that’s who I’m putting money on I’ll be right back yeah love that okay so we went through the picks now we’re going to get into the swanie style segment in a minute but uh audience go ahead and this is your time throw in some comments let’s chat it up a little bit as busy goes and uses the pisser okay and apparently I was out in the sun because I’m looking a little red around here and that’s just fine but um before we get to the swanie style segment we I would love for some additional comments to roll in any questions you guys have around anything that we’ve talked about on the show or otherwise at this point so I will go ahead and wait golfer HD the sunset was amazing and you’re not wrong it was incredible out here I couldn’t really see so we’re facing away from the sunset behind us but yeah it was uh it was pretty special I caught it in the uh in our monitor a couple times that I’m like whoa this is happening right now so hopefully we’ve got a really cool uh video portion for the podcast that will come out now I’ve gotten into the Habit with the podcast episodes to where I won’t edit it tonight I will go in tomorrow morning and do some edits and so forth it’ll come out around 12:00 pm Pacific time and we got the man myth Engine Back Charles Barkley everybody how’s everybody doing the piss was good 3080 squirts hit the bowl let me tell you something folks and and my people out there that like to enjoy a cold one there is not especially on a podcast and I know you hate it why the are you leaving the goddamn set but we’re trying to run a show here but not many things in this world as Blissful as dropping a hot piss when you’ve been holding it for a while and you got a couple of cold Boys in you that’s valid absolutely godamn that was your spot on nobody in there you might want to get that prostate jacked no and c Kyle throws in from cart bar guys when Nature Calls yeah you just go in there and you fire one off there was actually a little bit of a biscuit in the bottom of the bowl and I was able to successfully uh didn’t piss on yourself huh no but there was this you could tell had been there for a while when and where is the pro live vers anti live troll Invitational where’s he been yeah where have you been we’ve been talking [ __ ] all but uh anti will’ll get to that in a little bit we’re going to leave that for the end of the episode we actually we talked about it beforehand because it wasn’t in the show notes and butsy here was like we got to talk about it right I’m like sure 100% it’s a must it’s become part of the deal it really has uh but let’s get into the swanie style segment here first folks which uh swanes once again they have dropped a brand new collection called Split Rock now this is my are you ready for summer look because they’ve got swim trunks in there I’ve ordered the swim trunks they’ve got t-shirts that uh a good old Trot golfer brought up because they have swanes in their Golf Shop what the hell are you doing right now on my phone what happened to it oh never mindry special special times here in the swan style segment but that Split Rock collection folks you can even get your your woman some gear if she plays golf there is some awesome awesome women’s gear in there as well you’ll get laid but before we do get into the rest of this segment purple maze Hayes do you know what that means from uh CB bar guys uh outside of the obvious oh and live has to be Dutch what pass the duchy on the left- hand side is that what we’re doing here what all right are we talking about weed I think so I we’re talking about a little bit of yeah hell yeah purple maze Haze I could never Smoke on the show you know how Joe Rogan Smokes on his show from time to time how do you know that I would like to you know we might need to try that I don’t want to not be good you don’t know that maybe it’s in your head it could be but I it could be incredibly entertaining get super sleepy I mean are you open to it I I would be open to one episode where you got a little blunt Dutch from hang on here we go so oh okay I I’m getting this now so buty you were there Kyle says Dutch from grass clippings called him purple ma hay that’s pretty good okay that makes a lot more sense and uh there’s a lot of people out there handing out mushrooms and all kinds of [ __ ] that day I don’t know that was a weird day dude I tell you what that grass clippings yeah you can get Mass it out there that is a deal that is a deal yeah get yourself an acid drop and some mushrooms before you play your golf hit 140 yard shots come on get it say rock collection by Swan’s call absolutely incredible um I ordered some stuff it’s going to be coming I’m gonna I’m actually either you going to catch an Instagram image of me at a on a boat or on a lake or in a pool wearing this stuff because I got the shirt I got a cool hat they got swim trunks on there and I ordered some swim trun really yeah part of my order this month can you throw those up can we see what that looks like no okay me in the face no because I don’t have a keyboard so whenever I have a table in front of me I can pull stuff up I can’t tonight unfortunately like Ai and never mind so part of this SW style seg we’re going to talk about the PJ Championship style which I didn’t see a whole lot of but I do want to ask you do you like the polo zipper that Xander was wearing from uh whatever brand that is disante or whatever yeah it’s pretty I’m Jason day all the way I’d rather see the uh columia full windbreaker Colombian drug lord look than a high and tight uh Pilates instructor Xander with the huge moose knuckle but it was like it was like a zipper for his Polo no I know it’s like that was cool there was a time so I remember this this was like 2000 to 2002 maybe a two-year period where the zipper made its debut and and it was on sport Tech style polos and there was a bunch of colorful crazy prints you used to have remember like you used to have like down the back you’d have like stripes and then like that was like where the tech Polo zebra okay well that’s what it looked like you’re right yeah but anyways the zipper zippers are for strippers leave that for them yeah all right fair enough yeah wasn’t a fan either the Nike golf shoes also I felt like looked like somebody [ __ ] on him sorry I’m supposed to wait right we talked about this look like somebody dropped a deuce on these shoes was perfect I I put mud in the show notes and you’re just like somebody [ __ ] on the side of their Spike yeah no it did it looked like somebody [ __ ] on the side of their Spike yeah and uh yeah yeah great closeup oh I see what they were going for back up 10 yards uh you going to clean those no no bro they they came it looked terrible at camera like I’m sure these look great in person like super up close like in the lab when they’re making them they do they probably look awesome and the shoe people out there and they’ll go on stockx for God knows how much money if you have a pair but uh in real life IRL as the kids say they looked like somebody just sprayed diarrhea at them really did not a good look yeah we’re not going to be seeing any YouTube golfers wearing those that’s for sure no probably you know what we need to get a clip of what this is I know this is outside your realm but if you’re able to edit all of the the disgusting burps into the microphone for for one clip that might be pretty good it’s too much it would be we we might actually make some money off of it because the ASMR that’s what I’m saying yeah people you know how many weirdos be like yeah oh yeah keep playing those bir and then they play it again they’ be like yeah they be like [ __ ] weird all right yeah guys it’s time it’s time where’s anti live where the are you because this is time we’re not getting into the tournament yet but we are going to talk about mad8 D wow I can tell you’re trying to skip over [ __ ] you’re like hey no I’m just keeping it moving cuz we’re an hour and 15 in and we got to uh piff yet we got a couple more beers piff the Magic Dragon we’re out here on our own on on the reservation we’re on the reservation tonight so could get a little sketch I heard the coyotes before we went on air before you showed up they they definitely found themselves a snack okay PJ D B Madness it continues folks so once again we’re going to draw out this timeline first Rory mroy gets announced he’s back on the board right then he’s not on the board all the players that were on the board were like hell no Rory we do not want Rory back then they’re like hey we’re going to do a little concession I got confession to me okay they throw Rory onto this negotiation group that’s going to deal with so he’s back he he’s back in like a negotiation group okay with piff but why because he wants to get a deal done and nobody else does there you go that’s what it is then Jimmy Dunn resigns the Monday before the PGA Championship you think that that was by chance no no Rory even got asked in his press conference what do you think about this well Rory and Jimmy Dum were good buddies he said that the PJ tour is worse off with with Jimmy Dunn off the board then we got a Lucas Glover sighting folks remember him oh I saw his his compliments yeah Lucas Glover lashes out against the PJ tour players that are player directors and goes we have no business and I would like to actually put this in proper terms we have no business having the majority of the board we’re golfers we’re not businessmen that know how to deal with this [ __ ] Lucas is the last guy that should be saying anything though didn’t his wife beat the [ __ ] out of him because he played bad for a year like didn’t didn’t like didn’t his wife pretty much own his life because he played bad I I cannot confirm nor deny but I do recall no that happened no I I actually I have to agree with you that he got bered I did not that he got bered by his wife no he got beaten no he did not get beaten physically no it was about the face head neck shoulders and breast I might have to end the show right there sorry he did oh my God all about the face neck head shoulders and breast you did do some research I do app no I remember it yeah you remember in my stup I remember you read the show notes and we’re like let me look up Lucas Glover no I just knew that that was just yeah weird [ __ ] LC no but he is correct he is correct he is correct sorry players have no business handling these negotiations and then we’ve got John ROM who we talked about this last week Aaron overholser who’s a very calm polite guy and ROM goes just so that we have this on record ROM says you guys keep saying the other side but I’m still a PGA Tour member whether suspended or not I still want to support the PGA Tour and I think that’s an important distinction to make I don’t feel like I’m on the other side I’m just not playing there that’s at least personally which here’s the thing we need to wake up Mr John yeah but John ROM I get it I get what he was trying to say it just didn’t work in that moment oh no hang on state just keep talking we’re good we’re good we got a little bit of [ __ ] is falling there you go just leave that there well no I would just leave it yep just bring it in there perfect oh my oh my God no what are you talking about oh my God everything’s fine everything is falling apart I feel like we’re going to get eaten by Coyotes out here oh it’s [ __ ] fine they don’t want you so we got Rob saying thater hoser wants to ring his neck through the TV that’s a very tough thing to do by the way you got to kind of figure out like some Physics there in order to be able to accomplish overh so ain’t ringing [ __ ] John Ron would beat the living out of Aaron H I have to agree I mean come on and here’s the other thing about all of this do we do we really need golf to be unified right now what do you think no and I think the whole point is we get to sit here and have this conversation and everybody gets to be pissed off every day and take sides and the whole point that you get to take sides and nobody sees it from the top down right zom his chairs see that’s the type of [ __ ] needs to go into the clip oh one more my point is we’re gonna have an only fans this podcast with just butsy burps entire this entire thing for the last 3 years is going to go down in history I think as one of the biggest publicity stunts that ever happened to golf and you have people that are fighting each other oh the game’s ruined you know I I just want to watch golf or bring it back to what it was or I don’t want to pick sides the fact that you’re even having the conversation puts you in the mix that’s volatile and that’s good for business that’s what I think it’s being talked about a lot that’s what I think which Hollywood and PR agencies would tell you good good or bad who yeah that was whoa we had a little Michael J fox glitch with the iPad I it’s it’s it’s a conspiracy theory people are trying to this episode for us oh god um here’s the thing somebody get this guy a neurologist he might have Parkinson PR agencies or Hollywood will say any PR is good PR even if it’s negative because they’re talking about you exactly and I have to agree with you that I don’t think this has been necessarily a bad thing no it has gotten a lot of talking points golf used to be very boring especially to talk about and when all of this started going down that’s when I was like you know need to start a podcast because we need to be able to talk about this stuff people that never had an emotion about professional golf because there was one game in town and that’s what they laid on their couch and watched their hangover Sunday and watched whoever won win uh did now they have something to be excited about they have something to have an opinion on whether it’s good or bad you have live you can hate on them you can love them either way you’re in the conversation and if you’re in the conversation you weren’t before and they’re winning I agree that’s the deal I agree and I don’t think that we need golf to be unified I think fans are getting a little sick of the all the [ __ ] and I think if media we kind of Corral that in a little bit and stop being being so jaded towards one side I think we’ll be in a much better place well that is going to wrap it up tonight folks so once again we want to thank our sponsor Swan’s gol there is a giveaway going on worth over $250 worth of Swan’s gear on Instagram go to the pull hook golf page it is pinned there you need to follow P hook golf you need to follow Swan’s Golf and then you need to tag your for orome that you would play golf with on an ongoing basis to that post that will make you eligible for potentially winning this contest jaang and if you don’t want to wait utilize P hook golf 25 at checkout for 25% off your entire order at swan. they just dropped their brand new collection called Split Rock that wraps it up folks and we will see you next week same bat Time same bat Channel and uh make sure to be part of the show thanks for being here peace every great time tonight we [Music]

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