Golf Players

Learn How To Start Your Downswing Like A Pro By Using Your Feet Like This…

Get connected your lower body movement in the golf swing by focusing on these key feels through your feet. Learn how to use your legs and hips just like you see from the best players in the world with golf instructor Chris Tyler

0:00 – Intro
1:00 – The adaptive swing
3:47 – Step 1 – Loading the backswing
7:55 – Step 2 – Starting the downswing
11:44 – Blending the movement
16:37 – Adding the club
18:42 – How to practice
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when you leave today’s video every single one of you is going to have a pathway to be able to move your body in a way where you can start from a static address position and you can go through the load processes and the unload processes and get your downswing started the correct way without creating some of those catastrophic faults every single one of you is going to be able to do that movement from beginning to end now inside of this video is going to be a lot of details but these details are going to get boiled down into some really simple little Focus points that are going to make it easier for you to be able to create movement and a lot of this is going to be done through what you’re feeling through your feet and a little visual of where your hips are in space if you follow this plan you’re going to be able to move very dynamically very athletically and you’re going to be able to start laying down the foundation for the rest of your golfing lives now as you start to go forward in this journey remember this is that I don’t want this movement to be a very technically minded movement for those of you that are just joining us on this channel or joining us on the website you know that in the Adaptive swing that I teach we have three very important segments of the golf swing that we like to basically describe where your speed and where your sequence is all about if you think about this section that’s from my belt line down this is your speed zone this is where we want the golf club moving its fastest and the body moving its slowest and that midsection between chest tight to chest height down to the start of the speed zone is what we call our acceleration Zone this is where we really start to get on the gas this is where the hands and arms are going really really quickly in the swing and then that top piece that final piece is basically what we’re going to be working on today that slow Zone that slow zone is where we start to change the direction of the golf swing this is where we start to get things set up for success in the downswing and a lot of you at home start to try to rush through this position and that’s what gets you into trouble in the first place think about the golf swing as being fast but fast in the right spots if you can grab a hold of that sort of analogy then it makes the whole process of building your golf swing a whole lot easier over the Long Haul now I get this question a lot should I in my golf swing when I make my takeaway in my back swing have my lead heel up off the ground and the same thing in the downswing should I have my trail heel up off the ground at the point of contact my answer back to that is of course that’s okay if you need that help to be able to create movement think about what lifting your heels up really does in your golf swing so if you were to stand up vertically and you were just to lift your lead heel up lift your Trail heel up and not thinking about a golf swing at all but you just do this back and forth you can see that I create a substantial amount of horizontal movement and what it also does is it helps you when you start to stay a little bit more centered free up your hips to allow them to rotate we want the hips to rotate somewhere between 35 and 45° on both sides of the golf ball 35 to 45° closed to 35 to 45° open that’s roughly 90° of movement from a neutral pelvic position at a dress that’s it’s a lot of movement so what we’re going to do is we’re going to help you find that blend and we’re going to do that by feeling the pressure through our feet and feeling what it’s like to rotate your hips back into the depth dimension of the Swing now when you hear me say that depth Dimension word I know a lot of you get confused by this but a good visual for you a lot at home is if you were to set up at a dress and you draw a line straight up from the center of my ankle up the outside of my body from a Down the Line perspective everything behind that line is going to be considered your depth Dimension a lot of times what people do is they set up with their weight too far forward in their feet or they have improper balance or they have very limited mobility in their hips and they’ll start to try to rotate their hips but their hips never actually rotate properly what we’re going to do is we’re going to think about getting our right hip socket or our Trail hip socket rotated back into the depth dimension of the Swing now when we do that we’re going to be focusing in on increasing the pressure upwards of 90% at first now I know a lot you at home may feel like that’s just way too much but remember we’re starting with Baseline movement in order for you to be able to get movement back in the other direction you need to feel a significant change in pressure through your feet in order to be able to start giving yourself something to move off of so the first part of this drill what I want you to do is I want you to have a golf ball down on the ground and I want you to have it positioned off of your lead ear off of the logo on your chest okay this is for a stock ball position for stock shots okay we’re going to be in in our normal setup here so we want to make sure our setup is good and we’re going to make sure that we feel 50/50 at a dress now the big key to your success with using your lower body is not to feel like you’re stuck in the ground but to feel like you have some freedom of movement so you want to be able to feel a little bit of shuffling around from your lower half you don’t want to feel Frozen so I want you to feel like you can kind of move your feet around and I want you to feel as you’re doing this that a bulk of your pressure is going to be positioned more or less underneath your ankle joints now if you were to take your arms and cross them over your shoulders what I want you to do is I want you to start to push down in your Trail ankle so if you have 50/50 out of dress I want you to feel somewhere about 70 to 80% you’re going to notice that my head is moving off the ball now as I start to make that pressure onto my trail ankle I want you to think about that line that’s coming up the side of your body and I want you to pull your right hip back into the depth dimension of the swing and I want you to turn your body simultaneously and what you should feel is that your foot is now 80% or 90% of your weight is now parked underneath your ankle that body turn and that hip rotation should feel like it’s screwing your foot into the ground now a lot of times I get people that are worried about the weight getting to the outside part of their foot and they start to really try to keep the weight to the inside portion of the foot that’s not necessarily what I would consider a good safe move on the body it’s not going to allow you to shift and rotate the hips properly so what you want to remember is that at your address position your stance width should be a fraction wider than the width of your pelvis and so because your legs are coming off of your pelvis at a tilt here your weight should be more to the interior part of your feet now as you start to shift your foot should feel like it flattens to the ground very key piece here you don’t want to get on the outside part of the foot during any part of the load and rotational process of the golf swing so if you notice that your weight is getting on the outside part from all that horizontal movement then you’re going to want to feel more rotational movement if you feel like your weight’s getting on the outside part of the foot because you rotated too much then you want to feel a little bit more pressure increased to that side by feeling more horizontal movement That’s The Balancing Act that exists in this stuff okay so what we’re going to do is we’re going to do 20 reps at first where we work on pushing down in the trail ankle pulling the trail hip back into depth simultaneously and turning our our body as much as we possibly can I like to feel like you’re turning your rib cages like the source of your body rotation so we’re going to do 20 reps good setup position okay we’re going to be shuffling our feet a little bit so we’re going back in forth between 50/50 the first move is going to be press down in the trail ankle even if you’re shifting a little bit too far okay pull the trail hip back into depth and turn your rib cage as much as you possibly can push down pull the hip back turn you should feel like your ankle is getting screwed into the ground as your body turns over onto that trail side so it’s 80 to 90% turn my hips so I’m pulling that right hip back behind the depth line now we’re going to start the hard stuff now what we’re going to be doing here is we’re going to be working into the transition getting our weight moved from the trail side of our body over to the lead side of our body what we’re going to look for as an end result here is we want about 90% or 80 to 90% of our weight underneath our Trail foot to now turn into about 80% of your weight underneath your lead foot your hips are going to come back from a closed position of 35 to 45° to a square position now I say Square because next week I’m going to teach you how to add in the post up and the stability as you start to let the club move through the hitting area that’s going to help bring this whole thing together so remember the goal is is to get 90% of your weight from your Trail foot over to 80% under your lead foot now to make this whole process a whole lot easier on you what I want you to remember is is that when you load it into your Trail side your Trail hip has now moved back into the depth dimension of the Swing if you were to think about keeping your Trail hip back there okay not letting it start to move forward and you were to start thinking about I’m going to get my pressure over to my lead foot and I’m going to think about 80 to 90% And you focus on where it lands it’s going to make the whole process of what actually is going to be taking place from your lead leg and your lead hip a whole lot easier to manage I want you to think about this for a second if you were to pitch a baseball and you stood on your back leg and you lift your lead leg and you start to stride towards home plate your left leg begins to externally rotate towards the target this is what we call inter internal femur rotation now thinking about internal femur rotation and also horizontal movement at the same time is a lot to think about but think about what I’ve been telling you since the start of this video is our job is to think about the pressure through our feet and if you think about where the weight lands in the foot then that’s going to make the hips actually work dynamically and work for you take a ride with me for a second from this position if I rotate and load into my trail side if I allow my weight when I start to shift onto my lead side to go to the forward part of my foot up here in the ball of my foot or my toes then my pelvis is not actually unwinding my hips are doing what we call a closed hip slide this is a very common move that a lot of you battle with so to offset that if I think about my weight moving now underneath my lead ankle joint as I start to allow my whole body to fall onto my lead leg youve now just made the hardest move in the golf swing a whole lot simpler think about that word fall now for years we’ve talked about different ways to get your weight moving onto your lead side one of the big things that gets people into trouble is that they get onto this Trail side and then they just start pushing really hard that push movement is what gets you into extension it gets you out past neutral and it causes you to spin out I don’t want you to think about pushing off that trail leg I want you to think about falling off of that trail leg if you think about falling off of that trail leg and getting your weight to land underneath your ankle joint your hips are going to move in a perfect blend of horizontal and rotational movement so how I want you to do this is I want you to go ahead and take your setup I want you to make that same pressure shift onto your Trail side pull your hip back into depth and I want you to keep that trail hip back into depth and I want you just to start falling onto your lead side while you hold that trail hip back what you’re going to notice is is that my hips are still a little bit closed here okay you can see that my hips are closed maybe 10° now but I can feel a lot of my pressure on my lead foot I can see that my upper body has gone a little bit too far as well I’m out in front of where I started at a dress but that feel is what I want you to grab a hold of we’re going to make it a lot easier for you to manage here in just a second so let me show you how to bring this together so the first thing that we want to do is think about the pressure trace the pressure moving under my trail foot and my hip rotating back into depth I’m going to keep this Trail hip back into depth okay and now I’m going to take a 80 to 90% of my weight let’s call it 80 and park it underneath my lead ankle that’s forcing the hips to start to actually open back up a little bit now they’re not fully back to square and the reason for that is is because I’m restricting my trail Sid so much now if I do that same movement and I allow my trail hip to come back to the starting point now I’ve just made that whole movement come to light and what you’re going to look for here as your finish position is you want 80 to 90% of your weight parked underneath your lead ankle your lead hip socket and your lead knee and your lead ankle should form a straight line with one another and if you look at the outer portion of my back when I make this movement you should see that it forms a fairly straight line it’s not big tilted way right and the reason for that is is that all of that axis tilt or that spine tilt and your shoulders unwinding is what’s making it harder for you to transfer real real weight when you watch the golf swing we call it reentering which is my least favorite term in the world of golf instruction is that you’re going to notice that the center of the pelvis and the body move a substantial amount in front of where it was at a dress a substantial amount not a small amount a substantial amount so you see it move a little bit off the ball and a giant amount in front that’s what gets you transferred into your lead side gets you in position to be able to control the low point but also makes your golf swing a whole lot more efficient so think about what I’m saying to you you’re going to use your feet and the visuals of the depth as a way to be able to get your hips to move dynamically pretty crazy right so now do this with me stand up at home and do 10 reps where you’re going to go ahead and press down in your Trail ankle okay pull the hip back into depth keep your hip back into depth and start falling onto your lead ankle where you have 80 to 90% of your weight so you’re going to see that your head and everything comes back out in front of the golf ball you got way too much weight over here I get it but now do some reps where you allow your Trail hip to start to move back towards its original position now what you’re going to see is that oh gosh I’m actually starting to sit down I’ve kind of made that little initial squat that you see all the playing professionals do and as I start to let that trail hip come forward now it’s easier to balance out that horizontal movement you’re going to use the golf ball as your reference point when you start picking up the pace here your head in the golf swing should move off the ball a small amount in transition when you do it right it’s going to move a quite a bit of front of it right but to balance that out and not let it move in front of it you need to allow the horizontal movement to have some offset to it allowing the hips to rotate so you’re holding it in place to get the weight shifted you’re allowing the hip to come back to finish off the dynamic movement there to get it into the right spot now as you start to go and get more and more reps under your belt and you start to do this with some fluidity then we want to bring the arms and the golf club back to the mix so I’m going to demonstrate how I want you to practice this now okay so here we go so pressure pull the right hip back keep the right hip back okay that’s a good rep so 80 to 90% of your weight underneath your lead ankle with keeping your Trail hip back so you can see it’s forcing this lead leg to start to externally rotate just by getting my weight to go back towards my lead ankle my lead heel area okay 10 reps done let’s do 10 reps now where the trail hip starts to come forward as I start to make my movement back onto my lead side to dial this in now the key or the focus Point here is remember 80% now underneath your lead ankle hips back to square your head position should be back to originally where it started out of dress okay so here we go okay so hips are square 80% of my weight under my lead ankle okay I’ve got my head back in its original position okay as you start doing these reps you can do them in fluidity so hold that right hip back as you start to fall let the trail hip come forward as you start to get better and better with this you’re not going to have to hold that trail hip back as you start making your move onto your lead side because now you know that as you start to get your weight moving onto your lead foot you’re not pushing off of that leg and you’re not running yourself into extension you can kind of see the method to the madness here now in this final step of the drill this is where we’re going to bring the Golf Club back in the mix the focus points are going to remain the same but what I want you to remember is is that in that top part of the golf swing the slow section this is where all the magic needs to start happening so when your hands in your arms get above the acceleration Zone into the slow zone is when you need to start feeling the pressure move off of the trail side onto the lead side and you need to do that with some fluidity right you need to do it in a way that it feels like a real golf swing remember what the focus points are 90% of your weight underneath your Trail ankle hips turn 35 to 45° when you get done on your lead side it should be 80% maybe a little bit more underneath your lead ankle with your hips back to a square position when you do this movement at high rates of speed what we’ll typically see is that your lead arm is going to be right around parallel to the ground after transition’s complete for the purposes of this drill if your arms drop down a little bit lower than that to where your hands are kind of a belt height that’s totally fine let your arms just kind of settle down and in that’s the whole purpose of the drill is not to worry about where the hands and arms in the club are but to worry about getting the the weight moving through the feet and doing it athletically and dynamically so let’s go ahead and start the practice program with the golf club now remember what the goal is is to 90% let the hips rotate okay kind of go through it in your brain okay we’re going to do some slow swings here at first and we’ll start picking up the pace okay check do I feel 80 to 90% of my weight underneath my lead ankle yep are my hips and knees close to a square position or fully Square you betcha do I feel like my arms have just kind of dropped down off my shoulders you betcha okay that’s one rep so I really love the holding of the trail hip back into depth while I start the processes of falling and the reason why I love that is because when I’ve given it to my students online or in person I see them make the initial move onto the lead side without starting the processes of moving into extension when you start the processes of moving into extension you’re not going to stop that’s the whole key to this is that by holding it back there and allowing the weight to start to transfer you’re now teaching your body how to move dynamically without having to think about all of the moving parts so over the next 7 Days 7 to 10 days I’ll give you a little bit of grace period here I want you to try to knock out somewhere between a 700 to 1,000 total reps your reps your rep strategy should start out just like I did here arms across the shoulders 10 to 15 reps where you’re just working on the load process 10 to 15 reps where you’re working on unload blending those two things together and then as you start to get proficient with those movements bring the Golf Club back in use that rest of your time or your practice session and the rest of the Reps you’re going to try to get done as a way to be able to make it real movement if you notice that these movements start to break down and they’re not looking exactly the way that you want them to look on camera then strip it back down go back through the processes you’re going to find over the next seven days if you’re doing a little bit each day that by day seven this becomes much easier and when we start adding in the stuff that we’re going to be doing next week the sky is a limit I promise you when you start learning how to get through that position and start transferring energy and speed into the club head and into the golf ball but doing it where you’re not disrupting the stability in the club face then a lot of you are going to be much happier golfers when it’s all said and done good luck we’ll see you next week’s video


  1. It's a long and important one. Oh and Masters is next week:) Timestamps for those with shorted attention spans…

    0:00 – Intro

    1:00 – The adaptive swing

    3:47 – Step 1 – Loading the backswing

    7:55 – Step 2 – Starting the downswing

    11:44 – Blending the movement

    16:37 – Adding the club

    18:42 – How to practice

  2. Thanks Chris, I liked this video, though one thing that confused me is it sounded like during the drill I heard you say both to hold the trail hip back and then to have it return to neutral. I guess I am not sure where the rest of the body/arms are supposed to be during the part wehere you keep it back, vs. where they are when it is neutral. (i just watched it once, maybe need to review) BTW, I do not find your videos long, i think that means you are easy to listen to and provide information that the student knows is important and will help them, so keep up the good work. I like the falling idea. i feel more the hips returning to neutral when falling than staying back. I hope this helps stop the reverse C I fight doing. The Masters should be very competitive…my hunch is someone like a Xander or Cantlay, one of the guys near the top of the rankings, will break through for a 1st major and have a great week and win by 1-2 strokes. Thank you for all you do!

  3. Chris, I watched again and get it now. trail hip back is a precursor to learning to squat properly when hips retrun to square. Thanks again.

  4. I love it! I've never been able to understand this concept before, until now. I just turned 77 and the light bulb just came on. Thanks Chris. Keep hammering this stuff into us.

  5. Many thanks for the explanation. Focusing on the feel in the trail and lead ankles as well as the feel to open the lead hip to limit the head movement leads to clarity on what you said is the “method to the madness”

  6. Chris, great lesson as always and one question: why do so many youtube pros state that transition into lead side…pressure goes to lead side ball of foot? They always note pressure tracing of tour pros shows thisnmove onto ball of lead foot whereas you coach that pressure moves (falls) onto lead ankle…?

  7. I been looking for and needing a video on this and you made it sound simple with enough reps, Thanks for the video

  8. Thank you again for the great analysis!!! I have been loading onto my front foot….but I have been rotating the hips too early, I skipped the square part . I’ve hit a few balls and it feels like freedom 😊

  9. I took a lesson with Chris. First time I ever felt a really pure and easy swing with no tension in my arms. Now I I know the goal. Still working the transition. He understands the golf swing..

  10. Hi Chris. Came across your channel and now a subscriber! I need to understand what I’m meant to be doing on the downswing. My faults are coming over the top and spinning out when I’m trying to turn. This is gold dust to me. REALLY APPRECIATE 💥🏌🏻

  11. 1. Should all the weight be on lead foot when the club is in top of swing, so i can spring back up with my lead foot? 2. How do i create change of direction force without pushing with trail foot when i'm completing backswing? Because if i slightly push off with my trail foot 45 degrees towards the ball landing into ball of lead foot(and spring back up), would this be wrong? 3. When i transition to downswing and have my weight on lead foot, shouldn't it be just lower body that's moving, and try to hold top back? Because wouldn't shoulder open up too quickly end up with closed club face? Thanks

  12. At the beginning when I shift the weight to the trailing foot, my lead foot heel always wants to come up. Is this incorrect?

  13. Best lesson ever and a great explanation. Thank you. I wish you had been around 60 years ago.. I might have made a golfer. Be waiting for your next lesson
    Cheers from Kyabram Australia

  14. I genuinely strike the ball more consistently when I have the feeling of staying centered the entire time. I'm scratch but have never been able to have the feel of back and forth, even tho I know I transfer. Wonder why?

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