Golf Players

Michael Carter-Williams on life after basketball, playing with Giannis Antetokounmpo, UFC and family

Michael Carter-Williams was an NBA lottery pick in 2013 and a former member of the Milwaukee Bucks. Now living in Florida with his family, Carter-Williams sits down with Thanasis Antetokounmpo to discuss life after basketball, the battles he has overcome, as well as today’s NBA, NIL, Victor Wembanyama and Giannis Antetokounmpo.


0:00 – Four Quarters, presented by Carbliss
5:30 – Michael Carter-Williams
10:30 – Impacting the NBA game
17:00 – NBA Draft Story
25:00 – Philadelphia and Allen Iverson
37:00 – Positivity and Life
45:00 – UFC and MMA Fights
55:00 – Relationship with Giannis Antetokounmpo
01:11:30 – Recruiting, NIL and the ranking system

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[Applause] [Music] um I want to go back to a question you asked Jay Williams man it seems like months and months ago how many pods you’ve been putting out but it’s only this season like a like a month and a half yeah it was that long ago at all like six weeks ago six weeks ago but you asked him if he could delete one app what app from existence not from his phone from existence he said Instagram now analysis show on Instagram is doing very very well so don’t delete that one I won’t delete but if you could delete one app what would it be one app I’m getting rid of the email app on my phone just I’m done with work I’m done with work emails done with work oh so I can pick any app any app yeah any app okay can you hit the oh the Jeopardy music Mak a bit time I don’t know the whole song so let’s hurry up uh messaging okay you’re done with messaging yeah that’s like how 90% of the world communicates now I know you got to find me pigeons you got to do something find me FaceTime FaceTime like and if I pick up I’ll pick up if I don’t I don’t if you don’t you don’t all right that works moving on in four quarters here you and the family a lot of players you know get into the business side of things B different business ventures invested different companies is there like a a field whether it’s food or Tech or something like that that that’s next farm farm I already do a lot of things you know I’m not going to talk about like the our business venture on on the on the Pod but you know not by names but just a field but the field I want to go is Farm okay Farm like and like like real ones not Farmville not the video game no like real farm by the way something about the video games that I don’t even know why I’m saying this right now but I’m going to say it they wor spotted about nowadays video games have you been in a video game that they have the the whole like trailer and it’s like oh this is how the game is and then you download it and it’s a fake game it’s totally different I have not had that anybody who’s watching this podcast or is listening there’s no way they haven’t had this happen to them and I’ve stopped I’ve all of a sudden I don’t play no more games I don’t download no more games like this is getting ridiculous bro I’m suing next time next time no next time I download another game and that’s not the game and to F game and you guys are just like trying to trick me to don’t something one so ta won’t be going into the video game then soon bro they and this mostly on YouTube but going to what I was saying Farms yeah I not like I would love to have a farm either here in grease or something like [Music] that all right two more quick ones four quarters presented by caras uh this one’s off the rails I got to read this specifically we got this from someone in in my office would you rather fight a horse sized duck so a duck the size of a horse yes or 100 duck siiz horses I’m going to let you think about what this looks like yeah I’m trying to visual what I think I’ve heard this question before but I never thought about what uh so I’m not fighting a duck that’s the size of a horse like it’s looks scar like almost terrifying I’m envisioning a giant rubber duck so it’s not but what if it’s a duck that have you ever seen a duck chase people no ducks are mean exactly so I so I like to golf and you if you get anywhere near geese which I know like I’m the same thing but the same thing those things are they got teeth they come at you exactly not for me but I mean I care I think I can run 100 you know 100 could fill the whole studio no not neither neither so uh top three uh favorite desserts they’re mostly Greek though oh actually no two Greek and one American okay so I’m a big fan of croissant European you know I you been I’m a big fan of Cs in general second uh second dessert now this is Greek okay it’s calledo but that’s like I like I when I touch down in Athens that’s the first thing that uh that I get like it’s so crazy that people know that that’s my favorite dessert that I would have like my fans who send me like uh Alo like everywhere that would that would send me I remember when we won the championship I went home and and I had like four or five boxes just random people like in my doorstep it was it was crazy so that’s my favorite I to B and the third one is my third one I’m I’m in between two can I say both yeah give me both okay so the one the first one is like I don’t know if you can call it it’s CR American it’s like uh uh banana pudding Top Knots Top Knots I I’m like I have a great day like if I have a banana pudding I really have a great day like it’s not even over exaggeration and then the other one between that and uh it’s the other one’s Greek P it’s ask ice cream but I don’t know how to call it with mastia I you know what mastia is M please Mas is you’re going to be amazed it’s a it’s something incredible so you guys should try this remember said on analysis show [Music] welcome to another episode of analysis show man this has been crazy I’ve been uh I’m on the road actually but uh you guys have been amazing also everybody started posting the Robin Lopez uh interview uh it’s it’s on auto pallet now like you guys have been amazing I think uh and I have more stuff in store for you guys but you guys have been amazing and no joke when I started doing this I felt like okay people people going to like it are people going to like the gifts I bring are they going to find it interesting are they going to find interesting the way I uh approach things but uh I’m happy I’m happy you know it’s playoff time is uh hopefully we can get it done you know but man I have somebody special here and special in many ways because uh his journey has been special and interwine with our journey as a family uh but before I say that please please please you know subscribe to the subscribe to the podcast uh whatever you get your podcast from Apple Spotify everywhere it’s everywhere it comes to audio on YouTube sub subscribe to the channel uh and please you know like comment share hit the notification button you know leave comments negative positive I love every feedback you know that’s how you get better but I got to give it the intro I gotta I got I gotta I gotta bring him in bring him in from Massachusetts and seuse University the 2014 NBA rookie he wore number five for the Milwaukee Bucks Michael Carter Williams MC dub MC dub man first of all thank you so much for coming to the show out there thank you for having me bro thank you for having me you know okay what what are you been up to now like what’s man I’ve been I’ve been up to a lot bro like first things first I’ve been being a dad more which has been unreal you know what I mean being able to just be at home you know with the kids driving them to school I find myself I’m like man this is what this is what a stay-at-home dad feels like there’s a lot of work but n I’ve been I’ve been doing my thing bro I’ve been doing a lot of off the court you know Ventures with you know business uh real estate you know I’ve been talking to Dylan a bunch so I’ve been I’ve been doing my thing bro I be I meet with him every day I’m I’m talking to different people from you know private Equity firms to VC firms to real estate so I’m G do my thing bro I’ve been I’ve been happy bro I’ve been happy as hell bro I know I didn’t know but you you always had this C man really being talented like not just on the court and off the court and and you know bringing people together and kind of like navigating your way through uh even now through business now for real yeah um okay so what do you what do you think about this NBA season this season it’s it’s a crazy season bro like from teams winning to teams losing you know people playing well like you got you got guys like I mean you look at like J Brunson you look at um Anthony Edwards like those dudes is like they they top like 10 in the league now so like the the League’s been crazy up and down you got you know new MVPs every week like it’s it’s been a wild year and the title’s up for grabs so it’s been a dope year they do you have a who’s your Who’s the who in the poor guard you play point right who who who are the point guards are you like ah this is top my top five in the leite like point guards you you look at it you go like okay this is I mean I think you got to start with Shay right he’s been he’s been killing this year um and it’s still the guys like you know the guys that have already proven themselves too Steph um Dame I mean and and then what do you count as a point guard though like are you throwing like are you counting Luka as a point guard like all these interchangeable dudes like are you counting those as as PG so it’s a it’s a tough question but yeah I mean okay so let’s do this let’s take let’s take the superstars out let’s take the the Luca Dame uh Trey Steph uh who else um about t t another one yeah and all these guys out who who do you go like from any other teams like you like their game like okay he’s solid in the middle level even lower level like the the the teams like you see that’s a good question and he could be tough he doesn’t have to be tough yeah know I’m I’m trying to think think I mean I I can only think of the like the big big names right now I don’t know bro it’s a good question I don’t you like let’s example do you like uh Tyrese Maxi Tyrese Maxi is tough he’s good yeah he can and and he can he can he can explode in the playoffs yeah do you do you like let’s say darus Garland Darius Garland is another one that’s another one they could heat up that’s a good one those two are tough those those two are real tough how how do those guys translate your game because your game was everything like I feel like you one of those uh not multi-purp but you just like used to do everything you used to play I I I had games I would watch you have like nine steals bro yeah bro I mean I think I was trying to impact the game so much right like I was trying to get into I was trying to get to the rim trying to pass the ball couldn’t knock down a shot for my life but you know oh you yes you could for a while for KN down maybe not shoot crazy threes but twos no no no twos like pullup pull-ups pull-ups and twos you know you know I was inconsistent here and there but like for the most part I was getting to the rim trying to make plays for my teammates and trying to affect the game in other ways right like that’s that’s the like we’re going to have every team’s going to have their scores shoot the ball like x amount of time like it’s just a matter of you know how can I affect the game in other ways so you know once I kind of had that in my head I was just you know that was on autopilot for me man do do you think uh I mean just like the coming from like a family of athletes and and sports I mean both your play parents play basket they play basketball mhm yeah all my parents played yeah my stepfather played my dad played my mom played so you know I grew up just similar like you all my brothers all my brother and sister played we all played D1 and then like you know from from a young age it was just all basketball in the house like we watching basketball on TV at the end of the day like we just we lived basketball similar to y’all very similar to y’all I mean of course y’all y’all but I’m saying like just the love for the game though oh yeah love for the game like super locked in on hoop all day man do you so off seon would you would go back and work out with the fam of course yeah right in the backyard we had the pavement in the we had the cement in the backyard with the Hoops we was hooping every every day was a workout like couple of my friends used to come down and they used to get the workout in for the summertime too we used to go over to this local college and we used to lift run whatever so it it was cool man like to to see my I think that’s why my brothers got to you know kind of and my sister got to where they were cuzz they saw me outside with my stepfather every day just doing drills was doing drills and then they would you know do the same thing man did the so like you would would they give you advice like when you play games and sure and that that that was the best thing for me because like with my household there was no such thing as like only offense only get shots like if I had a good offensive game and I didn’t play no defense going home that was a long call ride home right like you ain’t you you didn’t take you didn’t care about the defensive end like respect the game like it was it was it was it was in you sit in the front or sit in the back of the car I was in the back I was in the back Mom Dukes and my my my stepfather in the front and there was some long there was some silent ride home like it it was tough man uh was okay you went to shq right how how did you go to sh were you like it was that your like that’s my dream that’s my I want to be a lemonade for Syracuse n my I mean I wanted to go to Villanova I went to I went to visit to Villanova um went there I was like that was when they had the they was playing the four guard guards so so my mind was focused I’m like man I need to be there the guard plays crazy like I need to be over there so I went to go take my visit um and I watched practice I you know went went all around campus and then Coach Wright I was like you know I’m ready to commit today but I was only a sophomore though I was I I was like I wasn’t a junior or senior yet so I was like I’m ready to commit today and he’s like well um we’re going to take we’re going to start we’re going to finish recruiting the class above you the junior class and then will start you know will come back to you and you can commit so like two weeks go by a dude that was in my class committed there to Villanova so I was pissed bro I was hot I was like you just told me that I was like nah so then I went to go take my visit up to Syracuse I was like I’m staying in conference and I’m going to Syracuse so like that’s that’s really that was my main motivation but of course I built my relationship with with GMAC and Coach Hopkins and beheim like they was all great that side too so I was happy with my decision at the end of the day cuz you know that really prepared me to get to the league yeah did you did you do all four like did you go all four year or you like I I I went my first year I didn’t play at all like I I didn’t like it was it was tough for me how that man I was pissed bro like I I wanted to leave I told my parents like yo I’m out of here like on my I was just McDonald’s All-American yes and then I go to Syracuse and I didn’t get no burn but the thing was we ended up we was like 30 and three that year we was mad nice so I didn’t have no room to really like really yeah like we was getting we won like 20 games in a row but I was always you know like I was always cheering on the sideline like I was always encouraging my teammates thinking you know telling them what I see on the floor like I never brought it to them so they was always they felt my pain because like I never let it affect the team right so but like like behind closed doors man I was hot like I remember one day I was like a beheim came up to talk to me and I was like yo don’t even talk to me and like coach gmax face just went bright red like he was a tomato he was like yo you can’t talk to coaches like that BL but bro I was so mad like I went to we were playing in Providence and my whole family was there the first time me playing for Syracuse were’re playing I’m in Providence I get in the first half like I did well I came out like four minutes four minutes into me playing didn’t touch the floor again bro I was the most embarrassing thing but like that was the first time like I really felt like true adversity like in basketball so like it taught me like Damn how am I going to respond now right like am I going to be the first one in the gym last one to leave and like me and Coach GMAC and Coach Hopkins like that was our routine like I was always you know working out working hard and it prepared me for the next year and then I my sophomore year we went crazy went to the final four and then I got drafted man y know y’all know what number I got drafted all you got to do is watch giannis’s movie and you’ll know what number I got drafted but you can tell him again whatever you got drafted man it was 11 it was 11 it was 11 so one one man okay and you get drafted you go to Philly right and like how was how is it that like did you did you know how was the draft process for you do you know you was going to Philly or no I didn’t know I was going to Philly yes um I got invited to the green room but I was nervous like I I was like yo like what happens if I’m in the green room and like I don’t get drafted and the camera just like pan over to me like keep not getting drafted that was my that was my biggest fear of just having the camera just keep handing over to me when I didn’t get drafted so I was like do I even want to be in the green room but obviously like ain’t nobody going to turn down the opportunity so I was just always with my agent like I was like yo I can’t I I gotta get picked I got to get picked are you sure I’m going to get picked like me and him was like back and forth which team did you work out for honestly I thought I was going to get drafted by Phoenix they were like four or five at the time but like they asked me I had to work out there I did really well they asked me to come back for another workout I did really well so I’m like man like they asked me to come back to a workout and I had done like 13 14 workouts already so I was like man I was tired but um I thought I was going to get drafted by them I I never knew I was going to get drafted by Philly though I don’t even think I worked out for Philly if I can remember I don’t know so okay you go to Philly how how did they bra how did you they welcom you in Philly like how was you it was great bro I mean I was 21 bro I didn’t really know what was going on like I was like you know this is a this is a lot like there was media there was you know obviously people were you know embracing me like I love Philly bro like I love the people there like I love the food there like it was just a a whole vibe like every day something was going on like and you know it was it was love it was cool it was love it was love it uh how many giftes you guys won that year we won like n 21 19 oh you oh yeah I remember you was got you in the Bucks you had the Bucks we kind of fighting like now we were so I mean it was we was shut up to fail bro like we I had new teammates every were you guys maybe the beginning of the process were you guys the beginning of the process we were we were we were first stage of the process the process man and uh no and now like now I thing about it you know when I came to the states I was I would play for 87ers so I remember I would come and watch the games and I played for like the affiliate of you guys and I would come watch the games and I didn’t remember any time yian was in in the uh in Philly I come watch him and see you guys play and I remember Yan was like man we we we have like 12 13 wins we trying to win more games and all I’m like Dam at the time it felt crazy I was like okay you guys are winning but then I understood like was 82 games I was like 14 wins and it was like four on the it was the game like 40 something I like man bro and you would think like some teams would like like there was games where I’m like yeah like they not going to go crazy on us like you know they they looking over here like you know we got nine wins so like we know they’re going to come in lazy we try to jump on them early like yes fourth quarter hits they start tur it up WPS like we were just taking L’s bro like we lost 26 straight bro 26 straight like I was like I don’t I was losing my mind bro we we lost 20 26 games straight like as a like hitting the rookie wall like I I had a lot of usage that year like I was playing you of the Year bro no no yeah I know but I can just remember me being like I was taking like you know you have film and then you you go on to the bus like I was taking like 15 minute naps in between that time like it was crazy bro but I’m thankful I had it though that was a dope year so okay you wi of the year did you know you was going to win of the year did you feel it like yeah I I I knew like at a certain point I knew like you know it was it was tough me and Victor was close race but I felt like you know towards the end I don’t know it was tough it was close but I think I won so many rookie of the months like I was like there’s no way I could you know yes so but even going in even going into my rookie season I knew I had a a big opportunity to play a lot of minutes and I was like man like I could really win Rookie of the Year and that was when nobody you know thought I could you know win it so I knew from the beginning if I had the opportunity I’d be able to do well yeah and now speaking of the year like you so Vic probably want want to win this this year you know and uh absolutely like no question question he’s nice yo nah he’s different did you watch him play what you think bro like the things he’s able to do at this age at you know his rookie year come on bro like he they do the comparisons on his like defensive stats compared to the other defensive player of the year stats and he’s killing those like n he’s just got side winning yeah that that’s GNA come though like as soon as they surround him with some you know with some more veterans and some more you know pieces as they build that’s going to come cuz he’s he’s nice bro like dudes is not even attempting layups on him no more like fast breaks they pulling it out like I’m oh my God that’s so true that’s so true uh I was going to ask you who’s who you think is going to be the next Superstar but I probably you probably going to say him to be him it’s got to be him I mean him and and I I really think Anthony Edwards too like he GNA he’s he got the star quality bro star this is on them them to like and funny and he has this he got the Charisma he got you know what I mean got the swag like in his game is crazy like I don’t know you know I’ve never said I mean haven’t been in the ging with him they say he works to works hard you know what I’m saying and yeah I mean you you yeah you don’t you don’t get that nice unless you work like like real hard I mean you’ve seen it with the honest like yes like I remember when I was in Milwaukee like it was every day like me and him was was lifting we was you know night school every day like we was we was doing our we was he was hooping bro like I remember and I remember like when I first realized like man like he about to really take over the league it was one day in the summertime it was me Jabari and Giannis and we was all playing once and like Jabari and jannis start bickering back and forth like like they would call it foul and the other one would call foul and I got pissed bro I was like yo bro like we need to play ball like no more calling fouls like nobody calls fouls no more like like I was like if anybody calls a foul bro like we just not playing no more like I was pissed I snapped on them both right so but the thing was bro once I said that them two turned into two animals bro like JP bro I’m playing against them they lower in their shoulder boom boom I’m like y I probably shouldn’t have said no they and then they they went started going at each other but then I like I started watching like practice and stuff like that like they were like I remember one day Giannis got filed and they were like filed he was like no no fils like I need to make that get back and I was like yeah like like he he really on like and he was like man this this he was like Mike this summer I remember he told me I didn’t see him for a while and then I saw him and he was like yo I’m taking over I was like yeah it’s it’s a rap it’s a rap for the Le a oh man that’s it’s crazy I want to before I want to ask you then about them like how practice was but uh but I want to before we leave Philly I want to ask you something about Philly man and okay like what you think did you like okay who was like the top like who’s the the The Legend in Philly is it Dr J is it Alan Iverson is it like like who yeah it’s definitely AI he’s definitely he’s like Dr J obviously he gets a lot of respect walking around like it’s Dr J but Allen Iverson’s like he the heart and soul of the city for real like he he he the he the Superstar he the Superstar he the Superstar no doubt he do like he Philly did you see the did you see the thing with the Statue bro be what’s your honest like what’s your honest like reaction to it bro they got to redo that like we got like they need to do over cuz that little ass statue bro come on bro like I respect AI I love a respect that they did their statue no it’s respectable that they did but they they got to fix that’s too small bro you see the shack like every like any everybody anybody else Dirk statue like he need one of yeah he need one of them he need one of them Mike yeah he would one of them for sure like he need one of them yeah no but um again you know how you saw how he handled it he was really happy about it he’s always grateful though I love that about one thing I like about Alan Alon like a lot of dudes go on podcast and you know talk crazy about this athlete and this athlete like he always give credit to like the current players that are playing right now he gives a lot of Grace a lot of compliments which is dope which is dope yes I’m I’m I was think about I think I saw him in the in Shaq’s uh podcast shout out to Shaq I I try to get I’m trying to get him on on tal hopefully I get mean but uh it was crazy that he was he was saying some things you guys gotta go watch it but he was saying like talk about Luca he loved LCA he about all the guys G he always gives props which is you know you don’t see that always from uh people who are not playing in this era yeah but I love that about you you were so right like it’s crazy you where did you stay in Philly Where Were You live in I stayed right on uh Presidential Boulevard so right no no it’s not downtown it’s like it was right next to the old practice facility so it was right right next to that uh Friday that like alen ion used to be he used to go there like every every Saturday or Sunday or something like that used to be packed out bro but it was right there yeah right there right on right next to the old pra facility and then C oh yeah and then okay so you play and then and how’ you how’ you end up with Milwaukee then bro that’s the biggest mystery in my career till to this day how do you end up inuki I don’t know bro I won rookie the year then got traded I still I’m not I part the process I I can’t answer that question but no I mean you got traded to Milwaukee I got traded to Milwaukee um for who it was an it was a pick it was like a top top five pi pick I think it ended up being Marquel when he went to Philly I think that was I think that was the pick fuing right yeah um but yeah I mean Philly was I mean um Milwaukee was cool bro like obviously us getting you know going and going to the playoffs you know meeting Giannis meeting y’all like I right away turned into a winning team and going to the playoffs right away the year after right right yeah I mean I got traded at the at the um halfway through the year so when I got traded um yeah we it was it was dope bro like we we made a playoff push we were we were balling like we had a squad we had a we had a real good team um who on who was on the team I thought it was me John Hensen um OJ mayo Giannis OJ um I think bayis was on our team um I think Steve Novak came the next year might I don’t know but yeah that we had we had a good team bro we was hooping um Greg Monroe K was on the team yeah so we yeah yeah that was when he was just coming on the scene he was he was don’t tell you honest but he was honestly our he was our best player like for a couple years I believe he was hoping I believe you it’s okay you go to that team how how’s what’s the how’s the atmosphere what’s your feeling for you like um I mean it was a process for me like I didn’t know really know mentally how to deal with being traded like that was that was tough for me I was like I kept feeling like I do have a great opportunity and like this is a better team a better maybe a better situation for me but I like the the idea of them like portraying me after everything that we we went through like I was in meetings where like I was a part of the process like this is what we doing for the process Blas blah blah like them bringing me up like I’m not even asking you know what I’m saying like so for me it was like I got like I felt like I was stabbed in the back like I didn’t know who to like who I could trust you know mean you found out bro it was like five minutes before the deadline I thought I was like I wasn’t even thinking about it bro like I was like oh yeah like we’ll probably make moves get trades and then my agent calls me and I’m like what like it was like five minutes before the trade deadline he was like yo they’re trading you to Milwaukee I was like Milwaukee I’m going to live in Milwaukee and you you gotta leave tomorrow I’m like bro so that’s how I found out I was riding I was riding in the car with a couple of my homies got the call and I was like yo I just been traded to Milwaukee bro how how’ they feel they were like man I mean it’s a better team better you know what I mean like that we were just like we were just so used to being you know all of us being in Philly like like but you know things changed quick and it’s DBA brother that’s for you okay so you go you going to Milwaukee the atmosphere you come in you know uh who was the coach at the time Jay kid J kid kid was a coach yeah yeah okay okay so I know like you definitely got the point guard point guard influence yeah I mean like I will one one thing I will say about J kid like he has a a interesting perspective just because of he’s played the game so long and his mind is so sharp in hoop right like I can just remember you know in like in-game situations where he would say you know look for this look for this look for that and it would be like it would be on point so I think that from that perspective and it was a first year coach too um so he was still trying to figure out you know how to coach you know how to deal with players how to do all that stuff so like I think him going through that me going through my process of like you know being traded coming into a new situation you know being coached by him like it was it was it was tough at times it was like I felt like there was a lot of turmoil between him and I so it was it was a it was a tough bro it wasn’t easy bro Milwaukee wasn’t an easy process for why turmoil like I just bro I don’t know bro like I just me and him could never like we could never get on the same pageo like we could never like we’d have film sessions me and him going back and forth um just about little stuff bro little things like you know him telling me I was playing buddy ball with Giannis like just like things that like I’m just like yo I don’t know how to respond to this like I don’t know and and and like look I was young I was 22 at the time like dealing with my own situations like I take accountability for the things that I may have done back then too to for him to be like yo this kid maybe not has his head on right but like we just could couldn’t we couldn’t we couldn’t figure it out right and that led me to getting bounc to Chicago but wait okay but you guys got have a great year you go to the playoffs who do you guys play in the playoffs for Chicago Chicago off the rip we was down we was down early we started coming back a little bit um actually game I think it was down what we was down three I think we and then we won two the our second game two I played really well I had like 25 n and seven that I was hooping and then they were smart too they were like okay it’s 32 we can’t let them have momentum it’s game six at our place they just come out physical like just like elb us remember us that’s D ly punches me in the mouth my teeth my teeth split I was hot um I still oldow done leevy for that no no no but that was when Yannis hit him it was that game so like they they were they were smart they came in physical they got us rattled out our game they ended up blowing us out they killed us um our emot experience yeah yeah they were more yeah yeah no they were smart they were smart they they definitely were they had they had a squad though that was Jimmy D Rose Joe Kim it was they had they had a team had a team I mean the I mean I don’t I don’t know if uh that’s like I think the riv between milwauke the Bulls and I don’t know if you want to call it R but they’re Co City so you got call it like like something you know we used to when we used to play in Milwaukee there used to be way more Chicago fans there like yeah like even we felt like both our game all our games were um away games yeah that even in the playoffs but at the same time like I feel like this started earlier yeah no for sure 100j and like that that time and and to be honest with you I feel like those those people in Chicago that they come in and they watch the Bulls I think like when we play at home they put on another jersey and they become like Milwaukee Bucks like no no like you know other the team that when they play we play Chicago they Chicago but when we play Wisconsin they’re Wisconsin like we running you know we rocking so I like and it’s vice versa when we go to Chicago now there’s a lot of lot of I’m sure Wisconsin you know which is good cities are close it’s great to play and it’s great for both cities to have great teams good teams you know at the same time so but okay but which one would you say is your favorite memory like favorite memory I mean obviously my first game was crazy bro like that memory for me was like unreal we playing in Miami eight almost got a quadruple double like that game was tell me your stats tell me tell me your stats I I had like 25 25 points 25 points 12 assists seven rebounds and nine Steals and nine steals I I didn’t know what was going on like I just I think that was just cuz like I was young just playing free like nothing not thinking about anything like it was that was probably one of my favorite moments when we beat um Golden State when they was like 23 and0 that was a CRA that was a crazy moment just cuz like we all had so much confidence that we was going to win like it was like we really believe like oh we’re going to be the team you know be the team that beats them to stop their streak but that they they were they were C they were so nice bro that were so like I never had to be so locked in on every possession playing against a team in my life like that like they were crazy had to be no waste of positions no waste of positions at all so I got I got a really really really serious question for you bro cheese steak chees skirt cheese steak cheese steak for Philly chees cir for Milwaukee I gotta go to I gotta go with the cheese steak I’m a big cheese steak guy I can’t lie them Philly cheese steaks is smacking it’s good they’re good I got to try him I got to I got to give him a chance bro I got to give him a chance it was okay now L and C played in Orlando right how was that for you like playing was like like yeah Orlando for me was like a a breath of fresh air bro like when I came to Orlando it was like a whole new start for me like I had things going on in you know in my life that were that were tough um you know I got released from Houston first my first my my fiance left me with with our baby caught me doing some dumb some dumb [ __ ] but yeah I know it’s a lot of info to un who whoa hold up hold up hold up a lot of info a lot of information unpack I went through a tough tough tough thing bro like I my my girl left me my fiance left me with the baby to California and a week later I get released from Houston so now I’m like the worst at the worst stage of my life like deep deep depression like ain’t don’t want to talk to nobody no nothing so I um you feeling like how do you how bro it was it was bro it was like bro it was it was like rock bottom for me you know when life changes for you like you hit that moment in your life where you’re like man like I’m either going to go this way or I’m GNA go this way and like I got to make a choice and I got to stick with that choice and so you know I was reaching out to people that were close to me like I was going through some stuff bro like I was I would I wouldn’t leave my bed for days bro like I was going through some rough rough times and um you know I think this the way for me like I just put my head down just started really just working out working out seeing my dog like things were starting to be clear to me on you know what mattered to me and what didn’t right cuz I got felt like I got everything stripped from me at at one point in my life and then I was like okay I need to take simple steps back to regain you know everything in my life so when I went to Orlando that was huge for me like that was like man like I’m back in the league I’m back on a team I’m back around guys like I still didn’t have my family with me at the time but like it was a good step for me to see some like positivity and some light so when I went there like I just was so grateful like just to be on a team you know what I mean and then ended up playing for them for the next four years you know got my fiance back my family like okay okay yeah yeah we back we back baby no no but it was uh but it was a good it was it was a good learning learning experience for me bro like that’s how you become you become a man you know learn from your mistakes and 100% you you you take him to heart you know you acknowledge Him and you go like and you move forward facts 100% bro that’s what that’s what it’s about yeah yeah for real real so you got your prity straight you like okay this is what I want to do and then okay are you a fan of like Disney you know we got Robin Brook that you you go to Disney like how yeah I mean I take I take my kids to Disney it’s just hard bro going to Disney is tough like I love you know they have so much fun it’s so crowded there though like there’s a lot of people like and living here too it’s tough living here it’s like we see it all the time so like but the kids love it bro they love the the Disney characters they have fun like we we go there qu we go there often so it’s it’s cool did you did you already had a house in Florida or you got a house when you played in Orlando so when I my first my first like six months here I stayed downtown closer to downtown I stayed in a condo and then I got my house here like two and a half years ago okay okay the do you feel like uh did you have it because of like business or you was like no I want a house this might this my house yeah once I had the F like once I was you know I wanted to have my my kids have a house you know it was good you know it’s good for you know tax purposes to live out here like I want my residents to be out here you know what I mean just s a place to call home and just really build my kids is in school now they got friends they play sports here like so it’s been it’s been cool bro Orlando’s been love love right there love okay and we know I know we talked a little bit about business and stuff like that you you do but uh before I get into that a little bit Yeah I want you to help me you know I’ve literally I’ve been doing this thing like that I ask people like okay what is what is the top three movies like American movies I got to watch to understand the American culture and everybody answer is different now I think one I think one easy is coming to America coming to America okay I watched I watched that one that’s good that that that to me is is uh is is good American culture though depends what you trying to get like it depends what like American culture is is so is great cuz it’s so diverse yes you know what I mean so you can get you know you can get black culture you can get Indian culture you can get white culture you know what I mean so it depends all depends but I think Coming to America gives a good depiction of like you know American culture and somebody being informed from it you know what I’m saying um let me think yeah I had I had George Hill tell me shout out George Hill man get him on the Jill sent me uh you gotta watch life with uh Eddie Murphy Eddie Murphy I was like okay that’s a good one that’s a good one and then um somebody said you know I’ve had the I don’t want to say gu because I don’t know if the episode’s going to be released by now but I had another guess told me I said I got to watch like uh Pursuit of Happiness Will Smith yeah like that’s a good one Pursuit of Happiness yeah they kind of the American dream say for sure okay and uh I had one more question I forgot ah who are the top five like like top five like guards or people you had to Def like hard as you had to defend bro Kyrie Steph Westbrook Dame so you said Kyrie Kyrie Dame Steph St Russ probably D Rose D Rose D Rose early D Rose was crazy remember one time I scored layup like you know how when you get a layup and you follow through out of bounds a little bit yeah yeah you know so I did that uh through the ref like yeah yeah come on so I did that gave a little like my little Trot outside out of bounds I turn around D Rose is at half court zooming with the ball I’m like y I was like yo he was tough D Rose was tough he’s tough to stay in front of okay do know Kyrie why Kyrie I mean I know why but I want to see I want to hear you yeah I think I think what’s special about Kyrie is bro it’s like I I’ve cut Kyrie off like three or four times in one possession and he’s still the fifth time he’s still changing direction bro so like he’s got unlimited counters so like when you got you got somebody like that who knows how to create space and it’s weird like he’s not a big dude but like he’s deceptively strong like and so when he’s able to change direction and use his body to create space can’t stop it bro can’t stop yeah you can’t do nothing he stops on a dime like his pull up is it’s clean he stops on a dime so it’s like want to keep him in front so you give him a little extra room cuz he’s so Shifty but then he’s he’s got the pull up so he he kills you however which way he want oh okay what’s what about Dame got him in the team Dame Dame’s another one he’s I mean you can’t leave him open and like he he’s super strong himself so like you try to close out and he can you know he can get by you he’s athletic and you know you can’t go underneath a screen like he just makes you pay you should Dame you should K mhm what about Russ Russ is the same way like he’s he’s somebody that’s always in attack mode so like you could stop Russ four times in a row and he’s at he’s at you the fifth time too so like he’s somebody that consistently is is like making you you know be on your heels and like for a while he had the the mid-range going like when he got the mid-range going he’s using the glass he’s getting to the hoop and he can also affect the game in so many ways bro like he’ll get you 11 assists and 12 rebounds like it’s nothing that’s what I want to as because you were kind of the guy who do everything right mhm and and you said Ross like bro you see the stat line like couple days ago like 15 15 something like it was insane he had the the 20 2020 like yeah and that’s one thing I I always tried to do when I guarded Russ was like I know he loved to go after even like defensive rebounds yes so like I would try to like make somebody else on his team get the rebound even on the defensive end so like he would go crash and like I’ll be right with him trying to even even if it’s wide open like make somebody else like at the time stepen Adams whoever you know make somebody else get the rebound and then you know make him make him then give it to him because as soon as he get the rebound if he starts getting rebounds and he’s pushing the ball up finding people getting layups he’s too hard to stop you got to go find him quick yeah you got to find him quick like not let him just get like Rhythm rebounds and bring up the court and find dude so I mean he’s a he’s a he’s tough bro Russ is Russ can oop he gets a lot of [ __ ] but like I don’t know why though he can hoop he can okay who I mean obviously you watch a lot of sports right and apart from basketball like if you didn’t play basketball what would you play what the sports would you do that’s a good question bro I watch a lot of MMA and I watch a lot of boxing too so I probably I’ll probably be in the mix a little bit I might be watch the Arts yeah bro I I I watch a lot and I’ve watched for a long time too like I’m like 15 years deep in in in watching MMA Sports give me your uh like your top like my top five Fighters man Jon Jones I did have an encounter with him you know so two story so we’re in Milwaukee and we go to shout out to Satan Pettis man and then and Anthony and the guys had an event and I and I went there and Jon Jones was in the building and we got the sick and exod you know say just say hi and I said hi and and the first thing this guy did bro no joke kind of the same how I was a little bit like taller that he just looked at me he laugh was just filing and then he was like like grabbing like just sizing me up I’m like whoa what’s what’s going on this sizing me up but that’s his that’s the wayer kind of yeah yeah yeah yeah like all right yeah like just sizing you up a little bit and we was just like laughing going back and forth but he look like cool dude bro like chill and everything and other guy like obviously kamaru like that’s my dog like we we going back and forth but that sport is brutal bro sure is bro would you so how much money would you they need to pay you to like get in the Cav bro today in in a year from now a year from now to get got a train you got a train you got do thing how much money bro give me who Ah that’s the question D that’s the question y I’m not getting you can’t pay me no amount of money to get in with those dudes get out I’m not getting who who Who’s the most Savage when you see when you like look at that those athletes who’s the most Savage like this guys I mean probably Justin gate you he got a fight he fights tonight he fights my man Max Holloway too man that’s I’m I might shed a tear watching that fight I I don’t want to see neither of them lose but no he’s he’s a Savage bro he violence every night every time he fight his violence crazy it’s War some people just just like that some people you think you show that they have like this bonus thing for like you see they increase the bonus yes 300,000 yeah for most like uh like performing is more like a couple a couple of them yeah like performance of the night fight of the night knockout of the night uh fight of the night like there’s a bunch of them so they going to try to take that yeah and you know the the and you know the more the the less I mean actually money they have from endorsements the more they’re going to go for it so like the more popular that athlete is he’s not going to be like oh yeah I’m going to risk everything to get a knockout Risk Everything to go to war and make this exciting but the less you have yeah you’re going for it right yeah okay so forget about like all sports in general give me like your top this whole three not five top three athletes in general that you like I say my first one’s Muhammad Ali yes um that I watched no that you like I watch his videos I watch this sometimes and like Mohammad Ali um Conor McGregor um I I read a lot of I read a lot of MJ Kobe books I read a lot about them so probably those two okay okay you started me off with fighting the first two so I was like oh shoot you really love you really love for me it’s just like the it’s like the mentality right like I relate their mentality and like you know related to basketball whatever but like to life you know itself right like yes they go through so much you know just to prepare for you know 25 minutes and like they’re you know they’re putting their life on the line they they do they they they train they got to be so sharp like I remember just I got a bunch of friends in the in in UFC and you know other other MMA promotions and stuff and just talking to some of them I remember one told me like I was just asking advice and he was like man like as soon as like in this sport you can never doubt yourself CU as soon as you do it’s over with like you’ll get knocked out see you later your career could be over right so then like I started thinking like man like that’s true in all sports like as soon as you soon as you find soon as you start doubting yourself and it’s happened to me before you know what I mean and you know you lose that confidence you not have lost in the NBA yeah bro yeah absolutely yeah I mean it was it was tough bro like I said like playing uh there was a bunch of injuries that I was playing through like I had I had six seven surgeries and I was in the league like just trying to tell my mind just my mind telling my body to do something that it it couldn’t do right like and then you know that would affect me on the court how I play and then you know I let the noise start getting to me and then like you know just the whole like oh you you had one good season you and then the rest you just disappeared you know what I mean like everything started getting to me and I was like for a while like I cared about it like I’d be going out the court trying to prove myself like nah this is who I am like this is I’m still that guy but in reality I wasn’t even in the I didn’t even have the same opportunity that I had then you know what I mean and I’m not saying like I’m not making like I didn’t have that opportunity I was at it’s like how they ask guys who like oh my God you don’t play good bro guys are playing five minutes what you want them to do score 35 5 minutes bro it’s impossible it’s impossible you got to take advantage whatever you do team is winning do your job you know what I’m saying’s keep it going next one so yeah I get what you so yeah so then like there was the times where I lost that and like just through mental preparation just trying to educate myself on the things that I was going through talking to people getting help like I was able to re restore that confidence and re you know restore myself as a human being at the end of the day stole myself as a human being I like that I like that man man philosopher Mike you feel philosopher Mike oh my God you got a we gotta got a segment with the philosopher Mike and you come to the show we gota get a segment like that man for Mike give Hey listen add me to the podcast with you say this is it’s going to happen it’s going to happen Okay so okay let me let’s do this I have uh then I want to ask something about the philosophy but we go that we got a we got a a segment that’s called the animal facts right and it’s true or false right no right answer got you got just got to figure out if it’s true or it’s false right let me read this for you is it true or false that the sweat of a hippo is blood red false it’s actually True Blood Red Blood Red Bro I thought about I I was like how is this true how is this sweating you know how scary that is yeah I’ve never seen that though they’re going to have to show me that the IND is undefeated so they they don’t in the comments okay one zero for the analysis okay let me let me let me do let me let’s go with this one is it true or false and this is a Florida fact so it’s here in Florida MH uh is it true or false that a snake can eat an allig an alligator ho true it’s true I seen some videos on Tik Tok them eating deer that’s crazy that’s crazy bro whole alligator okay that’s one I want that’s uh he’s done his homework okay okay okay okay is it true or false that the brain of a jellyfish can shrink so the jellyfish can fit in into small places true ah it’s actually false jelly fishes don’t have no brain 97% I was think you said jelly I thought you said a regular fish no jellyfish yeah 95% made of 9 5% water so they don’t really have brains like that okay no it’s language about it I got to give him one more it was language about it my fault my fault I got to give one more come on hold up is it true or false that when in danger all birds can fly backwards false yeah it’s False only humming birds can fly backwards I didn’t even know any birds can fly backwards but hummingbirds do humming birds can but that’s the only not all not all birds okay that’s good he did well he did well he was he wasn’t bad he did well give himr him in in the comments philosopher Mike like tell us like what is what is a quot what is a what is a or maybe a quote maybe a story what is something that keeps you going every day you know in into into basketball into business into like something everything else you do yeah I mean I read I read a lot of like inspirational books um I read David goin’s first book um you know after reading his book just training your mind like mentally um it’s something that what you love what you would you what did you love about David Gins what do you love about him I just love like his mentality bro like he puts himself through so much like stress like his on his body like his mind like and he just fights through it so like I can imagine like any scenario that he has in life that like he needs to get through like he’s able to get through that like with no no problem just cuz he’s built that that mental stability in his in his mind right like all the marathons he did all the records that he broke like from his family you know his upbringing of him having you know struggles with his dad to you know being over being obese you know fighting that to you know doing everything he did um in the in the Marines no no no not in the Marines he was a Navy in the Navy um so you know Going Through Hell Week like just him you know explaining you know what that looked like and what he had to do like fighting hypothermia like crazy stuff and like his messages you know kind of through that is like you know how can you just you know Harden your mind bro like and that’s something that I try to do every day yeah yes yes yes yeah uh most times I uh a lot of guys I think I told I think it was y also told somebody was like man this is man this and more and more stuff and more I was like you got broad shoulders you know and most of the times when you mentally stronger sometimes a lot of more more things happen and more stuff and you just fly through it because you can you know I’m very I’m I am religious I believe in God and I think like you know a lot of things happen for that reason you know and yeah no for real and yeah look at all through what your family has been through right I’m I’m I’m a product of that you know I’m a I’m I’m a product of that and I really believe that this is this is why things happen you know even Yan is going down doing the things he happens for a reason happens for a reason okay but I want know okay so now I have another question like what’s what’s Mike off the court bro I don’t even know I don’t I already had all my notes like what’s I want this me and you what’s Mike off the court mik off the court bro I’m just bro I’m just trying to take one day at a time trying to help the people around me trying to educate people just you know I got so much extra time so like even even with you know Dylan and you know your family office like you know a Inc like me and him be locked up like I’ll talk to somebody and he’ll be like yo I talked to him last week like or I you know I’ll have a meeting and then I’ll hop on the meeting with Dylan and be like yo this is great communication great opportunity so I’m constantly you know doing my thing like you know I’m doing some deals in real estate I’ve you know diversify my portfolio with you know a bunch of different deals like so I’m doing my thing like just just trying to make new Partnerships with people um you know I’ve been I talked to a lot of guys still in the league so like I’ve been trying to have like more meaningful conversations with them right you have to you have to this is what people don’t talk about like yeah like we talk about everything else we talk about girls we talk about we talk about every everything under the moon but when when it’s finances when it’s deals when it’s that with it’s everybody silent bro so I’m like yo let’s talk about that like like when’s the last time you Hol that your financial advisor and was like yo like what are the returns what was my returns looking like this so crazy like you know obviously now it’s it’s become it’s a closed circle now but then you know it’s opening up now slowly and we’ll see how that goes but I’m saying like everybody has a financial advisor when it comes to right and I get that but at the same time like he charges you just to manage your money and to give you like good choices but does he bring deals to the table right does he bring you know what I’m saying does he not deals to the things that is going to if you have a goal what’s your goal like oh my goal is to make uh 2,000 a month or 10,000 a month or 100,000 100 million how does he fight for you to get to that how does he not only with the resources you have but the resources he has you know that’s why we created the group and that’s why we did all these things but what would you say is the more what do you but about some the deals right what do you love like what’s your love like now obviously my number one love is basketb M and I like you know I do all my deals I’m a businessman I love business in general but you know I love podcasting too like I like like because I’m learning things you know every guest I have I learn new things and I and I Implement them and I and I’m a big believer in learning from your uh surroundings from your environment you know not just only from your experience but like what’s going on in your life um so what do you love outside of like about Investments what’s the specific things is it real estate it that what like yeah yeah it’s it’s it’s probably real estate and private Equity bro like honestly it started with me just like diving into my own stuff bro like my own finances like yo like I can’t just be swiping the American Express like no like like I got endless amount of money right like I was like I need to budget myself like I need to you know dive in like really know what I’m spending know what’s what so like once I started doing that and I was like man like a lot of my money is just in stocks and bonds and like you know I’m not Diversified like I’ve always wanted to get into real estate I’ve always wanted to look at private Equity deals so I’m like I got to start from somewhere right so you know I started that um adventure of of going down the line figuring out what even you know what real estate even means or what private Equity even means right and so um you know went down that Avenue every things are going well like I’m doing a lot of different things I know I know they they they they keep me posted I know I know you do your thing bro so like n y’all are doing your thing too I hear I hear in the family I I be like I be like okay talk to this dude I know what they doing n y are y’all are y’all are helping a lot of people out bro for real thank you that’s that’s that’s dope but okay she do that then and raising my kids too bro like that’s one thing like I’m like my my kids are old enough to play my daughter she’s five so we play sports she got Jujitsu three times a week she she Hoops she does gymnastics so like I’m taking her to all these different things and I’m just like watching her grow same thing with my son like he’s he’s in swimming lessons and um we got he’s in Jiu-Jitsu as well he just got his first strike sh by the way quick side note you know like uh the youth sports are like a$ 40 billion doll business just as I know just as I know not I’m saying I yeah no I got my own nonprofit my own nonprofit organization um what is it what is it called and uh MCW Stars yeah yeah so it’s a it’s a a program we got about 15 girls teams like my mom she runs the whole thing she does her thing too like she she does she does a lot so we’re I’m helping out a lot more with that like like you know looking for funding grants all that type of stuff so we’re uh you definitely come our way obviously but uh way obviously but yeah I got you I know I’ll hit you up be like I know them pockets heavy but most definitely I got you anything you need know this but okay I know not to ask jiannis though the pockets is tight he just been but I you know what I would say what’s your what’s the stupidest things you you’ve ever bought bro you were like ah [ __ ] why did I buy this I want to say that house in Milwaukee but I love that house in Milwaukee you it could be anything it could be like why did I buy this whatever it could be a car this that whatever it was probably cars I probably bought some cars that I was like was just unnecessary didn’t need to buy what’s the best purchase you’ve ever had my house in Orlando House in Orlando yep yeah House in Orlando I feel I feel like the you know the conversation we’re having and you know we never talk about this a lot I feel like that are you’re in a state of peace and just like tranquility and just family time and that’s all you said you’re having a lot of good time a lot of fun with ch I’m chilling I got some things in the work that I’m trying to go get back on the court with um but yeah no I’m I’m I’m you know enjoying enjoying family time yeah and and you said this and you keep saying Orlando and my our house and everything it feels like the house and your fames give you peace bro yeah absolutely bro absolutely it’s good to see it’s good to see that I think people don’t understand how like like in know how much turmo there there is in into sports and and going back and forth and you’re traveling every day and you got to play from City to city and you know everybody gets to tweet at you and Men you on Instagram every other day because you’re playing every other team and you don’t get the times to kind of figure out what your once you get in the stage you see your family kids until they like it becomes yeah I mean bro throughout my throughout my nine 10 years in the league bro I done seen some of the wildest situations like just like so much so many so many crazy things that happened to everybody in the league when they play like right so many emotions up and down to just wait but what for you okay but what would be what was the most craziest things you ever seen no I’m saying that you ever felt that you was like this you never because now like you like talking about this and I feel like the craziest season I’ve ever been a part of was Chicago for sure like that was when we had Jimmy dwade Rondo Bobby like Nico like oh shout out to Bobby shout out top my dog man I don’t know if this come out after the voting or before the voting but six Man of the Year man six Man of the Year bro come on man hoop man BP Stu BP can who but anyway yeah bro I remember like and and I I love Jimmy Jimmy’s a great dude but this this is crazy bro like one day um we just had like our locker room was bad bro like we we know it was was right in the beginning of the year too like it was like our first three games like we lost and like they were like everybody was pissed off like upset like Jimmy wasn’t getting along with Coach hyberg like so we had a team meeting early right so we getting that’s crazy to have a team meeting we had a team meeting right off the rip like so then we everybody’s in the locker room everybody’s silent coach hyberg goes all right guys by by the way with the side note I know you wanted to say something but for the and people are listening to understand is what it means team meeting means like just the players to be like yo we got to get out is together we got to get our stuff together this was the whole this was like the whole Squad like the whole team like coaches everybody this was the like it wasn’t even just a regular just player meeting it was whole team right coach horberg starts it off he’s like all right Jimmy obviously this starts with me and you like what’s going on and so and so but last game right last game the were terrible like Jimmy got a tech like somebody else got a tech I think even TSH Gibson got a tech that game he don’t really get Jimmy was upset right that that coach horberg ain’t get ATT teack you know players get upset if your coach feel like you’re not definitely that’s one of yeah you definitely gota do that so so right so coach horberg is like Jimmy like this starts with me and you like what’s going on and then Jimmy goes well one I think you’re soft two I don’t like you and he didn’t even get to three and coach hyberg was like well then [ __ ] you Jimmy and Jimmy’s like ah it’s [ __ ] me now you wanted to know what I want you wanted to know how I felt so that’s how the meeting started bro and I’m sitting over in the corner I’m like oh my God like yo I’ve never heard this in my entire life I’m like bro I’m like what like and he’s like so they’re like and then the assistant coaches in the background they’re like oh my God oh my gosh like yo and so they just like Jimmy a good dude like Jimmy n Jimmy’s a good dude but like I’m saying yeah like I it was got to be a winner he expect that no you got to be you got to be you got to be and you know his personality like you you got to if you’re a coach you got to be a fight like you got to fight like you got to show like that passion whatever so n that was that was that was crazy um so what did everybody do with that after everybody was just like like really nobody knew what to say cuz like we were like that’s it just like it just popped off crazy like that like off like right away so then I guess like you know some of the coaches spoke like we can’t have this we got to be on the same page like you know other guys spoke and like it was tough cuz like I said we was losing so it wasn’t looking good for us like early so they was yeah no that was one of the craziest things I’ve ever seen like in the locker room like just straight out like like you’re soft and I don’t like you straight up and down like I was like yo oh God that season I seen a lot of crazy stuff that year and then okay so how did the season end like how did honestly bro it ended good like if we didn’t if Rondo didn’t get hurt against the Celtics we would have won that series bro we was up three Z I think or two Z two Z three Z that and we was we was hoping bro and then Rondo went out and we had the whole game plan like figured out he went out it just it just messed up whole what was the game plan what was the like the we started to do um actually J kid ran in a lot too you know when like the point guard dribbles up to the wing they hit the elbow and they just play out of that set splits they play out of splits right so we just played all these different types of actions out of splits and they would have a hard time covering it because they they really couldn’t switch with Isaiah Thomas so like Rondo would always be in the the split action and we were just we just started flowing off that and you know Rondo’s like you know he figures like he watches film he figures the game out it’s going to be a long night for you guys he can get the ball to DW and Jimmy so we had it we had it figured out like we were playing real well and they were a great team though like they they were they started hooping too so got to give credit to them they was balling I can’t lie it was hooping shout out to the it just sign I was so happy to see that I was just working out with it this summer I was happy to see him sign oh my got man I’ll tell you one thing like I’m still crying from the Jimmy thing oh my God I’m uh like you know I don’t know him personally I haven’t like met him but like I seen his video online I see YouTube and the reaction he had when he got traded and this that and like the way he was hooping and how they did him like bro I get the nature of the business I’m a businessman bro I understand business is business and and when you up there and when you in this side of the business you better use it when you ins side of the business you better figure it out but I think same time like there is some eate to it some point there is there is there is some there is some like you know what I mean there is some like nobility to it to a certain degree yeah you know so yeah no that was crazy the things that he went through was tough like but I’m happy I’m happy bro I’m I’m very like I’m like and this is guys if you guys uh you know this is the prime example of like perseverance and just stick with it stick with it he find his way next year as well and like moving forward so like I hope so it’ll be six for real yes it will but I was just laughing that I would ask because you said crazy things and the way you did your face I had to ask you like I’m like I can’t face like this you said it like no yeah it was just a bunch of like it’s just there’s just a bunch of stories that like you’re just like yo I can’t believe I can’t believe this is going on but oh but okay but you didn’t play with JP when you were left before JP came MH I left I was yeah I was only with hyberg it’s crazy I got to see you guys play all of you guys together you oh you talking about JP coming to Milwaukee no coming to Chicago went Chicago yeah yeah yeah and when you guys played like it’s I felt like you know I was watching my brothers play like you guys were playing together fighing together and and and the crazy part is like went from a Milwaukee went from a 14 win 15 or whatever win to 41 to 50 and then and then like been top tier since then you know no you could see it though like you could see it like it was crazy like even watching jannis play Early when he was young like you could see that like he would have like six to 10 plays where you’re like yo that was crazy right and those six plays turned into 15 then they turned into 20 like the things that he was doing on the court and you’re just like yeah like once he does this more consistently it’s old it’s like it’s a rrap but you you lived it you was like close to him and worked out with him and and all the things and and and I was thinking about it like okay if if Philly’s model was trust to right what is what was was Milwaukee model would it be called mik Freak the freak they stay course though yeah the evolution like they they they stuck with their guns like I don’t know what what else to call it like they had they had um they had Chris for a while like yeah they had like and they always built they had good Supporting Cast like they brought Zaza patulia in there like just good mentors like OJ mayo yeah so like they they always were able to feel like those spots were dudes that were like could really teach like they had John Hensen John Hensen was like an important Mr hook yeah Mr hook like him and yanas used to go at each other like in practice all the time you know what I mean like Michael Beasley like dude like they had they had good dudes in there you you saw Michael be shout out to OG’s podcast too the OG’s I gota get youon M I gotta do one with them they they they got stores for days and they they like unfilter too I like I love that um so they they had him on the part he was talking about like playing ones and 101 and how people how like you people he beat and I remember he was when walking I remember bro I had some players with him I was like bro this gu’s incredible like who is this guy because I don’t I didn’t grew up here so I didn’t follow the Au program the the colleges the Baltimore the the uh you know like Maryland or like stuff like I I couldn’t because I’m not from here but to see him and then find out like hey him and KD him and this guy I’m like bro n yeah no he was he’s nice he’s can who especially in ones he’s tough I played against him in ones like last summer or something like that like he’s he’s tough he’s is tough I watched him in high school I watched him in high school yeah I went to I went to go watch a game um he was killing he had him and uh this kid named Walker is La Billy Walker something like that on his team he was he was hoping they were balling they he was nice he was in high school college League you you guys have this ranking system too too early too early for me I feel like the ranking system yes because how do you determine this guy was 14 years old that he’s going to be top 100 in the country and then all of a sudden not too many guys hold that spot too like there’s guys when I was younger that like were ranked like number one and two and like you don’t even they not playing nowhere so yeah I don’t know I don’t know I mean it’s just a probably a business somebody made up try to capitalize off of yeah yeah I I can see that I can see that what do you think about the N Deals now bro it’s crazy like I was talking I talked to him you to stayed in college if when was yeah I mean not maybe not my sophomore year but like I don’t know I don’t know what the money would would have looked like like just like now yeah n i mean I would have been my n nil deal would have been would have been nice though would been straight right it would have been straight but it’s crazy cuz I talk to kids like I hear I hear about kids that are like nah I’m not going there unless I get like 70 70k like damn like 70 right that’s that’s a whole salary like people got to pay now for your kid not to transfer I’ll transfer unless I don’t get 50k like it’s crazy I’ll hit the portal yeah but at the same time I I get the whole like uh you know where’s the love for the for the school like I want to be I wanted to be Indiana whoer I wanted to be uh uh Louisville you know I wanted to be the Baylor I wanted to be like Syracuse and but at the same time or Duke or whatever but at the same time like how much money have they made throughout the whole year like it’s it’s time it’s been time right it’s about time that’s never that’s never public that’s never public though right like how much the schools make it’s always how much the players make how much do the school make selling Patrick euan’s Jersey still you know what I mean yeah I don’t know if they do but I just give an example people’s opinions would feel a lot different if they saw that exactly it would be a lot different if you saw the business I’m just talking about we talking about me and you talking about the business side of right right but I’m saying like it would be totally different because now you get to see like kids are making and that 70,000 probably is nothing but the crazy part is it’s not just the top tier guys now that’s what I’m saying it’s everybody those 12 man is like hey man yeah like where’s my money at where my cheese at BR listen here [Laughter] man I’m from Africa I need that need it oh my God okay so I know I knew it was going to keep it short but but talking to for like 2 three hours facts but no no I need another one maybe maybe Milwaukee or Greece somewhere you know what I’m saying with it sit down Big Tuck at giannis’s wedding I’m going to be there like this come through you know what I’m saying get it in and and then we’ll talk a little bit more the business side and other stuff like that but I appreciate you so much thank you for having me you know for like coming to the show please can you tell us our social people I want people to follow you please yeah follow me uh M Carter Williams on the gram that’s all that’s all I need the I support his journey man it’s been Incredible Cool Dude even cooler if you meet him I’m man I’m you know me bro I’m willing to meet anybody what up what we doing yeah and uh it’s been amazing thank you so much for like first you one of my brother’s best friends and you are our friend so like it’s dope to he’s talked about you so much all the time like hey Mike this this that I’m like man I gotta sit down with him I’ve met we met but like I want to sit down with you and like no for real yeah uh chop it up with you I appreciate you so much and again the show is coming to an end if you guys want to subscribe subscribe on YouTube channel and theal show please like it like comment subscribe share with your friends uh man it’s been amazing uh if you want to follow in the socials Canal show the socials Twitter Tik Tok whatever Facebook et say that uh you guys have been amazing keep supporting uh thank you guys so much and again anal [Music] out the analysis is recorded at no studios Milwaukee’s creative Hub and Production Studio


  1. The way Thanasis explains the most simple things that everyone understands is so annoying. We all know what a team meeting is you goof. Stop acting like your a real nba player

  2. Thanasis jumping in to clarify the meaning of a team meeting during the Jimmy story and doesn't even get it right lol

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