Anyone Can Master These Golf Shots with These Quick and Easy Tips

In this video i’m going to teach you how to gain ultimate control over your golf ball…… and these are techniques that can be adopted by any level of golfer.

Often golfers believe that they are not skilled enough to learn how to shape the golf ball, but in my experience thats not the case and learning these 4 shots can actually fast track their improvement as it teaches you some of the key skills needed to play bette golf

This video teaches you how to hit the draw, fade, low and high shots all with simple instructions that you can implement right away


#drawshot #fadeshot #shotshaping



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00:00 Introduction
00:35 Learn The Draw Shot
04:33 Learn The Fade Shot
07:15 Learn The Low Shot
10:15 Learn The High Shot

have you ever wondered how these great golfers that you see on TV are able to hit drawers Fades high and low with one different Club well in the next 10 12 minutes or so you’re going to learn those four shots I you think you Chris I’m not good at enough H those shots I just want to be able to hit it straight consistently practicing this can really help you long-term just hitting those straight shots because you’re developing your skill and Joe who works for me holding that camera his handicap is above 20 and I’ve taught him these methods and he can pretty easily now pretty consistently hit all of these different ball flights so I know that you can do it most goers can do a lot more than they think they can and ultimately if you can take this to the course it’s going to help you shoot some lower scores so let’s start with the right to left shot for a right handy gol for which we all know as a draw shot now for all of these shots I’ve got an alignment stick down here and that’s pretty handy to have that’s going to reference my target line so basically where I want all of these shots to end up so a draw shot would be a ball which starts to the right of my target has some amount of curve to the left and finishes about on my target for a draw shot there’s two things that need to happen number one we need to have a club path which is to the right of my target that’s a non-negotiable and then relative to that club path the club phase needs to be slightly closed so there’s a couple of things we’re going to do we’re going to change some setups or some things in the setup we going to change a few kind of inswing principles so if I was to take my normal setup to begin with so the first thing I want to do is I want to take my whole body that’s my toes my knees my thighs my hips my shoulders my eyes and I want to turn those more out to the right of the target however rather than stand here and Shuffle around the golf ball what I would rather you do is actually start from back here and actually pick something which is to the right of your target so we know where my ball wants to finish that’s this line on the ground but I’m going to pick couple of the trees on the right hand side of the range I’m going to pick one of those trees and I’m simply going to take a setup as if I’m aiming directly at that tree so that now to me feels like a pretty regular setup feels like I’m just aiming at a Target which happens to be to the right of my intended target that’s going to help me with my club path because as long as I swing Along my body line look at that my club is now traveling not in the same direction as this alignment stick but out to the right that would be what we need that’s the club path which is to the right of the Target now there’s something you can do in setup which actually helps that happen even more and I’d love you to do this from your normal setup you’re going to move the ball fractionally further back than you normally would and I’m talking a small about maybe one ball further back in your stance and as you do that I want you to make sure the hands stay nicely ahead of the golf ball so the grip of the club is over the inside of my lead thigh now if that was all I did I’m probably going to hit a pretty straight shot that goes at my target on the right hand side of the range that’s no good we need the ball to curve back how do we do that we have to have a club face which is closed now now there’s two ways you can do this I’m going to teach you both which one you use is going to be down to a little bit of practice figure out which one works best for you the first one would be to close the club face at a dress so this would be my normal grip what I would do is I would rotate the club face slightly closed and then take my normal grip so when I close my eyes that feels like a normal hold a normal grip but when I open you can see how the club face is slightly Twisted the beauty with that as an option is that when you take your setup and you’re in that position and you’ve got that club face lightly closed before you even take the club away your draw shot is built in everything that you need is done at setup the club will swing to the right and you’ve closed the face that ball will now draw and it will move right to left now how much you close the face that will depend a little bit on how far to the right you aim do you want this ball to curve 20 yards 10 yards and like all these shots takes a bit of practice takes a little bit of you going to the range and experimenting with this so here’s the second option you can do you can take a regular grip where the club face is nice and neutral and all you need to do is through the goal sing you need to use a little bit of your skill you’ve all got some skill trust me hands and arms and let the toe of the club accelerate a little bit quicker than the heel which effectively just closes the club face it’s going to have the same effect the club face will be closed the path the ball will draw you’re just doing it mid swing rather than a setup now let’s talk about the fade shot which is the opposite to the draw this one will start left of your target for a right-handed golfer it will drift to the right and again it will finish about On Target and in terms of what we do we pretty much do the opposite to the drawer so that’s going to give you a few ideas of what we’re going to cover here before we kind of dive into this shot I just want to touch on distance because when we’re taking let’s say seven iron and we’re trying to hit a draw versus a fade the club’s going to have a very different amount of lofted impact and what that means is these two shots are going to go quite different distances the draw generally goes a little further the fade generally goes a little shorter so you do need a little bit of practice because it’s often easier to get the shot shape than it is to actually gauge how far they go so a little bit of practice that needs to to go in there but we’re going to follow the same sort of process we need the alignment to be left which is what will create our club path being to the left of the Target and then we need to make sure that the club face is open to that path exactly the same process rather than standing there and shuffling around again I’ve got my target so I’m going to pick a new Target to the left which again I’m picking one of those trees right in the distance I’m taking my regular setup to that tree and that will now create a club path which is already more to the left of my target that’s perfect again that’s one of the non-negotiables but as with a draw something you can do is set it which can help that we can bump that ball a fraction further forward so there’s our setup aim left ball is forward you’re probably going to have a little bit less shaft lean versus the draw you’re probably going to have a little bit less ground contact than you would with a drawer and you’re probably going to get a higher ball flight than you would with a drawer we now need to get the face open exactly the same as the draw you’ve got two options you either set it open at address but again we have the same issues that sometimes you can be very much out of your comfort zone or number two even through the goling it can really feel like the club face is twisted and that can really be a a kind of in swing feeling that many people don’t like if you can do it that way great because you can do it pre- swing you get it all dialed in before you even take the club away the other option would be like we did the draw to make our normal swing but feel this time as if we hold the face open feel as if your Trail handy staying more underneath the golf club which keeps the club face a little open through impact and it’s that that creates the fade now in terms of how much movement you can create you will generally find the right to left draw shot much easier to to hit and the left to right fade more difficult to hit simply because when we open the face we increase the Loft and when you increase the Loft it becomes harder to create curve now let’s talk about hitting a low flighted iron shot now this is a shot that you will use all the time when you can get this practice I use it all the time there’s just so many situations where it’s really really useful and there’s three things that you kind of have to do if you want to launch the ball sorry hit the ball a little bit lower number one we’ve got to launch the ball lower number two we want to take the spin rate down because as the ball spins it climbs and the third one is we need to reduce the amount of time that the ball is climbing for so the easiest way for me to change the launch angle of my golf ball is to Simply change my setup my normal setup is ball just forward weight around about 55% on that lead leg for a lower shot I’m going to move the ball a little bit further back in my stance and I’m going to put maybe 60% of weight on that lead leg but I don’t want to think of these shots as positions okay so I’m not going to tell you that to hit the lower shot I want the ball to be two golf balls further back in your stance because it’s up to you it’s a spectrum you can go back this far if you had to go you know under some really low branches I’d love you to go ahead and play around with this if you can control the height that’s an even more of a superpower than just being a has hit lower if you can actually control and choose the flight that you want so I’m going to go ball further back little bit more weight forward and I need to make sure that I haven’t moved the grip of the club relative to me okay I still want that grip of the club to be just inside my lead thigh so as the ball goes further back I’ve got more shaft lean it’s no good moving the ball back if the grip goes with it so the grip relative to me doesn’t change but the ball do relative to me that’s going to control your launch angle just that alone will give you a lower takeoff angle and a lower overall fright so how do you reduce Spin and how do you reduce the time that the ball ball climbs for that sounds like quite complicated things to do it’s really simple you just swing slower as you swing slower you impart less Spin and if you can imagine we had two golf balls taking off at the same angle if one was hit harder and the other was hit softer the ball that was hit softer will simply fall out the sky sooner because it’s got less speed it’s climbing for a shorter length of time therefore we get a lower overall flight so by simply swinging a little bit slower we reduce the spin we reduce the time that ball climbs before we get that lower overall ball flet now if you remember back to what we said when we were hitting a draw shot we said that moving the ball back in the stance helps the path move out to the right same thing applies here as we’re hitting that lower shot we move the ball back in our stance which tends to shift the path of your Club more out to the right so when you hit a lower shot you’re more likely to hit a right to left shot now normally from these situations is absolutely fine but if you didn’t want that shot if you wanted a more neutral light then all you can do is you can take that same setup but just adjust your alignment a little bit to the left which will just counteract that and it means you can hit those lower shots but you can keep the flight nice and neutral the high shot I’m not going to lie to you this one is more difficult and of the kind of three that we’ve covered so far this being the fourth this is probably the one that you’re going to find yourself using the least so if you think about what we just did with the low shot we wanted to reduce speed we want to reduce the launch angle and reduce the spin we need to do the opposite we need to increase the launch the speed and the spin and we have to do that through kind of a little bit of swing speed so in terms of setup I’m pretty sure you can see where we’re going to go with this I’m going to take my normal setup 55% away here ball is just for to Center I’m going to nudge the ball more up in my stance closer to maybe where I play like a hybrid a long G or maybe even a fairway would I’m going to sort of balance my weight a little bit more so it’s kind of 50/50 and I’m going to have a little bit less forward chaffle so even though the dress my club has got more Loft which means that as they come into impact pushing the ball further forward gives me a slightly shallower approach into the ball shallower approach with a more lofted Club increases the height that we launch the golf ball we’re going to get a takeoff angle which is significantly higher okay there it is higher ball flight I’ve linked that a little bit right but felt lot less interaction with the ground which is kind of what I would be looking for that high ball flight is going to carry definitely a shorter distance so again you have to bear that in mind but what I’m able to do is take a seven iron or let’s call it a tool and with a few setup tweaks and a few ideas on in swing changes I can basically make the ball do whatever I want it to do and that’s such a powerful tool to have on the course


  1. The level of empathy and understanding here is heartwarming. It's a reminder of our shared humanity.💕

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