Golf Players

EMQ Bets Golf – Charles Schwab Challenge Betting Preview

PGA Championship recap; Xander breaks through, Scheffler taken to jail, Bryson DeChambeau and Viktor Hovland make statements; Charles Schwab Challenge preview; renovated Colonial Country Club, Scheffler the favorite, can Emiliano Grillo repeat?

0:00 Intro
1:37 Scottie Scheffler’s Arrest
10:35 Valhalla Recap
33:50 Charles Schwab Colonial Course Preview
37:30 Our Bets for the Charles Schwab
53:20 Placement Bets
1:01:30 Nationality Bets and Round 1
1:07:00 DP World Tour Bets Soudal Open

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Scotty sheffler does his best Michael scoffield impression Xander shafley finally breaks through Nelly Corda wins yet again and our preview of the colonial Charles Schwab challenge all coming at you next on EMQ bets golf [Music] oh welcome to EMQ bets golf I’m Charles your host along with bmac and Jimmy metrics back for another exciting show and boy what a week on the PGA tour it was my friends we saw a man who can’t win finally win and win on the biggest stage getting rid of that asterisk next to his name Xander shafley becomes the PGA Champion um winning his first major and his first tournament win in about two years big stuff for Xander um but we’ll get that minute we’ll get to that a minute let’s not bury the lead let’s start off with uh what was quite a hectic quite a hectic week for Scotty sheffler um the nicest kindest gentlest man on Earth was arrested by the Louisville Police Department on his way into his Friday round of golf he tunneled out of the jail cell and made it to the first te on time went out and fired a 6 6 if it wasn’t for a bit of a uh hiccup on Saturday he would have been right there on the 18th hole with something to play for um but still I mean when you go through that and uh you know I I’m not afraid to overshare when you go to jail it’s a jarring experience so it it’s a lot to ask to put together three straight incredible rounds he played two really good rounds but guys I mean was this not like the most surreal ex like feel like you’re in the Twilight Zone we woke we all woke up at 7 in the morning on Friday to watch golf all of a sudden someone’s dead they’ve delayed the tournament and Scotty sheffler’s in prison it’s like what on Earth is going on Brendan your impressions H yeah you sum you summed it up pretty well um I among the three of us I am the one who lives on on Twitter um so I live on golf Twitter um and it was uh it was the first time uh in my life or my experience that golf Twitter has been the center of Twitter has been the center of the Twitter universe yeah and it was very fun to be a part of and it started bright and early I got up to go to work uh at 5:45 in the morning got my car about 6 and opened my phone as I sat down in my car um right before I started the turned the key and looked and I was like what is this what is going and it was like it was like five minutes ago Scotty Sheffer was arrested and I was like well this I got to find a real account saying something of this like haha good joke uh and then I was like wait everyone is saying this wait there’s videos what is going on what in the hell um and uh yeah it went from there it was absolutely wild um just I mean there’s so many takeaways uh the police are absolutely insane um that would be my number one takeway hilarious person to choose to be the one who gets arrested but probably good for his image yeah Jim Jim uh extrapolate on on what we’ve said yeah I mean it was certainly shocking I mean you don’t expect Scotty sheffler of all people in the world to get arrested um I’m really excited to see how this plays out if the charges get dropped or not um I mean you see today they ain’t getting dropped the prosecutor so hard in the arraignment yeah really no I haven’t seen what they were saying today was like doing battle at the arraignment about what date the arraignment is like the Scotty’s lawyer was trying to just push the date back a week and the prosecutor’s like there’s no reason to push it back like battling about it they were in that prosecutor looked like he was trying to make a career huh would it be something with Scotty has to do time hilarious there’s just I don’t see a path to him doing time but I mean the world is crazy um he he may he might have assaulted an officer I think pretty that’s the time and we have a lawyer here so it’s it’s a lot you know when you hear a Sol officer you think of a a an angry guy pushing and shoving kicking the cops or something I mean I think he was just unawares of the cop’s presence and the cop grabbed the door handle like a lunatic and was dragged across the road which I mean that sucks for everyone involved but like doesn’t that make it worse ACC according to there were there were I don’t know if you guys read the article of there was a there was a media bus them so a bunch of media people literally saw it happen and all of them gave the same account there’s a pretty cool article that kind of gives all of their account and they said it’s dark it’s raining um you see Scotty’s car like pulling around because there’s like a bunch of stuff going on he doesn’t know what has happened right he’s just getting to the course um and part of the context is every weekend when these pro golfers are getting to the course there’s tons of traffic that they’re directed to go around because there’s the the patrons there’s a huge you know hundreds of tens of thousands of people coming to watch the event and then there’s the golfers being waved by to pull in to go to their actual tea time um so these golfers are very used to going around the uh the traffic being waved and I guess Scotty starts to pull around and the first guy in a vest and stuff waves him so he watches that and goes he doesn’t see a different guy who’s in a big like big like pulled up Hood Overcoat uh like yellow coat so he looks like a traffic uh like director guy he doesn’t look like a cop that guy goes running after him yelling him to Scott and Scotty keeps driving as that guy’s getting to the car he like bashes on the back of the car but Scotty’s car is going then the guy trips and like eats it and then Scotty stops the guy bashes his uh his uh flashlight on the window says Open Your Door Scotty opens the door the guy slams him down and arrests him so that’s what happened according to that whole media article sounds IC Behavior like what what’s the purpose of chasing him down there correct it sounds like that cop didn’t understand what happened with the other cop and then when he said stop and the guy didn’t stop he just went nuts and then he fell which made him go extra nuts now see I heard Scotty was following the other like four cars in front of him into the correct yeah they they said there was you know there’s like two there’s the players who get to go past everyone else wasn’t allowed to go past Scotty saw like player cars he got waved by one guy as he got past the next guy was like going nuts the uh the number one indicator for me that the cop is a bit of a Hardo as they say is that he wrote in his report that his $80 uniform pants were damaged Beyond repair I I read that and I was like uh okay like yeah I if that absolutely Hil like yeah hilarious right I’m sorry your 80 uniform pants were damaged be damaged Beyond repair pants are either wearable or they’re not well I mean we’re in Kentucky they’re probably not buying new clothes they’re probably sewing them up you know what I mean it’s all time yeah no it’s fair Jim it’s fair it is fun to see like the general public get to see um the the way the police will sometimes write their police reports to to try to just add something to the the elements of the crime and that’s what that is you see stuff like that all the time yeah um the uh the the governor of Kentucky or it was the mayor of Louisville I can’t remember but one of them said today that they are going to investigate if the police took the proper protocols or acted out of line so that could benefit Scotty in some way I I think down the road this thing’s going away the the fact that the fact that there is like that article is literal eyewitnesses eyewitnesses are if you ever went to a trial the people would testify they would say all that and he would easily be not guilty of of all of it there’s no way that Scotty’s going to end up getting all this all going to go away but the the front end of it they seem to I think in terms of like backing the backing their guy uh they’re not gonna just let it go right away right and and you know you got the video taken by ESPN’s Jeff Darlington who was right there right behind him he’s trying to help out Scotty the cops he’s going to jail there’s nothing you can do about it right uh Darlington clear everybody who everybody who’s spoken as an eyewitness has pretty much said that it was an unnecessary escalation and just a like a miscommunication that really got out of hand I don’t see this really going anywhere but it is insane to you’re police unnecessarily escalated something no yeah I know that’ be quite the claim to make but uh I don’t buy it yeah yeah uh yeah so we’ll see what happens with Scotty um as you see he’s playing this week he’s opening up as a gigantic favorite we’ll get to that in a bit but um yeah he played a respectable round of golf it was pretty badass him walking around the course shooting a 66 with the backing of the entire crowd um so let’s talk about the PGA Championship before we get to Xander and the other players who had notable performances let’s talk about two things that really stood out to me number one incredible crowd uh just an awesome crowd the fans were were were great the whole full time given support to a lot of players they just it was one of the better crowds I’ve seen at a at a major in recent history like a loose um supportive feel I like that a lot but the thing I really want to touch on is what Brendan absolutely nailed on the last show this track was embarrassing for a major uh this is not major quality golf this was just a regular stop on the PGA tour in terms of scores I know the Rainy conditions made things easier the lack of wi made things easier it’s still no excuse the PGA of America should be a little embarrassed uh with what ended up just being kind of a pathetic course same shots over and over again Brendan was so sharp on that take last week I got to give him credit for that uh Brandon the scoring was so easy it wasn’t even like a main PGA event it was like a secondary one you know there’s two every week you know what I mean everyone’s going minus 20 yeah I mean listen you had uh I think 40 players minus 10 better something like that that shouldn’t happen at a major tournament that’s they the lowest cut line of all time for a major tournament at minus one and total show Strokes yeah yeah tell yeah it’s absurd yeah it was 300 Strokes better total Strokes than the next for the field easiest uh major yeah wow for the two different guys tie the all-time record for lowest round and then then they had a guy tie the all-time record for lowest score scor on a major and he lost yeah yeah great Point Jim just not what we want out of a major I mean look it was fun I have bigger complaints than just the I think the score the score alone like yes obviously my my main points coming in are held up like okay I lost my bets on this tournament but I wish I had like somehow the my best prediction from last show was I I think I hadn’t seen people saying this was that the course stinks like i’ had seen people hyping the course and being excited they’re saying it now they’re saying it now and now everyone agrees the course stunk uh my my Logic for it was right um it was just the same shot over and over there was no punishment for mistakes uh it was just like it’s fine because you end up with a tight finish with bigname guys so that’s exciting get an exciting finish um but the way it all goes down the way the whole tournament plays out is just like lame golf the guys aren’t very challenged it’s just like did you play good or did you not not like anything beyond that and Sunday was just like a putting contest yeah and you don’t want that at a major championship it’s just not what we want guys really grinding for pars guys if you if you make a mistake you get a bogey like that’s what major golf should be the winner should be minus 10 no better than minus 10 like that’s what we’ve come to expect um it’s always more fun when the major is a blood bath and the guy really has to earn it through like a crucible not just not just driver to a giant Fairway eight iron and do you make your 12 foot putt or do you miss your 12 foot I me it became a running joke in our group chat when uh moraca what he have 17 or 18 birdie putts will he make one he’s going to have another birdie putt will he make one yeah in the fourth round just an easy way it’s easy to get there he just couldn’t putt you know that’s well okay so that’s a great point great Point um if you we wa if you watched the for the people at home who sat and watched the whole final round of the tournament it paints a great picture of what all of my problems with this golf course are which is um if you didn’t get to see the putting like if you just didn’t see the putting and you know entering the final round what the scores were there is no difference at all between Colin marawa Xander Schley Victor hlin Bryson Des Shambo there’s none the only difference is the putting other than that they’re they’re all basically having the same if anything col Mar probably had the best final round um it’s just all of them on every hole have a between 10 and 20 foot Putt and who made more of them yeah yeah that’s all it came down to yeah it it just which I mean is fine I don’t mind that if we’re at the the Barracuda open but like this is supposed to be the PGA Championship it’s even fine if the reason for that is they just played that that good but like they didn’t need to like for example the second hole we watch the second hole Xander schle Yanks it left where there’s water and there’s a huge down slope to the water but that they have the grass thick on that down slope so it holds it up the ball can’t go into that water that should be in that water you should have that course set up so if you hit that slope that Ball’s going in that water or what is the there’s no punishment for missing on that hole so he misses there where it should be in the water then he hits a terrible shot long right from there that goes into the bunker but that bunker has no punishment in it it’s got nice flat lips it’s it all drains to the middle so he ends up middle of the bunker gets up and down for par two awful shots par like that should be double bogey risk it there’s no risk he hit a shot that like the whole design of the hole should be that ball’s in the water you know what I meaning year round about all the bunkers on tour though I think they’re all way too easy yeah except the holes except the courses where they’re not and then everyone throws a little fit but like yeah but I think if you hit the ball in the bunker you should be p p penalized you mean a lot of these guys are aiming for the bunkers especially the Fairway bunkers on this course why the Fairway bunkers none of them have like a front lip like there was no punishment it’s you’re basically just like cool hit it clean and you’re good y yeah it just wasn’t up to up to Snuff it wasn’t major caliber golf uh course unfortunately but look like you said we did get a really entertaining finish uh you get Xander shafley came out on fire shooting minus n he kind of slowed down but never relinquished the lead uh when when the round ended he he led wire to wire um a lot of guys came back though um very entertaining Sunday he had some surprise guys like Shane Lowry and Justin Rose play excellent golf they couldn’t quite get it done on Sunday same with sahit tagala Tony F now they were right there uh the cool the main cool thing about this tournament was the leaderboard was just names it was it was it was cool seeing that for sure Brendon do you want to say something no yeah I totally agree and and I there’s like there’s a contingent of the PGA fandom and the PGA Tour that likes this golf course because it it produces that every time um every time a tournament’s been here the leaderboard ends up being the names um and I think that’s just because if you give th these guys that all of their medium long iron ability where there’s no risk when you miss like if missing the Fairway they don’t ever miss the Fairway on this course like and if you do you’re fine if if you give these guys that they’re the leaderboard is gonna be just all the best guys you know what I mean so they T they talked about the rough being hard it wasn’t that hard uh it was occasionally it was hard to end up in the hard part right right it was a problem but you know guys were able to to deal with it it was um statistically which is crazy because in terms of like when we come in and we talked about this tournament and it’s because it was a little wet out there so it got soft but like the one defense of this course was supposed to be like the ball’s going to run out and and firm greens but yeah that didn’t happen at all it was the least firm course ever um so statistically this was the number one uh percentage of Fairways hit on tour this year uh of any course and coming in it was like the fairways are very narrow and it’s so long you’re gonna have to take risk no there was everyone hit every Fairway yeah um a lot of guys opting for three Woods off the tea and having a lot of success um but yeah yeah definitely disappointing but in that regard but so we get to Sunday we got moraca and Xander in the final pairing you’ve got hland Victor hland who is back baby we can we’ll talk about it a second to Shambo in the same group they both go absolutely off um they push they push it right to the edge minus 19 going to the final hole Bryson makes a great putt to get to minus 20 Victor kind of presses and ends up boogying but finishes solo third um then you give it Xander coming down the stretch morawa can’t get anything going as we as we just outlined he’s on every Green he just couldn’t make a putt all day he played very nice just didn’t matter uh shafley with a bit of a shaky approach on 17 gets a great up and down and then a little unlucky on a decent drive on 18 but hits a really wonderful shot from a tough stance hits a pretty decent chip and then lips in a dramatic birdie putt on the 18th hole to claim his first major and PGA Championship and his reaction was pretty cool I mean you could tell he was getting a huge load off his off his chest um like like he he looked relieved looked like it mattered to him a great deal and uh he’s such a good player that I’m happy for him and and I think he deserved it and he earned it um maybe we all didn’t want it to go that way but that that’s how it happened uh what one thing to note Brendon mentioned earlier four PGA championships at this course two Senior PGA championships at this course and two Junior PGA Champions Course every single one of those Tournaments has come down to the 18th hole or a playoff so the course does produce drama that is I guess one thing going for it yeah like I said there’s an element of it that they really like it’s good for like you know Sunday get people to turn on the TV yeah um and yeah I’m sure it had great ratings but uh we shouldn’t see minus 21 winning major we really just shouldn’t see that but Xander with absolute clutch play down the stretch he just played very solid all day Sunday one shaky hole where he Bogies the 10th but very solid made a ton of Clutch putts and some good chips and uh hold enough birdies to get it done um so let’s get into some brags we got some good brags this week uh we weren’t particularly sharp on the outright winners but we had some really nice bets um Jim well I mean we kind of were sharp on the winner because we did a lot of win without Xander schle right right right um yeah I hear what you mean I hear you mean but yeah Jim you nailed a Colin morau at top 10 yep at plus 260 you nailed a Bobby McIntyre who just played excellent golf uh the whole tournament little little shaky on the final round but he hits a beautiful second shot into the par five 18th and drains an eagle putt to win Jim his bet Bobby Mack top 10 at 22 to1 huge hit for Jim there Xander top five 3 to one and you also double down on Bobby Mack with a top 30 at plus 400 um so you had a huge week you had you were plus 20 units you’re getting back on track Brendan also nailed a four unit Xander top 10 Bobby Mack top 20 also sharp on that you had a Tony fow top 20 and top Canadian Cory Connor you had uh you kind of broke even on the week but you had some really sharp bets you just missed a couple other ones just barely um you know we gave out Rory and Scotty I mean top 12 finishes aren’t bad you know we just didn’t quite get it done with those outright winners and then yeah I had a kind of a lucky week and mostly thanks to Xander I had the best week I’ve had on the show this season I had win without Scotty Sheffer Xander shafley uh winner 14 to1 and then I had round one Xander shafley at 30 to1 the biggest hit I’ve had on the show this year was pretty happy with that also nailed top Continental European Victor hin 7 to one and Bryson to Shambo top 10 at plus 260 I had a plus 41 unit week and I’m pushing I’m pushing 100 units plus 100 units for the season so I’m very pleased we’ve all had a really nice week we really did we were we were sharp on lot a lot of things I wish I could give Brendan some units for how sharp he was on the course I mean it’s all right you know that I think that’s good for the show how like you know people come for some insight into what they to expect what kind of it doesn’t mean you have to have the exact prediction right every time but I think we provided um real good insight into what this tournament was going to look like and stuff that people weren’t thinking about um and I think that’s that’s pretty valuable um there’s now I mean by Sunday everyone was saying the thing I was saying that you guys were like whoa I can’t believe that that takes here you know yeah I you know I questioned on the show but I found it quite interesting and I really like the perspective and and turns out you were just dead on so I’m impressed with that and again I’m super happy I nailed all that Xander shley stuff that that was helpful um but yeah you know you remember a couple weeks ago on a different show when you said you don’t understand YouTube at all well last week we had 40 live viewers right now now we have I I don’t get I don’t understand YouTube either I just don’t understand it at all but yeah anything any anything else you want you guys want to touch on the PGA Championship talk about maybe hland or the Shambo or or just anyone that stood out really yeah I mean I’m very happy for havin to be back um it’s funny that he went back to his Old Coach whose name is now eluding me but uh May something may Joe May yeah Joe May yeah is it Joe is it may or Mayo Joe Mayo Jo May good job good we figured it out yep no really happy for him I mean it just makes sense go back to the guy who knows your swing and can fix it for you um clearly did um maybe having this simpler course where you just got to hit the same shot a 100 times over the course of four days um helped him really dial it all in yeah um but no I mean golf is better when Victor’s there so I’m really happy for him being back yeah he he was awesome the putter got on fire the irons were sharp his short game was noticeably better little shaky short game on the 18th pole but um it was awesome to see him back um Bren you want to talk about D Shambo or should I say My Little D Shambo thing I would have lik I want to talk about Victor okay then keep talking about Victor I didn’t get to you’re gonna get to now you get to now oh no I the thing I love seeing about Victor was there’s a thing when Victor gets hot that the confidence of his swing is so cool um did you see like I know that the driving was easy on this but like Sunday every drive he hit it was like swing pick up the te walk and the drive is just like exactly where they have the little Target thing like on the screen every time it was exactly there every single time it was like what is going on the funniest was when they showed uh uh seven which they five seven the par five seven which they which all week they pretended some people might hit to the right and literally zero people did um and they show they showed his four t- shots on the week were all within like 10 feet of each other which was so sick it was very cool yeah Victor dialed if Victor makes the putt on 14 I thought it was I thought he had one on 17 he left short well yeah but I think 14 was when he start like the back nine he really started rolling yeah he had like a eight footer that he didn’t make he went like birdie birdie and then he stuck it to like eight feet and he just missed that putt just missed on 14 I think if he makes that putt the amount of like momentum pressure that starts coming from like Victor olin’s like storming could have been really huge he just barely missed a couple but man did he play good um and I I have no like 18 whatever like there’s he’s trying to win the tournament there um and he had that W just that shot that came out of the rough uh his second shot just like something died like it was like dead it didn’t get up there and then he you know whatever but yeah yeah he he he just he just blocked his second shot on 18 look out but yeah it was great to see him back um Bryson after a really good showing at the Masters and then kind of a weekend of disappointment for him although he still had a good result um I I know the golf world’s kind of split on Bryson I used to kind of hate him but I mean the guy is so impressive he hits the ball on absolute mile um he’s stopped being really weird with the media and talking about his irons Non-Stop and how everything’s he just stopped being the mad scientist kind of guy and just kind of is out there playing golf enjoying Golf and I loved watching how intense he was how much emotion he was showing like that’s good for golf like I and he interacts with the fans he’s become a good dude like he’s starting to get it and I really really enjoyed watching Bryson and mean he was awesome on Sunday that CAU on 18 was clutch the fist pumps were flying everywhere um so say what you want about Bryson but I personally loved watching him got down the stretch no I agree with you I mean it’s nice to see a guy who like obviously cares obviously everybody cares but Bryson wears that on his sleeve you know and uh we need more of that I mean I love Scotty but he doesn’t give you that right yeah and Bryson used to have a problem where I think he like he felt that way inside but he felt like he needed to hide it and like act very serious about everything and like he’s learned to like just let it all go and the the celebrations when he would have big shots or make big putts and like the excitement that he was showing I think by the back nine Sunday even everybody was rooting for Bryson yeah yeah it was even lots of people who used to not like him were rooting for Bryson yeah I mean because like like Jim said everyone cares but when a guy shows it that intensely it is cool like it is cool to see him executing and making those putts and paying it off and it is cool I know like the whole live PGA thing is like a dumb narrative that they try to infuse to every major but it is fun to see like the live villain with the push like and like last year Brooks coming through like it is still good for golf to have that silly narrative when there is a battle down the stretch on Sunday I mean we have to now think that Bryson’s the best player on Liv right based on the two based on the two majors he’s clearly the best that they’ve brought over I think his game the best right now I think his game translates really well to Majors they’re usually long they usually require um really good tea green shots gained and and that’s kind of his thing he’s also become a much more consistent putter um and he’s just playing really good golf so yeah Brendan’s right right now still think John ROM overall is number one but it it’s getting tighter certainly I I just think I I just like I really hate that that way of looking at it I don’t think they look at it that way and like so I think I think I think a better way to put but I think right now he’s the best more Talent like Zach said like the live villain but he probably we probably named the two people who actually care the least about that storyline which is Bryson and Brooks like they genuinely do not care about that at all they just care about winning the big tournament right right um yeah so that was good to see Bryson down the stretch um here I got a fun trivia question for you guys who’s got the lowest scoring average at the PGA Championship over the last decade Brooks gepa Justin Rose and once again he he finished sixth I believe minus 14 didn’t have a great Sunday I was really impressed he’s kind of an older guy just goes out there and just plays solid golf he’s such an insanely good putter that it it helps him at the majors a lot um that was definitely a shocker for me um and like I said earlier we had a bunch of Young Guns fow and tagala and uh you know guys making pushes some other guys we didn’t really expect like Bobby Mack that was fun and Dean burmester played really well because Brendan said he sucked exclusively said because Brendan said he sucked he decided to play well um so yeah great leaderboard great tournament in terms of drama obviously we discussed the course but uh Xander shafley wins his first career Major gets the monkey off his back and uh in the winner circle and uh it looked good on him in my opinion I think I think the one thing we just haven’t said said that like yes all the Xander stuff um we just haven’t mentioned how extra impressive it is to come off how devastating last Sunday was and just pull it back together and win this tournament like a lot of guys could be like this is just isn’t I just can’t do it like I just can’t win I’m I’m down on myself not come out hot Thursday Friday uh or feel down on like Xander just dialed it back in and just kept playing great go um and at now that he’d won this there’s no doubt at all that right now Zander Shuley is the second best player in the world I agree totally yeah I mean just just to drive home your point there a little bit um Shane Lowry had a 54 hole lead in back-to-back weeks and then his his upcoming tournaments he finished 19th 43 and 64 so like you kind of think the pressure of that and the not breaking through really gets to you guy you mean where Xander just top five top 10 every single week and then finally broke through yeah yeah I think it’s clearly Scotty Xander and then Rory right now for the top three uh in that order uh good point Brendan uh one quick thing back to Bryson you were saying like Brendan says they don’t think of the live as a separate like yeah I I actually totally agree with that I think a better way to phrase it Jim would be Bryson’s clearly a top 10 golfer in the world right now I think that’s just obvious so that’s so but he’s playing fantastic golf um but yeah Ander shley wins the PGA Championship uh you guys ready to move on yeah yep all right um so this week we go to the Charles Schwab challenge this is the 78th Edition this is the longest running event at a single location on the PGA tour other than the Masters believe it or not since 1946 this has been played this is at Colonial Country Club in Fort Worth Texas it’s just been redesigned renovated as a and I quote modern take on the original 1936 course design uh $25 million renovation it’s been lengthened about 100 yards to 7,300 yards it’s a par 70 this week we’ve got a field of 132 the cut is top 65 in ties the average winning score here the last 15 years was minus 14 but obviously the course has been through a major renovation last year I believe Milano Grio was only minus8 and and one in a playoff against Adam shank you’ve got fast and firm new bent grass greens Bermuda Fairways thick penal our favorite word on EMQ bets golf Bermuda rough many bunkers were removed in the rebuild you got seven holes with water you got dense tree lines on a lot of the holes in terms of weather I’ve seen rain and lightning will possibly threaten on Thursday strong wind should be a factor throughout this tournament which is fun uh 15 to 20 miles per hour they’re saying Friday through Sunday will also be in the 90s so it’s going to be hot with wind uh could be interesting the course could really really speed up big time by the weekend after their initial rainfall with all that heat and all that wind could be uh could be a pretty crazy finish uh in terms of guys struggling to uh to get home with that if the course really firms up uh from what I’ve seen Houston open won by Steven jger who was in this field but withdrew a few days AG go and the Windom Championship um which is in North Carolina are the comps I think Strokes gained approach and driving accuracy seem to me the most important metrics this week but we’ll see what you guys feel about that uh obviously I said uh amelan Grio won last year other notable former winners in this field are going to be Sam Burns Justin Rose Adam Scott and Zack Johnson’s actually won this twice but uh the most notable former winner Jordan SP won in 2016 he’s finished second three times and has seven top 10 total uh at this tournament so it’s definitely the Jordan spe invitation um anything else to add boys no I think you nailed it just that Sam Burns definitely is not playing oh he’s not playing okay well he did win former that is my mistake okay um and and just uh the one other detail is like it looks like it’s going to at least rain some every day uh I don’t know about that firming up okay I I when I I just you know Thursday is supposed to rain a bunch Friday says rain Saturday says rain uh will you will you give me a uh will you give me a pass because the weather report has changed on Google from last night you have to give me gotta I think you know it’s a hot place in the South there’s just popup storms usually is what happens yeah exactly Texas is known but the cool thing about it regardless of firming up wins will be a factor it seems like so yeah it’s be consistently like teens wind yeah this course is usually fairly challenging um players have said they don’t particularly love playing here but uh there are certain guys who do so I think we should get into the uh the lines talk about some top guys and get some outright winners going all right let’s do it um all right we’ll pop up DraftKings first uh to have a looky looks boom um just to see what they the lines look like we looking at Scotty Sheffer as the massive favorite at plus 280 Colin M next plus 1200 Max hom plus 1800 Jordan spe Tony Fen now that kind of closed out the list of the bigname guys um up at the top uh really in terms of guys like that can like right now feel like they can actually win a tournament the top three names I guess I would say um and Jordan obviously with his history here looked a lot better this week he’s he’s coming around coming around maybe maybe we’ll see something with his history here he still couldn’t get rid of a lot of his goofy mistakes though but the point being when we look at the list you know that’s that’s kind of the core group that top four and then we go from there yeah we only have 20 of the top 40 uh official world golf rankings Players here this week so definitely a muted field but still some big boys including the biggest boy of them all Scotty Sheffer um let me just quickly talk about my Approach personally to betting this week um yeah I just I look he might win he he could he probably will win we say this every week I’m not gonna play plus 280 at all I mean we all know about Scotty also his his his mental head space has got to be a little bit shaken up you know you’ve got got a new baby went to jail so much media coverage and questions I mean you know one thing we didn’t talk about that we really should have is how unbelievably amazing he was in his post round interview on Friday getting off the golf course and just going to be the classiest guy ever in that interview like answer he basically said I can’t answer any questions and that did answer everyone’s questions with class even like thanked the cops like he’s just an amazing dude he really is like he’s class Gotta Love Scott what Jim he’s class all the way yeah yeah 100% but yeah regardless of all that I do think it’s going to be tough for him to stay fully focused this week especially coming off PGA Championship and all that other stuff anyways I can’t bet 280 so what I’ve done this week is all my outright winners are going to be win without Scotty Sheffer because I think that’s the only appropriate way to bet this year your odds don’t get T I mean you get definitely can bet it a different way but not it’s not for me this week the odds don’t get taken down that badly when you go win without Scotty sheffler so that’s the way I’m approaching it how are you guys doing it Jim I have one outright winner and then I did three win withouts Brendan uh something like what Jim said yeah do yeah um I have I have a I have a ladder I have created a ladder well I enjoy that that’s quite fun chaos yeah exactly um so yeah do you you guys we’re talking about Scotty Sheffer are you guys going there or what yeah I mean I’m not going there I kind of disagree with you uh about his head space I think it’s entirely possible he went back to Texas recharged his batteries saw his uh his new baby and his wife and comes out here and beats the field by 10 Strokes I think that’s totally possible oh I I don’t I mean we’re talking about Scotty Seer I don’t think it’s impossible at all I’m just saying there could be some some factors I don’t know sure no I mean there definitely could be but I think Al also golf may be a sanctuary where you forget about all that you just when you’re as good as he is you know yeah I’m not touching that 280 and we’ve talked about it the past couple weeks if there’s a guy who’s not gonna get rattled this is the guy so but yeah I’m not touching the 280 either Brendon are you interested in his line uh I’m doing it a different way uh I’ll just do this to get this out of the way uh there’s a a double chance um which only brings it down a tiny bit uh so well I’ll include another guy I’m doing uh Scotty or Colin to win plus 210 uh three units nice yeah I don’t hate that since we’re already talking about Scotty why don’t you just go to nationality props and I’ll tell you how I’m betting him um yeah it should be pretty obvious I’m just doing top American at plus 240 Scotty Sheffer I’m doing three units on that as well so we’re pretty much on the same page there in a way yeah I mean I’m betting Scotty is a round one winner which isn’t really his strength because he’s more of the consistent go out there get you five under every day but I’ll take the 1,200 on Scotty yeah so one unit there Jim yep all right so yeah these next couple guys I mean we don’t really this isn’t the kind of show where we need to just we don’t really need to discuss individuals in my opinion so let’s start off with with uh you know either your outright winner or well go ahead Brandon I just is are people betting on here or do you want me to move to win withouts uh I’m doing one right winner here yeah why don’t you guys do the two D outright winners and then we’ll go over to the win withouts all right scroll down to plus 11,000 um this is simply an odds based thing and the guy won last year so I’m taking Grio at uh 110 to one which is crazy for the last year’s winner um I don’t have any basis other than he won last year and the odds are crazy yeah he’s been playing poorly but he did win last year no doubt love it Brandon your outright winner here I I already said my outright winner thing is the double the double thing oh right that’s your double CH okay okay yeah I’m ready to go over to the FanDuel win without um I’ll get it kicked off win without just Scotty sheffler I’m taking the second favorite here I love the way he’s been playing he’s just he was a hot putter away from winning the PGA Championship um or at least being right there but he really just played imperious golf the last couple since the Masters he’s just been fantastic um the ball striking is back um the putting is back I’m going Colin morawa win without Scotty Sheffer at plus 10,000 I’m doing two units on that I have the same exact bet for all the things you just said we all do we all do yeah you have it too yep love it we all are on Colin two units plus a thousand win without scre correct I’ve already placed the bet so have I the Mind meld on the show I guess um my second awesome so yeah my second win without is still right on this page right here it’s win without Scotty sheffler and it’s Tony Fina um who yeah he looked good last week he also really enjoys playing this course he missed the cut last year but the prior six trips here he made the cut he’s been top 10 multiple times um his game kind of plays anywhere this isn’t that much of a putting contest which clearly held him back last week his ball striking was Unreal again last week Brendan was sharp on saying he’d play well at the PGA Championship and he did um so I think the lack of hot putting from short distance doesn’t matter that much here as you know like it did in other weeks so I’m going fow I’m also doing two units on Tony fow plus 2200 win without Scotty sheffler Jim yeah I mean I’m gonna I might disagree a little bit with the not a putting thing I mean obviously the greens are different here than they were last year because of the total remodel everything so we don’t really know what we’re getting into um and the greens are smaller I guess but last year shank and Grio are both great Putters and they were one two no is very important here I hear you and and you know the the green the grass on the greens is different now too so I don’t we don’t really know what’s going to happen I just I mean put look putting is important anywhere I just think it’s like the fourth most important thing here instead of like the second most important sure I only say that really because my next pick is Denny McCarthy and uh he’s a putting machine in this category is it when without Scott just Scotty or all of them when without just Scotty okay at plus 3,300 um I agree that approach and Fairway accuracy is going to be very important as well but I think you got be able to get it done on the greens here that’s fair and Denny as we know is one of the best Putters in the world so brenon did you like the pheno pick or or you kind of not really into it I’m in I’m indifferent on it okay fair enough I think the Denny pick’s a nice fun pick I have nothing against either of these picks I think they’re Den Denny played nice in Texas too a couple weeks ago so I due to the small greens too scrambling could be very important I don’t know I you guys looked at that at all for anybody yeah I I kind of ignored scrambling this week for whatever reason um Brandon who’s your first win without so I’m lading so I’ve done I did the Scotty or Colin uh double double uh chance then I do Colin win without Scotty for two units my next one is going to be win without either of them um so that’s that’s how I’m approaching it so my next all my other bets are going to be in the uh this category here if there are any um so I’m going into the uh win without morawa spe H or Shefler so win without those top four um and I’m doing Keegan Bradley plus 3,000 um Keegan really looked like he showed up this week uh maybe back uh Keegan always eventually is a major player for a month and a half each year on the PGA tour uh Keegan was back in the leaderboard last week played good all four rounds um had some really good moments uh and I like Keegan in this field this very Keegan field uh Keegan also big uh win the week after a major guy won the week after a major last year at The Travelers uh give me Keegan plus 3,000 to win without that top four now this went on the last few weeks too he he looked great on the weekend at the at the PGA Championship uh I’ve gotta I’ve got to say one thing Brendan um I think this is just an awesome bet I really do I think this is such a sharp pick um the only bad news is it was 4,000 last night uh so you’re getting screwed a little bit on the odds but I I think it I think it’s a real sharp pick um that is in my dialup this exact bet is in my dial ups for one unit I got win without top four Keegan Bradley um at plus 3,000 as well so I I’m in love with this pick um thank you who wants to go next I like that I I’m glad you like it that much because that’s how I feel about it as I I love I love it um I have one more win without Scotty shef and then I’m done with my outrights so I’ll I’ll just get it out of the way it should be around 4,000 I’m going with another guy who uh who looked keep going there he is with another guy who looked great last week at the PGA Championship NOP not the Belgian Thomas D Tree I’m going with Tom Kim another Tom um I love the way he played we were we were high on him early in the season he kind of underachieved but he’s starting to figure his game out he’s starting to play much better golf he’s extremely talented um I love the form he’s in right now I think this is a nice spot for him um so I’m doing Tom Kim win without Scotty sheffler plus 4,000 one unit nice all rightn something he’s been he’s been uh a little underperforming in my opinion yeah I I like this bet a lot because Tom Kim’s skill set is so good um also I think I think we have Tom Kim’s had too much success that our expectations uh have now punished him because I think people really forget that Tom Kim’s like 13 years old yeah people do forget he’s 21 years old he already has three PGA yeah like when we think of like oh ludvig upand coming or or whoever up and coming Tom Kim’s way younger than them um and has won a bunch right and look he hasn’t been outstanding at any point this season but he showed Signs of Life the last couple weeks so a t t26 at the PGA I don’t know I think he’s ready to break out a bit yeah yep sorry sorry my last uh pick here in the win without I’m going with Tom hogi at plus 3,300 win without Scotty sheffler um like I said I value putting this week um and uh of course I lost where I was looking at the putting stats he’s way up there in putting he’s he’s also way he’s very up there in the ball striking he is yeah so he’s fifth in proximity he doesn’t drive the ball very well but his second shot is fantastic and he’s you know top two3 or top third in the in the tour and scrambling when he doesn’t hit the green um so I love him on his second shot he’s just got to play safe and hit those narrow Fairways getting off the te he should be fine I’ve seen a lot of love for Tom this week for Tom hogi this week um so yeah other people are like-minded Bron any more ladders what you got any more ladders yeah uh my my last one is also in this win without the four people uh we’re going to scroll down uh we’re g to go back to the old well that we haven’t hit in a long time we’re doing Nikolai uh Nikolai hoard plus 7500 um nikolai’s had flashes of greatness again um here and there flashed flashed in the Masters flashed this week a bit um this kind of tournament uh two months ago he was begetting top four odds um now he’s back to getting like I’m a nobody odds uh he’s too good he’s going to show out at some point I actually really like him here um I think his game is is suited to this more uh scoring range um and all around you know there’s struggles and there’s positives I think Nikolai is gonna be right in this thing uh give me Nikolai when without the top four boy you guys are sick but he sure is a talented man all right uh back to DK now for our top three placement bets now that we’ve given out all our crazy win withouts here Charles Schwab uh not probably not a good company probably evil company right I mean it really stinks that it’s called this it should be called the colonial it was been called the colonial for a hundred years um so whatever uh Ben Hogan’s tournament by the way the the evil Banks love sponsoring golf so yeah it is Ben Hogan’s tournament and also the Charles the Charles Schwab was always wasn’t it always like a the senior Championship name or something wasn’t it a Senior tournament any yes it was it was like one of the senior Majors for sure um absolutely uh oh and he’s gone oh he’s gone he’s gone uh Jim how you doing did he just go pee without telling anyone he’s he just disappeared as if he something happened yeah I don’t know he’s been taken from us he he’s kind of his juice is kind of dissipated the last 20 minutes of the show he was real revved up now he he’s fading so maybe’s he’s going to there’s somebody else in the room with him he’s just he doesn’t probably feel safe going a pound of coffee maybe yeah wow yeah okay so C for the show yeah we’re here to we’re here with should have bet top five these are our top three placement bets um I’m kind of a adting Brendan’s strategy he talked about a couple weeks ago where if you really believe in something just pump it so I I got some aggressive units coming here with the top three placements my first one’s going to be Jordan spe top 10 um yeah I mean he has not been playing well he played better at the PGA he still has the game in him he loves playing here he’s had seven top 10s I’m just going to go back to that well Jordan Speed top 10 plus 225 for three units yeah I have that same exact bet for two units because um if he’s ever going to be top 10 it’s got to be here yeah for real for real he’s also two weeks in a row um on the weekend been on the leaderboard um he’s just like falling off a bit but he his game is is much more back than uh than the results show uh like he was in the top 10 two weeks ago he was in the top 10 this week um for points in time so yeah for sure so yeah much much stronger Fields I’m with Jim it’s just if this if if you’re going to get a top 10 it’s going to be here so uh first placement bet Brendan uh all right my first one is Zach has can’t stop saying his name um it is Justin Rose top 10 plus 450 uh I love Justin Rose looked phenomenal this past week uh he’s he’s down on this board a little bit for a guy who’s uh as consistent and good as he is um yeah he’s just playing good enough golf that I think you know top 10 is not a big deal for him uh he’s a he’s a king of like coming in eighth seventh eighth uh give me plus 450 let me just jump on and before Jim gives his pick I this is my my second placement bet as well I have Justin Rose top 10 plus 450 I love the way he’s been playing lately T6 at the PGA and a couple good showings at the at the previous two events so um yeah I’m on board Brendon Jim my go uh for my second one um I’m picking a guy that I completely forgot existed uh I’m going Harris English T10 at plus 280 for two units um he looked pretty good Sunday wasn’t his best round he’s only minus one but uh he’s been putting together some good rounds again I’m probably overvaluing putting for this event but he’s a fantastic putter real good around the green and kind of mediocre at everything else but not really bad at anything um so I’ll take my chances fun fact so go ahead Bren the golf data which everyone uses uh the golf data model has him as the third most likely guy to win this tournament um so but just behind Scotty and Colin um another fun note about Harris English other than Scotty sheffler over the past three years on the PGA tour it’s the most top 25s of anybody and he has eight top 25s this season already he’s just very very consistent flies under the radar I like the BET Brendon your second placement bet uh all right my second one is um all right a guy who’s just been playing wait where’s the number uh the guy who’s just been playing real good uh keeps finding his way right into the mix Mark hubard plus 550 top 10 uh give me Mark hubard to get in the top 10 plus 550 he’s playing Great Golf he’s been mixing in all the tournaments lately uh I’m gonna keep trying to ride that hotness all right Jim your second pick uh I’ve given out two with spe in English but I’ll give you a third one oh sorry um I took uh Christian Baden ho at T20 plus 175 for two units um again I value the putting he’s a great putter um he’s also really good approach the green so as long as he’s safe off the te it should be good there and T20 for 175 I like that with the way he’s been playing he’s been having a phenomenal two months he has yeah he’s playing just nice consistent golf I’m going to stick right here in the in the T20 bring me up to maxom Brendon okay uh yeah I’m doing three units on maxom T20 at plus 100 I just think it’s a I think it’s a good sound bet um you know he’s so talented I think he should be in the mix here so I’m I’m okay with three big units on H T20 plus 100 yeah I like that bet a lot brenon your final uh placement yeah I got a bunch more but uh my third one uh will go uh my favorite one it’s too many people’s favorite guy this week so I could not pick him to win the tournament uh it’s it’s just everywhere everyone has jumped on this um but I’m taking Maverick McNeely top 20 um at plus 200 for two units I just top 20 I’m seeing so many people picking him to win the tournament give me MAV mcney uh plus 200 uh to come in the top 20 for two units figure how get him in but I I couldn’t figure out the best way to do it Dallas Mavericks are in the Western Conference finals this tournament’s in the Dallas Fort Worth area his name is Maverick what could go wrong um I do have one special add-on let’s do Brendan’s special add-ons I have one special add-on you guys are gonna make fun of it it’s go all the way down to plus 600 in this category you guys are gonna make fun of it because this guy objectively stinks as a person it’s Zack Johnson I don’t see him there it was 600 last night maybe it’s better maybe I think the other way I would guess it can’t be there you go yeah because he’s won this oh wow okay yeah I’m doing Zack Johnson top 20 plus 750 my only logic is a couple times this year you’ve seen him randomly flash near the top of the leaderboard he still has some game in him and he’s won twice here so he must feel decently comfortable so give me him give give me some huge odds on A plus plus 750 on a top 20 for Zack Johnson yep I have one add on and I’m fully blaming Brendan um if you can go to T10 placements he’s doing let me run let me just run through I have two more 20s so like let me just do the 20s special add-ons Jim I actually have three 20 sorry special um start all we’ll start up here uh my first one Grayson Murray plus 650 top 20 uh starting to play a lot better golf the last four weeks um he actually sneaky played really good for about a month uh also loves to flash in the this exact like field tournament uh so give me Grayson Murray top 20 plus 650 uh for one unit um he stabbed Us in the heart in Hawaii yep he sure did uh and then Chris got up Chris got up yep gotta bring him back gotta bring him back top top 20 plus 550 and then my last one is is way back up here guy we love everyone loves Aaron Ry top 20 plus 190 had a great week played really good golf was right in the mix um all weekend uh we love Aaron he also played really well here last year uh in this tournament so give me Aaron Ry top 20 plus 190 now we’ll bring Jim’s top 10 I don’t hate any of those uh yeah I’m just doing Hoy guard because I won’t be able to sleep at night if he does top 10 and you hit it and I don’t gotcha somewhere in this range 900 right there yeah I’m doing two units on him so let’s get that big payout for hoard cuz he owes me yep you guys are Sick Sick Puppies Bren you have any more special add-ons no those are those are the add-ons I got some dials all right let’s go to dial it up this week dial it up is brought to you by Gatorade Frost uh Brendan really really likes Gatorade Frost yep he’s got some he’s got the zero version uh Jim is here in spirit um take it away brenon what’s your first dial up sponsored by Gatorade Frost uh all right we’re gonna most of my three of my dial ups are going to be in nationality so we’ll go over to nationa nationality uh I’m going to start in Great Britain Ireland uh take the man of the hour uh the the second tier tournament this past week on the corn fairy tour the man who made a unbelievable 60-yard uh pitch shot into the hole to send it to a playoff and then win the tournament Harry Hall plus 1,000 um give me Harry Hall to be the top Great Britain in Ireland uh playing just hot hot golf I’m going to take ride his hot hand to uh beat these fellas uh and get the top Great Britain Ireland at plus a that right here in this category I gotta disagree with you I’m riding the hot hand going Bobby Mack taking down the uh the Great Britain Ireland you have a nationality prop there Bobby Mack Jim just you guys you both do in one unit yep yes um fun fact about Harry Hall we kind of forget this Jim bet Harry Hall last year in this Tournament Harry Hall was leading the 54 hole leader he was very shaky on Sunday he ended up finishing fourth I believe um funny hat he has a funny hat he’s a haunting figure but he uh he played great here last year I really like that bet Brandon thank you um nationality props I already gave out the Scotty sheffler three unit top American I just have one more top South American uh are you doing Alejandro I am doing Mr toasty toes um he played real nice for the first two days at the PGA Championship he played okay for a bit Saturday then he had a big meltdown but still he had a respectable showing he also had the Highlight Mr round won himself he drove he drove the uh 13th hole over the water and made the eagle putt really cool hit it to about 5T very very cool shot um it was nice to see a guy out of contention take the risk everyone else still wasn’t like it was fun to just see him let it rip he drives the ball a mile perfect was maybe the worst thing that could have possibly happened for the announcing for the rest of the tournament they kept pretending that would be a real strategy for someone in the tournament yeah yeah I know it’s ridiculous and then I I said earlier the Houston open is a good comp here from what I’ve read he was great at the Houston open he actually bogey at to take himself out of it but he finished top 10 at the Houston open so I love him here no offense to Grio he’s just not in good form right now sure yeah uh any more nationalities brendo yeah yes uh I got two more um all right I’m doing uh you know I’m gonna keep dialing this thing up I’m doing top Continental uh European Nikolai hoard plus 600 uh as the top Continental European uh I love him in this group very much uh so Nikolai hoard top Continental any of you guys have any other nationalities you want me to do my other one I’m all out of nationalities all right my last one is the oce Oceana uh Ryan fox plus 400 to be the top Oceana uh golfer did you know did you know he’s the alternate for Stephen joerger he wasn’t gonna play this tournament till joerger dropped out yeah he’s in okay good talk uh uh I have one I have a round one leader I don’t know about you guys but nope got a round one leader and I’m just going with Colin morawa one unit to be the first round leader at plus 2500 I could see a scenario where the law of averages plays out he missed 17 birdie putts maybe he makes 10 Birdie putts on Thursday um so it’s just a fun little bet there one unit on him to be the end of round one leader so I took a little bit of a different approach to round one this week I told you I bet Scotty round one uh I also have two different round ones since the odds are so good uh I’m also betting EO and Adam Scott ecro at 5,000 Adam Scott at plus 5500 um we got to hit one of them at some point this year these odds are gonna pay out so it I’ll tell you what I finally hit one of them and boy does it feel good so uh I hope I hope you get one I hope you get one all right give me Tom Kim [Laughter] he does this every week does every week he doesn’t pick one he sees the list and he goes okay I got one well you guys did it I didn’t want to do it this week it’s a waste of a unit for me every time add to that sheet so you don’t forget do half a unit Noe full unit Tom Kim gota get I’m all I have I have two DP tour guys so do I only have one more dial okay give me that is it in the DP tour or is it here no it’s here okay he’s going to end up with the player prop section like the the I don’t know what it’s under it’s straa plus McNeely T10 it’s golfer parlays Brendan yeah there you go top 10 finish straa plus McNeely both in the top 10 at plus 3,000 um I was trying to find a way to work both those guys onto my sheet and I like that the most boom sep let me down big last week I’m mad at him yeah but he’s playing a little ball yeah he’s playing okay he’s playing okay uh so let’s go over to the DP World Tour this is the sudal open from Belgium um last year’s winner was who cares I can’t remember his name I had it in my head now I’ve forgotten it um whatever Brendon I got two DP guys what do you got go ahead give me one okay I’m going with one of the favorites at the top of the list here I’ve got one unit on Adrien egi at 18800 we love Adrien oi we’re obsessed with him he uh bogeyed the 18th hole to miss the cut at the PGA but he played respectively and then I’ve got one unit on the man right below him Yanik Paul at 22 to1 he finished runner up here last year I think he might be a little angry so give me those two guys one unit each to win the sudal open is this a thin field for the DP it looks th’s a there’s a lot of guys taking the week off including Soder bird not because it’s because the top 10 DP players just played the the PGA Championship and so a lot of them aren’t playing because of the travel the time difference Etc I just see Alex fatrick as the number Eighth favorite and I just well it’s got to be a thin field you know yeah it’s it’s a thin field yeah it’s stunk that Zach gave both his picks in a row because my I only have one pick and it’s yanek Paul plus 2200 they were just sitting next to each other that’s why I did it um just for the ease of the show you’re doing yck Paul too that’s my pick do you want to toss one on oty with me for fun nope my pick’s yanic Paul okay obviously I like the pick even even though your even though your energy is gone just an absolute roller coaster with you today um Jim are you throwing your hat in the ring for the DP I kind of want to let me just see real quick hold second um yep give me Marcus armatage plus 13,000 let’s get boom I always think of that movie Arbitrage when I see his name even though that’s not his name all right yeah how about it what do you guys uh what do you guys got is that it that is it for those get rid of that dial itup thing please yeah oh wait no no I know you want to leave desperately you have for the last 45 minutes but no I hav the scary I’m just having fun the big scary my big scary this week is Harris English Jim mentioned him prior uh all the reasons Jim said I’m terrified of Harris English you guys got a big scary yeah Scotty sheffler he’s on your sheet though right Kinda Yeah it still counts he’s gonna win I mean I bet everything win without because he’s the big scary yeah I know but he’s like you know it’s pretty lame big scary no offense okay I’ll take Max hom I love it it that’s that’s mine Jim maxom all right that’s our show that’s the PGA Tour PG whatever PGA Championship recap and the Charles Schwab challenge preview next week will be the the RBC Canadian open where Jim and Brendan had a famous duel last year Nick Taylor over Tommy Fleetwood on a playoff hole for eagle from over 50 feet incredible stuff um so we’ll be previewing that next week recapping how we did this week thanks for watching as always please like comment subscribe share with your friends and we’ll see you next week thanks boys um the fun fun thing is we are so close to the US Open even though like we just had the PJ Championship the US opens in three weeks yeah really knocking out these majors and it’s still early in the year very exciting Pinehurst gonna be sick actually going to like an awesome place for it it’s gonna be awesome it’s pretty incredible youve got Masters month later PJ month later US Open month later British Open and then a month after that we go to France for the Olympics which should be a incredible field so yeah lot of fun stuff coming up um any the problem the problem with the Olympics is you only get like four Dudes from each country so that like there’s only like four Americans which really cuts into the uh the field yeah what’s the tour doing during uh during the Olympics I mean there’s a lot of other guys not playing in that are they having events it’s just it’s just a golf tournament so it’s just like any other time it’s just one weekend like so yeah they they’ll probably have like uh you know a second tier PGA tournament um I’m not actually 100% sure there’s just some tournament like there always is that week it’s BR makes a great point you can’t have more than four Americans playing so it does cut into the field right now it would be shafley sheffler Klay and moraca I believe not 100% there’s a lot of it up to like what guys actually try to be in it like ask want to be in it um and then choices they is world golf rankings that decides or like do they committee that it’s strictly the world golf rankings you can’t have more than four and if you’re out can’t play in the Olympics if you’re outside the top 15 you can only have two so there’s most countries only gonna have two Representatives America will have four yeah you end up with a lot of fun like random guys a lot of our fellas from all over the place I go I Googled the rules the other day or the qualification rules the other day and they’re kind of complicated but uh it’s pretty much what Brendon just said so you’re saying America will have four guys but some country will only have two like how does that work the top 15 in the world golf rankings you are allowed if you have four guys in the top 15 they can represent you if you have six guys in the top 15 those number five and six don’t get to go play anything outside of that you only get two Representatives per country that’s kind of lame yeah I wish it was a crazier field but again it’s a world competition if 20 Americans were there it wouldn’t necessarily be fair terms every country send their best four guys yeah I think maybe that should be it too but um then you’d have like you know you’d have like Monaco sending a guy who’s going to shoot plus 40 so well then have everybody send their best two guys I don’t care just I why are the teams different sizes I I know you’re not on the Olympic Committee there’s always been there’s always been a Olympic qualifying level for stuff like not every country gets a guy in every sport right right right yeah they should but yeah it’ll be it’ll be I guarantee it’ll be fun last last time in Tokyo was a really good tournament so I also have no idea how the Olympics works because I never watch them so I will watch this golf tournament hell yeah big time but uh other than that I’m not too in the Olympics it’s a course where they have had the Ridder cup before yes and they’ve had the DP French Open for many many years the really really nice course it’s called Uh Paris La Paris National or something like that thetic yeah exactly all righty boys I’m spent go [Music]

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