Golf Players

Sunshine Tour professional Stephen Ferreira talks recovery from injury, return to competitive golf.

Stephen Ferreira returns at #KitKatProAm after a year out due to injury.

it’s good to good to be back in you know contention and actually playing a playing some tournament golf on the weekend again and in terms of your come back and your return I mean this is a perfect scenario coming back being in contention did you imagine it going this way um maybe didn’t imagine it going this way but obviously I you know I did think about it and you been playing really good golf socially and practicing very well did a lot of good work when I was able to start practicing again so you know I didn’t I did not see myself playing well so yeah I’m very happy I’m just going to keep it going and then finally talk us through your journey what what was the injury like how does the recovery like what do you do in those times what are you mentally just give us a rough picture of what happens there um it was a bit of it’s a bit of a strange one like I you know obviously when I found out about the injury I kind of you know before I even had the surgery all of that I already had the mindset I was going to miss the whole season I’d spoken to the special he like you’re not going to touch a club for eight months minimum um so you know I had my I already got my mind set on that um so it was quite easy it was you know like it was it was tough the first two months not being able to move too much um obviously not trying to not do any more damage um but yeah then after that you know just got back in the got back in the gym I think after like four months um and then just kept working and then when I started practicing started putting in a lot of hard work on the Range um and then just playing a lot awesome thank you very much thank say

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