Tour Pro SECRET Aiming Strategy | Cone of Misses

In this video, I show how golf pros use a clever aiming strategy to help make their misses as good as possible, as golf is a game of misses. We can build a cone of misses using maths and golf’s randomness to see your dispersion at differing yardages. By using this cone of misses to help with your start aim direction we can minimize things like short-siding ourselves or helping to take danger out of the equation on tee shots and approach shots.

Hi, I’m Andy and welcome to my channel GolfMadDad.

I am Golf Mad and a proud Dad. On this channel, I make fun and entertaining golf content including course vlogs, challenges, and product reviews but I will also document my journey of ‘speed’ as my long-term goal is to aim for the Long Drive senior tour!

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hi guys I go with my dad as the title said I’m going to go over a clever aiming strategy that the tour Pros are using and one that I should definitely be using I’m going to incorporate into my game so I actually watched a video produced recently by Golf Digest which was super fascinating on using this strategy and it was one that also Ben Hogan was using way back in the day which he formulated for himself before technology and he was putting into use so as we know with golf golf is a game of misses so it’s all about how good our bad misses are as we can all like good shots but it’s how bad our bad shots are so this strategy which we’ll go over will definitely help all our games down there so the concept with all the stats that are around it still shows that golf is a game of Randomness so we can use maths to help us play much better golf so let me show you the cone of Misses which Golf Digest went into great deil really got me thinking and how I can use it onto the course so the cone of Misses which will pop up on the screen so at 300 y the dispersion rate for Tor Pros is around 75 y so 35ish yards each way we draw a circle around that dispersion then we get to 200 y the dispersion gets narrower down to 100 yds the dispersion gets narrower so we draw the circles across as you can see it forms a cone of our misses so in terms of scratch PL players mid-handicappers High handicappers the bigger the cone on the dispersion is actually going to come down so say for mid-handicappers at 200 to say 250 yards that dispersion is going to be the same as a tall player at 300 yards so how can we equate this into playing better golf so what we got to remember is a lot of the memorable shots on TV are actually slight misses but they’ve used the cone of Misses to make sure they don’t get punished so an example of this out on the of course he say TPC 17 where Cameron Smith he hit one which pitched to the right hand side of a flag so close to the water and as he said he wasn’t aiming at the flag but because he’d put into play this cone of Misses so if we look at a picture of TPC if I had have put the center of the cone start line on the flag he’s pushed it right so his dispersion would have landed in the water but because he’s aimed at the center of the green we move the cone of Misses across so now the start line is the middle of the green so on his dispersion if he misses left or right is still going to be hitting that green so this is the big thing to take from it so he’s aimed down the middle he’s pushed his shot but with the cone of Misses he’s kept it in play and that’s why it’s landed near the pin so those watching thinks it’s hit amazing shot but he’s just used maths and golf Randomness to keep the ball in play and also as Ben Hogan said he never used to fire at pins that were tucked on the left or the right he would always just be aiming for that center of the green if it draws it fades again using golf Randomness so this definitely something what I’m going to be playing at can I take this onto the course not something I’ve really thought about I know about not firing at the pins but using the cone of Misses from the higher yardages all the way down hopefully this will really help my encourse game management also but also the corses what I play obviously not the tournament where they took the pins away a lot of the pins can be in the middle of the green so that’s when if we move the cone of Misses we can actually go straight at it presumably there’s no wind we’re still going to allow for the wind so all we do if it’s windy we move the cone of Misses across left or right depending on the wind but if the pin’s in the middle I can aim straight down the middle and then if I move it left or right then we’re still going to be in play we going to hit more greens in regulation so that’s a quick overview of how I’m seeing the cone of Miss so I’m going to go do a couple of holes and see how we can use it out on that golf course so let’s go right so how can we put this aiming strategy into use on the course for ourself perfect example is this par three here we’re off the front of te’s but it’s 145 Ys couple of days ago when I played this the pin was tucked on the right hand side only three yards off the green so again if we pop up our little diagram now if I had have started this directly at the pin even though it’s 150 Ys so my dispersion is a little less the chances of me short siding myself on the right hand side as you can see by moving the con so if the pin was on the right hand side now we know by using this Randomness and masks to help myself I move the start line of that cone the dispersion is less cuz it’s 150 y for me which is a pitching wedge so I would bring my start line into the middle of the green and then if I push it I’m pushing it onto the pin but with my dispersion I shouldn’t be pushing it right into the semi-rough or the rough and leaving myself short sided so just by moving the cone of misses and my start line stop aiming at those flags so on here the pin’s actually just left of center there’s a little bit of wind but we’ll play this as though there’s no wind on here if there was wind again I would just move the start line even further to the right so here it’s just left of center so with my dispersion again I’m going going to move my start line to be probably the middle of the tree what’s in the middle and then if I do draw it left it should hit the green if I push it right still going be the green or leaving herself chances of two put so start line here is center of the green so we’ve got the start line we’ve got the cone of Miss dialed in now it’s actually over the middle of the bunker right yards of the [Music] flag and that’s a perfect example so from here I’ve just seen it pitch it’s pin high it’s actually pitched 3 4 yards left of the pin so on my start line I just pulled it slightly so if I had have gone straight at that flag i’ have been three four yards further left which would have hit me in the semi-rough but because I’ve used that cone of Misses just because I drew that ball I’ve not been suckered into the pin I’ve left myself probably 8 10t but we’ll go have a look on there so let’s hit one more all right so just for the second one like we mentioned earlier I’m going to imagine that the pin is where it was the other day three yards on the right hand side it’s actually on the top shelf so if I go directly at the pin see where the outcome is pick my start line this is where I should not be aiming but I’m imagine I’m going straight at the pin now I’ve got to hit a Hollywood straight shot if I slightly push this I’m leaving myself shortsighted so really I want to be moving that start line again to the middle I’m going at the imaginary pin on the right hand side which actually there I’ve hit a good shot I’ve just drawn it but the wind is slightly off the right but if again if I had have blocked that one I’d have been short sided through from there so let’s go and see where the results are on the green and we’ll just chat briefly up there right so let’s have a look at green side and the results so from the camera that was the tree in the background was my start line so this was where I was aiming with the cone of Misses so as you saw with the shot Tracer just pulled it slightly it’s actually pitched here so repair that one so it’s pitched here whereas if I had have gone straight at the flag so if this was have in my start line instead of 5 yards here obviously where the ball was here we go five yards again so 1 2 3 4 five I’m in the semi-rough and I’ve missed The Greening regulation so that shows on that shot how important it is now I’m definitely going to bring this into the course for me obviously this is also 150 yards is my pitching wedge so my dispersion is much less so if this was a par three at 190 Ys if I’ve not moved that dispersion again had have been an extra 5 yards so 10 yards I would have missed my target by so definitely so again by moving that cone of Misses now I’m going to incorporate that as we go from 100 yards 150 yards 200 Ys to the driver so we have the second shot this is the other day where the pin was really at the top end so I’ve actually hit a good shot from there I actually just drew the ball so I was aiming straight at the pin so just here as you can see if I had have blocked it so the wind is slightly off the right so help in anyway but if I have pushed that and on the bank I’ve got a downhill chit I’d have been dead from there so I got away with that one by aiming at the pin but if have faded it or pushed it I’d have been dead so this was actually my start line so if I had have drawn it I’d have been down at the bottom but I would still been putting uphill still had a two put better than a chip from down the hill so got away with at the second one but over the probability so using the maths and Randomness more chances than not I would have short sided myself obviously again if that had been from 170 180 yards the misses just get wider so it shows from this range super important how now to use the aim of Miss build ourself the cone of misses and incorporate that into our start lines so if there’s wind we obviously just move that start line and we work out our own dispersions through the bag so the better the play obviously the less dispersion the higher the handicap the bigger dispersion is going to be on this ice cream conb so that’s how we can implement it let’s have another look at another situation on the golf course where we can put it into play right so let’s have a quick look how I can use this now on a par 4 as the carries get longer the ice cream cone obviously starts to go out so my dispersion will be bigger so on here I’ve got a bunker on the left which is 205 y to carry so my normal line my normal thinker would be I would aim it over that bunker but using this four of the cone of Misses now if some of Misses are going to be left if I go in the trees on the left here it’s a no no on the right it opens up slightly so really now I want to be starting this pretty much down the middle if I’m using the only difference is here there’s a smidgen of wind off the left so my normal start line now by using this cone of Misses if I aim down the middle I’m going to allow for just a little bit of wind off the left so I’m going to move it’s slightly to the left so normally I would be aiming through the middle left bunker I’m actually now going to be aiming on the right edge of the left hand bunker so that’s 5 y further right than I would do normally so with this it’s bringing the probabilities of missing left and right so I don’t want to go left so let’s have a go with that one so pick my start line now is the right edge of that bunker so I’ve picked that I’ve picked my target here build my stance around that so now hit a good shot be perfect but now it gives me a little bit of leeway both left and right for the’re not so good so start line right edge of the left arm [Music] bunker and again perfect example there got a little bit pulls going on today so that’s a perfect it’s just started five six yards left of where I was aiming if I had took my normal line over that bunker allowing for the wind I would have been in the trees but I’ve actually pulled it four five yards and I’m still in the left semi now instead of being on the tree so again perfect example especially I’ve not warmed up also on here so I brought my misses I’ve G myself more margin for error so perfect example so let’s try a second one still take that shot I’m still in play there but let’s see we could have a better strike on it so again right edge of the left bunker 205 to carry got my 5 IR should carry around [Music] 225 absolutely rip that again I’ve started that just three yards left of my target so it’s actually started over the middle of the bunker but it’s actually cutting back a little bit so again flush that but my normal line would have been over the middle of Bunker so already using this new process super excited to keep putting this into practice right just a quick look where those finished up and how I am definitely incorporating this so this was the first ball which was more of a pull than the second ball so the bunker is just he so we just pulled it to the left edge of the bunker winds board it in slightly so and that was me trying to aim at the right edge of the bunker over here so if I had took my normal line which I would have done normally over this bunker allowing for the fade which I didn’t fade that time so the middle of the bunker with the same amount have gone from here I would have been way over so 5 six yards over there so the ball is now there if I had aimed over the middle of the bunker as I said I would have been in these trees and now from where the ball is still not ideal but I’ve got a shot whereas if I did not use the cone of Misses that would be what I’d be looking at so I’d be chipping out there from there so in terms of my second ball which I struck really well it’s carried about the 220 225 carried the bunker easily so my start line from back on the te this was the bunker the edge of the bunker I was aiming at pulled it slightly so that was where I was aiming from there so again if that was the middle of the bunker I was aiming at I would have hit the left semi on there but because I’ve allowed for my misses on there it’s Bo it back and now I’m in A1 position so now I’m in the middle of the Fairway the pin’s actually in the middle so that’s green light to go straight at that so conee of Misses right guys I hope you enjoyed that little overview as I said the video from Golf Digest was fantastic definitely got me thinking and it’s definitely going to help my course management obviously we can use that for the driver mid irons short irons pitching as we’ve seen so as the drive my dispersions bigger so let me know if you give this a go and if it does help your game thinking about it I’ve got access to the gc3 launch monitor so I might actually build myself a proper ice cream cone of misss so I could build a little bag mapping of dispersion so I’ll go through my bag of my driver the 200 markers the 150 I’m going to build in my dispersion to see where I’m at am I around the tour average at 300 75 200 yards where are my misses so if I can build my own dispersion which I’ll probably I’ll go through that actually on a future video cuz just thinking about that off the top of my head now it’s definitely something I could do with the technology so I’ll share sh with you guys in a later video what is my dispersion ice cream cone of misss and then hopefully when the Vlogs start very soon as the sun’s come out I’ve even got the shorts out finally to get these milk legs a bit of color on so you’ll be able to see on the Vlogs how I’m using this and when I map out a proper ice cream cone of Ms dispersion I’m going to bring that onto the course light we’ve just done a couple of snippets on those holes and if it helps with my course management again it’s not about how bad the misses are it’s about how good the misses are I’ll bring this out onto the course hopefully helps with my course management again if I want to shoot the scores it’s all about just playing steady golf taking the big numbers off taking the silly mistakes I do create quite a few birdy chance out there with the bit of speed I’ve got if I can minimize the chances of short siding myself around the greens misses off the te’s hopefully I can play even smarter so exciting time guys hope you enjoyed that anyway if you did please hit that like and sub subscribe so let me know give yourself a go with the cone of misss and let me know how you get on guys right till next time


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