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Motocross Fox Raceway Review as Haiden Deegan, Jett Lawrence win | Title 24 | Motorsports on NBC

Ryan Villopoto and Ricky Carmichael dive into the first weekend of the Pro Motocross calendar at Fox Raceway in California, and discuss the controversial non-call regarding 250 winner Haiden Deegan, Jett Lawrence keeping the streak alive ahead of his brother Hunter, Levi Kitchen’s boot making news again, press day rides, and whether or not it is the same old story with Chase Sexton. #MotorsportsonNBC #Title24

(0:00) Happy Memorial Day from Cali and Ireland!
(3:14) Jett Lawrence: “Not building a narrative.”
(8:11) The debut of Big Bro Hunter.
(9:47) Difference in the mentality of the leader.
(11:52) How can Hunter bridge the gap?
(13:20) Chase Sexton: Same ol’ situation.
(19:39) Who surprised you the most?
(20:58) Haiden Deegan Controversial Non-Penalty
(31:05) Levi Kitchen, Track Markers, and why they shouldn’t be there.
(34:37) RJ’s Press Day Injury, and things need to change.
(40:54) Motorsports on NBC/Indy 500 finish
(43:12) Bike changes for shorter riders.
(47:25) The Heat of Hangtown.
(49:57) Storytime with RV.
(51:40) A good week coming up!

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Motocross Fox Raceway Review as Haiden Deegan, Jett Lawrence win | Title 24 | Motorsports on NBC

[Music] Deja Vu at Fox Raceway jet Lawrence goes 1-1 again Hyden Dean 1 at the opener I’m done with people talking all right guys well we are back we just finished it’s Memorial weekend we had the big uh Paula National first round of Outdoors we’re here for episode 21 have my good buddy RC we’re flipping rolls today he’s over in Barcelona eating some great food drinking some great wine and the cheese everything else RC how’s it going over there buddy dude it’s going good I’m glad you’re uh you’re doing the heavy lifting on Title 24 uhh presented by NBC sports today so uh I’m uh I’m dude I’m having a great trip Catalonia uh Moto GP was awesome you know you know how it is when uh we get invited to do these things with Monster Energy they just do a great job so it was a lot of fun the racing was um was really good I mean it just dude I mean you were at Austin the just the speeds how fast these guys go it’s just absolutely gnarly so uh it was a lot of fun to do that so yeah we were in Barcelona we left there and we just got into Dublin so I’ve never been to Dublin I’ll be in Dublin this week uh checking some things out and we’re going to do some rides up in is of man uh for the Isam Man team TT this weekend coming up and uh yeah that’s it hopefully everyone like you said is having a great Memorial Day and uh you know uh heartfelt obviously obviously holiday for the ones that paid the ultimate price and sacrificed everything for our freedom and and and to keep us safe so we appreciate everyone uh for their bravery and and that lost their lives and of course their families that lost their loved ones so dude other than that um I tried to I tried to watch but the uh you know some of the um Pala National but it was tough it was tough because of the the time difference uh but I was logged in peacock app for a while and um I saw that you were there right there was some drama and all that fun stuff but uh that’s it dude that’s it yeah yeah well good good yeah it was uh thanks for all the all the men and women women that had uh sacrificed their lives and put their lives on the line for us to have uh be able to go racing this weekend you know have you over in Barcelona and now at Dublin so uh just want to give a a big shout out to our our sponsors Dunlop boxo United Motorsports and quadlock um we couldn’t do it without you guys here uh with Title 24 so great uh great Partners to have um we’ll just kind of jump into it I’m G to tease it a little bit right now obviously everybody has kind of seen and heard the drama between uh Tom Vel is off track Excursion docked position Hayden Degan off uh track EXC Excursion also um and no uh no dock there so uh we’re going to get into that um here a little bit later but we’re going to start off with the 450 recap um jet Lawrence making it 24 in0 um pretty much a perfect day you know obviously I was there I got to watch it I watched uh I I brought the boys and the boys got to watch it too so um pretty pretty epic weekend um you know AET was was on another level but I also thought he he he managed and just rode in his comfort zone I yeah hey hey real quick so um like I I was watching a little bit of the 250 Moto first and it was getting late I think it was like 11 o’clock 12 o’clock and we had to be we had to be up early to to go to Moto GP on Sunday because of the the traffic was so bad but so I got up so I was looking at um Racer X and and and how they post the event scores and and positions and all that finishing positions and I saw you know talking about 450 and you talk about jet obviously going one one incredible uh no surprise uh that’s not a slight towards anyone else so everyone don’t get butt hurt about it it’s gonna be okay um but what happened like what was the difference from the first Moto in his lead Gap into the compared to the second Moto because I saw that chase was relatively close close like walk me like what happened what did I miss yeah so first Moto obviously Chase went down um ran into the back of Dylan ferrandis I believe on the first lap which obviously Set Set uh Chase way back and and uh I thought watching the race my opinion was jet managed his race with about a sixish second lead um you know not no real pressure uh you know right here we’re watching re uh recap ofoto 2 passing Hunter for for the Le right out of the gate there Hunter was very impressive you know so uh we have Chase on screen right now um you know coming up right behind I think it’s Hunter is what it looks like right now so they both rode really well uh but I really honestly felt like the second Moto Chase rode rode good but um jet just managed that race as you can see they’re coming off the track we’re watching replay again it was a fairly close finish but I I personally felt like there was more in the tank like uh jet didn’t have to ride he managed his race he knew where um he knew where Chase was um obviously a lot on the line in the perspect in the perspective of making it 24 and0 and I believe um I believe uh jet hasn’t still yet lost a moto at Paula so that’s uh you know with all the all the races that he’s gone yeah here we go we have ranking Ricky there you are 2003 to 2005 you have 31 consecutive Moto wins and uh you know also 20013 30 James Stewart 0 2008 24 and Jet has tied James for that uh for that third spot there from 2003 to 24 he’s got 24 Moto wins consecutively yeah hey so um just again and just looking at timing and scoring and just because I I just haven’t had a time uh a shot to even look at like uh replays and highlights and stuff like that shame on me but it’s kind of fun watching all of this like and uh you know watching these replays but you know no surprise um it’s going to be fun to watch to see how um to see how sexon can step up for sure and you know he’s never going to give up he’s going to be right there uh congratulations to Jet uh tying James Stewart on 24 uh consecutive Moto wins that’s incredible um but I don’t like dude I don’t even want to get into this narrative about man do you think uh I feel like sometimes we all are guilty of of and especially this sport of building some narrative like dude I think this guy’s going to beat this Rider and honestly like I’m not it it is what it is jet is the man until someone beats him over and over and over and over um so it’s going to be a lot of fun to see which Rider is going to be able to finally take that win away from him um obviously the next kind line for sure is Chase um he he put in a strong performance there but at the end of the day you know like I’m done I’m not even going to speculate do I think he can do it of course of course he can uh when can he do it who the heck knows and so dude I’m just gonna I’m just going to sit back and watch it watch it play out it might not happen uh I think that um eventually it will you know but at the same time like I’m I’m done I’m not even trying to build some narrative and it is what it is you know and you can say well he only beat uh he only beat chase by a second and the second Moto but exactly what you said Ryan we know I mean he was managing you you just have to expect that he was managing that race yep yep for sure and and in to your point it’s Chase is is going to be one of the ones but if not like Hunter rode really well obviously debut in the 450 class Outdoors um you know pulled two two amazing starts you know pulled two whole shots um and as you can see right here he’s putting pressure on jet man like you know they ride all the time together so they know that you know they know all their characteristics their weak points their strong points and things like that but I really thought that uh you know early on in that Moto um he showed some really good speed uh you know so you know I’m looking at as of right now your top tier is jet but then you have Hunter and Chase right there right so it’s to see once we get a couple rounds into this if it’s still if if J if uh if Hunter is going to excel to step up to that next little level there where it’s he’s in you know he’s the kind of uh taking control of that second position or is Chas going to do that yeah some notables that I’m looking for RV and again I dude it’s only after round one you know like yeah anything can happen so uh but there’s some notables uh uh it’s going to be fun to see how Hunter does you can only assume he’s going to continue to excel look at his TR trajectory in the 250s and how he started out his career now in the 450s watch his progression through Supercross he continued to get better once he got healthy and he’s he’s really trending the exact same way that he did 250s so a couple of things like I’m looking for can he and will he continue to progress and will he get faster to run with jet and to run with to run with seon uh for those whole motos that’ll be interesting to watch and then a couple other more notables uh would be uh plus I thought Pinger didn’t he have a good I thought I he wrode strong yep he rode really strong too I I haven’t made it made it to him yet just yet but yeah he was he was another one that showed some really good fire early um and rode rode really well what about what about fernandis like did because he I mean he did better in this in in at Paula than he did in Supercross like did he look pretty good to you yeah you know honestly I was I was I I I can’t give you a full full recap on that I was too busy watching you know the front The Front Runners jet Chase and Hunter you know it was it was a pretty like I said it wasn’t these 20 second gaps right like I was talking to Mitch at at the at the truck afterwards and and uh and I know me and you we’ve talked about this we we we really uh have done a lot of things and think very similarly it’s like it’s like man if we didn’t win by 20 seconds we were I wouldn’t say bummed but it’s like it was too close for comfort where you know and Mitch is like yeah he he brought up a story about you he goes man if I don’t feel like I’m I’m beating him bad enough right and like that’s the difference between like managing these races I think then our mentality is like just go run them into the ground where now it’s like if you beat them by one second and it still was the same back then but our just mentality is a little bit different um where we we want to break them right away um and where I think I saw you know like like I said jet managing his race I think he had more in the tank I think he could have rode away from Chase uh if he wanted to but he didn’t have to yeah that’s it’s completely different mindset these days I I kind of learned it a little bit um when Kenny was riding for rch like he he was winning a Supercross or something like that I’m like dude what like you were did you get tired he’s like no dude like I had like a 4 second lead why did I need to go any faster and I’m like dude that’s that’s pretty smart completely different mentality from our day and it is but it’s still too close for comfort yeah I mean one know one little one one little slip um you know I was looking through our questions on our on our rundown RV and uh Jackson uh marks and this is a pretty good question he says uh Hey Legends uh what do you think Hunter has to do to bridge the gap uh to um to Jet or is he there already and and I thought you know I got I got to thinking like I think the biggest thing is just finding a little more speed that’s what he has to do to to bridge that Gap he needs to be you know continue to get good starts and he’s going to have to work on that Sprint speed um I think that that is and and he’s going to have to learn to ride a little out of its comfort zone I think for for me kind of not judging Hunter but thinking about him and looking at him I think that’s going to be a challenge for him because he’s so sound on the motorcycle and he doesn’t get out of his comfort uh Zone very often uh so to bridge that Gap yeah he’s going to have to pick the pace up work on the Sprint laps a little bit more and just try to find a little speed uh that’s that’s how he’s going to bridge the gap on just raw speed other than that another way Bridging the Gap without speed is just being in the right place at the right time as you know RV if if you’re lacking a little bit of speed uh then you need to make sure that you are in good spots all the time you need get good starts and be in those spots to pounce if jet slips up yep no I totally agree I totally agre so thank you for that fan question Jackson markson um we’re going to head back to head down to chase here real quick we had a couple more fan questions I’ll ask this one for you Ricky Ryan Fields when is it time to move from talk around bike setup and just take ownership from seon about being better and we’re right now we’re watching we’re watching replay running into the side of verandis man I’m gonna say it I hate to say it bonehead move it was kind of a bonehead move on the outside there I know what he was trying to do is come up underneath but he basically rode right into the side of Dylan yeah yeah he did if you if you look at you’re exactly right and hate to say it too but uh Aaron play that one more time and they’ll show you this is uh where he should have noticed um that he was going to run into the back of Hunter so right there he should have like or was that FIS I’m sorry yep yep fand that was FIS so again right here he’s coming through the corner and then he’s looking up and then at right there at that moment just that Split Second and it happens within a millisecond right so you have to have those instincts and you have to be looking ahead and just assume the guy is going to go out out you know Fade to the outside and uh yep that that one was on him but going back to that question I don’t do that that’s a tough one because you know when you stop talking about the bike and and you you know like that you just basically have to surrender and saying that you’re getting beat just because you’re not good enough and you know that for for a majority of competitors that’s a you know that’s a tough pill to swap follow and I think the only thing that he can do is you know keep doing what he’s doing he’s never going to give up we all know that that’s what we appreciate about Chase so much but I don’t I don’t know that you’ll ever hear him you know like say well you know this need to be a little bit better or but he I I do feel like he takes personal responsibility sometimes like he’ll talk about where he needed to be better I just got to work on this area of the race or I needed to work on this area uh you know that’s basically him saying you know to answer to answer that person’s question that’s basically him saying that it was him and not the bike and taking taking personal responsibility so um you know but that’s a that’s a tough one to go out and admit but at the end of the day I think it’s best for for all Riders to just dude if you get if you’re getting whipped you know own up to it and and go work in the areas where your competitors are better than you yep no I agree so thank you Ryan fields we have a another one fan question a uh uh what’s that bro uh what is it broad yeah do you think Chase ston should have chose should have ch chose the Yamaha or Kawasaki for the overall horsepower and speed of the motorcycle N I don’t think so I think I think I think all these bikes are winnable my my opinion I mean I mean dude yeah I mean we’ve seen the Yamaha win we’ve seen the Kawasaki win we’ve seen the KTM win and we’ve seen the Honda win uh we’ve seen Chase win on a Honda we’ve seen Chase win on a uh on a KTM uh you know at you know at some stage it’s it’s about the rider it’s not necessarily about the bike and the rider’s Tendencies you know when you look at you know for there’s some riders in the 250 that have changed teams uh some guys change have changed and have been better um but then some guys that uh have changed multiple teams are getting the same results uh that they always have no matter what bike that they’re on and that is a horsepower class I think that um the 450 class to answer your question is um not necessarily about who has the most horse horsepower it’s about who has the the most ridable horsepower and which bike is the most compliant and all around the best but at the end of the day um all of those guys all those bikes are winnable in my opinion and and and and and to add to that um you know you as a top Rider as a past Super cost uh champ Champion you know you you want to pick obviously there wasn’t a spot at at what are you GNA go to Star racing with Coupe and Eli and then add yourself to that mix you know like he already dealt with that at uh at Honda right with jet and and then Hunter and then Hunter moving up like there wasn’t a like you know that was the right decision for him to move um and put himself amongst a team that is a that is a championship team with you know Roger Ian all these guys have been around for ages very very very smart individuals um and a great team so yes is he working through some things you know probably you know this is this is the start of the outdoors this is round one so let’s not get too excited about what’s what’s what you know what’s happening but uh you know I I I do think that it was a good move and where he ended up um you know and like simoto was was was a good I think was a was a good gauge for him now he kind of knows you know first Moto made a big mistake but was able to come back and rebound yeah I mean Hey listen he’s he’s plenty capable of doing that and it’s just really I mean it’s nothing new and I’m not trying to just move on to the 250 class but it like dude it’s it’s it’s basically a carbon copy of last year you know and I mean we know we know these guys are fast and you just got to go out and beat beat the guy that we always talk about you know and that’s that’s really the bottom the bottom line I’m not again we talk about talked at the top of the show I’m not going to try to build some narrative and you know because I could argue all the narratives that everyone tries to build or their points like you talked about dude if jet was just managing that race like you said which I think he was then how do we how do we know you know then then how do we know he couldn’t have just pulled away by by 10 seconds you know maybe he’s cool with that yeah it’s too close for comfort for you and I for sure but you know what go if you go if you want to be the man go beat demand so that’s right it’ll be fun to watch him it’ll be fun to watch him in Hangtown right Hangtown this week no totally yep we’re going to have some heat I’m here and it’s gonna be about around a hundred we got one more fan question from 01 chap who surprised you the most I’ll just answer it Hunter I think for me in the in the 450 class um and then in the 250 class we’ll get to them these guys real quick but that’s a question I would say I mean I’m going to have to go out on a limb right now and say Joey savachi um on the Triumph uh hasn’t raced hasn’t been behind the gate very of you know in a while new team new bike and all of that so um but yeah hunter hunter in the 450 class and I’ll I’ll I’ll say Joey in the 250 I concur I Concur and and and not to you know obviously everyone knows my relationship with Triant but dude I mean jalik did great too I mean you know despite despite uh Joey’s second turn crash I mean the guy guy had the guy had great speed and I think that because of his knowledge and because of uh you you know he’s great he makes great he has great does great makes good starts he’s a good starter always has been he’s got great technique he’s fast he’s been around he’s had success I think he’s one guy that these these guys should keep their eye on for the championship I really do believe that because of how well he’s done in the past yep yep I I agree so we’ll get uh get that wrapped up but that’s 450 recap right there we’re going to jump right into into the 250 recp brought to you by United Motorsports moment of the week Hayden Degan goes 1-1 but not without the controversy uh we kind of talked about at the beginning of the show The off trck Excursion we’re going to get into that and break that all down right now but we’re going to jump right through the boxo breakdown sound on Hayden Levi and Tom at the press conference it’s gonna be good boys let’s run that Aaron uh yeah I mean I went off the track uh I didn’t accelerat I follow what I was supposed to do but uh yeah uh Mitch is trying to get us so I mean I don’t know you think uh Levi you think I uh deserve that win or no I mean I I don’t think I would have passed you um it depends how much you slowed up it’s a sticky situation though cuz then my buddy Tom got docked for uh similar situation so you can’t really uh yeah I don’t know I think if Tom hadn’t gotten docked then it would be a different situation um but yeah I don’t I don’t know man I’m just I mean he beat me though long story short it’s going to be War now till the end I only missed like two bers and I went back on the track I of course I didn’t look back but um I actually saw the video from Aiden is I don’t know like the rules I would say are not so clear like you never know like what to do to be honest and I feel like if you don’t win a position if you don’t pass someone I think that’s that’s not too bad yeah I think he’s I mean at the end they they they going to decide we can’t do anything yeah um you’ve been you’ve been pretty heated about this I mean we got the okay before I’m Gonna Let You Go on a rant because you’re on fire about this I love you I’ll Ricky read you can I’ll head I’ll let you hit the hit the rule book here come in on the back side that’s okay here’s the here’s the rules okay um hey right must me uh remain on the marked course the course will be marked by track markers boundary markers hail Bas hail hay bales tough blocks dirt mounts Etc if the marking devices are not down the rider must stay on the original marked course everybody got that okay b a rider leaving the course may only continue by properly re-entering the course without gaining a time or position advantage from the closest possible point to where the r or left course okay that is a key that that is key right there while off the course riter must immediately slow down okay let me read that again for everyone while off course the rider must immediately slow down to a safe speed so as not to endanger life or limb of other Riders crew members officials or the public and must not accelerate ate in an unsafe manner at any time uh accelerate in an unsafe manner so that’s that’s debatable and then C the race director will make the determination as to whether a rider gained an advantage by leaving the race course and re-entering the rider may be determined to have gained an advantage without gaining a position failed to slow down after leaving the course or accelerated in an unsafe manner y so that’s how the re um that that’s how the rule is is read um we have RV we got supporting um we got supporting video of all instances but do you want to tea off before uh do you want to tee off go for it dude yeah so I I I obviously was there I heard there we go there’s that’s one of ours we’re watching replay so he comes in here goes misses this complete Banner right here in in plastic uh you know Mark throws his hand up so that’s that’s one right okay boom that one there to me um is is very questionable meaning like that was such a short stint of being off the track um but here’s where it gets sticky is Tom went off once Hayden went off three times we have Replay that one I would say I would just I would IA that one we just watched now this one right here I’m going to make here he goes around the outside jumps off the track right here and look at the ti oh just on the gas now he lets up as he comes but still he was on the that this one there I know you can’t overlay them but essentially is the exact same he goes ripping around the outside jumps off look at the rear tire throwing Roost off the motorcycle so my whole deal in rant and and gripe with the situation is is keep it the same you can’t dock Tom for and Aaron let’s run toms really quick um also uh you know as he goes off the track catches the side gets on the gas then let he goes to he goes too though I mean he he he gases her up yep he does gas it up and that is why he got penalized but that is why Tom got penalized so my question is is is if you’re gonna be throwing penal penalties around um they need to be they need to be across the board the same to me this right here what we’re watching of Tom and what we just watched of Hayden um are very very similar in in instances and then we do have a third of Hayden in from Modo 2 um Aaron will run that one right now also to me this one he didn’t try to stay on the track like he literally just rode off the track and kind of yes on the gas he still hit that like 75 foot jump so yes was there a break and throttle right as in the middle while he was off the track but he still rides off the track right here like he even he was dud he he wasn’t even looking onto the regular race course yeah and you can see Roost coming off the tire and then he hits this like 75 foot jump so I think it’s bogus on amas from AMA standpoint um whoever’s calling the shots for for penalizing the rules and and implementing the rules because um you know I just keep it keep it the same keep it across the board um it wouldn’t have changed the outcome I I guess it would have changed the outcome based on penalizing um but yeah Hayden did win he went 1-1 not taking that away from him but you can’t dock Tom and not dock right right you want you want it you want there to be continuity between between both guys going out and and I agree with you um did because Hayden went off the track those times is that why he won the race no no chance dude not at all nope nope not at all and truth be told I mean Tom Tom accelerated too did that did that did he gain an advantage I mean maybe but nothing substantial I I think we need to stop using the advantage word and use the like as you if you go off the track it should be slower you should lose a little bit of time right off the head right not like we go off the track to gain an advantage right it’s like you should it should definitely lose two to three seconds like you can see the Gap right here the Gap essentially stays the same yeah so that is right there that would to me that’s that that is worthy of a penalty because he should have lost three seconds you know what it’s like imagine and and you’re exactly right so what needs to happen is as soon as you go off like right there okay now you just chill yeah you went off course you can’t accelerate maintain a safe Pace that’s what like when I was like my I remember my first years of pro like they they would Duke fch would always say all right if you guys go off the race course chop the throttle and then reenter you can’t re-enter where you went went off re-enter at a safe place but you chop the throttle um you know you chop the throttle immediately and that’s what you do but like stuff like that yeah like like these guys like dude from now on just slow down it almost it’s almost like they need a Pit Road button like that Moto GP has or F1 has where you just hit hit hit a button and it retards the timing of the ignition and you just have to go slow you know like it is what it is and again take your medicine so definitely I agree with you there needs to be continuity did um does it suck that Tom got docked um of of course it does because I don’t think that he gained or lost any other gained any advant any more of an advantage than Hayden did um I could probably argue that maybe he he gained less of an advantage that Hayden did but at the same time like yeah you gota it’s got to be the same for everyone I totally agree with you and um and think that the rule in in some way if the Riders aren’t going to slow down when they go off course and just chill then they need to they modify the rule somehow so the Riders start obeying that rule so we’re not in this position because this isn’t like I always feel like we’re always talking or we do often talk about when there’s an infraction or penalty was it justifiable like you know so I I it just it needs it needs some ironing out and there definitely needs to be continuity for sure and and the reason I’m not fretting over it and it’s just like it is what it is is because I don’t think any of those offc course uh incidents um would have changed would have changed the outcome of the race I just don’t believe it I mean yes it would have not like that’s I said it in the beginning deags W degs went 1-1 and he he was deserving of that win but if you take Tom and Tom got docked one position you dock Degan one position now it changes the outcome right so they just need to have that like you said that continuity keep it the same across the board what happened you know it happened we watched it and one got docked one didn’t so all right we beat that dead horse enough we’re GNA head over to Levi kitchen verse the track marker dude um kind of pretty gnarly that he was able to scoop that thing up in his boot did you see that Ricky no dude I didn’t see that right here check this out this is for the pass for the lead also by the way right there he picks that sport guard or that uh track mark marker out has to reach down and pull it out of his boot oh my goodness yeah D I didn’t know I didn’t even hear about this yeah yeah so the yellow track marker um right here right there dabs his foot picks it up you can then kind of see it from uh we’ll see it better angle right here um picks up this Fork guard not Fork I keep calling it a fork guard yes it was right there they look like Fork CS well they are yeah they’re like WN to be Fork guards yeah that’s what they in my opinion those in my opinion like I can’t stand those track markers has nothing to do with uh you know the manufacturers of of those track markers but we need something better than that I’m sorry I mean I remember I think they started implementing those uh towards the latter part of my career maybe maybe 07 it’s like a joke dude you could run right over them RV you know about it I mean like you just go these things are a joke we need better markers you know we we do uh we need something that is relatively safe but something to where you know you just can’t run it over because hey if you do you’re going to get a flat tire you’re going to rip your foot Peg off again I don’t want anybody getting hurt so please I I am being sensitive to that but these track markers are a complete and absolute joke dude I think it’s just it’s ridiculous go back and put banners up around string the whole track with banners or do something that way if these guys go off the track you know it’ll get tangled up in their rear tire they’ll have to slow down or whatever you know but it’s like you’re exactly right it keeps you it really makes you think about you know where you you potentially can push it where you can’t like it’s essentially like if you go off the track amongst all those Honda banners right there you’re going to get wrapped up you’re probably going down um you know like even even to your point of using hay bales like traditional hay bales um we know Supercross is a foam it’s called a tough block right for everybody that doesn’t know the difference but yeah it’s foam outdoor they tend to use hay actual hay bales um yeah they do suck to hit but it keeps you on the track I can promise you that the yellow markers don’t they don’t deter you at all you you you run you use every every inch of that track and even run those over I mean when they they implemented them like you said Ricky Right Here we watch Hayden go over the top of one right there um they implemented those I think o end of 07 06 is when I when I was racing too and they were actually called track suggestion markers there wasn’t actually a rule I probably made that rule come into play because I would run them over all the time because the rule cheater that’s how you want dude that’s how you won all your races you’re cheating running over the that’s the only reason you won is because you ran over those markers that’s right that’s right that’s right so I agree we need to do something uh you know uh banners to your point I think it looks cool too I think it adds an adds an added uh added look uh looks more professional with the banners it’s a lot more work to do banners like uh around the whole track but um you know it looks good and it’ll keep these guys honest so um yeah and I think well well let’s head over to the Dunlop due diligence RC obviously we we heard um big big press day um I was actually out there for press day I parked the rig parked the motor home that day while they were doing the press conference at poino um and then all come out to ride and uh obviously everybody has heard RJ Hampshire not out there um broke his wrist on press what a what a what a time to break it oh dude I mean yeah anytime someone gets hurt on press or hurt regardless we hate it but especially especially press day right where you’re just supposed to go out there you’re supposed to be for be there for the media you want to check your bike make sure everything is cool and it just sucks you know coming off such a Fant fantastic year uh Supercross season for RJ we had him on the show just uh just last week and then yeah when I was reading the news I’m like dude you gotta be kidding me so uh RJ we hate that for you um hopefully uh you’ll be all right and saw your cast it up but you know what I mean I think the only positive is is uh you get to spend a little time with the family and those sweet little girls and your wife that you got so that would be cool but uh I hate that for RJ I think he would have had some great momentum had coming into the uh Pro Motocross Championship we talked about it a little bit with him when he came on and talked with you and I on Title 24 last week uh so we won’t be we we won’t be able to see that so uh hopefully he’ll be better and he’ll be back soon and uh he can race some of the final promot across season get a good warm-up going into the SMX playoffs but I hate that you know I don’t I don’t know like I think as far as press day goes and you got you don’t have to do it I don’t believe but I think it’s good to go out there um but I I would say this about just the tracks in general and it could have happened on a slow track but I I just don’t like how the tracks are so fast these days I just feel like that there’s not enough tight Corners I think that speeds are too fast and when you’re going fast the you know things like that can happen again that could have happened on some on a on a slower track but I just think that the speeds paa in general um is is just fast you know I think that we need to to slow down and I think maybe maybe he crashed on a faster faster track you know yeah yeah so here’s here’s what I noticed I was there all day on on Thursday and what I noticed was is is press day is is is meant for press day and what what I mean by that is is is um learn the track throw a couple whips for the cameras and the video guys and and and um you know maybe get a couple heaters in just to to to to blow the cobwebs out but but number one is is make it to the to to Saturday and and I had heard RJ had hit like you know as we all know Paula has some really big um rocks big rock Boulders exactly not even rocks Boulders I had heard um that he had hit one of those and and and went down you know the tracks aren’t 100% prepped they’re not they’re not race prepped for Saturday they are probably 80 to 90% prepped up you know they’re still they’re still there on Thursday setting up kind of and getting banners in place and you know the track wasn’t fully watered you know things like that so it’s you’re there for press for guys to take photos and get videos and and promote the race for this weekend so I thought it kind of looked like honestly from what I saw and heard it would look like stopwatch Nationals you know like guys were just sending it on Saturday which um I get it you kind of want to show your stuff off a little bit but there’s there’s not bump on the track it’s going to completely change and as you just saw all of from all of our replays and and the broadcast um the track was Ruddy was rough was the speeds definitely slowed down you know slower than press day and um you know like there was some lines you knew you know all the all the scary things or what was you know they made a track change that big giant Booter triple you know that was there they changed it into like a roller section up off off the top it was after the second turn after the start that was a giant triple I’m sure you guys a lot of guys saw it on press day so they make those adjustments per after after um after press day and things like that so the track isn’t 100% there yet so um you know back to that just a total bummer but uh yeah sucks you guys need to be smart too that press isn’t press is just for press yeah yeah that’s a bummer hate that uh I hate that for RG I hate it for the fans I I mean you know that would been another guy in the 250 class you know a champ for sure a championship Contender so I hate that for for for RJ his team and then of course our our great race fans so yeah it’s it’s it’s a bummer but I do like definitely it’s we talked about continuity and the and the rules and docking guys for if they go off track I mean I think that the closer like what you were talking about like the prep I think the prep if they can get it closer to what the race situation the race conditions will be like uh that’ll be much better uh but I’ve said it for a couple years now dude I just I I would love to see these uh these tracks slow down maybe Implement some more corners tight 180 Corners in there and and it give it give guys more of an opportunity to make up time you know it’s it’s an area it’s a great place to make up time getting into your Corners harder than you than the other than your competitors coming out of the corners harder than your competitors when they’re it’s really hard I mean from my experience RV to make up time on tracks that are are just those you know those sweeping wide Corners you know most most guys especially at this level you know at SMX level they all go fast so you need some you know you need some techy lows speeed areas I think where you can like I said outbreak guys or accelerate a little bit harder coming out of Corners rather just be top speed all the time so that’s my opinion on I agree I agree y yep yep yep um you want me to uh so you’re yeah why you goe with the rundown you want to do you want to do it hey eron let’s show all these peeps show all our great fans on Title 24 what to look forward to on uh on NBC and peacock this week as you guys know 2 pm Eastern SMX Insider with oued and JT you guys did a great job also you this week St great job uh Saturday 1 pm Eastern PR motocross race stay live qualifying that’s live on peacock from Hangtown make sure you check it out then 300 p.m this Saturday eastern time is the MSA WeatherTech Sports Car Championship from Detroit Grand Prix that’s a good one right there that one’s going to be on USA and then of course uh 4 pm Saturday and that’s 4 pm eastern time check out Pro Motocross at Hangtown that’ll be live on peacock so once you’re done with Race Day live at 1 Eastern uh take yourself a little break go throw something on the grill and uh tune back in the peacock and watch round two of PR Motocross Championship SMX um part of SMX um Championship as well and then Sunday 12:00 pm Eastern NT Indie series The Streets of Detroit uh it is live on the USA Network uh so you definitely want to check out the um the Detroit Grand Prix that’ll be def a good one coming off a big win uh New Garden it’s two-time winner I believe now the inie car uh was bummed for um bummed for the rain and just kind of like how it threw everything off there um I was watching that a little bit before I went to sleep and uh was um it was bum for Kyle Larson also so um man what a what a what a what a hell of a finish huh I know right oh dude dude I I P that guy P have you ever met P I have not oh dude oh so he loves Moto like dude he’s a fan of all these guys yourself and I mean he’s so into it but that guy I mean he is always I always seemed like he’s one of those he’s always in a position to win and something happens whether it’s self-induced or what have you and then he gets second or third it’s happen s it happen so much to that poor guy but yeah hell of a hell of a um indy500 finish yes it was for sure so um well we got one more thing yeah well we’re gonna jump right now to the quadlock question of the week Tyler Guzman RC and RV did being a smaller stature individual and dealing with the bike to your comfort affect the bike suspension or ride of the bike in general and RC is it true you would have the seat foam shaved down I’m 55 and I’m thinking of doing that yes well number one congratulations uh on the winner you’re the winner of the Quad loock this week sliding into the uh Title 24 DM and JH I mean gosh dang it Curley will send he’ll uh curly will pass you along to uh quadlock and we’ll get you they’ll get you dialed in hey and RV we got a uh we got some feedback from winner a couple weeks ago from the quadlock winner he got his uh he got his product and uh they were pumped on it so that’s great but yeah so I would I would shave down my seats for sure um I was I’m only an inch taller than than you so that was a that’s a great great question by the way and um I would lower my subframe sometimes I would uh they would lower my shock like a mill something like that but definitely yes my sheet my seats were shaved down and um and my subframes were lowered and it helped me tremendously because I always like to get my CG uh as low as possible and if I couldn’t touch the ground good I just like I did I didn’t like that feeling so uh I’m not recommending that for everyone but um if you’re a shorter shorter shorter statured rid like myself um you got me beat by a couple couple inches there RV but yeah that that’s why I did it it it helped me um outside of that uh how I set my suspension up I wouldn’t recommend it for any other any other one out there a crapload of rebound 118 sag yeah just I was just gonna add to that Ricky um Tyler it’s you know what we’re talking about I was similar I never cut my seat foam but I would show in the shock shaft and I would cut the subframe but to uh the current motorcycles the current platforms of these bikes where they’ve come from um from what we used to race um I don’t cut my subframe now I don’t shorten my shock shaft Ricky I know I’ve seen I don’t know about your personal bike but your your Triumph um to me looks like it’s pretty standard just because of the the geometry now these days that they’re so much better than what they were when we raced um yeah what what happened yeah what happened for me rvy and how I was able to go back and get get the SAG up in the ride height a little bit normal to a normal standard position was the U was the four strokes and how you know when when you when the the throttle is connected to the rear tire and the thing would you know it just it would get to the ride height that I liked you know just because of the throttle and the torque so uh that helped and I felt like the suspension worked better for me so that allowed me to get my suspension up and like you talked about with technology and how the chassis are made um and what these suspension Engineers suspension uh tuners can do and how they can get the bike to feel low but yet with with linkage ratios and you know and pivot bolts and all that fun stuff how they can get the bike to feel like it’s slow but yet you’re still using maximum travel so uh it has come a long way and uh but but for sure yeah we I like yourself I would do uh you know I would shave the seat down um out you didn’t do that but I would shave the seat down and do the uh smaller subframe so yep yeah totally yeah so I would just be be aware of that you know I would Tyler I would I would uh I would go in little little increments on your seat um you know maybe just a little bit might just be what you’re looking for so uh great question hopefully we answered that for you um all right so I think our initial thoughts on Hangtown round two um dud I can say hey if you if you get arm pumped this isn’t a track for you I can tell you that yeah that’s that’s true and I hear it’s gonna be warm I I I heard it’s going to be um now it could change but the I I heard on Saturday that Hangtown is supposed to be close close up in the hundreds um so that’ll be our kind of first first one that we tick off the box of of a hot um you know race that you got to dig you know so that’s going to that’s going to be good that’s I think you know I was there Saturday Saturday was about 75 maybe 80 degrees you know nice perfect weather um everybody could Sprint you know you literally was it was a 35 it was a 35 minute Sprint race yeah I dude I I am dude I am stoked that it’s uh gonna be hot I love seeing these boys uh or these Riders you know compete and and gnarly I conditions because they’re gnarly athletes and I like seeing them rise up so um totally and I think here’s the thing I think it looks so much it’s so much cooler um it looks a lot better when you’re able to you know to have a e either every you know any one of these riders that perform well but when they go out and do it in 105 there’s nothing better than coming back to the truck and you know you know getting the overall ending up on the podium whatever you’re whatever you’re shooting for that goal is and it’s 105 out and you can come back and say I just stomp these boys or I just I you know I’m on the podium in this heat you know the confidence Builder knowing that you that that you got it you know that you can that you can do it in this heat not only at 85 80 degrees um I think it’s I think that’s that’s the grit that is what Pro Motocross is is all about is when the track gets rough and then the heat comes out yeah yeah yeah then a little strategy comes into play where you just can’t go ham the whole time time so I’m I’m I’m pumped for it I think it’s a really difficult track um from a um soil standpoint you got that super hard base RV as you know and I right I feel like if your bike isn’t isn’t working well it really shows up at a track like that because you can feel every nook and cranny at that place dude yep so it’ll be a it’ll be a good one for sure hey do you think it’ll be hot so I heard a little story this week when I was in Barcelona by one of of our old great friends and um he’s telling me like you had a pretty hot hot first Moto in Thailand one time was it hot there bro it was hot yeah we had we had a hot hot Moto that second one um was it warm dude or what yeah it was up in the hundreds really humid you know really humid I put on a strong performance stamped it the first one but uh kind of kind of uh overextended myself for for Moto 2 I think I still ended up second or third but coroli got me um in Moto to that’s my only overall actually that’s my only overall in uh in the mxgp series so um I’m technically the last American to do it so I’ll get myself hey how how was dude how was Thailand dude dude the experience was I mean I still didn’t really get to really experience it because I was there for a job and there for a reason but I did get to walk the streets um and go see street food and go you know buy some fake Louis Vuitton and stuff like that so um that was seriously one of the best experiences of my racing career um was being able to go to Kar uh Argentina and and and Thailand you know that’s that was one thing why what I was looking forward to and also bummed when I ended up getting hurt was not going to you know these other places of the world to to race your to race my motorcycle and experience it because uh it was it honestly was was super super cool wish I could do it again awesome awesome that was a good one yeah my buddy our buddy was telling us a story about how it was a it was a warm one in Thailand well yeah I’m looking forward I think that’ll be that’ll be great at Hangtown I think it um it’s going to be gearing up that that 250 class G be a lot of fun to watch and and of course the reason I say I’m putting so much emphasis RV on the 250 just because I think there’s more guys that have a legit shot of winning um and I just think that they you know the the the 450 is going to be fun to see how it plays out and when when and if jet slips and is sexon going to be be the dude to uh take over and and and to watch the progression again of Hunter like you said how well he was doing and then uh you know don’t don’t turn your eye on on AP he’s he’s had a great year yep yep yep totally well that’s uh that’s it thanks to all of our listeners for for tuning in supporting myself and Ricky and tile 24 we couldn’t uh couldn’t do it without you guys all of our all of our partnersh you know our Partnerships United Motorsports Dunlop boxo um and quadlock thank to you thank you to uh for all your support and uh get over and get your uh wherever you listen to You Know download your podcast audio versions of the podcast available wherever you download your podcast also the video version available on Motorsports on NBC YouTube page or on peacock so um we’re pretty much anywhere you can find anywhere you get your content we there so get over download it listen to it uh driveing to work or you know what whenever you have that downtime so thank you guys hi folks Lee DIY from NBC Sports here if you truly enjoyed what you just watched you can get more news interviews and highlights by subscribing to the Motorsports on NBC YouTube page you can get it all so go for it


  1. Iv said it several times and I'll say it again. I believe that Sexton gets tunnel vision so bad that he is unaware of his surroundings. Him running into Fernandes showed it not to mention when him and Barcia came together at I believe Daytona a year or so ago.

  2. If you're bike is throwing a roost, you get a penalty. Or you can only go 15mph. Bikes would have to get Mph gauges.

  3. All on AMA. This isn’t the 1st time theres been controversy with this rule of going off track. So fix it. It’s not the amateur motorcycle association.. cmon get your head in the game Davey

  4. Thank you RV and RC for effectively interpreting the AMA code /Rule book as far as " Track Cuts/Unfair Advantage section 1.6.20 (a. to c). Title 24 Interpreted a. to c. which is correct . But others select parts of the code the fits their own narrative.

    Either case thanks RV

  5. Why is it one minute they say the off track excursions in the 250 class would not have any effect on the race outcome, but then they say well, Levi would have won the overall if the AMA was consistent with the officiating and also docked DangerBoy.
    This is one convoluted conversation!
    If it causes one rider to lose the overall, of course it is serious in the scope of the title chase, even though it is the 1st race of the year.
    I'm confused, I bet Mitch is too.
    C'mon race number 2!

  6. ​@seanhaberman4619 the point is NOT whether either care who won or not, the point is the fact they are both close to Mich Payton and there is a perception of conflict of interest by definition of that connection. They should note beforehand that they are both close to the team owner who protested Deegs or also include an opposing view because, the way they presented Vialle and Deegans off track incidents as being the same is not honest as they were not the same.

  7. 33:30 talking about bales and lining the track.
    First off hay is fed to livestock. Straw is what they would buy to use as protectors, like padding on a big tree, like @ Ironman you see them, or any track with trees close to the racing area. Having the whole track lined with straw bales would literally cost a small fortune. The cost would have to be reflected in the price of admission. The labor factor would be the biggest expense though.
    Marking the race track is a serious conversation, here's why. If they go back to banner's then they need to have posts to fasten the banner's to, they did away with posts for this reason, riders can get impaled by them, yes run through. This may not happen often or at all, but with insurance the way it is, if a rider does get impaled, more than likely they will not make it to the hospital. Plus who really wants to get run through while racing a dirt bike?
    Racing is already dangerous enough folks.

  8. Just think, if Levi left that marker on his boot..he'd technically never have to worry about going off the track himself..he could have beaten them all by skipping 😅😅😅

  9. You guys are so wrong about the AMA ruling!! Go listen to John Short. He set in on the ruling. They looked at every time stamp on his off-track mistakes. He never gained any time. You can accelerate as long as it's in a safe manner and you don't gain time and enter the track in a safe manner. Deegs looked back before entering the track and didn't gain time, and Tom gained time and entered the track in an unsafe manner. It took 4 hours because they looked at every camera angle they had and looked at all the time stamps! It took so long because they wanted to get it right. So you need to have Short on and let him explain to all the haters and whinners out there. The haters attack Deegs for the ama ruling he just rides the bike. It doesn't help you guys run your pie holes before you know the facts. You need to correct your selfs.

  10. Throwing roost was not why Tom was penalized. He gained time and didn’t look back getting on the track. Don’t know why this is such a big ordeal.

  11. Tomac was the last American to win an MXGP overall. Glen Helen and Charolette on Honda 2015 I think.

  12. His first off track when he went around the outside the kid was on the gas you can see the roost. He wasn’t locking his back wheel to slow down but I do think once he went off track he stayed on the gas and the let off when he came back on track. He lost time once he let off but when he goes past the guy that’s off the track the kid was throwing dirt across his legs and the kids back wheel and still sideways till he laid off the gas

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