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National Tench Championships 2024 Specimen Tench and Carp caught #tenchfishing #carpfishing

On Friday 17th May to Sunday 19th, I took part in the 2024 National Tench Championships on Oxlease Lake at the superb @linearfisheriesofficial5514 in Oxford organised by the brilliant @TenchfishersTV group.
Event organiser Ben Kennedy did a fantastic job of the event supported by a the many stewards of the TenchFishers.
In total 28 anglers took part on the 26 acre gravel pit where specimen tench and carp can be found in many numbers and many were as you will see in this film.
The big question is who will be crowned the 2024 Champion?

Filmed by Russ Evans of @fishingtailfilms
Contributions by Ed Payne, Chris Miller and Patrick Dower

Soundtrack music by
Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
License code: D7JF5F0V2KE5DNOK
Music from #Uppbeat
Music from #Uppbeat
Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):

here we are the tench fishes tench championships linear Fisheries [Music] [Music] very lucky [Music] my kind of [Music] showed me [Music] [Music] welcome to another fishing tail films and it’s a little bit different today because I’m here at Linea Fisheries to fish the national tense championships 2024 run by the brilliant theen Fishers which I’m a member of and also Linea himself so I’m really looking forward to it it’s Friday Maria till Sunday and um fers cross get a decent draw I’ll explain the draw a bit later it’s looking lovely is it I think the wind’s going to change it normally does and of course on big Waters like this the fish always follow the wind we soon flowing down this is the view from Peg 19 swim 19 and uh Ox Le is I believe 26 Acres so you can see it’s a fair old size Fair old chunk of water and some chunky fish in there as well all spaces well this is the view of the lake from Peg 39 right down the other side to where I had a good walk about to be honest nothing really stands out but the the wind forecast is quite light in the sense that there’s not going to be any strong winds I think 10 mph maybe on Sunday it’s going to turn and start blowing in a a slight northeasterly Direction which is that way there you just see a little bit of Breeze hitting the hit the lake over there so last year it was a really strong northeasterly the wning peegs come out on eight most of the tents were caught on that bank and I was opposite so there you go the draw is going to be in a few minutes time so I’m going to make me way back to the Marquee which is where the headquarters is and let’s see what happens looking forward to you draw match fish for years and you dip in a bag for a bit of is all the goodie bags inside there is an envelope with a number on it and if you get a low number you get to choose one of the earlier swims some of the prizes fantastic besid everyone that’s of everyone comes to get one of these welcome everybody to the 2024 T national championships um those I think I’ve spoken pretty much all of you I’m Ben kennedy secretary uh probably convers by email oh hello good start want that one go um I’m going taking we bookings and everything so thank you so much for partaking taking part today um my colleague Pat da he will introduce himself shortly I’m sure um he’ll say a few words then I will run through the prizes and I will run through the draw process before that I’d like to first and foremost thank all of the stewards who given their time to make this event happen without them it would not [Applause] St allocated to each section they will make themselves known to you so there’s any problems anything we can help you with any doubts just fire away you’ll meet the steers in your section and Ben I’d just like to repeat the thanks to all of them and the the time that they’re giving up for three days to help this event well done guys and uh Ben it will be not stewarding a section neither will I and neither will Nigel BR senior member Nigel Nigel’s at the back there so we are drifting around so if there’s a problem we we are there to assist as well if there’s some reason you your Steward can’t help you for any reason so far away while you’re here I hope you’ll if you’re not familiar with theen fishes I hope you’ll start to get a sense of what what we’re about and uh we we’re just a a group of very very passionate Anglers of all all types of angling really not just ten all sorts of expertise and some absolutely staggering angers within the group and there’s angers who are quite new to T fishine but have that passion and that’s what bonds us all together really um having been chair for less than a year I can’t take any credit for much of what ten fishes is it’s down to the members and the history and it’s been built up over 70 years with it’s our 70th Anniversary this year well we’ve had the draw think goodie bag I had number 22 so I had to wait quite a bit but I’ve uh pulled out or I’ve opted for the peg that actually won it last year which was Peg 8 because I know the wind would eventually not that it’s going to be much of a wind there’s going to be a slight breeze that’s going to blow onto that bank especially on this Saturday and the following day on the Sunday so fingers crossed well I be swim which is pack eight and both me rods are out it’s about just coming up to our P one the CL claxon sounded for the all off at midday wasn’t quite ready so much to set up with the bivvy and mixing the bait just getting everything ready and there’s plenty of time 48 hours so both me rods are out gone out on the maget attack to start off with actually had one bite it stripped all the maggots off uh it was wasn’t like a screaming bite as such so um hopefully I’ll have a you know a few more bites to talk about I’m going to go on the world I’m going to fish lots of natural bits today like maggot cter and uh worms I’ve fed some ground bait it’s initially kickstart just a small Spa didn’t want to overdo it to start off with put about four or five SPS of green lip muscle ground bait with some hemp in the mix and some cters few grains of corn just to see how that goes there is bit of activity out there which is quite encouraging the lake is very calm at the moment but the forecast for sort around about midday midnight onwards is that the wind’s going to turn around in a North northeasterly Direction North northeasterly but not strong wind probably 10 miles at the most so but it will create a bit of a breeze and which is one of the reasons why I I was hoping to get on get on this Bank we’ll see you know it’s um it’s early days just started so a long way to go yet and I’m hoping I can trouble the uh the stewards who is Eddie just met Eddie and the first time I’ve seen him for a long long while we used to fish quite a lot together years ago so it’s good to catch up with him have a good chat he’s Steed in this section so hopefully I’m going to keep him busy you never know [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] well it’s quarter to 5 still waiting for my first fish like many of the other competitors it’s been a couple of carp C and also on the opposite bank there’s been a couple of tents about the 5B Mark I do believe so that’s promising still a long long way to go though we’ve not even touched the surface yet and uh it’s like I say it’s nearly 5:00 so we’re 5 hours in and um hoping that some of the Fisher some of the tent are moving a bit later as the that sun drops temperature cools a bit or if not it might be a case of early morning so it’s definitely a case of keeping that feed going out the spaming out the green lip muscle ground bait with hemp and using natural baits such as worms and maggots so fingers crossed something will happen pretty soon we’ll bit of an update it’s just gone 7:00 on the Friday evening on the first of the ten championships and just the one tench has been caught on that far Bank about 3 hours ago that’s the only tench that’s been caught I think there’s been a couple of car one about 29 on Peg three I think it’s Peg three or four four I think so it’s quiet but the lake is flat calm it’s quite bright which is not ideal conditions a Carper cruising about sunbathing still so hopefully when that sun goes down which shouldn’t be too long long ago to go now then um hopefully things might start to happen but fail in that at northeasterly it’s going to blow or that breeze I should say it’s going to arrive in the early hours of the morning through to Saturday hopefully it’ll continue all day long and I think it’s scheduled to be North easly on Sunday and for us on this this Bank could kick kick the action off I do hope so keep feeding while there’s no signs of fish out there kept spaming out some feed fairly regular every hour so that when the fish do turn up they’ve got a carpet of feed down there that’s going to make them hopefully stick around a bit so that’s that’s the update so far and uh you never know next time you see me I might even be holding a tench fingers crossed it’s just about coming up to 3:00 in the morning and from about4 2 to about 5 minutes ago just put a bit of spaming out there bit more ground bit bit of more green lip muscle with some dead Reds in there some casters little bit of hemp to try and sort of Kickstart the swim up before before first light cuz I think if it’s going to happen it’ll be at first light in the morning so fingers crossed something it’s going to happen but I think not much happening at night the odd carb crashing about there’s been the odd lights coming on over on that far Bank whether that’s cuz they’ve caught ten or or car or just realign in their Rigs and stuff like that I don’t know their rods but not much to report so far two two or 3 hours kit so I feel a bit more fresh in there so I thought well look get up and do a bit more spaming try and make the swim Prime the swim for when it gets light well it’s 6:43 on the Saturday morning which is kind of like day two of the T championships although we’re not actually 24 hours into it will be from midday today but signs of some tension coming out on the far the side I was on last year but someone’s had two and another person’s had one so three T of been cool and waiting for that northeasterly to start or the northeasterly breeze to start hopefully that might help this bank but no tench on my side of the bank and the two ends it just seems to be them them swims over there but it’s a start gives everyone a bit of encouragement and uh let’s see what today brings just arrived in time nice t on here T off be a car you all right if I just shoot a bit quick bit of video Yeah s thank you mate up a no scra that’s for sure well I’ve just had my first proper bite in Anger it wasn’t the tens that I was looking for it was a beautiful common car24 15 oz and uh chairman Pat come along and done a bit of a filming and hopefully you send it over so I can include it in this in this fishing tail films episodes but it’s a good start that wind is turned around now and is blown to WS us which is what I was waiting for it’s now arrived it should should blow there till till tomorrow in that same direction and hopefully those tents will follow but time time will tell [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well it’s the final morning of the ten championships it’s less than 6 hours to go and I was still still bitless as far as the tens is concerned obviously I had that stunning car yesterday just under 25 which was very welcome but it looks like no ten in fact in my section of eight there’s not been one ten C there’s been C but no ten sadly so not yet still PL a time to go it’s not looking great is it I mean you start thinking to yourself well 40 hours now been here no tench I did have a drop back by um but by the time I got to me Rod cuz it was about just after five I was in me sleeping B nothing there at all but uh so that’s the nearest I’ve had to maybe a bite this morning it seems to be fairly quiet all around the lake is that breeze still putting a nice bit of Chop on the water so if I’m going to catch I think it’s going to be the next 2 hours fing that then I think it’s going to be a a disappointing time twise really enjoyed the event though it’s been fantastic well organized as usual by Ben kennedy and the tench Fishers and all the team many thanks to all of them for giving up their time to give us angers a fantastic event to fish we at Linea and um this Lake doesn’t like giving up its tens or not for me anyway cuz last year I struggled didn’t ever a b at all like many of us did last year and tent wise it’s looking possibly like the same result but you never know there’s still time we shall if you’ve liked the video please give it a like and if you haven’t please subscribe to the channel cuz it helps of all the YouTube algorithms and all that gets the channel out there the fishing tail films Channel and uh I should look forward to seeing you next time on the on the lake side and then of course won’t be that far away before the rivers kick off and I’m going to make sure I F me boats on the rivers this year because last year it was disappointing wasn’t it there had so much rain so I’m going to get out early on the rivers cuz I do love my River fishing and um let’s see let’s see that the hopefully the new season will bring some quality fishing nice chub nice roach and per so plenty to look forward to this coming this coming year Well bit of an update there’s under 3 hours to go now and just been down to the S van to get something to eat getting a bit peckish and P 10 win on Peg 10’s got four T so he must be well clear at the moment I know Matthew perin he’s on two ten and he lost one and all which I know he’s bugging him a bit but you have to carry on but he’s got two ten pretty sure someone else has got two but there’s few a few 10 have been caught which is good nice section of a Eddie a stward not at the way attention at all apart from just a few car so it’s uh at the wrong end of the lake although I’m only two swims away from could be the one that’s going to win it cuz he’s on P Peg 10 I’m on Peg 8 so near but not near enough at the moment although anything can can happen get might get a Sher tens turn up bang bang bang and you’re you’re in the mix as you can see I’ve got quite a bit of company I’ve been there most of the most of the 48 Hours having a bit of a rest here so I’ve not been on me own so wind Jones on Peg 10 with a 912 female cracking fish straighten straighten your tail out girl that’s it it’s lovely well done that’s currently joint first well done [Music] oh my love go back to your home and become an 11 my will the events over sadly it didn’t happen for me but I’m going to make me way to the results the mar to find out who’s won the 2024 National tense Champions we should see but there’s been a few tents coming I must admit there’s a few few late ones I think Ross Breen had three very very late to challenge win on know or know Z for ten cuz it’s done on most most fish most ten let’s go and find out seven is Mark Davis 1511 is right down here it’s not is there which is Tony 99 hang on that car one fish isn’t it one fish we have Jason Stokes three fish for £25 4 oz T Box Elite Dar Valley rods which are very very nice also third place we into the trophies now all right yeah trophies yeah with a very late fish pulling up the rankings is Matt pering with four fish for £289 Oz 250 box voucher and a trophy b m and in first place with four fish for £318 Oz and winner of a pair of Harrison custom built rods by the spoke rods by o is W Jones year there was a draw for biggest fish same thing happen again so both wi and Mark Davis have a 9 12 and as was the overall winner the specimen tench for the 2024 oxy tench National Championship got that right goes to Mark Davis you got [Music]


  1. Great video. Looks like a great weekend with some great fish all round. Nicely organised with some great prizes and trophies up for grabs. Wishing you luck for next year! Congratulations to all involved

  2. Very enjoyable video as always Russ , well done to all that took part ,great to see some superb tench & carp , pleased for Matt getting 2nd place , but congrats to all that framed , thanks Russ ,see ya soon fingers crossed 👍🏻

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