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“Take Any Amount Offered Then” | Dak Prescott Says He ‘Doesn’t Play For Money’

Dak Prescott recently said publicly that he does not care about money and he would give it all up just to play football. If that were really true, wouldn’t he accept the first offer given to him even if it’s below contracts like Jared Goff or even Kirk Cousins? If Dak asks for too much after this season, the Cowboys could look toward Trey Lance as their next quarterback. =============================================================
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so Dak Prescott recently spoke uh on ESPN Todd Archer reporting it and he addressed his contact situation by saying this I don’t play for money never have never cared for it to be honest with you would give it up just to play this game so I allow that to the business people to say what it’s worth what they’re supposed to give a quarterback of my play a person of my play a leader of my play for me it’s about control what I can control and handle that part and the rest will take care of itself once again Todd Archer ESPN reporting that but uh I want to know what’s your reaction to dak’s comments I’m a little surprised I’ve never heard a professional athlete say that money didn’t matter I don’t believe that it money doesn’t matter to Dak Prescot money and the professional sport is a measurement of how good you are in a lot of ways you don’t get big money unless you’re great and or you’ve been great at least you might not be great after you get the big money we’ve seen that before but to get the big money you got to do something great and uh and most of the players who achieve that want to continue to get the big money and I can’t believe Dak Prescot doesn’t want big money I mean he’s leaving it up to his business people well do you think he told his business people just accept whatever they offer I doubt he said that to them do you think no I I’m sure he didn’t say that to them so I don’t quite buy it I think he understands that uh you know he says uh he said that it depends on personal relationship ships uh position and how how much that pay can affect others understanding where I am and what my pay means and to the team and to the organization I really don’t take it personally he said maybe I took it personally my first contract I don’t take it so personally now so I think he’s trying to say you know I understand CD lamb has to have a big contract and Micah paron has got to get a big TR contract the three of us all getting big contracts very hard to do so I I think he’s in his own mind probably accepting of uh I may wind up in free agency uh I don’t think that’d be the best thing for him because uh if he does wind up in free agency I’m not so sure he’s going to go to a team that has a really good chance to win the Super Bowl and maybe the Cowboys are I mean they won 12 games uh in the regular season three seasons in a row now so I’d say they’re in a better position than many teams to make a a run in the playoffs even though they play like crap in the playoffs the last couple of years uh this is their this is their opportunity this is his opportunity he doesn’t get a contract he’s gon to have to he want he’s going to want to play great he said I’m GNA play great no matter what I get paid anyway I’d play this game if I wasn’t getting paid to do it that’s what he says I don’t believe that but uh I think this is his year if he doesn’t get the contract he’s going to have to have a fantastic year and uh If he if he wants to wind up either back with the Cowboys on another big contract or with another team with a big contract that has a chance to win well um I’m going to go I’m going to take the safe bet and say that Dak Prescott is either lying or he’s I’m just no I’m going with his lying of course he cares about the money otherwise if they offer you $40 million again you’ll take it if they offer you 42 million you’ll take it if they offer you 37 you’ll take it if it’s really if if you’re being truthful about this and uh saying that never have never cared for it to be honest with you would give it up just to play this game they can give you a million dollars a year and you’ll say sure but that’s not going to happen it’s not realistic it’s not it’s flat out not going to happen he did hedge his bets a little bit by saying it’s the the business people that manage it right he’s just waiting for them to make the deal right and and I think Dak is uh dak’s playing with a little bit of fire I think because it is true it’s very very true he does he has a no tra he doesn’t have a no trade CLA no he has no trade clause he there a no franchise T claw he is playing he’s got the leverage he’s got the leverage here with the Cowboys no doubt AB absolutely so he’s he’s basically saying whatever he wants to do because guess what it’s really up to the Cowboys to decide whether or not they want him and if they don’t extend him this is the real uh kick in the midsection uh if they don’t extend them before the deadline which uh you know towards 2025 he’ll uh basically cost the Cowboys $4.1 million in a cap hit so he’s a very expensive player so it’s either you’re going to endure a massive cap hit or you’re going to extend him now spot TR says his estimated value is is 50.9 million a year we heard stuff weeks ago months ago about Dak potentially being the first $60 million a year quarterback I said no and I’m sticking with that I’m going no I’m not saying he shouldn’t get paid $55 million a year I’m saying no is he a good quarterback yes is he should he get paid like the number one quarterback in the league absolutely not save that for burrow save that for Mom save that for jayen Herz or whoever Lamar Jackson save it for those types of guys do you think he can get a golf contract $53 million I’m going 50 I’m going with even below spot track four years $200 million let me let’s go with $50 million a year because what we’ve seen recently is in playoffs you’re not very good you have hurt your team more than helped you have a head coach who you know maybe is not the greatest head coach in the world however he’s not the worst because he’s been able to go to 12 wins during the regular season each of the past three seasons so and besides if you really don’t care about the money or at least it’s not as big uh of of a uh as a piece as as an important piece in your life as you say it is then you’ll take less to stay in Dallas because that allows you to keep CD lamb that allows you to keep M Parson that allows you to be competitive exactly exactly so if it’s a Brady play you to be think like Tom Brady Brady gave up money so that they could sign these other players and he won six seven Super Bowls so yeah you know I think maybe he ought to Zak Prescott hasn’t won one yet and he’s not getting any younger he’s turning 30 this year he did have a great year last year the regular season he was been in the talk for the MVP for a while and uh you know he he improved his stats a lot he kept the interceptions down uh he had a lot of yards uh he has some good targets to throw the ball to uh the running back situation I don’t know they got Zeke is the number one running back so I don’t see that they’ve you know they’ve upgraded that the way I thought they were going to but Jerry Jones didn’t go after anybody big I guess he’s in his mind he wants to try to hang on to these three players and he knows he’s going to have to Shell out a ton of money to make it happen he may not be able to do it for all three and I think if he does if the Cowboys do allow him to hit the open market Trey Lance is probably going to be the quarterback of the future because what we heard already is that they already know what Cooper Rush is like he’s been the quarterback too for a number of years and even started a couple games when Dak was dealing with an injury he’s not a starter though for the league well well let’s see because right now what what Justin Field’s going to do in the preseas he may play 90% of the preseason snaps and that’s just for the qb2 battle which if he doesn’t perform well which with I mean and depends on if he plays with the starters or not I guarantee you he’ll get some reps in the pre-season with the starters we’ll have to wait and see whether or not Tre Lance is their guy because if he still is not good enough to be raised on the J depth chart to quarterback two they’re going to need to resign Dak at at an offer that dak’s going to need to be happy with his agents are going to need to be happy with his business people are going to need to be happy with because if they don’t they are in a lose lose situation where they other say he well Trey Lance was okay not great couldn’t beat out Cooper rush in the preseason but we’re going to go with him because he’s young 6’4 220 and he has an incredible upside potential if we get the right coaching in the next couple years they’re if if Trey Lance cannot beat out Cooper Rush which I think a lot of people assume he will if he can’t beat out Cooper rush for the qb2 spot and Dak is basically he has a full house right now he has a full house on the board Cowboys going to be screwed because they’re need going to try to draft and hit a quarterback or they’re going to need to take a complete shot in the dark or overpay Dak Prescott which they already did before where Jerry Jones said that Dak Prescott got him paying him four years $160 million $40 million a year you think they overpaid him for in this last cont if Jerry Jones says you got me and then B this was four years ago coming I think that was a pretty good investment La in the last contract look how well that Prescot played the last four years in the regular season regular season I don’t care had three he made the playoffs every year I mean right he made the playoffs every year they won 12 games three years in a row h i mean they they bombed in the playoffs and and that’s not all on him some of it is though and I agree that he’s he’s got to this is a year he’s got to really make it happen uh but I don’t think $40 million a year was uh was uh less you know was uh was under underpaying him or overpaying him well at the time about years four years ago though this this is not you know in today’s NFL today’s NFL looks great but back then Dak Prescott you know was threaten hold out wasn’t great he he was dealing with that injury uh his ankle injury and Jerry I mean if Jerry Jones admits that Dak Prescott got him I’m going with what Jerry Jones had to say and say and well we might have overpaid for him and right you’re right 12 12 wins the past three regular seasons that’s great and the playoffs though MVP conversation for most of the Year correct and then you know Brock pie had his nice run and Lamar Jackson beat the crap out of him towards the end of the year and then followed up with a a dominant win over Miami and that kind of solidified his MVP case but I care about the playoffs this is a team that’s had a top five offensive line basically since Dak Prescott got there they’ve had a top three or four running game the first few years of Dak Prescott’s career they had a tremendous defense essentially every year that Dak Prescott’s been on the Cowboys and all they’ve gotten was what a couple wins in the playoffs two and five in the playoffs I don’t think they’ve made an NFC they haven’t made an NFC Championship fig that out Dak Prescott and the Cowboys defense the defense stunk at the in the game last year right the defense let the Packers got through two interceptions yeah but the defense stunk as well they couldn’t score the okay the defense was not great but if you can’t score a touchdown in the first half played terrible in that game Michael in big games Michael Barson has not had the best game look at the 49ers last year he against that game he had what one tackle so he he was he was shut down basically the entire game however this team the the Dallas Cowboys for me and and including with Dak Prescott it’s the Philadelphia 76ers in Joel em beat they can’t make it to a conference final game whatsoever they look they play great in the regular season Dak puts up pretty good numbers in the regular season and when it comes to playoff time they shrink everybody shrinks defense gets worse offense the offense plummets Jo lmb doesn’t play very well like Dak Prescott everything just falls apart and you can’t make it beyond the first round or if you play the wild card game in this case you can’t even make or yeah you can’t make it past the wild card game or divisional round I I mean Cowboys are the Philadelphia 76ers seem great can’t win playoff games two and five if the Dak Prescott has the worst playoff winning percentage a minimum five games played in NFL history I I’m sticking with it you’re paying $45 million you know paying $50 million a year and you see where you go with it but you’re you’re going to need to take less if you want to seriously contend in today’s NFL with the fact that you’re getting older CD lamb needs to get paid Michael Parson needs to get paid you are the big three you’re if if if Dak Prescott makes over $55 million a year someone is going to going to need to take massively less or will be asking for a trade yeah well Dak Prescott has said it money isn’t that important so I don’t believe it for a second respectfully I don’t believe it for so the Cowboys ought to come out tomorrow with an offer of $45 million a year and D Prescott shakes their hand and say thank you I’ll see you next year I’ll see I’ll see you for the next four years then we’ll find out that Dak wasn’t really telling us the truth on that one yeah it’s it’s not going to happen hi everybody thanks for watching make sure you subscribe here to get the latest from the show also if you want to check out the full episode make sure you click the i in the top right hand corner right now if you want to listen to this show anywhere you go make sure you go to anchor. fm/ thee Harvey hour or anywhere you get your podcasts


  1. You don't have to buy it get off the man nuts mind your business that's the reason the man has representation to do those kind of things and he just have to play football jackasses.

  2. He said jalen hurts can get 60 mil instead of dak, jalen is not a better qb than Dak or Lamar jackson yes he is a better athlete but not qb, dak wasnt overpaid they got the man for pennies on a dollar his first 4 years in the league, and also are o line was good for a few years not great Defense was terrible for a few of them years and to add it all up jason garret was running the ship, yes Dak does deserve some criticism for those playoff blunders, but if its all about what qb can win the superbowl patrick mahomes should be the only qb with a job, Dak is just entering his prime y would u get rid of him now, everybody loves the idea of life without dak but whats the alternative, please no one type trey lance

  3. You don't have to be great to get big money. You have to have one good season and you will get paid.

  4. Dak said the same as every other QB in the last 2 years that got a mega deal. They all say something similar. Look it up boys.

  5. The reality is this… Cowboys have major core pieces from offense and defense. Let Dak prove he can make it the nfc championship or super bowl. If he can't do that, LET HIM WALK…. use the niners philosophy and upgrade the trenches on both sides and get a rookie qb in the draft. Quarterbacks aren't worth that price…. only Patrick Mahomes is worth the price.

  6. Cowboys havnt had a top OL since Travis Fredrick retired like 10 years ago so that tired narrative needs to die already

  7. Jerry isn’t losing another negotiation with Dak this time. I would offer $50M a year. That’s fair.

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