Swing Your HYBRID Like This To Guarantee Consistency! (Hybrid Golf Tips)

Swing Your HYBRID Like This To Guarantee Consistency! (Hybrid Golf Tips)

Want to know how to hit your hybrid or fairway woods? Matt Fryer Golf has a simple lesson to guarantee consistency with these clubs!

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now that is the type of hybrid that I want to be hitting all the time and it’s a question that I get asked a lot how do I hit my hybrids well today’s lesson is all about how we’re going to do this and it might even be that you have a seven wood a five wood this will also apply to that but we’re going to fix the problem of how we’re hitting our hybrids long Woods off the ground let’s get stuck into the this lesson now before we get stuck into this lesson guys please do if you haven’t already hit the Subscribe button down below and also why not leave me a comment on a problem that you’re struggling with in your game and we’ll try and help you out as we all get better at the game together but let’s take a look at this club and see how we’re going to get it going consistent because that’s what we want consistency from this club now for those that are watching that maybe are questioning what is a hybrid golf Club are you talking a rescue Golf Club what are we talking here the hybrid golf club is the one that sort of sits in between an iron and a fairway wood so it’s not quite one and it’s not quite the other they were designed basically to bridge that Gap they were designed to be easy to use high to launch in the air and stop pretty quickly and also be quite versatile out on the golf course I even use mine for chipping sometimes which if you haven’t already tried make sure you give that a go but a lot of times I see my students coming in and saying Matt I’ve got one of these new hybrids and I just can’t get it up off the ground everything’s a dff it’s a top it’s a thin it’s just not consistent for me what am I doing wrong well there’s one big area we need to change and that’s our mindset of how we’re going to hit them also what are we going to try and do when we actually hit the golf ball I’m just going to throw up the shot that I just hit and then there’s a number on there that I want to change because a lot of times when people come to me they’re say Matt I’m thinning I’m fatting I’m duffing I’m topping I’m not getting any launch and I’m not getting any consistency out of my hybrid and it has a lot to do with this number and that one there is the angle of attack and as we can see it says 1.6 and that is 1.6 on the up now what that means is where the club is meeting the golf ball it’s already traveling on the ark and it’s traveling on the way back up a little bit and that isn’t what we want we need to change change our mindset around that a little bit because if I were to do that and try and gain some consistency that strike was a little bit thin on there if I were doing it out on the golf course I might catch the ground a little bit early doing that and then I’m not going to get my consistency in here in a simulator I might get away with it from time to time but in today’s lesson we’re just going to change that we want to try and see that our angle of attack is down and we’re going to do that with just a few little tweaks here so let let’s get stuck into them so I think when we look at our hybrids one big thing and like I said it’s mindset for a lot of people is that well it looks a bit like a wood and I want to see it getting up in the air so what I’ll try and do is actually I’ll try and help this golf club up so a lot of the times when I’m giving lessons I see a lot of people almost hitting this club off their back foot so a lot of the weight is coming into this back leg and moving behind the golf ball all in an aid to try and see that I lift this golf ball up into the air and that isn’t like I say what we want to be doing if we imagined our Arc and the middle of our Arc being here the low point where my ball would want to be I want to see that it’s almost tilted down towards the ground towards my target what a lot of people are doing is tilting this Arc up towards the target this way and that is where we’re going to bottom out early if I just show you here we’ll bottom out early because we tilt the Arc backwards we don’t tilt it forwards and we’re not going to get the correct strike so how are we actually going to do that well firstly we’re going to get the right ball position what I see a lot of amateurs doing is thinking again all because of our mindset up up up let’s get this ball up we end up putting the ball almost where we would play it as a driver so I see it being played too much in the front part of my golf swing here right off the front of my front foot here maybe off the toes maybe off the insides as I’m going here but that isn’t going to help us so we need to try and see that it’s going to be back behind our lead foot if we imagine the middle of our body now if we had it here we want to see that our golf ball is going to be about two balls in front there just a little bit back from where our three would be placed our three wood so if we had the inside of our foot here I’m going to get it about a ball and a half behind there that’s going to help me get that Arc lower to the ground and get it bottoming out somewhere near that Golf Club secondly is how much I’m tilting away from my target so as you look at me now what you would see if I was having a driver you would see that my shoulders would be tilting up towards the screen in this manner quite a lot and then again that is something that I see from a lot of golfers when they get the hybrids out they think right ball forwards tilt it loads this is really feeling like I’m going to send this golf ball up now Towards the Sky it’s not what we want to do what we want to try and do is see that as we address the golf ball we only have a minimal amount of spine tilt away from the target so we’re not going to be as much as we would do with a driver we’re going to see that we just get a tiny bit here we’re just going to try and get that little bit of spine tilt in there so then we’ve got two points there ball position and our spine tilt from here then what we want to try and do now is all about again that mindset of what we want to do we want to try and take a divot like we would do an iron so what I like to do with my students is get an alignment cane in like so and this is only for practice swings don’t try and do this when you’ve got a ball in place but what I want to try and do here is just create something where I give myself a little bit of leeway so for me if you’re a beginner if you’re just really getting into it maybe give yourself about a grip width here and imagine where your golf ball would be and we’re going to put the grip in there and we’re just going to place our golf ball in now that’s going to give us a good visual and a good aim point for where we want to try and see where we’re hitting afterwards now if I take my setup what we would see now is that I’ve got a bit of space in between the golf ball and the cane here and the aim for me if I just knock my golf ball away is that as I’m coming down I don’t want to feel like in my down swing everything is moving back towards this cane because if I do that I’m got to I’m going to bottom out somewhere around it and I’ll end up hitting it what I want to try and do is feel that in the setup like I say I’ve Not got too much tilt I’m feeling pretty neutral as I’m coming down now I want to feel that I shift my pressure away towards a target from the cane and then as we come down on we’re going to start to feel that we’re just getting this little graze of the turf and feel that we’re getting this little brushing motion there I’m not coming down and giving it the hit back here I’m going to try and feel that each time just in some small swings about 60% as we go through and up shift the pressure towards the target away from the cane and strike down after it and this is a great feeling as well if you’re struggling with fats and thins with the irons but we’re going to be up we’re going to go shift and strike and each time just get the feeling that the sole of the golf club is starting to bruise that Turf a little bit each time we’re not seeing that I’m lifting up over the turf and I’m not saying that we want to have a wedg like diot but what we want to try and feel is that we’re starting now each time just to create that little bruise so we change our setup ever so slightly then we change our mentality into thinking right I can hit the ground a bit I can bruise it and I’m moving towards the target each time just getting this nice downward feeling here getting that nice brush not going full Pelt at it I’m just actually starting to get an awareness and even when you’re out on the golf course make sure in your practice swings that you do graze the turf so you get an awareness of where the bottom of the Ark is then once we’re comfortable with with this and if you want to and you feel confident enough you can leave the cane in maybe just draw a chalk line if you’re at the range or something along those lines that isn’t meaning you’re going to hit this cane too much but from there if you are confident like I say leave it in if not you can take it away but now we’re going to take that setup we can see that ball isn’t as close to my front foot as it once was I’m not really getting much spine tilt but from here I’ve got a new mindset I’m going to see that I get a little downward angle of attack and I should see a better strike and a more consistent strike as we go through oh that felt good little bit out to the right but the strike was good that was the main thing we want because if you’re topping these and you’re thinning them and you’re fatting them you’re more than likely going to have another one for your next shot that you’ve just messed up so getting that downward strike is is a big big key to hitting hybrids and Fairway Woods efficiently and even if we look at this now we’ve changed that angle 5° because we’re now actually minus three down we were 1.5 on the original one or 1.6 can’t remember exactly what it was but we’ve now got that downward strike and it is far far better one little caveat if we move the ball back in our stance we are going to to be coming and meeting that golf ball earlier on the arc so it should see that the path would be a little bit more in to out so you might get a little bit of a push shot to start off with but then that would be up to us to start to control the club face a little bit better but real simple drill just by going through and changing my awareness of actually being able to brush the ground and actually see that I’m able to take a divot and get that little thought through that little drill there it means now each time I can start it’s a bit of a nice little draw there to get that more consistent downward angle of attack and see that my strike is getting better so a real simple quick fix on how we are going to get those hybrids and Fairway Wood struck better if you have enjoyed the video make sure you’re hitting that subscribe button leaving me a comment on something that you need improving in your game and we’ll see you in your next lesson very soon


  1. The depth of knowledge shared here is truly remarkable, and I'm grateful to be part of such an intellectually stimulating conversation.🍭

  2. Be good to contrast and compare hitting short irons vs long irons vs hybrid vs driver, so we remember what needs to change for each type of club, keep up the great work, thanks!

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