Golf Players

Rory McIlroy who had a well publicized rift with Grayson Murray spoke about his death this week

Rory McIlroy who had a well publicized rift with Grayson Murray spoke about his death this week

you I mean it’s um it’s incredibly sad first and foremost and um you know I think we’re all thinking of Grayson’s family and um you know hoping that they’re they’re doing okay and and um you know getting through this incredibly tough period um yeah and I think you know it’s cliche but it puts everything in perspective it puts you know everything you know at the end of the day you know golf is Golf and yeah we play it for a living and it’s it’s but it it you know it peels in comparison to the things that actually matter in life uh you know and that’s you know that that’s a you know I’ve had to realize that at times and you know I’m still sort of working my th way through that in in terms of not making golf the be all end all for me uh but I think it it slaps you in the face when something like that happens last week and um you know as I said it’s incredibly sad and um you know everyone has to remember out here that we we go out and we do things things that a lot of people can’t but at the end of the day we’re still human beings and we’re vulnerable and we’re fragile and I think if there’s a lesson for anyone out there it’s it’s just to be kinder to each other


  1. Rory made one comment to Grayson in a meeting last year. To call it a well publicized rift is literally trying to get clicks from somebody's death, you absolute piece of garbage

  2. Rory hasn't been the nicest person to other golfers. He appeared arrogant at times to me. I am only commenting on how I personally saw him act, not on hearsay.

  3. Move to Jupiter…..make friends with JT and TW…..divorce your wife, bang Amanda Ballionis and pander to the media……what’s not to believe

  4. Roy needs to take a long hard look at himself in The mirror. He’s not conducted himself well over the past two years.

  5. Does this plank not have a PR team to tell him to stop talking?! Go through the long list of idiotic things he's said in his career and you'll be left scratching your head thinking 'why does he not have someone close to him to tell him he hasn't got the maturity or intelligence to speak to the media'

  6. Rory doing me, me, me. He should have aplied his philiosophy about golf not being eberything, to his wife and daughter. 2 nroken hearts because if his overriding smbition

  7. When will Rory learn to say nothing at all! Interestingly, he's using the same lawyer as Tiger Woods for his divorce, according to reports in the press. His number one goal for the past three years should have been to win The Masters in my view, everything else is irrelevant in his particular world! Play better golf Rory!

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