Golf Players

How I Would Have Marketed Ricky’s New Disc | Coffee Break Livestream

Get a behind the scenes look at what it is like running a disc golf business!

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Pre-run snack:

all right good morning everyone hope yall are doing good hope you’re having a good Tuesday good week so far um let me go live on Instagram here as well wait for that to kick in good morning Instagram good morning YouTube while we wait for some people to roll in here going to give y’all a little update on some things hitting the site today well this week um obviously behind the scenes what’s going on at Foundation then we’ll uh answer some questions and all that fun stuff so some disc releases that are happening this week there is apparently some new elevation discs coming to the site um I don’t know what molds they are I don’t know if they’re new molds or just new Plastics or what that is but uh stay tuned for those they’re coming this week we also have a Gateway and Lone Star restock which is exciting um um it’s been a while especially since we had Gateway so Gateway and Lone Star restock coming to the site and then the rest of the MVP will be hitting the site so um I I never remember what disc I was throwing I think it’s the dimension or the delirium whichever one we just posted on Foundation those will be restocked probably today or tomorrow those are coming soon um I saw a lot of comments about how it flew for me um to it’s it’s a very controllable 14 speed so I saw a lot of people commenting that theirs was like tilt likee I’m imagining that it must be something with this new run that makes it not tilt likee because it mine just you’ll see it in today’s video we played Maple Hill which I’ll talk about that in a second and um a lot of the shots out there require long throws as far as I could humanly throw and I was going to that delirium or Dimension I think it’s the dimension um whatever that 14 speed is I was going to it Non-Stop and like you can pump it on hyra and like flip up the flat so I think that it must just be a new run of them that is flying different because I don’t throw that much farther than your average disc golfer so for people to say that for them it was like a pd2 or tilt level overstability and for me it flips up math ain’t math in there so um I would check it out if you’ve thrown them before and you watched me throw it and you thought I was just massive probably not the case check out this new run but that should be going up here in the next day or two and then the rest of the MVP stock will be happening this week um and that should be I think all for this week that’ll wrap up May June we have a lot of really exciting stuff but um this past week we had the opportunity to go play Maple Hill I talked about our experience on grip lock yesterday so if you haven’t listened to that episode yet I highly recommend it we also have the video of us playing Golds alongside Simon coming out today so they that’ll drop at 5:00 P p.m. eastern time tonight so if you want to actually watch us experience maple Hill um then that’s the the way to do it that’ll be today at 5:00 p.m. eastern time super excited about that I think a lot of people are going to really enjoy watching us play that course um and then over the next month or so we have some more custom stamps coming um a lot of different custom stamps coming over the next month or so and there’s actually exclusive custom stamp we’re giving our text deals subscribers a first look at some of the stamps we’re going to be dropping for worlds so for the World Championships we have five stamps we dropping one each day um four or five I don’t remember if we’re dropping one on Sunday or not but four or five stamps that we’re dropping each day here when Worlds is here in Lynchburg and we’re giving our Tex deal subscribers first look at that next week so not the text deal goes out every Wednesday so not this week but next week so if you’re not a member of our Tech deal program you’re going to want to be um you can text the word join to 8 8 33255 8270 so join to 833 255 8270 you’ll actually get a welcome offer on the hats I’m rocking right now and then from there each Wednesday at 5:00 pm eastern time you’ll get a text with some type of exclusive deal some type of discount sometimes they’re exclusive custom stamps all kinds of cool stuff and what’s cool about it is once you set your account up on there you just reply to buy so like for instance this custom stamp that’s releasing next week exclusive to text deals you’ll get a text it’ll show you the picture of the stamp it’ll tell you what the pricing and everything is if you’re like that looks sick I want one you just reply with the number one and boom it hit it charges the card on file it already has your shipping address on file it’s done so you just text back one you’re done you’re like oh I want three you text back three boom you’re done the ORD in um so really cool program really cool technology that that’s available there I don’t know what just happened one second someone sounded like they just like died well everyone here seems fine so I all I heard when I walked out there is some construction Guy saying whatever you do do not touch this bleepy bleeper it’s live so I think someone just got shocked but wasn’t in our unit so uh that was fascinating um we’re also still looking into ways to make the shopping experience easier easier for yall I’ve been texting with Brad um been texting with Brad all day on uh the a few different ideas we have just on the like products page just ways to just continue to make it easier and try to implement different feedback we have from you all um and just you know we really want to make the site as easy to shop as possible while still giving you all the information you need so it’s a very fine line to ride um so that’s uh that’s that oh Corey had a good question for the teex deals does it give you birdie coins it’s an outside software I’ll have to look into that for you Corey I’ll make a note to text Jason actually Jason and Brad might both be watching they typically are um I see Brad was already in the chat earlier so they probably will already look into that for us um so I don’t know we’ll look into that but uh okay before we get into questions I wanted to yesterday on the podcast on grip block we talked about the Saki Bomb General release and it was like one of the most expensive stock releases I’m calling it a stock release it’s a part of the Saki Bomb line which I understand is somewhat outside of general like Dynamic disc stock but it’s still like to me I have this Zeus right PM line Zeus to me this is stock disc craft disc it’s more expensive right the Zeus I think now runs like 21.99 versus typical esps closer like 19 so it’s a little bit more expensive but it’s a stock disc craft disc from my understanding the Saki Bomb General fits that same bill um it’s just the Saki Bomb line well uh my wife just texted me and I think I think y’all you all will enjoy the text message that just came across she said I heard Luca which is my son’s name screaming in the living room I ran in there to him with his diaper on the floor peeing on our ottoman that’s that’s Parenthood there okay locking back in gosh oh we just got that autumn in this summer too it’s like a part of a whole set with our couch so hopefully that’s I mean surely it’s not ruined you can get you can get urine stains out we’ve had to do with our dogs didn’t never expect to have to do with kids but hey here we are okay saky bomb General it dropped at 32.99 right uh that price point it it received some push back Ricky made an explanation post on Twitter and more or less his explanation was that he leaned into um the like the disc was like designed to meet his exact specifications that he needed on like that whole side and um I personally right the 32.99 price point I don’t think it would have been unreasonable had they marketed it differently so what I want to tackle because you know I like to use this coffee break as a way to kind of give you a behind the scenes look into what we have going on at Foundation but I also enjoy using it to give my take on the business side of some stuff going on at disc golf so what I thought would be fun here is this is how I would have tackled the socky bomb General release from a marketing perspective personally um so in this fake world I’m about to enter into uh the Saki Bomb General had to be released at 32.99 okay so let’s just say that had to whether you know whether it be the cost whether it be whatever the people above me are telling me we have to Market this disc it’s going to be released at $33 what are we doing so what I would have done is the commercial they released was a very very cool commercial right it was the Saki Bomb It was Ricky throwing the soak bomb General it hit the island on 16 next to the basket it blew the basket up whatever cool right but I think that was really cool marketing for a just stock disc the problem is we’re asking a really expensive price point here so to me I think all of the marketing needs to justify that price point so what I would have done is I would have instead went kind of what they did with Supreme plastic when that first dropped is I would have went into with Ricky in depth explaining like why he designed the disc this way um the different tweaks he made to maybe a different mold or how he got there to make it Fly exactly how he wanted it to right so like the whole process of Ricky like this is what I did to get this disc to fit my game specifically this is the nitty-gritty details of what I did and then I’d also have him go into the plastic and tell us what makes this plastic different because the one I would not have released it whether it be just actually the exact same as Supreme I wouldn’t have released it under the same nomenclature personally um because I think that that is already telling us a preconceived idea of what this price should be which Supreme plastic is the most premium plastic on the market they did a great job marketing to us as to why that plastic charges what it charges but it’s like 25 bucks right so what is different between this supreme plastic or Royal Grand and the Saki Bomb general which is like the Supreme orbit plastic that charging $33 for where you could find Supreme orbit for like 27 on their site so what increases that $5 so personally I would have just abandoned that gnomen clature and I would have like released it in a Saki Bomb plastic or something like that right to where Ricky can go in and tell us about the plastic like maybe dis Mania did this right when they first dropped their new sea line and they called it Italian blend what were they feeding us I don’t know did it Peak my interest absolutely so like Ricky and then they could have leaned into uh maybe they sourced the plastic from a certain place maybe they used a certain type of TPU that’s higher quality they could at least hold us that um maybe they added Ed the additive that increased grip on it or durability or whatever click baity type words they could have used to make you go okay because like my to me the whole marketing would have been on basically what makes this disc better than everything else on the market what like the amount of time energy effort that went into getting this disc to the point that it’s at and the like perfectionism and attention to detail behind it that could have all been there right everything I’m saying could be true but if you don’t tell the audience that then what we saw right as a consumer is just a disc in a plastic that already exists being sold to us for $5 more so I think that’s to me if you’re going to have that higher end price point there needs to be a story to why because personally and I could be completely wrong here I think had they went that route where Rick’s telling us why um Rick is telling us why it was designed the way it was designed why it flies the way it flies what he needed in his game what he needed in his bag and then why is the disc feel this way what he wanted out of this plastic why he wanted it to be burst maybe burst is more overstable I don’t know you could tell us whatever you can fill us this whole list so then when we see the price point we have all of these reasons to validate you asking for that um and then I think it I think it would have made the price point go over a lot easier I could be completely way off on that um but I think that was like the contention point that I was kind of seeing myself and that I also think the the general consumer was seeing was like we’ve seen Supreme plastic for months now we’ve seen Royal Grand orbit plastic and this disc is just being asked more than the rest of it and there’s not really a good explanation as to why on the back endend there has been because Rick’s like I designed it to do X Y and Z that’s great but now the disc has already come out and people have already established how they feel about it it’s a lot harder to change our mind about it now than had it on the front end been like this is why this dis is going to be this way that would have helped us make up our mind and then you don’t have to change mind after there’s still the audience that was never going to buy a disc for $33 right there’s still the audience that was never going to buy a disc for more than $19 that’s not who you’re marketing to um so that’s how I would have attacked it um but I think it’s I think it’s been interesting because I don’t think this is the last disc we’re going to see above $30 I don’t think this is the most expensive disc we’re ever going to see I really think there’s going to be some type of uh manufacturer whether it be House of discs or someone else that leans into the most premium X Y and Z on the market maybe it’s the way they mold it maybe it’s that maybe hand mixing the plastic or whatever right there’s specialty X Y and Z in all aspects of everything in the world right like specialty coffee specialty you know golf you had pxg which I think they’ve gotten cheaper but they were like the top end most expensive and like does it actually increase performance sometimes yes sometimes no but can you tell people it increases performance and give people reasons to believe it and then they line up with the price yeah so I think that should have been the marketing play here but but let’s get into some questions here I just went to I want to farther expand on that CU I felt like this platform was a good spot to farther expand because grip locked we just kind of went back and forth and talked a little bit and I was like well I feel like I missed I didn’t give a like this is what I would have done I just kind of came after what was done which I think is an important caveat to have there so um I paused on this question a long time ago from do rados do as Roman does wow that’s a tough look okay do as Roman does said what’s the story with those Air Force Ones behind me so he’s talking about these back here I think I’ve talked about them before but basically I believe it was 2019 ledg stone or no it had after 2020 because Brody was with me so maybe it was like 2021 ledstone or something we went up and we dropped jawbreaker wasps and we sold them at ledstone and someone came up and um I wish I could remember her name she came up and she had like dark claw custom shoes um that she had hand painted and she wanted Brody and I to sign them so we did and then I asked her I was like hey if I bought a pair of Air Force Ones would you like custom paint them for me and so I bought a pair of black and white Air Force Ones shipped them to her and then she painted the foundation logo and everything on them and added like gold accents to it and I’ve never worn them they were they came in they were just too sick um plus they don’t fully match my style they’re exactly what I wanted um but I just think they look better chilling up here so that’s where they’ve been ever since I think they’re just a really cool I think they’re a really cool like shelf piece conversation item I don’t know okay let me try to get let me just try to get I’m all right I’m back current on Instagram if you asked a question that I uh skipped Reas it okay over on YouTube Brad confirmed you do receive birdie coins for your text deal orders so if you have a birdie coin um which is our reward system if you have that account set up I would assume it uses your number I would imagine um but whatever number email just make sure you use the same one for text deals it looks like it will sink so that’s good Cody said speaking of grip isn’t remix discs kind of in line of the undercut made by MVP I believe yeah I actually I thought of that right after the podcast so remix discs is made by MVP they actually use some of the like streamline and mint molds if I’m not mistaken and they sell them direct to Consumer on Amazon which is kind of what I was talking about before so if I search um remix disc golf um let me see here so yeah they’re selling like pre premium discs right made by MVP for like 11.95 12.95 um on here so they’re just like way undercutting themselves but they rebranded it as remix um and I don’t even know I forget how you even find that it’s design made by MVP there is somewhere that it like said I mean you can tell when you feel it but um I don’t see it on here but yeah remix disc golf so they are kind of doing it themselves which is you know I I it won’t surprise me if a lot of companies start going that way um so let me um Scott cash says should retailers take a stand and refuse to sell the disc so this is talking about the Saki Bomb General I don’t think so I mean at the end of the day right um the consumer is the one that controls the market because retailers are going to buy the disc right you know how many retailers buy that’s up to them I don’t know how many we bought I could actually probably tell you I I would imagine we bought like 15 of them or or something like that if I had to guess um but the difference between us buying we’ll just say we bought 15 I don’t know what we bought but the difference between us buying 15 for our lifespan or us buying 250 is the consumer right because if we buy 15 and they never sell okay we or we move through them and it takes two years or a year to move through 15 because they’re just like no demand then why would we ever rebi it right so there’s that but it’s the consumer that’s kind of determining how many the manufacturer sell because the manufacturer will make money right up front right they release a new disc everyone in their mom that’s a retailer is going to buy at least a certain amount some retailers are going to buy hundreds and hundreds some are going to buy five but they’re going to sell a ton upfront the product and the marketing is what determines how many they sell three years from now if they’re still selling them um so I don’t think it’s up to retailers it’s really up to Consumers because if consumers don’t buy it well then retailers aren’t going to Reby it um and then retailers will also get weary of how many of that they’re carrying in the future so I don’t necessarily think retailers should because the problem with that line is not all retailers will and so if you have you know five retailers over here that are like you know what we ain’t doing it we’re not selling this disc well then these five are then all the consumers who are interested in the disc that are normally shop from these five are just going to go shop at these five at the end of the day like if they want that disc they’re going to go find that disc so I think it’s really just up to Consumer at the end of the day uh dis golas Sig and I think this is what a lot of people have been saying is the price point of the general screams greed to me a lot of disc golf companies seem to think the best way to increase profits is to reach deeper into pockets of loyal fans players I think the reason it screams that is because we weren’t told the story right because could that be true absolutely like could it be just your normal disc it costs them three bucks to make it and they’re like hey here’s an idea what if we just sold it for 32 yeah or could there be a reason they’re charging that much yeah absolutely there could there could be some type of reasoning maybe they did choose more premium plastic maybe they did do whatever maybe they really spent a Frick ton of time you know researching and developing this mold to make it the perfect distance driver for Ricky we don’t know any of that I think that’s where the problem lies right is if you told us that whole story and you told us and you got us to buy into why it costs so much then it wouldn’t scream greed to people because people would understand why it’s being charged that much now if you don’t have a story to tell then it is what it is right but that that’s to me where the marketing Miss was is you’re Le you’re throwing something out there and leaving it to the consumer to make up their own mind on what the story is behind it instead of telling the story behind it and then you know the consumer has the story so like they’re not going to make anything up they have it now whether they believe the story or not that’s also in regards to the marketing but yeah uh Roman Greer says what does my daily coffee look like am I a legit coffee nerd or just an average coffee guy I’d say somewhere in between so my daily coffee I get up every morning and make a pourover um I use a V60 pour over uh typically my brother owns a coffee shop next door so typically it my my favorites are like Ethiopian natural or washed process something there anerobic incredible I just don’t want to pay the price for it um so typically some type of Kenyan Ethiopian Rwandan I love all of those like bright fruity acidic flowery that type of flavor palette um so I make that every morning uh I also do own an Espress machine I don’t really use it that much but I make my wife lattes and stuff on it every once while make myself an Americano but I wouldn’t go I don’t know enough to be super confident calling myself a coffee nerd I would love to be able to call myself a coffee nerd I think at one point in my life I was right now I’m just like a coffee Enthusiast with enough knowledge to be dangerous so I have enough knowledge to sound like I know what I’m talking about without fully knowing what I’m talking about if you know what I’m talking about um b key said just ordered a grip block hat thank you come to Maryland looking to set up a private course with logging for you we we can look into that for sure Maryland’s not too far away all right let me try to get back to current uh let’s see Jonathan white said feels like manufacturers are doing whatever they can to make money now that Co boom is over yeah you know I you can definitely get that feel um the there’s been a lot of people asking the question of like is this golf shrinking and it depends on how you look at it right because are we shrinking from the peak we were at yeah are we currently I don’t I don’t know I think we’ve already kind of settled and started going back up but like you have the covid peak happened right and a lot of the reason those people were doing stuff where were’re playing disc golf is because the stuff they typically would go do with their Leisure Time their free time was shut down right or even if it wasn’t shut down they had concerns as to why they didn’t want to be doing X Y or Z so some of those people left right so let’s say we were here pre-2020 we were here Peak Co boom we’ll call it 2021 Peak Co boom is Right 2021 2022 somewhere in that range well then it it came down now some of it fell like this some of it fell slow but then it eventually has leveled and stabilized and if you look like we’re still above where we were and had we been on a normal trajectory I think we’re even above where our normal growth would have put us but from the peak we’re down right and now it’s starting to come back up at least that’s what we’re seeing is now it’s starting to go back up and we’re growing at a healthy sustainable rate that we were seeing you know 2019 2020 like what we were seeing back then we’re growing at that rate again it just looks different it depends on what metric you’re using because if you’re using the PDG membership metric well you know when money gets tight which with inflation with the market all of that something has to go a lot of people the first thing that’s going to go is tournament play and pdj membership that doesn’t mean they’ve left the sport that means they’ve left active tournament play right and so if you’re sitting there and I’m like oh look I can pay I can play three tournaments a year they’re going to cost me 40 bucks a piece it’s $120 plus I’m going to be a pdj member it’s $170 or I can do none of that and have 170 bucks to spend on discs I enjoy or spend a hundred bucks on new releases coming out throughout this year and play the play the sport for free at my local public courses I think that’s the the pullback people are seeing and the same thing is said for protour attendance right viewership numbers from what I’ve seen are looking fine um on the backend like on like JZ coverage and the engagement with live disl on Twitter and social media they don’t release their live concurrent viewership numbers so I don’t know that but that all seems normal I mean our podcasts that talk just explicitly about professional disc golf are still growing in popularity now our YouTube videos exclusively about playing dis golf are still growing in popularity and so like all the metrics we have to measure show that that stuff’s still going up so then it’s like well why is attendance at Pro tours down well that’s discretionary spending right the whole sport is so like if I again if I’m Die Hard fan and I’ve already been to a Proto I’ve already seen these players play am I going to spend 150 bucks to go watch them this weekend two hours away because that’s what a VIP pass might cost me maybe or am I G to spend that hundred bucks again on new discs and just playing the course locally and watch it on dgn or on jomez that’s a much more intriguing thing for a lot of disc golers so I think that’s where we’re seeing a lot of it is just like the excess stuff is kind of how we are measuring the the boom of disl but if you look at like udis numbers year over-ear they’re going up and they have like I think they have like last I saw I think it was like 2 million or a million plus like active disc golf players that’s crazy that’s like 10x the active pdj members so we’re just I think we’re using the wrong metrics because the people that are feeding us the metrics are the ones that are relying on the excess spending that people are it’s getting Tighter and Tighter as you know the economy is Tighter and Tighter with inflation and everything going on so that’s what I see that’s how I perceive the data I could be way off but to me like if I go out to a course the courses around here seem buser than ever um I have a way more friends that I’m not even getting into disc golf that just are into disc golf than ever like people just know about the sport a lot more and so to me I think the sport is still growing um and manufacturers though it is tough because like there was a peak right and at that Peak like you could sell you could you could sell anything to anyone we’re not there anymore so now you have to get back to Marketing sales and like why your product sets yourself apart I think that’s the uh I think that’s kind of where we’re at I don’t even know the rant I just went on but hopefully makes sense with the Mad Lefty said favorite shot to throw at Maple Golds this past weekend oh boy um I think the t- shot on one simply because the like you had the adrenaline you had all the anticipation all the hype ready to just like go and then it’s such an iconic hole um I don’t want to spoil what happened on any of the other holes but like all the water shots are a blast to throw we got to play gold and then we play diamond the next day so we got to attack them from different te’s too they’re all a blast to throw there’s so many iconic holes at baple so um did we play Pyramids no we just played Maple Hill we went to pyramids because we went to that uh shop that’s there because we went to check that out but that was it um do we run into any Dodges no Steve Dodge texted Simon and told him told him to tell us hey but they were out of town on vacation somewhere so we didn’t get to we didn’t get to uh Whatchamacallit meet him oh Would Trevor and I ever do a break series as doubles that could be interesting that could be really interesting we never really thought of it I mean we kind of do it with course Conquest but obviously that’s alt shot so not the same but wait what did Carl ask first oh what did I think of the most recent Q Series course I didn’t see it I didn’t see it um what are we doing about the lag on debate night I don’t know I don’t know I wasn’t on debate night last week I’m not on debate night this week I’m out of town next week so you’re gonna have like three weeks without without me um so you I have no idea um I would imagine it sounded like last week’s software whatever we used uh didn’t work so I’d imagine we’re going back to what we were using which just hates my Wi-Fi but it really only hates my Wi-Fi so if it works for everyone else it’s fine last week yeah last week we we tried something new trying to fix it for everyone and in the testing it seemed like it was working but then I wasn’t on but I’ve been told that it basically broke our computer so that’s not happening again this week um but yeah do we plan to play Lake Marshall eventually yes oh here’s a good question disc golf with a Aon said traveling to Worlds from Minnesota this year what of the best pizza spots in Lynchburg so in my opinion I think Rivermont Pizza is probably the best pizza here um it’s uh from the world’s courses is probably like 25 minutes it’s it’s just outside downtown Lynchburg really cool spot um sourdough pizza is right next to where we used to be located they’re phenomenal um water Stone’s a little bit upper class Pizza it’s really good if you’re looking for just like a good football pizza then I think it’s called JoJo’s they’re like your classic just everyone’s gonna be happy with pizza so I think that that would be my list that’d be my list what’s the wholesale price the general I’m not sure I don’t I don’t handle our wholesale purchasing so trying to get back current when’s the next Disney trip I don’t know oh lailla really good good call Jason Lilla is really good pizza and Italian someone asked when the next Disney trip is um there’s been talks about us going at the end of this year like around Christmas time because that’s where my wife and I went um for our honeymoon and this last Disney trip obviously I ran the marathon that was great but then my son got sick it was just the it sucked the Disney part of it sucked we didn’t get to go to the park we didn’t like Luca didn’t get to enjoy the trip at all any of that so we want to take him back so he like while he’s still our only son our only kid which we’ve got a while um but while Luca is our only kid we definitely want to take him back to Disney so that he can like enjoy it because then once we have a second kid it’ll probably be you know a few until they’re like two years old before we go back to Disney so once we have a second kid Luke is notna be able to go for a while so we want to take him back at some point so he can actually enjoy it since the last trip he didn’t get to enjoy it um so maybe the end of this year I don’t know I don’t know okay let’s see super entertainment man said I’m getting my 10-year-old brother-in-law into disc golf what disc would you recommend I was considering the dino disc starter set the dino dis is a good option they’re all going to be like 120 gram 10 years old is a really tough age because some people at 10 are going to be just fine throwing like some people hit like growth spurts and stuff before they’re 10 and they like a 10-year-old they’re like tall lanky and they’d be just fine throwing your typical like 150 to6 some gram like lighter weight disc but you don’t need to go full dyo discs and then other 10y olds you know the dyo disc is going to work best so if if he’s like a athletic 10-year-old he’s playing baseball he’s like in a bunch of sports like and you he has a good arm on him then just go with like the diamond pick out like a typical beginner mid like the soul or something like that and then the putter won’t really matter if he isn’t if you like either just use your discretion the the dino disc I think is is g to work just fine um they’re super lightweight they’re going to fly really easily I don’t think that’s a bad option at all 10’s just that age where it’s like some kids at 10 are like throwing like you can you can have a 10-y oldold that’s throwing like 250 feet and then you have a 10-year-old that can throw it like 70 feet like 10’s just such a tough age so I would just use your discretion you know you know what you can use the Mad Lefty said what’s the reasoning behind switching Putters every year it’s fun basically it um because I like it because like the audience gets involved and then it becomes a whole like running bit it’s easier than like the other thing too is it it gets us to switch Putters because like I would never switch from the pa3 so I would just always have a pa3 in my bag which I do I throw it but like I would just always p with them so it’s a fun way to like let the audience kind of have some say in my bag and then um you know switch it up who will be at the retail store the week of June 10th I don’t know I don’t know who’s working I think Trevor’s on vacation but I’ll be back by then so Michael Bidwell said if I ever played with someone on trt or HRT I’m three months on HRT it’s truly astonishing I change in hormones you change how much power spin I can put on a disc I have not well I say have not i’ have not that I know of um so I don’t know haven’t experienced it Carl Elliot do you think shorter more technical wood courses have a place on the pro tour getting tired of all the courses all the golf courses we see nowadays shorter more technical wood courses no um I don’t think shorter do because if you go too short and Technical it becomes hard to watch for a viewer and it just like smushes the field together too much and it doesn’t let the best players rise longer wooded courses like Northwood um like New London uh I think nans fits in that category Idol wild somewhat does um Maple Hill almost would uh Green Mountain championship course does I think they have a great place on the pro tour um I think the tough part is it’s hard to find those courses not on the Eastern side or close to the east coast because I mean every course I just listed WR Jackson Georgia ID wild Kentucky Ohio I mean it’s on the border um Maple Hill Massachusetts Green Mountain Championship Vermont um New London Lynchburg Virginia um like other like Woody type courses like it’s just a very East Coast Golf the like long wooded courses so that’s I think where the tougher part comes in is like once you go Midwest to West you lose access to a lot of those types of courses there’s a whole different style of golf out there but for the Pro Tour to be able to have the distance a lot of times the easiest place to go is a golf course which sucks sometimes sucks sometimes it’s great the best golf courses that have disc golf courses are the ones you don’t realize you’re on a golf course if any of the Dad tried macros with their sons while they were little my son throws minis I haven’t tried the macros um it’s not a bad idea though have favorite basket design Tad type my favorite baskets are the Inova disc catchers is that what they’re called because what’s the Discraft one called chain star so yeah the end of a disc catchers and then tead type I I like concrete I like brushed concrete never had trouble with those Tim said looking to possibly switch up my putter from a rain maker to a putter with more Glide but still beadless any recommendations the roach or luna would have more Glide in his beadless not g to be as overstable as rain maker though the AVR the classic AVR um that’s a great option um I think the logic if I’m not no the logic Beed um what’s the beadless one don’t remember the beadless one Al so oh he also said Iron Hill another great example of a wooded course but again East Coast so I think it’s tough all right few more questions we’re going to wrap this up disc Alpha Sig said it’s a tech disc all set up and available for customers throughout the store it’s set up I don’t know if it’s available for customers yet um I know the plan with it is it’s basically just going to be for customers who like come in and don’t know what disc they want and like we need to recommend a disc it’s going to be a lot easier if we let them have like five throws on the tech disc then we G be like oh you’re throwing 50 miles an hour with x amount of RPMs I have a good idea of what disc is going to act like you want it to right because it’s hard when someone comes in it’s like oh I throw 250 feet um I want this a HD your flips to dead straight you’re like now we’re basing it all on you know what you how far you said you through and we don’t know like was that a max distance once is that like your average so like if you just rip a few in the tech dis we know kind of what pool that puts you in and then we can know what disc is going to act that way for you so that’s the intention for it we don’t really we aren going to have it set up where people can just come in and do field work on the tech dis um so is it set up yeah is it available for customers yet I’m not sure on the internet I think we still have to write the policy and get the liability waivers and all that stuff taken care of so Carl Elliot said would you guys ever come back out west saw you guys saw you guy did twin Furs when you Trevor and Connor were out here last year Miss some Great Courses here in Washington um yeah I think the we aren’t going to do a tour again like we’re we’re not going to go um because last year we did like a two week road trip West Coast tour and we filmed 20 some pieces of content we’re not doing that again um but our plan now is we like had people vote on where our next bogy bro battle is right and so I think our plan is more trips like that and the trip we just made to Maple Hill where we can fly out one morning film some content that afternoon and the next morning fly home for going to the West would probably be like fly out on a Wednesday film content all day Thursday fly home Friday something like that um so that way it’s a much quicker trip you know our wives and families back home don’t have to be you know alone to take care of the kids more in like a night or two two weeks was just way too much but that’s kind of like if you’re going from the East Coast all the way to the West Coast that just made the most sense for us we thought um but now I think we’re just going to kind of tackle little trips here and there so will we come back to the Coast eventually yes will it be this year I don’t know a lot of that depends on how people vote so all right we’re gonna wrap it up one more question from each if we have them um oh logic’s the beadless one that’s the one I was thinking of [Music] um Josh Brandon said favorite era of disc golf both protor side and dis release casual play so I didn’t start playing disc golf or find out about disc golf like I knew about it but I didn’t really start playing it until 2015 um so it’s hard not to romanticize your like first time watching professional disc golf right but if I have to just be objective I genuinely think this era that we’re in right now is the best on the pro side because you don’t know week in and week out who’s going to get hot and there’s a bunch of players that like think there’s legitimately probably 10 players that could win when they show up every event there might even be more than that I mean prel wouldn’t have been on my 10 players who could win probably list I wouldn’t have thought um but like he it wasn’t shocking there’s a lot more players like that where it’s like it’s not a shocking thing for them to win but before it would have just been like if Ricky and Paul didn’t win then it was a very rare occurrence I think it was 2016 where like 2015 Paul came first second or third and everything greatest season ever played 2016 I think it was 2016 where if Ricky and Paul are both at an event one of them won that’s crazy but it made disc golf it was very fun to watch because there was a lot of battles between them but it made it very predictable whereas like nowadays you go into a Pro Tour event and like this weekend we have Portland open right I mean Isaac Robinson I don’t know if all these players are playing but Isaac could win Eagle could win Calvin could win Ganon could win AB could win Ricky could win um beyond that you could have someone like double G pop off and win you could have a Drew Gibson get back in contention you could have I mean any type of like far thrower could could do really well out there Paul’s been playing increasingly better as the year goes on he could do something out there um I’m sure I’m missing a bunch of player Ezra Robinson Alden Harris I don’t know if Alden would do great out here watch now he’s gonna win I said that but like that’s a really exciting thing we’re week in and week out we have so many players that can get in contention so I think this is my favorite era Pro Tour side and then casual play side it’s got to be when you first get in the sport 2015 to like 2018 those first few years of me finding disc golf and then getting really into competitive disc golf side there’s nothing that beats that I mean the first few years of you playing you just don’t even know what’s out there and then like every disc you try you just have like hundreds of discs that you can try and everyone you’re just like learning how different discs fly and that like brand new excitement is just near impossible to beat the only time I’ve really felt it again is like when companies do something really Innovative like I got really excited with the like Z jawbreaker that was really cool got me very excited about discs the Supreme plastic gets me hyped up I love the feel of that stuff um but it takes something like brand new and Innovative to like get that spark back a little bit uh Carl Elliott will finish with this one although I don’t know if I’m be able to answer it he said each person foundation’s favorite and most disliked Pro oh boy for me I think for a lot of people at Foundation favorite pro to like root for would probably still be Paul um there’s just something about if you got into the sport around the time we did right of like that 20 I think Trevor got in like 2012 or somewhere in there I got in 2015 I think Conor start playing like 2014 like if you got into disc golf at like that realm there’s just something about when Paul gets back in contention that just gets you hyped up there’s something about it so I think a lot of people like the pro they’re gonna get most excited is Paul um disliked Pro it would vary um I don’t know I don’t know I don’t even know mine you know it depends a lot even on the week uh but I just like I like watching good golf if just if you get someone who’s entertaining and is pushing the uh the lead like they’re going to be my favorite pro that week so like AB been love watching him Ganon bur love that I would love to see Ricky get back in contention I’d love to see Calvin you know take down a mage I think like those storylines are really fun to watch um so I’m more of a storyline guy now than just like this is my favorite pro I’m upset if he doesn’t win I’m excited if he does I’m more of a like fan of the general pro tour right now I think a lot of people would fall into that that boat here but there’s definitely like I know I know Robbie C’s favorite player is Calvin um trying to think who else I know they’re like know their favorite player they’re very adamant about it I don’t know maybe that’d be a good social post maybe we maybe we’ll take that from you Carl but all right appreciate each of you tuning in hopefully you enjoyed Nate McMurray he’s in the chat he’s one of our employees he said Calvin so there you go another Calvin guy maybe there’s a lot of Calvin guys sneaky here um appreciate each and everyone of you tuning in hopefully you enjoyed um I’ll be back actually next week I’m at the beach so if I do go live for coffee break it’ll only be on Instagram I won’t do it on YouTube I don’t think I will go live but if I happen to it would just be on Instagram so if you typically watch on YouTube no coffee break next week and then two weeks from now um we’ll be back on all platforms I’ll be back in the office it’ll be a good time so appreciate y’all tuning in talk to you all later

1 Comment

  1. They can't "market" the General the way you describe, because nothing about the disc is different than stock discs. Any "marketing" done to convice the public that its worth the price tag, would just be lies, hence why they didn't market it that way. The truth is, its just a disc Ricky designed with his name on it, so they thought they could charge more for it. Any other explanations would just be lies, and I don't think DD wants to lie in their marketing to try to fool the public.

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