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Why BETTING DOUBLES Is Important | Racing Dudes Rockets Hits & Heartbreaks 55

Aaron reviews the recent Racing Dudes Rockets to explain why betting back Pick 5s with Daily Doubles is an important part of keeping a higher ROI.

Everyone touts their wins, but no other public handicapper is as honest as we are about the losses. What did we learn last week & what will we do different in the future?

Find out in the video, then leave YOUR thoughts in the Comments! Don’t miss the next Racing Dudes Rockets!

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0:00 Intro
1:26 Churchill Downs May 18
6:51 Pimlico May 18
10:00 Gulfstream Park May 19
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what is up everybody welcome back to RAC and welcome back to another episode of rockets hits and heartbreaks well we’ll talk about uh a big subject today that I’ve always kind of uh been preaching since we kind of changed the Rockets to focus more on pick threes and Daily Doubles and honestly like this is a heartbreak show in a way but then also like look this is why uh I I do the Rockets like I do them now right so I have had the like the biggest heartbreaks on these pick uh fives lately for this product it has just been incredible uh you know whether it was Preakness day losing the Preakness uh Churchill Downs uh you know at night after the pness just a heartbreaking pick five loss we’re going to cover or golf stream as I sit here today on Sunday get beat by a 45 to one shot whose trainer hadn’t won a race in two years and I’ve got a 12 to one that got second by a neck right I mean I mean that’s the kind of stuff that’s been but I’m going to show you why pick threes and doubles are so important um when it and I don’t really think it’s hedge I wouldn’t really call it hedging it’s just kind of kind of filling in the blanks a little bit um during a sequence to be like hey if I got all my handicapping like four out of five races right and I was really spot on I need to be getting paid for this instead of just the loss of the pick five ticket right so I’m going put it up on the screen now um we’re going to start with Churchill Downs uh this was May 18th so this was actually night racing and um you know I don’t don’t worry I’ll explain what all this means um but you know um so what I’ve got down is okay we’re going to look at just the set of races race seven through 11 which covered the pick five so this is what I like to do personally I list pick threes for everything Daily Doubles for every race just if people want to play them but personally what I do is like okay let’s say there was a pick five in races 1 through five and then a pick five in races 7 through 11 I’m going to play that set of five races so basically when I am I’m going to play the pick five which is seven through 11 then I will play the pick threes that land within the pick five so 7 through nine 8 through 10 9 through 11 and then I’m going to play the doubles that land within that pick five as well so basically what I’m saying is I’m not going to play the pick three races six through eight okay because it doesn’t land in this set of five now you’ll see uh a pick three on the rockets for six through eight because hey some people want to play them and that’s fine but this is kind of what I try to do with my wagering personally so so Church Downs uh May 18th races seven through 11 the set of five uh and you can kind of I’m just going to kind of display why I play these pick threes and doubles with the pick five so down here at the at the bottom I’ll highlight this right now uh you can see for the set of uh five races here I’m going to play $180 worth of weight 96 of that will be will be on the pick uh on the pick uh five right there that you can see and then uh 84 of it will be on the pick threes and the doubles okay so I’m playing uh 50 Cent base for the pick fives $1 base for the pick threes and then those $3 bases for the Daily Doubles now if you bought the Rockets you you know this because you you’ve seen this listed like this so $96 uh ticket uh for the pick five and then $12 tickets for the pick threes $12 I’m talking we’re talking total dollar spent here $112 for the Daily Double so uh the the pick threes and doubles aren’t always those prices uh it’s you know if I’ve got one that’s like I’m just going to use one horse you’ll get a little bit cheaper I stay within the $12 budgets for these I may go lower than 12 I’m not going higher than 12 and the same way with the pic FES $100 or less that’s that’s just what I’m willing to spend period all right 96 bucks and you see I’m not going to go to the results I’ll tell you the results the eight is the single to start it the eight loses so the pick five is automatically out so that was not good at all and you see you’re minus 96 and then you’re minus 12 here for this pick uh this pick three and you’re minus 12 for the double because the the single loses and the 10 also loses that was the other horse I use in these pick threes and doubles so you’re all of a sudden you’re down uh you know you’re down pretty good what would that be 100 about 120 bucks already uh you’re down so after after the first set of races here uh or your first race period you’re down 120 bucks and so I think a lot of times what we tend to do is just like oh we’ll just Hammer back a pick four or something like that I really don’t like to do that I like to stick with the pick three plans and basically I’m going to show you three examples this is an extreme example I really want you to realize that these pick threes are some of the biggest pick threes I’ve hit with uh with since doing the Rockets okay we’ll show you the more normal example of this this is an extreme example because the other pick threes that we hit so8 through 10 a pick three was hit and the profit was 53718 and then uh another pick three 9 through 11 and the profit profit was 31290 or 31092 so huge profits on these same with the doubles the last three doubles were were hit as well and so you missed that that pick five ticket but you still end up because you put because of the pick threes because of the Daily Doubles you made a profit of about almost $1,300 at Churchill Downs on this set of five races uh at Churchill on Saturday 7 through 11 a lot of people just play the pick fives and I always say I I just don’t think longterm that’s a great idea you you just miss so many of them and and you get into a hole but if you you’ve kind of hedg and like look my handicapping in the first race was bad but look how good it was the rest of this card like my second choices or first choices were winning at Big prices and it ballooned these pick threes and all of a sudden instead of losing $96 in this set of five races because I just played a pick five I’m up and I’m up very big because of those doubles and pick threes now I again I want to clear I’m not trying to mislead people this is a an extreme example right usually the example is more like the next two examples I’m going to show you so let’s do that now um as I need to zoom in on this sorry about that let’s see how big I can make this where you can see it there it is um anyway yeah here we go so same situation let’s go to this is pness day Pimco races 9 through1 13 um and this time around the fifth leg of the pick five is missed uh I’m alive to the three uh catching freedom and the nine imagination, 15500 and about $2,000 for these two horses if they come in that’s what I just say it just makes you sick and this has happened so many times over the last couple of weeks with the Rockets where I’m alive to scores to where all this pick three and Daily Double stuff is great and fine but wow we just made two three five $8,000 and I’m not not exaggerating that’s kind of what it’s been so here we’re at 15 to 2000 kind of looking here uh and and guys I was really confident in those two horses they didn’t come in so again it’s a it’s it’s just a nasty beat for sure so you’re down you’re depressed however because of this the thing I like to do here playing the pick threes playing The Daily Doubles and again these are all listed on the sheets this is this is not anything like my personal thing this is the Rockets which is my personal thing this so this is all available when you purchase the Rockets So you look uh here and you got the I got the first uh pick three there that and made $59 on it I got the second pick three and made 16790 so again you’re getting credit for those uh those situations where you handicapped well and grooms all business uh in the turf Sprint the 11th race to Jim McCay that’s kind of the the horse that kind of got this thing I say ballooned but it’s not a huge cash but a pretty good cash where you’re like okay I’m I’m I’m doing fine and same way with the doubles you know didn’t make as much 1290 on the first one made 4140 on the next one and then lost the last two um you know and again it’s just frustrating but you come down here you wagered 180 again and and and you returned 32940 for a 14940 profit so again that’s more your normal I covered myself a little bit I had my backup tickets that’s that’s the the word I was looking for to start the show the backup tickets where it’s like okay this is my main one like the pick five that’s what I want to that’s where I want my big score right but I got my backup tickets here kind of those waterfalls of uh uh rolling pick threes and rolling doubles and so they ended up making 14940 within the set of five races um you know just just playing those backup pick threes and doubles right so you know again minus 96 for 14940 it’s a huge swing and when you’re playing a lot of days that’s the difference between getting eight up and and staying alive right so all right then finally one more and this is a a set of five races where you’re where I lost um which is frustrating but I’m also not like gonna lie to you guys like you’re gonna lose sometimes for sure in this sport more than sometimes uh you’re going to lose a lot right and I think everybody knows that when you’re playing these multi- races so once again and this is probably um other than the there was a a Churchill I can’t remember if it was Wednesday or Thursday of Derby week I still am not over but this one uh I I it’s G to take a while to get over Golf Stream Park uh here the pick five again like you see on the screen lost again uh 28 n and 10 in the last leg was alive to the last leg by the way uh non-favored single wins the second leg by daylight uh and anytime that happens and you get the next two it’s like I think we’re we’re getting this one so I was live to 28910 10s in front 12 the 10’s 12 to1 in the final leg uh in front paying about 15 1600 and it looks Home Free and like I said 45 to one shot runs them down right at the wire so again it’s a $96 loss on the pick five and again I’m sitting here trying to promote the rockets and I’m telling you that they’re losing I mean the the flip side of it is it just one of them comes in it’s it’s massive and they will it’s just a it’s a unlucky streak more than anything else but again another lost pick five however again just kind of display the pick three in double situation and again this is showing you more of a realistic the the the Church Hill on May 18th um those days do happen where you hit those huge pick threes or doubles but again it’s not the norm this is more of the norm this is more of what it looks like uh what happened at Pimco where you make a little bit of money and here you’re actually going to lose but it’s instead of a $96 loss where going to get that down to a $19.80 loss because you played the rolling pick threes and doubles and some of those stronger opinions uh that I had hit so the first pick three was the only pick three I hit but it did pay decent um and end up making 5460 minus 12 on the other two that didn’t come in um and then uh on the doubles you hit a couple doubles there 2430 profit and a 4530 profit and then missed those last two as well but you can kind of see if you could have hit one more pick three or one more double that’s going to get you in the black instead of the red and again obviously ideally you hit the pick five and and your pick threes and doubles that you hit with it are just kind of you know extra for you but at the end of the day that’s not always reality you you got to have these backups to prop you up because you know like I said you can go through losing streaks with pick fives and and I’m in a a losing streak right now where the handicapping is there and I just can’t get any luck you know that happens too and and these are proofs that hey the numbers that were played were they produced profits they just didn’t all come together in a sequence of five so those are my three examples I wanted to show you guys um look I’m there’s going to be times where you miss all of it you know that’s that’s the nature of multi-race Wagers I remember Rebel Stakes day is one that just sticks out where I would play these sets of five and I would be like okay winner looks good 30 to one what the hell winner okay I’m kind of back in and I’m alive to something here lmon muffin wins the honeybee as a maen right and you’re just like well I I don’t know what I could do about this so uh I I’ve always been very upfront with everybody the Rockets are a product that uh you know it’s when you play multi-is you just got to be ready for some frustrations um and look at this this you look at this Golf Stream Park and it’s a loss and uh it’s still really frustrating even though you had some success with some tickets you know it’s still like wow what a what a what a cruncher because you know the pick five comes in this number down here is like, 1500 instead of minus 1980 but anyway all right guys I just wanted to kind of point that out I you know I I I did have a question um it’s like why why are no pick fours on it why why are they you know pick threes and doubles and and basically it for me it was just look it’s a situation where this is kind of how I personally play it I put those together so I want to show you exactly what I’m trying to do um you know and what I think the best strategy is so that doesn’t mean it’s the absolute right strategy doesn’t mean it’s the only strategy it’s just what I’ve had success with over the years so that’s what I put on that product all right enough rambling for me thanks everybody uh we’ll see if we get some luck right I mean you it feels like we’re due to hit one so many narrow misses so I don’t know we’ll see all right guys thanks everybody for watching the Rockets hits and heartbreaks I’ll be right back here for you next week [Music]


  1. play gp non championship meet @ ur own risk not taking my $ mth- wdb- bel -cd where my $ goes & i give up on p5 ur rite dbl-p3-4 ezer to hit & make a profit. keep up the good work.

  2. I like this approach usually when I bust out of pick 5/4 I play exacta / tris on my opinions in the races the pick 5 covers. I may try this approach in 2 weeks for the Belatoga Festival

  3. I absolutely love this approach. I’m a big fan of making the doubles and pick 3s a 10x minimum so when you hit it’s a similar payout to hitting a pick 5. Also an easier bet to hit then putting 5 races together

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