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Was Jett Lawrence Under Pressure? | Best Post-Race Show Ever Fox Raceway

Jason Weigandt is joined by five-time Pro Motocross Champion Ryan Villopoto and two-time Women’s National Champion Sophia Phelps to break down the Honda Fox Raceway National in Pala, California, round one of AMA Pro Motocross for 2024. Was Jett really under threat from Hunter Lawrence and Chase Sexton? What about Haiden Deegan versus Levi Kitchen? We didn’t even know who officially won the 250 class as we recorded this, but what did Deegan’s overall performance mean? That and much more right here.

Film/Edit: Tom Journet

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all right we’re back baby 2024 welcome to your Twisted T best postra show ever we’ll have some analysis soon from one of the best Riders to have raced in this championship and in Supercross as well thanks to twist and T for backing our show on Racer X I’m Jason W uh we actually don’t know right now who won the 250 class yet they’re still talking about I’m assuming Degan going off the track in Moto 2 and will he be penalized maybe Levi kitchen 1 maybe we’ll know by the time we’re done with the show we do know jet Lawrence went 1 so we’ll talk about that show you some highlights and uh let’s just start with 450s and talk to some Riders we get their thoughts and then we’ll learn more afterwards uh yeah I uh I got to no my start wasn’t good in the first moment but I actually made it work I was probably fifth or sixth and I went to the outside when went down the hill and I think Dylan made a mistake and kind of came to like a stop and I just tagged his rear tire and went down and then I fell again so uh it wasn’t a great start but I came came back pretty good I rode well at the end of the Moto and then second Moto Hunter came out like a can came out of a cannon in the gate and I was right next to him so I kind of just followed him around the first turn and then Phil actually came out of nowhere I think past me and him so um yeah it was uh kind of chaotic but we actually had a we had a good Pace going and then um I I passed hun in the switch back right here and I think the the pace kind of went up a little bit and um yeah I went off the track and tried my best but he uh when I came up behind him he would he would answer and I just got to get better at uh finding some more Pace um yeah it was a good day had a pretty cool gear set collab so you always want to do a little extra good in that you know so you you got a little power to convince a star for some more one-off kits um but no it was a good day honestly like I’m not too fond of this place but it’s been pretty good to us so uh yeah maybe we’ll come back and visit sometime soon um I think definitely when uh when the bike’s not kind of working as well as you want it to be it uh you have to put a little bit more effort everywhere else just to kind of hold it down or whatever it’s doing you need to kind of adjust for that and use that bit more strength to hold it and um and yeah I mean the first modor was the worst I could say I kind of was at a bit of a limit I couldn’t push too hard I could kind of push a little hard at the start when the bumps weren’t so vicious but once we got later halfway and later it kind of got a little worse when I tried to use more flow um we got it sorted for the second one but end up kind of going more to the front a little bit more and um but we’ll thankfully we’ll able to push if we were precise enough and uh but it’s yeah it’s good to fin get 24 and0 to kind of match Ricky and and James um but no we’re going to go back to the drawing board look at some stuff and uh and improve that but then also improve myself CU obviously in Supercross I think we’re a little heavier with our legs and we don’t move them as much cuz we have such stiff suspension so we try and get the suspension to work more where in Outdoors you use your legs a lot more so I think um throughout the season I think we would just get better and better and kind of get my motor legs more and more all right that’s our 450 Riders uh we are now joined by one of not really talked about that much I feel like enough Ryan voto sometimes you get brought up um jet Lawrence won today I think you saw that yes I did but the second Moto was getting pretty gnarly now jet has a way of not winning by Massive margins normally but do you feel that that was getting Beyond comfort zone with both Hunter and honestly I think he’s still playing with the guys I do think he had more in the tank I think he’s that’s his that’s how intelligent he is on the motorcycle and and uh and just managing the race you know like if he needs to just Wick it up a little bit he can do that and it’s uh he does it very easily so um I think those guys in second and third you know Chase rode rode rode way better the second Moto Hunter was was riding really well also the second Moto but I still feel like there’s a lot more in the tank there if he if he need need be plus I asked him is this a chance that this is the classic Super Cross hangover and he said I’m 20 I don’t get hung over must feel good uh not cuz he’s too young to get hungover cuz he doesn’t drink just want everybody to know anyway do you think there’s a little bit of that he did have to sweat a supergross title to a degree to the last round that maybe he wasn’t quite on his A++ game you you’ve been through that drill before I mean look it’s it’s a first round of of Pro Motocross so um and he’s got a lot to live up from last year OB 22 and0 so to come here he’s had massive success I don’t think he’s lost a race at Paula or here at Fox uh so I think also coming in um you know obviously wanting to win but uh being smart about it and he knows he has the speed as long as he puts himself in a good position off the line it’s really his race to lose in my opinion okay so you weren’t that worried for I wasn’t worried I was watching and I thought he had everything under control be honest James steering the booth said he even picks parts of the track where he’s like they can get close here this is not an area that you pass y I can cruise through here I can save some energy so does that even start running through your mind um I think I I think it does obviously if you have massive pressure you know there’s spots you have to have to you know guard the inside there’s spots you like you said that there’s no places to go around you’re not going around the long way around inside’s the only option it’s the fast line so yeah there’s Parts on the track that he has to you know uh that that he can just ride and not worry about how close somebody is behind you we’re going to get the 250s here in a moment okay we’ll just pretend Degan went 1-1 I don’t know if he’s getting penalized yet but let’s just talk about what we’ve seen so far okay is this round one like hey it was wide open he stamped it maybe it’s not so wide open or is it round one let’s not overanalyze or get ahead of our I I don’t think let’s overanalyze I mean I think uh I would say Tom struggled a little bit if I use the word struggled um he’ll get better he’s going to get better he’s two time World Champ now Supercross champ East Coast so uh I still think that he’s going to be in this title fight when this comes down to the round so yes he didn’t have a stellar day today still it was good but it wasn’t it wasn’t great probably not what he wanted uh Levi was was good also uh deags was was really good too but you know those those front two degs and Levi they it wasn’t like Degan was much much you know way faster it wasn’t a 20 second lead it was it was close so um you know it is it is round one so to leave here with a 66 kind of that’s not that’s not good if you’re Levi that’s not really what you want right so 22 on the day for him was was solid uh and we have a lot of racing to go you know that’s one thing with the with the 250 class is you know they’re they’re not as consistent as guys like jet and the 4D class so anything can happen they lay it over on the ground they have a first turn crash or whatever uh it just opens up the doors for for everybody else now Levi is your guy right I’m a Levi fan Levi fan Northwest yeah two things a what about this hairstyle were you cons on this it was a bit it wasn’t consulted it was a bit aggressive and after Supercross he got so close and didn’t get it did you consult him on that do you think he needed a little pick me up cuz he really rebounded well today I I would say yes I didn’t talk to him after Super Cross obviously uh I obviously knew he was bummed about that you know came down to the last round win or take all he lost it right so but yes I was wondering what what what Levi was going to show up today after was it a Supercross hangover you know was was was he still down on on that what I saw today was was was a really good performance for him a great very um very good start for him but along with Deon who went 111 too you know so we know the kid you know de has got some skill right we saw it watch shugal sticks out in my head last year you know there’s he’s got some some and and now he’s he’s he’s not a rookie you know so he’s he’s seen how this is all going to play out so the the the boys could be in trouble okay it’s only round one it is only round one but 11 one says a lot uh let’s hear from the 250 guys hopefully at this point they actually know who won yeah uh it was a good day uh first Moto got a decent start and just sent it the first lap and made my way in third quick it was pretty sweet but uh yeah ended up winning Levi got a little thing stuck in his foot bag or whatever but uh yeah I ended up making the pass right there when he had to pull over and then um yeah second motor just ripped a nice hole shot that was H it was nice it’s always nice starting out front so yeah and then I mean we went out and won that Moto so that’s it now yeah for sure um overall good fastest qualifier was sick for me that’s kind of rare so uh yeah and then a couple solid motos um the first one you know Hayden had good Pace there and um kind of came down to the end there obviously the thing got stuck in my boot but um in second Moto we were both riding really good also and uh yeah it’s going to be a fun summer for sure yeah I had a great start actually I felt great uh the first two laps and Levi actually was pretty fast so he passed me and as my arms start to be tight I was like okay there’s no way I can hold like Aiden was being me I can of let him pass after the pit Lane because there was no way I could he was faster than me so I was I had really bad AR the all MTO first motto so I actually managed the third place and um second Moto was better um I just crashed tip over I couldn’t pass J SW and I kind of get a little bit mad and I had a small crash but I still managed to finish third track is nly actually to be honest um it’s a different track than what we’re going to have the rest of the series so um being on the on the podium today is okay for me okay well the discussion right here how about that sometimes you think these guys are like at each other’s throat and trying to choke each other out there slei kitchen Hayden Degan and degan’s crew just bench racing right now talking to uh Levi real quick before the press conference that still hasn’t happened cuz they still don’t know the results they was like I don’t know want if I want to be that guy so he was trying to be chill about it he’ll take whatever happens not sure how Hayden feels anyway let’s get to some other 250 riders that we talked to in the media scrum some had some good days and some 450 guys as well yeah D it was it was really good I mean qualifying was really good and finally qualified first in at least one session not overall but I mean I’ll take it but no just couple good starts at least started within you know reach of the top guys and yeah just R rode my race and just made good passes and tried to make smart decisions so I it’s overall it’s best day I’ve had racing as a pro like it’s it’s I’m starting to make some good ground and uh yeah finally finally getting to show it a little bit this for a whole year do you feel was it kind of weird jumping back on that 250 yeah it was definitely very weird and uh yeah but I mean the bike handle is amazing stuff got to get houst to shiing a lot more and all that I think I was always going to gear a little high and I was like sorry for abusing the clutch but uh no I mean the bike’s fantastic handling good just really looking forward to getting H to it and yeah it’s going to be good today Apollo got my teeth kicked in uh got off to two pretty good starts second one went down came from last and 17th 1917 on the day for 19th overall obviously everyone’s like ah it’s kind of disappointing it is in a way but you know what everyone has to start at some point so that’s where I’m at uh went pretty good uh first Moto struggled a little bit and second Moto was better um just trying to learn the bike and the in the setup that we got to have for these National tracks um was a little off this morning and uh gradually got better throughout the day but um still got a lot to learn and and now be ready for next week coming into here really the only expectation was like a top 20 and just make it through the event healthy everyone besides uh G marchbanks on the team made it through a healthy which that’s a huge accomplishment cuz you know for how gnarly the track was few guys uh RJ Hampshire out March Banks yeah uh first Moto got off to a mid pack start I think I think I was like 19th something like that and then tried to make my way back up I believe I finished 14th which was I was I was stoked on that and then I was kind I was I was feeling it my lower back was was pretty sore like the muscles so I was already fatigued but you know we’re here to suffer right coming into the second Moto I lined up in between Degan and Levi kitchen knowing that they’re probably going to get a better start than me but I wanted to get a funnel I wanted them to create a funnel for me and that’s exactly what happened I think I came out like 12th and I made my way in like I believe ninth and then I got passed by Juju and then uh masle and I were battling for 25 minutes and then he got around me and then I moved me back into 11 which 1411 first pro National that’s I say that’s pretty good and I’m healthy so really couldn’t ask for more we’ll just be back for next weekend um felt good felt strong um need to work on bike setup a little bit along with I’m sure everybody else in this padic so uh we all uh this place brings out the the demons in a motorcycle and it was okay like I said this this place is a hole it’s not one of my favorite places uh so we survived it uh and I’m happy uh I was happy to I pass Hunter today it’s first time I can check that off my bucket list now and uh uh didn’t last long I uh I got pinballed around pretty bad and worked my way back to 9th and just kind of settled in so I’m happy actually was a pretty good day 12:15 nothing to write home about but honestly I’m definitely pretty stoked on how the day went it was uh it’s been a rough comeback from this uh wrist injury that I suffered in Supercross and obviously a long time out since I’ve raced so honestly the expectations were a little low coming in here I’ve been on struggle street but I’m just glad when the gate dropped I showed up and uh yeah I was honestly pretty happy with my riding today okay we’re going to wrap this show up we’re joined by Sophie Phelps current wmx Series points leader Sophie at Loretta last year I thought it might be the end for you you were kind of seeing the end of the road then wmx sparked back up and you’re going racing again it’s true yeah I was I was ready to um tone it down a little bit and just do some local races here and there obviously I can’t step away from dirt bikes entirely but uh it gets expensive and we were sprinting it full speed towards a dead end road so we thought you know what we’re throwing too much money into this and then all a sudden they said hey we’re back with wmx so so we said never mind we’re sprinting again so okay yeah we’re back and you’ll be racing at High Point on Friday right correct I believe it’s Friday okay so we should see wmx in action yeah I think it’s Friday I don’t know be there and watch wmx so Sophie came to hang out really just to be a spectator just to watch yeah yeah absolutely I was already down here training so I figured why not stay a couple extra days and watch watch the big dogs so uh taking what you saw we were talking to Ryan Ville AO so now you got to live up to that standard of analysis okay he felt that jet Lawrence he’s like I don’t think he was actually under as much heat as it looked that’s what the dude is good at controlling it what did you see cuz there was some serious pressure coming from sexon and Hunter yeah there was I would say that I don’t entirely agree with him nor do I entirely disagree with him um I yeah I mean that’s that’s a pretty safe spot to be yes yes I like it yes but um yeah I think you would see if uh Chase or Aaron or Hunter prepped in on him uh that he would turn up the speed and that’s one like talent that He has and um well not just Talent he’s obviously worked for it but it’s a really difficult thing to do as a riter is I need to go faster now okay I’m just going to drop a couple seconds off my lap time no big deal um and he can do that now did sometimes he didn’t do that as quickly so that’s why I say that I don’t think um he was I think he was under a little bit more pressure than maybe RV was saying um is other races where you’ve seen him maybe get that Gap a little more quickly exactly yeah yeah it took it seemed like it took a little bit more effort now does he still look effortless out there absolutely um and still you know very few mistakes and just so cool to watch but yeah I mean that’s from my perspective and it could have totally been different that’s my opinion I know from talking to all these Riders on the pits all the time that jet style and also to a degree Chase ston they’ve really changed the form that people are looking for in a motorcycle a stand up more the idea of staying on the pegs has just been taken to its Zenith uh do you does that happen for you and also the riders that you’re racing against are you stuck studying their style and trying to adopt some of that absolutely yeah um in fact you mentioned we’re going to High Point soon and I totally have been watching past races from there and studying some film of like hey what am I going to be working with um I haven’t written on the East Coast much at all so I’ve never been there but um anyways yeah I think we definitely study what they’re doing and um study videos when you get some good slow-mo videos on Instagram wow did you see how he did this and that was really impressive so yeah I think so and I I would actually agree that um kind of overall the style of the sport is changing just a little bit towards that style of stand up a little bit longer um and like hopping through bumps and he’ll hop I mean he’ll hop over any problem it seems like but yeah yeah so I think the style has changed a little bit in that direction and then a couple other little things that he does this unique so you’re trying to borrow that a little bit for yourself I would love to borrow some of us well yeah who wouldn’t I did not realize this uh last thing so you’ve never even been to High Point no that’s so funny so maybe that’s what wmx unlocks because these are some legendary Easter tracks you haven’t been able to ride all them you get to Iron Man as well so that’ll be a cool experience totally yeah I mean would I prefer some West Coast tracks absolutely for travel purposes and I was telling you earlier that um there’s eight rounds I’m from Southern Utah on average they’re a little over, 1500 miles from my house um and the closest one is about 1100 miles so just long long hauls and um but for every single round which is what’s kind of unique about that but yeah I’m grateful for the opportunity um my parents are awesome they stepped in they’re like hey one more year let’s like we’re going to help you out here so they’re awesome to help me out through this and so are all my sponsors and hey how can we help you get there so um yeah yeah I’m really excited to ride all these tracks there’s a bunch that I’ve never rid of that’s cool um you said you’re 21 now are you interested in one of these or too much racing right now absolutely not well aside from racing um I just don’t drink alcohol and um but I appreciate the offer and I hope it’s good you’re a college student too aren’t you I am yes so much to learn so much to learn about college I said this was the last thing I was going to ask but I have one more I forgot you and chance himim I saw you bench racing aren’t you part of this what is it called wreck R what is the name of the series the rmx series rmx yes so you guys are like alumni of that did you you see him probably growing up a lot you got to be pumped for him today yes oh my gosh totally yeah we we rode a lot together and um we were on the same tracks is what I should say because really you know like he would come past me and my goal was to not get laughed in 10 minutes or whatever it was but you’re in the same races at times yeah yeah totally when we raced in the beat lass and whatever and then on super minis and yeah so oh my gosh I always had so much fun growing up with him and um playing Reflex on the Xbox or whatever we would do right you know all sorts of yeah just growing up and um all the shenanigans that happen at local races so it was awesome and rmx was like a great environment for that we had a ton of awesome friends that are still great Riders so yeah I chunk is awesome I love being around him and I’m so stok for him today he crushed it today he did yeah he did all right good job Sophia Felts why you come back and hang with us at High Point deal that’s I’ll see you there and then I’ll ask again and you’ll be too disciplined again uh you can ask me as many times as you like and someday maybe I’ll switch your opinion on it too oh that’s impressive that’s impressive well on camera I’m just holding the thing so we don’t have verification we don’t have any verification no proof absolutely can mhm just holding it everybody uh that’s sopia Phelps thanks to Ryan voto uh we still don’t have our 250 results we’ll try to figure that out and uh thanks to for backing our show we will see you next week at hangton


  1. Feel like honda figured out some king of crazy computer controlled traction/wheelie device and Jett will get pretty much every whole shot this year. Hope the KTM boys can figure something out..

  2. Please, Please, please replace Wil Christian with Sophie Phelps, she is so much better at speaking about the sport.

  3. This is Sextons best track, the worst Jett has ever looked on a motocross track, and Sexton had 30 minutes to pass Jett and never really stood a chance. Everyone drop the Sexton will beat Jett narrative. And Jett STILL WENT 1-1.

  4. Only thing we haven’t seen is him hounded all moto by a guy attacking and giving relentless pressure. I’ve been waiting to see that truly because that’s the only situation we haven’t seen him in don’t think we’ll truly see that till some kids move up. The 450 class is old and nobody can truly run him down outside of tomac if he’s 100% and I believe unfortunately they both were robbed from that prado maybe can run him down outdoors not sx tho, prado maybe outdoors if he comes over if not gotta wait until some kids move up.

  5. The best post-race show is the best post-race show in the history of post-race shows love how it's laid back and not so serious

  6. Fully agree with RV's opinion re: 250 penalties which he talked about on his own podcast with RC after the dust had settled.

  7. In the future, I would like to see a broadcast team of Weege, AC and Sophia. It would be a fun combo on commentary.

  8. RV says Deegan wasn't way faster then Kitchen because it wasn't a 20 second lead. BUT, at the same time said Tom was fine… Even if he was 20 seconds behind Deegan in that first race an 30+ seconds in the 2nd race? LMFFFAAAOOO 🤦‍♂️👍

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