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Unresolved, Cancelled & Abandoned Wrestling Storylines

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Today’s video looks at wrestling storylines that were either unresolved, cancelled or abandoned. From the infamous GTV segments that aired on WWF Raw is War to the abrupt end to Kane vs Kane, from Baby Doll’s envelope that promised to ruin Dusty Rhodes forever to the White Hummer in WCW, every storyline or angle in this video came to screeching halt either by quickly jumping to the story end or by getting swept under the rug.


with so many story lines and angles taking place throughout the history of pro wrestling there’s always going to be those that don’t work out sometimes an injury leads to a story com into a halt sometimes the creative team want to go in a different direction while the story Line’s already underway and sometimes it feels like the writers legitimately forgot what happened a week prior and they move on in hopes that no one was paying attention whatever the case yes let’s look at pro wrestling story lines that either ended abruptly didn’t have a conclusion or featured moments that got scrapped and hopes that fans would forget the first one is an obvious one GTV GTV segments aired on Raw during the Attitude Era and they featured pro wrestlers and other personalities getting filmed without their prior consent the footage that aired would sometimes further story lines such as test and Stephanie McMahon’s relationship the footage would sometimes help with cross promotion such as the cast of Mystery Men getting filmed without their knowledge and sometimes the footage was just used to embarrass people GTV was dropped out of nowhere and the person behind GTV was never revealed it’s widely believed that Goldust was going to be revealed as The Man Behind These hidden camera recordings but Dustin Reynolds left WWF before the reveal Could Happen a dead giveaway here is the fact that the first ever G g TV segment was actually named gdtv but this was changed because it was a bit too obvious when Dustin got released the WWF toed with the idea of using Tom Green but Vince MCB didn’t like him Glenn Ruth better known as headbanger threr was also brought up as a possible Name Behind GTV but we never did find out who the culprit was and the segments just ended with no [Applause] payoff in November M 2003 Booker T was in the locker room getting ready for an upcoming match someone sent Booker an envelope that hideen Reich handed over to the five-time WCW Champion Booker opened up the envelope a note was inside that said I still remember and the WWE were hoping that you wouldn’t remember this little backstage segment because it was totally forgotten about the following week people have speculated that it was supposed to be from Goldust I read a few comments where some folks thought it was going to be Stevie Ray but I highly doubt it none less this mystery remains unsolved and Booker just carried on with his business even though he seemed a little shook after receiving the envelope the WCW wide Hummer I’m going to talk about this a little more in a future video but in short we never found out exactly who it was driving the Hummer that hit Kevin Nash it first it seemed like a done deal Nash was feuded with Randy Salvage and the first Hummer incident took place just before great American BOS 99 big Kev thought it could have been sting seeing his sting was seen in a Hummer during a backstage brawl with Rick Steiner a black Hummer may I had but at the Great American bash 99 Sid Vicious made his return to WCW to help Randy Savage and even the commentary team put two and two together here to conclude that Sid was the man behind the wheel things got convoluted though when Sid and Savage used the fake thing to keep n and fans guessing following the match of Great American bash and when it seemed like the angle had ended let Luger tried to convince sting that it was actually Hulk Hogan driving the Hummer sting begins to believe Luger when he finds Machu man and Gorgeous George in Hogan’s locker room but bizarrely it’s thing who turns H when this part of the storyline wraps up and the Hummer stuff gets totally forgotten about then during the Russo era the Hummer was brought back when Hogan stopped bisho from running him over and get this Hogan then drives the Hummer into a dumpster containing one Billy Kidman this might make some conclude that bishof was behind the previous attacks but you have to remember that Eric bishof was a baby face when the original Hummer attack happened back in 99 and he also had his own issues with Randy Savage I think the whole Hummer thing was supposed to start and end with Sid Vicious but they kept it going way longer than it should have because they didn’t know how to end it just typical WCW really [Music] speaking of Lex Luger there was one brief moment on Nitro where fans could see Lex and Miss Elizabeth standing at a Podium Lex was wearing a suit and he was just about to give a speech but then the cameras got cut off and we didn’t hear a single word from the total package this was also completely forgotten about and I’m sure many of you also forgot that this happened this was also months before the reborn Lex Luger stuff Lex even showed up afterwards to help out his buddy sting as if nothing had happened so the whole purpose of this little moment at the podium Still Remains a complete mystery a heavy hitter for sure and one you can absolutely understand why it got canceled it’s the death of Mr McMahon a clearly destroyed Vince McMahon got into his limousine at the end of a special episode of Raw dubbed Mr McMahon Appreciation Night you see Vince took a Beaton from Bobby Lashley at one night stand 2007 and this loss was enough to break and make him act very strangely seeming almost hypnotized and a little lost McMahon approached his limousine at the very end of Raw he got inside and then boom the vehicle Goes Up in Flames the WWE were preparing to run along who killed Vince McMahon storyline with multiple suspects but then the benw tragedy happened and the WWE felt it would be in bad taste to continue the story line this whole thing has been covered quite a lot on YouTube though and I even put together a video on the whole storyline check that one out if you want to learn more here’s another one involving the McMahon Family Sheen McMahon’s lockbox Sheen returned to WWE on the February 22nd 2016 episode of Raw just when his sister Stephanie was about to receive the Vincent J McMahon Legacy of Excellence award yeah I know very prestigious and Shen came back for one thing he wanted to take control of Monday Night Raw this leads the Vince spook and Shen in a match against the Undertaker if Shen wins then he’ll get his wish and he’ll take over the WWE’s Flagship Monday night wrestling show if he loses then Shen has to hand over a lock box that contains what we assume some dark secret about Vince McMahon that his son’s been using for leverage with everything that’s happening with McMahon recently I’m sure many of you have the same thoughts is what I do when watching this back I mean Dark Secrets like come on but in the end we know never found out exactly what it was in Shen’s lockbox because the Undertaker defeated Sho at WrestleMania and the contents of said lockbox were completely forgotten about it was speculated that the whole idea of the lockbox was never meant to be part of the storyline Vince McMahon apparently had lived the whole thing because he forgot his L’s mid promo but really when you think about it Sheen did lose the match and therefore whatever was in that box was kept under locking key as it should the story line really played out as promised that being said this is pro wrestling and these kind of mysteries that cause wild speculation usually get solved no matter what quick side note and this is just my take Vince saying lockbox could have been a figure of speech and he didn’t actually mean she held a physical lock box with something sinister hidden inside but it is way more fun to think about Sheen having this one item that could ruin Vince forever turned turned out though Shen didn’t have to do anything Nikki and Bri Bella were involved in a rivalry that began when Nikki Bella betrayed her sister to help out Stephanie McMahon sibling rivalries and pro wrestling are absolutely nothing new and most of the time they are effective due to the personal Bond the participants share with each other and these two did get pretty personal with Nikki bullying her sister and saying some pretty horrible things to her but the storyline began to rapidly lose fan interest when Jerry Lawler tried to bring peace to the Bell Twins and Jerry Springer also tried to find some common ground between the sisters along with Bella brother JJ Nikki would beat her sister at Hell in a sale 2014 meaning Bri would become Nikki’s servant most fans began switching the channel when Nikki made her sister do some downright mean things such as maker smoothies and server tea and then Bri just randomly decided that her sister was right all along and the bell is reunited like nothing had happened Bri assisted Nikki and beating AJ Lee at Survivor series that year The Bella Twins were back together and the weird moral of the story is you should bully your siblings into thinking your way and eventually they’ll break and realize they were wrong the promos featuring the feud and Bell Twins were not good fan interest was really low except for those who really like Nikki and Bri and in the end being really mean to Brie gave Nikki Bella the longest divis Championship ran in history while her sister stood at her side hideo atami better known as K was scheduled to face Tyler Breeze and Finn Baler in a match that determin the number one Contender for the NXT Championship the match was booed for NXT takeover Unstoppable on May 20th 2015 but before the bat could take place atami suffered a legitimate shoulder injury that was going to keep him off TV for around 6 months to explain atami’s absence he was attacked in the full seal parking lot before Unstoppable went on the air and fans never did get to see who the attacker was the Revival were on the scene checking on hideo Kevin Owens walked past while saying this is all a terrible shame and in the end Tyler Breeze and Finn Baler had a one-on-one match that Baler won people have went for the obvious choice and said it was Kevin Owens others speculated it was Finn baller or Tyler braze some even thought it could have been Samo Joe who made his NXT debut later that evening but I think this one never got resolved because ITA Tomy ended up on the bench much longer ER than originally thought and the whole thing just got scrapped hide Tami was really unlucky though when it came to injuries during his NXT tenure and this one in particular leaves us with another angle that never got resolved kanen versus kanen my God the mass version of Ken came back to haunt the real Ken which may I add isn’t a terrible idea when you think about it I mean the Ken character definitely leans into the more paranormal side of pro wrestling with his ability to set fire to people just by raising his arms his ability to shoot Fireballs from his hands all that stuff the idea of Ken’s Past coming back as a real living breathing entity could have worked but you really need to take extra care when doing something that’s so out there and so out of the box it’s either going to be really good or it’s going to be absolutely terrible and unfortunately the execution of this particular story line was absolutely terrible Luke Gallow played the role of the imposter Ken and look at the state of this K atre during the character’s debut I mean it’s one of the easiest things to get right and thankfully they did get it right eventually but right here it looks like a bad Halloween outfit that you’d find on Amazon you know first impressions are important this whole idea was thrown in the bin after only a few weeks The Imposter Ken defeated the real Ken ADV Vengeance but then the next night the impostor got his mask removed by the real K while getting thrown out of the arena and and then nothing it was never mentioned again there were reports floating around about the original Direction this story line was supposed to take and it’s fascinating for sure apparently Glenn Jacobs was considering retirement and the WWE wanted to keep the Ken character alive on their TV shows Glenn was also going to be off TV either way seeing as he was about to promote his movie See No Evil around Europe so reportedly the idea was that the impostor Ken was actually going to get revealed as the real while Glenn Jacobs was actually the fake The Story Goes that Glenn kidnapped the real K and he assumed his identity and the real K would come back be glan ADV Vengeance and take over is the rightful and real Big Red Machine of WWE now whether this is true is also Up For Debate and there’s also a good chance that fans would have hated the KE they knew getting replaced by someone else but it is still pretty interesting to think about that being said the WWE completely [ __ ] the bed with this one right out the gate imposter K looked horrible fans didn’t react at all and the company decided to completely scrp the idea because it got so much negative [Music] feedback similar to hadde Tomi during his days in NXT WWE Superstar Edge was attack backstage at no wayo 2003 and just like a de this was due to a legitimate injury that was going to keep the future Rated R Superstar off TV for an extended period of time Edge was set to compete in a six-man tag teaming up with Brock Lesnar and Chris benoir to take on Team Angle but Edge got attacked and it was never revealed who was behind the assault obviously you’re going to point the finger at Kurt Angle Shelton Benjamin and Charlie hus but the WWE never actually said the team angle were behind the attack and when Edge returned to TV it was never brought up [Music] again here’s another one from world championship wrestling before the Owen heart tredy a WWF over the ede 99 Kevin Nash went on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno to challenge Brad Hart to a special match both Brad and Nash were to put up a quarter million each in prize money and the match itself was scheduled to take place not on Nitro not on pay-per-view not even on Thunder no the match was actually going to take place on the J Leno show this isn’t as random as you might think the competitors putting up a quarter million was introduced because a month or two prior Bill Goldberg challenged Steve Austin the fight and Bill said he’ puted up $250,000 if Steve could beat him this challenge was also LED out on Jay Leno show and when Kev challenged Brad he did make reference to Austin declining the fight Goldberg Owen passed away before the match could take place and Brad took time away from TV to mourn the loss of his brother Nash versus Brad on The Tonight Show didn’t happen so WCW had to change direction [Music] the Deadpool in WCW consisted of Raven Vampiro Violent J and Shaggy to do while you may look back at this group and think it’s a pretty odd formation featuring a bunch of guys with very little in common they got some pretty good crowd reactions which even surprised me when going back to watch their stuff for reliving the war Raven stayed silent while the Deadpool were in WCW the ICP and bump hero could be quite boisterous and they didn’t mind celebrating their victories or cutting promos on their upcoming opponents but r role in the group was kind of mysterious he just showed up during a beat down one week and his motivations were never made clear the story of the deadpol was killed off when an Infamous backstage Talent meeting in WCW led the Raven walking out of the company and never coming back fish off was ripping into his roster backstage and Raven decided to take up Eric’s offer when the boss said he could walk out the door if he wasn’t happy with Raven gone the Deadpool eventually became the dark carnival and while the dark carnival was very similar to the Deadpool it didn’t have the same element of mystery when Raven left that being said I’m fairly confident that WCW didn’t have any kind of long-term plan for the stable anyway raven could have definitely had something in store and he could have pitched ideas but at the same time he was really checked out of WCW S as the company had no intentions of pushing him further up the cards and when he had the chance to walk out well he took [Music] it the WF version of the NWO I thought started off pretty well the company decided to keep things simple with the original Phantom fathers coming in to cause chaos on wwf’s top baby faces but things went in a different direction when Hulk Hogan was turned baby face and Scott Hall continued to struggle with his personal demons the group was rebuilt with new members Shawn magel returned as the NWO spokesman and the faction began a storyline where they had try to in list Triple H Hunter’s personal relationship with Shawn Michaels Kevin Ash and XO were at the Forefront of the storyline and fans were left wondering if Triple H would begin wearing the famous black and white t-shirts or if he’d begin a rivalry against his old best friends during a six-man Main Event match on Raw Kevin n suffered an injury the moment he stepped into the ring and after big sexy T his quads in the six-man tag match the decision was made to completely kill the NWO once and for all as an active faction within the world of pro wrestling Vince McMahon came out the following week while the NWS entrance music played in the arena McMahon then that this was the last time fans would ever hear the famous theme music because the NWO were now gone forever so the whole Triple H NWO angle was dropped and instead a rivalry began between the game and Shawn Michaels at the time I was annoyed that the NWO didn’t work out in WWE but looking back now I can see it was probably for the best it’s one of those things that was probably never meant to be but it was still pretty cool to seeing Nash Hall and Hogan show up the WWF television while representing the groundbreaking faction NWA fans were captivated with a very brief storyline featuring Dusty rhods Larry seisco and baby doll Larry wanted Dusty’s us title and if the American dream didn’t give Zisco a match then Dusty was going to have some serious problems you see baby doll had some dirt on Dusty a secret that could potentially destroy the American dream if it ever went public and this secret would get revealed to the world if Dusty didn’t comply with sisco’s demands so serious was this secret that it could apparently land Dusty in jail so it must have been something pretty heavy during an interview baby doll approached Dusty and she handed him an envelope Dusty looked inside he got a little worried and after baby doll said Dusty wasn’t as righteous as everyone thinks he is she gave him a peack on the cheek before walking off weeks later baby doll got released and the contents of the envelope were never revealed Larry seisco said baby doll wased to give Dusty a passionate kiss not a peack on the cheek and because she didn’t comply she got fired however I don’t believe this seeing as she was still on TV for 2 months after the kiss happened baby doll said she was fired from Jim Crockett promotions because her husband Sam Houston was hir by WWF and the folks running JCP thought it was a conflict of interest baby doll said on the WSI YouTube channel that she still has the envelope and she knows what’s inside she teased a few theories and a few ideas of of what was inside that elusive envelope it could be a sneak peek of the portfolio baby doll built around Dusty’s bad days during the time she served as his valet it could be images of Dusty going to a hotel room to visit an unknown woman the only person who knows is baby doll and whether you believe her or not is completely up to you this one did kind of have an end in but it was such a poor payoff that the only logical conclusion we have is that plans were changed desperate for a Rens bump in 2008 Vince McMahon promised to give away $1 million live on Raw the chairman was handing out his own money apparently and the action in the ring came to a screech and H while Vince rang a few phone numbers to give away his money I suppose there’s worse things you could spend your cash on though right Vince anyway these parts of raw were sometimes comically bad a lot of times folks just wouldn’t answer their phones and Vince even got Rick Rolled during one particular phone call this series of free money giveaways however known as Mr McMahon’s million dooll Mania ended when the customized set fell on top of Vin in the locker room went into a stad of panic instead of being serious it turned out absolutely hilarious with Vince famously shouting Paul I can’t feel my legs Paul of course being Triple H and it all obviously looked like we were going to end up with another who dut angle similar to what was supposed to happen when McMahon’s limousine blew up in the end though fans didn’t find out who brought the million dollar Mania said crashing down on Vince Shane and Stephanie were unhappy with the lack of unity after the accident and the unruly nature the WWE had went in since Vince disappeared and so it all ended with Mike adaml being named the new raw GM in an effort to restore Harmony to WWE Raw for a storyline featuring The attempted murder of Vince McMahon the payoff was incredibly weak you therefore come to the conclusion that more was supposed to come of all this but in the end well nothing really happened fans didn’t find out why the set fell down or who was responsible it was kind of brushed off as nothing more than a freak accident Mike adml was not welled as the raw GM and when you consider that Vince McMahon spent more money on million dooll Mania than what he did when purchasing WCW then you can see why this was a catastrophic flop that did nothing to increase WWE’s viewership again this is something I’m going to cover a bit more in the future so look out for that video very soon I’ve left off quite a few other story lines that were either abandoned abruptly stopped or swept under the rug and I’m going to cover these in a followup video very soon as always you’re very welcome to put your suggestions in the comment section and I’ll look over these when I’m going to put together part to it’s important though to remember that essentially [ __ ] happens if everything was perfect in the world of wrestling story lines then things would also get pretty boring after a while plans changing ideas getting reworked new IDE ideas replacing old ones all these things make the creative side of wrestling a bit more interesting and it also gives us things to ponder over and things to talk about I do hope you enjoyed this video though and thank you very very much for watching please take care [Music] Diego to SC like aad off going up streets like space tomato too much damage man [Music] [Music] it’s


  1. One story line I wish we could have seen continue until the very end was Warrior Vs Undertaker and Jake Roberts.

  2. The Nexus attacking the Undertaker at Bragging Rights 2010.

    For those who don't remember: During the buried alive world title match between Kane and Undertaker, Nexus came out and cost Undertaker the match burying him and aiding Kane. At the time it was speculated that this would lead to a Wade Barrett vs. Undertaker program at WrestleMania, but that never ended up coming to pass and Undertaker returned to feud with Triple H and the original Nexus having disbanded before then.

  3. What was the original plan with the limo explosion 😂 like was Vince just gonna stay dead for the rest of his life or in storyline he came back from the dead 😭😂

  4. I got behind a while back on reliving the war with life getting hectic, but I love all of these "one off" videos you have been doing. Great channel, love all the content.

  5. i thought the impostor kane storyline got resolved when kane beat the hell out of the impostor on raw, took his mask back and threw the fake out of the building.

  6. "Fake Kane" is an actual wrestling what ifs I would have loved seen played out like rumored. As it would have reconed everything that demystifed Kane over the years. He would have been burnt again, The Tori/X-Pac angle, his werid face turns, The Kanetites, and Katie Vick (which you could just say was in Glen Jacobs past)

  7. The only way Fake Kane was ever going to work was if Fake Kane was the same size or bigger than Kane. A huge reason why we took Kane seriously back in the day was how he stacked up physically with Taker… Gallows is a big guy but he's not Kane big. I struggle to come up with a good candidate though… was Matt Morgan in the biz yet?

  8. The person behind every unresolved, cancelled and abandoned wrestling storyline was Vacant. It was something for Vacant to do between their multiple title reigns. You're welcome 👍

  9. Cool video! A few things about some of these:
    1.WWE magazine once implied that Edge was attacked by the FBI in 2003. I don't know if that was the plan or not. Just thought it was interesting.
    2.The Fake Kane story reminds me of the original plan for Ben Reily as Spider-Man lol
    3.I think it's the Days Of Thunder podcast said that Bischoff said somewhere(possibly 83 Weeks) that the driver of the white Hummer was supposed to be Carmen Electra. I'm guessing they just couldn't get her and just didn't know how to finish

  10. I'm pretty sure you talked about some of these before but Ravens "Seven Deadly Sins", Sean O'Haire "Devils Advocate", and Muhammad Hassan storylines all never had proper conclusions.

  11. Maybe I’m not recalling it well but there was an attempt at a NWA and separately an ECW invasion that never seemed to be resolved.

  12. For your follow-up, there was one example that sticks in my mind.

    When Eddie Guerrero was still trying to find his footing as a member of the WWE, they teamed him up with the Hardy Boyz as a type of faction.

    They started an angle where Eddie was able to win a match (I forget against whom), and he falsely believed that he won the match due to interference from Lita. Lita did come out, but she stopped at the entranceway because she saw that Eddie's opponent had fumbled a move and thus Eddie had the match won. The look on Eddie's face implied that he thought that Lita had romantic feelings for him, which would surely cause a rift for the group as Lita was Matt Hardy's girlfriend in storyline and in real life (this was before the Edge stuff came to light).

    To my knowledge, Eddie got injured again, and the Hardy's continued on as if nothing happened and Eddie's partnership with the group was never brought up afterward.

  13. I wasn't watching during the 2000s, I'm a little familiar with imposter Kane but you're telling me it was supposed to be taken seriously? I don't believe you. They have dark matches to test the waters as well as human beings with eyeballs to offer feedback. It sincerely looked like a comedy angle. I thought the gag was to show how comically demented Kane was that some B grade cosplay was enough to set him off or something. I thought there was a big joke I was missing context for.

  14. The backstage workings of Wrestlemania was suppose to drop the Wednesday after mania…. Also wasn’t there a biography about a fan that was dropped too?

  15. GTV was revealed to be Gobbledy Gooker on Edge and Christian totally reaks of awesomeness show. Also, I'm glad the Bellas are gone, if they return it'll be too soon.

  16. Mmmm, Could Baby Doll turn up in WWE, and do the whole envelope thing with Cody. Your dad wasn't that clean and well behaved, blah. Could thst work.

  17. The Lex Luger Promo was and still is creepy. I bet it was actually recorded bit the Camera itself forgot what It had recorded so we never got to see the rest.

  18. The Bootyman’s grand plan to take down the Dungeon of Doom that required Hulk Hogan to team up with him on Nitro in April 96. Bootyman no showed without explanation and then Hogan won the handicap match anyway. WB made fun of this in his intro on that episode of RTW.

  19. Best g tv was Val using a pisser by big show and looking at his thing saying “ and they call you the big show “ lol

  20. Tbf whatever was in the lockbox probably wasn’t anywhere near as wild as what would really come out a few years later 😂

  21. Man idc what anyone says the original Kane wasn't Glen Jacobs!! The 1st Kane was taller then taker! His build was also completely different! The original Kane was different I just don't care what anyone says and no one can convince me otherwise

  22. Wasn't it Riddick Moss who was revealed to attack Hideo on a NXT live show? I believe I heard something about that years ago but they just never revealed it

  23. Is that a new intro I see? Maybe I missed a few vids but it looks great, especially with Eddie playing in the background

  24. Brock Lesnar guy actually asked Edge who it was supposed to be who attacked him, Edge replied “ I don’t know man, they never got that far they just needed to get me off tv due to injury and they just forgot about it unfortunately”

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