Golf Players

Amateur to Pro Level IRON STRIKES in 17 Shots!

To help with these changes, we’ve teamed up with Hackmotion. To learn more about Hackmotion and to unlock a discount, make sure to check them out here

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so we need to have a drill which ensures that mythical ball first and then Earth contact and we want to do this without causing a big over the top and steep movement that’s important to know because it is possible to get that ball first and turf strike and get the hands ahead at impact by moving the club very much over the top Steep and hitting down too much so yes we want the ball first and the turf impact but we do not want to get it like this to elucidate these points and provide the vital feedback that we need I am using hack motion we’ve made videos before using this sensor and it gives data to allow you to master Club face control but also understand what is happening to wrist angles throughout the swing for more information on our good friends at hack motion make sure you check out the description below so I’ve set up a drill here which is a game changer to really help you understand impact I’ve got an alignment stick here sat directly above the target line with the ball at the very end and just ahead of the ball you’ll notice I have a broken tea and it’s that broken tea which is absolutely essential to making sure this drill is going to be effective for you so in lessons one of the biggest issues that golfers have is striking the ball first and then the turf however one of the biggest issues is simply the way that most golfers go about trying to achieve this goal most golfers will try and hit down by moving the upper body in this direction and Swinging steeply down onto the ball now this might get you a ball first impact but it really does look like you’re trying to dig a hole into the molten core of the earth now that’s not going to produce a good golf shot but instinctively most golfers actually understand this so as you start to move in this direction the brain is going to try and back you up it’s going to try and get the club head passing the hands in this flicking motion and that is why so many golfers get frustrated because they’re trying to hit down they’re trying to compress the ball they’re moving in but at the last second the brain says no no no and it’s that motion of backing up through the shot which is causing those fats and those St so the chances are if you are somebody who’s desperately trying to strike down on the golf ball this could be happening and it’s this drill which is going to allow you to get that feeling of hitting down on the golf ball whilst not swinging over the top now this is a three stage process firstly we have this alignment stick which is moving over the top of the target line and very much just over the top of the golf ball so if I was to move out and over and steep I would be colliding with the alignment stick before I hit the ball and if you go whack whack whack on that alignment stick it’s not going to make you feel very good about yourself you have to get the club moving more shallow and a little bit more inside to avoid whacking the stick whack whack whack and then this is the key we have the broken te just in front of the ball and what I want to do here is I want to move underneath the alignment stick almost pretend that the ball isn’t there and hit the T away if you’re at a grass you can obviously put like a normal te in the ground but if you’re using a mat then yes something just broken that you’re not going to miss in front of the ball the stick allows that inside path and then if we focus on the teg rather than the ball that is going to get you into position with those hands moving ahead the ball being struck first and then afterwards if the teg is clipped away we will know that your angle of attack is still moving slightly down now a drill like this is going to give you feedback it can spit back feedback like an angry camel so we need some technical thoughts and feelings to go alongside it as mentioned to try and get that downward descending blow most golfers if they’re struggling will move in this direction the upper body will move out and over what we want to try and do is get the lower body leading the way this lead knee this lead hip bumping towards the target it’s this motion it’s it’s this movement that allows room allows space for the hands and the arms to drop down if the upper body takes control that’s what’s going to throw the club over so firstly without the ball and without the TEEG we can introduce this later have a few practice swings just trying to get used to this motion so the club sits directly under the alignment stick just going to have a little swing back bump with those hips shallow and just try and brush that surface so let’s turn back hip bump and then shallow just move it underneath like so back bump shallow now the second bit of technical work that we can do is going to be very much exemplified and really shown in its full extent by using the hack motion so when golfers make that over the top motion and they come in steep often more than not the lead wrist is what’s known as in an extended position which means the knuckles are working more towards the forearm so it’s extended it’s in a CED position you may have heard on the hack motion it’s measured in a plus number so you can see I’m adding a number as I extend this wrist the reason for this is if you extend that wrist angle it allows the club face to open now if you imagine that the club is moving in this direction an open Club face here is very beneficial because it’s going to allow you to get that ball back to Target remember if you swing very much in this direction and the club face is pointing in this direction and we have a more neutral wrist angle the ball’s just going to shoot low left and you’re not going to allow yourself to do that if you’re focused on target so moving down extending the wrist allows an open face and a movement back towards Target obviously not ideal now a great feeling to have if this is an issue that you’re facing is as you move down towards impact is to feel like you’re revving with your left wrist on a motorbike a scooter or any real self-propelled vehicle with two wheels so the wrist rather than moving in this direction extending it’s flexing so you’re revving the motorcycle here another feeling here is that you’re getting your knuckles pointing more towards the ground the advantage of this is as you make that motion you’ll notice that the club also sits behind the hands a little bit more allowing an easier shallow position into impact now this is a feeling that when you start could actually be quite extreme but rest assured at the point of impact in reality it’s not going to be here similar to that crazy over the top movement your body is not going to allow you to hit shots from that position now again I would take the teg away to begin with but then just hit some little chip shots using the drill of the alignment Stick Over the Top of the the ball taking it back having a little bit of a REV if you can include that hip bump towards the target then that would be lovely as well so back and rev now if I’ve over exaggerated it we should have a little bit more of that draw position and I was really exaggerating that position so you can see it impact that I’m – 11 now that is too flexed but that is fine during this stage of the drill let’s see if I can just extend the distance of the shot a little bit more yeah pumping up there let’s just finish it there and now we can move the TEEG in and let’s try and syn up some of those feelings this is great because what the alignment stick does it gives instant feedback if you come over the top and you clip it you’ll know straight away this is why I recommend doing some half swings first over some short distances but now what I’m really going to be focusing on is getting that feeling of the knuckles at the ground having that rev transferring that weight and I’m going to be trying to clip the TEEG away so my target here is not so much to hit the ball it’s to hit the TEEG I’m just going to let the ball get in the way I’ve absolutely ripped that so I’m getting some good positions here I’m not going to try and rev as much with my left wrist just going to use that bump sweep the TEEG just a bit thin if I manage to move in this shallow position here and aim for the teg this should be about the impact that I clip the TEEG away from if you imagine where that’s impacting the golf ball you’ll notice here hands ahead weight transferred onto that lead side everything that we want to have if we want that ball first and turf impact as mentioned start with a high lofted club I’ve got an A here but you can do this with a pitch and wedge really start to build this slowly but after 17 20 shots with some practice swings in between you should have the basic feelings it’s melted oh my god do it just imagine just imagine right guys a huge thank you for watching make sure you check out our partners hack Motion in the description below this is a great device for testing out an understanding impact but you can use this drill in isolation as well if you want to continue your swing Quest please check out these videos here


  1. Watching this just reminded me of the vid I just saw with you and Rick 6 yrs ago at St George's Hill where you were (sorry about this Pete) carrying less " timber" and no beard but the moves are the same….. don't know if it's a good thing looking back but it's funny for us lol…🌟🎊🤩🥳

  2. You dont need any other advice to learn to hit your irons. The information given here in 10 mins is all you need. Teaching to come from the inside with a downward blow, bowed left wrist with your hands infont of the club driven by the lower body first. Thanks Pete

  3. At 2:15 on the final “No” my nephew thought i was shouting at him and started to cry. 😂. You’ve got some explaining to do Mr Finch. 😜😂

  4. Hi Peter, isn't is likewise possible to bow the right wrist installiert of Streichung the left one ? To me this is mich easier…
    Regards from Hamburg

  5. I tried this at the range today and then transferred it to the course for my round.
    It worked brilliantly, putting a broken bit of tee in front of my ball on the range and aiming for that instead of the ball really improved my ball striking.
    Thank you so much👍👍

  6. thanks pete!! i just learned to do this with my left wrist and it has made a world of difference!!!…. now i just have to learn how to repeat everything it takes to make a good golf swing over and over…. easy😂😂😂🤪🤪🤪🤪🧐

  7. My £11 56 degree Slazzy snapped at the hozzle the other day while at the driving range. Duff man. Capital D
    Unrelated, I now have a great alignment stick

  8. This is a great video to understand shallowing – and some key basics! Will check out the drill soon

  9. You have the greatest over the top swing ever, hahaha, I love it, and of course, because that was me at one point in my crazy golf career. So funny, man. but so true!

  10. Yoooo. This video is crazy. I’ve always been over the top swinger and I can’t fix it.

    I just tried focusing on true lead wrist flexion at impact (drill 2) for the first time in my life. I recorded my swing from DTL and my over the top motion was gone!!!!!! Amazing.

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