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GRAND SUMO: Final Day of the May 2024 Tournament – GRAND SUMO Highlights

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Day 15 upper division bouts from the May 2024 GRAND SUMO Tournament.

[Music] [Music] K and thanks for joining us on Grand Sumo highlights it’s day 15 the final day of the May tournament Shin onosato is our tournament leader after 14 days will he capture his first champion ship if he does he will become the first new Sak Rikishi in 67 years to win the top division title for Rishi breathing down onos Santos’s neck at just one of the piece the Thriller in the May tournament continues here on the final day please stay tuned for the entire show to find out who walks away with the emperess cup we start with tokki hayate against loga to m 15 combatants first meeting in the top division Toki hayate is the rookie a disappointing Mak Koshi losing record for the rookie Toki hayate loga suffered his makik Koshi yesterday he still has zero Ki kosi after competing for three tournaments in the top division strong charge by to catches with a good grip strong grip by loga loga overwhelms Toki hayate with his charge Yi frontal Crush out Victory fora he goes to seven and8 to ha 6 and N finish moving on we go to Takara Fuji against HTO Fuji Takara Fuji m 16 with a decent record of 9 and five but takarafuji ran out of his gas in the second week still good nine in performance H to Fuji 6 and8 four straight Mak kosi for the hard Pusher on the right the strong charge by hokto Fuji hokto Fuji keeping up the pressure hokto Fuji keeping the separation goes inside goes after takar Fuji hard and HTO Fuji gets the job done on day 15 oi Dashi frto push out and this is H to F’s 400th career Victory he finishes the contest with seven wins and eight losses It’s s armi versus Dam both Rishi Good Records nine and five each sanomi scored his second consecutive kachik Koshi yesterday on day 14 a very consistent performance from dud and this time his offense looked much improved than before good charge by sanomi he goes forward but dudan holdes ground chest to chest right hand inside left and outside strong grip by the two Rishi dudan goes after s armi s armi Retreats dudan breaks s’s strong grip and that’s all she wrote for sanomi as luden shows good defense and the strong follow through and he wins by Yi Ki sadomi finishes with nine and six losses D in the meantime goes to 10 and five very impressive performance they go chest to chest strong grip both Rikishi D hold his ground dudan attacks sanomi and watch how D breaks the grip there he goes and he goes after sanomi and that’s how she wrote moving on to the next match it is O 9 and5 against kiman 8 and6 a crucial match for OA the rookie right here if Osa wins this match he goes home with a fighting Spirit prize Kim bosan leaves the May contest with his first Kik kosi in three tournaments can OA the rookie on the left win here on the final day fighting Spirit prize is on the line for Osa Osa attacks with a strong rip from the left he attacks himan relentlessly and he gets the job done Oh sha goes to 10 and five and he leaves the May tournament with his first special prize the fighting Spirit prize congratulations to O sha is Spirited soon by o from Mongolia from start to finish Kim ban is a very strong rishid going chest to chest but the key to osa’s Victory is that left hand wat the overarm grip he attacks fiercely and Kim ban has no reply again right away Osa gets a strong grip with the left and that was the key to his win for sh attacks and kiman Retreats congratulations thank you how do you feel now I’m happy you had to win the bout today to get the prize yes I heard that when I was in the dressing room it made me nervous you were in the title race how do you want to capitalize on the experience I want to keep it up in the next tournament congratulations again thank you it’s tomaz versus Shai I look at tomaz 2 and 12 he’s banged up he’s rury to the top division tomok Kaz will be a rury to the second tier juo division in Nagoya in July Shai former oiki once again failed to meet his high expectations strong initial charged by Tomo Kaz Tomo Kaz and that’s a huge mistake on Tomo kaz’s part as Shai stays tight and pushes tomok out tomok 2 and 13 finish Shai goes to seven and8 osid Dashi Kik kosi is on the line for these two combatants tamawashi and ich amamoto they enter the final day at 7 and seven each tamashi enters the final day with five consecutive wins Oto hoping to pick up his first kachik kosi in in a long time let see what happens good charge by ich Moto ich Moto P that’s when tamashi advances tamashi wants to finish off ich Yoto but ich Yoto hits the thrust down at the last minute ich Yamoto was desperate to avoid ending the contest with his third consecutive losing record and he gets the job done on the final day he gets by tamawashi at the last minute [Applause] Kashi marches Tashi wanted to finish off ichot right here but a good strong thrust down by ich amamoto in the end ich amoto stays in the ring and hits the thrust down Kik Koshi for ich amamoto it is nishikigi versus turugo tur banged up on the right hand side three and 11 nishikigi will finish the May competition with his second consecutive double digit losing record suisho hasn’t scored a single win in the second week let’s hope he regroups quickly strong initial charge by Nish Nishi just escorts suisho out of the ring sish to bang up to hold his ground Nishi goes to five and 10 y win for Nish all right here’s sh and five versus maay also with the same record now for shaan noi his second fighting Spirit prize is on the line in this match if he defeats M he goes home with his second sun mayay feisty and resilient mayay is [Music] back M goes inside with the left stays tight keeping up the pressure on sh noi gets beat no special prize for shaan noi in this main tournament he goes home empty-handed maay shuts him down Ma’s smash Mouse Sumo is always fun and exciting to watch maay finishes with a double digit winning record 10 and five this is Ma’s first double digit performance since the 2021 March tournament Picture Perfect Sumo by m mesay stays tight and his Fierce offense shuts down Shan noi it is or no show against mishki Fuji both men with losing records oroso has fought Nishi Fuji four times in the past and on noo has held Nishi Fuji in check he is four and0 against Nishi Fuji can Nishi Fuji turn the tide and defeat onos for the first time strong charge by Ono Ono gains a little inside position with the right he pushes Nishi back Nishiki circles away but cannot Escape or noo stays perfect against Nishi Fuji or noo is now 5 and0 against the Nish Fuji Nish Fuji a double digit losing record finish onosho goes to 7 and eight moving on it is Oho versus Fuji oh made his presence felt by defeating two oi and two SEI this time that said we all know that he can do a lot better mid Fuji will finish the May tournament with his third consecutive makoshi losing record midor Fuji goes for the slap down it doesn’t work he gives up a lot of ground and oh thrusts midor Fuji out in strong fashion mid Fuji end the contest with his fourth consecutive losing Match 5 and 10 Oho goes to six and nine it looked as though Oh’s initial game plan was to gain a doubl inside hold he could not get it so he goes to plan B and that is pushing and thrusting and keeping midor Fuji at Bay and mid Fuji gets shut down by Oho Oho Smothers Midori Fuji with his Fierce frontal charge look Oho goes after midor Fuji and Midori fui cannot use his lateral Mobility to escape it is chirano II versus toaru first meeting in the top division Chi must be a happy camper as he will end the competition with his first kachik Koshi in three tournaments Toby zaru just couldn’t set any kind of tempo in his Sumo this time good charge by Toby zaru and Toby zaru right away hits the hioshi hand pull down and buries chiromi to the clay Toby Zar finishes with six wins and nine losses hiot [Applause] toosi it’s takayasu taking on gyama gyama quest to earn Saku debut in July comes up short he fought really hard competing at his highest rank this time though takayasu demonstrated his toughness by returning to the ring despite sitting out for several days with severe pain in his lower back chest to chest takayasu has a strong grip that is not his go-to weapon but Taka keeping things difficult fory right about the center of theu with a firm grip takayu bringing gyama upright and he hits the look at the execution by the former oi and gyama goes down to the clay hard takasu prevails so takayasu finishes with seven wins three losses and five SES not bad for Rishi who sat out several days in this competition takayasu scores his seventh win on the final day a splendid performance by takayasu perfectly executed Dash gyama cannot remain on his feet let’s go to H Umi versus mitake Umi both men at 8 and six hii has never lost to mitake Umi in the three previous meetings he only be looking good competing at his highest [Music] rank against maii banged up things have slowed down for charges covers with strong grip kiromi gets aggressive and gets the job done kiromi scored his fourth consecutive Kik kosi yesterday and homi shows another strong performance to finish the May contest nine and six finish for hiii with the early charge by Mai allows homi to gain his favorite grip right hand inside left hand sh grip and homi knows what to do with the grips homi gets driven back to the edge he recovers quickly and look at the aggressive fighting style by hi Umi he overwhelms mitake Umi all right here is the Highlight match number one it fits Koto Sho versus d a show at 10 and4 remember d a show is still in contention at the moment with four losses d with a two and one advantage over Koto now Dao must win this match in order to stay alive in the championship race Koso is slowly but surely making his presence felt once again as he finishes the contest with his third consecutive kachik Koshi in the top division good charge by D goodi move by Koto Dao knocking Koto back Koto goes after d Dao responds daso goes forward and Dao buries Cotto showall Daio goes to 11 and four and this means Dao will stick around in the kuga because who knows there could be a playoff at the end of regulation Dao stays in the championship Race by racking up his 11th win this was a fierce sea Soul battle by two hard pushers Coto Sho taking a lot of punishment but Coto Sho responds Dao rallies and Dao keeps Koto Sho at Bay moving on it is atami Fuji and taka noo going for Kik Koshi right here now atami Fuji is at m one so he needs one more win to gain his first Saku promotion in the July tournament in Nya a crucial match for Fuji Tak noo wants his kikosi as well at s and seven so who wants it more let’s find out Tako gains the right hand inside he drives atami Fuji back and out Tako blows atami Fuji away kosi for Tak noo a makosi losing record for atami Fuji this means there will be no Saku promotion fori Fuji in the July tournament taka noo gets the job done what a tremendous frontal challenge by taka noo there was no hesitation in Taka NoHo’s part today as soon soon as he was able to gain that rightand inside position that’s his go-to weapon he goes after atami Fuji by breaking atami Fuji’s grip and Tak good job this means that the May tournament is down to the final three matches kiaku performance indicating that only three bouts left in the May [Applause] competition here is onos Santo waiting for his turn he’s in the lead right now the magic number is one for onos Sato if he wins he clinches the championship his father in the stands just praying that his son will deliver once again to capture the empress cup looks pretty calm onos all right be before we get to onos sat match we have wakao Haru versus Ur wakao Hara SEI an injury to his right big toe on day six completely derailed his performance this time Ruda enters the final day with eight straight losses can he come out on top for the first time in nine days R is taken to the edge but he recovers in rallies and he gets the job done with the doubling inside G woto Anda finally ends his long dry spell UDA was on a eight match losing streak but here on the final day he wins what a turn of events for UDA UDA began the competition with a perfect 6 and0 record but since then he hadn’t won a single match and he entered the final day with a dismal 6 and8 record but he wins and finds the daylight on the final day wakamoto Haru with his aggressive style of sumo but Ur offend off wakamoto Haru gashi and Ura defeats wakamoto Haru a sigh of relief from Ura he finally ends his is a long losing streak here is now the Highlight match of the May tournament it’s onos the tournament leader against ABI who is still in the championship race at 10 and four they’ve only met once onos defeated Abby byi in March so this is their second meeting if onos sat wins this match he clinches the title his father still praying that his son will come out Victorious to capture the emperor cup the biggest prize in Sumo Abby is a one-time champ he wants to defeat onos to keep his title hopes alive here we go Abby with a two hands thrust onos shoves ABI back and out onos sat defeats Abby and onos is the m Tournament champion what a performance by onos sat and his father is very happy seeing onos sat winning his match and clinching the emperess scup oros SAT simply blows Abby away another strong performance and onos the [Music] sh wins the championship onos becomes the first newly promoted sanyaku in 67 years to win the top division Championship his father becoming very emotional furthermore in addition to the emperor cup onos will leave the competition with the the outstanding performance award and the technique prize what a performance by the shinui onos onos fs off abis attack he goes after Abby and he shuts down Abby look at Abby Mor Zuki but it didn’t matter onos was almost like an immovable object and onos sat just plows ahead launches and defeats ABI in a very convincing fashion onosato is the champion ab’s offense never moved onosato back we move on to the final match on day 15 of the May tournament this is the oiki showdown between hu and this man Koto zakura Koto zakura at 10 and four and so is H so Koto zakura just couldn’t deliver in the clutch moments of the May tournament in particular his defeat to Obby yesterday was very costly today he meets h show you the fellow oi they lock up strong grip by look at the unlock throw by Koto zakura and Coto zakura wins on the final day to finish the competition with 11 wins and four losses hor show you 10 and five so again Koto zakura got beat by ABI which was a costly defeat I’m sure Koto zakura wishes he could have that one back it’s too late now but a strong performance by Koto zakura kot zakura inheriting his grandfather’s shikona or the ring name from this tournament a nice 11 and4 record but he knows that he could have done a lot better zaka with a strong KAG performance another championship ceremony the Sumo Association chairman Haku reading the championship Proclamation and onos is about to receive the empress cup for the very first time there it is from the chairman hakak to onosato the 29 kg Empress Cup in his hands for the first time [Music] how do you feel about winning your first title I came close to winning the title in the previous two tournaments but didn’t make it I’m glad I finally achieved it do you remember the moment you won the bout yes how did it feel the huge row of Applause made me realize that I actually won the title what was on your mind when you were sitting on the ringside for some time after the about well my stable Master told me yesterday I should not be overjoyed even if I win so I told myself to stay calm your family is here today and your father was in tears I’m happy many people in your home prefecture of isawa are still reeling from the disaster you said you wanted to encourage them by marking winds how do you feel now I am really happy that I was able to show my victory to the people in [Applause] ishka you marked double digit wins as a new Saku which means you are already at the starting line to become an oi I will follow my stable Masters instructions and continue to work hard to get to higher [Applause] levels all right that’ll do it for the May tournament onos sat is the main Tournament champion the next tournament will be held in Nagoya in central Japan which kicks off on July 14th so if onosato can keep up his good work and continues his dominance for the next two competitions he could move up to O within 2024 the next big thing Ono sat is the May Tournament champion and thanks for watching the highlights of the May tournament on NHK World Japan we hope the show was as much fun for you as it was for us please join us again when we come back for the nagya tournament in July Arigato and SAR

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