Unlock the Secret of an Effortless Downswing Using Nelly Korda’s Arm Move

This video is all about the golf swing. I hope you find it useful.

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okay guys let’s talk about Nelly cord’s golf swing this is a swing that my wife has taken a lot of inspiration from and she’s recently got into golf and has been bitten by the golfing BG and he’s very very keen to improve and quite often shows me videos of her golf swing compared to Nellies and is always interested in seeing what the comparisons are and when I was looking at her golf swing one of the things that I think is is really relatable at an area that every golfer can improve upon is coming in towards the downswing position and particularly what your hands and arms are supposed to do so with students that I work with one of the things that I’m always encouraging them to do is to understand exactly how your arms should be hitting the golf ball because a lot of people tend to and that’s why I’ve got this uh this alignment stick sitting in this uh basket here because it produces obviously our our swing plane or our incline plane and a lot of people are under the illusion that in the downswing position you should really sort of drop your arms down this way um and then sort of Hit the golf ball like like so and to be honest that’s just not right and that’s not really what you want to be doing I I personally think even if you’re somebody who has a tendency to swing a little bit over the top you still don’t necessarily want to try and convince yourself that you need to fall that far underneath the plane line um like so and and that’s why I think Nelly swing is a really good example of the idea of keeping your arms in front of your body so the first little exercise I’d suggest that you practice is bring your left arm or your lead arm out in front of you and then bring your lead arm so it’s opposite your Trail toe and that is basically about as close as your left arm should ever get to your chest in the golf swing so if I now bring my right hand to join the sort of left hand and then sort of you know get my hands into a position that would emulate a downswing so you can see the way the back of my left wrist and my right palm are facing you that’s basically me coming in towards the downswing position so if I do that exercise again but this time if you imagine I was going to hit a ball towards the wall so we reintroduce This Plane line here the point is is if I do this and then I do this you can see where that brings the club and that’s really what you want so if I if this was my sort of Swing plane line see if I can prop that a little bit more vertical there like so so again left arm opposite my trail foot right hand joins the party let the back of my left wrist face away from uh towards the range there back in my right wrist in the same direction that brings me into this position this is key because from here your arms are in front of your body which means that your arms can stay in front of your body as you come in towards that downswing so you can strike down on the back of the golf ball now if we agree upon that then the question that some of you may well end up having is well if my arms are that far in front of my body how don’t I end up swinging you know too steep or how don’t I end up swinging out to it one of the things that you have to do if I was to show you from this face down perspective is that your hands have to keep moving okay so if my hands keep moving you can see the way my hands now start to move more upward so in the start of the down swing my hands W very down and then as I start to um as the club head starts to reach the bottom part of the Swing you can see the way my hands are now moving up so allowing my my hands to move upward allows the club to drop down and that’s what creates a shallowing movement so that’s one of the things and then the second thing that stops you getting into this position and coming down steep is what I said you got to keep the Palm okay and keep the back of the left wrist facing opposite you for longer right so as I come down like this and see the way that brings the club down nicely on plane and then as I get closer towards the bottom part of the Swing then I can allow my arms to rotate and then let my arms continue that rotation on the way through so what can we learn from this golf swing this fabulous professional golf swing is you can be way more efficient if you can get your arms more in front of your body it will make you a better quality ball Striker I’ll see you soon


  1. Been watching your vlogs for a long time now, so understandable, having been an LTA/DTB German /tennis bund, for all my life, and now retired trying to understand the wonderful game of golf, i understand the ability to coach is always the player and never the game, i guess we can all pickoutthe relevant parts as I personally just dont have the range of movement anymore, been playing 10 years , average 3/4 rounds a week, was at 6 for a while and now play around 9, lacking in distance as usual, but the shortgame is tidy, but I play golf for different reasons aside from a handicap, social./trips etc, just wanted to comment and thank you for your work, shame Im in Salisbury and youre in Solihull, regards Fraser

  2. I think this may be the best advice I’ve heard, at least theory wise! I’ll practice a lot of this feel next range session 🙏

  3. Absolutely Spot on to many killing their game with shallowing and lag nonsense, getting stuck, experienced and great teachers like Mike Malaska, Monty, Dan Alton all say get the club out, instead of pulling with the left hand

  4. I do that exact drill with my teaching Pro. Is worth putting some insulating tube or pool noodle over the alignment stick as occasionally you may crash into it and this'll protect the club.

  5. Getting that left hand over the right toe with the back of leet hand facing away from you is a grest thought for a perfect delivery position into the back of the ball accompanied by a lateral weight shift onto the left foot. Hits the back of the ball every time. Best piece of advice yet!

  6. "Hands in front of the body". Have heard that so many times but I can't figure out where the hands are then, as opposed to not being in front. Does "hands in front" only refer to the point that you illustrate, i.e., when your hands are on the ball to target line? And if they're not in front at that point, where will they be?

  7. I have been playing golf for 30 years I have countless videos I en I ck leadbetter asans Ballard adams merrins this is the best ever video rotating my left arm to my right toe and keeping the back of my hands facing the front of me I hit the best shots ever with effortless effort I still hit some loose shots ut I'm really incouraged thanks again ps I have tried everything the next best instruction was by chuck hogan nice shot

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