The Drunkest Golf Tournament In The World!

Daly Cup is back for another year! This time we are at Diamond Oaks in Fort Worth, Tx. The rules for the 2 man scramble is every beer is a shot off your score and every shot of liquor is a mulligan! We are trained professionals PLEASE do not attempt.

Cole from BustaJack joins in on the fun!

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I’m doll touch I’m scoy and this is the drunkest golf tournament in America I don’t know why did it go in I’m scared he’s pissed bro he’s so pissed his eyes lit up like Christmas it attack you yeah this is going straight in those trees I told you it’s getting really hard to do things yo can you bring me the pink Whitney why are you taking it make it cuz I love it great [Music] oh can you see in my eyes can you see it in my eyes go to your home I’m not sad how how beer now done with every sip I take my body’s like hey buddy here we go what’s going on ladies and gentlemen welcome back we are out here at the daily cup where we at what country club Diamond Oaks we’re at Diamond Oaks in Dallas the daily cup is a Twan scramble each beer you drink is a stroke off your score each shot of liquor you take grants your team of Mulligan it’s going to get sloppy fast without further Ado we’re going to shotgun a beer out of this cool little Contraption here and start out two under before we hit a golf ball cheers lad ah refreshing it’s too early it’s 9:00 a.m. by the way also from Jack here hey D we both just almost yacked we’re still fighting the foam it’s kind of sitting right here right now keep in mind this is day three of us hanging out together so naturally we’re hung over not good should be fine let’s go over there that’s fine should be all right wow did I ever just pull that though did I ever you’re going nowhere [ __ ] right I got you for five minutes can you maybe like I don’t know we haven’t eaten yet it’s what is it 9:30 we haven’t eaten so should get bad all right we got like 260 so I’m just going to hit forward it’s up there okay okay I mean it’s just in front of the green we have no idea how these greens react we didn’t test anything out we tested nothing now run roll out yeah shot that’s real nice that’s real nice I’m too scared to use a wedge right now due to lack of self-confidence and golf skill so I’m just going to bump an eight iron got that’s an okay result it’s pretty not bad it’s bad good roll it goes a little more than we think yeah damn it same putt oh we what o oh yeah you like the red rocket wow you like the red rocket that would match his outfit you guys should trade that thing turns I think we’re going to have a little bit of a a match going on here too on the side I’m kind of excited little match on the side with all mag over here a little side action all right little par on one we’re two under good stuff worried about my body with the no food thing I haven’t drank on empty Tummy in a long time dominoes do those like emergency pizzas anywhere anytime okay come on that’s up there we’re fine got a good look at the we got a good look at the curvature of the hole now now you let her eat okay yeah I got over it that’ll be up a ways there it’s just so far from the car path it is so far it’s car path only lovely what you got there little claw wow you know what is it 2017 you know me I’m no man I don’t like beer oh it it’s a flyer yeah holy Christ nuked there goes touch up and down for fire we got I’ll tell you what the swing suit very restrictive at the top oh man [ __ ] very restrictive in my ass I got to get I got to get some swing dude I’m so tight still up and down for par wheel that’s real nice look at this action go in the hole what a shot holy freaking crap and totally redeems himself at John Daly over there fun bite fun fun all right well that’s a part we need to drink what are he doing there’s an entire hole no sips I’m scared you want to see that no that’s good all right that’s a far no they’re feeling the pressure they’re feeling the pressure all square ah FK and crud that’s good God it’s so good you ever had one of these no what is it Miller Miller Light yeah it’s French mil mil mil see you there hang on that’s a bit left off the path that’s so far away that’s so far away from where you want be a hero little nine IR nine iron action that’s got to go that’s a good Miss it’s got to go we’re okay with that Miss oh no it’s great distance wow it was great distance wow it was great distance I felt like I hit that really fat W it was great distance the goddamn brand new 2016 Nike irons that’ll do it sit it’s got to sit oh my god oh boy yep treacherous But Here Comes Mr wedge sit shot Christ on crutches I did the same thing again what do you want Scott to not bogey this hole and it comes down to a dilemma here yeah I think we should Molly too catch you want two oh [ __ ] dude hands what’s up dude what’s up bro I might throw up yeah you want me to do it do you can you do it yeah okay I’m not feel I’m not there yet you’re you’re a [ __ ] hero for this by the way what we want to do so worth it so worth it oh what a shot wow that would have been cool that would have been epic epic epic that’s the right [Laughter] idea sweet Mother of God he’s done it what a moly have I contributed no am I here yes thank you good job that’s all you thank you what a hero hole nice I got to do something cool oh yeah position a oh bringing out the square I know I want to try and do something cool I know I do cool now I know I cool now nope get through sounded like a little crank what are we thinking where’s oh I didn’t like that sound after here oh if that catches any amount of liquid that’s puke so everything’s going left everything’s going left poppy oh there was some foam at the end of that one got free swallow lovely swing scootsy lovely ball scootsy we got a putt coming a short what was that short you nine yeah yeah n’s like my 160 165 okay yeah well it’s a little short that’s on me I talk to it too much yeah that’s on me I’ll wear that oh bump and run though I mean it’s yeah it’s it’s it’s going to be an up and down type of day I think briting we’re busted Jack bridg rating brid rating wow concrete pretty good very smooth very smooth exit the exit very smooth brother big team wedge guy huge wedge guy all right up and down for par let’s go throw a Barker trundle caught that a little fat no why did it take that [ __ ] kick that’s not horrible no it’s just the green where we take six shots and die and then ruin our whole day yes go that’s so unfortunate I’m going to lose sleep over that one tonight no right in the center of the C no that sucks for everyone on our team just a little too much speed well I mean I wasn’t going to leave that short yeah Fair thinking I think it’s a good time for it go crazy man want me to go you got it holy [ __ ] it’s a squirrel look at him he’s want to say hi I’m not [ __ ] with bro go get him nope he wants a hug he’s chall no he wants to kill me I can see it in his [ __ ] eyes he’s challing you mid map Bey little eyes he’s got high ground what’s up brother no it doesn’t have to be it’s a [ __ ] squirrel DOL Jes that jump on my face literally on my face you think it’s Nest no it’s still it’s very much here and he’s very much guarding the cart he’s pissed bro he’s so pissed dude pissed up look how pissed he is he wants some nuts look at these wants shots I hate everything about this stop bro I’m scared it’s not [Laughter] food he’s like [Laughter] oh I just [ __ ] short on it again bro scre I should have backed myself off I felt my back swing I was just like wow this is not going in this looks a touch farther than before get up damn yeah that sucks it’s tough sure does to see take another that sucks to see yep swing when you’re playing that baby Fade with the driver dude it just gives me so much confidence oh for me no cut to it kick right it’s up there it is up there oh it’s in the trees that is far from the bar that is far from the cart path God damn it that’s a fat [ __ ] that was just a fat [ __ ] oh and it’s just bladed [ __ ] shot son of a nutracker just wanted to try you know a stinger wedge you know Sean of a nut you don’t see those often up skate no need two more feet on that that was going to be really good I can’t I can’t see dude there’s [ __ ] [ __ ] hair in my face dude look at this [ __ ] it’s ridiculous can I get an outfit Mullan I had I had this right here you take the you take the wig off I was I was making wear the wi wig are coming off y’ got to be hot in those jumpsuits I already have a mullet anyway I was about to say the mullet Works they’re so slow got to hit it they are kind of they’re a little grabby oh wedge player and it’s just terrible okay we’re going to make this fighting for bogey scrapping for it it’s a [ __ ] no-brainer y definitely no-brainer [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] thank Christ oh he’s so clutch thanks Dad so clutch another bogey that’s two Bogies in a row you stop it right now we’re going to be figh we’re going to be fighting back here we’re two down on the match as well but honestly they’re not even drinking oh I’m hammered I’m hammered am to dude I was sitting on the couch in this outfit watching hockey last night if that tells you anything as to where we were at oh that’s another [Music] beer the wigs and the sunglasses had to come off after the two whole stretch of Bogies we can’t have that and those definitely don’t help anything at all golf wise so we’re stripping them yes pop was the wig swing good swing dude that was awesome 17 Scott we’re only one back now we popped hell yeah brother [ __ ] gorgeous I love it we’re too over just went bogy bogy two over two over par we’re plus two we have two Bogies and all pars but how many beers have you drink yeah enough to party there you go we justy three beers in as many shots I got to be an athlete here and run this one up the right side of the bunker and let it trundle on damn it just too much oh my God oh my God I’m [ __ ] just skull [ __ ] everything good idea good idea bad execution eh yeah that’s all right [Music] dude Down the Hatch doing it oh yeah ooh for a [ __ ] 20 footer like that we got it good okay I like what I see I like what I see a lovely great lovely putt very nice thank you what a good par we lost and we’re still too over that’s all right well beers we’re warming up count beers we’re four under we’re warming up it’s time for another beer that’s what you need right you know why don’t you [ __ ] gun some with all that mouth why don’t you [ __ ] gun some with the toy you got a Ranch Water I do you want that on it do it fun stuff we love to see it doesn’t get loose off and when he does he’s real fun it’s with dto typically typically yeah it’s going to be the most unimpressive thing no it’s going to be tight dude you got to take take some pressure yet and then push her up now trigger and sip trigger and sip you got to pull her hard there you go there you go yeah comes at you there eyes lit up like Christmas it attacks you getting intimate with that one I did pretty good those eyes lit up like Christmas morning brother good stuff oh yeah this looks get [ __ ] hole climb it’s got to go right shot oh darts in yeah shot o now they’re playing swing like uhoh oh he’s just too big there was too much Club he got a too big of a cop I wasn’t playing for a perfect shot a seven incher right there I don’t know okay I don’t know and I’m scared not everyone knows how to do everything I’m [ __ ] scared I don’t know you know how to drive I don’t know how any of this [ __ ] works with every sip I take my body’s like hey buddy hey there bud another one Crush her Crush her step on her there get up just a push off the face was it a yeah yeah he pushed it pushed off the face but was good putt too much tuna too much tuna there’s too much tuna on your plate oh for [ __ ] oh the walkin you want to use this Jes Christ you want to take this one or what I’m thinking about it that’s a tough part yeah it is a tough putt yeah it is a [ __ ] tough yeah but look at how easy look at how easy he made it look yeah I know I could do it I I do it if you want Crossing alcohol is going to be tough share it do half and a half might as well just finish it that’s for Scot still golfing you are right there still golfing same thing dud the same you pushed it again I don’t feel like I’m pushing it it’s just right off the face you’re just you’re mangling it comes down to am it’s just going like dead right off your he’s clutch he’ll make it oh same [ __ ] thing dude just a shot to take a shot God is that my own birdie yeah it’s a natural son of a biscuit son of a [ __ ] Nutcracker how how beer now done drink forever no more beer yeah this is going straight in those trees I told you yeah that work the ball perfect hang on it’s perfect oh there it is great ball it’s got to be so good brother oh [ __ ] all right let’s get up and down it’s a good birdie op it is we need a circle here I know he knows I know he knows I know [ __ ] it’s got to go got to go damn now I have to hit a good wed shot hit it fat it’s crazy oh Dalton [ __ ] is that mine that’s mine look at me wow that’s a nice little crescent you got there oh so unlucky good roll that that putt was bouncing back and forth it was it was [ __ ] all over the place yeah breaking left right you pulled that that was the original line I think y got one yeah pop hole get [ __ ] I mean it was playing tough from 44 out look back at it look at me like that you do unfortunately there was poop in [Laughter] that oh God nothing like good fart rips a wet fart and he goes looks me in the eyes goes fortunately there was poop in the head I just air mailed my beer all over the place I’m not hitting holy Christ I told you this is the straightest driver I have ever hit all right keep it up wow wow we can make far from there told you I lost distance what the [ __ ] going on you also use the driver for yeah it’s a 200 6 driver yeah no [ __ ] that I’m out 2006 driver but driver’s [ __ ] 14 years old keep up Scott it’s not a brag Cole let’s F let’s [ __ ] fight that kid we going to drop the gloves with you here soon [Laughter] Cole yeah that’s so good release oh it’s deep sit it’s a little deep dancing [ __ ] yeah damn it but if it was if it was like 15 ft more right it’d be better we are due for a putt numerically wise I mean we’re competitive hold on idiots yeah it’s happening boys you guys are in for it now good read that yeah that’s what I was worried about it looks straight but I didn’t want to tell you that I was just I was just getting getting you fired up you know I wanted to tell him but I wanted to see it get there hey that was really bad if there’s one thing I hate it’s a straight putt [ __ ] a straight putt cuz if you miss you know it’s directly on you not a weight not a line if it’s a straight putt dude all right we got a power five here we’re looking for a circle still this could be the spot it has to be the spot this is where we score run should trundle under run run get through get through get through get through oh it’s going behind the trees it’ll kick out come on come on we’re struggling guys we’re struggling the comments the comments YouTube either that or I was going to be like I was going to be like jeez look at that tur cutter oh no it’s on you hey I’ll wear that do you want a shot you need to take a b again we got the pink Wht whoa you got chill pink wit yeah we don’t have that trash ass tequila like last year we actually you you guys should do take a couple rips right here and just store them up and then you got Mulligans on Deck I don’t know if that’s in play uh maybe who knows wow just get real good best in the game I love that little vodka action come on wheels how we doing doing good sing the dream one day at a time che che mom put the money wow I could drink all that yes sir yes sir it is no I’m still snapping it how about another one you get you get to hit I Can’t and you get two mine’s fine mine’s fine but it’s just not very far well it’s also a part five this we have to score here [ __ ] you guys must be just baking in that y brutal we are cool shirt dude you get that from [ __ ] H&M you like that yeah we kind of we beat it on the sunscreen again too he was like you got sunscreen I was like buddy I [ __ ] up you’re too I didn’t really know what was going on when I picked my outfit this morning you look like a a model that developed alcoholism you’re just jealous like an exat model like a child model that just really fell off you like that but still wears the clothes big in the 9s [Laughter] shot shot it’s 265 I mean it’s it’s never me it was never me nothing what I do there matters so no you just got to tank it sometimes you just got to tank it you just got to take damage and hope your support is there just got to tank damage sometimes and hope that you can get healed you know pop a bat I’m gaming pop a bat [ __ ] right back inere Buu like the peie sh well done that was a gulp that was a [ __ ] gulp why am I just pulling everything like hard left hard left that’ll work that’s going to run forever hun in up and down birdie oh my God this is so birdie B you’re fing looking sad I’m not sad I know sco’s wedge game is normally like I you’re typically a pretty good golfer yeah and you’re du and I want you to feel confident over this ball and feel good over it and hit it holy [ __ ] how far is it 110 [Laughter] oh [ __ ] little de take another shot I’ll take it we’re taking another one the balls are not Limitless by the way I did bring like 12 God damn it yep we suck pin High [ __ ] not on the [ __ ] green though do you make par I sure do hope we make par is what I meant to say just wedge it just going in yeah oh good try oh good effort good try little low there that’s good put it away put it away for a pure On a par five in a scramble they [ __ ] win again for [ __ ] sake [ __ ] plus four in a scratch against a [ __ ] an eight and a six we give him four strokes join me c stay out of it oh he’s alive stays alive he’s going to chip that in too I know he is will he is I know he is I’ll take five shots still I TI it in oh my God my game has just gone down a laundry shoot good Tracer there oh there it is oh hang on need the number oh oh we’ll take that it’s the [ __ ] closest to the hole Why didn’t it go [Laughter] in and I go left oh no oh no looking real good right now yeah 100% if I’m taking this shot then the rest of my game is written off you took the last one yeah I took one of the Fairway so did I we took two [ __ ] shots from assole we did yeah no you’re right it’s my turn I guess I suppose it’s myune let’s let’s split it half ghost Stars ghost Stars oh he does it all yeah it’s much better it’s a little better it’s a good much better dude we’ll give it we got to see it you got to see it you got to see it video got see got see got see got got for the video got to see it all right that’s a that’s a juicy game that’s a five-footer well a four footer that’s too much that’s too much down 20 holy [ __ ] is that your southern accent see that’s a g me all day good pot that’s a stroke back come on Cole Jesus Christ oh do we win that yeah you got a pop there we got a [Applause] pop yo I need Marco Polo to shotgun one yeah we need a we need a gun need to free Mulligan whatever cheers [ __ ] that’s good feed this can you see it in my eyes can you see it in my eyes a bad experience with Fireball recently and I’m 28 so it’s real I just yacked in my mouth four times swallowed it but we’re winning we’re winning right now we got got it but I mean you could see it look at me fighting fighting hard Mother of God that’ll play that tree and you’re perfect yes sir that’ll play right look at him he’s back freaking right stalton feeling good powered by Fireball yeah I’m [Laughter] fine oh [ __ ] nope not even close I got to straight arm this how how much do I I have inside me probably seven shots seven shots and six beers we each have about four like five to six beers and like [ __ ] seven shots want me to straight arm this n straight arm it [ __ ] [Music] it could have been a way better straight arm if he would have [ __ ] give me the green light earlier sorry that’s on me man we’re switching the order you’re going first oh no we got to do something something’s not [ __ ] working right now there’s like 85 sit sit tight do you feel like that was like a an 88 shot like an 85 shot I just swung the fact that I peering it was crazy bite bite bite bite bite bite oh it was dead center it was going right at it see you see you you shut the [ __ ] up good shot oh shut up [ __ ] and take a shot if we don’t make it oh what a [ __ ] great boy that was clutch come on now great pot kid kid let’s go kid let’s go kid hey good tie there fellas shut the [ __ ] up oh [ __ ] you’d be home right now if you felt like I Do by the way you guys ow us that [ __ ] gun I’m this need a gun right here oh yeah this hole I heard that last hole let’s do it oh you’re all fired up now let’s do it you’re all fired up now big pull there you go Bud look at that thing look at that unit yeah that’s a good man right there got them flowers on come on now oh he’s sucking it down breathing suck it wow that’s a long one through the nose this is a long one oh [ __ ] that does come at you pretty good it does yeah it comes go that’s for coal that new beer but if but do Wheels never done one here give me the camera oh unlucky Wheels that’s tough that’s tough I I’d fight for you but they’re right hit sh there you go yeah there he is he’s shaking Shing little alt in [Laughter] there no no it comes at you no I you got the bubble you got the bubble yeah no I took ringed right now I took the shot holy [Music] [ __ ] sick it is tough we’re Lally hitting out of clay what want me to take a shot I thought that was in the hole we have a reserve shot okay do D shot oh there’s so many [ __ ] trees there is oh both those were perfect that’s it that’s it holy [ __ ] Christ there’s a lot of trees hit that sit sit 4T pass hole 4T yo can you bring me the pink Whitney no no this is me this is me why are you taking you got to make it CU I love it am I taking one too or you putting one in the B I’ll I’ll keep it here until you guys make it fun you got oh I like that [Applause] cat go in your go God go your loc imagine people were saying you fell off magic sauce imagine them watching that putt the magic sauce they were right they were right I’m not going to lie I really wanted to that was for by the way for par you should have hang on a [ __ ] I find PS right side I lost it yeah I got you about [ __ ] time I do something holy [ __ ] [ __ ] I’m [ __ ] pissed off wow so piss you’re just doing that solo got another one no it’s not empty shot that’s so good I’m not hitting cuz I don’t have a ball thank you I’m not going to hit the ball’s in the cart I don’t want to get it that’s that’s good really good yeah we’re so back no [ __ ] way I’ll push it I’ll push it oh there it is put it in toe mode I [ __ ] got her but that trust it was never me it was never going to be me I was Dr a beer for that that’s was fire that was manly I was like it’s hot you put it in toe mode it unlocks all the [ __ ] brakes and it just [ __ ] [Music] H good good put there good putt can you grab that for me it’s a little higher I need to see a little aim Point got it I want to make it my god wow damn oh they’re scared oh they got a couple Tails between the legs couple of Tails between the legs that’s crazy that is cool good putt that’s a good putt that’s a good putt can I have that give me that we only have one ball left give me that give me that good touch I’m just joking I’m I’m joking I’m joking jok joking I’m joking y’all know you won the hole right y told him that three times told him that three times we won hole oh [ __ ] we need a birdie so bad [Laughter] sure you’re so close so [ __ ] go she got to go in the just go oh [ __ ] go to your home go to your home bro that was one of the gnarliest lip outs I’ve ever seen I was dirty I was so dirty I’m deflated I’m totally deflated now we won the hole we still made par we’re still two over we’re going to lose to them obviously what do you mean we’re only down by three there like five holes left yeah [ __ ] lighten up take this [ __ ] shirt off you’re sweating too much I can see your [ __ ] skin through it it’s wet this is wet I’m fine you don’t like it wet I love it wet yeah gang Beauty you’re ball I am so [ __ ] up so [ __ ] up that last Fireball hit my ass pretty good yeah you shut your [ __ ] mouth you’ve drank nothing nothing got like four drinks two iron there it’s in the same pattern as my driver that was struck nice that’s on that’s on oh it’s yummy yeah good shot good shot it’s yummy like I’m hitting good shots but they’re just not good enough do it tight yeah tight Scott this is this is this is dead straight uphill dead straight uphill straight up it is not dead straight uphill I got glasses that I know that’s not dead straight it’s not dead straight it’s like two cups left but it’s it’s Pace it’s pace Pace yeah it’s Pace it’s Pace bro it’s Pace putt like I want you to hit a normal putt if Mad Jack’s feet would I thought I was better at putting hey good effort I told you it’s way more than straight well that was dead straight butt stra straight butt dead weight you got hit it’s not dead weight you told me to hit that’s two balls out yeah I put him I put him two cups out I said his feet are the hole 4T uphill that’s what I’m saying oh trades [Laughter] tra that’s that’s [ __ ] dirty it’s a [ __ ] partyice ad it’s a party it’s a party well that’s a wrong wow PornHub damn it see you you caught that amazing I did I didn’t catch it well but it’s just a little sprayed it a little bit [ __ ] yeah that’ll play BM kids automatic I’ll tell you what it’s getting really hard to do things oh hell yeah [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] fluff it up why do you bury it in the rough yeah I’m trying to it’s just not like I use my hand I’ll use my hand I’ll use run up up up up up up up up up up up up up up basically putting that was a good shot we’re basic Wheels that’s a good shot B potting yeah oh no I bipped it that’s a pretty good pot there that is good speed both of you [ __ ] off you’re still out but [ __ ] both of you oh I love it that’s in that’s in come on climb that’s a great PT dude what a birdie shut up it was close they give you a true read should have taken years dude the [ __ ] Fireballs coming out n so down for that he’s got this I believe in him look at that thing oh it’s going up now the queen bee would make this butt Wow Come on evil can eval sorry that that was this sorry that was all my Noggin thank you never a doubt about time he sinks one damn good did you see that floaty I did it came on down and I was like Wow here we go nice and easy don’t think about it zero thoughts and it’s sprayed right over the bucker get over it come on do you got this you might need a three-wood no give it to me give me a three three give me 3w almost had it all right I like this more textbook [ __ ] what that was almost a [ __ ] $6,000 [ __ ] practice swing that’s on him on him there bud on [ __ ] him holy [ __ ] get left it’s the best one of the day what a shot what a [ __ ] ball it’s on the green Del yeah ow ready to go I’m ready to go ready to go are we are we chugging it ready to [Music] go God Bless America mhm MH mhm how bad are we good shot that was so good dude that so good dude [ __ ] where the [ __ ] did that so good that was yummy great chip you got to hit that you got to hit it way harder hit it way harder I’m literally trying my best I’m literally doing my best I appreciate that go we’re like four over uh I’m happy gilm moing this we’re two over still are we yeah D woke up this morning he goes oh [ __ ] I’m going to do a big favor I’m going to order the entire house [ __ ] McDonald’s it’s going to be great we’re going to wake up at 8: in the morning we’re going to have McDonald’s breakfast sandwich is we show up Do’s like food’s here we open the door there’s nothing there go to Dalton comes back from Walmart he goes oh [ __ ] he goes I ordered all the food to my house in [ __ ] Austin so now there’s [ __ ] $90 worth of [ __ ] McDonald’s breakfast sitting at his [ __ ] porch in [ __ ] Austin and we’re sitting here with an empty [Laughter] stomach yes no point in me Hing here does not miss Fairways go this club doesn’t miss Fairways bro you drive at like 250 you’re a [ __ ] puss now I know I know I [ __ ] warned you about that no you did not he got you again it’s a [ __ ] 2006 driver hard sounded great oh yeah it’s got to go got to go or it’s got to sit probably has to sit wow depth depth perception is a little [Applause] off sit that’ll play I mean I’m just blatantly hammered just like so [ __ ] up we’re staying here till we make it by the way I agree with that statement we need a birdie we need a bir a single one Circle have you not no you’re kidding me we’re we’ve been sitting at Plus’s no way there’s no way there’s no way we’re tied I promise you this is for the wind right here this hole all right it’s soft just really soft just really limpic just really limpic [ __ ] they got to sink this same putt do we take a shot are they taking a shot how many you got you’re supposed to bring the rest of them are we just doing it like until we get it 18 green they want one too okay I think we have two of their Fireball shots in the back as well hands team ohore I want you 2T past here 2 ft past 2 ft past mentality not actual just mentality oh the [ __ ] just mentality just firm firm that’s a really good pot dude that was firm it’s about 4T P that was that was dead center point I judge two and four it was a good putt it was a good putt [ __ ] Christ it was a good putt a little higher all right call come on I don’t want to put this block the [ __ ] out of that for 50 oh game of inches oh that stayed straight well that’s a wash ladies and gentlemen cool I’m okay with that that’s [ __ ] Terri all right well um somehow someway we just played 18 holes of golf I’m not sure when it happened a single birdie not a single jingle we finished two over two over par two over um it’s not great but that is the daily cup the drunkest golf tournament in America 100% we are both absolutely slaughtered I feel amazing we had a significantly fun day round of golf today and I wouldn’t have it any other way all right well touch te’s off scooty doll Touch daily cup 18 hes two over best in the world best in the world best in the world wouldn’t have it any other way all right thanks for watching subscribe like do whatever appreciate you hey see you in the next one


  1. This was my fav golf vid on YouTube last time yall played in this tourney! More of this and more of greasy Scootsy!

  2. Can’t wait to beat this and have the drunkest golf tournament in the world this weekend and then the next weekend and then the next weekend and then the next weekend….

  3. You probably already know this Dalt, but just finished the full swing on Netflix and you can see yourself in one episode for like 3 seconds. Just thought it was cool. K. Love you

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