Golf Babe

Episode 4 | U S Women’s Open On Deck ft Defending Champ Allisen Corpuz

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[Music] hello everybody and welcome to the fourth episode of inside the LPGA podcast I’m hope Barett a reporter and host for the LPGA Tour and I just want to start off by saying thank you everyone so much for listening and for some of those who are watching because it would not be possible without you guys so keep sharing keep engaging with us because we love it it is the week before the US Women’s Open presented by Ally and I am here with the Adam Stanley and the imali guys how’s it going it’s going great obviously uh last week uh was at the uh the men’s major championship the PGA Championship kind of a week unlike any other for me I guess but mostly some of the folks in the field it was a week unlike any other for them but uh happy to be back We’re Off to the Races we got the US Women’s Open it’s cooking I can’t can’t wait to see the venue can’t wait to see who ends up winning this tournament and uh yeah I mean we’re you know we talked a couple weeks ago about the the podcast kind of just into this summertime stretch but we are firmly firmly firmly inside of it and uh it’s going to be fun it’s going to be a fun couple months Emma how’s uh how are things going for you I am good I’m actually in an off week myself I didn’t get into the USL and sadly this year but actually played Lancaster in 2015 which is pretty crazy so I’m excited to get into that um actually had my a little girl that followed me around all week with Emma’s fan club t-shirt so that was like such a good memory to have in Lancaster so I’m excited to talk about that excited to talk about um Nelly and Hannah and just get on with it but yeah off week for me before I head to um shop right in a couple weeks for the lpj event so exciting stuff very exciting so Emma you kind of mentioned what we’re going to be talking about like you said Nelly Corda who’s doing absolutely insane things on the LPGA Tour and Hannah green who is also doing insane things but somehow Nelly is outshining her which is crazy but we will get to all of that in a minute first things first we have to talk about our sleigh of the week Adam you kick us off big big big personal sigh I just got a very nice email uh I got some some exciting kind of Tourism uh projects that I’m going to be working on this summer in uh in Nova Scotia which is in the eastern part of Canada so going to be there for a couple days the very beginning of July and then another couple days uh kind of the third week of July uh going to be playing some golf eating some food uh talking about my experience for a couple of projects and videos and some really exciting stuff this summer so I’m very pumped so stay tuned uh for for that effort in in a couple months time and uh for the second the second trip I get to bring my family out there uh to just north of Halifax in Nova Scotia so I’m I’m very pumped for our our little summertime trip and summertime work so it should be fun yeah congratulations that’s awesome thank you Emma what’s okay my SL of the week you know I’ve talked about this before but it’s a grind on the lpj tour so my husband is a caddy on the lpj tour like I’ve said before um so our lives are just very very busy and he’s from New Zealand so our off seasons are always booked so we decided we were going to take our first trip outside of family and golf and we took it this past few days um out literally it was in the middle of nowhere it looked amazing though it was it’s glamping I’ve never been glamping um I definitely have been camping and it’s not really my thing but glamping is my thing um it was great just to have like a couple days where we could just think and be together and and basically not have your phones and like technology so it was great to just kind of unwind for a couple days he’s doing a lot right now he’s got a lot on his plate I’ve got a lot on my plate so it was great just to kind of be and realize like sometimes in life we just need to like have a moment and that was my moment it was great very cool trip just be I think is a great it’s a great line sometimes you just just got to be it’s great yeah instead of be our new tagline yeah instead of just do it it’s like just sit just sit down for like a minute just chill life’s hard so yeah I’m excited it was great what’s your sleigh girl well my sleigh first of all I want to book that place that you stayed at because it looks incredible and yeah I’m probably going to book it at some point for this year cuz I want to do that but it’s called bolt Farm Treehouse if anyone’s wondering it’s so good so fun it’s so cute um I also was how do I say this I was just chilling you just be yeah I just be yeah I was like how do I use this in this in this terminology um so like you said Emma it is a grind things have been pretty crazy lately especially with like the summer really just kind of getting started so I decided that like I was going to take a spa day so that’s what I did all day yesterday I took Spa at Kalahari Resorts it’s I think it’s actually a chain it’s like multiple places in the US but this I’m in Pennsylvania I’m in like a really random place in Pennsylvania right now but it’s actually a really cute town so yeah I spent the whole day at the spa got a facial massage and it was like the best thing I’ve ever done and I’m so relaxed today so that is so fun I feel like all of us need a little spa day for and take some time for ourselves and just be um talking about some fun stuff that’s going on my sponsors at Surf Pro um stepped in a big way for our podcast they are the official Mulligan partner of the lpj tour um I’ve done a lot of work with them and their whole thing is like is there ever a time that you’ve wanted to take a mulligan in golf or in Life or just like a different dinner perhaps um we’re going to start asking everyone that we interview this question but for just to like hear what you guys have to say what would your Mulligan be and maybe you don’t have one I’ll start um yeah first of all shout out serve pro for stepping in we’re so grateful for you guys um but mine is just like a recent Mulligan because just a couple days before my spa day I had like the longest day of probably my entire year it’s like one of those days where if something’s going to go wrong it’s going to go wrong and then the very next day this is where my Mulligan comes in okay guys so I went to Texas A&M so I’m not wearing it right now but I have a Texas A&M ring and it is not a cheap ring and I’ve always been scared of it going down the sink and falling down the sink and I was in my hotel room and I accidentally bumped it and it went into the sink and there was no stopper and this thing was just spinning around the sink it was just going and I was like trying to catch it I was trying to catch it well in hindsight I should have just put my hand over the drain yeah but instead right to catch it but I didn’t think about that so my Mulligan would be to put my hand over the drain but instead it fell down the sink I had to get maintenance they had to come take the whole pipe off to get me mared so I got my ring Mulligan my Mulligan if I could redo it I’d put my hand over the drain but hindsight’s a great thing okay Mulligan Emma talked about dinner okay so a couple nights ago we’re always trying to find new ways to get so I have the listeners probably know this already but I’ve got a daughter she’s like a year and a half we’re trying to get you know protein iron trying to make sure that we’re mixing in you know food for her as she’s growing developing etc etc so I was like okay what’s something easy that we can do and and you know just figure it out that she can hold in her hand and eat and you know we’re discovering things but meatballs easy make a tray of Meatballs tray of roasted vegetables Off to the Races fire up the oven 400° easy peasy whatever I leave the kitchen I come back in the kitchen I was like I’m sweating and I was like it is so hot in here why why have we done this why is this happen and I I look on Twitter and the local news has tweeted that that particular day the day that I fired up our oven to 400 degrees for half an hour was the hottest day of the year to this point and I was like if I can use my Mulligan it would be to have made a dinner like on the barbecue or something along those lines because it was it was much too hot we don’t we didn’t need the oven we didn’t need the oven it was the hottest day of the year so that that would be my you need it mine would be um a few years ago I got into a playoff on lpj tour and between the time that I signed my scorecard and got back to the te I it had gotten really cold and the wind shifted and I decided to go ahead and hit the driver like I had because I could carry the bunker in in the normal round well this time I hit my driver and I hit it right in the bunker it’s a par five you layup like I if I could go back in time I would have hit the hybrid or fivewood just short of the bunker and then I prob I would have won because we actually both hit it in the bunker and like if I would have made car I would have won so that kind of stinks but that would be my Mulligan I would love to take a mulligan on that t- shot um yeah so anyways I don’t think anyone um is needing a mulligan named Nelly cord though just saying no she is not needing a mulligan and you know what’s crazy so let’s just get into it guys so we’re coming off of muho America’s open where spoiler alert if you didn’t already know this she won absolutely crazy but so yeah Nelly is a beast I feel like I’ve said that on every single episode but she actually said I mean and you can kind of see it wasn’t technically like her aame in her eyes you know she had three bogeys on the front nine go ahead Emma did you see her interview I’ve been saying to you guys the last few weeks is she beating us with her B game in her interview she did that she said I had my C or D game today wait what that’s not even your b game it’s your C d game okay cool thanks Nelly appreciate that um I finished Co making us dfl last week so thank you very much and she beat me with her C your D game cool story so love that for for everybody else our podcast co-host yeah crazy so in her last seven starts she’s won six of those tournaments and this is just crazy because I don’t think I’ve ever seen this like Emma have you I mean obviously Lorena anuka you know like there’s been some Legends out there but kind of speak to what Nelly is doing and I mean not to say crazy again but like how crazy I mean I think the coolest thing is we’ve kind of talked about this if you look at you look at all the kp& stats if you look at all everything from the past you know 50 years even the players and I’m not taking away from Lorena or ANUK or all these girl women that did the past but I will say the depth on our tour is huge and shout out to Grant Boon too he posted the other day that um Nelly’s points are more there’s a difference between first and second between second and the last person that’s on the Rolex rankings that’s how many points she’s beating I don’t know if I said that correctly but basically she’s killing it and it it’s just crazy cuz the depth is so big out on our tour like I’ve said before it’s crazy to win once but now she’s won six out of seven tournaments and it really is just insane and the fact that she did admit that she had her D C or D game on the final round and she still won just shows how good her game is and I don’t know if we can see this from stats but I mean I got to watch the last two rounds and she just hits the ball so well but from my point of view the differen is right now with her is she can putt her putter is hot and that is every I mean she already hit the well the last few years but her putter is just so so hot so it’s pretty crazy um to see her do this and um yeah it’s fun getting beat by by Nelly Corda by like 50 shots with her D gameo I love that I think the EM Emma your point about uh the stat that you posted or that Grant posted which I think it’s almost deserving of of another mention cuz hope you’re using words like you know it’s crazy and Emma’s just like it it’s wild to to see and kind of bear witness I think now we’ve kind of transcended any of those adjectives and really put uh Nelly’s season now into just just history and historical you know record books and and as we look back on you know the year as a whole like it it’s only May right and she’s she’s won six times and it’s that that Gap that she’s continuing to spread between her and Lilia Vu numbers one and two uh she’s got more than twice the points on the Rolex rankings and then Emma two your point from Lilia all the way down to number 620 it’s not the difference is not the same like it Nelly is beating number two by the same amount that Lily is beating the very last person in the Rolex Ranking so um you know when you look at that when you look at just the win when you look at the golf courses she won she won a match play tournament she won a major championship she won with her crd game she won from behind she won when she wired a wire like pick any of those things and then pick the historical fashion in which she has won or started this particular season and it’s it’s it’s not unlike any other because we’ve had people who have won six times in a year but you know to start in this way and then to almost say like I’m here come beat me Good Luck is is incredible and just to point out her bad week was a Todd for seventh she she was complaining that she was hitting the ball like crap and then she finishes seventh like that’s unheard of as well her bad week’s not missing a cut anymore it’s like oh I can still like yeah pretty crazy so love that Adam um yeah that’s pretty crazy and thank you for uh re you know I can’t today like I couldn’t I couldn’t get out what I was trying to say our stats guy as Emma called him earlier our stats guy which Speaking of stats I feel like this is a good time to actually talk about our KPMG performance insights it’s on Nelly of course because why wouldn’t it be at this point so I’m just going to read it Corda is hitting more than 75% of her greens and regulation and is gaining 3.29 Strokes per round on the field in her last seven LPGA Tour starts do mik drop so you mentioned her her putter that it’s hot but what about her hitting all these greens and regulation she’s always hit it so good she really she’s a ball Striker um yeah it’s pretty nuts but uh Nelly Nelly Nell that’s what the lpj is saying like it’s just crazy um but she’s doing a lot you can women’s golf and as a player like yes it’s hard to get beat every week but she’s also doing so much for the game so I think everyone on tour is kind of appreciative of her and she’s and she does it in a classy way which is also great like she’s a good person she’s very nice she gives back she like we have Jane Park um they were selling Grace hats and she told everyone like if you get a hat I’ll sign it behind the fourth green and she did like she signed every Grace hat that people bought so she she’s just a good human being so Everyone likes it yeah absolutely and I think too you were kind of talking about how she does it with Grace and respect and she even talked about in her post around uh press press conference and interview you know she was like I loved that battle out there with Hannah green so for those of the people who didn’t watch her and Hannah went head-to-head all day and they birdied the last like they birdied the same three holes on the back nine it was was crazy to watch they were just neck and neck I was like who’s going to win like I had no idea and then on the very last hole um Hannah hit her a t- shot it went left and Nelly Just parred to win but like Hannah is having an insane season she’s the only other player to win multiple times so I mean Adam to see what she’s doing but to know that she’s actually getting outshined by someone somehow I mean what like what are your thoughts on that see it two ways like from the Nelly quter perspective you know if you’re the best you want you want to keep beating the best you want to keep proving yourself as as number one and there’s a very obvious at least as it stands right now a very obvious number two in in Hannah green and I think Hannah from an objectives perspective she has to be thinking like God damn like I’ve won twice in eight events or whatever it is any any other time I to you know winning 25% of your starts to to start the season you got to be thinking like I’m doing everything right it just so happens to be that the person that there’s somebody else who is doing something that hasn’t been seen you know since 1990 or whatever it is from uh you know from an American Golf perspective and then you know at least a decade prior uh from an overall LPGA perspective so I I do think that if Hannah starts comparing herself to somebody else you know she she may get down but there’s literally no reason for her to be down on a her performance or be her you know her results to this point so you know she knows that if she’s going to win more she’s going to have to beat Nelly Corda but at the same time you know as it relates to the LPGA as a whole she’s having a pretty darn good season as well so I think I think you know Emma to your point real quick about just women’s golf in general yeah okay we we’ve got Nelly cter doing something that we’ve we’ve never really seen at least generationally but if there’s an obvious person that can provide you know some some drama some statistical comparison some you know down the stretch they come kind of efforts it’s going to be incredible especially as we’ve got four more Majors to go on yeah and we have the Olympics like they’re going to fight it out probably for the Olympics which is like really cool and just to like I got to watch like I said the last two rounds and it was really cool on number 15 it’s kind of a tough t- shot and then the second shot and Hannah hit first and Hannah hit it to like four feet y’all and I was like oh she’s about to go one up on Nelly then Nelly hit it to two feet and they both made birdie and I was like Wow and they probably had like eight irons or seven irons in like it wasn’t like they had wedges and it was to a tough pin on the right side of the um like there was a slope on the right side of the green a bit of a false false side I guess you would say but like it was not an easy shot and the whim was into off the left like it was a great performance and like you said it was really cool to see coming down the stretch and I did feel bad for Hannah because obviously you don’t want to like quote unquote lose it like she did um you know she had a kind of a crappy t- shot left and then she I don’t really know what happened on the second shot but then she had an aw awesome Chip Shot I don’t know if you guys saw it but she had this awesome Chip Shot and it got up to the hill the pin position was kind of crazy um and it and it rolled back it was probably 5et and then it rolled down the hill to like 10 feet and she missed the putt but um yeah it was kind of it was kind of like uh H but she like you said I mean she is playing so well right now and I feel like not a lot of people are giving her enough credit cuz she’s like you said she’s won 25% of her tournaments and that is UN that that is that’s that’s like if Nelly wasn’t doing her thing everyone would be talking about Hannah green at the moment but because of Nelly it’s getting outshined um but she’s having a great year yeah yeah hope real quick uh and then we’re going to keep keep moving on obviously it’s a major week we’ve got to get excited I think Emma just to kind of put a pin on on your on your conversation about Hannah Hannah and and her season you know scoring average she’s number two behind Nelly quter I’m going to pull out some stats but she’s number two she’s only a half a stroke behind Nelly Corda in scoring average for the season up to this point and then Greens in regulation she’s third and Nellie’s first so when you look at you know just the way that she’s doing it like they’re they’re pretty much neck and neck it just so happens to be that Nelly has managed to take a handful more events across the Finish Line than Hannah but I think as we are looking ahead to the balance of the season the big events the Olympic Games as well when it comes to Spotlight on Olympic Golf you know imagine if if Hannah wins two more times or something like that before the Olympics right and we’ve got a six-time winner and a four-time winner and you know we’re going to go on this big time Olympic um you know hope back to you but you know as itates to just women’s golf in general dream scenario this is super exciting y this is amazing I honestly couldn’t have drawn it up better myself I mean seriously when I started at the LPGA like four years ago I have seen crazy growth even since then which has been really amazing to witness and to have like two people doing what they’re doing now Nelly and Hannah I mean I think it’s just incredible and to see we’ve talked about this in past um episodes but to see women’s sports kind of having like their full moment and I just I love it you know so pretty cool but I want to move on to the US Women’s Open because it is the second major of the year we are returning to Lancaster or sorry Lancaster I’m going to get eaten alive if I say Lancaster here in Pennsylvania Lan I feel like that’s just like my accent just barely coming out but um so yeah we’re back here in Pennsylvania we were here in 2015 where inie Chun won and we’ll get into that in a minute cuz she has been incredible since she won that tournament really involved in the community but a good little tie in from Nelly and Hannah that I just want to quickly mention Nelly in her like Pro poster on press conference said that this is one she like she really wants to win um and she said she’s really put a lot of pressure on herself in the past just because she wants to win it so bad but her first ever tournament she played in or that she said was a 2013 us woman’s open and that’s when she realized that this was something that could happen and then Hannah was actually at the tournament in 2015 in Lancaster and she was watching Ki web outside the ropes and so she’s returning but she’s actually going to be playing with this crazy run that she’s on so with all of that being said I feel like they might actually be putting a lot of pressure on themselves so Emma coming from a player perspect perspective how hard is it to go into a week that you really care about and to what I did last week I mean that week was really important to me and I failed and like I hate to call it a failure but it’s just that’s life um but you know I think you just have to take a step back what they’re doing in golf right now they obviously have their games in tip tip top shape um and I think that you just have to play one shot at a time as cliche as that sounds it’s like a major week you really have to my husband always says all you have to do is CL concentrate for 20 seconds at a time and it’s true like sometimes you work yourself up to like moments and you think too far ahead or you think in the past but golf is really about staying where your feet are and being where you are in the moment I think major championships you can really get ahead of yourself because the courses are so hard that anything can change at a drop of a hat you know you make a double or a triple you put yourself in a bad position off the tea um so I just think like you just have to stick to your game playing and just one shot at a time as cliche as that sounds but it’s it’s just true during major weeks yeah and obviously defending this week is American Allison corpo and thankfully we get to catch up with her so let’s toss to that interview all right guys I’m so excited for Allison corpo to join us Allison first of all thank you so much for getting on and doing this with us of course thanks for having me yeah no um I just wna I think we should just get right to it obviously it is US Women’s Open week you won this tournament last year at Pebble Beach absolutely insane I honestly remember that week like it was yesterday I remember seeing you come down 18 it was so cool but is it kind of crazy that we’re almost a year out now and you’re defending your first LPGA Tour win and a major at that yeah I mean like you said um sometimes it feels like it just happened yesterday sometimes I kind of just wake up and I’m like did that really happen um even still like a year removed um but no I’m really really excited for the week um I was out at Lancaster for the media week about a month ago and um you know back now and yeah looking forward to the week it’s going to be a really good one yeah I mean I think we could just kind of talk about the fact that I know you were on a podcast I think it was sometime last year and you actually talked about you thought about quitting golf at one point which i’ I’m also wondering with like professional golfers like has everyone maybe thought about it at one point like do I really want to do this um and then you also almost had to withdraw that week cuz you were sick at the beginning of the week so I guess it worked out so in general what does that say I guess just about how much you love the game and the fact that you stuck with it and here you are a major Champion yeah I mean for the record I do want to State like it was never like I want to put down the clubs fully um it was just um should I go pro should I you know like get a regular job still enjoy golf on the side I’ve always really loved the game a lot um it was more just you know obviously I’ve had a lot of friends you know who turned Pro before me kind of saw how the grind was especially like my older college teammates once they graduated just watched how they performed out on tour and right um it’s been a lot more fun than I expected but obviously it is a grind at points so yeah I mean I just wasn’t really sure what I would be signing up for and I mean thought about just not turning pro um but obviously really happy that I did now yeah yeah it’s been so much fun and um I mean I figured just give it a shot and see what happens Emma I know you have some questions for our reigning US Women’s Open Champion yeah of course um I’m going to start off goe and then we’ll go to the phone stuff but I think I have a couple questions just like regarding like how you prep and like you know obviously our our major weeks the courses play much differently than just like our normal weeks so do you put any different clubs in your bag do you prepare any differently or do you just keep everything pretty much the same I try to keep everything pretty much the same um I’m not too much of an equipment changer in general so I usually kind of try to hold all of those off until like offseason so offseason where you’ll see me really like testing out clubs and stuff um once the season starts like unless you know there’s an emergency or unless it’s just replacing like an older club with the same thing um I don’t really touch my equipment up too much um and as far as practice um doesn’t really change too much I’d say between a major and a regular event more just how I’m feeling for the week like let’s say you know I’ve been on the road for a few weeks I might be practicing a little less or right um just just where my game’s at right like if I felt like my short game wasn’t as good the week before maybe I’ll work a little harder there instead of the ball striking in an upcoming week um just stuff like that but keeping it relatively the same week to week was there anything that you are since you went to Lancaster about a month ago is there anything particular that you’re working on in preparation or do you feel good about your game at the moment yeah um definitely the short game I feel like that’s kind of in the area that I need to improve on this year um just hasn’t I haven’t really been putting as well as i’ I’d want to um and then I feel like us opens are always a ball Striker course so a lot of drivers a lot of long long irons um fairies and greens like you said um I think Majors typically just set up a little longer so maybe focusing a bit more on the longer irons instead of like you know the wedgees the short short irons totally okay so on to the on to the fun stuff okay so you got engaged and you kind of kept it a secret for a little bit um and I was like I remember texting you months later being like you’re engaged and you’re like yeah it’s been a while um so like how’s the wedding planning going are you guys do you have a date set what what’s going on have you picked out a dress or you I feel like your Vibe is really chill so like I could see you being like I’m not gonna do one yeah no we have not started planning at all um I mean I told him this is this has kind of an off season project I think um I I mean we’ve been dating for just over six years now so for me it was kind of like there’s there’s really no rush um yeah and yeah I mean I’m really excited for it but it was also just something I didn’t want to be stressing about so I was just like this is this is all stuff that we can think about later yeah and you got engaged in the offseason so it’s sometimes hard because like you want to celebrate that and then all of a sudden the season and it’s like you said it’s a grind and you don’t have time to plan anything and so then obviously like wait till the next off seon kind of thing I think that’s I think that’s pretty common like on the LPG tour it’s just too hard to do everything and you really have to like prioritize what you want to do in the off weeks and stuff so kudos to you because I know that planning a wedding is super fun but it is a bit hard when you’re not present um and then so I know you’re pretty chill I know you love you’re a nap taker I’ve heard about your naps from the the lpj world what’s your longest nap you’ve ever had during a tournament week oh man um I mean is that true yes I’m a big napper um I didn’t know this but I also don’t drink coffee so so caffeine hits me really hard so that’s what I try to explain to Jay is like I’m offsetting it with the Naps um yeah I usually I mean usually they’re pretty short just like 45 minutes an hour oh um but like I mean but there have been times where I’ve like you know forgotten to set an alarm or something and like I want to say two and a half three oh that’s a good one you went into your Rim cycle on that one yeah I try not to do that because it does mess up my sleep for like the actual night um yeah but it happens every once in a while yeah and I feel like too I mean tell me if I’m wrong but I feel like most of the time I see you doing all your practice in the morning so like it makes sense that you want like a 45 minute nap like I feel like you’re always out there super early right yeah I try to do most of my prep really early I just feel like the course is a lot less busy then totally yeah um so what do you do like in an off week like this past week you obviously like had some time off are are you a book reader I feel like I’ve talked to you before you’re not really a TV show kind of girl are you are you more of a bookie are you a nerd a bookie yeah I read a ton um that and then just just kind of hang out um I actually just moved to Vegas so been doing a I gonna ask you so so um just got the blinds installed yesterday um been doing a lot of yeah just been doing a lot of Home Project recently but nice yeah it easy um sorry are you going to like no I’m like interrupting you are you like a interior designer are you getting someone to help you what’s your what’s your go-to style of Home Decor um I think I’m GNA take it slow and do it on my own I’m not an interior designer but um Happ happens um okay so we have a new sponsor this um this week it’s dropping this week and it’s my sponsor Surf Pro and they’re the official Mulligan of the lpj tour and so my question to you is if you had a mulligan in life in golf and like what you had for dinner last night what would your Mulligan be Allison I think I’m a little superstitious and I’m one of those people where it’s like everything I’ve done has gotten me here um I don’t know if I would change anything there’s definitely a few like like I said like I’m not an equipment tester there’s been times in the past where I’ve tried to do that and it just didn’t work out there’s maybe a few times where I would have gone back and said like hey like don’t try to do this like just stick with what you’ve been doing um yeah stick with what works but no I mean pretty happy with where I am both both Eng Golf and in life that’s awesome joy peace okay one more question for me and then I’m turning it over to Adam since you’re a Vegas girlly now are you a are you are do do you like roulette do you like what what’s your game of choice I’m not a at all like slot machine like where you put like 20 bucks in a slot machine I have gone on the slots before and I think that’s the only thing I I like Blackjack um nice there we go there we go yeah but in general not not a huge Gambler is your fiance no not at all okay well good luck on the slots dollar slots good luck I hope you won the million bucks my mom just won like $4,000 or no oh my gosh oh my gosh I don’t think it was 4,000 I think it was like 1,600 now that I’m saying that out loud oh but she was doing she only put like a dollar or something like crazy like $5 in a slot machine w600 so it is possible fellas it is possible okay Adam very quick Allison I think you you’re sticking to winning money by by playing golf tournaments so that is probably the the best thing moving forward buted all right it has worked out just fine especially obviously last year at the US Women’s Open at at Pebble Beach do do you ever you know after that win happened do you ever kind of zoom out and think like wow like of all of the people that have won events at Pebble Beach you know my name is on that list like how cool was that moment for you yeah I mean I think it’s just been awesome I mean now that it’s been almost a year just I mean I have a lot of friends who have gone out to Pebble and just send me pictures of you know my pictures up in the tap room and um I mean the the plaque on like the the Walk of Champions wasn’t completed when I was there so um they sent me pictures of that and it’s it’s just been really awesome I mean just even even the trophy like being able to bring it to my family like have everyone hold it and take pictures um yeah it’s been really special I love that speaking of speaking of special speaking of special our our our segment is called Instagram investigation I think we’re kind of still workshopping that title but we we found we found a fabulous throwback photo on your Instagram there’s Morgan pressle and yourself I think this has got to be almost five years ago now maybe maybe four or five um you know a very very very young Allison but but tell us all about uh this particular photo and that moment and uh maybe what Morgan pressel’s meant to you yeah um so I think I’m like six or seven in that picture a and um so I actually posted it I don’t know if you you’ve seen the second picture but that’s from the US Women’s Open in 2020 there it is yeah so love that so anyway so the young picture is me and my brother and Morgan um we were just out at the LPG event in Hawaii growing up and I mean she spent so much time with us just signing everything we had and I just remember thinking like she was so cool and yeah I mean could not have been any sweeter to me and my brother and then um just looked up to her I think from that moment um and then just saw her chipping at the chipping green um in 2020 and was just like hey like I have this picture from a really long time ago like I don’t have it on me right now but I’d love to take like another picture with you love it oh that’s cute so yeah so then she was just like okay like post like me the old picture like I love to see it so we took that picture and then yeah um so that’s how that that post came up and then now I mean I’m really grateful to you know like consider a friend and a mentor I mean she what she’s done for I mean solheim cup assistant Captain last year this year and she’s just so amazing I mean even on the broadcast she just brings so much insight and I just love hearing how she would like approach situations as a golfer herself and yeah I mean I just have so much respect for Morgan very cool what a moment what a uh what a photo what a throwback absolutely loved it so thanks for uh thanks for taking us down memory lane we do one more Adam I really want to see the other one um of like her crazy outfit okay let me let me try to track we’re one more CU like we had two because there was one where you had won a a trophy that was a gigantic sandal so that was going to be one that we uh that we were going to pull up but this is the one that uh that Emma’s talking about a graduation maybe of some kind yeah uh that’s high school graduation yeah got chips a Hoy on your B chips oh Hoy and it’s it’s truly and and it’s incredible and we we got to know what’s the backstory give us the Deets yeah so I mean in Hawaii it’s I guess like kind of a tradition where like you give play for um special occasions so I mean High School graduation we had it at blazedale which is a big arena in Honolulu and yeah I mean we have the ceremony and then we just have like an hour and a half where you know your friends your family can come out find you in the crowd and give you l so come in that’s so special oh so you can just put I mean whatever you want like so you can do flowers you can do money you can do um snacks yeah and you just lay it on you do you like chy is that how happen um no it’s really just would hope so just what you what you gift to other people I mean oh cool it’s not pictured but I think we removed like two stacks of Le before before that picture um but no it’s it’s a lot of fun just yeah just like a celebration um you just get a ton of L that’s cool did they do that for you when you won the US Open they didn’t um but I mean like graduation I feel like are like a number one event I mean like maybe like a wedding or like you know any kind of like special special occasion um you can really just bring we need to bring that tradition to the mainland yeah I like that me too that’s nice I’ll bring some this week you know I’ll run to the store I don’t know where to get them but I I’ll find some don’t worry um Allison speaking of are you going to get do you know if you’ll get married in Hawaii uh haven’t thought about it too un sure yeah I I was to say following Emma’s em great um I wanted to ask quickly too before we wrap up it was pretty cool after you won Barack Obama tweeted at you and I just think that’s crazy the fact that I mean no presidents know who I am so how cool was that uh just to you know see him mention your name and congratulate you yeah I mean it’s awesome I mean I just kind of remember like in that moment like it was such a whirlwind like everything was happening so fast and then I’m in that press conference and I think it was Julia saying like hey he tweeted at you to play round of golf um it still hasn’t happened yet but I’m definitely gonna gonna hold him to it and try to get that done in the future um I know it’s awesome I mean yeah I mean I remember being in fifth grade and like you know we’re learning about elections and stuff and he’s running and um um yeah just to to be from the same island go to the same high school um yeah it’s pretty Co do you know him uh I don’t know she will though and know you’re about to be besties Go Allison that’s going to be them soon okay well just one more question how excited are you to defend this title yeah I’m I’m so excited I mean it’s going to be another great great venue and I heard probably record-breaking in terms of Spectators so yeah so I’m really excited just to see yeah and I mean the course is awesome and USGA always just does does a great job so I’m looking forward to it amazing well thank you so much Allison for joining us we’ll all be cheering you on and so excited to watch you go out there and crush it as always 1 2 three go Alison woohoo you go girl okay Emma so with Allison we talked about how incredible the crowds are probably going to be this week and you played at this tournament in 2015 so can you just kind of talk about you know going back into this week in Pennsylvania what people can maybe expect to see and what you took away my dad was on my bag that week um and we had a great week together I actually finished pretty well I think um I didn’t get to take home the money because I was still an amateur at the time um but it’s a cool Town first of all like every day after I would finish my round I would go out and all the Amish would have strawberries and fresh fruit and we would go and buy um some fresh fruit on the way home so I hope like the players get to experience a bit of that and um as far as the golf course is concerned just like Allison said you know you have to hit your you have to hit the um Fairways and you’re going to have some long irons um that you’re hitting into the greens your short game’s important really everything is important but from what I remember it seems open when you’re on the tea box because there’s not a ton of trees but the rough is super super thick and it’s deadly so I think hitting the fairways and definitely um your approach shots are key and I think the players that have those two things they’re going to have a pretty good week um usually in a US Open shooting even par you’re at least going to have like a top 20 top 30 so um it’ll be interesting to see how the course is set up I know the weather could be iffy on a couple of the days so it’s just going to be an interesting test and it always is like I said you usually have like three wooden to a par three you usually have a couple long par fours um so it’s just a brutal week so I’m excited to watch from afar I wish I was playing um but I because I’ve seen the golf course it’s going to be a little extra special for me just because I’m when I see it on the TV I’m like oh I remember that hole so I’m super excited but it was cool to see in um not to like switch back to that but it was really cool to see when I was there in the past to see NG win and then it’s crazy like I I think it she’s only one like all majors which is insane she’s never I think she has like one just like regular toury crazy I think this is her first win in Lancaster and she goes back like every year for like doing different donations and different um scholarships and so I think that’s really cool and she’s a good person as well I think most of the girls in the lpj are um you have a few bad eggs and then most of them are the rest are great but uh enie is she’s so talented like on and off the golf course she’s an artist she’s very intelligent she’s super nice um so I’m excited to see her play as well because like we can’t forget about her she’s a great player she’s going back to defend really her title at the US Open um even though we just had Allison on like she’s the last person to win at this this golf course so it’s goingon to be interesting to see how she plays and she’s a great player and she knows how to get it done in Majors so it’s going to be cool her I think coming back yeah I think it’s going to be awesome I think it’s a good week coming up and I can’t believe it’s already the second major of the year I feel like Chevron just happened but before we close out we have to go in to our quick nine so for those people who have been listening we do a quick nine every week and we all have three things that we just briefly touch on so I will start you guys I want to talk about Lydia Co obviously we have to talk about Lydia Co she is still just a couple points away or one point away sorry from getting her getting into the LPGA Hall of Fame so if she wins this week I mean talk about a crazy moment winning the US Women’s Open and then getting into the Hall of Fame and next up is ataya tiun obviously she has been playing really well she didn’t play the first part of the season because of an injury but since she’s come back she’s been playing really well so I think she’s going to be someone to keep an eye on this week at the second major of the year and lastly we were just talking about enie Chun but like you said Emma she has won a lot of Majors I would not be surprised if she comes out and absolutely crushes it this week people are going to be pulling very hard for her and just quickly she has um an educational foundation with the country club which provides scholarships for local students you know just trying to go to college and go get their education so really cool but those are my three so Emma you take it from here um yeah I’m going to go with Hannah green I mean Hannah I just feel like she’s not getting enough um star ISM I’m making up words to I’m really struggling to talk um but that’s that’s what I do so Hannah green you go girl she’s been playing great this year since she got married don’t know if that’s anything I know she also got a house in um the states or a condo or something so I think she just has a little bit of a base now I don’t know if that’s been comforting but whatever she’s doing is working I also think it’s interesting Jennifer cup cho kind of had a rough end to her year last year kind of started out a little rough and um she’s really been playing well the last few weeks and I think she’s a player to watch she has she hits her driver long she hits it straight and she’s been playing really well so I think she’s a player to watch and lastly Patty T Patty T has just been playing so consistent this whole year and really just shooting I looked at her scores yesterday she shoots like 70 69 71 like every single day and she just been super consistent she continues to play well week in to week out and get like top 20 finishes so those are my quick nines Adam go for it all right I think my my theme is is returns my first one rose Zang um you know really Keen to see how she obviously would have been ticked uh to have to withdraw uh due to illness from the mizuo you know her return uh back to action on the LPGA Tour back on a major championship stage let’s see what Roseanne can do another return I’m Keen for this week is Charlie Hall Hall of course finished tied for second last year at Pebble Beach the whole shy kids don’t get sweets line which was incredible and again Emma if you’re talking about this golf course being a ball Striker’s Golf Course uh Charlie Hall is third this season in greens and regulation and 51st in driving accuracy so she’s got a pretty good combo there as long as she finds the Fairway she’s going to be deadly with the iron so shy kids don’t get sweets really Keen to see how Charlie Hall does this year last but not least another big return that I am very excited about seeing uh Brook hen coming back she’s got five top 10 in the season only Nella only Nelly did you say shocker only Nelly has more top 10 than Brooke Brooke also finished tied for fifth uh in Lancaster in 2015 when she was just you know 19 years old or whatever it is shot the round of the day on Sunday 66 had a chance to win so I’m excited to see what she does uh at the second major of the Year absolutely wow Adam is we’re quickies yeah that was really good okay well that pretty much wraps us up for this week week I’m so excited it’s a major week the golf is going to be great it’s going to be so much fun so for everyone listening or watching however you are taking in this podcast you are going to want to follow along because I know it’s going to be good I know we got some good golf on our hands whether it’s Nelly Hannah inie literally it doesn’t matter you never know who is going to win on the LPGA Tour so if you want to watch the US woman’s open this week which you do you’re going to watch on peacock USA and NBC so check it out but guys thank you so much this was so much fun thank you guys y’all come back now you here how to get that in [Music]


  1. Looking forward to this US Open on Ingee's🐘 home turf! This par70 course will likely be quite the challenge for the field.⛳🌞

    My pick- Hyo Joo Kim
    Sleeper picks- Andrea Lee, Angel Yin

  2. Last podcast Emma was raving over her hometown of Louisville. I'm glad Louisville law & order finally came to their senses, and dropped all charges on Scottie.
    Go after the actual BAD guys, and leave the good guys like Scottie Scheffler be.

    Nelly is a huge favorite this week, but I will put my chips on Nasa and Leona this week.

  3. Quick 9:
    – Nelly's best finish in the US Open thus far is an 8th place.
    – The high profiled players of Lydia, Lexi, Jin Young, Brooke, Celine, and Nelly have a combined zero US Open championships between them.
    – Nasa and Rose have played USGA events fairly consistently well.

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