Golf Players

Au 19e | Saison 13 | Entrevues | Rencontre avec le golfeur du PGA TOUR, Gary Woodland

Gary Woodin man Phoenix Scottdale Cobra dark speed um thanks for taking the time Gary it’s a treat to have you on the show on French Canadian show I love it first dark speed as a as a whole how do you see the whole lineup the new lineup it’s phenomenal one I think it looks it’s the best looking clubs we’ve had looking down it’s a clean top um it just looks there’s no Graphics looks clean which is nice um but the adjustability on the bottom you you have ways to move the club around the the weights to get the ball plight that you’re looking for um so you don’t have to go buy continue to buy a new club you can change the weights around it which is amazing um and it’s fast that’s what we’re all looking for uh according to my info Mike gagay and Jose miror told me that first when you you went to the to a meeting you saw the club and you said it looks fast it does so they went as fast as as you said it in the bag or you still tinkering no it it went straight in the bag when I got it um now I mean like I said my speed’s gone up so now I need to find the right shaft I got to get a little stiffer in the shaft to offset that speed and um it’s it’s been nice it’s gone into play right away and I think it’ll continue to get better for me and when you try new clubs are you computer on your an or trajectory in feel uh Ben from Cobra who who I do all my testing with he’s he does all the numbers for me I want to get out there I want to see it on the golf course um I can sit on the Range and I can get my speed going and I can get the ball going but I want to sit there and make sure I have to hit this ball in the Fairway I want to see the lines and see the golf ball moving the direction I want to move it yeah um now I don’t know if you want to hear that but here not number you’re going to turn 40 in May it’s not too bad it’s not too bad um um with brain surgery last year you went you went through a lot and you were already it seems like you already been a you know grateful guy as a general but that that changed your perspective perspectives completely changed there’s no doubt about it I’m a lot more appreciative for golf um I grew up playing other sports and love those Sports and golf was just something I was good at when this almost got taken away from me I’m very I I love this thing I love the game it makes your Partnerships like Cobra and Puma the people that stuck with you and supported you through those times it makes you just more appreciative the people you have around me and uh what I’m able to do for a living um now you didn’t play for 5 months yeah health issue side in Quebec Canada it’s it’s like that every year so if you can give us some cues to to people to to the public to the viewers um what did you what was the process to get the rust off for the first let’s say week or two the big deal for me is to get off the range I can sit there and hit golf balls and but to get on the golf course and see shots and then I can go practice okay I’m struggling with this today let’s go do that and that’s been a big process for me coming back to play when I go play I’m like the first week I’m like this is what I need to adjust it’s different when I’m just sitting on the Range you give me three or four balls I can get into a Groove and and feel it now when I’m out in the golf course you only get one shot there’s there’s we don’t unfortunately we don’t get Mulligans on to her so being able to see those feelings and see what the golf Ball’s doing I can go practice from there do you have something on your bucket list for 2024 off the course off the golf course I’m I’m working just it’s just nice to be back you know I I have three little kids at home so I’ll chase the kids around when I’m not when I’m not grinding and traveling um but it’s just I’m just happy to be back all the best Gary all the best thank you so much

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