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2024 Schedule Release Show w/guest star Keaton

2024 Schedule Release Show w/guest star Keaton

The 2024 NFL Schedule is out and it is a good one, the NFL knocked it out of the park. You are in for a treat as Keaton from Keaton Talks Sports joins us LIVE to answer all your questions and to go over the 2024 NFL Schedule.

Don’t just listen to the rebroadcast, join us LIVE and get all your questions answered not just from one but two NFL YouTubers. It’s going to be a great show join the fun.

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[Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] yes yes man oh guys you are in for a treat today I have Katon from Katon talk sports joining me welcome Kayon what’s going on how you doing thanks for having me on um hey thanks for coming on um I’m I just popped an energy drink I don’t know why I really don’t need it the schedule came out uh I you know what it it’s kind of funny uh I remember a time when the NFL didn’t do the schedule like they do now for example I’m a Chiefs fan I remember the last game of the year would be like Chiefs versus Panther Panthers and the NFL just recently changed things around here’s a little fun fact the 1972 Dolphins the only undefeated team in NFL history as as of now they actually played the AFC Championship game in Pittsburgh not in Miami because the NFL used to do the SCH in uh they did so many things differently so uh I I really love what the NFL did uh with with the scheduling and I think they did a fantastic job this year right what’s your opinion yeah man I mean there’s a lot of great matchups I know uh you know Jets 49ers obviously that’s a big time match up early on the year so we’ll see you know I know the Jets like you said are pretty loaded so I think they’re going to get get tested early so we’ll see how they do but I’m just excited a lot of good matchups I’m excited too we’re going to go over to schedule but uh unfortunately I’m G I’m GNA throw throw a curveball at you Keaton and one Pride nailed it one Pride says so what do you think of the Harrison buter comments and I’m gonna lead off with this today uh for those of you who aren’t familiar familiar Harrison buter is is a Catholic man and he spoke at Benedictine College now a lot of you don’t know what benedic colleges I’ve actually been on the benedic tee campus it’s a small Catholic College in in the Kansas City area and Harrison bucker uh gave the commencement speech to that college which he thanked his wife and uh he also spoke against or or for Traditional Values in in Catholicism and if you I was going to go to his uh Instagram page and show you all the hateful comments but I’m not going to do that I’m not going to put people’s profiles up there on this channel and show you what they’re saying and and I’m just going to talk about it real fast because if if Keaton wants to put on a dress after the show identify as a hippopotamus and go out with some dude he’s still welcome on this show I don’t care he he could be part of the lgbtq rst community and doesn’t bother me I’m not a leftist it doesn’t matter I don’t care if your uh you know whatever you want to identify as whatever your sexual preferences are you’re welcome here but there has been so much hate against Harrison buter for just thanking his wife for raising the kids and just being pro Traditional Values they’re calling for him to be fired from the NFL not just for the Chiefs to cut him matter of fact the Chiefs are getting hate the NFL’s getting hate Keaton before before I continue ranting on here let I I have you have you heard about this I want to get your opinion as somebody who’s not a Chiefs fan actually just when you sent me the when you told me about that earlier I went and watched it just a little bit ago before the show and I didn’t watch the whole thing but I saw some of the comments that he said on on uh his speech like I think the one thing it was powerful like what he said I think just watching what he said what caught my eye when he what he said about his wife how he wasn’t you know wasn’t the man that he was or that he is now without his wife so I think that was something that’s like you know like that support system like for me personally that support system matters you know having the right people you know in your life that you know that’s going to put you in best position to succeed and obviously there are people are support what you’re doing so you know I mean it it was powerful uh but I I like how he didn’t back down what he uh what he said you know he just stood uh firm what he believed in and all that stuff so I mean I got I mean I said I’m not a Chiefs fan but for him I think that’s I gota give him respect for uh you know standing up because most people wouldn’t even have done what he did by going up on stage and saying what he said so yeah that’s all I got G say I I couldn’t agree more I I just I think it’s really kind of a shame that when you give praise to your wife that we live in a time where you’re being asked your your boss which is basically the KC Chiefs or the NFL depending on how you want to look at it is asking to fire you for just saying what you want to say and and I I think we it’s really a shame that we live in a world today where there’s no longer a freedom of speech there really isn’t and that’s something that the the the left the LGB LGB whatever um is trying to shut down freedom of speech and I think that’s really dangerous and so I just want to say now I’m a little biased because I’m I’m I’m a Catholic man I call myself a non-practicing Catholic I’ve been churching forever and a Chiefs fan so I’m a little biased but when we start trying to censor speech I think that’s a big problem if you wanted to come on my show and say hey look I’m Pro uh you know gay rights but for somebody to speak out against the against that stuff and then say Oh hey look you got to fire this guy you got to release him I think that’s a problem so uh I what do I think of Harrison Butter’s comments one Pride I think that more people in sports and Society need to speak those type of things because uh I’ll go um I’m I’m gonna well I’m sorry I’m having some technical difficulties here hopefully that is not a problem okay there we go so I’m GNA go out let I think I think I think that this community is is very similar to what Nazi Germany is and what they were trying to do I’m I I know I don’t expect Keaton to agree with me I don’t expect most of you to agree with me but when you start censoring and taking away freedoms by the by the way you can go by that how to eliminate Freedom you take away little things one at a time I’m paraphrasing a a military leader by name of Adolf Hitler and that’s what the LGBT whatever it is is trying to do I think it’s that bad I think it’s that evil so all right right I I’m off my scope box you know Keaton’s look at me like I’m crazy Keaton’s like hey D can we can we start talking the oh man so let’s great comments by way there’s some great ones here funk I have to get away from Lions fans listen Funk as as a Chiefs fan it’s I I could tell you for a fact and Keaton um you know because because he’s younger like he’s on the tail end of that dynasty when when a franchise starts getting good the fans come come out from left field by the way F go on my comments and and you’ll see that comment from a lions fan made back in September he just posted like a few days ago I got I got trolled a little bit from one of your Lions fans I think you know who he is it’s pretty weird slasher woohoo let’s go it’s getting closer and closer to kick off Hall of Fame game should be an entertaining one you know what I didn’t even we we I’m gonna go over the regular season I’m not going to go over the Hall of Fame but you remember last year um oh God Dorian Thompson Robinson DTR won won the winning the second string spot and now he’s like fourth string because Cleveland brought in a bunch of other quarterbacks but preseason has some some stories it’s going to be entertaining this is oh my God I am so happy this is my girl Addie this is Addie I worked with Addie she is my friend she is awesome Addie you have my number text me I miss I miss you too Addie I miss you too Addie’s really great Perry what’s up hey Dan hey man I I’m I’m I’m S I don’t know why I’m drinking energy drink I’m super jacked up today ke man how how are you doing man I’m just doing great I’m saying I just can’t I’m just excited for just the football season I know it’s the most boring time of year we got through that part the mock draft process and then the draft and schedules finally came out I’m just ready to get to uh the preseason so we we’ll see be your free not I’m excited for I know you’re excited just like everybody else K the Chiefs repeat that’s the only thing on your mind it’s the only thing okay all right been a lot of talks about that for sure I I hear one more person talk about how how great of a Team friendly deal cough golf took I might break in 2026 golf a 69.6 cap hit with soul and Saint making 61 that’s 13 Char Hut um Funk I’m glad you brought that up because I I’ll ask Keat here in just a second but um so I was floored about the golf contract I I didn’t see it coming I really I really didn’t see it coming but when it did um actually let me ask Keaton first Keaton I I I’m not I don’t want to take words out of your mouth here have you heard of this being called A Team friendly deal I mean like you said I didn’t expect him to get this type of money I mean like there’s some stuff going around how Jo jar go wasn’t even like a top tier quarterback like so for him to get this type of money I mean that just shows that the L you know they see something in him you know they believe in them know they didn’t believe in them they wouldn’t have gave him that money I mean look at the Cowboys situation with you know Dak they I mean he probably should have realistically probably should have gotten his money by now but the fact that he didn’t get his money that just shows that you know he the Cowboys don’t really invest him like that so yeah I actually would have been less surprised if that got that contract than than golf but Funk I’m floored that people have referred to this as a team-friendly deal because uh I I that’s that’s the last thing I would have seen uh you’re paying golf like an elite level quarterback and in bottom line he’s got to produce and when I say produce I mean got to get the ring the r i mean I was gonna say like at least I mean I know the lions got to the NFC Championship Game and that’s as far as the Cowboys ever got ever gotten so I mean like I mean jarro go is doing something I mean like you say he’s got hit the ring though but I he’s been more far than Dak Prescott ever has so yeah and and and by the way look look at um what what Dallas is doing Dak Prescott they’re not they’re not resigning him they’re saying hey you know what we’re gonna we’re gonna wait and see and I was really expecting Detroit to do the same thing because you you invested that third round pick in henden hooker a guy I thought you could have taken in the first round and I I keep in mind I was a huge henden hooker fan I think I think hindsight I was a lot higher on him than than other people but um to be honest with you what’s your plans with henden hooker are is he the backup are you GNA keep him around I mean because he’s not going to be your starter in the next two or three years and by the way you’re right Funk no Hut what do you do what you do when Aiden Hutchinson’s contract comes up that is true to you think about that too yeah uh Funk says yeah Funk says I don’t care what any adult does with themselves no I uh no I don’t I felt bad for um even bringing that up it’s just that I was shocked that so many people are calling for buter to get fired uh because he spoke prot Traditional Values in America and I think that’s a shame that uh you can’t say things like that anymore without somebody trying to get you fired so um they shouldn’t cut him but keep people like Alvin k yeah yeah if you don’t if you don’t remember Alvin Kamar and by the way if you by the way it’s so much worse because the guy that he got in a fight with like his left eye I think it was his left eye was like swollen out to here like yeah you you saw yeah yeah it was it was it was nuts you know at at Funk gol paid market value uh 69.6 I I I be honest I think it’s above market value but funk I said this so many times and I keep getting proven wrong what’ I say you have to pay a mon ra or you have to pay pan so you can’t pay them both and what do they do they pay them both at the same time then I double down and I say well you can’t pay golf then they pay golf but yeah I mean you know uh what do you what do you do now when when um Iden Hutchinson’s contract comes up so yeah Kelly Stafford said things Trump 2020 for um I’m not going to speak for Keaton I’m a huge Trump supporter I just care that you get out there and vote and and I don’t care who you vote for I’m gonna vote for Trump I’m a trump supporter by the way yeah if you if you by the way if you’re a Biden supporter you’re you’re welcome to come on the channel at any time and we we talk football Trump supporters Biden supporters I don’t care I I but yeah I’m a trump suppor is the deal front loaded yes um I I don’t think it’s going to this is going to be a fun the Dak the Dak contract is going to be a fun one because it the only way he’s going to really get his contract is if they win a Super Bowl then it’s gonna be a big one and then what what’s Dallas gonna do it’s gonna be it’s gonna be it’s gonna be a great year and we have a great schedule that I’m 15 minutes in the show and I haven’t even put it up yet Keaton’s you know like going Dan put up the damn schedule and shut up let’s do that let’s bring out the schedule here because it it it’s a fantastic fantastic schedule uh look up the deal it’s really nice this year and then it takes a bad turn his cap numbers get out of control people don’t realize how yeah no I agree Funk uh I was really shocked that they gave him that much money but he’s got to produce now the pressure’s on um and then I I brings up a great story I don’t care about Dak and and by the way Dak really doesn’t have anything to do with it it’s just the only reason we were talking about it because his contract is is up at the end of the year and he’s going to ask for a lot of money so dax’s agent cares about how much golf makes I can guarantee you that yeah um it it’s it’s a if I understand it right it’s a fouryear 212 million doll deal so it’s a see if I can do my math see if I can do math right it’s a 50.3 I got did I do it right four divided by 212 is that 50.3 think I think that’s there yeah yeah it it the cap the cap goes up every year yeah it does yeah I was hoping would wait until uh what we see we have in hooker Holmes got no patience he trades for reach project injury players I was not a fan of what he did in the draft after round two I I I liked one and two and then you traded up for some project players I wasn’t really happy with that and and by the way one Pride 100% agree 100% agree uh there there’s going to be a lot of good quarterbacks in this year’s draft and we’re gonna talk a lot of college football this year I think the number one player in the draft is gonna be shadir Sanders Dion’s kid I think he’s gonna be number one pick in the draft and uh his teammate Travis Henry might go number two uh there’s going to be some good quarterbacks coming out this year going to be some good quarterbacks coming out this year all the all the streaming deals are locked until 23 30 the cap isn’t going to go up like it did this year this year went up because streaming deals between Hut and Saint and you’re looking at over 150 it listen pressure is on Detroit now you’re in a whole different mindset because for years it was you you could play the underdog you know you you could take chances you’re just trying to get wins now you’re the favorite and it’s it’s a different story it’s it’s going to be it’s going to be fun it’s going to be fun we’re going to talk about it here finally gonna be fun too oh god let’s talk about the schedule Katon even though you you’re wearing all Patriot stuff I know you’re a huge Chiefs fan the kicks off Baltimore at Kansas City I want to get your thoughts on it I mean this is gonna be this is something I mean like I said you’re I mean you guys are the two-time rning defending Super Bowl champion so like to get tested this early that’s it’s going to be fun to see what the Chiefs how they come out you know with the Super Bowl hang I mean I know the Super Bowl hangover is a thing so we’ll see how Rusty they came out they come out or how strong they come out know Baltimore obviously I mean if you look at the AFC North this year the Ravens the Steelers and I believe the Browns have like all their their strength of schedule is all in the top three yeah so like it’s gonna be important I think that you know starting off good early by winning is going to be important for these teams in my opinion I I think the NFL I I I just say this over and over again because we’re we’re we’re slightly different age brackets I remember a time when the NFL didn’t put the put the division games at the end of the schedule so I I think that I just I just love what the NFL did with their schedule I really couldn’t think of a better game here um I thought last year when it was Kansas City and Detroit I thought it was a great storyline AFC NFC team Super Bowl champs an upand cominging team Baltimore beat San Francisco in San Francisco on Monday night I think it was week 14 I I could be wrong about that it was late in the year and they just crushed them yeah you yeah I think and by the way Chiefs fans hate me for saying this but this is the truth I’m sorry Chief SS but this this is really the truth Ken City didn’t win the AFC Championship game as much as Baltimore lost it they they they their strength was running the ball they decided become a pass happy team Z flowers really sunk the game by that by that taunting penalty and then the fumble and then throwing the temper tantrum after yeah and then he threw the temper tantrum cut his hand and and and couldn’t play for for about a quarter because he had to get S he had to get his hand taped up I I mean you he behaves like an adult he doesn’t he doesn’t have that penalty he doesn’t have that fumble they score a touchdown instead of getting a turnover they probably win that game I really think Baltimore just shot themselves in the foot and I also think part of it is the momes factor you go against Mahomes like hey look we gotta press but um oh yeah there was a GU there was a quarterback in New England I can’t remember his name that te teams are really afraid of I I can’t think he was number 12 I can’t think of it his name Tom what a great game to start the season off at Arrowhead uh lines two and a half by the way there is a very good chance I’m gonna take Kansas City into two and a half for this game there’s a very good chance I’m gonna do that let’s get let’s get away from Kansas City here and and you know because people are sick of me talking about Chiefs what about Friday this is a great I I I just I love this NFL said you know what let’s kick this game off with Thursday how about someid Friday night fun what a great game Green Bay at Philly Friday Night Football in the NFL Keat are you a fan um I I just I want to know what you think here I I mean it’s a definitely a it’s a change up I mean I think Friday like I said starts the weekend off you get to watch football and then you know people whether if you work on the weekends or not then I mean you get to you know sleep in if you don’t work after that if you’re a fan of one of these teams but you you know I think this is a big like I said week one has a lot of great matchups like Green Bay coming off of a you know divisional loss to the 49ers a game that they probably should have won they made a couple more plays in that game and then you have a Eagles team that obviously started off hot but their defense really came down to earth towards the end of last year now I love what they did in the draft by getting you know dein and uh Quin Mitchell for that defense I think that’s going to make their defense significantly better so I mean this game’s in Phil phelia but like I said I think this is gonna be in my opinion I think it’s gonna be a high scoring game I mean you got two phenomenal quarterbacks Jord M and uh and uh Jaylen Herz so we’ll see how you know they do offensively but I’m excited for this game for sure I am too I I just I think the NFL just uh by the way I’m not paid by the NFL but um I just think that they just hit it out of the park with with a great job um um uh with you know doing Friday Night Football Green Bay in Philly I just think the NFL just knocked out of park I think this is going to be a huge success because I’m I’m very much against Thursday Night Football I wish it was yeah I don’t I don’t like it but it was terrible the season with a Friday night game is is I think just the genius thing that the NFL did um Perry says this is why I don’t understand what Holmes did in the draft we are in a win now or get player to help yeah I agree Perry because um terion Arnold was a free safety switch to corner all the potential in the world great job in round one round two enus rraw corner I loved out of Missouri I found out that he ran a bad 40 time because he had he was still suffering from from his groin injury watch watch him play he’s a first round corner you could have taken him at 29 and you would have been good then after that you get the player from Canada who plays right tackle well assigned your right tackle at 112 million uh the running back slash safety who you guys are telling me is going to be a running and then you traded third and fourth round picks for 2025 for project players I didn’t get that either um terion Arnold by the way a great pickup in round one but later in the draft I love it yeah why didn’t you get a receiver Roman Wilson that would have been a great pick in round three instead you could have got somebody like that you could have got an edge rusher uh I didn’t get that at all so but yeah turn around Arnold big man of his uh void year still oh my this is all but look at this we have the be in the back talk Brothers the great one the [Music] talent uh gu I am not familiar with this story why is my possible starting left tackle getting arrested for misdemeanor weed possession I am not familiar with this story um this is this is terrible so for those of you that don’t know um marijuana’s actually legal in Missouri it’s not in Kansas um it’s it’s actually funny there’s a uh it’s it’s called State Line Road the weed shop you could walk from Kansas to the marijuana shop and and uh and I I can’t tell you the whole story but cardarius Tony spends $3,000 every couple weeks at that weed shop at state line I didn’t not know that yeah yeah I I I didn’t tell you that know that I’ll tell you more details off but anyway a buddy of mine I can’t give out the details but there’s a weed shop it’s it’s right off the state line so you could if you’re in Kansas where marijuana is not legal you could actually walk to this location it’s about a half mile away cardarius Tony spends several thousand it’s like $3,000 there’s a like a like a 21 day limit or 20-day limit or something like that and cardarius Tony buys and I’m like no wonder he’s dropping all these damn passes guy’s high as fuck I was just about to say that too I like I was about to say that too I like that’s probably one wonder why he dropped so many passes think straight yeah yeah so so uh but yeah gu I am not familiar with that story gu you have all my information send me the details because all I’ve been doing is I’ve been looking at Harrison bucker hate comments for the last hour but uh no voider but he’s very yeah I’m kind of interested how they’re going going to handle the left tackle situation but uh I like a first yeah I I agree by the way r r straw is a really really good player you’re really gonna like him so yeah just by so what it is is that um it it’s a place called Overland Park Kansas where I used to live and a lot of Chiefs players live in Overland Park Kansas and then they just cross over state line and that’s what most people do but uh but it’s actually cheaper to live on the Missouri side than Kansas side so out here in Vegas it’s been legal for like 15 years some of my neighbors are outside with this bong and it’s it’s just I’m still not used to it they’re they’re night they’re super nice people but it’s like hey what’s up they’re taking bong hits I’m like what the oh wait it’s legal here so I still haven’t gotten used to it still haven’t gotten used to it uh let’s go over Sunday’s games there’s some real good ones here I like the fact that there’s some divisional games early you got Houston and Indianapolis oh I got I lit up everything thing but uh Houston and Indianapolis this is going to be a huge game early on not not a divisional game the Jacksonville and Miami that’s a big one Carolina and the Saints another another divisional game Minnesota at New York Lo lowkey by the way are you aware that the New York Giants are going to be the Hard Knox team this year I I saw that that that’s I I don’t know how I don’t know how they’re gonna take that I mean it’s gonna they’re gonna have to perform like you know if you’re on Hard Knocks because like I’ve heard some teams that been on Hard Knocks have not performed well so we’ll see the kid from Canada was working on both sides and rookie Camp yeah I um Funk let me know because I know I know he looks like an NFL right tackle and uh is marijuana legal in all of Canada so in the states it’s just different States but um Keaton hopefully you don’t mind if I rat you out here you’re in you’re in Ohio correct yeah it’s not legal there right no it’s not okay so um I lived on the Kansas Missouri border I was on the Kansas side it’s illegal in Kansas it it last year became legal in Missouri and it it just like Skyrocket it’s it’s just taken off um in Vegas where I’m at now it’s been legal I think for like I I think Nevada is one of the first States but it it I it’s still weird because like uh I I walk past this area and there’s like you know it’s a bunch of patios and one of them are always outside you know super nice awesome people I love my neighbors don’t get me wrong but I see him taking bong hits I’m like it it it still hasn’t registered maybe you’re used to that but it it’s just weird here yeah um which one’s mahogany is he the safety um no he’s not not the safety running back pick I’m not sure which one mahogany is I think’s um we got Vegas and and La another divisional game this is a good one because John John Harbaugh has a chance to come out one and0 also an excellent opportunity for the Raiders uh Vegas for those you that don’t know Vegas and La it’s it’s like a two hour drive not even that uh but so it’s going to be to be oh the Boston College guard um I forgot about him he’s a guy I actually really like there’s a there’s a lowkey chance um was it dastra that the guard you got from Baltimore he’s 34 there’s a chance that he’ll take over for him sometime this year I actually really like that kid um but the tackle I didn’t like the running back safety pick ESPN called him a safety you guys say he’s going to be a running back I would have been happier of a receiver Edge rusher but that’s just me um Dallas at Cleveland is another game like Tom br’s calling that game who is Tom Tom God that’s gonna be that’s is gonna be this is gonna be a really really good game because if Dallas starts off 0 and one the sky will fall Cleveland’s in that brutal division now keep in mind now me and Keaton both want Kansas City to win everybody wants Kansas City to win if Cleveland starts off one and0 after defeating Dallas that’s a lot of pressure on Baltimore and and Lamar Jackson so I mean there’s by the way this game Pittsburgh at Atlanta I think lowkey fun game that’s gonna be a good game yeah but look at football look at this game Sunday Night Football R Detroit are you serious NFL are you serious in Detroit a playoff matchup staff back again golf with getting a zillion dollar contract what a great this this is just I can’t I’m not a by the way I got a lot of lions fans here but I’m not gonna Pander I’m not a lions fan but what a great game what a great phenomenal night I mean after the Chiefs play and win hopefully and you know everybody’s everybody’s weekend’s going to be ruined to the Chiefs L at Ravens let’s be honest um yeah it’s gonna be a good game yeah lions and Rams Sunday night are you kidding me wow oh man it’s gonna be crazy to see what they can do without Don Aaron Donald since he retired I’m see what the defense can do yeah I mean I love what they did in the draft getting the the pair of Florida State guys yeah great pickups Perry says it’s legal everywhere in Canada I didn’t know that and and they’re they’re trying to do something similar here in the United States um but uh no I didn’t I didn’t know it was legal everywhere there and and by the way like I know it’s expensive but um I mean I I I used to like long long long time ago when it was illegal everywhere but I haven’t done it in years so but anyway I didn’t know that by the way that’s why you have free healthcare in Canada because you sell marijuana so Stafford proved to me’s not about winning he’s about looking good get hey you’re gonna you’re gonna see it week one what a great game because if the Lions start off 0 and one at home oh God what’s gonna happen to that fan base no offense Lions fans for those of you are watching how you’re gonna see a lot of hate from Lions fans if they start off 0 and one especially after those three big deals that they did offseason um and then look at this for Monday night Keaton Jets aters what a big game Aaron Rodgers goes back to California did you hear the story about Aaron roders he was convinced he was going to be the number one pick in the draft he was convinced that he was GNA have he was going to play for his hometown 49ers team and they took Alex instead he still holds a grudge did you know that he still holds a grudge about that yeah I mean yeah he that he should have been the 49er realistically now they’re probably looking back at that and they probably regret not picking them in the draft so I mean this game this is GNA be a good game too because the Jets obviously look at the offseason they’ve had in the draft I mean they’ve been getting a lot of hype throughout this offseason so they better come out and perform because you know they have no excuses I mean look like I said on paper they look good and they probably should win the division but like I said they are the Jets so you never know what can happen so we’ll see you you do that’s the whole thing you never know and I’m so glad you said that because on paper they look Unstoppable right now the Jets are my my favorite to win the Super Bowl because they have that defense from hell I have a huge man gree Hall I I love Bree Hall I think if I was gonna do top 10 running backs in the NFL I don’t know where I would put Bree Hall at but he’s he’s top 10 maybe top five maybe I don’t know but the offense line is upgraded and and Rogers doesn’t have to be that Aaron Rogers throwing 48 touchdowns four interceptions he just has to be pretty good that’s it yeah even average like just be better than what you were last year through four plays so I mean you know I mean look at what they had last year and then late in the year there there were there was a push but what a great matchup at San Francisco week one um a good match up oh God what a great match match up here great this what what a I can’t I can’t emphasize this enough I just love what the NFL did with the schedule this year let’s go let’s go to week two here uh week two by the way okay so we we start off the season Thursday Night Football which I’m not a fan of I’m not a fan of of Thursday night football but what do we get week one we get we get Ravens traveling to Arrowhead week two Buffalo at Miami are you serious I don’t like Thursday night football but I can’t wait to watch this game yeah I think they yeah this is gonna be a great game like I said like like I said you look at the past couple years with Thursday Night Football it’s been like terrible matchups but they’re getting it right I think they’re realizing they’re trying to put better teams on Thursday Night Football so like this is a huge AFC East matchup you look at the Buffalo Bills I’m start with them for a second like losing seon Diggs losing Gabe Davis and losing puyer and Micah high for that defense so I think this is going to be a big year for Josh Allen you know in terms of how he’s being productive throughout the season is he gonna be more turnover prone like I mean he is prone to turn the ball over here and there so I do like the pickup of um what’s his name from Florida State Keon Coleman like his personality def I’m not saying he’s Stefan Diggs but like I say his personality and style definitely fits on what the bills want to do so but I’m a bit old school like I think until someone beats Buffalo I you can’t ride off Josh Allen as long as Josh Allen is still there at quarterback you know you’re they’re always in the mix for you know to win that division so you know in Miami and K how they come out too after blowing that division mean they literally had that division until the last week of the season I mean you you’re right you’re 100% correct Miami is playing at home the final game of the season they win they get to host a playoff game in Miami they lose they go to Kansas City where it’s negative -400 degrees I mean and you can’t get it done big game early in the season kudos to the NFL kudos to the NFL for like Thursday night Baltimore Kansas City let’s say you’re not a Chiefs fan you want to watch this game I’m not Bills fan Keaton is is a Patriots fan he’s he’s by the way by the way the flag in the background is is just fucking fire oh yeah it’s throwback flag the Jersey man the best of all the really fucking sweet man that really fucking sweet appreciate itate what a great job by the NFL backto back great Thursday night games that you want to sign up for um so by the way these comments are are great comments because I want to talk about this game so you know what Detroit did in the playoffs Keaton Detroit beat the Rams so the NFL schedules a rematch week one the second game Detroit beat Tampa Bay and what do they do week two Tampa Bay at Detroit welcome Lions so so here’s the holes better hope that doesn’t happen trust me the fan base will turn bad on in Holmes Holmes crap on the Detroit media they’re waiting for him with knives out there to Crave him to carve him up if things go south highly doubt they go south listen to this though look at your two opponents early on the Rams you beat in the playoff barely no no disrespect Detroit that was a close game Tampa Bay gave you a fight for H three quarters and um I mean back-to-back games for the Lions against playoff against both playoff Victors those by the way Lions kept on talking about revenge games last year these are Revenge games I don’t believe that’s the thing too like like the Rams are going come in like they feel like they should have won that game and you if they were able to find a way to get in the Red Zone they probably would have won that game last year all they had all they had to do was if they stop the Lions and they get the ball back I I think I think they would have won that game but they could they couldn’t do it give give a lot of lions yeah Stafford had a pretty good game too they just couldn’t figure out the red zone so no it should be a phenomenal game though look by the way give Tampa Bay some credit I I kind of like what they’ve done uh lowkey this season you know they improved the offensive line they kept Baker Mayfield they resigned Mike Evans people didn’t think they were gonna do that um Tampa Bay is a team that I I don’t think anybody’s talking about because in their own division the Falcons made more news um the other the other AFC uh uh divisional winners you got the 49ers the Lions and um uh the the Cowboys bigger bigger off Seasons but yeah Tampa Bay is a team sleeping on yeah like the T I mean they won the division last year and I think like said the Falcons did get better but like you have to realize Kirk Cousins is coming back from Achilles industry we don’t know how he’s gonna start off the season and Michael penck situation too so like is he gonna see the field throughout the season and Kurt cousin somehow doesn’t perform me you just never know we’ll see hey hey you know when you’re when you’re what what’s cousin 36 36 I think 37 I think coming coming off a major injury yeah that’s nobody’s talking about that nobody nobody’s talking about that I mean this is this is a lowkey fun game I don’t think people are really looking at Detroit and and looking at their schedule by the way back-to-back home games here’s the deal the Lions have to win both of these games they really do the own games against playoff teams from last year that’s a tough that’s that’s a that’s a tough that’s a tough thing to do uh I hope we don’t but if we get yeah you could be in these are tough opponents Lions fans these are tough opponents Funk man I I gotta start getting that you’re on fire icon like I Keon probably doesn’t know what I’m talking about but there was this game called NBA Jam like after you hit three shots the computer would say you’re on fire and and like like who a fire it was it was fucking sweet but it was made like five years before you’re born and and yeah Funk you’re on fire right now both games Lions won in playoff could gone the other way but most Lions fans won’t absolutely most Chiefs fans won’t admit it Baltimore lost the AFC Championship Game the Chiefs really didn’t win that that’s Chiefs fans fans are gonna look the other way Chiefs fans did beat the ners but I also think that if Baltimore went to the Super Bowl Baltimore would have won that game that’s why I love the week one matchup but I mean Lions Rams and Bucks weeks one and two coming to Detroit you got yeah got got s and it’s important to start off strong so that way you’re not playing catchup like especially like that division the Packers got I mean they’re coming they’re going to be highly motivated and then got the Bears I mean I know they haven’t they’re improving but I mean they got better this off season so absolutely some competition yeah I mean yeah exactly what what a great job there I mean week I mean Thursday night Buffalo at Miami what a great job some of these other games though um Indianapolis at Green Bay uh hopefully Anthony Richardson I can’t wait to see that um uh you got New York at Washington uh division rivalries a division Rivals here that’s going to be a fun one uh Cleveland at Jacksonville lowkey oh that’s yeah excuse me a fun yeah yeah this is this could be a really fun there could be even though it’s week to there could be playoff implications on the line it could be battles for positioning if if either one of these teams don’t win the division and both these teams are not favored to win the division but both these teams need to make the playoffs look at this game Kansas Cincinnati at Kansas City oh by the by the way cincin has been able to beat the Chiefs at Arrowhead that’s true that’s that’s goingon to be I mean that’s I’m telling you that they’re they’re getting to Chief some tests early so like I said I mean Joe B is coming back from injury so we’ll see how he does like I’m curious to see if the Bengals can win that division this year I mean they’re like I said in a tough division in the north so I mean you know this is a big game look at Kansas City I mean you know I talked about the Lions ining to win those games the Chiefs finish the year three out of their four last games of the season are on the road uh so getting two two home games early they really got to win both these games I mean these these these these are tough games though Cincinnati’s no joke Perry coming out on fire as well at Dan and Keaton what is your big story for each of your teams this year which playoff team has the most questions going into the season well I want to start here the big story with with the Chiefs um trying to three peat nobody’s ever done it before the last team to try to three peat was the New England Patriots I went back it was I think 2003 2004 they won the wild card game in 2005 they lost in the division round but the thing is with New England they lost Charlie Weiss he took over as a head coach of Notre D Romeo crenell I believe uh became head coach in Houston or was it Cleveland I think it was Cleveland so they lost both coordinators but they they they they just weren’t the same team that that third season um San Francisco won uh Super Bowl 23 and 24 if I remember right it was 8 89 they had the best chance to to three repeat but they lost on the last play of the game to the Giants who won Super bow 25 so right that team had the best chance to three Pat can the can the Chiefs three Pete because anything less than the Super Bowl is gonna be disappointing I’m here to tell you they’re not going to do it but I’m gonna be cheering for them I I don’t think that Chiefs are going to be the first team and you know by by the way I didn’t know this until gu puted up there uh there’s a battle at left tackle between wand Morris a second-year player he was a fourth round pick last year and and our second round pick so we got two young guys protecting backside of the most important player in the NFL gave Chris Jones a Brinks truck full money I mean yeah um Keaton um what’s the big story for the New England Patriots this year I think I know what you’re gonna say but yeah two things I gotta say I’m gonna start with obviously you know the quarterbacks like you know we’re starting the season off with brassette at quarterback you know people are asking all I mean all Patriots fans are asking like will Drake Macy the field which week I mean because like if you look at our schedule I know I put out a video yesterday so you guys need to go watch that I think it’s a great video but our bye is in like our bye is super late this year it’s in week 14 like I didn’t realize I didn’t realize yeah I didn’t realize by weeks can go that late in the season it’s literally like in December like last week of November going December so the Chiefs are week six and I would trade places with you EAS exactly yeah and like um so like depending on how our season like how we start off the year if we’re not doing as well as I think I mean I think we can do well but if it ends up going the opposite way like what you know is Drake May gonna see the field this season which I mean I think he was just a matter of which like I said it just depends on how we start off the year um I think it’s important like our first four games are against really good teams so hopefully we can split those first four games and we’ll go from there but I think another story is like if you look at the Patriots last year as bad as our offense has been like our defense was still eighth out I mean eigh best defensive football now it’s without judon and Gonzalez are two best defensive players so now we’re getting those guys back from injury like our defense I mean I think we should be at top five defense easily if I’m being completely honest like if you look to most of our games last year like our eight of our games were decided by like six points how many did rre Stevenson play yeah exactly that’s what I’m saying like you know if we were able to just figure out the offense and if M Jones wasn’t in his head a lot obviously I mean a lot that had to do with Bill belich not putting pieces around him but like if you know we able to figure out the offense we probably win seven maybe eight games last year I mean a lot of those games were it’s not like we got blown out outside of the Dallas game but I mean I think you know I think people are really sleeping on I’m not saying pages are gonna make the playoffs but I I do expect Improvement hopefully and hopefully we get off to a good start hopefully some of those teams like the Jets and uh maybe Buffalo uh start season off slow so we’ll see so you heard it here from Katon talk sports put your life savings on Patriots making the playoffs this year call it now you know Keon so what playoff team has the most questions going into the season that’s another one oh it’s easily the Dallas Cowboys yeah I mean let’s be honest like I mean if you watched that game last year and that playoff game and mean look the last few seasons Dallas has won like 12 games and got knocked out of the first round so like why they they got knocked out first round last year but they beat Tampa Bay in the first round two years ago oh two years ago yeah you’re right right I forgot about that two true yeah but just regardless like Dallas team play against San Francisco last play of the game how it remember that it was just the center uh Zeke Elliott played Center hiking at the ball and they had the offensive line split out do you remember that yeah I do remember that I don’t remember which year that was but I do remember that years that was two years ago two yearsun I said after that game I said somebody’s gonna lose their job over this and was offensive coordinator he was fired and I do remember that funny yeah yep two years ago but yeah I mean like I said easily a Dallas Cowboys I mean like you go in that game last year against Green Bay like I didn’t expect Green Bay to go in there and put the beat down on them the way they did like Dallas needs to like they gotta do something this year because they didn’t do anything this off season and there’s a chance they may not even win 12 games this year like I think they’re gonna be worse than what they were last year no I mean commanders are a sleeper like I think obviously the Eagles got Sni ific better I think the commanders even though they have a rookie quarterback I mean there’s potential there and their defense is legit so like I don’t think it’s you know Dallas’s division anymore in my opinion I think they got worse so you know you know thing is that the Giants are not only gonna be on Hard Knocks I gotta go to this real fast normally I give people show preps I’m just I didn’t prep this for Keaton so you’re gonna get Keaton’s total surprise here Keaton I gotta ask you what what about these uniforms have you seen the giant that no that’s ugly no that the Giants uniforms yeah those are so the Giants are going two uniforms let’s let’s put these back up here because I I normally I normally uh give give my guests a uh a warning and I didn’t do that here but here are the Giants uniforms ugly no are you looking at this Michigan type helmet here yeah I was about to say michig the New York Wolverines like what is this so by the way this has nothing to do with the fact that Keaton uh is an Ohio State fan but no th those are hideous by the way you know come on Giants You’re Gonna Be A Hard Knock and you Ro that type of bullshit I mean come on those are like their actual un home uniforms those are G those are the Giants uniforms this year so normally I give my guess some show prep so Giants unveil Century red uniform to commemorate a 100 season and this is the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen in my life that’s that’s terrible like you know I’m G say this I like the socks if those socks were on the the regular Giants uniforms I could deal with that I like the socks only I like the red white and blue but like what was it’s like vomit beige and what the fuck is this it’s it’s it yeah yeah that’s terrible that’s that’s yeah I I apologize for throwing that out to you ke yeah normally I come normally I give my guest some some uh you know hey look I’m gonna ask you these questions I just threw that out there Keat and so I apologize for that but now you’re good th those are those are terrible though I mean what what the fuck are the Giants doing I mean come better than that yeah yeah yeah it’s New York come on is New York like one of the fashion capitals of the world and then you come out with that type of bullshit I mean yeah that’s impressed by that at all no no so Keaton’s gonna wear one of those jerseys this year um n i my red jersey I’m good so Perry says team yeah yeah teams are gonna be gunning for you this year it’s a different it’s a different thing when when you’re having teams gun for you trust me on that my biggest concern with me is the Lions is o line dep can the players deal with the pressure to win St hungry play AR it it it’s human nature to want to be the Underdog it’s human nature there’s still so many chiefs fans that are doing the underdog thing nobody wants us to win it’s like really no I I I think everybody wants us to win so I have a I actually I have a question for Perry who do you think in your division like can overtake the line I’m not saying lions are miss the playoff I think they’ll make the playoffs but like who do you feir most in your division between the Bears and the Packers and then the obviously the Vikings who have me they’re the reild but they still have their wide receiver crew I mean that’s a great that’s a great question Perry that’s a great question for Perry for Philly they yeah Philly has a new offensive coordinator and a new defensive coordinator and yeah I have a huge man crush on Vick vanio you give him some tools with quinan Mitchell and and Desa the John Cooper and um yeah it’s gonna be fun oh look at this man we got Denver gator in the house sup Denver what’s going on what’s going on he’s G we’re going over to schedule here man uh Denver Gade we talked about your Chiefs a little bit uh yeah I I love old school stuff but the Giants that’s that’s just terrible man that is just terrible oh God Gator comes out just throwing smoke here Giants Throwbacks look like a prototype for the usfl that me you ain’t lying those are some of the ugliest uniform those are terrible I saw that and I was like so I was it was funny when I first watched it I was it was on my phone I was looking from from the bottom up and I was like oh the socks are cool and I saw the pants I’m like what the fuck and and I and I’m like I was like is that the Michigan logo I I yeah literally it’s terrible it it’s it’s terrible because I I remember they had the Giants on the side they changed that in the 80s and then they went to NY the old school NY and I thought that was really cool yeah those are better yeah yeah and then I saw the Michigan thing here by the way by the way Keaton’s hate has nothing to do with him being an Ohio State fan by the way Denver Gator Keaton said that Ohio State could beat the Denver Broncos 63-10 easy just to let you know by the way Denver Gator help me out this year we’re gonna talk a lot more college football this year Denver Gator gonna be part of that that’s gonna be fun it’s gonna be a lot of fun so Perry answers the Packers are a solid team yeah the Packers I I can’t wait by the way the Packers got some really good games early on you you go at Philly and in week two who do they got week two here they had the they had the fourth hard schedule in all football too they have a hard schedule yeah I mean it’s it just I just think the NFL and and again I’m not employed by the NFL at all but like what a great job they’ve done on the schedule and go to week three because I’m not a fan of Thursday night so F so first one we get is Kansas City and Baltimore then then we get Buffalo and Miami and look look at week three Keaton your Patriots at the New York Jets what a great game what a listen the the Jets are here’s here’s why this is a great game the Jets have to win this game the Jets have to win this game you don’t know what you’re getting from the Patriots that’s what I’m saying and and that’s why as a Patriots fan that’s why I’m excited because like no one’s expecting us to go in there and win I mean this is the obviously this is the Jets home opener so like no one’s expecting what the Patriots are going to do we have a brand new you know coaching staff new quarterback I mean everything and and and top five defense I’m like it you don’t know what to expect and we’ll see how you just never know it’s a divisional game I think Jets got worse yeah you you never know and by way just just real fast here with the New England Patriots schedule at Cincinnati is going to be a tough one however um the one thing about the New England Patriots or I’m sorry about cinc Bengals the last two years they’ve started off 0 and2 the last two start off 0 and two there’s seriously don’t be surprised New England surprises in wins week one at home against Seattle that’s that’s definitely a game they could win there’s an off chance New England could be two- 0 and the Jets may be one and one or or two- 0 this this is a great J divisional game great great rivalry early in the year I think it’s I think it’s awesome I think agree so I hate Thursday Night Football three straight great three straight great Thursday night football games that I have to watch yeah definitely yeah I mean what what a great job by the NFL um there’s also some some really good games here uh in in you know throughout here I think it’s a low-key game but Houston at Minnesota kind of a lowkey game not a lot look at this is the key game Baltimore at Dallas Baltimore at Dallas what a big game Baltimore probably losing week one to my Chiefs I mean everybody wants the Chiefs to win week one um even Lions fans are mad that the Lions won week one I’m still bitter about that by the way but Washington had since I see at the bottom of the screen yeah we’re going to talk about that here a second but uh that Ravens game isn’t a night game I I I know and this is another great game San Francisco at la oh that’s gonna divisional game yeah those two teams match up well if each other they always seem to split every year this this could be a low-key fun game for Sunday night Kansas City at Atlanta oh that’s gonna be a lot of points put up in that game could be yeah and then here you go you got two Monday night games Jacksonville at Buffalo I think could be a lot of fun yeah and then this game this game the only thing I could say about this game if you’re an LSU fan you have your your two Heisman Trophy quarterbacks playing each other you know yeah so if you’re an LSU fan you’re GNA pay attention to this everybody else is watching Jacksonville and buffalo um I there’s not gonna be I these two games it it’s like why do you have the the good one here and then I’m G to call this the LSU Bowl so I know Denver Gator is going to be excited about his LSU Tiger quarterbacks you know but you know if you’re not an LSU fan or a Washington fan or a Bengals fan uh but but Jacksonville at Buffalo that’s a that’s a that’s a fun game it’s early in the season early in the season this this has playoff ramifications because if Buffalo gets down early I mean I mean seriously when when if the Patriots pull an upset here Buffalo may be thinking they could run away with this division Jacksonville is is a team everybody’s kind of sleeping on in the AFC South but um I mean they start they were seven and three at one time last year yeah easiest schedule in the league and they still finish with eight wins so see how they bounce back this year uh Denver Gator says I’m pretty sure you could score more than 10 I don’t know B Nick’s leading that Broncos offense Keaton says maybe 12 Max that’s it he’s really by the way by the way Denver Gator gon this year people are saying I don’t know what people are saying people people saying that they might be the worst team in football this year I mean heard it here you heard it here Denver Gator Keaton say people people are saying that I didn’t say that I’m just saying like I I don’t know who the worst team’s going to be I mean Keaton says Ohio State could score 73 on your Broncos that’s what Keaton said by the Way’s he’s ready to talk some trash on Ohio State loaded team this year we’re by the way Denver Gator’s helping me out this year we’re gonna talk some college football a lot this year uh the Bears are didn’t improve they’re a tough team when they did play us the Vikings I feel is a mess because their GM is clueless but their head coach is good and if he’s getting P the Vikings players playing well I I’ll be honest with you um I would have liked to seen Hard Knocks in Minnesota with with what’s going on there more than I would like to see in New York the fun story is with New York is because I think Brian dable is like on the scalding hot seed the he’s on hot yeah definitely what what would be a word better than hot like scolding boiling flaming um whatever um yeah yeah I mean it by the way the NFC North is going to be a fun division it’s gonna be close America America’s still holding grudges against Germany since World War II that’s why the NFL wait gave who gave who City oh we haven’t we haven’t we haven’t hit base yet on the on the German game here um I think I think I think that’s coming up here but yeah the NFL did not do um Germany a favor here but look look at this week four look who we got Dallas at the Giants now I’m not sold on the Giants but what a great game am am I am I am I just too much of a football Homer here Keaton or is this GNA be a fun game I mean look at last year when Dallas didn’t they didn’t they blow out the giant I think they blew out badly up there last year week one it was like 40 to nothing 40 to and that’s why I think this year is g to be fun because let’s let’s take a let’s go let’s do this here real Qui F here let’s go to Dallas’s schedule their first three games of the Season at Cleveland home against saints home against Baltimore do you see the Cowboys going three and0 here Keaton three and0 so the Browns Browns it’s at it’s at Cleveland home against the Saints home against the Ravens are they they might be one and two if I’m being C honest exactly exactly I said Dallas got wor I mean I don’t know like they got worse just obiously I just don’t know how they I they’ll be in the mix but like I don’t think they’re going to win 12 G I just don’t believe that no and the Giants uh to be honest with you the their number one hole was the wide receiver position they got NE and and a lot of people think neighbors was the number one receiver in that in that class I’m not one of those people but I mean if neighbors plays like anything like he did LSU the the Giants defense I mean get Brian Burns coming in true yeah they the defense gonna be good I mean gonna be a fun game it’s gonna be matter of what Danel Jones how he comes out because can he give Mal neighbors a ball consistently it’s gonna be the question I mean this is a big deal for Neighbors be I’m sorry for Daniel Jones because if if the Giants don’t play well they’re going to bring in a new coach and I guarantee a new coach is going to want to replace Daniel Jones oh yeah for sure easily yeah start completely fresh yeah by the way Perry says the Bengals versus Washington could be an underrated game the Bengals return to form Washington may be the worst actually out of all the teams that were in last place I think the Bengals are the team that has the best chance to go from worst to first but Washington definitely has a chance um how fast Jaden Daniels plays into an NFL system that’s going to be a big deal um I I’m pulling for Jaden Daniels he’s so much fun to watch but watch him play at LSU and how much of that translates into the NFL now he’s got a big advantage that he has Cliff kingsberry who was at USC last year he’s now offensive Court yeah it’s gonna help but watch watch what Jon Daniels did at at at LSU last year and is is he gonna be able to do that stuff in the NFL the answer is no um but this I it could be a low it could be an underrated game I I think if you’re an LSU Tiger fan but look look Perry I’m not I’m not disrespecting your comment I’m I’m definitely watching Jacksonville and buffalo because that that’s going to be a key game because both those teams have to make the playoffs have to yeah where Washington they could go seven and 10 and nobody’s losing their job you know you got a rookie quarterback you have new coaching staff you have like 500 new players in Washington Jacksonville doesn’t make the playoffs somebody’s going to lose their job maybe they want to go quarterback a new quarterback um Buffalo doesn’t make the playoffs they’re probably gonna clean house so and they got Matt Jones at backup I mean yeah yeah we made you seen M Jones play you never know the world lead of America football had big success in UK Germany and Spain Denver D on Fire Man Zeke’s Breakout game 12 carries 39 yards two reception gosh and that’s the thing too like Dallas brought him back I’m me that that that doesn’t move the needle he’s not the same player like he was three four years ago somebody I forget who said this but they said here’s the deal if you have Zeke Elliot being um your your your your main bcal running back you’re also gonna need DeLorean because you need get him from five years ago and I was like that just makes sense like yeah that was just B why didn’t they draft the running back Keaton can can why didn’t they draft the running back I don’t know I’m I’m surprised they do I’m surprised they didn’t get a quarterback either after what happened in that playoff game last year I think they’re I think they’re just counting on all their Corners to stay healthy I don’t know I mean I they I like what they did in the draft but they they really needed a running back man uh per says I got a feeling it’s Drew Lock’s job to lose I think Jones is worse than lock I think dble could make lock I’m gonna tell tell you something me and Drew lock went to the same high school so I’m a huge Drew lock fan he was in a bad situation in Denver he should have got an opportunity he when he when he got the opportunity when Flack when he when flaca was benched and they put Drew lock in he led Denver to a five and one record then they bring in Bridgewater and I said this I said you watch if Bridgewater wins that starting job overdrew lock the whole coaching staff will be fired the whole coaching staff was fired how do I know this because um I just said his name he’s in Phil Vic vanio inste yeah yeah he started Bridgewater over Drew lock fangio is now well he was in Miami now he’s in Philly as the defensive coordinator he starts Drew lock they probably go to the playoffs um Drew lock I I I think just gotten a bad dig I think Drew lock should be a starter by the way Perry I don’t think he will start because I think the New York Giants are gonna say we’re paying Daniel Jones 160 million he’s going to start Drew lock you’re going to be the backup because you make whatever it is and yeah and by the way if Daniel Jones Goes Down And Drew lock starts playing well um Drew lock could earned a lot of money this offseason so we’re gonna pay attention uh Zeke is done Dallas I I don’t know I really I uh so here’s the deal you have dvin cook you have Kem um there’s one other running back who’s unsigned um drawing the blank is uh they’re gonna I I really think Dallas is gonna sign somebody but I I I really think that they’re making a mistake here desperation yeah uh Denver Gator says Daniels was electric last year no doubt RG3 was electric also same dude in my yeah you’re right I’m I’m gonna throw this out even further I a pure Prospect RG3 was better than Jaden Daniels I’m I’m just I’m just telling you this right now RG3 what he did at Baylor was more impressive than what uh uh Jaden Daniels did at LSU not by a huge margin but go go watch go watch uh go watch RG3 at Baylor his final year and it was it was amazing Andrew Luck was the better Prospect and deserve to be number one but you’re you’re right um I actually liked RG3 better but um yeah by the way by the way Perry I I do think D’s gonna lose his job and I’m gonna make a video on that later on but I I think dble will be gone and somebody else will be the head coach in 2025 I mean how many games are they I mean realistically are they gonna win because that’s gonna come down to that too like if he doesn’t improve record wise I mean yeah I let me throw at you is there any way the Giants go nine and eight or 10 and seven missed the playoffs and dble keeps his job I don’t know I don’t know I don’t I don’t think they’re gonna finish I think they’re gonna be at the bottom again this year I yeah I I think they’re gonna be at the bottom again and I think he has to make the playoffs to keep his job yeah yeah but I mean so we talked about this there’s some other really really good games Minnesota at Green Bay early that’s a fun one fun yeah oh underrated game here Philly at Tampa Bay remember Tampa Bay oh yeah rematch of the Wild Card yeah yeah and then looking to get out that win oh yeah that’s gonna be a fun one look at this Jacksonville at Houston early what a great game this could be for the South this is a huge game you also got Kansas City at the Chargers always a fun game uh but look at look at Sunday Night Football Buffalo at Baltimore Baltimore yeah that’s gonna be a good game that’s G to be a real good game and look at these Monday night games Tennessee at Miami doesn’t move the needle too much for me but look at this one Seattle at Detroit Detroit game too for those of you don’t remember Seattle’s uh over the last okay they they didn’t yeah they did okay the last two years Seattle’s gone to Detroit and beaten the lions in Detroit twice in the last two years so this is it is it gonna be a threesome is it GNA be a threesome Keaton Keaton says Seattle’s gonna win this game 347 V we’ll see I mean look look at the Dolphins game I don’t know if you remember that game last year remember the Miami had like a big lead like they were up like I think it was like 2714 like minutes TI came back and won overtime you’re right this was this was the Levis Breakout game and by the wayam do not ever talk trash on will Levis to Denver Gator Denver Gator now puts mayonnaise in his coffee because will Levis does it the most disgusting thing I’ve ever heard of in my life how do you do that Denver Gator all right God what a disgusting so you know what look at this some of you are not gonna like this but I love it look at this Tampa Bay at Atlanta week five Thursday so we have Kan city at Baltimore and four straight divisional games this is going to be huge Tampa Baye won three straight NFC South titles Atlanta thanks to the big cousins move and then the crazier penic draft this is a big game I’m excited about this this is a huge game ke are you as jacked up like is this a good game or am I just just just yeah h i mean I think it’s Gonna Come those two teams at the at the end of the year so like getting those division like having these division games early is important when it comes end the year in terms of playoff positioning this this game we’re gonna look at I think we’re gonna look at this game and we’re gonna say hey this game might be the game that to win the division by the way Denver Gator I was going to bring this up the Steelers have to start off have to start off fast because like their last six seven games are just brutal there’s no way have you seen have you seen their schedule Keaton yeah they don’t play a divisional game to week 11 like all the division games start at week 11 to the end of the year let’s do this here let’s do this here let’s just bring up the Steelers schedule here look at look at this schedule here last six games Baltimore look this Baltimore Cleveland Cincinnati Cleveland at Philly Baltimore Kansas City are you fucking kid kidding me on Christmas Christmas Day Christmas talk about a great Christmas by the way like Christmas was ruined for everybody last year when the Raiders beat the Chiefs even people in Vegas oh yeah I forgot about that too yeah yeah K you don’t think Kan City’s ready for this but look at it seriously they have the buy week nine Washington okay they probably win that one look at Baltimore Cleveland Cincinnati Cleveland again this Cleveland game by the way look at this you play Baltimore Thursday play Cleveland then you get Cleveland at home and then look at these Road games at Philly Baltimore Kansas City again I mean yeah look you the Steelers by the way have to like start the first eight games they got to win at least five bare minimum of five they have to I mean see I I did I made this mistake last year I thought the Steelers would win like eight nine games and they end up making the play like you just can never bet against the Steelers Mike tomin has never had a losing record like I can say the same thing this year they still win 10 games and I mean is that is that a gonna be enough to make the playoffs this year I mean prob loed that I don’t know I I’ll I’ll be honest with you I I think I think this is gonna be tomlin’s First losing season because that after I I just I mean you you’re after the buai you’re gonna beat Washington if if Burrow’s healthy if Deshawn Watson’s healthy uh I mean I don’t I I see maybe one or two wins I mean it it’s it’s hard to bet against Tomlin but I’m I’m not banking on the Steelers you know winning nine games this year I’m just not that that schedule’s just brutal yeah they did dirly the last six game that’s crazy yeah the Falcons shagged thems even a penic development fast by the time the cousins contract’s over they have to sign penck to a big contract yeah I agree Perry because if they drafted Dallas Turner or leato latu at pick number eight your defense is solidified by the way brillan TR thir great great pick but you you you had a chance to host a playoff game this year and I it by the way it it better work out but you’re right because he’s gonna start year three and if he has a good year three or year four he’s holding out and he holds all he holds all the cards you gotta pay him still I still don’t understand that pick like still like were like a mon how when the draft was like what back in April I mean we’re talking about two three weeks ago already I still don’t really understand why they chose pennic like you’re one of the worst teams last year trying to get to the quarterback and you didn’t no you didn’t cover that that position I don’t I don’t get it tce in the third round to pick a player I like it’s not bad but but they could have got a guy in latu or Dallas Turner could Dall turn easily Dallas Turner would have fit perfectly there but I don’t know they had other plans no me and you the one thing me and you agreed upon is I think every single one of our drafts after they signed cousins had Dallas Turner to Atlanta at eight I think every yeah I know mine was I’m pretty sure yours was too yeah I get that look at some other games though this game in London New York at Minnesota I I I I’m little I’m not sold on Minnesota but if Minnesota plays well this is gonna be a fun game Carolina at Chicago could be a low-key fun game I kind of want to see it because you have two Heisman Trophy winning quarterbacks um could be fun but look other games here Baltimore at Cincinnati Miami at New England I mean what what these are nice divisional games hopefully we can I’m I’m I’m praying we can split I don’t know what it is with Miami but we always seem to struggle against him every year like even if it’s a close game it’s like we can’t figure out the Dolphins but we’ll see Indianapolis at Jacksonville is another fun game look at this game though Buffalo at Houston oh Sean D what a great game what a great game and then Vegas and Denver that’s going to be a fun one this is this is a great game too Green Bay at La La yeah that’s offensive Showdown right there um Dallas at Pittsburgh that could be a low-key fun game that could be a low-key fun game Monday night I I I I don’t know what’s going to happen with the Saints but I mean look I’m a Chiefs fan so I’m excited Monday night at at it’s gonna be it’s going to be a fun game the clowns and the Bengals turn I I seriously right now I I would pick Pittsburgh to finish dead blast in that division because I have no faith that Russell Wilson stands I you could say I mean I don’t know I mean the Browns have the hard schedule so it’s all I mean like say it all depends on how these teams start off the season like you start off I think if you’re in the north you start off slow it’s going to be a it’s going to be a long year I mean Pittsburgh has to start off fast Pittsburgh has to start off fast look at this we’re in week six week six look at this Thursday night game San Francisco at Seattle another good six weeks into the season every single one of these Thursday night games are must I’m not high on Seattle I I think they made a mistake firing Carol I really do yeah I did yeah yeah I don’t know why I still understand why they fired I’m like I don’t I don’t know may they want to start something fresh or start something new but so I’m I’m gonna tell you my theory um the the um Paul Paul Allen who was the Seattle Seahawks owner he passed away he was the founder of Microsoft he’s worth like 10 jillion dollars or whatever his daughter took over as the the Seahawks owner and my opinion is that because Pete Carroll used to report directly to the owner not the general manager is that she just didn’t want to deal with Pete Carroll because Pete Carroll’s personality is a little much I mean think about this you’re you’re you’re you’re a girl uh your your parents are worth1 billion dollars or whatever the fuck Paul Allen’s worth I mean like the her 500,000 a week is like a pay cut you know I probably wouldn’t want to deal with somebody like Pete Carol I’m putting myself in her shoes which is almost impossible but my opinion is that she didn’t want to deal with Pete Carroll and that John Schneider because now John now John Schneider reports to the owner only not Mike McDonald the head coach mik not yeah so my opinion is that in pure I’m I there’s no by the way there’s no evidence of this this is just my opinion there’s no I I didn’t read something about this I’m just speculating that Paul Allen liked Pete Caroll but if I’m the daughter of a multi-billionaire talking to Pete Carroll might be something I wouldn’t want to do right I’m just speculating pure pure speculation I just still can’t believe that Carol and Bel are like not like coaching I mean it’s I know it’s just crazy like you’re talk about two one of the best coaches in the game don’t even have jobs right now I still I still can’t really you know I’ll Mike he’s another guy I can’t believe too yeah yeah I mean get picked up though Brian D look I think yeah listen Brian dble you’re the coach of the Giants you got bill bellich yeah Bill bellich Pete Carroll Mike Vel and and even though he he’s not one of the three names mentioned Ron Riviera has done quite a bit as well so there there’s some names out there and and there’s some names out there so Brian D you better you better get here uh can the cousins can the Falcons cutter trade cousins um they can trade cousins but they have to eat a lot of that cap I I think they can cut them after two years and take not that much of a loss but I I it it’s me and Keaton don’t don’t get it at all but the one thing I want say about the schedule week six all these Thursday night games are must C all of these games and there’s some really really good game games in here I’m looking at I’m looking at this Tampa at the Saints playoff playoff positioning this is this is going to be a good game Cleveland at Philly could be a really low-key good game this could be a very key game AFC NFC game right ramifications this is gonna be a good one but all the games here this is the one I’m really circling Detroit at Dallas oh what a great game a game Detroit probably should have won did you watch that Monday night game last year that like controversial call that was crazy yeah yeah I mean uh you know seriously Detroit should have won that game they return to Dallas playoff positioning possible HomeField advantages on the line what a great game what a great this is the game that really stood out and then look at this on Monday Night Football Buffalo at the Jets that’s always a good game Josh Allen seems to always struggle in New York against that defense so see it’s GNA be a fun game it’s GNA be a fun game what a what a what a great job by the NFL schedule here first six weeks season I mean me mean I’m just look I’m a football junkie I live for this stuff but I so I’m I’m I if you I’m looking at TH I don’t like Thursday Night Football all six of these games are musty TV and then there’s several games each each each week so far I’m looking at and it’s just like it’s just crazy uh over under win total for Las Vegas this year um I haven’t gone over it yet I it’s seven and a half I’m I’m you know what Perry give me one second here I think it’s over under let me I’m you know what I had ESPN bets up and um I don’t know if the over it says it says there’re six and a half it’s six and a half I’m way I said seven about seven basically yeah that’s a tough one um God that’s a good one that’s that’s not that’s not one I would really bet onc and the reason why is that they they were they were trying as hard as they could to draft a quarterback and and I’m really big G muu I’m really big on Gardner muu but his ceilings what a top 15 quarterback like that that’s the best he can be right hot 20 yeah somewhere there so I don’t know the defense um I can’t I oh shit did I just forget his name Eastern Michigan should it should be defensive MVP if the Raiders win more than nine games probably defensive MVP and I’m just thrw a complete blank on his name I feel like can’t remember his name I don’t remember his name from Michigan yeah yeah e Eastern Michigan uh number 98 the best defensive end in football arguably um anyway you got you got maybe the best defensive player in football on the Raiders you got Gardner muu I oh Max Crosby yeah Max Crosby I am I am so embarrassed about this Denver gator has just DM me that I’m a moron but uh yeah I deserve it for that Denver Gator by the way but yeah yeah maybe the best defensive player in football but you got an average Quarterback you lose Josh Jacobs still got Devonte Adams six and a half sounds fair and and here’s the deal with the Raiders they they don’t have to win this year but I I really think that they’re GNA make a push um to try to draft shadir Sanders which I think a lot of teams are gonna do so yeah for sure yeah that’s gonna be a lot of fun by the way we’re gonna do a lot more college football this year Denver gator has agreed to help me out this year for doing some college football so yeah week six is is great here so we get to week seven this is the first Thursday night game that of course I’m going to watch it but I’m not like really excited about it like Denver at the Saints I I I mean Shawn Payton returns back to the Saints um there’s some storylines there Bo Nicks we’re gonna see Bo Knicks on prime time probably um probably most likely yeah um so the first six games of the Thursday night slate I’m super jacked up for this one I’m like e I’m not I’m not I’m I’m not I mean I’m going to watch it of course I mean I I watch all Denver’s games yeah I’m I’m I’m excited about it as a football fan but the first six weeks that’s must CV this one’s not yeah I don’t expect like I said I mean what’s his name B Knicks is gonna have I mean rookie quarterback I he’s gonna have his Growing Pains throughout the season I mean that’s just what it is I mean he doesn’t have a lot to work I I do like the pick up of who they get in the the wide receiver they got from Oregon oh Troy Franklin what a great I do like that pickup but like I mean outside of really him and who do they really who does he have really to work with it’s my opin I think Shawn pton made my opinion I think he made a mistake going to Denver because I’m Wonder people are talk about people are saying like he may have ruined his uh his uh what’s it called Legacy like Legacy going there because like is he gonna like turn bonix into a Super I mean I don’t know it’s it’s interesting did it myself because I knew that him and Russell Wilson wouldn’t work I knew that for a fact there was no possible way I I’ll be honest I I thought Jim Harbaugh going to Denver would make more sense yeah I thought yeah yeah and and I thought Shawn Payton would make a lot more sense with the Chargers um you know with with Herbert of course they they stayed one year too long with um um I I forget the guy’s name the head coach Staley Staley I thought he was just terrible I mean because the Chargers had so much talent but yeah yeah yeah so I think Shawn Payton to Denver or the to the Chargers made a lot more sense but I knew it wasn’t G to work so and by the way there’s no proof that Shawn pyton can turn a rookie quarterback Drew Brees was in the NFL for about four years when Shawn pyton took over so um there’s no proof that he can do that with a because he’s never done it before true Perry asked a great question can the Vikings head coach turn JJ into a solid starter Keaton what are your thoughts uh I mean I believe he I think he is gonna be the star I mean outside of who’s he have Sam darn to compete with him I mean I don’t think he’s gonna start I mean I I think he I mean regardless of the type of year Vikings will have I think JJ McCarthy is in the right situation I think you know you still have guys like uh know Justin Jefferson I he’s been a lot of trade ruins but you still have him and then Jordan Addison to work with so like I mean JJ McCarthy guy doesn’t really you know hasn’t been asked to pass the ball a lot in Michigan given the talent he had around him at Michigan so like I think he’s going to be a star I think he’s gonna be a star in week one and you know if he progresses and that think that’s gonna be a good thing for the Vikings uh so we’ll see yeah I mean I I agree completely I think he’s going to start day one and I think that what the plan is is just kind of uh dumb down the playbook in the beginning and then as he gets used to things kind of progress and open up the Playbook but um uh you know you got some questions on the defensive side I Dallas Turner I like but Danielle Hunter had what 17 and a half sacks last year was it 17 19 and a half I mean that dude’s a stud and you’re asking a rookie to take over that’s it’s a lot a lot yeah I mean you got some questions but I I I’m I wasn’t that high on McCarthy coming out of Michigan but out of all the places you could go I um I I really think that like Minnesota’s a good spot uh Perry ask another great question here how long would Jim Harbaugh need to take need how long would Jim Harbaugh need to turn around the Chargers Keaton what’s your thoughts how long will it take I mean it’s gonna take I mean I like what he did I think he like I said Jim Harbaugh is a guy that likes to build his way and that’s through the trenches on both sides so I think he has the right Personnel but like I said you have some rookies like Joe Al I think he’s you know he hasn’t seen the field yet but I think he’s gonna be the best tackle in this draft but it’s gonna take some time it’s G like I said it’s gonna take at least I think it’s gonna take at least couple couple years before you can call the Chargers a like a true threat to like a team like the Chiefs who had been dominant in that division for quite some time now so I mean you’re undergoing the one thing about what Harbaugh wants to do and what the Chargers have done um it’s it’s a complete night and day team because they were more of a finesse team even though Brandon Staley is a defensive coach um they’re really much more of a finesse passing team now they’re going to be a hard-nosed running team minimum a one I I don’t think they’re going to be that good this year but that um the I mean offensively there’s a lot of talent um I I think minimum a one but I mean one I I I think minimum minimum one it could take two or three uh but the answer to this question uh Perry no they’re they’re definitely staying in LA because uh they’re selling out that Stadium to opposing fan bases when every time the Chargers play the Chiefs it’s more red when they play the Raiders it’s more every time to play the Packers they always like I don’t know it’s weird yeah they’re selling out that Stadium but only about 10,000 charger fans are are are um are are are there and and that’s how it’s going to stay no they’re definitely they’re making a lot of money in that Stadium they’re making a ton of money so so I don’t I don’t think it will happen anytime soon oh by the best comment of the night you already know straight Justin Jefferson what kind of deal can they get oh God okay first of all they’re not going to the Vikings are gonna keep Justin Jefferson reason they go with rookie quarterback but you would get a minimum of so Diggs got traded from Minnesota to Buffalo it was like a first and a fourth and two other picks it was it was an arm and a leg by the way that that draft pick that first round draft pick pick number 21 was Justin Jefferson they’re not looking to trade him at all but they would get an arm and a leg for him I say it’s gonna take at least three maybe four first rounders for him given how crazy by the way Tyreek Hill was too so uh yeah it won’t happen I will say getting DJ reader will help Jack Campbell oh yeah that was a that was a great pickup if you’re not familiar to Bengals defensive tackle DJ reader who Keaton said would look much better in Chiefs red than Honolulu blue um that’s a great pickup and it will help Jack Campbell quite a lot you’re you’re 100% I was floored by the Lions getting better in the off season I really thought they were gonna have a mass Exodus and they didn’t and that’s a really really really good uh pickup a harbs will be there forever Char Chargers um they should have fired Staley a couple years AG go but we’ll find out we’ll find out man but I mean the it’s going to be a fun story I think it’s going to take a little bit oh this is this oh this we got some great questions here so uh do you think CJ stra can be an MVP candidate Keaton what are your thoughts yeah easil I mean come on let’s be honest like type of nobody expected C trout to go in his rookie year and do what he did like in terms of trying to get the most out of his receivers in the team like he’s only going to get better like he’s like people are saying like going into your second year is the most important year as a quarterback I think he’s only going to get get better like I said and then you have an improved offense Stefan Diggs let’s see if you know I know he’s been a headache to the Buffalo Bills in the Walker room so we’ll see if he can put that to his side and just focus on trying to help the young guys win so I mean I think he’s gonna be in that I mean he should definitely be in the mix to win it for sure I mean oh yeah I agree yeah you tank Dell coming back um you got John mie who I I don’t know why they weren’t using him at all pretty much but Nico Collins would just exploded last year yeah Lally this was I remember I remember because he didn’t play that covid year but he had his pro day and he was like 215 ran a 442 he’s like 6364 and I was like God he’d look good in the chief’s uniform and passed him up Houston and got him first two years didn’t do anything then last year him and CJ St kind of funny um oh State Michigan connection but it worked and yeah C CJ Stroud is that I don’t even think it’s a question Perry I I 100% believe he is a candidate I saw something it was either on the NFL Network or ESPN um had like the top 10 MVP candidates and I think stoud was like six or seven I’m like that’s too low that’s too low I I think he’s he’s like number one’s momes who I get it but um I actually wouldn’t put him at number one but um CJ stra I think’s top five you know yeah yeah defin definitely top five um this is the question here are you are you familiar with this Keaton who wins Tyson or Paul Tyson what is that a question come on I you know what I think I’m gonna buy I think I’m gonna sub I don’t subscribe Netflix currently but I’m I’m dying I want to see this I really want to see this there’s a lot of hype going into the like with Jake Paul obviously so I mean but Mike Tyson I don’t I don’t know did you see the did you see the the video of them uh I just watched it like like an hour before I came in I was I was taking a break from Harrison buer hate and uh and so it was in Dallas and Jake Paul by the way he did a fantastic job Jake Paul I want to give him a lot of credit he comes in and first words out of his mouth were were fuck Dallas you keep booing I keep doing and you could not get a crowd more hyped up Pro Tyson than than what Jake Paul did so so great job in marketing it worked for me because I’m I’m gonna buy Netflix just so I can watch this fight um right I used to I used to be a huge boxing fan Perry I was such a big box fan but I I just it it it it doesn’t have the appeal to me anymore but I am going to watch this fight I am going to watch this fight should be a good one it’s gonna be entertaining It’s Gonna Be by the way yeah yeah that’s this is the whole thing people forget boxing’s supposed to be it’s it’s entertainment and I want to see guys like you need guys like Jake Paul who are the villains Mike Tyson used to be the villain now he’s the hero and it’s gonna I can’t wait it’s gonna be fun I’m gonna i’mna yeah I’m gonna I’m gonna tune in reader’s gonna yeah reader big big big underrated move this off season was reer going to the Lions sad to say 9,000 out of 10,000 fans in in attendance at Chargers games are P I mean he a lying there you might not be you may not be but I mean it’s it’s funny because the Chiefs play there every year and it’s it’s it’s I’m not joking it’s three4 red it it really is and it’s Steelers Steelers too like they travel everywh I don’t know how they do it every Stadium all Ste yeah every Steelers Steelers fans are like cockroaches they just pop up everywhere they’re disgusting they’re horrible yeah they they but yeah they’re everywhere they they really are I’ll tell you an underrated fan base and and every time they play an arrowhead there there’s tons of purple is Vikings Vikings fans travel oh really well I I was floored but like every time to Vikings regardless of record so yeah the say bills like in the playoffs all them Bills fans that were in the playoffs all that blue in the front like behind this yeah Bills fans suck yeah I hear yeah terion in has ceran written all he really does I think it may take a little longer for tyion to develop remember he was a former free safety who moved the corner so a little raw but he’s he’s got all the tools to be a superstar defense Davis uh Texans just not need you’re right Denver Gator you’re you’re right there um who would be the Steeler starting quarterback first game at the end of the season okay so it’s definitely gonna be Russell Wilson to start the season it would not surprise me at all if if Justin Fields becomes a starter Midway I think I agree I think he’s gonna field is going to see this especially if rson Wilson doesn’t perform yeah I could definitely see uh field starting in the middle part toward the end of the year for sure that was one thing that um kind of soured him in Seattle was he started calling his own plays I don’t know exactly uh if he did that in Denver or not but but sea Payton was adamant that he didn’t want him um when I don’t I don’t let’s find out here that’s a great question here so Denver Gator goes Russell the bye is 10 10 okay um serious or nine I’m sorry week nine okay that’s fair that’s fair um I really think that sometime at the end of the season uh Justin Fields is gonna play and and there’s talk about using him as a kickoff return guy what yeah I I don’t know but um I don’t know about that he definitely will see the field for sure yeah he will see the field I think I I seriously if Russell Wilson he he’s not gonna be there in 2025 and and I don’t know what the story is with Justin Fields but I could see the Steelers especially if they have a losing record they they could be trying to go all in on shadir Sanders and I’m gonna keep saying this over and over and over again so get used to it but uh yeah Justin Fields is gonna play a few games I think I think he’s gonna play a few few games this year he he I think he’s going to start at least one but the end of season it could be Fields beginning this season it’s going to be Russell Wilson Tyson is still a beast he ain’t no Mayweather I’ll be honest Denver Gator I would bet on Jake Paul even though the money is like I think it’s like negative 225 so I have to like bet 225 to win 100 I’m not going to put action down if I but if I did put action down it would it would it would it would be on Jake Paul I I think Paul will I think Paul will be smart and and win on points I think I don’t I think he’ll avoid Tyson like the plague and just uh just jab and move jab and move jab and move that that’s what I’m expecting it’s a bull comment okay I I I just I I’m just I just I just I think that what he’s doing smart because he’s building up all this hype and he’s trying to be the villain but I think that you’ll see him jab and move jab and move and and by the way boxing reference um when George Foreman won the heavyweight title from um the guy that beat Holyfield I’m drawing a blank on his name the guy kept had that uh plan for George Foreman he jabbed moov jab move and then like after the seventh round he kept on trying to knock Foreman out and got closer and closer and closer and then it was round 10 Foreman landed that punch knocked him out and he he lost every single round too like it was it was Universal lost every round but then knocked him out and the only way Tyson wins this fight’s by a knockout Tyson’s not going to win on points and I think Jake Paul smart enough to know that but yeah yeah yeah I like boxing better than UFC and I’m I used to be a huge boxing fan not anymore yeah I don’t I don’t follow UFC it’s not as uh it’s not as well I made it’s entertaining it’s not as like popular as it was back yeah I’m I uh I I think the most excited I got with UFC is um when Ronda Rousey was destroying everybody and then when she she was a beast back then well she was yeah I think does she still do wrestling I think Denver Gator knows this I don’t follow wrestling but I does she’s she’s still like main villain in in whatever wrestling league it is but um but who he logged off by accident all I am sorry I had some technical here I just I just had some fun here you know I apologize folks uh that was that was me having some technical difficulties so what it is is that I have uh Cox Communications and they are just terrible so uh R straw Doesn’t Remind me of karti but um he he’s a guy am very very high on kardi was a physical freak Greg Straw’s like 511 185 but he’s super physical played like a star star uh yeah oh she left wrestling okay she has a personality the cab that’s awesome you know what Denver Gator says Atlant will sign Russell in 2025 I there’s going to be I I I can I can almost promise you he’s not going to be Pittsburgh I can almost promise that I’m I thought they were they weren’t they in rumored to get them dur before they got Kurt Cousins weren’t they they were they were okay yeah by the way you’re 100% one Pride uh Tyson gets that hook and it’s over but um I think Jake Paul is going to be smart and stick and move I really believe that that’s G be interesting to watch right there I can’t wait to watch I’m don’t get me wrong I’m pulling for Tyson to win I I really am but I mean let’s let’s be honest um when you’re fighting against an opponent 30 years younger I mean which one’s faster but I mean that’s the way I look at it but I mean I’m cheering for Tyson of course but um boxing just don’t have a guy that’s larger in life if Mayweather was a heavyweight oh yeah if Mayweather was a heavyweight that that’s why that’s why all these guys are trying to get in that heavyweight division do you remember Roy Jones Jr probably the greatest boxer he was easily the best pound-for-pound boxer in the world he tried to get up the heavyweight and it didn’t really work but um so many guys keep trying to move up in weight class uh but yeah Vander Holyfield was the world’s greatest Cruiserweight and he just wasn’t making enough money went to heavyweight and won a title but I wouldn’t call him like one of the greatest ever so um I mean look he’s 57 man that’s all I’m saying I love this comment here she has a personality of it I I don’t follow wrestling so I don’t know oh God you guys are great today I you got are great she doesn’t she does even e uh I don’t follow wrestling at all so I have to I have to yeah Jared versus Defensive Rookie of the Year he he by the way that that’s uh that was just such a great pickup uh you get both the Florida state guys you get Jared verse and then you get I’m drawing a blank on the defensive the Fisk the bra yeah oh God he’s he’s uh he’s just that what a great matchup because the front Seven’s not bad even without Darren Donald you had these two guys in verse verse could be could be easily Defensive Rookie of the Year watu could be the guy I’m anxious to see what Dallas Turner does in that very creative defense it’s gonna be I’m just so excited about football and I’m so excited uh WWF I don’t follow wrestling at all but um yeah speaking of hook what’s Detroit going to do with hooker golf got the bag I that that’s a great question Denver Gator I think he’s going to be the backup I I actually can’t wait for preseason because I because henden hooker’s gonna play a lot and I’m anxious to see what what happens because it’s G to be fun this is awesome we’re talking boxing here I think it’s awesome hooker would be traded for pick we’ll find out so let’s let’s get back to the schedule here um London game Keaton’s Patriots at Jacksonville could be a fun game look at this look at hopefully last year was a that was a that was not good no no Jacksonville back toback games in London Again by the way they went two and0 in London last year so this could be a lot of fun um oh wow Advantage Advantage for Jacksonville Jacksonville by the way beat buffalo in in London last year so keep an eye on that um there’s some low-key really good Gams here since Cincinnati at Cleveland Houston at Green Bay what a great game what a great game early Miami at Indianapolis then you got Detroit Minnesota um Vegas and and the Rams kind of a fun game I by the way Super Bowl rematch right here San Francisco uh host Chiefs oh fo 425 I don’t I don’t listen I yeah it’s time by the way 10:00 a.m. this is some bullshit like like why the fuck with but it’s the it’s the it’s the thing about living on the west coast here that’s true yeah I was like 10 a I was like for you were out the out in the west yeah I I it’s I I don’t I don’t know how I’m going to deal with waking up you know for a 10: am game I mean that’s just some stupid bullshit but I you know but yeah Kansas City the late game at 125 that’s some bullshit too but um I it’s this is hard this is going to be hard for me to get used to because I I the Midwest where this would be a 325 game and that makes sense you’re on you’re in Eastern Standard Time so 425 is even better right but yeah this is this is g to be a good game it’s gonna be a good game for sure yep G be a good game Monday night um Char chargers at Cardinals I’m not too excited about but Baltimore at Tampa Bay is a low-key really good game because there’s going to be some playoff positioning here uh especially for Tampa Bay trying to win its four straight NFC South title and Baltimore’s gonna be I mean Baltimore’s schedule’s really tough is tough they gotta do it anybody can win that division the North like I’m being honest with you right now outside the Steelers bu going to be hard for me to root for the Rams to many Florida State and Michigan players yeah they they they did load up they did load up uh Trevor Lawrence does need to take a big step forward I mean um if Jacksonville no excuses yeah if Jacksonville doesn’t make the playoffs you might have to move on in a different direction if you’re Jacksonville you may have to move on from Trevor Lawrence you might have to oh God Dan think a big birth all right so let’s go to week eight here um could be a fun game here on Thursday night but the first six games for the Thursday night schedule I thought were just fantastic uh Denver and the Saints I’m not too turned on Minnesota at the Rams could be a lot of fun it could be a lot of fun if Minnesota’s there I’m I’m predicting it to take some time because you have a rookie quarterback and I do think JJ will be the rookie quarterback I think the Rams are a team that is just loaded um Rams may have had I’ll tell you what I like verse I like Brandon fix uh they drafted a quorum I think in third round uh last year they had a great great draft um Perry I’m not gonna post that comment but it’s really funny yeah what a great job by the Rams what a great job by the Rams and look at look at this schedule here some really great games Baltimore at Cleveland that’s going to be a good one Jets at Patriots could be a lot of fun this is a good one right here Atlanta at Tampa Bay um playoff playoff Ramic I mean even though it’s only week eight playoff ramifications oh Eagles at the Bengals oh yeah where where’s that one at where is it Eagles Bengals go down right there oh yeah yeah this is a good one um Colts in Houston could be a good one Green Bay at Jacksonville something that could be a lot of fun Philly Bank and a game that could be a lot of fun Chiefs Raiders for you old time oldtime people oldtime rival hopefully the Raiders are no good this year night look at this though so 49ers play Kansas City then they come back and host Dallas that’s crazy and they can probably win all those games too that’s the fun part they be really good they really could and if they do win those games watch out NFL oh my goodness until they meet until they meet the Chiefs and then come up short the superow again yeah and and by the way yeah you’re right you drafted four impact players last year and and the Rams had a really good draft uh look uh getting puka Nika I’m butchering his name in the fifth round kind of a luck but um they drafted I they drafted a tight end uh Dennis Allen the sixth round his only crime was he ran a bad 40 time but he actually started a few games last year so and and uh their third round pick out of Tennessee drawing a blank on his name he led the team in sacks so you get him opposite verse you got some mid rushers so I mean there there’s a lot of things to like about the Rams so the 49ers look Kansas City’s no slouch uh Dallas is going to be no slouch Monday night could be kind of a dud a Giants at Pittsburgh uh Perry is on record saying he loves the Giants uniforms let let’s go these again what let’s go back to this right now again what the fuck are these this I mean seriously Giants come on man you’re in New York no no no no come on do that’s that’s their actual home uniforms for the 2024 season or is that just their throwback jerseys for like I hopefully they they wear them for one game and burn them I mean yeah honestly terrible yeah they’re terrible Halloween this is a great game so after two Duds on Thursday night yeah Houston at the Jets on Halloween I don’t I don’t I don’t know may maybe Keaton dresses up and goes trick- or-treating I don’t know I don’t do shit on Halloween but I’m gonna watch this game on Halloween I’m G this is going to be a great game Houston at the Jets playoff ramifications on the line could be HomeField Advantage I don’t know I’m looking at two potential we talked about this earlier CJ shroud’s MVP candidate you better believe Aaron Rogers if he’s healthy if he’s putting up numbers he’s G to be an MVP candidate that’s true and this this game last year too you remember cout struggled all game they got blown out by the Jets now is about Rogers the defense really did a good job against CJ Stout making life hell for him so we’ll see if it’s a different type of game it what a great game so the first six weeks of the season on Thursday night must C TV kind of two Duds then you come back with a home run on Halloween I know what I’m doing Halloween it I know it’s it’s five and a half months away I already I already know what I’m doing on Halloween I I think the offensive tackle Kans City took in the draft could be a TP oh absolutely absolutely it’s a Kingsley San that’s that’s who I that was one of my picks I wanted for the p i was either wanted him or Paul then we end up choosing K Kaden Wallace which I hopefully it plays out but he’s never played left tackle before so I I’m not yeah I wasn’t I was kind of wondering if you’re gonna take a a Manu a manue and move him from right to left is is that a Poss so what I saw so ESPN has the former Steelers left tackles you’re starting left tackle yeah and I’m I’m like oh God you you know you could potentially look like a um I I I I just yeah I I I think the Patriots could have messed up there but we’ll we’ll find out we’ll find out we’ll find out yeah and by the way like there’s there’s a chance to Mata Starts day one at left tackle for the Chiefs which I’m like yeah don’t let Mahomes get hurt I would not be surprised there he’s a good mahes a lot yeah uh the New York Giants uniforms look like a cross between Montreal Canadians and University of Michigan they I I I literally I they look terrible they look terrible and by the way it’s not be Keaton’s not just saying that because he’s an Ohio State fan they they’re just garbage it’s just horrible yeah that’s terrible worse than that this could be a fun game Dallas at Atlanta this could be a fun game this could be a big game uh Miami at Buffalo divisional game could be a lot of fun um too yeah I mean uh Denver well that’s probably not look at this Detroit at Green Bay oh that’s gonna be a game that might be for the division too yeah look at Rams Rams at Seattle division game Sunday night this is a great Sunday night game Jacksonville at Philly Doug Peterson returns to Philly Philly don’t know Doug Peterson was a quarterback uh quarterback coach when Andy Reid was in Philly then he was the head coach you who helped win Philly the Super Bowl next year you kick him out um but big game playoff ramifications big game for both teams what a great job Monday night a rematch of that God awful Super Bowl that everybody hated Tia Bay comes to Arrowhead by the way I don’t believe in Revenge games but I will tell you this the fans can Arrowhead Stadium will will be will be rocking that night it it’s not a divisional opponent but believe me that they’re going to be ring I agree yep if it wasn’t for the Falcons draft in penex none yeah I I agree I I Keaton says he’s still surprised by it a couple weeks later I’m still surprised by it um to me this is a no-brainer you take Dallas Turner and then you know the Colts at 15 they’re the first uh Team to take a defensive player and um I I’m I you know I uh hey well we’ll find out because uh five years from now penck may be the starting quarterback and maybe throwing for 5,000 yards and 60 touchdowns a year to uh to uh you know for the Falcons so we’ll find out but uh he says healthy we’ll find out I I still don’t get it uh we got lucky uh we got lucky Vegas did the coin flip bory yeah I heard you guys brought that up so Keaton let me ask you this because I I didn’t hear anything about this so supposedly what happened is the Raiders couldn’t decide between Brock Bowers and terion Arnold so they did a coin flip oh I didn’t know that I I he about this I didn’t know that so that’s what that’s what that’s what they’re telling me in in the chat and they brought this up a couple weeks ago is that this was the determine between terrion Arnold and Brock Bowers was a coin flip I I didn’t know that I haven’t seen that anywhere yeah I didn’t think like I thought at first I didn’t think Bowers to the Raiders was I mean no I don’t think anyone saw that coming I thought I didn’t P MOX I had Arnold going to the Raiders or C and Mitchell going to the Raiders I I seriously after so I I really thought the ra now there was lot to talk about the Raiders trying to trade up uh supposedly they were in love with jayton Daniels and they were trying to trade up the two but they couldn’t get did yeah it was pretty much the top three picks are pretty much going to be quarterbacks I CAU saw that coming yeah so I mean after P after missing a quarterback the Raiders I I really thought should have gone on defensive side you have a defensive minded head coach and and last year you drafted Michael Meyer or mayor I’m sorry I always call Michael Meyer but um I I loved him coming out of Notre Dame I mean I I think he has all the tools to be a star but uh you’re gonna hey look you’re gonna see a lot of two tight end sets with the Raiders this year it’s it’s Devonte Adams should be a good uh take pressure off of him yeah we’ll find out it’s going to be interesting but uh this Thursday night schedule I’m not a fan of Thursday night football but except for those two Duds these are all fantastic fantastic games then you go week 10 cincin Baltimore another good one rematch that that’s what Joe Bro got hurt last year in Baltimore yeah so by the way Denver Gator brought this up in Germany New York at Carolina in Germany you’re you’re right this is a turd this is just an absolute turd might be worse than last year’s game yeah this is just this is just a turd the only thing the only thing is though um um oh I God I almost said Jaylen Herz I’m drawing a blank now uh for who what team for Carolina the quarterback the Bry young yeah we’re not gonna see a lot of Bryce young this year so this is an opportunity to get uh to check out Bryce young in in a game the Giants have to win um so this this could be entertaining not must CV I mean of all the games you could have chose like this is just a dud but this Thursday night game Cincinnati at Baltimore I mean I’m not a fan of Thursday night football but what a great job I mean all these games are fantastic there’s two Duds around weeks uh seven and eight but these are all great great great games here here we are week 10 though these are some these SE are some games I kind of want to highlight though B Way Atlanta at New Orleans this this is one of the most underrated rivalries in all of sports I love this rivalry it’s a great game it’s G to be fun um could have playoff ramifications but look at these other games San Francisco at Tampa Bay could be two division winners could be two division Winn um this is a fun one this is always fun Philly at Dallas pH at Dall yeah was that’s the classic NFC East battle Right There It Is Well last year though look at Sunday Night Football Detroit at Houston huge what a big game this is AFC versus NFC two teams that went to the playoffs won some playoff games last year big game Sunday night in Houston uh what a great game what a great job by the NFL this is going to be a fun game that’s going to be a high scoring game oh it’s gonna be a good game gonna be a good game possible MVP candidates in golf golf and St battling it out it’s GNA be a fun game Miami at the Rams on Monday night I think Miami is gonna take a step back uh they lost like what four or five starters um you know but hope you’re right I mean but hopefully this is GNA be a fun one Miami at the Rams but Sunday night Detroit at Houston I saw that and I’m just like oh my God uh do you think Rattler would get some starts without injuries to car um there’s a possibility it’s kind of weird because uh they have like five quarterbacks if if you count uh taes Hill um there’s a possibility Rattler doesn’t even make the team right now he’s I don’t think I’m gonna okay I’m gonna look this up on ESPN here and by the way ESPN’s not the best tool to use um the way the quarterback room is right now it’s Derek Carr Jake Kanner Jake Kaner uh was a fourth round pick out of Fresno State last year him and Rattler will battle it out um if Rattler gets the backup spot which is no guarantee he might he might get a chance because that offensive Line’s in shambles with the Saints they they they drafted uh I forgot who it was they drafted in round onea okay yeah he’s he’s gonna start obviously um they have they have some spots they gotta fix on the offensive line so it makes sense that Carr will get injured makes makes perfect sense if Rattler wins that backup job which is no nothing set in stone he’ll get an opportunity and by the way I think if if that works out I think Rattler could work very well on that offense but keep in mind um Harold Carmichael the Saints longtime offensive coordinator he’s gone he I think he’s back with Denver you’re looking at different offense with the Saints so it’s kind of it’s Saints are gonna be an interesting team this year I agree uh speaking of young can he take a step forward he better take a step forward I mean look what CJ stra did he better take a step forward and it’s a shame because you got Xavier Legette tons of talent but raw uh John Jonathan Brooks uh easily the best running back in the draft but he tore his ACL I think in October or November is he gonna be healthy gavian Sanders a uh you got him in the fourth round great pick up in the fourth round a raw dude athletic he ran a 469 at the combine ignore it watch him on tape he plays faster um but he’s a raw dude um you have to we we’ll find out uh but they got their hands full new head coach new system drafted three yall young raw guys but he better take a step forward because look what CJ str’s doing we just talked about CJ strad being an MVP candidate we’re yawning about about uh um Bryce young so yeah he better take a step forward they gave him weapons yeah do you think Allen and the Saints head coach can develop Rattler I don’t I’ll be honest with you I think you guys are jumping the gun because I like Jay Kaner coming out Fresno State last year uh there’s no guarantee I’m gonna tell you there’s no guarantee Rattler is even gonna make the team but if he becomes backup quarterback we’ll find out but I I think they’re all in on Derek Carr John Gruden’s actually a consultant with uh uh the Saints and he worked with both Dennis Allen and and of course he worked with Derek Carr huge Derek Carr fan so I mean they’re kind of going Allin with Derek Carr so I don’t think they’re really concerned about rattler um he may not even make the team I don’t expect much from Miami they a show of a team that they had window of opportunity is closed they lost so many starters last year can agree more yeah agree more I mean look you their season ended at home last year when they lost to Buffalo they they win that game against Buffalo they host a playoff team you never know you never know they could finish last too in the div and that because did you hear about him holding out because of his contract yeah they’re they’re trying to work that deal out um I have no idea what to expect to be honest with you because like uh there was talks that he’s gonna take a Team friendly contract now he’s holding out I don’t know what to expect with Tua I I really don’t me neither think if Rattler gets put uh will oh okay so if he gets cut absolutely I mean there there was a lot of people thought he was the second third round grade he he lasted all the way to the fifth round um if he gets cut he will 100% sign with another team on the practice squad okay practice squad that that’s what okay so if rather gets put on the practice squad will another team sign him absolutely what about D I mean Dallas I mean I remember we were on the uh we did that mock draft I think it was Chief Sean he said something about Dallas getting Rattler remember yeah yeah I I I was kind of surprised by it but I mean I’ve seen weirder things happen like penck going number eight to the Falcons yeah that was the definitely surprise of the draft I was like what the heck yeah I mean yeah um I I I I mean you know look a lot of people thought very highly of Spencer Rattler so if Rattler does get put on the practice squad he will get he will 100% uh get signed by another team Denver Gator says I never thought young was a good NFL prospect seriously I go back to my vide I had CJ Stroud as quarterback number one I had him going to Carolina because Frank brigh was a former NFL quarterback Frank Wright was a is kind of a big dude I mean I’m 5’8 so he’s 6’3 so yeah he’s big dude compared to me I thought there was no way he would go with the smaller young versus CJ strad and and they did and R lost his job at week week 11 but yeah the Carolina as of right now big swing in the miss taking taking young over CJ St so yeah throughout yeah go Lions I got hoter house 71 zero in the house which team will go first to worst I think it’s the Bengals I agree Bengals yeah yeah I mean if J bur’s healthy and then what they already have offensively I mean yeah I don’t see why they are not in the mix for that it’s kind of funny every other year burrow plays the full season so year one uh he got injured year two he played a full season season they went to a Super Bowl year three injured year four uh and then I think this year was year five so year six this is your six for burrow um that they did they did they took some they took some swings in the draft with amarius Mims and Germaine Burton and they drafted a couple defensive tackles but I I’m very high on the Bengals Tua has no leverage to hold out he hasn’t proved himself enough to get a big deal Miami he’ll just replace him next year in I I seriously thought there was a good chance that penck lasted to 21 the Bengals could have done that or the Dolphins such a nice that would been such a nice pickup like I said before like penck like the way he throws the ball between him and Tua Tua like throws the ball down the field and his receivers have to turn their body around and try to catch it like pan can put the ball while the receivers in stride that would have been that would have been if if he would have fell that far then I would I would have definitely done that in a heartbeat if I was a dolphin but there there’s gonna be some good quarterbacks coming out in this draft um but yeah I I don’t think Tua has any leverage I I Miami Miami is one of those teams that they did some questionable stuff in the in the off season and in the draft and we’re just gonna have to wait and see I mean uh I’m I’m not sold on McDaniel the NFL loves them I’m not but um he kind of makes me mad he’s a good coach but like the way he just wear the stuff he wears on his side like why what like and he’s winning games to just does I don’t know I I don’t I don’t get I don’t get think do you think the Bengals should trade burrow they can’t they they just they can’t injury he’ll get the bag whatever he already got the bag right yeah he got the 275 forg about that shoot yeah he got something crazy in the injury history there’s no possibility um so I I still think that this is a great Wednesday night game I don’t expect much from Washington and I do expect a lot from Eagles but I’m really excited because I get to watch Jaden Daniels in a Prime Time game at Philly we got Washington at Philly week 11 I think yeah I think this is gonna be a great game this is a game I’m gonna really be excited to see I don’t expect much from Washington but if Washington’s hovering around 500 then then this is definitely a huge game if Philly falls apart and and and they’re hovering around 500 you gotta win this game so this I think this is going to be a great game I agree Washington won seven games I think they won seven last year I believe they won seven last year and and you never know I mean you it’s it’s a weird it’s a weird league but I’m excited I think the NFL on Thursday Night Football that’s just aced it I mean all these games are great games all these games except for those two in the middle uh these are all must CV look at look at some of these afternoon games though Jacksonville at Detroit Detroit that’s good oh God good game it’s gonna be a great game if the Saints are in playoff contention this could be a big game Cleveland at the saints Saints yeah that gonna be a good one Baltimore TV last year too oh yeah pittsbur Pittsburgh I think swept them so like this is a big game Seattle at San Francisco it’s divisional game Kansas City at Buffalo always a good game yeah you know Buffalo is uh you know they always beat the cheats in the regular season but when it comes to that playoffs you know that’s different story it’s gonna be fun game and and by the way Perry I think Philly Returns the form I do too I really do too and and really the only qu in my opinion the only question is about about this game because this is week 11 is Washington close to to to 500 because if Washington let let here let’s just do this here real fast here so we go to Washington’s schedule so that they don’t they don’t have a buy till late bad thing for Washington can they get through this schedule here and and win um let’s see can they be five and five so I’m looking at some of these games here Tampa maybe you never know week one Giants is possible Arizona’s possible Carolina is possible Chicago’s possible Giants are possible um so when they get the Philly can they be a five win team and if they are then this is a huge huge game yeah the NF the NF or he says NFL but he means NFC the NFC West will be a tough close division this year the Rams and the cars have gotten better yeah I I think the Rams might be my favorite to win the NFC West Seattle’s a complete unknown um I’m excited to see what what Arizona did I mean nice players in the draft um you get Kyler Murray uh Perry thinks it’s Seahawks I I I think fireing Pete Carol is a mistake but I mean look at this schedule by the way look at this Monday night game Houston at Dallas Houston at oh Houston at Dallas I mean this this whole week is great week 11 so you get Washington at Philly right and then you got some really Jacksonville at Detroit this could be a huge game this could be huge and then I get afternoon I get Kansas City and buffalo serus and then Monday night Houston and D what a great game what a Great’s doing a good job so far they’re doing a good job with these games I’m I’m actually impressed so far I’m impressed so we week 12 Thursday night Pittsburgh at Cleveland this is gonna be a fun game that’s always a fun game this is always yeah this is going to be a good game you got some nice divisional games here Minnesota at Chicago Dallas at Washington but you also got like Detroit at Indianapolis I have no idea what to expect from Indianapolis this could be a fun game your your Patriots always struggle in Miami this is always interesting it is later on the year though I mean I said we always like I said until we actually prove to beat the Dolphins you know they they like I said they tend to have our number every year so we’ll see hopefully different kind of a interesting story I don’t think Tennessee is going to do much but if they prove me wrong this could be a fun game um look at look at Sunday Night Football Philly at La La what a that’s gonna be a great game yeah it’s gonna be a great and then you know you know what we got uh Monday Night Football right before Thanksgiving the hard ball Bowl balore La that’s gonna be that’s an underrated game it’s it’s gonna be it’s gonna be a fun game even if the Chargers aren’t that good which I don’t think they will be but if the Chargers are good then this is gonna be a ton of fun um if I’m a 40 if I am the 49ers I’m making trades at the treadline yeah I I mean do they move on do they move on from Brand iuk I mean because I’ve heard a lot of stuff about him and Debo being traded I kept on hearing it I was expecting it maybe draft day and it never happened and then they take a receiver in round one so yeah I I could see this happening and by the way Perry I could see it happening for a player they may need another Edge rusher they may need another defensive back don’t be surprised if they get rid of one of their receivers and go defense true and they lost uh what’s his name uh the dude that went to the Jaguars their best what’s his name oh ER armad is it Eric AR Eric Armstead I think that’s his name yeah yeah I mean you you never know the 49ers are a team that I have no idea what to think they didn’t have a lot of depth last year they got some injuries some age on defense um they got two really good wide receivers um there there was trade talk about both of them then they draft one so I I’m a little confused what they do I I seriously Perry I have no idea what the the Dolphins into it that’s going to be an interesting story going I here’s what I think he’s gonna play this year and after this year the Dolphins are gonna have to make some some decisions that’s what I think they have to I mean like especially like yeah I mean they have they have to I just don’t think he’s the guy I said the same thing about uh Danel Jones I mean yeah I mean there’s several teams that are gonna make some interesting decisions and like like I said and I’ll say it over and over again until he starts bombing if he does bomb and shadir Sanders has all the tools to be number one pick in the draft this year and I think that hype is just going to keep going up and up and up and up so we go to Thanksgiving here and and I I think that there’s there’s two really good divisional games Chicago and Detroit so Lions fans don’t be mad but you’ve lost like what eight or nine straight Thanksgiving games now you got a rookie quarterback coming in Ford Field we we got we gota we gota we gota we gota we got to turn this around gotta turn this around got to win on Thanksgiving New York and Dallas could be a good one but then the third game this could be a lot of fun Miami at green dolphins and Packers wait no who’s that what’s that I was trying to see what team that was yeah Miami at Green Bay that’s Miami okay yeah oh my God I got Cheryl from hey girl TV She Goes My Man Dan hey this is my girl Cheryl Cheryl going on by the way Cheryl has a YouTube channel uh it’s ha girl TV she she was not making some videos I haven’t had a chance to watch them yet Cheryl but I saw you got them out uh so I’m glad you’re making content again for Fairy grin was it fashion fragrance uh there’s one other thing I know it’s fashion fragrance so uh it’s mostly geared towards women however she’s made some specialty videos for men uh part part part my requests because I I like wearing cologne every now and then she had some good cologne videos for men so make sure you check out her Channel this is my girl um last last year Dan always declares a 40 I do every year I keep saying they’re going to be a subpar team Thanksgiving is fantastic but one thing the NFL started last year is the Black Friday show with yeah Black Friday football and here here’s what they’re doing um this year Chiefs Raiders Chiefs Raiders at Arrowhead Stadium this is going to be a fun game even if the Raiders remember the Raiders beat the Chiefs on on Christmas last year ruined everybody’s Christmas nobody liked Christmas last year because the Raiders beat the Chiefs Black Friday it’s G to be a fun game so I’m coming June 11 through 14 thanks I’m feeling better I’m glad I’m Cheryl you got my number let me know uh I will try to move some things around so I I can come see you because she’s coming out the beautiful Las Vegas I didn’t know that so so text me and I’ll try to take at least one day off so I can come visit you um I would I would I would actually let you stay here but but you don’t want to sleep on this scouch just trust me if I was a GM of Def FS I would be trading to a for picks and sign a veteran quarterback that think I you’re you’re preaching to the choir but for whatever reason they they just want to stick with Tua so and by the way yeah a 49ers this could be a bad year so so so Sun so Black Friday instead of going shopping on Black Friday which by the way if you’re trying to go shopping on Black Friday you’re just an idiot do it online yeah it’s always it’s always some fight that’s why we do yeah we do our stff online every year do it I I I seriously you do not want to go to to Walmart or whever you’re going do not go on Black Friday that’s a mistake do it online do it Keaton is buying meat presents on Black Friday on mind this year so all right so let’s look at some of these games though Monday Night Football Cleveland at Denver probably going to be a dud but I’m gonna be excited to see Bon Nick’s play against a really good defense and if Denver’s hovering around 500 be a playoff game might be a trap game for the Browns never know yeah never know and and take a take a look at some of these take a look at some of these game Pittsburgh at Cincinnati we talked about that earlier this could be a fun game but I’m looking at some some the Houston at Jacksonville’s a fun one that’s gon these last two games these These are great games Philly at Baltimore AFC and a possible Super Bowl preview here Philly and Baltimore San Francisco at Buffalo on Sunday night it’s gonna be cold too that’s gonna be oh God yeah it I mean we’re in December I mean like it’s kind of funny because when the Chiefs played Buffalo and buffalo it was like 30 degrees warmer in Buffalo than it was in Kansas City Kansas City had that that cold spell um but I mean it could be 60 it could be negative-20 with a foot of snow you don’t know nobody knows Buffalo’s weird that way but you gotta travel across country so 49ers got their hands full and God this is just going to be a great Sunday night game the Sunday night game’s definitely better than the Monday night game unless unless Denver looks really good we’ll find out but Thanksgiving gonna be a lot of fun two divisional games and then Miami at Green Bay is gonna be a great game can Detroit actually win on Thanksgiving for they better might be the year that could be the year but then you get Green Bay and and Detroit again on Thursday night so we talked about Thursday night football Thursday night the Thursday the Thursday yes Reach Out Cheryl reach out to me because I I would love to love the run into you while you’re here in Vegas I’ll do my best to get off work the Browns should be a Super Bowl Contender if they play well this year yeah I mean there’s a lot of question marks because he got injured midseason Steph nansy wants to run a run based offense Deshawn Watson’s best when he spread there’s a lot of question marks um the way they the way they played in the playoffs last year was embarrassing but I mean yeah that was terrible I was not you I picked Houston to win game that was kind of my upset pick but I didn’t think they would win that easily and great job great job by but um great job by Houston but I mean Thursday Night Football what a great game this is goingon to be Green Bay and Detroit could be for the NFC North could be for playoff positioning huge major game here um then then you have some other games here Cleveland at Pittsburgh could be a big one uh buff at the Rams that’s going to be a huge one of course you’ll be cheering Rams I think everybody’s going to be cheering for the Rams that’s just rematch of a week one when uh think the Rams won the Super Bowl and they came and played bills week out remember right that’s right so I mean you know it’s gonna be it’s gonna be a good game Sunday Night Football um look if the Chargers are any good this year it’s going to be a great game by the way for those of you that don’t know um um for those of you that don’t know the Chargers Chiefs are always entertaining games mainly because the Chiefs usually win but uh and by the way December in Kansas City we talked about it it could be 60 it could be negative -20 you have no idea it’s gonna be a good game it’s gonna be a good game Green Bay can challenge for the NFC North this year no absolutely absolutely they could I agree so she’s giv Keaton so this is uh Cheryl this is from Katon talk sports please subscribe to his YouTube channel I put the link to Keaton’s channel in the description below so definitely check out his channel he will your channel out as well or I I can’t force him to do it but I’m I I know ke He he’ll definitely check out your channel um go bills over to scams by the way I dislike my gosh oh Monday Night Football this could be a great game Bengals and B Dallas a fun game in Dallas too yeah yeah game this could be a great game this could be a great game so the NFL schedule’s just nailed it so far I mean just phenomenal look at Thursday night again Rams at 49ers on fire team what a great job here and this this by the way I know you’re not Chiefs fan but Chief great G early what a great game that is that’s gonna be that reminds me a little bit of that game last year when um was it San Francisco went into Cleveland everyone thought Cleveland get blown out and then they end up win by a few point I don’t know that’s that’ll be a good game right there I mean you know yeah do check Heaton Channel he’s he’s got he’s got a nice Channel he’s do he’s doing a great job so share we we’re all here to support each other when it comes to YouTube definitely and then uh there’s some there’s some Miami at Houston could be a good game this is a big one though Buffalo at Detroit oh oh man Lion on fire that’s gonna be a good game right there Pittsburgh and and Philly that’s gonna be a good one this this could be a fun game Tampa Bay and then Sunday Night Football Green Bay in Seattle this could be a fun one but okay so Monday night has I Chicago at Minnesota’s fun because you’re have two rookie quarterbacks probably true yeah true oh that environment too Minnesota see Minnesota has a good environment I like their their crowd gets into the game for sure I like that skull chant I think it’s really cool I like skull chant and then Atlanta at the Raiders um hopefully this is entertaining game as in Atlanta wins by 50 nobody want to see the Raiders I can tell tell you this living here in Vegas like like Vegas will be ready even even if this is like a a five win team would you go to a game in Vegas oh God I I so ticket prices in Vegas are insane I can’t afford it I can’t but I I gonna do this not this year but next year uh I’m gonna try to either go to a preseason game or UNLV game because UNLV now play and and I I really want to see the stadium I really want to see it driven by it and it looks awesome oh yeah yeah there by the way it’s near to strip and like I don’t know like if you drive or like if they have like I don’t know how it is but I do want I do so here’s a weird thing about Vegas when you live here the strip is like Mars or or whatever like you nobody nobody who lives in Vegas goes to the strip but like when you visit Vegas you go to the strip it’s really weird so like I avoid strip like the plague but uh this year I’m not going to the uh Raiders stadium at all but it’s on my bucket list I’ve been to Arrowhead over 300 times and uh yeah but Perry has a great question do you think we get a few tie games this year I Steelers I Steelers Cardinal game last year went in uh tied up was it La it was your last year year before and it was in Pittsburgh when then the Cardinals and steel tied up you know with the new um kickoff rules the NFL doesn’t want to do tie games I can I can tell you this for an absolute fact and with the rules that they have with teams going now now um what what is it that you both teams get a possession no no that’s only for the playoffs but the NFL is trying to eliminate ties um I I I I I’m gonna say no but you never know I mean you really never know because the one thing the NFL is trying to do is increase scoring and eliminate ties so um I don’t think so and I know the NFL is trying really hard to to uh get is is trying really hard to eliminate that so I don’t think so but you never know do you think Baker regresses this year Keat what are your thoughts do you think Baker regress this year I don’t know if he yeah I don’t know if he does I mean they bought back most of their players from last year I mean I think Tampa is gonna be right in the thick of things again this year for that division so I mean you know they the offensive line you got you got Godwin Godwin still there yeah I mean I don’t I don’t see him regressing I think like I said they solidified the offensive line and they ball their wide receivers back so I think he’s gonna you know I don’t know about the numbers he’ll put up this year compared to last year but I think he I don’t see him aggressing like that yeah I it’s hard to say because their offensive coordinator took the Carolina Panthers um head coaching job how much of an impact has he going to have I I I don’t know I I’ll be honest up until the draft until Panic was the pick I had the Falcons winning that division then after they took penex I’m like I think Tampa Bay is gonna win it can the Saints fix their offensive line I mean I I don’t know Carolina to me uh is probably going to finish last but uh we’ll find out I I I I don’t know I I I don’t think so but we’ll find out yeah we’ll find out yeah Pittsburgh and Philly is usually it’s it’s a nice AFC NFC game one I really like it UNLV is a sleeper team to watch this year Market at Denver Gator I’m glad you said that and Denver Gator agreed that during the season he’s going to come on and talk some college football with me uh UNLV is a sleeper team lost the the Mountain West Conference uh title game they bring back a lot of guys um even though there’s not nil money uh it’s it’s it’s an enticing place for a transfer portal because if you have to play for a year why not come to Vegas you know so I think I think I think now that they they so they got I think it’s the offensive coordinator from Arkansas it was his first year and after he won I I think they won a bowl game but they lost the Mountain West Conference game I think they wanton a bowl game and he stayed usually if you go to Mountain West uh school and you win nine games you bounce for a higher paying job he stayed so you and LV might be building something here so uh you know um I mean that’s that’s why they got the Raiders here uh one of the smartest things the Raiders did is that they uh old sanoy stadium which is actually just like five minutes from here is where UNLV used to play it’s it’s it’s I haven’t been inside because it’s blocked off but it’s a dump they play their games now at a legion Stadium which is right by the strip and and even though they block off sections it it’s starting to like really like they’re doing more and more college games and I think they’re gonna play I think they’re trying to get an All-Star Game in Vegas again so yeah they lost their offensive coordinator so that’s why I don’t really know I don’t I don’t really know um but we we’ll find out here it’s going to be fun I think Tampa with Baker wins the Division again yeah Kirk I said what yeah I got Tampa winning that division right now I agree my cousin is mad he said yeah yeah he shouldn’t be yeah well yeah I mean you pay him all that money then you go out and get a quarterback in the draft like that make any sense don’t get that dra Dallas Turner and you guarantee yourself a home a home playoff game want to either or draft either one of those guys and you host the playoff game it’s that simple it’s that simple and I love penck Thursday night football again Cleveland at Cincinnati what a great job what a great job like except for those two games in the middle every single one of these games must see TV Saturday December 21 first look at this Houston at Kansas City early game then you get then you get Pittsburgh at Baltimore on Saturday so Thursday night’s a great game a pair of really great games on Saturday what a great job and I mean Monday Night Football Saints if they’re any good this could be fun Sunday Night Football Tampa at Dallas that’s going to be a great game so San Francisco at Miami could be fun cross country trip cross country trip Denver and Chargers you got divisional Rivals Philly at Washington this is the game that I’m really excited about Rams at Jets oh got that that’s just that could be all sorts of fun uh your your your Patriots play the bills that’s going to be a fun one Detroit and Chicago always game um that’s lot yeah what the Falcons GMB let go who’s a jam J is I I I can’t think of his name but him and Arthur Smith came on at the same time and him and author Smith budded heads and author Smith who got Kyle pittz and I can’t remember who it was but the Falcons general manager W somebody else except Kyle Pitts I want to say quarterback and and author Smith won but he didn’t win games so he got let go I think it’s a strong chance but but like if if they win seven games and this cousins thing doesn’t work out and penic doesn’t work out absolutely they win 11 games and the Falcons host a playoff game then no so but uh definitely on hot seat because it’s a it’s a it’s a you know great idea Denver Gator says it’s a great idea to have these young millionaire players going to Vegas get drunk take their money home field advantage vs Vegas and giving all division so I heard I heard I’ve heard I won’t get into this but I’ve heard stories about Vegas casinos um giv vouchers like the the like uh college kids and NFL players but I I don’t know that for a fact I I’ll tell you more stories off off the air though because I I mean I’ve been on for like almost three hours now and we’re almost finished though we’re almost finished week 17 Christmas look what you have for Christmas Kansas City at Pittsburgh Kansas City should win this game hopefully this is a snooze Fest but by by week 17 by the way listen week 17 I’m not trying to be a dick you you you could see um I forgot his name already I forgot forgot name Justin Fields no uh well actually we could see Justin fields uh I was talking about the the Chiefs backup quarterback who was the Eagles quarterback um Carson Wentz car oh I he was on the Chiefs so Carson this could be Carson Wentz against Justin Fields hopefully the I by the way I by week 17 I think that there’s a very good chance that Chiefs will have this division wrapped up I’m not trying to be a dick but let’s be honest um they’re want yeah if they have home field even if they I mean even know the are like a three C if they clinch the playoff they might just sit some of their starters I mean exactly exactly and by the way this is a Wednesday game so the the Chiefs will play um so we already talked about this but so the Chiefs play a fun game um Saturday both both Pittsburgh but so that you play a fun game at Arrowhead and then you travel you know what was it Saturday to Wednesday you travel to Pittsburgh maybe they rest starters you don’t know this game however Baltimore at Houston that could be for playoff positioning it could be for home field it’s going to be a huge game uh Thursday this Thursday night game could be a stinker Seattle at Chicago yeah it might be a low scoring I mean okay dude Chicago that time of year is that’s that’s not a fun place to play in the cold in that City Wendy City yeah yeah I mean so like that they had all these Thursday night games are must CV except for two in the middle this one I’m I’d be anxious to see how Caleb Williams does in in cold weather and everything I mean I’m obviously gonna watch the game but um this is one I’m kind of like all these Thursday night games I’m really excited about all of them this one I’m kind of like by the way the if if that this is a playoff game give credit to the NFL but I I think this could be a snooze one um some of these games could be a lot of fun these these to be uh determined I I don’t I’m not really excited about this but look at Monday Night Football here oh troice oh rematch NFC oh God what a great game on Monday night Sunday night could be fun Miami at Cleveland but Dallas and Philly I think is the main one uh this could be a lot of fun here Green Bay at Minnesota could be interesting New York and buffalo is probably going to be the key one uh but but kudos to the NFL because I think Baltimore and Houston’s going to be a lot of fun um Dallas and Philly’s fun but this Monday night game is that’s gonna be a great game there oh God yes it is yeah absolutely there you got to protect the best player in the NFL Perry you gotta protect the best player in the NFL it’s key and it’s open competition on the at left tackle which I’m not too excited about but hey if soon Mata becomes a pro bowl left tackle then then I’m super happy yeah he’s gonna be a good great fit for the Chiefs there at that position we are finally down to week 18 and here’s the deal last year we were blessed Houston played the Colts with a winin end game I’m looking at several of these as possible winin end games specifically Cleveland at Baltimore could be a winin in Pittsburgh and Cincinnati too that could be one Miami and the Jets um I would love it if buffalo in New England was um you know LA and Vegas I really love because two hours away from each other this could be a lot of fun I I I I’ll be honest of all the teams in the NFL Indianapolis to me it’s the biggest question mark who knows what Anthony Richardson’s gonna do Minnesota and Detroit that’s always a good game canity Denver um but we’ll we’ll find out um guys I know I know we’re on for a while so thank you very much for your support and and I mean I I just I just gotta tell you like I looked at the schedule I looked at the Thursday night games I looked at the Prime Time games I look at the overall schedule um I looked at the Chief’s schedule which last year I thought the NFL did the Chiefs a favor not this year uh the NFL clearly hates Steelers as we talked about earlier um but when I look at this schedu it it’s it’s just amazing what a great job by the NFL here um I I give the NFL enough credit here I was kind of curious what your opinion was Keaton because like uh I remember at the time when divisional games weren’t the last game of the year and the NFL changed that quite a while back but as somebody’s used to that and seeing that I I’m EXC exced that you’re on the same page that I am that this is this a great schedule it is I’m excited I think the NFL did good job being creative and just trying to make games exciting especially like the Thursday night games which has been pretty bad the past couple years terms of the matchup so yeah yeah there’s only three of them that I’m like yeah but the rest of them are just like musty TV I mean out of out of the what is it 15 uh Thursday night games that they have minus the Christmas ones uh the Black Friday game between Chiefs and Raiders that’s going to be much better if you’re out shopping uh on on Christmas or if you’re shopping on Black Friday inste watching Chiefs Raiders you’re just wrong buy me a present online like Heaton’s doing so how long is Wilson cap hits and how long is the hit uh okay the cap hit you’re I’m assuming you’re talking about Russell Wilson I believe it’s the next two years for the Denver Broncos the Steelers are paying him almost nothing but I believe the Denver Broncos are mostly on the hook this year and I think a little bit next year I have to double check that but I know they’re on the hook a lot for this year that’s why you have to go with the rookie quarterback there could be some changes um the receiver I’m drawing a blank on his name courland Sutton he’s requested yeah he requested a trade they traded Jerry Judy they release Justin Simmons um I want to tell you without looking it up Perry If You by the way remind me next week and I’ll look it up and by the way all my social media links are below the link to Keaton talk sports is also listed below if you if you’re on social media Perry I’m still on Facebook’s banned list dumb as hell but list uh yeah so so what it is I got cancelled on Christmas they said that um when I was doing my live streams I was doing it on Facebook and they said that I was doing copyrighted it was a copyright infringement and I’ve kept emailing them it’s like no it’s not copyright infringement it’s my YouTube channel and and they it’s been since Christmas so almost huh yeah I hate Facebook right now yeah Facebook yeah yeah I don’t I don’t do Tik Tok yet I I think you’re on Tik Tok is that correct I I’m on there I don’t post on there much like other people do but I’m on there a little bit but I don’t even have a Tik Tok so right now it’s Twitter it’s Instagram it’s kind of funny because some people only use Twitter some people only use Instagram I go both ways which is okay like we talked about the very beginning of the show just because you have a different type of Lifestyle doesn’t mean you can’t be on my show so I’m not I’m not part of that radical that will just cancel you if you disagree with me but I believe it’s I believe it’s this year and next year but but Denver’s in a bad spot um unless B neck really ramps it up but they got some holes on defense courland Sutton’s Demand by the way I do expect at the trade deadline if Denver starts off slow for Courtland Sutton to be moved oh it wouldn’t surprise me at all yeah matter of fact I would matter of fact the perfect team is the one that’s uh listed right behind you with that that flag I was kind of expecting yeah yeah I was be great yeah I was kind of I was kind of expecting New England to make a move for Sutton but didn’t happen by the way you’re right yeah late division games yeah and by the way there will be at least one of these games that’s going to be a win andin game at least one so uh do you think the NFL starts cracking down on teams trying to get around the cap things like void years Etc not really um the salary cap I think overall is working um the there’s going to be tricks and there’s going to be tweaks to it every year uh for example right now one of the big tweaks that they have is an international exception so players are signing International Players um you saw that the Lions drafted a player from British Columbia but I think they’re using it on somebody else uh the Chiefs brought in a rugby player from new New Zealand who could be the kick off return guy um so um they’re always going to make changes so I wouldn’t say cracked down as much as they are going to make changes uh Denver Gator says dan Perry Keaton always pleasure good night because uh you’re on East Coast so it’s like four in the morning there I’m joking it’s not even eight here where Keaton’s at it’s 11 so we’re going to wrap up since we’ve been on the air for about three hours here uh first of all kudos to Katon talk sports for staying up till 4 in the morning here actually I’m joking but he he he does have an exciting party to get to I know this because he’s a young kid he’s definitely gonna go out partying after the show before we wrap up Katon uh final thoughts uh comments anything you want the the the floor is yours for the last couple minutes of the show yeah thank you again grab me on it’s always a pleasure to come on your show uh yeah subscribe to my channel obviously if you guys aren’t already posted a video uh yesterday or was it two days ago about my Patriot’s schedule so subscribe there about halfway to 600 so I’m trying to get that up there before the season starts so all right yeah be yeah subscribe to Keaton’s Channel if you haven’t already I I know hey girl TV Cheryl from hey girl TV will hit that subscribe button uh good night everybody and uh Keaton thank you so much for uh taking the time almost a three-hour show a little longer but I mean we had to go over the NFL schedule plus I had to rant about Harrison Butter’s hate which I’m I’m still bitter about but uh yeah definitely but hey I’m glad I’m glad you joined uh next next week’s show I’m gonna break down the AFC kind of do an in-depth detail of how I look at things before the June 1st free agency because come June 1st we’re gonna have some more free agents it’s going to be a great uh great time and the NFL schedule it’s it’s only it look it it’s it’s three and a half months away but it’s going to come a lot faster than you think I mean football season’s right so guys have a great weekend I’ll see youall back next Friday peace

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