Golf Players

2024 European Open Picks, Bets | DP World Tour Bets | 2024 Fantasy Golf Picks

Skylar Hoke and Tom Jacobs preview the course and run through the odds while making their 2024 European Open Picks and Bets.

#FantasyGolf #EuropeanTour #DPWorldTour

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[Music] hello and welcome back to another week of the DP World Tour picks and Bets Skyler hul here joined with Tom Jacobs Tom how you doing today good Obviously good from the natro AL Vera win at 100 to one um Sky sort of just you know not to I mean this a little bit of I guess promotion for us right but like four winners in 12 I looked back as thing about how many times we’ve actually done this show this year it’s not many right like it’s 12 times this year we’ve had four win and that doesn’t account for the fact that we’ve been close in other weeks as well so conceivably say every other week we’re pretty close um and once every three weeks we give you a winner so um and decently priced as well that’s the main thing right they’ve all been all been decent odds theyve not been favorite so uh yeah Feeling Good from that respect obviously tough weekend in golf um in general which we obviously talk about in the SEC uh but yeah overall obviously about the show and and about the DP worlds all felt really good it felt good to have a good event back last week and a good field Thomas Peters played well after he was the one I was worried about right like like we’ said we weren’t sure the course was a good fit I think he was just playing way too well in the end um that he overcome that so I was worried in the final day that’s going to come back to bite me but El finally got done he did he did in great fashion man kudos to you Tom I mean a triple digit winner it’s not easy and and talking about the show in that manner right it’s been a heck of a 2024 we could we could go Bagles complete zeros for the rest of the year and still be in the green in the position we are and we get we’re bet two two cards it’s hard to completely tail I’m sure there’s some that pick and choose from each side and it’s it’s not all that easy but I think we’ve got a good recipe especially with the stop and start nature of this tour man it’s been uh a doozy of a year and been rewarded handsomely for that so congrat congatulations um to you and and to nacho I mean that was I mean w it was wi to wire wasn’t it it was the whole way or at least through the weekend he he had command yeah he hit back to back seven unders didn’t he I don’t know if someone was actually no he wasn’t first run leader because Samy Jones was yes so he was in the lead after day two right and then held on uh look it looks a little bit suspect at times um as as it often does I mean Ben points out that he’s know had massive leads and and grinded out wins but um doesn’t matter you know you got the job done and and very pleased to be on it’s always doozy uh following Ben when he’s uh have a leader in there too he’s one of a kind uh in his tilt side of things but um no congratulations to you and yes you kind of hit um on the somber note I think we need to make sure you know we we make a point to have a conversation or at least a couple talking points about the sad passing of of Grayson Murray um think it really hits home man I mean he’s our age right he’s somebody who we’ve we’ve seen his whole professional career basically and and known of the ups and downs behind the scenes and in the public uh manner which he talked about right I think that’s that’s the really troubling thing Man it seemed somebody like him who was willing to hold and share the burden of what he was feeling to the I mean limited times we get to hear him speak right but for those that struggle and have that that feeling of depression addiction you know just something that is a lifelong illness that even when the skies are clear it still lives within you know like that’s that’s the thing that I feel has really resonated with me when thinking back on it and can’t even imagine you know some of those those last moments the fact that he you know played golf was out there you know 12 hours before taking his own like it it’s it’s such such a sad and heartbreaking reality to see um to see that happen and we could spend a lot of time talking on it and you know I for anybody I think my biggest challenge and thing that I want to make sure to be willing to do at any and all times for anybody is we can have a conversation I’m here for that manner right that’s yeah part of the opportunity of getting to have a a platform that we do is I I want to make sure that we’re not closed off we’re not anywhere that we can’t be talking to anybody you know it’s we get to have a unique situation where we have people that reach out to us for things we like and enjoy tipping and and talking about and that’s a bubble in which we live and maybe Escape some of our realities of life too right and having a common theme with somebody who may be going through so much different than we don’t know about it’s okay to have that conversation and reach out and we’re we’re people and human too and we Face some of those same struggles so forever available for conversation and and challenge everybody to to have that because just talking with people and knowing friends and people that have been in that manner right you can be as positive and reinforcing to that individual but it may take a an army to really realize how many people are for you or might you might be that one person that says one nice thing that that could change that literally could change your life you know that could be the the arm that they need around them in that in that exact moment and you never know when that is so that’s that’s been my head space yeah I think I think you you’ve touched on all the key points I mean I sort of spoke about Grayson that link really on the podcast yesterday with Matt and the first thing I wanted to do is kind of celebrate the career he’d had I think from a golf perspective I think just looking at his achievements whilst he was going through all this like easy to forget like he actually struggled with this before he even turned Pro he pulled out from an amateur event when he was leading because of the anxiousness um and and it’s been a lifelong battle and I think because he’s put himself in situations I don’t want to talk about you know ill of him like he’s had some negative comments towards him and a lot of negative connotations that people then can’t see past that right and and in the mix all of that was you know real personal struggle and I think what really hit home was the two things that you said which was that he was our age and I think that’s really haunting like I feel like I’ve just started in life and and you know and his is sadly come to an end in the second one um is is the fact that really it looked like he was getting his life you know together right that was a really horrible thing like it you know and I didn’t think this was even a a conceivable notion two or three years ago when he was really at his lowest when he you know had the schoolo tracks and his reference and things like you never even consider this and then when you see him come back win two times on the corner fre tour last year and win on the PJ to this year you think wow like you know what what space must he have been in to still want to make that decision and as you said sky like I I I said to Matt yesterday like you know we might not have we we have a decent you know social media following between the two of us right and we have people reach out to us all the time and you know we have a modest Channel and modest modest program following right but the most important thing is that there are people that reach out to us about golf um and reach out to us about things and ask us to come and podcast and one thing I think we’re both pretty good at doing is trying to reply to as many comments and tweets and messages as we can and and offer support to people and I said like one of the things like I’ve been very fortunate that you know we’ve been given this platform as me and you as a show you’ve come and helped me on my podcast and you you do build up a comfortability of having those people that you know who talk to and and one of the things was you know like I said yesterday I’m no expert in grief in tragedy in alcoholism or anything like that I I don’t think I’m the sort of person to help in that respect but if you want to speak to me about golf about anything else in life even if you do want to speak to about I’ll definitely try my best but like that it’s having that outlet like you said I think one of the things I said it’s just so important to have a hobby like I spend so much time talking about Golf and I still enjoy it because of the of the manner of the people I speak to so if people want to reach out to us and just say look just want to talk to you about who I’m picking this week and it might just be that’s the termin minute Escape that you need because it might not be someone at home that’s interested in talking to golf talking about golf with you I think that’s a massive thing right like I’m very fortunate that you know my partner will tolerate me talking about golf indoors or my dad or whatever um but not everyone’s like that and some people just don’t get the chance to to get that off their chest so uh certainly we’re here um for anyone who wants to talk and um gra Mario will be sadly Miss from the go yep 100% Echo your thoughts and it’s um a hard transition to just talk about the abrupt and to go back and that’s not to be taken lightly right like I didn’t want to talk about golf on Sunday like as much as I was sort of celebrating a win and we’ve obviously spoke about that once things started going wrong at the charge I didn’t want to moan I didn’t want to moan about it I didn’t want to talk about the fact that my bets were going wrong because things are just way more important right um I think also one thing to really sort of hit home about is that betting isn’t always the best outlet right for these sort of things as well so like sometimes if if that’s getting in the way or causing problems then you know you should always do it responsibly and and still enjoy it right so that would be another thing that that is worth mentioning but with all that said sky like I think the main people people do tune in to this reason is for an outlet is to enjoy themselves is to give themselves 40 45 minutes to enjoy the golf this week um and I’m happy to to carry on providing that as as we can yep absolutely and a lot of the nature of what we bet on is who we are betting on getting to know these guys as people and you know kind of their lives through social media through watching like that’s part of the absolute fun of that and and getting to follow careers like that and basically having connection through this type of thing and you know continue to to do that and we’re going to head over um to Germany for the the European open open um a course and event that we are uh fondly familiar with um Through The Years one of the the longest no longer referred to as the Porsche um European open but the still at Green Eagle Golf coures here um do you want to give an overview Tom of kind of what we’re thinking from a course preview aspect yes it’s funny isn’t it because when you look at this is a really long course long for the sake of being long a lot of drivers but as we’ve kind of noticed over the years shorter hitters Richard mavo won here Paul Casey wasn’t the longest he’s obviously certainly capable of getting it away in there but like it wasn’t absolute bombers Paradise right but that does seem to be the prerequisite that you should be looking at and I think the reason why it doesn’t get completely bomber heavy is because of those water hazards there’s water everywhere um you can get yourself into trouble I think there’s doubles around every corner um and I think that’s what levels the playing field so ultimately I think you just need a good blend of total driving um scrambling is going to be important on on a lot of holes and just avoiding those water hazards is is key so um I don’t think it matters too much don’t think I’d want to box myself in with just just long hitters um but certainly if you’re looking for a profile if you were stacking a talent level and a and a profile it would be those bigger hites right we’ve seen winners of McKim last year so Mo Armitage Paul Casey McAvoy Smith you know all here what I think um is one of my favorite aspects is it’s just more of a test right we’re going to see I mean three consecutive years of of singled digit winners I know one of them was 54 whole um event there but it’s just a different spell that we see sometimes especially on the PGA tour versus here um I guess last week Colonial provided a nice test too um from some scoring ability but just a course overall that I enjoy and and like that it has opened the doors to full aspects uh of game of plays that can make sense here and we do get um I guess a classic I would say DP world tour field right mck kiban is the favorite this week Jordan Smith back Rasmus hoard weisburger now making his way week after week Lorie caner all our golfers that are 30 to1 or lower I feel like burn could be the one for me that’s like okay right just same type of thing if we’re going to look into just pure ball striking it um over and over again and getting into to score or I would say ball Strikers probably do their best work when the score to par is closer versus a 25 under type of week right so that would be the the the reasoning for selecting burn at the top I’m okay passing anywhere here anybody you were intrigued by yeah so I think I think you’re right that burn made a ton of sense up here I’ve gone one other way and I I’ll start my selections with that and it’s tough this is a really really tough sale for me right that I’ve gone from Burn vburg I’ve been pretty high on all season long I’m gonna go with Ryan with Richard Mansel right and we’ve talked about him skot like at length like he’s he’s someone that you’ve experienced experimented with is someone that I’ve been very vocal about uh oppositionally but also then tried to take a chance him he’s been a bigger number and we’ve ultimately come up short and that’s because he has come up short every single time you cannot deny his skill set he is a a great driver of the golf ball he’s good iron player on his day he can get streaky with the putter it’s just that when he’s putting in contention he’s not good um and but he was s in Te again last week 22nd in approach uh that was part of his 13th Place finish at the s he was ninth going into the final round you do hate to see him sort of going backwards on a Sunday regardless of whether he’s writing contention or not but again it was four rounds of sub 70 which was tough last week um 36o leader at the Singapore classic but then sh shot the third round 75 did have to withdraw the the following week at Indian open and had a bit of a break before missing the cut in Japan but couple of good signs from both of those as well and then of course something you keeper a good eye on sky is is the US Open qualifying at wson Heath he was one of those guys that got himself into the field so looks like he’s found some momentum at the right time and and then you look at his course record here um and you know it’s impressive like it’s not an easy goal of course to keep making a cut out and he’s finished third and 29th the last two years didn’t break 70 when he finished third so you can sort of see what what led to keeping him around all week but also was probably a difference between him winning or losing but then like last year he was really disappointing until until the final round short 68 um it’s a tough grab it’s definitely a tough grab but I and I would I much rather he was 40 to one of course I would but um I I just felt like the skill set And the fact I just didn’t we we spoken about this a couple of times now Scot apart from burn vburg the tough looks you know the top looks tough like yes Tom McKibben makes perfect sense but he’s defending he hasn’t necessarily got himself in masses of contention since then Jordan Smith’s been okay Rasmus hoar’s been disappointing um Lori can caner I thought tied a few boxes but again the same question marks as man as well like like limited starts and yes he looks good and we saw Pizza is what he can do now but um you know yeah I just felt that Manel with the overall body work with the course form really took my eye the top yeah yeah I I completely get it I ended up I think your guy might be the same prices overseas as my my next one here I’ll just just to go back and forth for it my my biggest question mark pretty much when I looked at the entire top of the leaderboard was on a Sunday am I going to trust them like that’s be be more or less because I did feel like I could make Arguments for a few different guys right I did think the weisberger the Manzel the norgard mhler the caner like I I could make a lot of your your next selection a lot of arguments and the one that I felt like has played awfully well when in the mix and then really comes up over from what I would say is a career week despite only being 53rd of the PGA Championship but it just kind of put uh you know a feather in the cap of the year that Jer senson has had right picks up that win um at the Singapore classic with a Sunday what was like a Sunday 63 to come out of nowhere to win that event right multiple other second place finishes to kick off the year for him one I mean I would say like you know a 71 the first time around a 70 the other time around like things go right he could probably have two wins you know this year not to say I mean a lot went right for him in Singapore to win that event but he’s also at three three other top 20s we’ve established that he’s one of the best drivers on the entire tour was awesome Strokes gained off the te at the PGA Championship made the cut with pretty much ease there in a major debut I think just riding that high and then coming to a course like this is something that really fits into his game and a little bit more up the odds board 45 to1 you get a six Place each way at Rivers here in the states with that I just feel like he’s just on such a momentum train that I’m more confident Landing there than some of the guys lower yeah and I I think with sson when I looked at this and when you’re looking at the type of profile of someone that hasn’t played here yet you sort of a little bit of guess workor he fits the mold right who is who is the best player to fit this golf course without even looking at form and everything like that and it is J was Fenson like he’s right up there like off the te as you said is is incredible and we we see so often they get a taste of a higher level they play well and and suddenly they drop this is a drop down from it’s a massive drop down from what he just experienced right and all of a sudden he may just feel a little bit Step Above what he felt before we come into the PGA and um yeah I think if he is what we think he’s going to be sky this is a really good spot for him um and I think we’ll learn a lot I’ve said this a couple of times recently like if if the players play up to what we think they should do where they should succeed that’s a really good sign like yes you want players that can Spike and you’ve got the Elver and things like that but what you like is when you go right okay with El Vera he was uh second in Kenya can he go and win of course where Kenya players are play well yes he does can yes Fenson go and play well at a golf course that suits you know suits his off the tea game if he does then you feel really good about what he goes going forward and you have a lot more confidence in profiling for these sort of courses going forward because he hasn’t played many of them yeah no I think you’re completely right um land on this is an old friend of yours for your next selection one that you tipped quite a bit um last year or in kind of our leadup years um to this one and a shorter number than we’re accustomed to but but tell us why like Paul Paul wearing you’re you’re so confident in now in this range for him but this is a thing right like when I was betting Paul wearing it was like 100 to one and he was letting me down and suddenly I’m here at 40 to1 I’m going again but he’s just been when everyone else has kind of been a bit back and forth and not really been able to keep momentum going and stop start season wearing’s been really solid he was 29th for the Johnson workw open he was 10th after round one 16th after round three he was 49th at the Singapore classic but he was ninth after round one fourth after round two and just had a poor weekend he did miss the cut once um in Japan but I’m not too worried about that like things can get prettyy quirky when you go over as not suited golf course but then bounces straight back and finishes third in China so having said that the the Asian for too long um and then comes right back and finishes 10th last week at the sedow open and when you look at the course hor which I have done this week particularly for this golf course because I think it’s I think it’s not so much like I needed to see someone contending here before I needed to see someone getting around you know through four rounds of avoiding those penalties areas putting solid scores together and you know he finished 28th on his debut here he was you know had a slow round but then went 72 7269 missed cut a couple years ago but then 10th last year um and he was inside the top 10 all all week so do I think Paul wearing should be 40 to1 and do I think it’s a huge winning outside potentially not but I do think the each way value if you can get it is great um and I do think he’s really solid so he was you know he was the preper the preferred journey man up here and then I’ve gone with the high upside and this was who edged out jesser senson for me um sky with San best I like I said I don’t know when I’m going to go back to him this is the week I’m to go back to him it just keeps it just keeps going sky like it just keeps going every single week we think oh this is going to be the week he Fades away you know he was 36o leader in Japan after being the uh 54 hole leader although not 54 the final round leader at Singapore he finished third how long is it going to last he’s 3 whole leader in Japan finishes 36 okay that’s disappointing then finish his 23rd in China where he had three rounds maybe he had a further round he’ flown up leaderboard again and then last week which I loved this a huge character moment for him he was 136th after round one last week shot 74 and you think okay this is potentially sano’s run over uh shoots a bogey 365 on on Friday follows out 63 on Saturday um you think okay we’ve got a player on our hands here finishes inside the top 10 and yeah I I just I just love what he’s the body of work the high up side of him I do think he’s going to win at some point soon um and I’ll keep taking him all the time he’s still a little bit disrespected I think like it like I completely understand why people look on him like Nar piz and this week the way he’s been playing on the challenge tour but to be exactly the same price for someone that’s been doing it on DP World Tour all season I think was quite surprising to be bigger than Yanik Paul who’s struggling to be bigger than to your point nor Muller earlier where like we know he struggles in conention big all these guys right and I just think we there’s still that little area of unknown where be could be a huge Pro proven commodity in a couple years time that we look back on as as you know very favorably I 100% agree with you when it comes to beo I’m making an excuse in my head saying he played so well because the fact that basically he was out of contention got him into this hopes of just Chase Chase Chase and doing great like I want to see it a little bit more in the thick of it but I said that on a lot of these I say that and also meaning that I bet a bunch of challenge tour guys that we don’t know if they can do it early on in the season we’re like you said we’re 12 events in 10 events in for some of these guys like plenty of chances to still be taken um overall so yeah I’m I’m completely good with it um for me though in in the same range I have to bet Guido man I just I just have to have to bet Guido it’s every sign is repointing to to him kind of getting back in a flurry led the field and BR G approach last week I vividly remember him playing Super well in this event when he was kind of in his his strong suit of DP World Tour time period you know we got a second in China without the last round we have him just missing out on the US Open qualifying inside the top 10 through 54 holes last week just had zero short game his irons were on fire it should line up awesome here for him I think it’s just a rinse and repeat and now at 50s I still think the price is fair so I’m more than good going back to Guido I’m surprised he’s 50s like he’s a popular player right like it there’s there’s as many people like you out there that want to be we migotti whenever they get the opportunity right and um I am surprised he’s he’s 50 to one um I was close I think the T green has been really encouraging that’s the main thing right like keeping an eye on that he led the field an approach last week um and as I say just generally hitting the ball pretty well n and fif last two in tth green yeah I just I just I guess I went with my old favorite of Paul wearing and you went with your definite favorite Inu Migos that’s just that’s just the range we’re in but um yeah hopefully it works have to I mean you did hit on near guard Peterson who now right one went away from getting on to um the the DP World Tour could jump start that this week um we jump both of us down now into triple digits we’ve talked quite but I think we can go kind of right to to our guys that we’re landing on um first one somebody who you’ve kind of at least had on the radar and been talking through for a good amount of time but I haven’t been as keen on backing him in the past but Brandon Stone seems Prime for just an absolute pop this week two top 20 events in a row leading into this one and then what I find intriguing is you know you’ve gotten me into this habit of looking into round by round type of events right um 73 he opens with then he shoots a 65 on Friday 74 on Sunday or Saturday and then a 66 on Sunday it’s just all right there right I mean those rounds were spectacular some of the best top five rounds of the day to put two of those together and then finish 57th in the event maybe says something but it’s also probably why he is a 100 to one this week we’ve talked about Stone’s pedigree winning a a pretty big event in the past you know shooting sub 60 fifth here in 2022 what else is there to say about Brandon Stone this week yeah I mean it might actually where I said it was the bogey free Friday from um beone might have actually been Brandon Stone I was thinking of because that’s what I’ve got written down here B fre Friday to bounce back from that really poor start last week and as you said he had the two Spike rounds and as you say I I do look into those individual rounds more so than anything really like just as try to get the clues like we we can kind of look at okay you finished 22nd or 47th or 57th whatever but it’s really seeing how we got there right is is what really catches my eye and as you said he had two top 20s going into last week before he finished 57th and and the fifth here two years ago was so encouraging because it started with an opening round of 76 he was 90th after round one uh shot 68 on Friday he was inside the top 20 then climbed the lead the board into 17th for 73 so must a really been tough Saturday and then you know shot F around 69 to finished fifth so as it got tougher he played better and um I feel really confident when a player does that and look he he is very volatile but I think this is a volatile golf course and I think even if he was finishing fourth fifth and sixth every week he could still go and shoot the numbers that he shot last week on this golf course I’m not too worried about the fact that he’s kind of going good bad good bad if anything it might just lead to him you know spiking here and that this wider numbers the way it is cuz he really should be a 50 60 70 to1 go for he shouldn’t be 100 to1 so um I’m willing to to take the outside on what Stone’s been showing up this season he had arrived there in 2022 again as a debutant on the course miscut miscut 43rd miscut 40th miscut you know like those are always encouraging to see that’s like that’s the history that I’m more confident in than somebody who is a great golfer playing well once again you know so very very keen on Stone and then our next golfer I’ll let you uh lead in as you hit a big ticket on him in the past on our show here but why do we love Danny Willet yeah this could come too early for Danny Willet like I think that’s one thing to say straight off the bat like but he was so impressive I mean you spoke off air when we were talking about it will like he should have been inside the top five going into the weekend austa had a triple bogey on on the final hle um and I think that kind of just took the team out of him as he sort of fell down leaderboard in the end I don’t think he would be playing here if he was still struggling with his with his injuries so I’m quite encouraged he’s even starting it’s not an event that he’s played before or certainly not this golf course right so I think there’s nothing like he’s got an affinity with it so I think he’s ready to go and I think he’s ready to jump start his season and Danny will it in full flow on the DP World Tour is it’s certainly a sight to behold and um he’s just better than a lot of players in this field right like he’s just a better player I know he’s a Masters winner I know people say well you know it’s got you know spe gag whatever but he was still a major Contender before that he’d finished one in the open that’s why people were so high on him going into that Masters he’d won earlier in that season as well I I think personally it’s a huge price 125 to one you’re just taking a chance that he’s match fit you know is he has he got enough reps in the answer is no he hasn’t but it’s whether he can deal with that on top of it so um I’m conf he can as as someone that’s been a winner on him before right I mean the DP World Tour did just post a video just a little bit ago on Willl it uh on the Range kind of talking through with his coach maybe not the most confidence inspiring on his swing thoughts but regardless right he has played one event since his shoulder surgery came back early to play at the Masters again the master a major he was near the first round lead right I mean he was in the thick of it irons were absolutely firing came out of nowhere that was a surprise of Thursday for a lot of people and the fact that he carried it over to be inside the top 12 I think it was after round two again triple bogey 18 he would have been four under after two rounds when the leaders were at six in his first start back that is just as eye-catching as it comes for me when you look at somebody in the triple digits you know you don’t have I we have jper senson off of a t53 on my card that I’m feeling confident in from from that right who didn’t sniff that type of a leaderboard there I mean and again was encouraging because his irons were so so good and you’re right I mean he could have been and should have been a PGA Tour winner last year right um one the alred dun Hill links for you like it’s a range of Discovery for Danny Willet and we’re willing to bet that when literally no one else is onor even cognizant of him probably being in the field he was he was eight thought around to Sky so he he he was inside the top 10 I both he was still 21st going into the into the Sunday look there’s always that concern that people these players know Augusta so well he’s a former Champion there that he just felt comfortable went out shot you know a casual 68 and that was it and that was really the only massively positive round but he feels that way coming back to the DP World Tour that’s the thing like if he was going to play a PJ Tour event no like I’m not interested I don’t see see it he’s coming back at a level that he you know definitely feels comwe he’s a multiple time winner he’s a major winner um and you talk about the the reference yes it’s bit of a concern he’s working with his coach so late but like he’s not played so he’s probably that’s how he’s goingon to get his reps in right like he’s going to have to just be on the Range and Crush balls and actually from a fitness perspective and a health perspective I’m quite glad to see him out there hitting balls into the late you know into the late week so um it probably comes too soon but 125 to1 um I’m always going to take a chance and some yep yep absolutely um as we go through I’ve got a couple more long shots to close out um but they’re deeper here we can just rattle off a couple in the early triple digits um we get some fun spot starts Robin Williams is back in the field I will say I’m not on at the moment I I have more than enough space on the hard to add him again I mean he has now cut his teeth a little bit more on the challenge tour finished fifth in his debut um has played some Asian tour events and done well like realistically I I’ll probably just be adding him to the card he’s I guess he’s out to 300 here in the states so yes Robin Williams will be at 300 without a doubt he was like 150s to open the open the week so I think him at 300s I am more than good about if you remember lost in the playoff against Jordan gumberg on our card that week now that was in South Africa where he was a little bit more uh comfortable and playing quite a bit he’s a sunshine tour guy but he has Sky uh Sky High Talent so Robin Williams was one that stuck out getting a spot start at 300s there anybody for you in the early triple digits I was interested at least in Andrew Wilson I’ve mentioned him a couple of times in the last year or so like I just driving seems to be something that he’s been decent in the past um he finished 26th at the cold cutter Challenge and I said that he might just go on and play well in the Indian open because he was already in there and over in indor and he was ninth going into the final round finished 26th followed up with a 19th at the ABW challenge didn’t play very well after that but then last week came back at the sedal open finished 18th where he was second off round one and still sixth going into the final day and he has made a cut here finished 52nd last year so just someone I think can probably you know give you it’s probably more of a top 40 top 20 play more anything anything but he was the name was at least interested in buta Schwab was absolutely horrible last week but he likes his golf course um and I do think he will I do believe in the longterm Talent of him so those were the couple that I kind of looked yeah I was intrigued at going back to Cano um I feel this might be a better course fit leaning into his game a little bit more I’m okay passing but I could see it absolutely popping um there’s one other one oh hogo looked okay Freddy Scott has been tipped a couple of times that could make sense the one that I really like just from a true gut perspective Dan Bradberry should eat this type of course up this should be where he excels like you don’t have to putt that well if you just hit every Green here man like you you should be tailor made for difficult tests on the DP World Tour um all he does is continue hit good irons and he can’t putt for anything so I I took a triple check on that just because it felt okay um at the number because he’s now triple digits but the two outside of Robin Williams that I landed on there Tom the feeling of seeing Sam Jones nine under after the first round man like that especially knowing like we talked James Nicholas who did well last week I thought Nicholas was pretty good we bet glti you know I was on GTI Sam Jones the third wheel of the guys that we’ve been betting talking about and for him to have an albatross round one shoot nine under I thought he was just going to prance on and maybe steal that first win and you know he didn’t he didn’t play bad he just basically stuck it in neutral for for three rounds he posts a lot on his Instagram I think he had won uh a smaller event in New Zealand um during the break just trying to play a lot and do a lot and you know I think now that we get him after seeing that he opened at 500s I saw people get back right on 250s now I’m good with going back back to Sam Jones at 250 that Albatross came after three birdies as well I think right like he was six under in four holes like um unbelievable like great talent huge upside I think we spoke about him on the preview show earlier in the season one thing I do want to quickly mention before we wrestle off our last pick here sky was one of the links I love these links and it sort of helps with El Vera um last time Check Masters right we’ve had Max Min and kefa win there finish second here Johannes bman W there finished 10th here Sean Crocker was second there 11th here tapio pinam was second there 18th here Paul Peterson was a winner there 13th here Robert McIntyre fourth there second here burn RIT Hammer 18th there in a check second here very limited top finishes on the DP tour T schwi Schwab sorry Fifth and nth there second here um and yeah Will Besson 14th there second here Julian Gary ninth there second and 10th here so all of these guys with a massive amount of crossover those two which makes sense big hitting golf course um and the one person I think that I haven’t really mentioned to you or even in this little segment here that could potentially lead to is the most recent winner of the cck Masters which is Todd Clemens right like good driver of the golf ball played well last week um where did he finish in the end he was inside the top 20 18th last week he finished um um beat Matt Wallace there I believe it was for the C Masters when Wallace was gunning for you know rder cup conention and things like that so uh to Clemens could be interesting I think he’s someone that would make a ton of sense from that comparison I know he did play well he he did play here and missed the cut last year but doesn’t bother me too much what about a recent t22 performance at the Czech Masters Time by somebody who also finished T14 at the European open last year year somebody who if I was head-to-head in a long distance challenge despite me still hitting a Sasquatch in my bag I think I could keep up with the distance of Pedro figorito and it doesn’t make sense Tom that he can compete here when that long of a course but he’s got an affinity for here and 500 to one after being second to only the migi in approach last week when we had shot draer back it was so good to just be able to sweat Miss putts again in shot tracker and to get figorito with some real numbers at 500 to one this week Tom we can’t say no yeah like the first thing I texted this week was like it’s fig week and you said what about G said look this it’s fig week like that’s all we need to worry about for now um he shouldn’t be able to compete here at a Check Masters but he does the one thing that concerned me like I was looking like where he would have played well on like short golf courses or should he doesn’t so like this guy just he just goes you know what I hit I hit my driver short but my long IR really well um 33rd here 14th here and the 3030 was actually inside the top 10 going into the weekend so I think it’s probably more of a top 20 top 40 play which I’m sure you’ll add to your card as well with the probably top 10 and top 20 but um do I think he can win no but do I think he can can get in the mix especially after a couple rounds good first round lead a bit potentially I think he’s someone that could could get on a roll um not have to go too low to achieve that so um yeah Pedro fig makes a ton of sense yep so we’ll close out him and then the other spot St I’m not on but excited to see Vier alaat getting another stop after playing so well for us in the hero Indian open um cool we’ll close it out on that um before we review our Bing cards make sure um we’ll give a shout out to our audio listeners you can find us on daily fantasy Sports Picks and Bets the mix appreciate all the love support when we get the comments go a long way um and you know for feedback for us too man we’re we’re open to that always and and and wanting to change and evolve um to keep up um with everybody so Tom if you want to go through your betting card here yeah just a find a word on everything that we’ve sort of said here as well like when we say that please do reach out if you want to like do like we we talk about how you know one very quick message go a long way I’ve been on the receiving end of it you know the guys when they comment on our show and we get a big win it feels great and the feedback we get in the comments you know even even the negative stuff actually really helps us like people talking about you know quality and sound and and things that we pass on try get these you know improved like we will do everything we can um but yes summary of the betting card Richard Mansel 28 to one Sam bsto at 40 to1 Paul wearing at 40 to1 Brandon stone at 100 to1 Danny will it at 125 to one and then probably a top 20 to 40 bet on Pedro figero awesome I’m on jper senson 45s qu mlii 50 Brandon Stone 100 Danny will 125 Sammy Jones 250 Robin Williams 300 Pedro figorito 500 to one let’s H A big one Tom you know what what’s better than a strike rate of four out of 12 it’s five out of 13 and you had a 500 to One winner in the mix there man we might be set for for a decade at that point yeah I mean we’re over here right like it’s been at least a week so U no we’ve been very fortunate this season we had a lot of luck go our way but also like you said Rob Williams didn’t go away right like you know ver Alat huge eway price like there’s been S B has been in the lead and throw one away for us at triple digit so you know it could conceivably been an even better season so looking forward to the rest of the year let’s make sure we keep it going and as you said let’s try and hit Brandon stone that seems more realistic at 100s one we both like him so let’s get Brandon St in awesome well thanks again everybody we appreciate the love and support and again we are here for anybody always open to a conversation we will catch you next week on the DP World Tour T picks and Bets thank you guys thanks s [Music] [Music]


  1. Love the format guys, found you last week and was gutted to miss out on Nacho. He missed my card by 1… I'm really keen on Norgaard getting over the line after his play on Sunday, first time in contention, massive wobble on first few holes and managed to steady mid round. Think he will go in and then back it up when he does.

    Bets for the week – most are prices when I placed Monday

    Langasque 50/1

    Norgaard 50/1

    Waring 50/1

    Guerrier 80/1

    Mansell 28/1

    Veerman 66/1

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