John Daly | Swing Theory | Driver, iron, wedge

Take an enhanced look at the golf swing of 2017 Insperity Invitational winner John Daly, with analysis from CBS Sports and PGA TOUR LIVE commentator Mark Immelman, including an in-depth breakdown of the 1991 PGA TOUR Rookie of the Year’s current driver and iron swings. As a five-time PGA TOUR winner, Daly captured the 1991 PGA Championship and the 1995 Open Championship. The University of Arkansas alumnus earned PGA TOUR Comeback Player of the Year honors in 2004.

00:00 Intro
01:09 Driver – Back
05:31 Driver – Side
09:34 Iron – Side
13:08 Wedge
15:13 Close

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well for me I’ve always been like since my swing so long it’s always been low and slow and the second part is finish the back swing so you can get set to come down and whatever speed you may come down that you can control and keep your rhythm in Balance relax focus on the target low and slow try to make a good turn staying down through [Music] impact Long John Daly a two-time major champion and an even bigger personality big JN is univers ly loved for his Larger than Life demeanor and he’s brooming t- shots despite battling a number of injuries and ailments Big John still packs a punch and he entertains fans with his downto Earth nature and his other worldly Talent John’s just looking at the left edge of the screen hits his you know patented little you know High bomb peeler was that a driver it was a driver and this is a good looking golf shot right here they love it they love him around here they absolutely love them what a golf shot what a golf shot let’s take a look at this swing as I dive into John Daly’s golf swing I see a few things first off Big John is not handcuffed by technique all he’s trying to do is take a bat and a ball and crank that ball as far down the Fairway as what he possibly can secondly he spoke of his affinity for Jack Nicholas and you can see see some of Jack’s moves in John Daily’s swing so let’s get into it y is at a dress again just standing to it arms extended away from him and that angle there is the pitch of the shaft at a dress now a lot of golfers will try and Trace the club along that line not John you’ll just see him rotate his hips wind up his body and that club will follow the momentum of the body underneath the plane going back so starting back watch the club he just turns the core and the club gets in behind him right there things line up pretty well but here’s where the beauty happens this is classic John Daly watch those elbows now as he continues to wind and continues to stretch that back swing to the nth degree look at that right there that is classic John Dy now to compare him to Jack Nicholas this elbow right over here that trailing elbow the right elbow which is floated away from the side a little bit over there that is very much Jack neckolas as we look further into this position at the top you’ll see John here with a risk condition that’s quite extended most golfers nowadays will be like you want that risk condition more flat even more flexed more bod not John he’s just stretching this back swing but the thing about that is now is to organize that back in front of him on the way down so the first job is to do is to get that trailing elbow back to the trailing side so watch in transition John unwinds his body Watch That Elbow starts to swing down and starts to connect and merry up with his right side right now he’s lining up the golf ball and right now you see the athleticism because as we take him down slowly to contact you will see a baseball type player looking to crank one over the short stop for a home run look at that picture there body turning open right elbow by the side Club face right over the back of the ball and J D is primed to smash it watch the arms now extend down the line the body will continue to rotate all the way to the follow through the only thing now with John of course is because of some knee injuries over here he doesn’t have the pushup with the legs into the follow through that he used to but trust me as we take him to the Finish John Daly still packs a punch and that golf ball still feels it you he have the power to challenge his dog leg R hole taking it up the right hand side well he has to he can reach that bunker so he needs to stay right of it at his long and that is perfect great t-shot there by John Daly wow is that out there that is Uncharted territory and there he is John Daly can still grip it and rip it pulling his golf cart up there pretty close to that uh T box John with tremendous length still Jon still hitting it as hard as ever hammers it down the right hand side of the Fairway at the first doesn’t need help from the card path but he gets it look how far this thing went [Music] that however talk about clearing the left side up the left hand side John trying to cut it Johnny carries it all the way up that slope unreal back at that left tree to start that up the left hand side and he’s done just that he cut it back what a play there by Dy that is out there long and now his mindset totally changes with his appr Pro Shot here at 18 [Applause] John Daly with a driver in hand caddy view this is just tremendous let’s start at the very start how you hold the club has the biggest influence on the club face and you can see there John always has a very strong lead hand left hand grip you can see how that hand is cranked over the club face I believe with a pace at which he swings it that was always just to help him Square the toe of the club through impact I love this at a dress big wide stance with the feet flared open that facilitates a really easy wind and unwind of the Torso throughout the swing and people get caught up in John Daily’s back swing I love how his core moves so starting away from the golf ball you’ll see a little trigger move so starting John back you can see that bump forward I love it that sets everything in motion watch how there’s a little shift off to his right hand side the right hip is turning behind him and the arms are extending the club head away from him creating width now from there he continues to wind up that core CI turns behind him and there’s classic John Daly at the top of the golf swing hands way above his head that is just glorious isn’t it clubbed way past parallel and you can see how through this all he hasn’t been handcuffed by where the eyeline is going back the big turn allowed the eyes to point to the right now watch how as he unwind he’s beginning to point that ey line to the left now look at that picture there you see this Arrangement here of the wrists and the elbows there’s a lot of extension in that lead wrist watch how that all will get extended in the blink of an eye and squared up to back where he started so as I mentioned this is John Daly hitting hard he does stuff to wind up energy and then to unwind but look at that with all of those things on the go you see how he’s lined up the left arm the club face down the left side and straight over the back of the golf ball ey line in behind the ball looking down the target line and from there it’s just freewheeling now as I pointed out in the down the line view as he goes through he doesn’t push off this trailer foot as much as what he used to but he’s still behind the ball enough to really give that ball a good hit watch this into the follow through arms extend body turns wrist release eyes and shoulders follow the golf ball full flowing yes the legs aren’t under him but that golf ball still got tattooed John Daly going with the one iron he certainly is John in modern day golf right now he’s one of the just few players that carries a one iron still but he can move it out there about 250 yd flight and he said run out about 275 yds well that’s a beauty right there couldn’t place it down there any better John Daly on the T ready to go full occasion over in the left side do not want any part of [Music] left he’s got a chance how about that a whole and one for John Daly John Daly two under just makes me think that December is right around the corner Christmas is coming oh come on yeah John Deli on the T tough hole here too Bob it’s it’s a little awkward you need to carry it up and green is perched up a little bit and beautiful shot there by Dy carried it right up on top [Music] [Applause] here’s John Daly with an iron in hand now granted because he doesn’t need as much power The Stance is a little narrower but I love the fact that he is so stacked right over the hips see the armpits are over the hips that’s someone in good balance someone who’s ready once again too and I love this look I advocate this for a lot of golfers to turn through the ball that front foot is turned outward just about a quarter turn now here’s Daly and we talked about the forward press let’s zoom in on his hands now see that thumb of his right hand watch as he starts the swing watch the trigger you see how that thumb repositions itself and it stays there throughout the golf swing I’m not saying you must but I am saying that the pressure in the right hand that nlove hand is held by the two middle fingers the thumb and the four finger finger their Pinchers they should not be pressing on that club and now he’s set up to go into the back swing so everything Remains the Same just a clean turn of the body back swing not as long no need for power this is just a scoring iron as we unwind him now you’ll see the low body lead no real sliding just a clean pivot of the hips that get him all the way down to contact see how neat that is the arms unwind there’s contact in a very Square Club face and looking in on that thumb position yeah it’s still there so that’s just John Daly again grip pressure in the middle two fingers now JD is known for power but to me he’s got wonderful touch and he’s a great shot Maker Now watch the follow through here watch as he goes Midway into the follow through how his right arm rolls over the leftt that picture right there is just absolutely Dandy right arm over the left that squares off the club face that is JN trying to hit a little rolling draw watch one more time arms roll over each other look that club face is slung around there that’s slamming the toe of the club shut and allowing him to flight a little low draw and you see how that momentum of that club almost flow into his body and one more time how that takes him all the way into the follow through watch this he’s eyes over the ball arm arms roll over body follows balanced follow through crafty John not just powerful John that is Crafty John Daly too and a beautiful example of how to hit a draw and do it your own way trying to knock down an eight iron here from just under 170 well we said the whole location over the right side right out in the open and he goes flag hunting beautiful shot there by Big John this a moment ago at the 13th John Daly his t- shot 178 John this is a little cut six iron trying to play a little shot in there boy did he ever that’s incredible we go back to 12 John Bailey on the te not wasting any time JD never wastes any time he throws a dart in there he hit he hits them all like that John Daly on the T at 16 John not taking much time at all very fluid s there by Dy oh my what a shot there by John Daly right over the top of the flag died in as he is so here is a bonus patriotic John Daly now question downhill line in the bunker if you were in the situation with people on the other side of the green would you take as big a swing as this consider this for a minute so JD at a dress you can see how the body lines are looking to the left hand side side that’s natural cuz he’s trying to create a leftward path or path across the ball with an open Club face so now as he swings back you’ll see him stand the shaft of the club up a whole lot more like right there you see how that shaft of that club is looking almost vertical now I’m going to leave that line there and allow him to come down and through the ball all the way into the follow through so there’s the full swing now it cuts down and across the big splash of the sand now that club’s going to exit his body somewhere in this area all the way into that spot Midway through and you see where that club exits so it was going back it steepened coming down you could see it was leftward and that now is creating that down and left path so let’s watch him do this a few times shall we so we take him back to the start arms up shaft steep swings down left with the ball face open he splashes the sand and tosses that sand all the way onto the green the ball is propelled by that splash of sand watch how the club bounces and interacts with the sand look at the speed that the ball climbs on but more importantly than anything else watch the direction in which the club Ed is traveling as it works down his body line which is across the target line that is gorgeous right there face open splash of the sand ball takes off like a homesick Angel and that was just a Dandy out of the greenside bunker and a great model for all you guys who right now aren’t brave enough to try and hit that shot with people on the other side of the Green Oh What A shot there by daily I thought it was a tough shot Bailey right what didn’t look that hard for him Dy on the 18th far five he can reach in two so obviously having some issues here but hello great way to save far John Daly his third shot well Johnny’s gotten up and down to save par twice this is a tough shot here not looking like it though my goodness that was good that’s great hands and great speed there John he was able to create a lot of speed you’ll notice here how long and flowing shots like out of the bunker are there for him he has got a great touch around the greens he really does really soft hands kind of amazes me that he can take it back that far on a bunker shot like that and he doesn’t quite Dell but he sure comes into it nice and tender


  1. According to John he developed this swing as a result of growing up with long shaft golf clubs. Incredible

  2. I tried to swing like that for some time. I saw that style first at Bobby Jones.

    The main feeling when you try to swing like that, is the open clubface in the backswing and then the massive bowing action of the left wrist to close the clubface in the downswing.

    It gives you rhytm, power and it also flattens the shaft.

    The long backswing gives you also time to move youre body and syncs up the swing.

    All in all is it a very nice motion to get rythm and power.

    The only Problem i had was clubface control.

    You really have to trust that motion and work it out. Otherwise you will hit some crazy OB hooks!

    When the hip stop to early and wrist comes in super bowed….good night 😂

  3. Followed John when he won the Open , still got the program with his autograph from the practice day, what a guy, he was friendly, so much natural talent.

  4. What a weird swing and one that is pure timing . His lead wrist is cupped at impact. Maybe the only pro ever. Wild

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