Can I Beat Grant Horvat With $200 Thrift Store Golf Clubs?

In this video Grant Horvat and I played a match… $200 thrift clubs vs $4000 new clubs.

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can I beat Grant Horvat with a random set of thrift shop golf clubs I mean you’re showing zero signs of weakness with these clubs oh it’s short oh no no no no no go in the water I’m telling you I could give Bryson a piece of plywood or a broomstick and he’d probably still find a way to get it in the hole pretty quick oh the lip out my goodness dude Grant thank you again for being on you’re the man looks like look look at your logo yeah it’s a new one it’s a new hat I I saw your logo it inspired me you got you got that on your hat but yeah I’m excited for today I feel like um it’s a thrift set I feel like you picked it out too right I picked it out Grant all right Chase last time I tried to pick random clubs out for Bryson he still shot even par I’m going to need your help today yeah we’re going to get some bad ones I want to really get some bad clubs for him I’m going to need it I mean he’s one of the best golfers in the world right now dude this is this is perfect for Bryson it’s got the big grip on it but but this head is so small it’s like the size of a golf ball they’re Ben Hogans they’re not too bad but they’re really super super blady and small the heads are very very small so I’m going to get this set of iron I want this butter for R oh my gosh okay should we get him that’s the square strike that’s basically basically a training age 60 and a 55 and I want them to both be the square stri okay this is a 9 and 1/2 degree this thing is old two Woods a driver and a c so we got him a complete set but he’s obviously going to have a huge disadvantage with this whole technology so what’s what’s your biggest key today uh controlling my Tempo cuz these shafts are not the same uh as my other clubs obviously they’re a little softer so uh this is a layup Hole uh normally I could dve on the green but there’s water in front and I don’t know where the driver’s going dud how does he hit that so good soft soft soft sit all right that should be fine that was a nice little swing there just taking it easy off the first T we don’t want to get too aggressive especi with the ball-sized head I thought I had you with that one nerves on a little bit see that yeah it does I mean I watched him hit all the clubs on the Range and I mean he hit almost every shot perfectly straight on the Range that’s good be that’s fine it’s that new technology keeping in the Fairway yeah that’s a good Miss hit all right and we’re off and we’re off is that that going to be your favorite club today that I love it yeah did you used to play that I mean you’re not that old no I’m 30 you’re 30 okay you got me like 4 years obviously uh these clubs are a lot older than me but I’m comfortable with it because I’ve just done so many quirky things in my life right you have no you’ve tried everything whether it’s like side saddling your putter I’ve done everything man I watched you the second you were like feeling the flex of the shaft you slowed down your golf swing I knew how to time it up exactly exactly see what it is today not there yet I’m going to use a 55 Dee here Yep this is it this be it that’s quite the brake for you there yeah I know you’re already giving me Shots you know I feel just generous today we can see it right there in the water you can H yeah crap well look knee drop here we go right in line with it um it’s wow this is something else 100 yards we’re going to play at like 95 is like a 10 yeah 10 o00 10 o00 one here come on just spin a little bit that was good go ah okay wow GRE areof too that’s not bad is that the square wedge that’s the square wedge baby let’s go no way Grant you got an early Advantage yeah I already we got an early Advantage here we got to take take advantage of this downhill out of the rough you said you had 100 yards yeah 100 100 yards played like 95 with yours it’s going to play like 8 gave me Deja Vu to watching you in the PJ cuz you kept shooting like after you hit like two t- shots you were shooting where they where they went and you just did it there and I was like a lot I was just watching that yeah yeah oh I came off go go oh my gosh we played the chunk and run wow to Perfection no it’s not Perfection Perfection is in the hole Grant yeah well that’s by your standards for me that was Perfection got to take advantage I mean Bryson just hit one in the water off the tea did expect that I’m happy I basically whiffed my t-shot how much would you say not arm locking affects your stroke oh 100% affects it I mean it’s it’s a massive effect so this is a 25 foot 20 23 footer up the hill it’s going to play like a 30 38 footer dude if I make this you’re in for a world of hurt [Music] today ah dang I didn’t know you had a good stroke like that with a normal hter what you talking I I just thought you had to use an arm lock bro oh my gosh I may have had The Yips in college but I fixed them okay that was a beautiful like Tempo and everything hey you’re going to see Tempo Bryson today okay I got a chance here to just SL it up there a two shot lead right that’s a two shot lead right off the bat no oh my God yes my they’re furry they are nice and slow okay one shot lead though it’s kind of intimidating right there it’s like I I take a one shot lead but Bryson hit a great shot into the water so I don’t think the clubs are going to be hurting them that much today okay we got the honors here we got a par 4 Hogan told me to hit at 230 I’ve never even really played actually I played here a couple years ago it’s been a while but Hogan told me to hit a Hybrid off this par 4 a 230 shot all right I’m leading us off here one shot Advantage eight more to go this is my major that might be too far that was hit so good dude boy sit I don’t know where that’s going oh you’re fine that’s good good shot Fairway we go Fairway it is here we go see don’t I just look weird with normal clubs sit that’s fine got to replace it sorry I walked across it dude why why is your divot even good with these like why’ you just take a dollar because it’s just Ben Hogan irons I don’t know well that was a nice strike by you you smoked it um I was actually concerned it was going to go in the water doesn’t look like it did so what are you doing with these golf clubs I feel like you’re just like adapting to them right now that you got lower to the ground you’re going to have to adapt just like I did with the junior set it’s all about adapting pivoting yeah you know and getting getting um comfortable with how the club set up so I’m I’m building my golf swing currently around the golf club you know whereas you know naturally how I set up obviously I look the way I look are usually really high high super comfortable yeah exactly so and I don’t know how far it’s going too so this was probably a little shorter than I wanted but it’s fine there’s an e wedge in there you what’s an e- wedge I have no clue that’s great it came with the set yeah are falling through nine iron it’s not what I wanted eight iron is not what I wanted battling those golf you know the actual difficult part about this is trying to get the clubs out yeah where’s the pitching wedge wait wait maybe the E wedge is I think the E wedge is the pitching wedge 123 so I’m going to go this looks like uh 40 no this look like a 50 yeah it’s 50° so I’ll do 50° so it’s like a just under 10:30 right here winds off the left get lower to the ground hit down on it 10:30 here let’s guess correctly come on get lucky Bryson it I don’t know I think that’s good oh too deep on back back come back yeah time never hitting that club pretty good yeah it’s my first time little toe de little toe deep but we got a long PT for birdie pretty special I’ll take it oh it’s got to sit whoa oh no how far how far did you play it it was 80 it was 84 yards I think I hit a 60 but 83 from here okay this is a big shot here Bryson’s putting for birdie going with a 56 Dee I cannot give back any shots right now cannot do that go go go go go go okay little on the short side head the line got to make a putt now for par let’s see what Bryson does 14 15 16 that’s 47t downhill furry greens play this a little bit more not going to break too much because of the slowness but it looks pretty good with the line 47 ft high place like 65 ft here wow that was too fast okay too hard of a hit he’s got a little work I do oh good try that went right yep okay that is a bogey bogey see what I got here you know this is what makes me but what reminds me why I hate normal putting partially because I don’t practice anymore but partially because of these putts let’s see what I got gosh that’s brutal dang it gosh that caught a lot of the hole that caught a lot of the hole good stroke just that’s a bad free putt it’s too over I need that that’s what I need without the arm lock it’s got to be a holder feel for Bryson he’s been using that for a couple years now what’s funny is I was actually scared of pulling that and missing it left and so I just de moved it forward to the right and pushed it okay I’m two over my goal is to get it back to even today two over to one over two over to one over part five very reachable time to make a birdie get back to even par do you think I could out drive you with this unfortunately yes yeah stop right there stay bunker bunker that’s fine could be okay it’s good strike down the left side see what Bryson does I mean you’re supposed to tee that thing up yeah yeah why not good left just a little bit that is definitely pass me that’s Fairway swing really good I’ll take that actually that’s good that’s first cut yeah that’s not Fairway when we were watching I was watching The Master’s conf or press conference with you and you talked about YouTube at the Masters which was just such a cool thing for me to watch I was just like let’s go man like you brought up your YouTube channel you brought up multiple things like during the master that’s right it’s a big deal man like YouTube is obviously done a lot and it’s uh showing a different side to me finally which is what I was when I was a kid it’s just you know people people said things and they showcased things of me that was a little different and the the way they wanted to Showcase me and it’s fine it is what it is but I’m glad I have uh a decentralized platform that allows me to Showcase a little bit who I am cuz I mean like when I met you too you probably had thoughts and ideas about who I was and oh for sure yeah I thought you were this terrible all right well you’re right Chase I didn’t hit the Fairway all right 243 into the wind I think it’s going to be time for this nibblet y this little guy right here 243 probably 260 okay yeah I think this is the perfect club for it are you guys ready for [Music] this oh be good it’s right at the pen be good it is right at the peny that’s somewhere up there I don’t know where it is but dude that is your Club Bryson when I when I felt that grip how far do you have here I mean it’s impossible for you to keep the spin right down yeah cuz this The Loft is too high yeah this is pretty rough how far are you thinking 220 it’s 224 pin I mean I just have a giant tree here I thought you can’t draw it around there I don’t know if I got that in me all right I can try I’m going to try and hook something trust yourself you got to trust yourself think I’m going to go for it I’m going to go for a little hook it’s 22 going for it what’ you say going for it or no yeah I’m going to try and get it close I don’t think I can get it there it’s 224 I’m going a five iron and try and hook it as much as I can oh no hook not another bunker not another bunker H hug hug oh my gosh is that another bunker that’s another bunker your three last shots went in the bunker think about that I got the I got I’m three for three in the sand that’s pretty good you told me I had to hit in the bunker the next three shots you couldn’t do it not sure if I I could if I tried yeah 52 yards now this is weird how do you play a 52 yard bunker shot uh I would use like a 50 or 45 degree open the face and like a big explosion shot but that’s cuz I got the speed to do it um right open face pitching wedge yeah I don’t know if speed yeah I don’t know about the speed speed and me don’t go together Bron yeah but still I think a lower lofted pitching W so you don’t think the 60 and try and clip it good luck oh boy this is what I’m left with good luck okay I’m going with a 60° exactly what Bryson told me not to do I’m going to try and clip this this is a 50 I’m going to play this maybe just a little bit past the pin 55 Yard shot try and catch it a little thin oh my gosh he did it oh no that was a good try just short you got to be so perfect on those shots I would say it’s the hardest shot in golf right there 50 yard bunker shot this actually should be pretty simple Hogan says no shot 30 yards I feel good gosh that’s a good wedge it’s a beautiful wedge that is such a nice wedge man I got to try and make this Chase I’m going for the hole out here you want to enter out uh you can take it out look at him going with the out yeah I want to make this I would love to pull this for the birdie oh the lip out the lip out king is back let’s go dude that caught that caught heart Edge that was a great shot D was like that caught so much of the cup oh that was awesome now I’m going to make it all right hey chase a word from you today good try all right br’s got this to tie it up disappointing par if I H don’t make this 8T it’s tough I it’s tough should be like right Edge okay what do you think Chase than you dead straight in the middle of the cup here all right sounds good there we go baby nice pot oh wow okay yes that’s one fist pump for the day cuz I’m happy I got up and down with that is a birdie for Bryson one over to one over Square strike got up and down with a square strike let’s go you still have the same tempo with that putter as your normal putting sh the Cadence is the same you got it and I try to keep it that way cuz that’s what works for me right you know everybody’s got to find what works for them I do you have do you take it back a certain distance for every putt yeah so you have a like a but I don’t know on this putt I just kind of like sense it and I kind of know a little bit of where it is relative to my right toe but if you have a 50ft putt you’re telling I’m guessing oh oh oh no no no on 50 footer I know exactly how far to take it back on my on my putt I cre you have a length of your backstroke every single time for 50 ft you got it yep what if the greens are slow you percentage change it so if it’s so I’ll hit a 50-footer or 40 footer on the greens beforehand and if it comes up 4T short I know it’s 10% slower that day so I use that in all my so you add a little bit I add 10% no no no so I add 10 10% to the putt so if it’s a 30-footer it’s can play like 33 ft so I hit a 33 footer oh so you don’t change I don’t change my system I Chang the relative system you guys heard it here it’s pretty wild that he’s sharing that yeah the match is tied like I would say so far just what hurt me was that wedge shot on hole number two got to bring it back I mean we’re both one overp par I’m going to have to earn it today Bryson I’m telling you I could give Bryson a piece of plywood or a broomstick and he’d probably still find a way to get it in the hole pretty quick I’m sweating out here it’s pretty hot I mean Florida gets all the hate for being hot but Dallas dude all right Bryson okay well it’s 2 210 oh excuse me no it’s 220 it’s uh 176 44 that’s that’s 26 yeah it’s 220 my bad 220 okay I got the right Club okay cool good 220 downhill a little right to left I think I’m going to go with the four iron I think the four iron feels like that feels like a seven iron to me boy that’s got to go right the pin but it is high go oh my gosh that almost win in no let’s go that’s sick yeah what did you hit right there I had a uh maybe length irons aren’t great for you that is crazy I mean that thing if that was a hole in one it almost plugged stop oh no I turned it over too much okay sit that’s bunker you love them bunkers man we’ve been in a lot of them today but wow that was Inc I was looking for it to come up short and it landed I knew it was there I know that Xander’s from California did you grow up with Xander I played a little bit of junior golf with him and I played against him in college quite a bit gotcha and he was a guy who was always like this guy’s going to be good I’ve heard I’ve heard people that have played with isander just split like blown away like by his ball striking he’s very consistent it’s it’s one of those he’s like a robot right it was a lot of fun dud yours is on the lip oh my gosh I mean that thing had to like it was close then just short just short that was sick I I knew when I gave you those irons I was like there’s a chance they’re going to be a little bit too good well this is this has gotten really weird I mean Bryson’s going to make a birdie I’m now trying to get up and down for Paul see if we can hold something out here Chase I haven’t H out a bunker shot in a while it’s my favorite shot in golf oh good shot thank you that’s uh close to Gim me Range close you want to do good good nothing to give me for Grant no you left good good I thought I’m jok you sorry come on knock I guess Bryson doesn’t want to do good good that’s n beautiful thank you with some authority too you’d love to see it folks good nice par nice par that’s a not that’s not an easy hole 220 good pot all right I’ll take that that’s that’s know funny is like most golfers are all going to like pick that up but even you one of the best players in the world right now I want to do it I want to control it you’re still even like you got to focus even on those parts yes yes that’s one of my things that’s why we put everything out on my channel is because like I just watch too many golfers they scoop it up from four three and four feet I’m like dude come on I mean maybe I’m terrible at him but if when the pressure’s on you got to do it and you actually feel a lot better when you accomplish it when you put that much pressure in yourself to do it right right all right ho five your even par back to back birdies huge for the program here if you would have told me you were going to birdy that I would have You’ have been like no no shot no shot no shot with that that’s your first time hitting that for it’s a butter knife literally my first time it is a butter knife all right you’re back to even that was that was easy that was easy Staples that was easy that was easy I don’t know how far this is so I’m just going to like a bit of a cut around the corner with this what do you think yeah I I feel like it’s a lot of Club you got to cut off the corner you have I remember this hole dude I mean how you said you didn’t like that club I don’t it’s that uh pretty pretty impressive there 10,000 Moi 10K Moi you got a lot hey I’ll tell you one thing you got plenty of spin today yeah those things are going to the Moon way too much spin those tracers are going to go out of the screen yep all right grant see what you got with this modern tech I know it feels like I’m cheating against you no you’re not it’s a handicap okay little cut around the corner cut cut CAU that’s supposed to cut it’s got a set that went through okay I think you’re fine there’s space over there okay I think you’re fine what is what is this hole is it just dog leg right it’s a dog leg right you kind of had to hit it where I hit it okay 145 he had a little too far left but he’s fine actually he’s got a sh over the trees can you get it up over the trees but that you should be able to I mean it’s going to yeah it’s going to definitely take a little speed here have to get it high quick yeah what would you hit here pitching wedge uh it’d be about a pitching wedge yep yeah cuz it’s going to play 165 is it yeah oh boy and just show to the greens fine just over to the right show to the green fine let the wind take you to the right go for a big car should be totally fine no issues going to have to hit this nine iron full hard get it up in the air make sure you get it up got up as good as I can hit it contact where’s it at oh it was perfect you just flew over the green side bunker on the right it’s good as I can hit it there you actually caught a fly out of there that I did that helped your case it came out super knuckly that helped your case 114 um I don’t know 14 yeah here’s a 55 114 55 Into The Wind that one’s got a decently big grip yeah it’s not bad but I feel like a pitching wedge is going to be the E Club this is going to play 14 one 130 no I got this i got this it’s be like a 130 shot oh yeah be good oh yeah be good oh my my good dude I I got I I’m just regretting every golf club we got for you by any means these are not great golf clubs but Chase we screwed up you know I think the toughest part of this challenge is getting the actual Club out of the back of the bent yeah you’ve been wrestling those things all day all day baby all day he’s going to war with his clubs every time he wants to grab one all right just don’t chunk it into the bunker no no you can’t you’re on my team you said that’s the worst thing you could tell me as my teammate I’m switching sides and bandwagoning no no I am like 0 and seven against Bryson I cannot keep losing to Bryson [Music] go there soft oh wow try didn’t need to go that high put a little extra on it but definitely you might be able to 3ut that I think I got I think I got three in me yeah hey by the way how was the Myrtle Beach Invitational oh great I just haven’t felt those nerves in years know I absolutely had a heart attack like I I was not I didn’t I wasn’t prepared for what I was about to feel it’s wild right it got to a point where I was like okay this is actually real like you know we’re filming videos like this we’re still having a good time it is Ser like we’re trying to beat each other but finishing out when it got quiet and I was with George and it was like serious I was like oh my goodness this is like this is real like every putt I’m like grind it all matters I’m glad to hear that it’s it’s awesome it’s cool to have you guys come into our world and feel those types of nerves 15 ft up the hill a lot oh this is so freaking like 25t that’s what I got to hit it like how would you feel if I made this on you I would feel intimidated I mean you’re showing zero signs of weakness with these clubs oh my gosh oh that was too close for comfort way too close oh my goodness okay thought I had that there dang it we got a chance here big snapping right to left putt probably one of the more difficult putts I could have but this is for par I believe in you it’s going to be way out there I believe I can fly hook hook go oh all right dang okay that’s a bogey Bryson now takes a two shot lead on me I’m two overp par he’s even he almost went to one under right there so that escalated quickly yeah how many holes we have left four yeah one two yeah four more to go one two three four more you seen that from anchor man that got out of hand quick boy that escalated quickly I mean that really got out of hand fast would you say right now that you’re playing pretty solid for using those clubs yeah absolutely especially hitting in the water I mean it should have never hit in the water on number one so technically it could be probably one under but it’s sh could a wow right always should that’s the tough part when we’re playing professional golf it’s there’s always a bunch of sh Coulda W oh it’s it’s scary even at every level there’s a sh like if I could putt you know there’s a sh yeah that’s why golf is so special man y do we got uh I think it’s like 2805 okay I’m going to use the it’s not a driver I’m going to use the mini one here we go hey hey watch it oh jeez and he now he’s drawing it off the toe baby and you tried to purposely hit that off the toe yeah cuz I knew it was going to draw if I hit off the heel it’s going to go right never heard anybody say that that’s a new one there we go get all I’m going over that bunker you wouldn’t get it is this part five no it’s part four all right come on Grant let’s see a good ball I want I want you to go birdie birdie birdie birdie okay that’ll be fine that’s good good shot thank you that’s good good that is that’s nice that’s a great shot that’s good yep yep it’s Primo it’s Primo that’s Primo baby what’s the yardage here 134 right here 134 this is a e wedge come on Bryson 133 into the wind a little like six yards 139 140 just about a under 1030 one of these oh gosh that’s pulled you didn’t like it sit down what now you’re playing mind games it’s pin High what is it 134 walk in oh yeah you got a shot dude 134 is that what you had yeah let me get you a better number okay 128 128 get left get left that’s got to turn that has to turn okay you’re fine just right you’re fine all right four holes to go four chances got a land this just on the green the greens are kind of furry so it’s not going to be too fast oh it’s pretty good go go go go okay good shot right in your lip out range right in the lip out range that is correct Bryson sorry I got to dodge a bullet again I mean you’re on offense with the thrift store clubs yep 18 ft I’m going to play it right at his Mark thanks for putting a perfect Mark out there 18 ft spicy [Music] oh my gosh that’s so good you that’s two I thought I made oh my gosh that’s why I don’t you might be putting this putter in the bag no no no it’s getting too scary right now every putt you’re hitting no I would not say that in a million years this is the scary putt all right Chase you’re making me scared over these and man you really are all right Scooby dooby-doo good shot two back three holes to go yep is that true that was whole six seven eight n three holes to go two back okay we’re in a good spot we are in a really good spot we’re in a good spot don’t count me out yet I am I don’t do not count me out all right so this is a part five I’m actually going to go after this one I’m GNA give it a little ump see what I can do here two back par five two back par five it’s like five 540 53 and two shots that is so [Music] impress I was late on that one all right that’s up there though I’ll have a chance might have a little opportunity right here went after that one pushed it yeah let’s hit a good drive and then get out after this in two shots yeah beautiful good ball thank you that was it so in the qualifier where you’re still picking the tea up like that to make sure the shot tracers weren’t uh in the dude I think I blacked out on my first t- shot I don’t remember a single thing it happens it happened like I couldn’t feel any inch of my body and I was like this is I was so unbelievably nervous oh yeah yep it’s also good to show you like the levels there level there’s 1 million per levels to it and like I’ve I’ve always recognized that that there’s so many levels to this game and like even on the PJ tour or the live tour or tour in general there’s levels on that corn fairy tour there’s levels interational Series yeah exactly it’s like there’s levels within it all but that’s also why too the golf course has change they get more difficult faster firmer things that you’re not comfortable with on like let’s say one other tour and you’re not used to it and you don’t play well because you don’t know the golf course and the conditions so that’s why like when when we see people on the corn corn fairy tour or International Series going 2500 par and then they can’t make a cut at an you know a big Tour event there’s levels you have to learn Reas there’s a reason why yeah that is interesting like there’s a guy that’s so good on the corn fairy tour but then when he goes to the PJ tour you don’t hear about him nope that’s right which that just to me is like what is that reason you know yeah it’s it’s a couple factors it’s the golf course conditions it’s the nerves that you put on yourself um a few other things but yeah yeah where am I 203 downwind it’s downwind playing like 190 uh six iron I think it’s seven iron I got it there a seven iron from 190 with a thrift shop set of golf clubs oh no it’s looking too good be right it’s looking way too good you’re welcome oh okay let’s go it’s getting well it’s getting ridiculous that Bryson also keeps hitting shots like that but I can’t control him it’s too good at golf I got to do my own thing here and stick this right now 192 I’m going with a seven iron is that what you hit Bryson I hit a small little seven iron okay o That’s nice get left just a little left that’s beautiful good shot thank you sit there that’s a great shot is that closer than mine it’s pretty I don’t know here hard to tell okay two Eagle putts on a par five it’s slower though um 30 it’s going to play like a 40 footer here just CU how slow it is today they’re great greens they roll real nice 33 ft plant 40 ft that’s about a 40 footer [Music] there go it didn’t break it all crud can’t give it to him nope all right do you got that dog in you yep I got a little sheet zoo in me or CH do you have that dog in you I’ve got a little shiu or a Chihuahua Boston terer yeah like a York yor big Yorkie yeah I got a German Shepherd I would I would agree I literally do I’ve talking about bear my dog come on for the eagle Bryson your I mean his did not break left no it didn’t I was very surprised so this is kind of confusing me because I’m thinking this is going to snap left no it broke pulled it well good good you want to do good good no okay hey I was ready to do it I was fully ready Bryson good pot thank you you are rolling that thing one under baby with a thrift shop set knock it in left Center straight away knock it in a really good chance there good pot thank you okay good birdie thanks for two really solid birdies Bryson’s one under just the worst clubs we could find for him you one over I’m one over so I’m not playing that bad at golf um 192 uh e iron downwind yep 192 Two Shots back Bryson still has the honors we both just birdied the par five I thought after his t- shot there was a chance we could have gained one there easy or even two but he’s just playing really good 192 downwind like 15 20 so 72 it’s going to be n iron nine iron I mean there’s no way I’m even I could not get myself to pull an eight from 192 so it’s down it’s playing like 170 okay yeah well actually there’s a chance [Music] yeah go in please go in if that goes in the hole please go in oh it’s short oh no no no no no go in the water that’s in the water oh my gosh there’s no way that just went in the water that was such a good shot too all right I need good vibes from you chase I don’t know what to say about that one that was a great beautiful I hit it right at it I just didn’t know the number watched a beautiful strike right at the pin and it spun back into the water it’s left oh no it’s got to go go it’s going to be on the side of the sit side okay uhoh little left uhoh but hey we dry [Music] we’re good I just did it like 10 yards short dude golly I thought the wind was going to push it more you landed on the green there’s your ball Mark yeah doesn’t look like it’s playable that’s unfortunate guys see what I got here yep no way no way I thought I made that this is clutch you got to get this up and down yeah I got to get this up and down right now to hopefully have a chance on the final hul try and hold this that’s kind of what we need to do more than anything at least give it a chance well that’s good oh little short man I thought I hit that pass too little short man you had a great shot out of there thanks I’ll take that any day good bogey thank you that is a bogey Yep this is a big pot here very very big putt pretty straight up the hill I need this too even have a chance on the final hole beautiful thank you what a par we have a chance heading into the final hole only one shot back Bryson is even I’m one over he’s just playing some good golf final hole final chance Par Four it is almost not drivable but you can get it really close I’m goingon to try and drive it can you I’m gonna try is it 3 3:30 I don’t know I’m gonna try okay I think the Green’s right over there like 340 one shot back pump it down there never spit I don’t know why I did that perfect oh that’s as good as I can hit a drive Primo come on okay I think that’s at the pin shot oh that’s a good shot that’s a really too spinny well I don’t know where M ended up it was in the air forever for eternity oh there’s a chance oh we’re going to be we’re nice though we’re very we’re sitting very nice totally cool you like the you like the look of that club no 101 101 it’s playing downhill going put like a 95 yard shot 10 o’ one of these why was that so good that sound go no that was really nice when you strike it right there Grant it doesn’t matter what club you have it kind of is going to come off with a good sound let see what we got Bryson see what we’re made us you are got to be 60 you shaking Grant not yet 81 and then you got uh you’re 76 yards 76 you’re were close Okay 76 76 little downhill little down eye and the win cross win got landed pretty much at the hole I want to see you hit one good I don’t want to be able to feel my hands wait what yeah 83 yards is what you said uh no 78 yards 78 uh 76 yards sorry 76 that’s a big where you’re from 76 76 that’s looking good oh my gosh be the club oh no sh the pressure the pressure bunker shots I feel the most comfortable with but in this moment I got to hold it left to right the pin is on a spine come on bro a good one let’s hold this Chase should we go oh my gosh that’s a good shot it was trash tracking that was tracking it was tracking online all right two pots Bryson yep 27 ft going to play 35t 7 eight more feet 30 3 38t almost a 40 footer here oh no sit down down I don’t know what it should do pushed it golly I wanted to break par so badly that’s a really good pot you got this for even par for even par right right here with thrift store golf clubs thrift store golf [Music] clubs did I barely make that no that was it [Laughter] okay that’s good hey that was a great video guys hopefully you all enjoyed that um make sure you guys subscribe to Bryson the Shambo and [Music] I tried so hard today to get you the worst clubs and that’s all I could come up with well you didn’t do very [Music] good you know it would be a good challenge Lefty yeah lefty well you you’re telling me you’re going to play me Lefty I’m going to play righty uh-huh 100%


  1. Just want to point out that the American flag being on the flag stick was on the ground. It doesn't matter where the flag is, it's still the American flag and should never touch the ground.

  2. You guys should play the course Tour 18 out there in Dallas, it would be fun to have you play those popular holes with Grant and talk to him how it relates or not when you have played them on the actual tour….! Fun Videos to watch either way from your channel!

  3. Curious Local Rules: In some golf clubs, the flags bearing the national flag must never touch the ground. This custom is typically observed with the flags on the 9th or 18th holes. On certain courses, the bottom of these flags is pointed, allowing them to be stuck into the ground outside the green.

  4. I was not the biggest Bryson fan and to be fair I had no idea of him as a person. But this channel is one of my favorite golf channels and his personality is as big a reason as his skills and enthusiasm for the game. I was really rooting for him during the Masters. I hope to see him put on that green jacket soon.

  5. You have to love how a man who is an absolute baller on the course, held the Major scoring record for five minutes is playing on Youtube with Thrift clubs ten days later. Bryson is the man

  6. You guys: These Hogan FTX’s are going to be a major handicapping.

    Me: Looks over at my bag and glares at my Hogan FTX’s in it.

  7. Grant. whoever designed that logo on your hat is not your friend. Its got a funny shape….

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