Golf Players

Home Course | 4X PGA Tour Champ Si Woo Kim’s Dallas Home

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Home Course is an original series produced by PGA Memes that takes you inside the homes of top professional golfers, athletes and celebrities. On this episode, we met up with 4X PGA Tour Champion Si Woo Kim.

Si Woo takes us on a full tour of his home and shows us his trophy collection, outdoor pool area, simulator room and his ridiculous watch collection.

all right so it’s not every day we get to stroll down the street to go film a home course episode but we’re in Dallas we’ve got an all new episode of Home course with SEIU cam four-time winner on the PGA tour won the gold in the Asian games all around great dude got a great personality he’s got a beautiful house here in Dallas and we’re going to go check it out and catch up with the man so he’s preparing for the Charles Schwab this week so we’re catching him in between tournaments but uh stay tuned and let’s check it [Music] out when I’m not on the course hacking it up making double triple bogeys or roasting professional golfers on the internet I like to relax put my feet in the sand enjoy the Sun and throw down an ice cold Corona Premiere but unfortunately for me even when I’m on the course my feet tend to still be in the sand in the [Music] bunker my golf game might not be Premier but my light beer is [Music] [Applause] hey what’s up man how’s it going how good to see you man thanks for having us over man thank you thank you check out your place yes it’s not often we get to drive to someone’s house to go film an episode usually we’re on airplanes so you lived in Dallas long yeah I’ve been here like almost 8 years right now okay how long you been in this place for this is beautiful yeah I just moving in last year almost almost year right now okay this is a beautiful spot so you guys like living in Dallas yeah easy trouble and spot that’s why I love to let’s check it [Music] out most time spend in here and watching oh it’s beautiful here yeah watching basketball and soccer big basketball guy mhm who are you rooting for in the playoffs right now Mavs right now Mavs okay good yeah I was never a Mavs fan but living here you got to adapt and root for the home team so gone to a couple games it’s been pretty fun to see yeah got the hardware up here yes get some big wins so far on the tour yeah hopefully get some more yeah you’ve been knocking on the door man so I love right here this is Take me straight to the uh Players Championship probably your biggest win mhm yeah 2017 yeah now changed the trophy the design so I like this one though more I think it’s cool so this is heavier than I thought like super heavy and what was the feeling like after winning the Players man I mean obviously that’s about as big as a major one of the biggest events out there I think that year almost right after L year so I was I was kind of nervous during the play but after I won like I don’t feel much like exciting like and then goes after next day like meteor crazy and especially in Korea like went crazy so oh this is the big one yeah then I figured out like yeah oh this was big one yeah last year you got the MX you’ve got the uh Sony that you won here which event is this right here this is the my uh when I was when the tour this your is this your first one on the web tour yes I think this is the most big one yeah you were like young man how old were you when you won this I thought that was less than 20 I think 19 between 20 yeah I think I’m never going to get out of like tour but this has to help me catapult you to the PJ tour uhhuh yeah I think this is most big one for me no that’s amazing man oh your your game’s looking great man you’ve beening working with Chris Colo the last couple of years so what’s on the horizon for you just uh just keep your head down and focus and more wins will come yeah I try I try to play more consistency but I met Chris we work you know like little step by step and now playing pretty much consistence every week so I like I like working with that Chris what do you think the biggest thing is that you’ve been working on over the last year that’s helped you stay more consistent on your play uh like first time I met Chris like I beg him like oh can we work together can we work together and finally we start working together and then like back scene was too much layoff and came out like too much like kind of fishing so now trying to be more like equal at back swing but now finally we working pretty good yeah and then as soon as we start full time and then I I won Sony right away so yeah almost immediately that was a good start paying off fast man walk me through the uh the president’s cop so last year when you guys were play or a couple years ago when you guys played you know golf world has kind of changed a lot the landscape uh the international team didn’t have anybody on the lived golf tour and so there was a lot of Young Guns out there a lot of people that people made may not have heard of you guys came out with tons of passion and played incredible nearly won the thing um what’s the what’s the makeup of that team and just the dynamic of when you guys are all together I play like 2017 president cup to but that was that time was I was so young and then I was like shy to like show them like my passion or that thing but like last time I play president cup and especially a lot of young guys came on the team so I was not the youngest and then there was a couple of Korean players KH and then Tom K so that helps me like more comfortable that makes me feel so I can use my language sometimes so I think that’s helps me a lot and then especially like international team playing so great at the almost finish so yeah was the was close it’s not we we not won but it was close and then we looking for Canada too yeah no I’ve seen Mike’s got the team together several times for dinners and looks like the camaraderie is really strong with the team so I like you guys’ chances man so everyone was counting you out with how the Americans played in the Ryder Cup and you guys made it interesting and fun to watch so what do you got over here from a trophy perspective so you got the Sony up there yeah that’s the Sony yeah the Coca-Cola was the toour championship gift yeah so Master’s memorabilia yes so your next major up is the US Open you’re playing at Pinehurst so you’ve never played at Pinehurst before right yeah I never play you looking forward to it yes it’s going to be hard but looking forward to all majors are pretty tough though right so all right I mean you’ve had a good good you know experience at the Masters and you know that would be I’m sure you’ll you’ll win one day get the green jacket on yeah that’s my dream I D I love the open layout here in the house it’s beautiful so you got the pool out in the back you probably utilize that a lot here in the Dallas heat yeah I didn’t use much but last year like got moved here it was summer so I used a couple of times and then winter time I just trying to do like the cryotherapy thing yeah I just went in and freaked up came it was so cold not a big cold Plunge I’ve never tried it before so that was crazy cold we when I was talking to Jason day was telling me how he started doing a lot of cold PL stuff and he ended up buying one I don’t know man getting in that I guess your body gets used to it but it just seems I like a nice hot shower and that’s about it yeah I played with him at Players this year we’re pretty all time he goes what time you wake up I wake up like 5:15 what what time you wake up was 4:30 I think the CR and sound that was crazy yeah no thanks no thank you let’s take a look at the outside area it’s [Music] beautiful oh this space is awesome man d i just be relaxing out here all the time when you’re not playing mhm you watch the MS game up here too yeah here too and sometimes we Coke inside and Broad here yeah here nice you got the golf setup out here you hit balls outside yes I chip sometimes here around and then so where do you play your golf at here are you remember here in the Dallas area first time I play Nelson club and then I 3 weeks ago I just joined the Royal Oak so okay I played both and back and forth all right you play a lot of golf when you’re not playing on tour or just practice mainly not much especially weather’s not great here sometimes so I just went wake offl most most spend time in house and then sometimes go to Maps game but yeah I don’t practice much at wake off time yeah have you gone any of the playoff games so far with the Mavs yeah I went uh I went before this round so I’m looking for the next the final yeah you have a simulator inside too where you do a lot of work yeah I most time in winter time so I can go outside sometimes times weather’s so bad and then I use with the GC quad so I just try to be feel feeling not the like special numbers just trying to watch the distance and yeah just trying to get feel let’s go take a look at the the Sim room man and uh check that out this is awesome I’d be out here all the time hanging out oh this is a sweet setup right here this is where I practice most time in the winter it’s like every guys dream right here to have one of these in their house hopefully I can get more bigger bigger golf room yeah this is all you need right here so you just set off a gc3 you said yeah GC quad here and then just using the screen and then I don’t have right now in my golf club yeah so with Chris he obviously has a place here in Dallas but lives in Florida as well so you guys do a lot of stuff just over FaceTime and yes we do FaceTime sometimes when I get trouble most time more I send video a lot and then he he gave me answers and yeah yeah so on your schedule you just got back from Kentucky but you’re going to play in the Charles swab shwab and Memorial and then US Open it’s going to be three in a roow and take a w off yeah this fall is the Olympics correct yeah yeah so be pretty fun that’s over in Paris hopefully hopefully I can make it the team no it’s cool to see people get more excited about wanting to participate I know the first time the Olympics came I mean there were some people that were all over it and others that were kind of reluctant and didn’t really you know think too much of it but now I feel like golfers are behind it and excited about playing so I don’t know so hopefully that’s something you can qualify for and be kind of cool to see yeah it was yeah it was fun at Japan the Tokyo Olympic so hopefully I can make it Paris too yeah right so outside of golf I know that you love time pieces you love collecting watches so you mind showing us one of your favorites before we head out of here yeah I like the watches and start started like at 2 years ago almost now I fall in love with the watches so all the watches I like so that’s addicting to yes when I get one like when I get this one this is done and get one more get one more yeah yeah no I keep collecting do you do it where it’s just like hey I’m going to get it or do you like set something like if I do this I’m going to reward myself and get myself another watch yeah maybe every top 10 I want to get you but it’s hard to get so maybe only have a chance two three of year so yeah can’t wait all right every top 10 you get now I’m going to hit you up like what you getting now what’s on the what’s on the radar all right let’s go take a look at this [Music] man I think this is the my favorite this is what the last time I got and this is particularly the white gold so this is my most favorite thing that thing is awesome when did you just barely got that was your last one that you got yes right before the Hawaii wig okay yeah and this is special and this is special for me and yeah a lot of rose gold here and then all the yeah this is AP and those rose gold on the bands are sick what’s the next on your list that you’re looking to get after you get a top 10 finisher TR swap even like I want to get this thing but it’s so hard to get so I had to wait like I can get only like couple in a year so hopefully I can get the with the rose gold old rose gold one so what you have kind of an everyday watch that you typically wear or you just try to mix it up a little bit I travel with usually two but Genesis the LA wig this year I brought three and I left one in my hotel and I realized after a final run where’s my where’s my watch where’s my oh I forgot in the room and I freaked out I called the hotel and hey can you check it out my watch and I left my watch there so I was that’s the that’s why I didn’t grab it like one only once do they have it yeah they yeah they jeez man it was freaked up yeah that’s stressful I’ve always lose stuff in a hotel I’ve never had it where they still have it though I’m always screwed so good thing is I didn’t check out so still there yeah oh these are awesome man well you deserved it after all the the hard work you’ve put in and the accomplishments that you’ve made so yeah hopefully I can get more trophies and one of this oh there’s no doubt that you hopefully you pick up a couple more this year so it’ll be awesome man well dude thanks for having us over man I mean beautiful place I know you’ve had some recent changes too in your life you just had a new baby correct yes how’s life been being a new dad it’s been like I didn’t realize my wife was pregnant so I can’t see it like I can just sometimes feel it but when he was born like it was special feeling never had this feel before and now almost 3 month when 3 months was not uh easy easy than I thought but just working on it and then yeah especially trouble with him when I play Bad and see him feel way better and less less kind of frustrating so yeah it helps me mental game maybe and then yeah I hope puts life into perspective a little bit right yeah I can’t wait play golf CL yeah M how’s traveling with the baby a lot different right yeah it’s hard I got to used to be like only one one luggage and golf bag simple simple travel but now I got to grab the the baby bed and then like all the stuff so so many bags so it’s hard to travel and I got to play well and then get the every time private jet that’s the only way makes it a little easier right well good luck this week at uh Charles swab we’ll be out there rooting you on man so hopefully uh you Hoist the trophy at the end of the week and put on that Tartan uh Red Jacket that’ be a good look so awesome man thanks for everything man I appreciate you good luck the rest of the season man thank you [Music] w


  1. This show is a good concept and it could be really good if they got a host who sounds like they have an IQ above room temperature.

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