Today, we have both Ian and Mikey in the Quintic system to compare conventional-style putter grips with the new Golf Pride Reverse Taper grips. See how the larger form factor and new taper affect both Ian and Mikey’s strokes, and see for yourself why it makes sense to give it a try!



Club Champion:
Ian Fraser:
Mike Martysiewicz:
Filmed at: Club Champion Toronto
Custom Golf Club Fitting Studio – Toronto, Canada

gentle I was could hit them in there with a bit of pace a bit too bit aggressive all right relax there’s no need to turn up and show me up 0.03 face angle 8° of rotation all right guys welcome back to the channel we test many many Hightech golf sort of components in here heads shafts expensive ones yeah at times today not so much no we’re looking at a golf grip for the putter the reverse taper from Golf Pride yeah thoughts right at the gates I mean it’s not something I’ve tried in the past going that large I know you know there’s other companies that have an oversized version I’m not really in that um haven’t really been in that mindset to try some of that oversized stuff for some of the benefits that they claim to have uh I’m kind of more of a midsize standard aka the one that’s on this putter is exactly what I use uh I know you’re not you know your same boat you actually go the other way you’re kind of thinner the better thinner the better yeah but really have you tested the the it’s more of a fuel thing yeah I mean I’ve used another brand way back in the day I mean I think everyone has um but that was no taper I mean this reverse taper and you know larger in the in the bottom hand I don’t know maybe maybe we’ll see what see what happens it’s supposed to obviously increase feel and control and stuff and if it’s true and with the help of quintic you know we’ll be able to to see what the putter is doing it’ll be really interesting yeah the golf prde reverse taper guys it comes in uh two different sizes there’s a can a medium and a there’s a an oversiz yeah large um comes in round flat pistol really options for anyone depending on your uh your preferences on the size the non-negotiable is the reverse taper correct it is going to get larger under the bottom hand than it is on the top that’s that’s really the uh the idea te call it technology if you like I guess it is a technology definitely yeah yeah absolutely no it’ be uh I mean if it the biggest thing for me is like you know these little marginal gains like you said we test a bunch of this you know product whether it’s you know we’ve tested T’s at one point and stuff like that so these little margin G if it could work for you I mean why not definitely thoughts on the fuel straight away I mean you’re holding them right what do what does it feel like with the dimple pattern it feels one it feels premium that’s the thing I like I do like these red lines I think for especially for putting people having their grip in the exact same exact same place pay me the big bucks um but the texture feels like a another grip that you currently use um that Matador style um so so I like that uh I like that feel of it okay right well we’re going to start off with just a a standard grip that’s on uh on the my Odyssey um walking into an old walking into a bar and finding an old girlfriend walking in here today I didn’t even realize this was still here nice part of that though y uh little try hot 5K with a stability black Michael love it she still works really nice yeah quite nice why did I change this you were fif for this putter weren’t you I was Yeah by a doctor if you think about 5k putter stability putter shaft reverse taper grip how much more stable can it be you shouldn’t be missing putts B ankle a little open that one wasn’t very good I mean look how far out in the toe that was that was a pretty bad stroke so good rolls so nicely this putter it does roll good yeah better there with the face angle I was conscious of trying to obviously catch it more heel side I did half little Intel launching really nicely okay let me give you a couple more quick ones really what we’re looking at I think Mikey is can can the aggregate of performance don’t think it’s the oneof performance with this putter grip is going to be fine yeah but can the aggregate performance improve with something uh with a different technology in it really good simple pretty good uh some pretty good numbers yeah okay okay change it up nice place to test from good numbers right often when we do these tests I feel like we’re testing from oh that could be improved that could be improved that’s not great I take ownership of where the strike is I take ownership of um yeah any any kind of things that could be a little bit better so let’s uh let’s switch this putter grip out and let’s let’s pop in a reverse taper okay for medium round grip here um you put that on straight I’m pretty good rude um first initial kind of thoughts before you even roll anything it is odd for it to be certainly bigger in the bottom hand no doubt about it I play plus4 toour Val so I’m kind of getting used to having that sort of larger certainly not it’s not larger than the top on the bottom uh or larger than the bottom than it is in the top of the grip right that’s the the big big difference here it’s interesting you picked it yeah the round round model let’s see I’m only going to care of the of the result to be honest I’m going to be worried about what it really feels like initially aggressive firm but okay that not bad not feel bad at all the nice thing with these grips they weigh nothing so they don’t take any of that head weight away yeah so if there’s one number you’re looking to improve on here when you change grip are you looking just more for face control than anything I was looking at rate rotation to be honest I wonder if rate rotation would go down um but more I think on the consistency metrics yeah if I can sort of see some benefits across the the board uh if we look already these first few were the with your standard grip yeah yeah yeah I mean I really found my groove look at those last three in the face angle yeah tough to do much better than that um but I’ll be interested if if the The Twist face angle has got more closed mhm that’s that’s interesting uh launch angle went up on the last one but it was also quite high in the first one um shaft angle consistent yeah okay let’s uh let’s see a few more let’s see more closed doesn’t it yeah better face angle there thoughts on any feedback from you’ve rolled you know four or five putts of it now is it I’m pretty comfortable pretty early on not playing in your mind that it’s a larger grip or anything like that no I don’t think so feels better in the reverse taper like you like that size no it’s just I mean I don’t dislike it it’s just it’s just different but it’s not offputting I wonder if the larger grip is making me release it a little bit more right I don’t know that I mean that’s the only thing I can think of it wouldn’t be making me do that as a consequence of the design of the grip it can only be how I how I’m interpreting the feel feel like I’m rolling it nice yeah I mean numbers have been I mean you you can be really picky and and say oh you want to fix a few things but that’s the best face angle you’ve had when we’ve changed the grip but everything else is really really good everything’s quite nice half is super Square launch is nice yeah let’s have a peek at that summary there so the one thing that stands out to me Mikey is the twist yeah so much more neutral now it’s stable isn’t it earlier on it fluctuates a bit you got into a Groove but it fluctuates yeah this is super stable yeah look at that range there1 versus 085 yeah so that’s that’s certainly a win face rotation is exactly the same yeah uh there’s about yeah there’s point there is seven of a difference in the face angle average was 3 open versus 38 closed on the face yeah uh the range is tighter a little bit less speed coming off it pre acceleration okay not bad impact ratio hasn’t impacted that launch angle has went up oh is that shaft Lan where’s the shaft Lane there is no shaft angle is actually pretty similar if anything it was slightly more back with the small grip not much angle of attack is more more up which is a win yeah and that’s when you that’s when you talk about is this better is it worse do you have lots of WI wins I think when we talk about uh the the range across the bottom yeah most places is better one two yeah three wins right out of the gate yeah and important ones you know rate rotation face angle twist you know path is is similar I like your launches in a better window yeah okay very very good all right Michael tagging you in what let see what you uh do with this okay okay you’ve you’re sort of have a little bit less rotation than me so I’m curious if uh this will be advantageous or not to be gentle I was kind of hitting them in there with a bit of pace you’re a bit too bit aggressive all right relax there’s no need to turn up and show me up 0.03 face angle 8 degrees of rotation yeah I mean very different uh rate rotation for you and I yeah okay keep going out of the heel work that’s not bad control of the face is excellent yeah what do you think of the feel I like the feel of the grip but I mean I think that’s for someone that uses a skinny putter grip this is doesn’t feel like it’s massive I think the nice thing is it doesn’t take away from the head weight because I do like something that’s heavy this feels quite heavy now and I didn’t want to uh preempt this before you started putting with it one of the reasons I wanted to tag you in because I thought you’d hate it not that not that you know anything B with the putter but or the grip sorry but you trying to increase rates of rotation right now and I thought you might go I don’t feel like I can rotate this but you actually feel okay yeah I’m thinking of that left to right put that I struggle with and be like is this going to stop me from rotating it it doesn’t seem to be to be honest I mean last time we had you on here we were talking about your rate of rotation being opening opening yeah so you’re you’re closing which is nice could it be just something larger down below let you rotate it over I mean it doesn’t it doesn’t have to be uh because it’s this it’ll do that right okay it’s just it’s an option that you know we’re just going to test and see what what it does okay okay let’s give me another one then we’ll switch into the convention uh size this 5K is quite ni nothing but net down the pant leg okay rate rotation averaging 10 yeah face angle is good the range is seven pretty good going slight heel strikes if anything in the last two yeah I’m always trying to feel like I’m out of the heel a bit yeah I like that I think most people should try and do that launch angles good 1.1 for the lovely Premier Country Club greens that you put on Michael that’s a nice compliment very nice um no good excellent yeah yeah excellent okay time stamp that compliment folks okay Mikey boy back to Conventional you’ve went the opposite way you you started a little bigger and you back to the smaller size how does this feel I mean comfortable something it’s this is still fraction a little bit thicker than what I currently use but yeah it feels uh feels all right feels all right yeah let’s see what you can do then oh that’s lovely quite nice okay yeah you’ve got a little more forward shaft lean than I do that’s why you’re getting the turbo Top Spin going on tell you’re primed for a big year this year Big Year feel a m guess win nice be bit thin that one yeah a little thin you get that angle angle attack going a lot up today got to be a way bit more careful of that with his strike a look at the angle attack there way better where were you 10 puts ago dummy so is really nice that was lovely honestly 10 years you couldn’t tell me to get the we on the left side that was premium i t very nice flush that one Michael yeah with the uh honestly I’m not joking here with the larger grip uhhuh down below and maybe this is just playing in my mind I feel like I have more confidence with the larger grip your strike location was was better yeah more consistent um face angle yeah a little a little more open same as me a little more open with a smaller grip interesting launch angle 1.1 with the bigger grip .9 with the smaller grip obviously made the change the angle of attack so you know it’s it’s on the menend one’s getting better there um top spins about the same yeah small small wins but wins nonetheless might yeah enough to you know if this was the game or enough for me to say I’ll put it on and and try it and give it a go and see what it does outside yeah I I think for somebody who is uh who’s maybe trying to get the the marginal gains the the little compound wins yeah I I think it’s some certainly something worth trying um if if I was four feet to the pit right now with this I feel like I would get a little and I’ve noticed it lately I get really tentative and kind of like not jab at it but kind of get jabby at it again when that larger grip was in there just it had no thought of is that right hand going to take over or anything like that so I don’t know maybe we’ll see interesting well it is uh it’s definitely different you know I think the the large one look at the difference when you get into the large one significantly massive you know that’s that’s I don’t know what I said this about recently but you know that versus this this like driving a a cruise ship through the waves versus I thing right you know and if there’s any any kind of amount of rotation hit any amount of force put into that you feel like that would handle it a little better than that but um you know if you already have a pretty steady release uh your grip results obviously stick with what you’ve got you know by any means but if you don’t that’s where something like this could be meaningful look at that all right Michael so there we go fun little test um we both definitely see the Merit to it enjoyed it even if it’s something you haven’t played in the past is it something you would give a chance to in the future 100% 100% I like that that Medium pistol um probably throw it on a Putter and and give it a roll felt great yeah guys one thing I think it’s important to note here is that because you’ve not tried something in the past doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try it in the future or that you wouldn’t like it ultimately having all these options whether it’s a grip a shaft a head whatever whatever it may be it’s all about trying different options and exploring what could ultimately enhance your performance something that like you know we said we’ve always gravitated towards that slightly smaller size but I would love to try the larger size and and see if that’s something that takes a little bit of rotation out it that’s there’s no real unless you’re somebody who’s a block putter um there’s no real downside in and give them that a try so um if you’re in the bay if you’re in with the fitter if you’re any of our club champion stores we’re going to have access to all of them anyway the grips nowadays are so easily accessible we can remove them with compressed air blow on whatever size it is that you want to make it as comprehensive A fitting as you guys are worth so uh be sure to ask your fitter if it’s something you guys are interested in all right let us know if uh you would like us to do more tests on things like this in the future we really enjoy taking and diving into into the Weeds on putter putter grips putter shafts whatever it might be they’ll help you guys play better golf stay tuned for more we’ll see you again soon [Music]


  1. Tried these recently. Neat feeling. Didn’t feel as drastic as they look which I think is good

  2. Got the large one on my Evnroll ER5, loving the grip so far. The putter itself is a bit tinny. ☹️

  3. I like a thin pistol grip or just using the same grips as my irons. Glad to see GP is playing with a round grip (round grips tend to have the most consistent results if you can reteach yourself).

  4. I'm continually amazed by the depth of understanding demonstrated by members of this community. It's humbling.😚

  5. I have played a reverse taper for two months, really enjoy the consistency. Lag putting is definitely improved according to Arcoss. My pals think my putting is now a strength, as putting is about confidence, it works for me.

  6. Look like the grip does what I've seen from other setups that try to reduce rotation…

    Backswing rotation is reduced but forward swing rotation stays the same.

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