Golf Players

What A COOL Course!!! MPO | T. Wood, T. Galloway, T. Wilson, J. Shafer | R1B10

One of the coolest temporary courses that Kansas offers. It’s only available one time a year, for this tournament, Indian Rock in Salina, KS. With elevation that is rare to Kansas, watching this tournament, it doesn’t look like they are in Kansas anymore, Toto. The first card features some amazing dudes: Trevor Wood, Tate Galloway, Thommas Wilson and Jordan Shafer.

Watch as these players battle the wind, terrain and the elevation! Commentary provided by Lucas Deal and Chris Smith, 1X Deal Commentary.

Big shoutout to Shawn Baltazor who made this tournament coverage happen.

[Music] [Music] hello everyone and welcome into distant deals coverage I’m Lucas deal here with the onetime World Champ Chris Smith AKA Smitty this is onetime deal commentary coming at you and you know what this is the back 10 of the first round of Indian Rock tournament we got Thomas we got Tate we got Trevor all at one down shape a little slow start big shout out to Indian Rock tournament director Phil Schmidt but the biggest shout out of all Shan bazur that dude got us out here where he’s the reason that we’re doing this coverage Smitty you’re very well versed with this course tell me what you thought of the first 10 classic Indian rock man it reminds me of the first time I ever showed up here this was uh actually the first tournament that I really traveled to from Western Kansas back to my hometown state of the weekend my mom played this course and man I can’t believe I ever miss it I love this place yeah it was it’s very cool we got Trevor wood on the card we got Thomas Wilson who if you haven’t seen the front tin go watch this dude just absolutely sling a disc we got Tate Galloway who slings in his own right with a filthy putt Millennium sponsor player Brown Shoe fit company and team nice and of course Jordan schaer that dude he’s nice team nice and sha looking to make a charge here and clean up from his front end tell me bet 11 hole 11 comes in as the sixth easiest hole on the course super easy nothing in the way slight downhill these boys are going to have a left to right wind pick out whatever disc you like throw it just down at down the hill and make a putt sometimes they have this thing short of this road sometimes they push it back between the road and the guard rail really change this just the basket location up but this is just this is just easy you cannot hit a tree on this hole impossible and here’s a draco out of Trevor should be good enough give him a little look from about 20 feet schaer’s gonna go forehand which is going to get up in this wind he better put this baby a little bit wider than he thinks he needs to and I don’t know he didn’t put it wi he thinks he needs to look out boys look out and he apologized but um it did hit him it hit him huh yeah him or his cart he but he’s the one apologizing so and here is oh look out Thomas and look at that one man that was sweet dude Kendra did a great job of catching that one coming in see if Tate can do a similar line here little tight I think yeah stable and yeah you just really throw it flat and you actually throw it down because you’re so far above the hole it’s if you haven’t played on yo oh he was walking it if you haven’t played on elevation like this is it can mess with you and most of these guys probably haven’t played on Hills like these ah little high let’s see if Trevor can do some work here yep no issue fired that one right in there he did and Thomas still closer than sha Sha’s not far and here’s Tommy buckets himself pretty sweet birdies for Thomas and Trevor and almost a sweet birdie for tapate and this might be the shortest hole on the course and the least amount of fun 245 ft over these thickets right here if you are in these things you are going to be bleeding for days this is not a very fun Fairway although it looks like maybe they moved the the basket it used to be over to the right you had to go over them now they’re gonna go in between them so maybe it’s not as bad as it used to be yeah this one seemed very very easy where did this one play uh this comes in as uh number two so you better get this sucker yeah yeah this thing used to be way up here by the road you had oh really yeah it it sucked this looks like that same discy threw on that up shot on six I think it was hates it it’s a gator and still putting it’s like 10 feet he’s like I don’t know why I hated it this is berg yep a little early there is OB over there there’s a uh a guard rail and if you’re on the left side of that you’re OB but you better have a Tanis shot putting on this thing oh my gosh look at the base on this basket dude I know that thing weighs a thousand pounds sha ran it by a little bit deep Tate’s going to try to bite off that forehand line and take a little zip off which he did perfectly little height too oh some stuff all right so here’s Thomas clunk amen come on shave make one really thinking it over yeah he is good put got it in there he needed it too he needs a couple of them and Tate is in an unfortunate spot and hello we’re going turbo pretty good pretty good little wounded duck turbo butt and Tre Trevor with the best worst shot in the history of dis golf there ex and Tate and Thomas gonna tap in for the pars sha and Trevor with the birds and now we’re going into a tough ho 13 this is a new one to me down this Trail apparently this comes in as the 14th hardest hole averaging 3.59 so just straight down the trail I’m guessing and they probably move the basket left or right or is it across the street it’s across the street so yeah they’ll go down the trail the only thing OB is the road itself the actual pavement so all the gravel’s safe but then yeah you just got to get straight down here but the bend of this makes this tougher than you would expect it to be the six hardest hole seventh hardest hole Yeah they can’t just go higher over the top over there to the right huh you can that that is definitely a play but you got to get it’s a little bit more height right away than you than it looks here this ought to be a Jordan shape or special this is definitely the play if you have the forehand oh he turned that one a little bit got a good kick skipped across the road and we’re business that was a lot of action there shave Oh Thomas least at least it kicked out left that should be a fairly easy chip up for him Tate’s look there’s the guy I like right here let’s go boy yeah he liked your line your idea anyway oh it’s early yep oh my maybe I’m not such a good caddy let’s see what he can do here it’s not turning for him still putting though not as close as You’ like to be but a very makeable butt tastes this the first forehand we’ve seen that atom had some oomph on it yeah but he’s in circle so strange seeing that yucka plant just growing I mean I just does not seem like this is in Sala Kansas I know I know here stfe for the birdie oh hit the back in the day this all used to be mowed and maintained right here where they’re playing this was a really a much prettier part of the park theyve kind of let it go to this natural look nowadays sick sick we don’t got to do rup kickers on the way to get it Tate yeah jeez was running in slow motion for sure that’s a little Flex all right we’re going to end up with all pars so pretty nice putt by Tate there to save his beautiful putt man if whole 14 the same old hole it used to be this is a just oh yeah oh that was a deep one let’s count these steps I don’t think we’re going to see one two three four five six seven eight well outside of the circle yeah here it is that’s a little bit different than it used to be as well um wow this yeah this one’s going to go back across the road um shooting down and then to the left a little bit that is so hairy dude yeah so that particular line there’s an over the top play there is a spike Heiser play if you want to but then the basket plays right here elevated she’s T it’s only only 257 and Trevor was hot quick and he hit that Gap Perfect Look at that that was sweet he nailed that Gap dude see if sha can Ride The Vapor Trails little high got a little love there though and he’s right there look at that shot this is not that easy of a hole dudes are just Killing Zone I think maybe or Buzz that’s going to be a little bit of a tester yeah he’s got a little left on him and Tate go over the top but he’s choosing the up the gut play looks maybe left too ah he hit the tree he’s somewhere outside Circle he’s feeling it though back to back oh all right good bids and here’s Trevor for the bird got that little thing just in his way that Mata that’s a good putt nice bie for Trevor he’s feeling it he’s feeling it now save by oh oh Thomas got robbed yeah dropped right side sha now for the two and these gentlemen just came down the hill going to the next hole so sha with another bird really making up for his front tin Tate also got robbed yeah that one looked more than the one we saw front 10 yeah these old baskets are just not super forgiving you gotta you got to paint that pull man these boys are getting ready to go a little hike up the hill they are and this hole is amazing it’s pretty good hole 15 comes in as our ranked as the 11th easiest hole so over half the harder than half the Hol is on the course this one is fun man depending on where they put the basket you just Crush one out over the top of these trees and just hope you see that baby Heiser off into the into the Gap yep and so this one’s going to play short for the first two rounds here and then final round it play up to the right sometimes when it’s short here it’s harder because the disc just falls out of the sky and flies backwards and skips off of that [Music] road kind of like that kind like that yeah and this dog oh hold on you lucky dog no he stayed yeah yeah this is another one where the the people on the last hole wait and they spot for you which is makes that so much better yeah that’s always been the rule because you can’t see where it lands you just hope there shot and a makeable putt Thomas looking to go Crush Zone on us oh that’s low that baby Gonna Be Long yep not bad still made it through it’s safe that’s the number one goal safe and able to find it and I think this is that scorp at a tate it’s the one he hit the basket on that’s sweet too looks pretty good yo that’s nice that’s really nice shot sir all right so here’s Trevor after going OB little par saver oh well Thomas isn’t too deep no oh and he he capitalizes look at that putt let’s go Thomas with the flag in his hand too see if scha can match I hope so I want him to get back down into the good side of zero here oh he’s 30 feet y it’s not like it was a gimme putt and easy that’s gimme put that is and here’s another elevated hole this one’s this one’s just nasty oh they went out to the right damn no it’s straight straight down wow it’s still fun throwing down the hill but we used to always throw it down to the left to that island and you had to land on the island well they made an island here but you had to throw on to that par parking Circle it was so it was so nasty this is still fun you are so far up that dang Hill throwing off of this thing yeah this is cool to watch yeah there the island is not much bigger than the circle Thomas going backhand at it and that’s not the island that’s over the fence um he missed that Island by quite a ways once Thomas gets going then he shoots himself in the foot then gets going and shoots himself in the foot it’s quite a roller coaster and that’s a play I think that had nice pace and height fall right on it that’s great perfect that’s really nice you can hear some cheering in the background they saw Jordan Schaefer was on the te it wasn’t the baseball players at all oh so that’s OB huh that’s OB he hit right off the line and there he goes so they go to a drop zone that’s on the sidewalk over on the left hand side Trevor nice and high should just stall out and fall just like Tates yep good tree yep and he’s right there yeah that’s fun throwing down that dang Hill Moon it is it was cool to watch too what do you think of this Drop Zone this is this is one where I didn’t dislike it because they could run it I mean it’s straight downhill it’s just long enough that there’s a little work left to do yeah yeah I think it’s fair it’s almost a two or four hole though it is it is th % and Tate showing us that right there and that’s what we’re going to have some twos and some fours those two may look super easy all right and 17 plays fairly easy I would assume yeah hole 17 comes in as the uh number four okay ranked hole on the course that’s what we’re going to call it ranked hole this is a throw down here towards the Smoky Hill River basket’s generally on the edge of this little slope this is where uh my main man Randy Brown gave me a quote that has stuck with me for 20 years I was right about here looking over a death Putt and he said Smitty if you f it drill [Laughter] it that’s right I say that to myself often if you fill it drill it little short there from Tate that was say his tank well a little shorts better than a little long sometimes on this one on this one the only thing that’s playing OB is the water though so the sidewalk that is behind is safe I don’t know if it’s played OB in other years but that would be safe yeah that’s generally how it is played is just the water that’s a nice one there and rolling down oh man all right yeah I think making that sidewalk will be would be fine making that the line instead of the creek yeah I would love that I just think it really makes you have some speed control coming in makes you throw that shot right there that was beautiful that was thing of beauty Tate would be wise just to lay this one up or make [Laughter] it and Trevor wow wow what a putt that was a nice putt yes sir look at him go Thomas with the okay all right I didn’t think we’re going to have so many birdies and sha here has a birdie opportunity as well dang so after Tate’s amazing shot to potentially have the birdie he’s the one that ruin on the star frame what a jerk that is not a true statement No the nicest guy you’ve ever met 18 whole 18 comes in as our ranked as our 12th hole in the in the whole Power Rankings that we made up this round this is a this is a fun one man they move this basket sometimes it’s over here on this little cement slab to the left that’s where it’s going to be and then usually the last round it’s oh look at that Creek usually it’s right here on this little dirt patch and that Creek there is just completely full of water clear up to the top really yeah it all plays casual now wow that makes this whole way easier you used to have to lace this shot that Trevor did and then decide what you wanted to do oh and that was laced little high got through but speed speed taken off there and we’ve played a Million Renditions of this hole some good some bad I like it where it’s at here these guys have a fair shot to yeah cut it in half and play a two shot hole and shap pin high but he stayed on the right hand side and the shape of this reminds me of hole four where Tate had that perfect shot I think this is kind of his money spot because that’s another great one that’s a really sweet shot this is a gator out of Trevor he’s good with that thing yeah all right Thomas all right yeah so shave outside Circle here in the stuff needing it got it got that was nice dude that thing didn’t even think about jumping out of there perfect great shot there Tate who’s already had two cut throughs this round staring down another one of the similar distance not this time baby that was sweet didn’t even hesitate all right par for Thomas and should be a par for Trevor and we’re going into a tricky one weird hole this first sha with the disc and Deals double take cash chaow and look at the excitement all over shave yeah he can hardly contain himself oh man this baby has closed in are you walking this or flying it with the Drone flying you or Kindra Kindra of course anything close quarters there’s no way am I doing it that drone would have been broken into four pieces by now yeah this like you said is a tricky hole and it’s uh it’s closed in much more than it had been in the past used to be able to find a way to throw out over the tunnel which was not a great shot either because when you get down here to this little island who knows what’s going to happen but it looks like maybe there’s still a little bit of air space for an over the top a Scooby or a thumer was probably the best play yeah yep it’s still there why say Scooby that’s what we used to call an upside down shot a grenade nowadays all right cha with a good kick there it’s going to be in the middle yeah three is not terrible on this hole Tate looking to go up the gut looks pretty good ah he’s in the middle though as well Trevor going thummer he has going thummer said that he tried it the day before for the first time ever and it was okay so he’s gonna try it again oh that’s actually not a thummer that’s a tomahawk fingers are on the The Rim OB and he’s OB be interesting to see where they give him a spot yeah I don’t remember actually bucket hat is off we mean business another Tomahawk that one had a little more zip that was on but rolled off yep so he’s gonna be on the left side there schaer shot here is not easy obviously sorry and Tate’s going to go tank here I think for hand tank I like it he’s got a sneaky Gap there whoa sweet that works and that little dirt path there is safe it’s just the roads OB all right securing is four yeah they gave Trevor the correct spot I would say he didn’t like it but he stayed s close but didn’t have a chance to go in Thomas taking his meter oh it’s a Berg okay I was like that had some Pace on it all right so Trevor gonna take the bogey t with their only look at par yep and he nailed it so Bogies for the rest of the gang going to move back to plus one and we’re going to go into a extremely uphill shot you you get about three qus the way up this hill and you’re wondering how the heck are you even going to putt man this thing is so steep the hard part on this hole is you got to throw it hard enough to get it up there but if you clear this dang Hill you do not want that comeback putt man they put that thing right on that ledge yeah so this is actually the shortest of the day but man I actually didn’t even get any of the shots after this because I’m like Kindra I can’t make it so here’s Tate after his solo par in the last hole looking pretty sweet yeah yeah really sweet this is another one that gets rung up almost every year at this tournament that’s just fine little scary butt though man yeah it is stand still Draco here for Trevor yeah right there and of course of course the Berg for Thomas flippy Berg whoa oh that was a great shot Trevor with some annoying little bushes in his way yeah and you can just see he’s breathing hard I mean that I’m serious that you were right though that walk it is tough to putt after that cha no issue Trevor taking the par let’s see if the the rest of these guys can tap their bird in yeah if Tate misses this he should just quit okay we’ll see oh my gosh he hasn’t taken your advice yet [Laughter] oh all right so let’s look at the scores what a round so after the first round who we going to see we got a three-way tie on top with Trevor wood Tate Galloway and new to the card Andrew pile so we get to see Drew and Tyson so get ready for Tyson again shout out tournament director Phil Schmidt but the biggest shout out of all Shan balazar the reason that disc deals coverage is there in full effect getting all this coverage so thank you Sean Smitty have you got to see Drew play I’ve seen I’ve seen drew a little bit and I I have not seen Tyson but I’m pretty sure Tyson is a defending 1880 champ with uh our guy Ronnie un Ronnie yep that’s right he actually talked a little bit about that so come on back for round two if you haven’t please subscribe ring that Bell for notifications we’ll see you on round two very soon take care bye-bye now


  1. Wish i could've played this year. Had to work that weekend, unfortunately. Ill be there next year though!

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