In this video I will be going over the relationship between the body and the wrists and how it can affect your ability to release the golf club correctly.

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in this video you guys are going to learn why you’re having a hard time releasing the golf club and you might think it has something to do with your wrist or your arms but actually has to do with how your body moves in the follow through so if you enjoyed this video be sure to hit the like button and if you are new to my channel hit that subscribe Button as well just so you can see more golf related content in the future and don’t forget that if you guys want to send in your golf swings to me you can send it through my profile on the skillist app I’ll leave the link to that in the description box below but but you can take a look at all my online programs that way whenever I analyze you I can prescribe very specific drills for you just so that you have the right feels for what your specific issue is now let’s get into it okay so to start the explanation off for those of you who don’t know what release is release is basically in the down swing that point at which the club head kind of passes your hands that’s at least what release to me and a lot of people want this feeling because it they feel like they’re throwing the way of the club head they can generate more speed at the golf ball and a lot of people struggle feeling this because of like yes it has to do with maybe how their wrists are moving how their arms are moving but their arms can’t move properly as long as their sequence is incorrect so if the sequence of your swing or your your body movement is off it’ll be always physically difficult to do it just so you guys are aware I I made a video about the sequence in a previous video so be sure to check that out I explained that in the down swing the sequence the proper sequence is weight shift followed by hip rotation then chest then arms and then club last Falls that sequence from the ground up now what people often think is that they understand that sequence for the most part but they all think that the body continues to rotate through it at the same speed the lower body turn keeps turning at the same speed the shoulders keep turning at the same speed that’s actually not what happen in reality what happens is after the downswing sequence in the follow through everything actually decelerates in the same order okay so what I mean by that is that the lower body starts followed by the chest followed by the arms and then the clubs last but then past impact the lower body decelerates very quickly or almost like stops for an instant and then the chest decelerates and the arms decelerate so that the club can kind of overtake and swing past the arms the analogy I like to give people you know if youve ever played baseball right and and you look at a pitcher when they’re about to throw that ball right they load up they transfer their weight but then as soon as they step it’s almost as if it they they brace okay so the left side of their body stops so that the right side can kind of come through the through the throw so that is almost like right you’re not trying to like continuously turn your whole body like this non-stop okay there has to be a brace so that the opposite side of your body can kind of go through it so that’s kind of a similar kind of analogy to to the golf swing whereas if you look closely I’m not consistently turning my body all the way through if I were to do that in the follow through I would essentially be dragging the club or dragging the weight of the club through the shot where I’m not really getting that club head end to whip and accelerate past the ball so if you saw that you can see my sequence you can see that eventually for an instant in the fall through maybe if I play it in slow motion you can kind of see that my hips will decelerate quickly followed by the chest follow by the arms and that club head kind of whips past so with without the proper sequence and the proper deceleration of body parts it would be really tough for that club head to get past you on the screen quickly I’ll just show you the incorrect way versus the correct way and you can see when I do it incorrect my body I felt like I was was kind of constantly rotating through the shot at the same rate my hip and my chest were kind of turning at the same time whereas when I was doing it correctly I felt more of that that deceleration very fast deceleration of my hip hip follow by the chest and the arms so very very quickly but I think you can kind of see it like that stall that slight stall like just after I hit the golf ball and that is what allows or gives my arms enough time or the club head just enough time to kind of whip past me and when I do that that’s when I get that feeling of that whip near the bottom whereas if my body is rotating at the same time I felt like I was dragging the club head a bit more in order to do this you have to start to be able or physically be able to kind of separate or make separations between lower and upper body so what that means is like you have to be able to kind of turn your chest while keeping your lower body stable or keeping your upper body stable while moving your lower body right and left okay so that’s kind of like the first exercise I get people to do to see if they can physically do this so the test that you can do is you can put your your Club across your shoulders I you don’t even need a club but um the first test is to keep your upper body totally stable like I don’t want to see any wiggling like this it has to be completely stable while you just turn your hip in One Direction okay so you can kind of see my belt kind of points left I don’t have to do it like it’s not about the amount it’s if you can actually physically do it okay so just do it to the point where you just feel comfortable but as long as you’re able to turn your hip and keep your upper body very very stable then that tells me that you you have the physical ability to do it but if a lot of people when they try to turn their lower body you see a lot of like wiggling in the upper body it means that they don’t have enough stability okay so that would mean they’ have to work on some Mobility stuff like this the other test is the Opposites right you’re going to keep your lower body very very stable but then you’re just going to turn your chest right and remember it’s not about the amount it’s just that if you can physically do it okay I’m just turning it a little bit we can see my lower body is completely still so I’m I’m able to um have enough stability and also separate the movement from upper and lower body so if you’re able to do that then you’re physically you know able to do this motion correctly but if not again you got to do some more Mobility training things like this if you are able to do it the best drill is to kind of do that stop quick drill right which I’ve I’ve mentioned in previous videos before but with this new information from this video you might have a different perspective uh about this drill and I’m going to just explain some points that you can look for when you’re doing this drill um just to get the right feeling okay I wouldn’t advise doing this like as fast and as hard as you can we can do this very slowly but when I’m doing this drill I’m stopping it very very quickly very very early all right but at that point you have to be conscious of when you pause it in this position you got to feel like your belt is to the left your chest feels like it’s more to the right or more facing forward belt is to the left so that would be a very similar position is if if I kept my upper body stable and I just turned my hip to the left you kind of want to be feel like you’re in that position just post impact okay that’s the closest feeling I can give people so right here right I’m basically almost doing that exact same exercise right here right hip is over here but my chest is quite stable all right so now when it comes to the actual arm in the club right at that point right if I’ve successfully kind of released the club or swung that club past my hands just around when my my arm is past my my lead pocket you can see that my right arm and the shaft is in a straight line okay so the other point I I I get people to to look at is the position of the right shoulder at that point so if you a player that kind of rotated everything together and at the same rate that right shoulder will have moved forward you can kind of see that everything’s facing the target my my right shoulder kind of almost pass where where the golf ball would be if I was doing it a bit more correctly you can see that a little bit longer through impact that right shoulder stays back a little bit more kind of stays back here as opposed to me getting my chest fully rotated at this point right so see the height of the the club is the same but you can see that adjustment I’ve made right I’m I’m kind of in this position whereas most people are already kind of in this position right so that just means I’m keeping my chest a little bit closed as my hips kind of turn through and then I’m just letting that club kind of being thrown past my hands so that’s getting you in a position to where your hips are turning uh faster than your chest and then it gives your arms enough time to kind of release or get that club to whip past okay so again when you’re doing this do it very slow almost like a little pitch to start kind of see I’m doing it very slowly but you can kind of see my chest is facing a lot more forward relative to my belt my belt is kind of pointing over here right and the buttons of my shirt are kind of facing you guys more all right so this is a a really good exercise just to kind of get the the sequence of the swing down but also a feeling of how you should be able to physically get that club to whip past and release a lot easier thank you guys so much for watching so hopefully this information gives you a new perspective as to why you may be struggling with releasing the golf club if you have any questions you can leave a comment down below and like always don’t forget to subscribe it really helps me to create more videos like this for you guys see you next time


  1. In an effort to swing with hands ahead of clubhead at impact, I tend to BLOCK my shots to the right. Is this BLOCK to the right due to too much body? … or not enough release?

    I believe I don’t RELEASE the club as you describe (trying not to release too soon, or to not flip)

    Yesterday, I tried to SLING the club through impact, and struck the ball nicely.

    Impact happens so quick, it’s hard to feel it.

    So is letting go, and SLINGING it, a good way to release the club.

    Love your simple, easy to implement instruction. Great description of body position at impact. I’ve heard your hands should get to the ball before the right shoulder. True?

    I’m definitely going to try that slow motion release drill.
    Keep up the good work. 👍🏻

  2. 100 per cent useful.
    Nothing is right if not EVERYTHING is right. That is the real challenge in golf… you cannot do things « a little bit » right or wrong. Either every single detail is correct or the swing is wrong…

  3. I used to release my club just how you instructed, but several coaches changed it to the body release method that you told us how not to do, because they said it's handsy. If you or someone else can provide more clarity, I would appreciate it.

  4. Do you use the same release woth wedge shots ? It seems when watching players on tour they use a kind of body release where the hands are really passive in order to keep the clubface square throughout the swing

  5. Hello Jonathan, Great video as always, I have always enjoyed your days with Golftec. I completely understand what you are saying and yes it produce a lot more speed but sometimes I have trouble with over doing it and the ball hooks left out of no where. I know I probably wasn't synced properly on that particular shot but is there something we can do to work on it not going to the left? ( You might be thinking about saying " Bro, you just need to practice more) hahahahaha Thanks

  6. Great explanation as always and great exercise on swing sequence and body/wrist release. Have already been working on this and am finding it is also great for keeping my body (center) from swaying and keeping my head down and back through impact. Heading for the range. Many thanks!

  7. I don’t think there is enough discussion about this for those learning the golf swing through YouTube. I have tried to blend aspects of the body and wrist release. I think where I get in trouble though is my wrists doesn’t necessary work properly and I tend to shut the face (upper body stall leading to flip of hands) at impact causing the occasional hook or block if I’m holding off the face too much and not getting the proper release.

  8. After watching over 100 videos and taking about 20 lessons with 5 different coaches, his is the first time I recall being exposed to the idea of pausing the hips like this. I have always turned my body exactly as you say not to and have always had problems with distance. This video is an eye-opener for me. Thanks, Jonathan.

  9. I struggle with applying the brakes, with my left side. My swing is looks kinda like Jim Furyk. Very noodle legged. Haha

  10. When Jonathan K Moss releases a video, I immediately watch! Great content as always.

    Would love to get a lesson or two from you!

  11. When do you feel like you're trying to pop your left knee straight? Some times I feel my left glute pop with the knee. I feel like you are straight at the deceleration point. Almost as though you are using your left leg going straight to create that left wall for your arms and club head to catch up. Do you focus on this knee position?

  12. very well explained!!! Finally I understand what I should be doing… great video! You are an incredible teacher

  13. Regardless how many golf coach I have, I still return here! Still my only go-to for summary & reminders. I will send u my golf swing Jonathan. Thank u for another excellent teaching! This I will add to my drills

  14. This channel is the most informative of all golf channels on YouTube backed by technical and practical facts. I have learnt a few techniques from you Jonathan, keep doing the good work and God will give you the recognition you deserve

  15. What a great explanation, I can’t wait to embrace this in my practice and on the course

  16. I think golf if a game of contrary…if you hear for example Gary Player he says you should hit the ball with the force of your body especially ad impact …maybe you mean the same thing. In my case I can not feel my hip …but what I can feel is at the beginning of downswing I let my right arm kind of moving down (not rotate ) I believe this automatically move my hips as said here. Anyhow thanks your explanation is very clear .

  17. At the 3:30 mark he's describing how to not " spin out " and let the club " snap " through and release. This is good stuff…

  18. Excellent video, Would be good to follow up with the turning of the wrists and how the arms end up, For me I often feel they have gone wobbly after the follow through

  19. I’ve seen a lot of Korean swings have this stall in the downswing and you’re the first person on YouTube to clarify it

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