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Tom Brady on today’s QBs, Jordan Love’s growth, Chiefs 3-peat, joining NFL on FOX | THE HERD

The GOAT and FOX’s newest NFL analyst Tom Brady joins Colin Cowherd to discuss the best traits he looks for in young QBs after sharing his speech to this year’s rookie class at Michael Rubin’s house. He then explains why Jordan Love had the best training under Aaron Rodgers and predicts whether the Kansas City Chiefs will three-peat this upcoming season. TB12 then talks joining the NFL on FOX crew and how he approaches broadcasting.

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Tom Brady on today’s QBs, Jordan Love’s growth, Chiefs 3-peat, joining NFL on FOX | THE HERD

The Herd with Colin Cowherd

Tom Brady joining us live now from an undisclosed location I’ll just say it’s nice and he’s got a better Studio than I do today all right 23 years seven Super Bowls five MVPs you said something recently uh at Michael Ruben at Michael rubin’s Place brilliant guy for Fanatics in your era you may have had a Star Quarterback coming out of college every five years an Elway a pton Manning but even a Big Ben was a nobody even you out of Michigan you’re battling for starts could I make the argument that it’s virtually impossible to come out of college now you’re paid nil to come out of college and not be a bit of a celebrity that it’s harder to avoid those trappings today Tom than it was in your era yeah that’s a great point I I really that kind of hit home for me when I went to the University of Michigan I forgot we had lost in one of the playoff rounds and Coach harbot invited me back to do a national Signing Day and it was uh jarro Jeter was there and they almost formatted the day at Michigan as the NFL draft and all these kids were basically coming from high school to college and I remember leaving there that day thinking that it was a great event for the University of Michigan and it was a really cool event for a lot of the players and the families who were being recruited out of high school but at the same time I think we were doing a real disservice to those young aspiring athletes because we were giving them so so much Fame and notoriety just for playing High School football and you’re right I think a lot of the things that we see now because of really the digital age and the proliferation of information spread so quickly to everywhere there are so many young high school athletes that are getting notoriety and fame and and they just at such a young developmental type of age and it’s just a challenging thing for your brain to wrap your head around so much I think when I look back to when I was coming out of college when I was basically getting into the pros there were such few Outlets to cover you that you really felt like you had to do a great job you had to do great things to get noticed and um that was really the motivation man if I could ever get on the cover of a Sports Illustrated if I could ever get written about in the local paper that would mean that I did something really extraordinary and that was a not always the motivation but that was really the effect of what you put out as an athlete and today it’s obviously just so much different so I don’t know I think resilience and determination overcoming adversity yes those are really sustainable traits and players and athletes and obviously entrepreneurs businessman look at you look at all the things you’ve had to overcome and I just don’t want us to give so much to the younger generation before they really have the full perspective on what those things mean for them so I recognized that change at Michigan that day that was really like a punch in the gut for me to go wow you know we’re probably gone a little too far with this but you know naturally the pendulum kind of swings and swings back and I just hope these young athletes can really understand the what’s really going to make their career not their brand or their physical ability but their connection with their teammates their leadership ability them wanting to put the team first above individual goals and recognition know when they show up every day they are thinking what can I do to help the team win because that’s the most fulfilling part about team sports is winning yeah it’s funny Tom I I never want to disincentivize my kids I I always had the rule of the three C’s I said if you could be curious compassionate and competitive you’re going to have a great life and I competitive is hard cuz Dad’s going to have a nice home we’ll go on good vacation and you were known to me of your many gifts you had the right height you had the work ethic you’re a smart guy you’re really competitive and I think to myself you can’t be competitive jet skiing how does Tom Brady and in a weird way I think to myself oh I get competitive the broadcasting thing because you’re going to get people take shots at you and be Snippets so if you found yourself already with broadcasting watching your tapes and getting hyper competitive is that is that just sort of who you are there are definitely parts to me that are hyper competitive and certainly they were as a player and as an athlete I uh I love that competition I relish that competition daily I didn’t give a if it was practice if it was a game if it was pingpong if we were playing trashketball in the in the locker room I wanted to win uh there’s other parts where I feel like I’ve matured a little bit and I don’t necessarily have to be absolutely competitive in everything it’s a little more selective I think if I want to put effort into something then natural I’ll be naturally I’ll be more competitive at it because I’ll invested a little bit of my time a little bit of my energy into it um certainly with a broadcaster I don’t think for me it’s about competition I think it for me it’s about did I put everything I could into it and I did I give the fans every thing that they tuned in for yeah and that’s really how I’ll end up gauging myself and and I’ll have to look at myself at the end of every Sunday night going did I do a good enough job did I live up to the belief that fox had in me did I live up to the expectations of my teammates Kevin Burkhart and Aaron and Tom and Richie Zion and Rich Russo and our entire truck the entire team that’s that’s ultimately how it judge myself in that new role yeah good guys to work for the um I want I just saw story Shawn pyton was texting me last night about Bo Knicks and how happy he was with him and then he talked about it publicly and we thought it was a good fit because so much in life is fit you know there’s a million jobs our kids could get in the workforce but what fits your personality and your drive and your Ascension and I thought Bo I thought he was Drew Brees with Mobility neither throws a great deep ball both a little undersized um and I want you to go back to your first Camp because I don’t care if it’s Michael penck or it’s Caleb Caleb’s a little grooved in here you know Denver doesn’t have a great roster uh you know some of these kids CJ Stroud had to wing it on the fly a little bit I want you to you may have had nightmares about it and tried to suppress these memories but go back to your first Camp I don’t view Tom Brady as nervous but was there anxiety were there times you thought I’m over my skis here it’s a great question I think naturally as an athlete we’re all going to question as we move up to the next level are we capable are we enough um for most of the answers I think we don’t know we’re gonna have to wait and see the development and everyone asks me all the time around the draft pre-draft which of these kids is going to be the most successful that’s there’s two answers one it’s up to them and two is show me the people that are around them and are helping to develop them it’s not necessarily about someone’s physical potential all the time so much of it is about can you retain information can you process it can you use the information are you willing to study and go through the intricate details of the game like Drew Brees was like Payton Manning was like Philip Rivers was like some of the alltime great John Elway was some of the all-time great quarterbacks were um you could be very physically talented you could absolutely go to the wrong fit and have a coach instruct you to do things that are almost impossible to do right you you can’t assume that what these young athletes are being told that every coach is the same some coach one may have one perspective another coach may have another perspective so why was I fortunate because I came into the Patriots when Bill bellich was there he’s the one that helped develop me Charlie Weiss was there he helped develop me later in my career Josh McDaniels was there he helped develop me I could not have been the player I was without people like that impacting my career my first year I had Drew bledo to look up to yeah he took all the Reps I got to sit there from behind and watch him every single day I had a real mentor to look up to and Drew so some of these teams and you look at Jordan love who I was watching some of those clips that you had on before I came on but he had Aaron rers to watch he got that’s that’s the best type of training in my opinion watch someone else do it at a very high level and then try to emulate them with your own personality maybe a little bit of the misnomer with the draft is that these players can come in and all of a sudden become this great professional player before they’ve really had the training and the development and it was rare for quite a while for rookie quarterbacks to come in and play maybe if you’re the first overall pick but not if you’re a second rounder a third rounder you had a chance to be groomed well we’re not allowing them to do that much anymore now we’re throwing them out there let’s see what you can do and it’s a really challenging thing if I was a young quarterback in this day and age to go out there with the pressure of the agents and the families the schools the social media the fans the coaches the owner how do these kids live up to that I think it’s a real challenge for these these young quarterbacks hopefully they go into a system that can embrace them that can fit and mold who they are hopefully they have coaches around them that can develop them in the best possible way so the Chiefs are looking to do something that’s never been done and it’s I grew up in the 70s so it’s hard for me to believe sometimes the Steelers didn’t win three straight championships you couldn’t score on them forget forget Swan and Bradshaw and Franco har you couldn’t score on them and then there were Raider teams was Stabler and the Niners and the Cowboys in your teams so I want you to go to the years that you you won a Super Bowl let’s stay in New England cuz in Tampa you brought everybody back which can actually work the opposite where you get too comfortable in New England and Julius Edelman who’s become a friend talks about this some could you tell Tom in the camp after you won a Super Bowl would there be days you’d be driving home thinking man we that was a bad practice we got a Super Bowl hangover did did you that could you sense that there was to win a Super Bowl is extremely challenging as we know even when you look at the way the Chiefs won the Super Bowl last year against the 49ers it was an incredible comeback so to speak uh they played really well at the end the margin of error was razor thin yeah and that’s the way it’s going to be this year for them as well it’s very rare I mean I would played on an undefeated team we were the best team I think one of the best in the history of football in 2007 we go to the Super Bowl we play less than our best game the Giants play an awesome game and they end up beating us all these teams in the NFL are very competitive they’re all well coached the margin of err is Raaz or thin so to win one Super Bowl is extremely difficult to win two backtack what the Chiefs have done I mean as we know in the history of the sport nearly impossible to win three in a row there’s a reason why no one’s done it the reason why you haven’t won three in a row because it’s hard to win one in a row so to put three of those together in backto backto back Seasons with drafting last a very hard schedule all the turnover and free agency guys continuing to be motivated it’s a it’s a big Challenge and that’s nothing to say that the Chiefs couldn’t accomplish that believe me everybody would probably put them as one of the odds on favor to do it but even that there’s not a 50% chance of that happening there’s way less than that those players are going to have to show up every day they’re going to have to put the work in like they have fortunately they have a tremendous coach in Andy Reid who doesn’t ever look backward he’s not GNA say Hey you know we’re gonna because we were great last year we’re going to be great again this year he has a very veteran experienced Championship level coach who holds those guys accountable they’ve got a great quarterback in Patrick that as we know when he’s on the field he’s as great as the football player there is in the NFL Travis Kelce what he can do at the tight end position it’s really a great safety blanket rased rice coming on as a rookie Chris Jones I mean they’ve got spagnulo back there as a d coordinator so they have a lot of great pieces but to win it all again is is is a momentous task no one’s going to put it past them but we’re all excited to show up and watch on opening day and see what version of the 2024 Chiefs what they can do and the goals they can set for themselves and whether they can reach them you know um one of the things you noticed and again I think you you’re a compartmentalized I kind of sometimes watch you there are certain celebrities Jerry Seinfeld has this I watch your brain how it works and you you tend to isolate stuff compartmentalize it become an expert at it and I that’s why I think you’ll be very good at broadcasting one of the things you identified in Tampa was we got to get a right tackle I need a blocking tight end I want a power running back you identify cuz the roster was good but they had some holes they had a very good guard Center guard Jensen that that was uh that was the strength of the team and really young linebackers little young in the secondary but you identified yeah clearly you and the coaches Jason light did one of the push backs I I have said on Aaron roders I said Stafford went to a great Old Line Tommy went to a great old line or made it one yeah Russell Wilson did not and Aaron did not and my belief is when you this is why KK cousins to Atlanta Works excellent young o line I worry that when you get older you got your money you may be married you got you don’t want to get hit and that just that shaky o line to a 40-year-old quarterback off an Achilles surgery I remember the year that you got hurt you came back the first six or seven games I would watch you you didn’t like people around your knees I do think that all I care about the Jets is that o line does that concern you with Aaron that it’s either old dudes or are we rookies and there not a lot of guys in their Prime on that Old Line in New York so in the offensive line is such a important part of every great football team if you show me a great football team that doesn’t have a great o line it’s it probably doesn’t exist very often if you are you’re pretty lucky and you better have incredible ranks everywhere else and the reason why is that offensive line is really they facilitate what happens on every Run play it’s really up to them can they displace the line of scrimmage can they push the dline back and then in past in pass protection when it’s a must throw situation can we give our quarterback a chance to stand in there comfortably and make the reads and when I’ve been playing against teams that have good old lines I can hear it in the meeting rooms I sit there in the front row of every Bill bellich meeting for over 20 years when he was coaching our defense and he and we were playing a good offensive line I knew that it was going to be a long hard day for our defense yeah because in the Run game they were going to push us off the ball they were going to create holes and space for them to run the ball well and possess it running it and when it was a must-pass situation that quarterback would have a chance to stand in there and make great reads and on on the flip side of that when I heard that our defense could tee off on that other o line and we can really hold up in the Run game with not as many bodies as we needed to I knew we were going to get a chance to force the quarterback into mistakes and we were going to have the ball a lot in terms of possession because they were going to be punting the football a lot so the choice is always made with I was fortunate I had a lot of great offensive lines in my career I played with guys I had a lot of confidence in them up front certainly the center position is extremely important it’s such a unique relationship the center and the quarterback have I loved all those guys I played with they were up front they were getting everyone coordinated and when I felt like they had things under control up front it gave me a lot of confidence to stand back in the pockets so choosing a good team with a good old line is Paramount to the success of a quarterback you’re not going to have a good season if you’re offensive line can’t hold up in protection and I know when I was at Tampa when we beat them in the Super Bowl the chief said is they really struggled up front they had a lot of injuries that Year Andy Reid and and uh red Beach decided to come back revamp that o line and they played tremendous football since they really invested in their offensive line Joe tonei came on board last year they brought in Donovan Smith yep and they really revamped that line and look at the way poo ran even though he wasn’t a high pick Patrick could stand in there and make throws down the field so they’ve got to continue to do that all the these teams need to make an investment in coaching the O in coaching the o line and developing the o line and that’s going to be the key to a lot of offense Su success this year okay let’s look at the schedule for FOX so it gets released we know you’re doing the Cowboys uh Cleveland Browns game so you got pretty high-profile game there with Dak Prescott but if we uh show it on the screen of the Fox schedule so when you play you obviously watch some stuff maybe if you have a late night game you watch the Red Zone um but during your career now you’re going to go headlong into this stuff but during your career I I sit with a notepad for eight hours on Sunday I’ve got no social life how closely did you watch the other teams outside of film Tommy I’m not talking about film study I’m yeah but and you didn’t play in a lot of one o’l games you were usually on The Late games cuz they want to get Mr Brady on TV how closely did you watch Personnel or have you had to play catchup I I watched every game I try to pay attention and follow every team every week it’s that was our job that was to understand the whole league the perspective every game counts those games meant whatever games they meant a lot to the division standings ultimately because our team was very competitive the conference standings were very important you didn’t look too much beyond that and we never talked about the playoffs and so forth but I knew what every division opponent was doing every week where there were upsets where there were injuries those were all very important to the success of our team you have to win your division first that’s your best path toward the second round of the playoffs is winning your division um of course doesn’t always need to happen that way a lot of teams have proven that wrong but at the same time if you beat if you beat those other three teams in your division you got a great chance to advance to the second round of a playoffs so I paid attention then I’m paying attention now all these games we’re going to have some perspective on uh as we go through the season I’m very excited about our Fox slate that I’m involved in uh we got some incredible games we got Chiefs at the 49ers looking forward to that we got a bunch of Dallas games we have Dallas and the Lions um some really Dallas and the Ravens I’m doing so a lot of the teams that I’ve had a lot of familiarity with but also having Dallas on our on our roster is extremely important for they just draw a lot of eyeballs and and I’ll be excited to cover those games well have fun with your fam look like I saw one of your kids back there uh great seeing you Tom I can’t wait to see you in the building and uh I know you’re on vacation and I’m just taking time that you would otherwise be having a good time and I appreciate it hey great to be with you good to see you working on Memorial Day and uh thanks to all the incredible people and and very uh resilient families that have sacrificed a lot for us in this great day that we celebrate with our families as kind of the unofficial start of summer so hope everyone’s enjoying their day hi everybody it’s me Uncle Colin subscribe here to get the latest from the herd including exclusive behind the scenes videos and more wherever you may be however you may be watching thanks again for making us part of your day


  1. Tom looks good here. He should just lay off the Botox and age naturally. Society isn’t harsh on men who age

  2. Glad Brady mentioned Philip Rivers in the All-time greats topic. Rivers deserves more credit for carrying that horrible franchise after LT left.

  3. Tom is great at talking without answering questions. A great example is the question about the Jets online. He gave a generic answer that was not specific to the Jets.

  4. Mahomes had Smith first year, I agree with the pressure put on new kids. But it’s looking like we have a solid team for a 3 peat.

  5. I want you guys who think that Bron is the goat, I need yall to see how a real goat gives credit to other people. The reason he can give credit to others is because he’s secure in where he is as a player

  6. Thats a great self awareness delf reflection
    What are U investing ur tyme and energy to become aa future memories of what we are becoming as a result of what we invest our minds energy to become more solid state transistor radioactive IEMP weapons or expanding whats electrically possible through the accretion level potential of our light Spirit body Creative quotient electrical accretion level phasing speed potential breathing Echo True vacuum still point Core of experiencing being TOTALLY relaxed and healed through pure eternal absolute love in service to the divine Primal electrified sound and KhundA Rays of our Grand Creator Spirit which is DO NO HARM to other sentient life forms in order to visualize bigger numbers in our mirrors blood line identity account filing system management services

    Mu 🌈 Aurora's Spiral Council 🩷 Rosetta Stone Heart Key of Sophia Grand Creator Spirit essence

  7. "It's just a challenging thing for your brain to wrap your head around" – Tom fing Brady.

  8. His perspective and the knowledge he’s going to bring to commentating for these games are going to be awesome. More people are going to want to watch and hear that then the actual games.

  9. You didn't win 3 in a row Tom because your arogant coach benched Malcolm Butler and the defense gave up 41 points and literally gave up a score EVERY SINGLE POSSESSION in the 2nd half. They didn't punt once all game. Even when you finally got the lead towards the end of ths 4th quarter they gave up a TD on the very next drive.

  10. Maybe he could fine tune his voice a little bit for the booth. Dont see any other knock on him. Such a slam dunk from Fox. So many more people will be tuning in to hear his commentating. Will be fun to watch.

  11. Never been a fan. Though i do think he will do alright in the booth.

    With that said. Its doesnt make what FOx is doing to Greg Olsen right

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