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UDFA Film Review – Talkin Jets Draft

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UDFA Film Review – Talkin Jets Draft

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[Music] welcome to talking Jets my name’s Ryan and I’ll be your pilot tonight boys and girls I’m so glad to be alongside my co-pilot Mr domc how you doing tonight um good Ryan it feels like uh it’s been too long man I got crazy crazy spring stuff going on with the kids so uh plus it’s a little downtime in football season so a lot uh does this feels secondary which it shouldn’t so yeah I mean dude I like coming on T of jets I literally I have not put a channel a video out on my own channel since I think the actually probably the day before the schedule released because it was like O’s like tweet that went out and I was like boom okay I’m gonna make a video about that and then I haven’t touched like the computer since I’ve only been over here doing it but it’s nice I like the offseason give yourself a little bit of a mental reset kind of before the grind of the football season and whatnot uh boys and girls as you hop in here make sure you hit that like button we’re going to discuss a few things throughout the night we’ll be talking to you guys throughout the chat getting some thoughts on some of your uh feelings on the undrafted free agents we’re going to do a little bit of film revieww I think we’re going to discuss some of the the the prospects of the undrafted free agents that we brought in as opposed to like pulling up some film and stuff cuz we’re lazy and we didn’t do a whole lot of well you know what I I got some I got some but I didn’t I it’s not cut and um I I don’t want want to play especially some of the watt stuff I don’t want to play it straight through because um gotta be honest with you there’s a lot of it that’s just like blah okay not very not very excited we got a long summer we could we could go into that but you’ve watched some of the tapes so we could can talk about that talk to you guys in the chat have an all good old time for about an hour or so um yeah I completely forgot about this show until Dom texted me this morning she’s like hey I think we should do some of this and I was like whoa It’s Memorial Day weekend I just got back from the shore and uh I would have totally forgot to come on tonight like I was just not in the mindset of like streaming and whatnot uh Dom do you do anything fun for Memorial weekend nope uh baseball for my boys pretty much all weekend long uh I did go out to dinner tonight though got to see some family and stuff like that nothing crazy little Irish pub near my house actually uh I got like some beef Guinness beef stew kind of yeah it was good it was uh so so much food though so so much food though yeah that McGee have you ever eaten there have you ever eaten there no I’ve heard of thatchers though they did a um they did a golf outing up at where I work um there from what I’ve heard it’s good Becca and I are going to so our wedding anniversary is technically tomorrow we’re GNA actually celebrate it on Thursday but we’re going to go to a place out in Lake aacan uh Stone water really nice normally dinner place we’re going to try and do it for lunch because the kids are in daycare at the time so like you know try to get some uh little bit cheaper lunch food falling on a bu yeah it’s a good time out there uh sure is got a whole bunch of people in the chat right now got Dakota what’s good dude Nick early gang Zachary says Eric watts can be a gem uh Dom you want to throw any uh knowledge on us on Eric Watts yeah so um I I’m going to leave my Eric Watts assessment as there’s still a lot to be determined okay um he definitely has some you know he he shows some good pops he checks all the boxes like you know height weight you know uh size physicality all that stuff um he he’s tall he’s big and I think that works to his detriment he is uh he plays very tall stands straight for stands up way too much like that that’s just you know that might that that that gets him by at Yukon it’s not going to get him by in the NFL um he just got to learn to play with better leverage um I mean I know this is kind of a lazy take but very like I could see him you know kind of following the footsteps of jfm like you know I could see him being a a solid run defender on the edge I don’t know if he has much in terms of of a pass rush Arsenal yet but you know um is strong and can get there with power he does good uh does a lot of good work with the with the games up front you know uh kind of picking and and on those twists and those stunts and so on and so forth takes up a lot of space um like I said I I just think he’s you know that big and strong and physical um not much more than that um maybe you know in the developments of like a young you know rookie rookie your Michael Clemens you know how he came in and he plays with his ass on fire 100% of the time that’s what you get in Watts he’s got a motor that doesn’t stop um you know technically like he he understands the game of football he understands what you know he knows how to read his blocks he knows how to um stack and shed very well I just don’t know if he’s much more than an early down run Defender right now um probably a guy if you look at the pick and Order Ryan and I don’t know if you saw it on Twitter I’ll see if I can find it um I think Zack Rosen blot posted like all the Jets uh undrafted free agents in order of what they got in guarantees and Watts was up there first Watts got over 220 million or 20 220,000 guarantees so that if you follow the money he’s going to probably have a chance to make team um I don’t know what kind of role he’s really GNA play I don’t know if it’s going to be anything um you know that that’s going to impact the defense year one at least but um yeah that’s what I got from Watts like I said I I I like the physicality I like the motor um there’s just not much there it’s a big a big hulking strong ball of clay that really needs to be kind of molded that sort of stuff gets me excited because if there’s one area that I trust this regime to kind of like have on lock or at least be able to develop people it’s on that defensive line and and if they’re giving him a good amount of guaranteed money they see the the little block of clay that he could be and and mold him into maybe our next uh jfm so you know that would be that’d be freaking sweet to see yeah so him and Braden McGregor the the other Edge that they signed on draft fre agge for Michigan um they both yeah they both got some some Hefty um guaranteed money so I could see them both sticking around um and it’s funny because they’re kind of similar you know they’re they’re they’re kind of similar in what they do like I said they both play what I do like about him is um you don’t have to worry about effort for either of these guys like they’re playing through the whistle they’re playing you know they they got that that motor they you could tell they love to play football um I think that Watts has a little bit he’s got a little he’s a little bit more got a little bit of the advantage because he’s got a bigger frame he’s got a strong you know he’s stronger um both of them aren’t gonna set the world on fire as ter in regards to their athletic prowess um but I think that McGregor right now um has some you know has more length in in terms of arm length and can probably affect the pass the passer more in in a pass rush set not like get off like like we got in Bryce Huff but you know he’s more of a well-rounded pass rusher right now um watts is probably more um just bull rush you know Tendencies he does a lot of good things with the stunts like I talked about um but I don’t know if he’s you’re gonna line him up on the end and and just kind of pin his ears back and get the quarterback that’s just not his game yeah Mark comes in says super excited to watch this video great job as always guys Mark we like you glad you’re in my friend Mark mitt Flair saying a woo infrared says JS Jets jet Jets hit that like button boys girls uh we got some jet up banana land from RNR love seeing the banana in the uh the logo with a little what do we call the is it a jet you think in the background that the swoosh kind of like yeah that’s a jet you call it the jet I I’ve heard people call it the wing and like stuff like that I I always saw thought of it as a jet uh NY Jets what’s up jet Nation got do in there snowball Rider what’s up guys how’s your holiday weekend good I was down the shore I was down in LBI uh got to go see the mom and brother his girlfriend uh hang out on the beach first time taking the kids to the beach Shay was down there when she was like 2 months old um so it was fun watching them like kind of pick up sand and like eat sand for the first time because they’re trying to eat crackers and chips and stuff and they’re just like this is disgusting and she’s got sand all in her hand and she’s like trying to wipe her tongue with the sand on her hand I’m like you’ll figure it out eventually it’s it was fun though it was a good time I didn’t get too cooked I I I tried to apply enough sunblock and I got had a bucket hat on my UV shirt because I’m not trying to like not showing off the guns to anyone down there I just try to not burn yeah the Irish blood in you it’ll get you yeah dude I cook so uh so I gotta ask a question Ryan I don’t know what the chat’s talking about something about Green Bay who was in Green Bay that they’re moving on from him look at huge huge uh he says he said something like everyone is out if he doesn’t ball out like what happened in Green Bay he talking about Rogers I think he’s talking about Rogers yeah because Rogers knows I think he said something during OTAs last week maybe where it’s like we need to we need to win like we all need to win like I’m not going to be back next year if if we don’t win it’s it’s a solid Douglas Rogers kind of thing um now I do think Woody wants the The Glitz and Glam and the you know the everything that comes with having Rogers here um and I think as long as Rogers is healthy I feel like everyone feels like their job’s probably going to be safe because there’s we have so much talent on this te we won seven games last year with Zach Wilson as our quarterback I’m less concerned and even the way Douglas operated throughout the off season Tyrod Taylor two-year contract John Simpson two-year contract zerline morstead two-year contracts like it seems like everything is aligning in that way there are some other guys like kinlaw’s on a one-year deal Hassan reck’s on a one-year deal Reed’s going into the final year of his deal same with conin they haven’t restructured either of those guys so there’s a little bit of like this and that on either side but I feel like the selection of Olu fanu told me that they are you know okay drafting someone who may not start right away but will definitely be needed throughout the season uh as opposed to going to the nice shiny thing that was Bowers uh it’s kind of nice to to see that they’re operating from a spot of confidence moving forward and they can still continue to build their plan it’s not just a panic move like Hey we’re going to trade all the assets and do whatever we can to to win now because that’s that’s that was my fear honestly going into the offseason was that we were just going to totally you know go all out and and start giving away assets and and money in future years maybe it sacrifices the ability to bring back a sauce or a Garrett or something like that on the long term and it it hasn’t gone that way Douglas has still operated in such a way that we’re you know building for the future yeah listen I I mean if if it were up to some Jets fans I think they would have preferred that I was never one of them I don’t see like th this this this terminology of quote unquote all in really kind of has a different meaning to some like you can be Allin and not kind of give up the future you know and I think that Joe Douglas has been kind of responsible and fiscally responsible in that I don’t know if my internet dropped or if your internet dropped and I’m sitting right here so that he’s not hamstringing oh yeah there we go okay we’re back sorry I think it was my internet you like froze and I was like oh I’m just going to sit here and we’ll figure out how this goes and heard your voice again so if you could repeat the last like maybe 5 Seconds of whatever you said um I think that Joe Douglas has um you know done everything to position the team to be better now without risking or or forgoing um the future especially financially um you know we’re we’re still in a good position we’re still you know we’re still in a position where we have we have moves in our back pocket that he can do you know he can do a restructure for DD Reed he can do a restructure for both Quinn and qu if he wants um and you know he doesn’t have to you know Hassan reck’s another one um so I I think there’s enough flexibility to make a move or two if you need to now um without really kind of just hamstring in the future and I think that’s the best you know the best way to handle it so on so forth so this you know the team I don’t know if it’s complete you know and I don’t I I don’t know necessarily I know some people want to say safety excuse me and um you know some people want another wide receiver in case Mike Williams isn’t healthy I don’t know where we’re going to you know you know outside of maybe you know some more depth on the interior of the offensive line um like H you know I don’t know how much more we need to play with future money right let’s hold off until the trade deadline and see what happens or who stays healthy or who gets jostled free and then we can make a move like that you know yeah I feel like McGovern feels like a lock to come back at some point this off season that that little bit of insurance he provides unless they really don’t like him but I it seems like they they were fond of him the last few years and Rogers wanted him to be a starting center at one point so bringing him in in as a backup role on the vet minimum seems to make a lot of sense as far as receiver I would like to kind of hold Pat on that and roll with the guys we got right now I know obviously Williams isn’t going to be super healthy to start this season but I want this offense to run through Bree Hall anyway so I’m hoping for a little bit more Bree and also a a rebound year for Alan Lazard and I think when you get later into the season I think there’s going to be a chance that uh Devonte Adams does Shake free from Las Vegas I think depending on how Gardner mchu does I I could see a situation where they’re like hey you know what if you want a shot to win the Super Bowl and the Jets are like coming out like Gang Busters but either maybe Garrett’s hobbled in some capacity or maybe lazard’s not looking great or Mike Williams is is injured in and out of the lineup and we need another receiver I think that would be the route I would prefer them to go and at that point I don’t mind them giving up like a you know a higher I don’t even think it would have to be a higher 2025 pick to be honest but um and then safety I’m kind of I’m lukewarm on I’d be fine with them bringing it in but if I I think I’d be more okay with holding on to the money we got now to make an inseason move that might have more impact than bringing in a summer safety when we don’t really utilize the safeties a whole heck of a lot yeah well I mean June 1 is going to be the uh the big the date right that some of these guys who are unsigned are going to sign because um they won’t require um a comp pick of some sort or is that right am I saying that right they won’t no I think the comp pick stuff’s already gone through I think this is just more so guys that had been released for salary cap purposes um or guys might get released post June first to free up additional salary cap from their their current teams uh I think the I’m pretty sure the comp pick stuff was like a week or two after the draft I think that’s what green be was saying maybe maybe that’s off though so I’m curious to see how I mean with the safety room that we have okay so Chuck Clark you can assume is going to lock into the majority of Jordan whiteheads snaps as your traditional box um you know overhang safety if you will um you know and then Tony Adams is going to is going to be fighting for that that split or that single high free safety role with whoever else you bring in there we still don’t know what uh the JBC Bernard Converse is we still don’t know if he’s viable um I know there’s been talks about Isaiah Oliver possibly switching over to play some free safety as well um he just spent um you know uh Mr Irrelevant pick on the kid key from Alabama who you know had had some flashes uh you know again all these guys are similar right they’re all they were all at some point in their collegiate career slot quarterbacks um who transitioned to play um some split or single high safety so it’ll be interesting to see what kind of um defensive scheme Jeff Alber kind of leans towards if he goes more man across where where you might have one a cover you know more of a a true center field cover one safety you know that could open up the that that could open up the options for some of these other guys I don’t know if that’s Tony Adams best role you know I you know I like him um kind of you know I I like him in with his own responsibility so he can play Everything moving you know with his eyes moving forward everything in front of him um I don’t know how and we we haven’t seen him in a true straight up single high center field role all that often um I don’t know how much of that Ball Hawk he is you know God Justin Simmons would be but uh I just don’t think that’s gonna happen you know yeah I wonder if those guys are still going to get like a pretty good chunk of change I know that we were kind of talking like you know the reason they haven’t signed is the money hasn’t quite been there yet do teams free up a little more salary come June 1 and maybe they they wind up signing at that point yeah well Buffalo frees up I think 12 million right yeah maybe they make uh their way over there they have uh puyer still up there but didn’t they get rid of they got rid of they got rid of both puyer and um it was both of them okay I knew they they got rid of both the safeties they resigned the the guy uh my God what’s what’s his name he Taylor rap they resigned um that could be that could be a landing spot I know they draft they also drafted Cole Bishop who is my one of my favorites in this in this draft love Bishop yeah so interesting you know like the the scheme is going to play it’s going to be a big part um historically the Jets obviously you know they’re not the most manhe heavy you know coverage all through and through you know certain or certain um situations certain down distances sure they went man I know that there’s a lot of talk about sauce traveling with the with the number one receivers um and this is no shade or disrespect to Sauce but I just don’t think that we need to like if it ain’t broke don’t fix it there’s nothing wrong with the defense keep playing your keep playing your sides man you know it gives you it gives you um a little bit more flexibility in stuff that you want to do if you want to you know uh mix mix and match and and play some of those run some of those Zone blitzes and stuff like that I think I think if you flipflop sauce and you know you kind of kind of lose the option of some of those um some of those wrinkles that that makes the Old Brook defense uh really really special like when he brings Quincy and and um CJ up the middle around the end and he and he stunts with those guys and somebody drops off um you know when you start flip-flopping and and having those cornerbacks Trail wide receivers you’re just going to uh you’re going to kind of throw that stuff off I think those are nice little wrinkles plus I like I said I’m a big fan of I’m a big fan of uh zone defense I think we run it very well there’s there’s no one that probably plays a you know that that that true base quarter is better than us maybe Seattle but I’m a big fan of it I don’t I don’t know if defense has to be manto man um all the time personally I think when you’re playing guys like Patrick Mahomes and and and Josh Allen I think the you know having dropping seven being able to get home four and having seven guys out there in the defense really uh plugs up some holes that they might ultimately be able to beat you you know if if somebody shakes loose in man coverage Wyland book comes in says Ryan Dom where does the Jets color Rush Jersey rank amongst our jerseys hopefully buried at the bottom of the uh the barrel I don’t want to see our color Rush jerseys ever ever ever again I did not like them when I saw them initially uh I would hope hope that any kind of retro uniform that would be used would be like our Rex Ryan era uniform at this point I don’t want to see I don’t really love the Titans uniform I don’t love did you see the released oh they’re disgusting dude 100 year anniversary yeah they were awful they really were ugly what do you think of the color Rush uniform for the Jets I I you know what I didn’t even see that there was a color Rush uniform I don’t think I don’t think there’s one current like the New York Titans no I think the the color Rush was from like this has got to be like five years ago now I feel like the like the where they did the Buffalo vers Jets where it was like all like green and buffalo was all red yeah it was like super goofy that was the uh that was the year um where they did the dance Buffalo when they beat Buffalo at home and they did that dance Jay-Z yeah yeah I like those uniforms I did ah dude I like there was something about him the color was like an interesting pop it was fun hearing all like the color blind people that were like I couldn’t tell which team was which because green and red look exactly the same to someone who’s color blind it’s like I guess you don’t really necessarily think about that when you’re designing uniforms and stuff but that’s uh that’s pretty funny uh let’s see what else we got going on in the chat you guys talking about in here uh Hugh says I don’t think uh he would have been replaced if Devonte signed a new deal though I don’t know yeah I’m I’m behind in the chat so I don’t know what what they’re talking about there there yeah I’m trying to trying to catch up a little bit things that are popping in here uh Billy saying is a preseason yet yeah what soon enough we got what week one is uh commanders then we’re away at the Panthers then home for the Giants those are our three uh and Saturday the 10th of August I would imagine the third then if my math is correct would be the green and white scrimmage I don’t know if I’ve seen anything pop up about that but I would imagine they’re doing it this year because we don’t have the Hall of Fame game like we did last year that was the only reason that was corre a thing I love going to the greenway do you go to the green White scrimmage usually yeah I I I go every year every year this is my first year without actual with without my season tickets so in a long time oh where are you sitting now um well I get I’ll get i’ll get tickets through my job we have corporate seats um I didn’t yeah and actually it’s funny because they’re they’re in the same section that I was spending thousands of dollars for my seats um but just with the kids and stuff like that like Sundays or travel soccer and stuff like that so I can’t make all the games especially thank God this year with all the Thursday games and Monday games and all that stuff I hate those night games personally but um so yeah so um I will still go to the green White scrimmage for sure yeah always a good time fun fun fun but you got to hang out with the kids got to do all their fun stuff your little guys do uh soccer and baseball are those are the two primary Sports you do any other ones my oldest my oldest is a soccer first baseball second my youngest boy is wrestling first baseball second yeah they’re two sport kids yeah very very fun um did you see our uh I think last week was when we did it uh myself and Jeremy were talking about the content creator uh football team and then Matt put out a tweet about like kind of piggybacking off that conversation we had you at Center I want to get your thoughts on what you thought about that uh you know well I was I was a uh I was an all County Center back in my back in my day so you hit you hit the nail on the head I was Center worked out fine for pretty funny was always fun because Jeremy had said something I was like yeah I could see that and honestly dude I did not realize you were as like big of a person until I saw you when we went to like the hot dog place with green bean and Jeremy I was like Wow Dom’s way big not like in a bad way but just like just a a larger individual than like I would have thought I was like wow I could totally see him pling Center and then we had you bookend with uh Nick shine and uh Jeremy and I feel like you have to keep those knuckleheads like you know pointed in the right direction that’s right that’s right yeah I’d be the I’d be the brains of I’d be the brains of the crew right there with those idiots oh yeah you don’t have to work that hard sorry Jeremy sorry Nick oh that’s funny yeah that was that that was that was neat man that was funny uh Frank says uh what’s up Frankie he goes man coverage invites quarterback running too yeah I that’s true like when you have corners that start turning their back to the quarterback and all of a sudden Lanes start you know opening up I do like Zone I feel like you have more of an opportunity to like jump passes when you’re sitting in zone where man like it kind of puts sauce it’s almost like the same thing with Rivas right like if you wanted to beat the Jets defense it was like all right just go away from Rivas like don’t throw don’t throw toward your best player um it didn’t always work that way cuz I guess Rivas would always follow I guess it’s more so uh I guess with the Jets like if you want to get away from SAU you just throw to the opposite side of the field same thing that happened with Nam de asima it’s like oh how do you beat the Raiders defense or Philly’s defense it was oh just throw the opposite side of the field because he’s not going to travel I think that’s the only frustrating part for me like watching CD lamb just toast our defense last year when SCE was like could have been on him covering him really the only time that I feel like I’d want to see some sort of switch um Well here here’s the thing we still haven’t really even though the defense has been very good the past two years you know I mean what is it I I don’t know statistically I mean I think we’re top five both years if not higher um we really haven’t seen the fruits of what this defense could be it it you know like we haven’t played with a lot of leads so we haven’t really just pinned back and let the pass rushers get at it and those guys you know um up front just do your thing like if you can get home with four regularly why not drop seven back why not you know what I mean like I get it man coverage you know this that you want to you want your best quarterback to Trail their best receiver but is it is it really that necessary yeah if you’re a team that’s dependent upon bringing a fifth rusher or or a sixth rusher and and surprising people with the blitz but the Jets blitz so infrequently as a whole as a unit um if we can get if we can get home with four I think that’s why like like this defensive line this year with Aaron roders at the helm hopefully we’re playing with some leads and and you’re going to really get to see the fruits of this labor like listen call it what you will I know a lot of people are down uh are are really upset with the the transition from Quinton Jefferson to Javon kinlaw but I’m not really I mean listen I mean Quenton Jefferson was good last year but even the year before um hidden Sheldon rankins was good as well I think whoever’s going to be next to you know next to Quinn and Williams um is going to really reap some of those benefits so give me Javon kinla all day long you you know you have what you have on the edge rusters I’m expecting another step from Jermaine Johnson I’m expecting um who I met the other day did I I sent you that picture right you did you texted me I was like oh dude if do you want to share anything from that interaction at all I won’t say anything but no no I listen he was uh you know he he he’s um he lives in town with me and we we were at a we were at a school function I completely didn’t expect to see him um and he was there supporting some family members I was there supporting my my kids and um you know we were just shooting the [ __ ] and you know I said I talked to him a little bit he took some pictures with my sons my you know they both had my actually Marcus my older one had had jet skar just happened to have it on because that’s what we wear you know um absolutely so so we we were bsing about him and I said Hey listen man I said you know once you know once you’re settled once the dust comes before Camp starts I said we got a show man we got to get you on he said book it he said he said we’ll be in touch man dude Jermaine Johnson was the like the one Edge that year that I was like I would take him at four if s has gone at four I would take Germaine at four and then like we got SAU at four I was like oh we’re definitely getting Germaine at 10 and then he fell I was like but I really I’m a big big Jermaine Johnson fan I think he’s an AB and um I mean you got you got him you got h IC I’m really expecting another step another like I I I don’t think I’m you’re going to miss Huff sure I mean we all we all grw to love Huff but I I think you’re gonna have a lot of that you know like that really that get off and and the stuff at the quarterback is going to be picked up by Will McDonald um I think this defensive Line’s gonna have a a a a real good chance to really Feast this year playing with leads thanks to Aaron Rogers and just letting everyone just kind of sit back and and reap the benefit man like I I don’t know man I like our linebackers I don’t necessarily like our linebackers man coverage I don’t want you know I don’t want TJ Mosley and Quincy Williams chasing James Cook you know all over the back field stuff like that that’s just not their their strengths that’s not where they do best so no I I I agree with you though especially on kinlaw like as much as he’s been a disappointment since he was drafted in the first round he was healthy for the first time last year and I feel like having him next to quinnon in a contract year is the perfect mix of like let me show what I could have been the entire time I’ve been in the league now I’m playing with an All-Star defensive line I think from a talent perspective maybe there’s an argument to say like hey could the Jets D line have taken a little bit of a step back um I think maybe overall like maybe if you had had like uh a healthy Lawson and a huff and a Jefferson and a jfm on this line with Aaron roders doing what he was going to do this year I think you have a strong strong case for it but but I think overall this year we will see a better production than we saw just last year and we were pretty happy with what we got out of it last year and not to mention we’re actually going to get first downs this year where you’re going to have some rest for these defensive guys so some of the rotation is going to get even better because you now have guys fresher than they were last year yeah um I I think the sum of all parts especially on the defensive front I think we’re probably you know I I don’t think we we’ve taken that big of a dip like I don’t think the AL Woods to to Ley uh leaky fotu is all that big of a drastic again remember these guys are probably playing what we probably won’t expect to see fot for more than 15 20 snaps at most a game right yeah um he’s going to affect the game um you know in early Downs probably he’s a big body he played you know he two gapped for all his career in Arizona did a very good job at it um he’s not going to be asked to do that now he’s going to be given a a little more like leeway to just you know be physical and and and get up I don’t know how much pass rush um he’s going to offer but he’s Gonna Fill some of those roles and then everything else is gonna you know you need to see a step up for McDonald you need to see the Hassan reic that we’re familiar that that has been playing the past couple years which there’s no reason that um we think that should there should be much drop off there and if you get another step up from Germaine Johnson I think we’re GNA be good you know you know Michael Clemens is what he is you know I don’t know if how much more you’re going to get from him um but I think the sum of all parts with the addition of Hassan reik really kind of negates the loss the the addition of Hassan reic plus the um expected Improvement in both will McDonald and Germaine Johnson I think kind of negates the loss of huff and jfm I am in complete agreement with you uh Dom and Ryan assuming we let Reed Walk next year is the f future cornerback to on the Jets already or is he a future draft or free agent acquisition um I tend to think we are going to go with a cornerback higher next year or in free agency I don’t think I I do think Reed winds up walking I think he’s absolutely deserved a nice contract I just don’t think the Jets should be the team to pay him not not that he doesn’t deserve it at all I really like him uh ideally if you could retain him and align his contract with the twoe of of perceived Rogers window here I would do it I just I think he’s going to want to try and cash in on that contract because he hasn’t really had that big time contract he had a nice one with us but but we definitely got the better end of the value from that deal do you think we have cornerback to on this roster obviously Eckles has gone at the end of this year Michael Carter 2 uh up for a contract as well along with Reed so what are your thoughts at the quarterback position well I’m first off I’ll say this I’m I’m I’m very much intrigued about stiggers because I haven’t really watched I watch a lot of his CFL film um I know that he’s very very athletic a lot of people that I trust in this um in The Scouting industry seem to like him a whole lot I don’t know if his upside is QB uh is CB2 um or not that’s still to be determined um I don’t necessarily rule out bringing DJ Reed back um I I think you’re ultimately going to have to what it’s going to come down to is um is Michael Carter going to get paid top three nickel cornerbacks in the league if he does that probably means you’re going to move on from DJ Reed right now I will say this that this cornerback class in 2025 is probably one of the strongest ones that we’ve seen in quite a few years um there’s there’s upwards of five or six guys that you know that could work their way up into being um you know first round picks easy especially guys there’s there’s one or two of them that could be in top five you know in will Johnson Travis Hunter well will Johnson from Michigan Travis hunter from Colorado are probably two of the better cornerbacks that are that are coming out in quite a few years probably since Deon W Weatherspoon s Gardner um you know those guys came out um so the the class itself is very deep um and it’s a position that the Jets aren’t afraid to draft you know or use high capital on so there is that Avenue um I don’t know who else is on who else is you know upcoming free agents in the class but I don’t necessarily rule out Reed I won’t you know I could see Reed being the contract that gets reworked or restructured if they do need to make a move in season and that could tie him in for another year or so that would be awesome I I would love to keep him around wheen comes and says what’s more realistic Aaron roders throwing for 4,000 or Bree having 2,000 allpurpose yards I want to say Bree with the allpurpose 2,000 yards I think he’s definitely going to break that with A-Rod I think he should should clear 4,000 yards but at the same time if we are winning and have leads and this defense is as gritty as it should be like the last two years I think Bree is more likely to get the 2,000 allpurpose yards than A-Rod is to get the four what are your thoughts on that a I mean how many how many 4,000 yard seasons does zrod have let’s see in his career let’s go over there feel like that’s something I should know uh so let’s see yardage he did not have it in 2022 he had it in 1 two three four years I think 2017 was the broken collar bone so he did not have it there that was 16600 yards so he’s had it like one two three four five five of the last eight years with the ones that he missed uh broken thumb toron Achilles collar bone then before that 3,800 yards 4,300 yards 2013 he had 2500 yards I mean he’s had 4,000 yards basically any yearly been healthy he had 3,900 yards one year so like he’s going to get close yeah it’s a it’s a good question I’d probably lean with Bree in 2000 allpurpose yards um just because I think he’s really going to be the focal point of this offense you know in a power in a power running scheme that it seems that the Jets are kind of shifting their focus too I could see a lot more of that I could see a lot more 12 Personnel I could see a lot more Bree Hall um really grinding getting you know 20 to 25 touches a game easy especially with his you know he’s so Adept out of the back field as a receiver so on and so forth and you know that Aaron Rogers loves to use utilize those running backs out of the back field I mean I mean look what he did in Green Bay right look what he did with all the running backs that there in Green Bay Aaron Jones he made us was Aaron Jones who was the guy before him um before Aaron Jones I mean there was the the guy that went down to uh he was with uh the Saints last year right uh was it was at the Lions the two years before really happy smiley dude hell’s his name yes yes yes yes yes that’s who I’m thinking of he had like 10 touchdowns with Detroit the year before um Chad will let me know I’m sure yeah not Eddie Lacy no not somebody in the chat said Eddie Lacy I know who you’re talking about it was before the yes thank you yeah um so listen if I had to put money on one of them I I guess I would say Brie 2000 allpurpose yards I don’t think that’s out of the equation with him a year back healthy on that knee um behind an improved offensive line with Aaron Roger the helm no heavy boxes not as many heavy boxes that he’s facing I mean Christ he did you know look what he did with you know uh 1,600 yards last year is that what it was or just shy of it maybe yeah with as as Buffalo Jet fan says a pet rock playing quarterback jet set for life brings up a good point that I uh unfortunately did not bring up at the beginning of this happy Memorial Day salute to my brothers and sisters in arms who paid the ultimate price for our freedom shout out 82nd Airborne Division Ouya thank you so much for your service my friend uh yeah for all you guys out there I honestly the greatest compliment that I’ve ever received on this channel was from active military or retired military that were you know away from home and their only source of content for you know Jets related stuff while they’re overseas was you know through YouTube and the and the internet and I thought that was like a really cool compliment and and highly humbling to uh to get so jet set for life thank you so much and all you guys out there that are active military we uh we love you very much and hope you you know if you are deployed hopefully you come home soon Hugh Direction comes in says other than the year he was playing with a broken thumb the last time he played a full season and didn’t crack 4,000 yards was 2015 yeah that was what we’re uh I’m still catching up on chat stuff so I’m sure he had that in before we started going through everything uh infrared says I’m not scared of Miami until they beaten above 500 team consistently we beat Philly Pittsburgh Houston Denver Buffalo and got robbed against Kansas City jet up yeah look I am not concerned about Miami at all I think we they’re a good team I don’t want to say that but we’re playing them so late in the season that they’re contending with a few different hurdles they’re contending with the health of their team first and foremost and second their ass has got to come to meti in January so like I feel very confident about the final week of the season um I do think that the like us being underdogs for Miami for Buffalo for San Francisco all three away games I think that makes a lot of sense I think I would have put the Jets as a as uh not favorites in those games as well but I think the 14 of 17 games that we have as favorites do make a lot of sense what are your thoughts on Miami and uh I guess maybe the uh the um favoritism of the the Jets in almost every game except for those three well I think that’s interesting um I don’t know how you get a you know like I mean it’s got to be a Vegas is an is a weird place man I don’t know how you put lines out on games where you don’t know who’s going to be playing where right I mean price last you know like uh you know we’re saying 14 but you’re only one or two injuries away from being underdogs in 14 of those games right sure um but everything as if everyone were a healthy roster if all 32 teams maintained the health that they currently have at the level of players that are expected to play I think it makes sense Miami is interesting um very talented offensively um I I’m I’m their offensive line is going to need to really figure some stuff out because they’re you know they’re they got some they got some holes there like Liam mikenberg is is a guy that never really impressed me um I think they downgraded in Center I mean Conor Williams is still hurt um they lost hunt teron toron Armstead has never you know along the lines of uh um Tyron Smith has yet to stay healthy for uh for a full season in the past few years um so they got some interesting things but man speed kills and and they got tons of it they got tons of it and they got a great offensive mind there um the big litmus test is to see how their new defensive coordinator and and their defense is going to jail I mean they’re dealing with major major injuries they could be a team I think uh Jaylen Phillips or maybe not lost but coming back from injury Jaylen Phillips and uh chub chub both was ailles or acl’s that they lost I think Philips was Achilles Phillips was an Achilles chub was an ACL um and who else did they lose oh they got rid of Xavier um they got rid of X-Man back in the defensive backfield yeah zavan Howard um they lost the defensive tackle the big guy there even though I I think yeah I I think seer’s still there and I think that’ll that I think that Wilkins uh move isn’t going to be as bad as expected for them but they’re gonna they’re a team I think that’s going to you know kind of struggle coming out of the gate um and if they can you know if the quarterback can stay healthy and if they if they can start clicking on all cylinders they and they might be firing you know uh full steam ahead come January now can they beat the cold you know that that team is um you know notorious for for starting out hot and fizzling down the down the end I don’t think they can afford that this year and the beginning of the season I don’t know their schedule but I I know that they’re going to be battling some you know uh a lot new players a lot of new uh new coaches new schemes new adjustments I think that they’re in for um not so much a roote Awakening but I don’t think it’s going to be the Miami of what we expected the past two years you know I I I’ll say this I could easily see Buffalo maintaining the level of play that they have over the past couple years easier than I can see Miami yeah you know so I think we’re going to take the biggest Leap Forward and then Buffalo I think Buffalo lost you know I don’t know they both lost so much talent but I do I trust Josh Allen more than I think I trust Tua and that might be where where that kind of comes from uh Joe Cab has a really good question here do you guys believe this defensive line this year will be good against the Run speaking of Miami they are lethal in the running game now maybe that offensive line changes some of that but the uh the way they were able to slash you know moster absolutely went off last year anan’s going to go you know crazy crazy they got the the new kid in there too I think it’s going to be interesting to see what the Jets have to contend with because I don’t know that we got better from a run defense game but I think we will have more leads and might not have to contend as frequently with the run I think that’s more my take on this what how do you see this run defense kind of playing out for the Jets especially with that J too um yeah I I think that’s you know that but you reck who plays the run a lot better um than say you know if if you’re counting you know Huff out and reck in I think that’s a plus you know that that’s Czech bark on the plus side in in true run defense um yeah jfm is GNA be a big one and and really I think that’s where that weal I talked about earlier like the the seconde leap of McDonald McDonald I think is an underrated run Defender I know everyone talks about his strength and this and that um I I I think he’s actually you know in The Limited snaps that he played um obviously we know what he can do affecting the past there a lot of pressures and in very limited snaps um gotten the face quarterback but I think he can you know hold that edge and and and plays the run very very adequately um if Germaine takes another step up you know and then you get some you know maybe one of these guys maybe these this Eric Watts or Braden McGregor or something like that can come in and help solidify some of the um some of the stuff on the edge that that jfm would do um on a solid basis I don’t necessarily think that it’s a downward you know uh that we’ve downgraded I should say against the run I think you know we’ll probably be you know top five top 10 dvoa in terms of run defense and I think that will have a lot to do like what you said um there’s not going to be a we’re not going to be facing teams that have leads on us that are just going to grind out I think that that seemed to be a big reason for um you know some of the lackluster run defense that we had um if we can limit the big plays we can limit the explosives um you know listen the guys are getting older I think CJ Mosley is you know he’s longer the tooth man he’s lost a step or two right but he’s still very effective in what he does um so if the guys up front you know can can solidify and and the loss of jfm isn’t um as you know substantial against the run I think we’re just I think we’re going to be just fine man I think we’re going to be just fine Mike Saunders comes in with a very interesting uh question my biggest issue with Joe Douglas is he’s never proactive with contract negotiations he was going to drop the ball with Michael Carter like he did with Huff yeah the only time he’s I felt like he’s been proactive with contracts was with jfm and I feel like everyone was kind of sour on that that deal pretty quickly um do you think we will retain Michael Carter II like do you think um between him and Reed could you see a situation where both wind up leaving I mean I guess anything’s possible but um listen I I want to just poke back at Mike here in in terms of dropping the ball with Huff I don’t think he dropped the ball with Huff I don’t I just don’t think whether we whether we agree with it or not I just don’t think the intention was ever to to pay Huff long term I think they they got what they got from him they they were going to let him knowing that you were going to get something back from him I don’t think he was in the long-term plans I don’t think they were going to pay you know 15 16 1720 million for a guy that really played less than 50% of snaps that’s what it comes down to so I I I think that was a calculated risk but a risk that to me I think was clear um clear in the making yeah inred comes in says Bree all day 2000 Bree with the new hip uh drop hip tackle rule is going to blow secondaries and checkdowns yeah I wonder how teams adjust to this like is it enough for teams to actually make an adjustment I believe the stat I had seen at one point was 1% of all tackles in the NFL were of that hip drop uh variety that would CA that that like could be flagged so the chances of the Jets you know or guys maybe changing the way they tackle I don’t know I guess we find out in preseason right like if there’s a lot of flags in preseason we will know exactly how this team or how this league is going to call it and if it is a prevalent thing that we see then yeah Bree you know ripping off runs is going to be you know really impressive well and listen that you know maybe that’s um Joe Douglas zigging when everyone’s zagging right he maybe the the hip drop rule and and that effect of um hamstringing the defenses and in their tackling abilities really calls for more of a a power run scheme that they seem to be putting into play here with you know new additions on the defensive I mean the offensive line and the rest of the running back stable in you know not NE not necessarily um in Izzy but with brillan Allen and Isaiah Davis who are sheer very very good power scheme you know Gap Runners you know they they they hit the hole physically and hit hard they’re not you know they’re not necessarily one cutand go guys like the Raheem mostarts and and the Devon aanes of the world they’re they’re not meant for that outside Zone the these guys are are meant for um you know grinding it out power running scheme and and you put that in into a team with you know good blocking tight ends like we have you know call call it what it is Rucker’s a very very effective blocker um probably his strongest asset right now as an NFL player is what he can do how he can affect the game in the you know uh in the blocking scheme so I I think you you know you could see that that tied in with maybe some of these new tackling you know these limitations on the defense um maybe Joe Douglas is ahead of the curve and listen the NFL C cyclical right it went from Christ When We Were Young you know in the 80s and the 90s everything was power power power IE formation fullbacks the whole nine and then it became the passing offense and the Kurt Warner days and everything could wide open run and shoot and waren moon and all that stuff and maybe they’re just kind of you know simulating back and and adjusting now you have defenses you have more base nickel defenses right what’s the easiest way to to to get at that that’s a to get at that straightforward with guys moving straight forward and pounding the Rock at him so um I’m I’m All forward I’m happy you know Rico comes in says uh in a Zone scheme having good Vision to hit the right hole was one of Bree’s strengths what skill set will make Bree succcess UC F in a power scheme so Bree like yeah I’ll let you no no no after you have you I was just gonna say I feel like Bree is one of those rare kind of running I shouldn’t even say rare but he’s that kind of running back that can do anything you just get the ball in his hands he’s so fast he’s so powerful he’s got such good balance he Glides when he runs across the field like it’s it’s such a wild way to watch him evade tacklers um I think he’ll be just fine following his blockers if it’s like you know just straight up follow Moses and and run behind avt I think that’s you know there’s no issues there um I think as far as like you know if if this is maybe asking more of like a power running like if if you need like gritty yards like let’s say you need two yards or something like that I think that’s probably where you start seeing Allen and Davis and and you maybe save Bree a little bit more for those passing downs and and whatnot uh but as far as like a power scheme goes how do you think Bree fits into that yeah I I think you you kind of hit it on the head like I don’t think that Bree hole is necessarily scheme specific I think um sure H the blend of his athleticism and and vision really makes him effective in an outside’s own scheme what we got to remember is just because the the scheme is more power Gap double team or Duo based doesn’t necessarily mean that there’s going to be le less holes it just means that you know the holes are going to be more defined you know that you’re going to you know you know the play is running here you know in the a gap between the center and the guard and it’s not going to be to the right side and let kind of let the form uh let let everything kind of formulate and you’re going to be be able to choose which Gap you go really that’s what the outside Zone does right it gives the it gives the runner a little bit more leeway to um kind of call his call his shot if you will find out where his where his hole is and just hit it and go you can still he can still hit it and go and and he will and now you’re just going to have guys um kind of giving him a more defined route right and it’s exactly what you want to do against Li boxes you want to get bigger guys on smaller bodies that’s going to that’s going to blow open holes so and so forth um I don’t think it’s going to affect Bree Hall um one bit I think he’s kind of evades any more power or or outside Zone like limitations I don’t I I don’t think he has any of those now the other guys also very good you know I I like bran Allen a lot I like Isaiah Davis a lot um but they don’t have and and all three of them the one thing that they do have all three of them is um the contact balance on all of them is phenomenal they can take a hit they can run through arm tackles they they always they’re falling forward um they’re always moving they’re they’re rarely stopped on First Contact and rarely stopped the back field right that’s the one thing that you want in a in a power scheme is you get a guy that doesn’t have good contact balance or or or can’t get through those arm tackles something like that it you know it’s gonna the whole scheme’s G to kind of Wither away and all three of these runningbacks Bree included um show that they do that they run with good pad level they run with um you know they run with good contact balance they can make things happen um they’re all nimble Bree the most nimble like the other two guys aren’t nearly as Nimble um Bree has the Breakaway speed the other two guys have maybe a second gear Bree has a third izy Banda has a fourth for Christ’s sakes so um you know I I I think it’s the way this back field is lining up if they keep four active um I think you’re going to have a good dose of um a good plethora of all different types that’s that’s really really what I what what it’s going to see it’s it’s Bree’s backfield but I think the other guys can all play a part I aananda can can you know uh he can be that home run hitter and Isaiah Davis and and bran Allen can offer something in pass Pro as well as getting some of those grimy yards Isaiah Davis has really underrated hands as well so I think he can be a weapon out of the back field um BR Allen not so much I don’t know necessarily if it’s he doesn’t have you know he’s not good receiver out of the backfield or wasn’t given those opportunities in Wisconsin um but the other guys all all have and all will so Frankie has a really uh interesting take here says in order the top three factors in running play success is light box o line block quality and running back quality uh it feels like that’s certainly what we saw with Le’Veon Bell coming over from Pittsburgh uh does this sort of Phil uh you know make sense to you as well would you put it in that kind of order absolutely and and think about it like when when you had Zack Wilson there I mean how many times did you see seven and eight man boxes you know it and it’s hard to block it’s just it’s damn near impossible to block seven guys with five or or or seven guys with six even you know I mean if you have a tight end in blocking I mean it just there was no holes to be found so um the lack of effective quarterback play the lack of of anyone that could that could even threaten to take the ball over the top you know pass five yards down the you know from the line of scrimmage um Jess completely negated any luxury that the Jets had in in maybe that that outside or even the inside Zone stuff um would just be shut down because there was every hole was just filled with a Defender now with Aaron roders you have to respect that you have to respect his arm you have to respect his ability to to to play and play action um you’re not going to see that many you know stacked boxes against them because if you do then you’re G to have Garrett and Mike Williams one-on-one right right and and Aaron R Aaron Rogers will find them if they’re if they’re in one-on-one they’re in you know one-on-one coverage man-to-man coverage on the outside um Aaron Rogers will pick him apart you can’t do it so I think that this is all stems back to just exactly like what Frankie says here o line block quality when when you’re playing you know your your third and fourth and fifth string offensive guards and backup tackles and and this that and the other thing like the quality of of the of the line play um tied into having stacked boxes just it’s a recipe for disaster and that’s exactly what last season was so I think you’re gonna see some of this um really really drastically improve this year Tom he blew through that hour yeah any thoughts anything you got going on that you uh before we ended here no um listen I Got U I got some stuff coming out I I’ve been meeting and recorded videos with uh different content creators from different NFL teams doing a a show series called state of the franchise where we’re talking about the other 31 teams outside of New York Jets um and their off seasons and their drafts and their schemes and their changes and their coaching change and all that stuff so got some of those videos coming out on Project Prospect with DC we’ll also be starting um a summer summer scouting series probably once July hits um I just started watching some film some 25 guys just recently just this week just started cutting it up and getting it ready oh man it gets me excited we’ll be here throughout the entirety of Summer and even going into the season where we’re going to be discussing little bits of draft knowledge and things like that whether it be our own guys or guys coming up in the 2025 draft that we keep keep an eye on you guys may say hey that’s way too early to be thinking draft stuff well that’s what you got all these other shows here for we got so many different things coming out on talking Jets and uh this one’s going to be a little slice of of of draft knowledge and you know obviously the the the trending stuff that’s going on with the New York Jets but boys and girls thank you so much for hanging out with us on a lovely Memorial Day Monday here make sure you hit that like button on the way out and we will be back here uh tomorrow 8:00 to 10 o’clock for talking Jets and Dom Cen and I will be back here Monday 9 o’clock at our uh newly regular scheduled time boys girls thank you so much for hanging out with us this is jet talk signing off Js j e d s j j j


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