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Ma$e, Cam’ron & Treasure “Stat Baby” Wilson are here with another one with special guest Bill Haney!

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[Music] reunion hello y’all I was selling crack when a private J I’ve been a h and back but no confusion this a reunion hello y’all welcome back your murder here he counting money he said c in the hell with rap I’m only here to [ __ ] on [ __ ] and piss on [ __ ] welcome ass I with jewelry and bikes [ __ ] black Benes and white big now I’m out here and I’m looking for more chandeliers and like fixtures nah I don’t like [ __ ] what’s rolling me I’m all right [ __ ] but this 44 turn the mic Jo I say take flight welcome back to it is what it is this episode is sponsored by Underdog fantasy the app is an easy way to make some cash just by making picks on your favorite players Underdog is available in more than 30 States including California Texas and New York just to name a few make sure to support the show by hitting the link in the bio and downloading the underdog fantasy app they’ll also match your first deposit up to $100 and you get a special pick when you sign up I’m treasure Wilson AKA stat baby along with your host mace and H oh to St what’s up man how y do what’s good man same [ __ ] man different day how’s your weekend I’m good man happy Memorial Day to y’all yeah all right so let’s get into the game last night the Timberwolves lost their third straight game to the Mavs 116 to 107 what did you guys think about the game in its entirety um let me start by saying this is why I’m an expert you know I know killer doesn’t like when I do this but I I said this you don’t put anybody in front of Kyrie now now we know why now we got context we can add to what I’m saying now I’m Not Just Fishing no more as you know some people would say you know and I know the Knicks are out of it but Harlem is still in it pause his sham is still out there so Harlem is still winning so for all you Nick fans you may be out but Harlem is still in yeah that’s a fact actually my block is still in it my neighborhood actually my neighborhood is still in I don’t know if you from 8 for 1330 I don’t know I knew killer was going to come back home I know yo didn’t you have a album like that coming home yeah come on with me yeah yeah come yeah man my bad I want to interrupt you you kind of was all over the place he’s on 8th Avenue 116 133rd I kept it home team the whole time the God boy well you know I mean Shan will be here tomorrow hopefully you know he can tell you I took him under the wing at an early age you know y’all the same age what are you talking about just He he’ll be on here tomorrow he be on there tomor old than us by like 6 months bro yeah he’ll let you know that this killer I took him under the wing at an early age you older than n by like seven months bro you’re not even a full pregnancy cycle older than [ __ ] bro what are you talking two things could be right at the same that’s I was saying I was rudely interrupted my bad you know with friends like these who need enemies you know wow I took sham under the wing at an early age you know walked him up to the park you know put the ball Paul’s in his hand showed him how to play he took it further you know but that’s what you expect when it’s Mr Miagi and Daniel you know who am I who am I to say different you know what I’m saying wild did you make me go to these lims cuz I didn’t even say just talking to myself getting my notes together that’s it bro and that’s what you want for everybody you help right for people to go further than you so shout out to Sham how I feel about this game though you know they have no answers for Kyrie I gotta call Luca and and um and Kyrie 48 Hours man they got to be like 48 Hours who is that Nick nty and um Eddie Murphy they they running now they running around like 48 Hours man can’t nobody do nothing with them and and when you got the the bench players doing what they did and everybody showing up I got I got Boston winning in I mean I got Mavs winning it all I know you say you got Boston that I got the Mavs winning it all not what you said actually went with Minnesota to win it all okay I know you might have got your colors confused cuz everybody’s wearing the same colors so so you may green right you may have got your colors confused for this series maybe you meant Dallas I meant to say Dallas you know but um uh yeah look I’d be lying to you if I I would say that I thought that this series would be a three series at this particular point the way especially after Minnesota uh look really good against the defending Champions the Denver Nuggets and I would say to myself yeah Dallas got a problem on their hands but uh they figured something out not just last night’s game you know we haven’t been here since last week so uh Friday night’s game when Luca hit a game winner over Rudy Gober and I was like that’s the defensive player of the year had that man spinning Dan jumping around Come Dance With Me Rudy that’s what they say Come Dance With Me Trey young tweeted that and it was like yo bro this is what I was kind of talking about not to Veer off the subject when I was saying that they gave all these uh big men top five defensive player of the year it is not easy getting out there in that Wing or in front Court try P me in the back court trying to guard a guard as you can see Rudy Gober has not looked like the defensive player of the year at all in this series not only that Lively and Gafford is just disrespecting him at any particular chance they could get um he is definitely not looking like the defensive player of the year but the game Friday it was really close went down to the wire uh they switched off and had Rudy gobe on Luca and Luca hit a game Winer the game last night it was a really close game it was one point in the game where it looked like a momentum shift because Dallas was up and Midway through the third quarter it looked like Anthony Davis just the arrived in the series when he came through and banged it PA on on on Gaff and I’m like uhoh this look like this is about to go a different way um I’m sorry oh yeah my fa I’m pardon me on um Anthony Edwards part of me thanks that banged it on Gafford and I’m like yo this looked like this is about to go a different way and um it was close but then towards the end Luca and Kyrie um stepped up when you got two closers on your team it’s going to be hard to pick your poison uh both of them shot 50% well Luca shot 50% Kyrie shot over 50% Lively I hope he’s all right he caught a concussion uh Midway during the first quarter he was he came off the bench busting ass he had six points in like nine minutes uh the role players Washington uh Harrison har look the Dallas Mavericks look like they made all the right um trades right after the deadline and it’s it’s showing off and I’m not sure what exactly is going on outside of the game that’s why I can’t wait till sham comes on the show because I want a little more insight to where what’s the difference between Kyrie this year and the Kyrie last year because his play’s always been the same I’m talking about not hearing any noise off the court not into any um controversy so to speak or you know people calling them stupid or dumb and not me other analysts the last couple years because decisions they thought they that he made that they thought weren’t um the right decisions and it seems like it’s a whole new Kyrie and that’s why I can’t wait to talk to Sham about it but just that back court is dangerous I was watching Inside the NBA afterwards and they were saying that this is probably the best offensive back court ever and I was like yo people get so caught up in the moment yeah I know PT is here with his Dallas sunglasses on and all that he’s he’s really been going for Dallas to tell the truth he’s the only one I can say but outside of that um we got to stop living in the moment and say that they’re the best the best back court ever best offensive back court ever um I forget what analyst said this on TNT but I’m like who would you put in front of them Joe Dumars Isaiah Thomas Steph Curry Klay Thompson Derek fiser Kobe Bryant people who W multiple championships Derek fer and Kobe every Co every trophy Kobe won Derek fer was in the back court five I know that I’m you saying offense though you think dere F I think you got to win a championship before you even put them in any conversation to me like we’re in the W title town I like that you coming home yeah I’ve been home I got B titles actually live in I just got my own I my own section I go through a different interest for so you don’t you don’t see me I private elevator I like I like your rationalization today I think that both of them a lethal kyri has a championship um Luca been a professional since he’s been 13 years old and it’s obviously showing I didn’t even realize his father was Sasa Dantes who had him playing in eight and under when he was three years old and then had him playing in 10 and under when he was 5 years old and then he was a professional when he was 13 years old and not only that his father’s right-hand man is God bless the dad petravic this [ __ ] was born to be nice like yo he been trained to be nice like Evelyn Salt since he was a a little kid you get what I’m saying so um the expertise is showing but as far as the best offensive back court uh it could be one day but not today not tomorrow not this year and I’m big fans of Kyrie and I’m big fans of Luca but they got some work to do you you just can’t erase what Stephen Clay did not even that long ago and I know you may say DK Fisher and Kobe but DK fiser saved them a few times few game buzzers buzzer beaters you get them to the next round and I’m not saying he’s as good as either Kyrie or Kobe talent-wise but sometime the talent doesn’t matter sometime you need somebody with a skill set to make the team win so right now I would definitely put Isaiah Thomas Joe DS DK fiser Kobe Bryant Klay Thompson and Steph Curry over them and that’s just off the top of my head that I’m thinking about right now but uh they’re both very special and I enjoy watching them very but as we know I think it’s 154 and0 for teams that’s down 3 and 0 to come back Boston 3 and 0 Dallas is three and 0 if both these teams win Kyrie and Boston would be a match made having you talk about the [ __ ] the dreams are made of rivalry not even team rivalry one [ __ ] against a city uh this this is the real get your popcorn ready if this goes down because uh the real villain in Boston eyes would be in the yeah yeah he definitely couldn’t lose to Boston yeah it would like and trust me I think he may want that pause more than anybody you know if you go and look at type in Kyrie Irving uh hates boy on YouTube You’ll see him you’ll see him wiping his foot I see him through the reflection pause he goes to half court and wipes his foot like a matador a bull facing a matador on the uh on um on the half court mark on the Boston Celtics logo when Kyrie goes to sub in the game in the garden he puts his hands he puts his hands behind his head like this but they they’re like this when his hands behind his head you know he’s been fine for flipping off people in the audience before he gets to the Boston Garden before everybody gets there and sages the the arena he’s walking around the arena saging this would be real movie [ __ ] that’s about to happen if this happens and history says it’s going to happen no team comes down uh comes back from 0 and three I seen it in baseball with my own eyes uh maybe 20 years ago but it’s looking like it’s going to be the Dallas Mavericks against the Boston Celtics and if so I can’t wait yeah that’s a goody okay so I gotta ask y’all so Kyrie and Luca are the first starting back court each for 30 plus points three times in a playoff run in the last 50 years based off what you guys said does that change you guys’s opinion or no yeah that’s why I changed mine I was waiting on killer but he said they got to win a championship so after they beat um Boston they would have to win another champ how many championships would they have to win in order for you to put them in a conversation at least at least two Joe dumor and and and uh Isaiah Thomas got two like we got to stop under playing with Isaiah Thomas and Joe Dumar is De like you know I know a lot of people are too young to understand we got to stop doing that like they and and Vinnie yeah Vinnie and Off the Bench like I guess they say star back H they gotta realize both of their championships I’m talking about the Pistons where Isaiah Dumar and Isaiah Dumar Isaiah Thomas Joe Dumar they beat Michael Jordan they beat Larry Bird they beat Magic Johnson all in they Prime yeah not not not sick magic yeah exactly they beat them in their Prime that can be underestimated and they repeated it they went backto back champions we’re we’re a lot of role players too we are definitely a great role players not just regular they have some really really great role players whether it’s Rick mahart uh Sally yeah Sally Bill L bear um they some like you said Vinnie Johnson very very good team um but no it doesn’t change my opinion because what we do not we because we’re not really we could get analytics but you know this is what other sports shows do and I I’m not gonna say they make up any stat to make it sound good like like it’s better today yeah like they’ll sit there and say oh they won 19 of the last 27 yo what about the other eight 84 yeah like you know what I’m saying like this is what people do they’ll make a stat to make it seem interesting don’t get me wrong I like that because it’s something to talk about something to argue about like that stat stat just read to us [ __ ] you talking about nobody did that in the last 50 that’s the conversation tomorrow [ __ ] is you talking about [ __ ] Ain’t do that in 50 years Elgen ba and all that you know [ __ ] start all that up they start all that up [ __ ] you talking about El ba in [ __ ] wasn’t even out here and all that man so that’s a good stat to bring up but um I think a lot of times with prisoners in the moment and I wouldn’t put them there yet but it’s great to watch it’s very good to watch I will say that and then in a postgame interview interview in response to Rudy Gober guarding him Luca said I can’t move fast enough but I can move faster than him so thought on thoughts on Luca’s statement about Ry gobear I mean that’s obvious we don’t expect Rudy goar to be able to stop no Luca Luca is like one of the Premier players in the league um we often times talk about that he wasn’t he in the first team or he was they put him in second team first team first team yeah leading scorer in the NBA as well yeah and and no matter what defense he brought to the table it was going to be like killer said last week better offense you could play excellent defense but when some like Luca got that many um things in his bag pause he’s going to get the bucket every time I don’t see nobody stopping him or for that matter Kyrie they going to run through whoever they play next for us oh yeah I mean he not last game before last when he hit the buzzer be he’s like you can’t [ __ ] guard me he looked him so you can’t [ __ ] guard me uh it seems like and I like all that it seems like Anthony Edward’s uh energy got transferred over to Luca all that [ __ ] talking has been quiet for Anthony Edwards and Luca looked like yeah he’s ready to talk that [ __ ] so I like all that um but as far as his comments are concerned are concerned is it’s cuz look let’s think about this man uh the Joker not very athletic can’t run jump that high High uh he’s not blocking a bunch of shots great skill set great shooting ability great IQ when it comes to passing and Luca brought that up because he’s not the most athletic guy very big uh point guard 67 uh backs you down crafty he’s not fast you think you might steal the ball you’re not getting the ball very very high IQ so when he’s saying that he’s not Rudy he’s faster than him he’s being sarc pass it cuz he’s basically saiding I know I’m not the fastest [ __ ] in the NBA but this [ __ ] I could beat this [ __ ] in the foot race if we had to race so I kind of understood where he was coming from and then I got to ask you guys so we’ve been talking about these lists a lot of players 25 and under if the Mavs beat the Timberwolves in this series when are you going to be willing to put Luca over Anthony Edwards or is Anthony Edwards still at the top three um that’s a good question that’s a really good question um you know here at it is what it is this is definitely title town so the on he beat him if somebody beats you we got to put them over you pause there’s no way around that he couldn’t say he didn’t have help he couldn’t say well he was on a bum team it would be no excuse for for losing for zip yeah I mean even I’ll have to agree with that uh it’s looking like like we were showing and not just us the NBA afficionado so to speak or analyst was so uh Anthony Edwards out as you should have been he’s putting on a show he called a crazy dunk last night that was [ __ ] insane but when you’re looking at this it’s looking like uh damn Luca’s that dude and I think that Luca has been in this spotlight longer than Anthony Edwards that he hasn’t been getting to the championship so we’re like kind of used to Luca doing well but not getting to the next level so that’s kind of how I we putting Anthony Edwards ahead of him like oh man yo this ant kid he look he just beat uh Denver he might be the one rich Paul was here and said that Anthony Edward should be number one but I’m gonna have to agree it’s looking like Luca dones is number one but what I will say is this he does have three years on Anthony and I think the time Anthony Edwards is 25 years old it wouldn’t even be a conversation about anybody else so let’s talk about marketability or as you guys would say the demand do you guys feel like Luca or Ant-Man is more of a marketable player which which one are you taking I think um actually I think um Ant-Man is more is more um marketable cuz he could he could he could be a clean mainstream type of person or he could be used to promote to the urban community as well so yeah have more things you could do pause with them probably I agree I think ant-man’s more marketable because uh just he’s very good and Luca is good as well I’m not saying Luca’s skill set is probably uh better the it man skill set but an an man’s more athletic and people want to see Dynamite [ __ ] it’s kind of like me and Mason I’m not going to say better wise but talking about like skill set and athleticism if that’s the right word m to me has a better skill set in basketball you dribble better you know do two dribbles with best basketball I never really understood what the [ __ ] that was cuz you can’t you can’t play with two basketballs one of them know he want to do tricks with two basketball I’m saying you got a good you have a good skill I’m admitting that your skill set is probably better than mine when it comes to basketball sometime you just got to get out cam way I’m gonna fly over you so and I’m not I was just saying comparing them two I kind of like when we used to play ball but but I think that marketable wise Anthony Edwards because just because of his athleticism and people want to jump high and want to seem like they could dunk over people and everything else but I think that’s the only reason if Luca was a white American it wouldn’t even be a question who has a better who’s better marketable if he was from Kansas City Missouri or Nebraska or or Oregon or Seattle or anywhere in Mid America anywhere in noost Colorado Ohio yo Maine Vermont it wouldn’t even be a question on who’s more marketable it it would be absolutely a shut out but he’s not American yeah that’s why I ask I feel like that’s a good food for thought because you know we have one person at this point but that might be why because I don’t know if they’re ready to start marketing Luca like that okay so moving on to the game that passed this past Saturday the Celtics went on to win their third straight game beating the Pacers 114 to 111 obviously Halle Burton was absent but what do you guys think of this series overall no halberton this is this is a runaway series I I don’t see this even being remotely competitive you know without halberton they definitely going to be out 4- Z I don’t even think we should be talking about this actually because you know Pacers fans like want to know you guys’ thought oh man we got a special guest here today killer you want me to bring him in I want to talk about the game real quick if you got a second all right go ahead he bring him after break though um no I watch this game and to be honest with you they did really well without Halbert and the game was [ __ ] dope it was actually a really good game I really don’t want to do this to Rick car out man because I think recall I was an outsanding coach but this series you really been stinking it up you’re like you you like fam what the [ __ ] is on your brain you having a brain freeze [ __ ] you first of all this would be a match made in heaven for you they you know uh Mark Cub has so much respect for you because you got him his first championship he didn’t want to admit that you were fired so what happened is because you and Luca wasn’t getting along so what happened is they say we agreed to part ways mutually why would Rick Carlile leave Dallas and it’s a great situation and they want to Championship Luka ain’t like him what happens you go to Indiana you get to Indiana and you kind of rebuild it and get these kids to the Western Conference Finals would you want to play Dallas and I know halberton is out but the mental brain freezes you had in this series is ridiculous now watch this game I know Hal bur wasn’t playing y’all was up the whole game the whole game y’all was up y’all was up 18 points in the third quarter at the end of the third quarter the fourth quarter y was up nine points the game is going is getting down to the wire this going to go towards the end of the game you see the leag keep dwindling dwindling dwindling away you’re down finally lose the lead with 20 seconds left it annoys me to even go back here 20 seconds left you finally lose the lead you’re down one okay Boston has a shot to go up three they don’t you got a timeout left you get the rebound and homeboy what’s my [ __ ] name nay Smith no it wasn’t nay Smith um I can’t even remember my [ __ ] name he had 32 that name nart n n har gets the rebound now he had 32 that game but he ain’t one of them [ __ ] you don’t you don’t let him just go do yo P why the [ __ ] would he let him go do whatever he want you call timeout it’s [ __ ] 10 seconds left you get the rebound you Dam one you like okay Nimar got it let him Rock no no no you don’t let Nimar Rock pause you call Tom out you’re Rick car out what he do lose control who rips him Drew holiday rips the [ __ ] with six seconds left on the clock you’re damn one you had an opportunity you know you could to Drew up a great play Drew holiday gets foul and it’s one second left after he gets fou so he makes both free throws you call you Call time out now I know I don’t know if you’ve been watching the show but it seems like CU you grew up a great out of bounds play I never even seen an out of- bounds play like this cuz on the previous show we was like y’all [ __ ] ain’t ready for situational basketball y’all don’t even have out of bounds play this out of out of bounds play was dope I ain’t G to lie they was in their in their Court yeah had everybody in the back court lined up like wide receivers and the cornerback they stand on the line of scrimmage I said yo I’ve been playing basketball for years I’ve never seen this play the [ __ ] go running like the ball was hiked when the ball get the rush gives them the ball they do a Crossing route a football Crossing route I said yo this is kind of dope get a shot to Nay Smith he a corner shot great shot he misses my thing is Rick car out why are you running a play for naith when he’s two for four you got a I just told you you got a [ __ ] let me look you got a [ __ ] who got 32 see I got 22 secondly you supposed to have the the teacher on the floor McConnell I call him the teacher he look like a teacher to me white [ __ ] I call him the teacher you supposed to have room on the floor even if he not shooting he’s a decoy because he’s white all white [ __ ] supposed to know how to shoot so you supposed to have him on the floor just cause he white nothing else you don’t got him on the floor and you run to play for a [ __ ] two for before that’s some dumbass [ __ ] that’s what cost y’all the game that [ __ ] was stupid as [ __ ] and I I liked you as a coach but you’ve been making some really mental mistakes um throughout this series this would have been a great win for y’all considering uh your best player wasn’t playing but you blew it pause and now you’re going to probably go home because I think that put uh blew the air U basically put a pin in your balloon and let y’all air out I don’t think y going to win the next game I think if y’all uh would have won that game maybe some momentum possibly but he y’all look better without holl Burton to me this particular game than with Hollow yeah but yeah this is solely on with car again yeah and and and to add to your point you can’t let [ __ ] go on a 13 a 13 four run with three minutes like yeah that’s horrible coaching call a timeout do something like yo you’re up you’re up eight points and you let these [ __ ] go on a 13 for run with 3 minutes by 3 minutes everybody is thinking we can keep the lead and it’s crazy it’s crazy for him to even allow that to happen as a championship coach you got to be smarter than that somebody on the bench should have said something oh bro you you you damn [ __ ] it went the hold forth you Dam one you get the rebound with about 15 seconds left Joel gets the rebound and you like all right run with it Jo out what are you doing what are you doing bro I that’s inside the street before the street being yeah once it start going bad it’s going to get worse bro you don’t let you don’t let him bring the ball up like my [ __ ] what are you talking what are we doing here what are we doing man so good game I like to me this was the best Pacer Celtics game without hbert cuz they had nothing to lose you know when you playing like you ain’t got nothing to lose but Rick car you have a reputation it was your job to get that under control great point but to be fair I just want to say with halberton out this has been a great opportunity for nard to prove himself I understand it’s like okay you’re not that guy just yet but this is his opportunity to show that he has Sparks of that so he did play a very well game he’s transitioned onto a larger role with the Pacers which has helped them a lot with halberton being out than just in general over the series no I agree he played really good yeah he did his thing but he ain’t that [ __ ] to not call a Tom out you’re not him yeah you you’re a role player who’s playing really good cuz the Superstar is out and we get it but it it showed you not him like it wasn’t even fam when you in that situation when you got that much time a real one of them [ __ ] like you could tell he scramble he’s like this all over he’s erratic P first of all he’s erratic a real [ __ ] be like you got that much time cuz listen I’ve been in that situation where I missed a shot that Mak is still mad about but at least the at least the clock went off it it’s had mad time it was like 12 13 seconds you get that you look at the clock if you nart and you that type [ __ ] then you be like you wait I got this work I got 15 let’s work this [ __ ] run he basically lost the ball Drew holiday ain’t even really have to rip him but you’re right St he’s doing well but you ain’t one of them not yet for show and then last question before we go to break just in general in reflection to the games that we have seen so far are these Series going the way that you guys expected and are you finding them entertaining to watch um the Mavs in the Mavs in um timber timber wolves is exciting pause but Boston everybody knew Boston was going to be Indiana I don’t think there’s nobody that didn’t think that nobody in Indiana thought that oh yeah I I I still love watching basketball um I didn’t think the Indiana was going to be there 03 I gave them a game you know I gave them a game it doesn’t even look like they G to get a game as far as the Dallas and um Minnesota series it’s very entertaining because look even though the game last night they won by 10 11 points it wasn’t a 10 11 Point win it just got crazy towards the end these games have been really close I thought that it may be 21 for somebody I didn’t think it would be 3 I’d be lying if I told you I thought it’d be 3 but uh definitely a very entertaining series I wish that it would be 21 because I would like to see the series go a little longer hey we’re going to go to break and when we return we’ll be back with a very special guest don’t go anywhere pink horsepower what’s happening baby what that why you walking like that that’s how that’s how I walk and then like you come on breathing on me like that I [ __ ] breathe to live and like you used to be dark skinned and now you act like hella light skinned are you [ __ ] blind I’m dark skinn what what the [ __ ] and then like look at your beard what the [ __ ] is wrong with myard stupid what the [ __ ] are you talking about no I don’t even like it the way you breathe in all of that has this ever happened to you your girl seems to be mad angry upset she’s frustrated it’s only one way to handle that pink [Music] horsepower but your breath but your breath is really refreshing no no no no no I’m just trying to give you a massage Plus have a I told you how good your beer looks lately it looks so good looks PHP it works every time wait where you going welcome back now let’s get into our Underdog fantasy picks of the day tonight the Pacers will play the Celtics Underdog fantasy has Derek white at three three-pointers made do you have them higher or lower mace I’m going higher I’m going go lower he Jaylen Brown’s at 35 and a half points rebounds and assists do you have them higher or lower cam higher higher he and cakam is at seven and a half rebounds do you have them higher or lower mace high high okay download the underdog fantasy app and you can make your picks too we are now joined with special guest Bill Haney welcome back what’s happening man it is what it is thank you thank you for having me man I that’s that’s Su custom they can’t get the whole gist of it you looking good this at Harlem 88 you know what I mean suar special you know what I mean looking good man looking real good listen anytime You’ done been robbed and cheated you know what I’m saying I had to park the suit yeah and go to Harlem and pick up the you know what I mean pick up the special suar J you know what I mean so I’m ready and active man listen let’s notop let’s just get to it man [ __ ] is cheating a what exactly happened for the Box fans who don’t know but you know they know but don’t know the in depth they don’t understand they that that’s the word I’m for they don’t understand what what just happened as far as the drug testing is concern I mean listen cheating is cheating you know what I mean and and that’s and that’s frankly that’s what happened um he said that he had a little bit and we we know that when you’re micro doing um it’s a low bit is going to show as you taper off your real quick bill just for the fans we’re talking we’re sitting here with uh Devon Haney Father Bill Haney and we’re discussing the fight that just took place with Devon Haney and Ryan Garcia APR April the 20th April the 20thth um and Ryan Garcia tested positive twice on uh the day before the fight with was which was April the 19th and also tested positive on the 20th um and you know he has all kind of narratives about that it was stuff that doesn’t even make sense more like flying saucers um PDS is are performance enhancing drugs um that help you not only cut weight but help you cut weight and stay strong um you know and it is what it is Devon is a clean athlete what we represent for our community we represent hard work um we represent not cheating um getting to the top the oldfashioned way earning it and um unfortunately a great event soldout event um we don’t know what the pay-per-view numbers are on it but um it was it was a soldout event um at the Barclays um but it now is has a a shadow of a black cloud over it so to speak right um with this Duran Garcia right we were 3 three as an amateurs yeah um we would have thought that you wanted he would have wanted it to be decided by his own Merit you know by the hard work that he put in um you know and he he had some dirty pull so let let me ask you a question that um when it comes to like the money when it comes to the money that you get from boxing when somebody is on record that’s cheating does that affect the money in any way people being paid course of of course you know people want act like um cheating is cheating you know what I mean whether you in the neighborhood you at school um wherever you know what I mean U it it’s going to follow you you know so it should follow your money right now every everyone is trolling and they’re acting like that’s the thing to do but I couldn’t see any major sponsors or um you know what I mean um any anybody real any business business really following you when you’re cheating yeah what I’m saying is more so like when you when when a fight is fighting do you get paid more if you win the fight or is there any like um no change get you already agreed to a a a set a set amount and also you get paid per percentages on the pay-per-view percentages on the gate U when you’re when you’re that kind of fighter when you’re at at that level um and that’s the kind of deal structure that we have um so of course we’ll be getting paid on the fight um for de for you know the rest of Devon’s life um as long as it it continues to sell and continues to make money it’s a classic so and that aspects um you know both teams made a lot of money but unfortunately you know you don’t get paid less when you got caught cheating or you don’t get paid more if you win fairly um those numbers are decided but of course with anything like this you can have a civil case gotcha what’s next for the team with Devon where yall guys seeing that y’all fight next is it a rematch with Ryan do you want that uh me personally I I I don’t know if you’ve been watching the show of course I don’t [ __ ] with Canelo I don’t [ __ ] with I don’t [ __ ] with [ __ ] who cheating either I don’t even care if it was by accident or they say it’s by accident absolutely because you’ve been doing [ __ ] and it wasn’t by accident so all of a sudden you start eating steak sandwiches or [ __ ] Ginger or anything like that I don’t [ __ ] with it NE so if you’ve been watching the show you know what my stance is with that what’s next for you guys do you want to rematch with him or you moving on that’s just like anything like with with in music you know once you done found out your catalog and [ __ ] is cheating you like and they like all right are you going to go and record or what like record the [ __ ] I’m not doing [ __ ] until we get to the bottom of this [ __ ] I agree you know what I mean [ __ ] talking about just sing or [ __ ] talking about just fight just get back in the ring don’t worry about it nah n you know what I’m saying we didn’t made we done made um money in the sport um we’ve always stood on principle um so jumping out there and just acting like um it’s okay and for the next um Devin to come along you know what I mean or the next bill you know what I mean a father and son team and just to go for anything that’s not what we going to represent right you know so yeah we gon to see this thing out yeah one of the one of the major questions out there and I got to ask you this on the show they say that um they said d is a weight bully what would you say to that um I say that you sign up for to get on the scale right and you agree to get on the scale and you agree to fight the next day yeah no no drugs no PDS no nothing get to the scale and that’s what the weight is and that’s whether you’re an amateur or whether you’re in the pros right and that’s that’s all Devon has ever did got on the scale and then win and fought and whatever that person we we didn’t worry about what the person weighed yeah on Fight Night long as they come in on that scale make the weight that’s something that Ryan didn’t do strategically you know what I mean and I think that he might have had some help from that other guy we talked about on the show The Last Time still in the business why you why you why you weaving around and who you talking about you know dollar bill Floyd Mayweather himself I don’t have no problem mentioning when I you know when I mentioned him everybody seemed that they started to mention it yeah you know what I mean but um that that situation the powers that be with boxing um and which what you said that invitation for me to speak freely freely I must speak freely for for other uh managers and fathers and Fighters you know what I mean um that that whole Old Guard kind of control of boxing and not letting the um the fighters um have have their own lane have their own path I think you see a lot of resistance you see um tank uh spoke about that you know that he wants to be able to control his own destiny Devon has been contr controlling his own destiny with a little bit of blocking um you know what I mean from of course old boy and and others you know what I mean but we keep on working you know what I mean and and you’re right putting in work means coming on it is what it is and talking about it you know what I’m saying and I know they they’ll probably hate they’ll probably hate for me bringing up certain certain things but they that’s why you here this this this ain’t a safe space yeah so what do you got to say about people who say that your son should seek other trainers and that you’re not a real trainer and the reason he lost because you’re in this corner maybe like AB or other people what do you have to say about that um well we’ve always accepted um change we’ve always um worked at getting better we’ve always brought people in that’s never been a problem or an issue um you know what I mean it’s Ben always said it’s a plethora of different coaches that have come in and shaped the Devon Haney style um so you know that’s uh they’re just saying that you know what I mean I got um I I say if you have a guy that’s that’s uh that’s on the [ __ ] then it’s GNA be it don’t matter what coach it is if he’s on the [ __ ] yeah I get what you saying [ __ ] taking the Olympics and all that you know no cuz a lot of people were saying like you know I I talked to a lot of boxing people when I know you was coming in because like they want to know what did you see in the corner that night not just [ __ ] on the [ __ ] but they were saying that his footwork and his legs talking about Devin didn’t look right or didn’t look the same what do you yeah well well Devon’s um style that he fought the guy with you know what I mean was based on a lot of what everyone else said that they wanted to see they said they didn’t want to see a [ __ ] jumping around they said meet him in the center of the ring but when he met him in the center of the Ring he was on the [ __ ] right so you want us you want him to do that you want de you want to see Dev you want to see can he take a punch can he get back up can he do all the [ __ ] yes and then you ask well where was his feet right but if we were fighting on the outside then you say that’s all he do right if we TI up then you’ll say that’s what we do you saw you saw a warrior you saw a guy that was meant to do this thing he had several opportunities to quit right they had several opportunities to wink at me and you know yeah you know what I mean you know what I mean I think the whatever you know what I’m saying absolutely and he didn’t right he wanted to he wanted it to go the same way that it went right and and you know what I mean he’s in Miami having a great time right now you know what I’m saying he’s a boss right and and as far as that go I support whoever he brings in or whatever he does you know in in in terms of that this is his career you know what I mean and I’m here to support it that’s what’s up let me let me ask you a question now this one goes along with that like um as a as a dad as well as a a boxing coach at what point would you have says I’m going throw the ti win or say no more if he went down one more time so four times I’m saying it was right there you know what I mean I’m I’m looking at him and I’m saying this now I can I can say that yeah you know what I mean okay if he would have went down right unless I had if it happened I look and he looked over at me but each time it was something that he gave me that let me know okay you know what I’m saying right is p me I know that Devin and Ryan made a bet 500 100,000 a pound for every pound he came in overweight did he pay man they got in the back and started talking about not five they went down to two I I mean it wasn’t a whole lot of time so it was like 200,000 a pound right um you know what I mean and then I said okay the two and then I said okay with two points on the deal right so that was two extra points um percentage points so it’s three um 600,000 plus two points gotcha so but did he did he end up pay yeah yes sir that’s let me let me ask you this looking back on this fight now we’re looking back in hindsight if you were there again at that same place in a fight is over the weight do you do the fight it’s a lot about him that in hindsight you know his his abuse for the sport and I would think now with him it’s something else other than weight that he’s not respecting you know what I mean um when you have someone looking back would you do the fight no I probably would I probably wouldn’t you know what I mean I probably wouldn’t um have went through with it at the three pounds yeah knowing that he was on the [ __ ] you know what I mean but a three pounds is difference when you’re not cycling off of PDs when you’re not when you’re a clean athlete then three PBS is different but three pound three PB plus sh yeah plus the sh plus the [ __ ] yeah cuz I remember when Fighters come in over way and they got to get on the treadmill until they get those Paws those pounds off you got a certain amount of time right to lose the pounds and [ __ ] and and and we know and they say it could be a little bit in this system we know every time that we didn’t had a fight with someone that has a little bit of something in their system they go a little bit harder than what they might have went without the [ __ ] in their system you know what I mean you know how you see somebody you say manuck crazy it’s on something that [ __ ] coked up or something cuz it was just too it was too ragy right he definitely said that right I think uh I think anybody could see that I didn’t know it was I thought it was cocaine I thought it was cocaa might cocaine too or they tested for cocaine cuz it might have been some cocaine or or um or an amphetamine you know I think that I’ve heard that when you have a when you have a um psychiatrist or something not to say I don’t want to allege him to have but guys that have those problems and they they talk about those things and they see someone then i’ I’m hearing that it’s a um it’s a drug called a uh HDH or something something like that some kind of whatever that is a whatever it is but it’s a an anomy that um has them wired up so I don’t know it just with him it’s so many when when they when they ask us do you want would you fight him again I’m like bro are you going to be on anything and what are you on and how can you be tested and all of the other [ __ ] because when you cut down the weight and you fight for a clean fight you expect to be fighting someone clean and how can we be how can we be an example to the other kids that’s coming along should they be on the [ __ ] too cuz Ryan is saying that he wants to be an example for the kids but how is that an example saying I just had a little bit in system and and another question do you think this um did this mess up the fight with javante in any way you think I don’t listen I I don’t know you know what I’m saying right now I really I I don’t know I know he has a fight with um with Frank Martin yeah you know what I mean so I wish them well in their fight and um and we’ll see why don’t you think uh and I know it’s blood versus piss but why don’t you think more boxing matches have the Olympic style testing as opposed to the testing that you guys are doing now um I you know what I think that that’s what should happen and I think that we what we agreed on um was testing with v but look moving forward I believe that every fight that Devon has with whoever that he fights it should be Olympic style testing absolutely are you still beefing because I still see him online trying to get at you with Ryan Garcia’s father what what’s that why is he still trying to get at you online because his son was cheating listen I don’t know what’s wrong with uh with Henry at all I don’t know what he’s going through ever since the uh toue joke that I made about him you know what I mean he’s been mad and um you know my hair is still growing and I’m I actually have a question so leading up to the fight right A lot of people were loud and then when it was revealed that you know Ryan Garcia tested positive for a ban substance a lot of people have been quiet right is there anybody specifically that has really disappointed you that whose Silence has spoken louder than words okay well make no mistake about it we all get together and hope that we have a big event safe event um you know and everything you know as as a promoter um I know you have a Persona you have to you have to sell tickets you have to you have there has to be a level of anticipation in the fight um I think we’ve all had our our Antics um during that fight and rightfully so whichever side you were on you know what I mean but once the fight is over with that’s when the Antics stop we all get paid and we have a level of professional professionalism and seriousness about ourselves and I don’t think on that side they’re being as serious and professional as they should should be about this this particular incident involving their fighter testing positive for a performance enhancing drug um you know what I mean if if the situation was on the other foot can you imagine us me sitting here and have to explain that Devon is on the [ __ ] right you know what I mean so they you would been we would have been considered always on the [ __ ] you know well I wanted to get all those questions out the way so we get to this what’s up with you and Floyd I seen some on the live yeah after the fight and I seen him on live well not live I seen a picture of Floyd um on face time with Ryan holding up the number three yes after we found out he comes in three pounds overweight yes he’s on FaceTime with him directly off after the fight holding up to number three Ryan admits that Floyd told him to come in three PBS overweight now I know leading up to the fight uh he let the footage loose with tank and uh your son when your son was younger um what is going on with you two and why did it get to this point to where y’all are like this with each other now I understand uh how you felt about him letting the um sparring footage loose before the fight but what made him even want to let the spa footage loose could you give us a story line or a timeline what’s really going on what is really going on how did we get here um I think I just I spoke he was looking for me Floyd was looking for me okay uh he went on various like pages I said what is this who is this page that he’s on and he’s saying Bill Bill where’s Bill come on right right and for him you know we’re in Vegas you know what I mean we’ve been in Vegas for a long time right right um for him he felt that that would have been the worst time in the world for me right so he went to call me out in front of the people and then say okay and I’m saying like this is not the worst time for me for one you know my son is the best son in the world for me you know I mean I listen all my kids I have the best kids in the world right you never hear nothing no secrets no family secrets no them complaining no in the media no nothing I like I have the best kids in the world and I hope they think that I’m the best dad cuz I really try to be but dude wanted to show up and clown me in front of the world right now this is now the B best opportunity to talk to this lame cuz he’s the most lame [ __ ] in the world in the world but everybody be scared to say something to him you know what I mean and I’ve been in the town so I’m like you know what are you looking for me for you know what I mean and what are you clowning for he’s like oh you needed me you needed me last night you know what I’m saying we’re referring to the live yeah he’s I’m referring to the live so he said he said that I needed him last night right and and I said well your kid needed me the other night or needed you the other night and he didn’t have you he had a guy like me like Mr Haney that to say hey that’s one of the Mayweather kids right there leave him alone you know you don’t let let that go and I would hope that he would had did the same with me because that’s the kind of um that’s the way that I grew up you know what I mean you don’t come and and rag on somebody’s kid and do that to somebody you know what I mean we doing the best that we can as a family to do um to live legitimate and do the right thing you know what I mean so um you know I think that we had you know that thing and it was an opportunity to to for a real man to speak across for him I don’t know why he thought cuz he never talked to me like that ever before you know and and you know so I I I told him you know that’s not something a guy would do and I said that I stay connected to the streets right I said I said I’m still in the streets man and not in the streets doing crime I’m in the streets because I want to always know that I’m for one I’m connected to the people and I have a I’m I’m sympathetic to everything that they’re going through whether I’m live there or not one I want to be accessible if someone needs me and two I want to know that you know what my kids are doing cuz I’m a nosy ass parent you know I mean I’m an old school parent I’m NOS as so I want to know what the friends who you know what I mean where that guy come from and who know him and and all that right so he said that once a kid gets to a certain age that you no longer worry about them I’m like I I told him I said why would you worry about chicks and [ __ ] and other [ __ ] that doesn’t make S different and he thought that I was being jealous CU I was saying something about the girls I said my guy you have never have you’ve never called me about a girl I’ve never called you about a girl a girl have never came and told me what a wonderful time she had with you I’ve never experienced not a chick not one time told me she had a wonderful time so I didn’t know where he was he made it insinuate like I was pocket checking or I was tripping about something that he might be buying for the girls I I was just saying that when you have publicly displayed this kind of persona that you’re like that I said is did you forget about the kids part because I mean I do them both but but but but but publicly publicly you should have some sort of balance in there that you’re letting people know that that we also are we also are looking after our kids no matter what age no matter where they are in life no matter nothing that we are concerned well that’s very well explained about the laugh but I just seen a post from you two three days ago on your pageor bill Haney that is for people who want to know what your Instagram handle is where you like yeah Floyd the second test second test come out came out where you at where you so this is 2 three days ago the may have been 2 three weeks ago right and so you’re back and you’re still like yeah [ __ ] where you at the test is out right are you keeping this going on or you really trolling or you like really want to know what’s happening the test came out what’s happening is it just Instagram or do you really I I know it’s a little bit of both but I want to hear from you right um where you’re at with that this was two two days ago right having the voice in the platform form that he has in the sport um and for him to be a long time um you know a long time uh um advocate of clean boxing you know what I mean and to really speak about it so for now for him to come out and troll me and then for now to go silent like I said head for the heels um when an issue that deserves his attention this incident deserves his attention more than other any other and for him not to I understand why you know you know but when they when they when they started making fly [ __ ] they did not stop with him I always try to tell him that you know yeah I also seen another post previous to that post when the first CS came out you like we know you helped him get the three pounds did you help him cheat also do you believe that uh you know what he hasn’t said anything so I don’t know what’s going on [ __ ] I ain’t said nothing you know Bill where does all this stem from though what’s the what’s the origin of this this beef that’s what we need to know what what is at the center of this remember I asked him I asked him I said I said is it beef I said do you feel like it’s beef and he said he didn’t you know but um no I don’t think I don’t think that it’s beef you know what I mean I just don’t think I told him that I think he’s a [ __ ] ass [ __ ] I mean you know can I say that on the is what it is yeah that’s what we that’s what we trying to get to you’re a little more polite than usual today I don’t know agress I don’t know if a new check kicked in money but I mean no but I’m saying is I I told him that to his you know face that he’s a [ __ ] ass [ __ ] you know and what makes him that um because of every everybody that he didn’t did the way that he didn’t did you know and he told me to call him said I’m not calling you and it’s a whole long line of thoroughbred you know very intelligent very loyal dudes just in line what you what do you mean I’m a call you yeah you know what I’m saying maybe Deon call you I’m Not Gon to call you they said that you called though you end up calling never you didn’t never never yeah and we’re not even trying to be messy we trying to get to what’s the real what’s the real issue you know because if you guys keep going back and forth that’s the reaction but it’s something at the core of that make that happen like me I’m I’m used to that right [ __ ] hate on me if it’s back in the days it’s over some girls it ain’t over nothing else CU I don’t know [ __ ] like that you know what I’m saying so if a [ __ ] got a problem with me is over girls or I made more money than them there nothing else we can have a problem with because we don’t cross paths like that so when your situation what’s at the root of the problem that’s what we’re trying to get to well uh you know girls been chasing me all my life and you know when I stopped chasing money I couldn’t get rid of it so you know I’ve had I’ve had those kind of problems just like you I’m just that’s what we trying to get to right killer you know see for me that’s what for me understand mace coming we from the same nebor but what what mace is trying to ask is so for me right just say it for me yeah as following the situation I may have been late to the party so to me this started and I and I’m pretty sure it didn’t to me this started with him releasing the footage of tanking your son but something had to happen no that’s not that’s not like I that’s not that’s y was supposed to do a deal or something I I I wasn’t supposed to do anything I I didn’t do anything or a deal was offer to you right I mean a deal was on the table with with death that’s what we trying to get to the root of the problem I mean it’s just some like I said it’s just some guys that’s meant to really stand on business and ever you know what I mean I I do no deal with no money no nothing you know what I’m saying and that’s the kind of dude he is you know he he’s he’s he ain’t right you know what I mean and the thing that you’re asking me right yeah did he ever offer you did he ever offer Devon a deal that’s the that’s of course of course so course and that didn’t go well right no but the deal that has any that doesn’t have anything to do with the deal right the deal that’s business and whatever he’s that whatever he offers to Dev that’s a good thing has nothing to do CU he don’t have to offer anything you know what I mean so if he offers a stinky dinky donut that’s more than what you got and I would appreciate that you know what I mean but I’m just saying this the reason why if you were to ask me and he asked me online right now I would have never said that but after I’m standing on what I said is that I wouldn’t I wouldn’t [ __ ] with him like that you know what I mean I’m going go even further than that what’s the first Fallout cuz it’s cuz I remember Dev and Floyd being together and then then we’re looking at you guys having this conversation we’re looking at before time before ever before ever I think about doing something with a [ __ ] I got to look at him and see his track record with other [ __ ] that’s with him so if if I’m saying something wrong then who else who’s saying I’m saying something wrong you know what I mean who’s saying I’m saying something wrong right I didn’t say that I needed to be the [ __ ] I just said it should be a [ __ ] it should be somebody else right and that’s a good thing that him and Al have a great relationship because Al Al’s been around since the Budweiser Superfest you know what I’m saying like that’s that’s a given but when we talk about real being really strong in boxing like you guys are strong in in in music like it’s music execs that work together the same problems that you guys run into is the same [ __ ] that we run into you know what I mean it might be it might be a um a situation like like um The Zone might be um a Capital Records or a whatever right want to do it under their label cap but then Capital say that they only want to deal with anybody to deal with this guy Jimmy or or whoever so in Floyd’s case they’ll say I only want to deal with Floyd right everything from this particular run through Floyd or everything will run through Eddie or everything will run through Bob you see what I mean so we go through the same [ __ ] and you wanted your own bread and you wanted to make your own decision absolutely be because when it comes down to it you want to be able to live with yourself you want to be able to live with the decisions that you make you know what I mean if you’ve worked at something all your your whole life you know I got two more questions and then I’m done if Ma wants to wrap it up after that um being there with on this topic is there any promoters that you won’t work with I’ve worked with all of them I worked with Del La Hoya I worked with um Bob arum I worked with Eddie Hearn moving forward is there anybody that you won’t work with um for Deon I’ll do do anything I work with anybody you know what I’m saying you work with Al nothing nothing’s personal I’ve worked with Showtime I’ve never worked with Al personally and my last question is um do you think this law should be wiped off Dev record yes it was he cheated he cheated you know what I’m saying it’s like if you if you um if you were shooting dice somebody if you were shooting dice and you found out he was Trick Dice what do you think should happen get knocked out or I’m saying I’m saying this all right I’m saying in the streets they going to kill him if it’s the right amount of money right right so you they shouldn’t but that’s probably you get your money back right you supposed to get and sometimes worse right right that’s what I’m thinking like so if somebody bet on this fight let’s say you know somebody bet a million on this fight and we find out he’s cheated how does that work in Vegas that’s a good question um you know that would be a problem and I think that it’s probably a problem for Ryan right that he would he would actually cheat and then cheat the casinos as well and not only cheat the casino the [ __ ] bet on himself knowing he was on the [ __ ] yeah that’s what I’m saying how does that money work dude they get that money they got to get that money back see and that and that’s the thing that’s so so not the cut Bill what about the [ __ ] who ain’t in the fight it’s that’s what I’m saying Underdog fantasy or anybody it’s too much money to go back and [ __ ] already got paid out imagine you get paid out and they be like yo that wasn’t right if you if you win the oh no I need my money back killer no I’m talking about you win and they ask you for the money back you’re see this is what I’m trying that’s what I’m trying that’s that is the FP but if you bet your bread and and you find out a [ __ ] cheated and he already cashed out it’s millions of people like that we sh we need that money back that’s a great way to go about it because it’s millions of people was probably especially if it’s like a five to one pause and you and you got some real substantial bread behind a lot of people lost money and it’s you just asked out now I would the way that you just said that’s a Class Act you make it and I’m just guessing I have no idea this a great question you ask because maybe you could Sho Ryan but he has no way to pay back all the money no he would have to give his he would have to give his whole bag back because I I can’t feel sorry for somebody playing around after they understand I don’t think you understand he’s not going to have enough money to pay back no I get that millions of people who lost money yeah but it’s just like if you get sued and you don’t owe the money you owe the money I get what you’re saying when you get it we going to get our I get yeah you just being INB you got to get it from okay I got you I got you know the and and ironically the funny thing about that is that as I watch y’all talk about the money like somebody lost five and they lost 10 and then 100 you know what I mean we actually was the ones that got cheated behind old boy you know what I’m saying and to watch Dev you know what I mean with that kind of performance and you know I mean just it just that’s why I had to park the park the suit man I had to park the T I said man I’m I’m tripping yeah right now you know what I’m saying about this [ __ ] and and and probably if if Floyd had came out and said something because by Devon being his man right by them boxing and [ __ ] right and you see what your guy went through no matter what y’all own when you see he didn’t went through that you come out and say something you know what I mean just on the fact of that’s you guys thing and when I when I seen that he didn’t even say that but he did the three right right but then you came back and won’t even say nothing in defense of or or offense either one you just don’t say anything about the PD I said man dude is dude is is something else man do different but like I said is by me being a free man you dig I I say different [ __ ] cuz I say it for the guys that might can’t you know the guys that’s in line kind of might be waiting for old boy to come through for him and he ain’t G to come through you know what I’m saying cuz the line is around the corner from [ __ ] that then helped him like it they are with us you know what I’m saying I got you hey well Bill it was a pleasure to have you on the show y you know this show home man anytime you want to come back thank you so much for coming back and giving us the first interview after the second positive absolutely we appreciate absolutely I thank thank you guys for having me man we neighb soon as soon as I soon as I get it I’ll be back over here is what it is appreciate you all right right that’s all the time we have for today thanks for watching and as always it is what it is [Music] what you want [ __ ] everything [ __ ] super like do [Music]


  1. Dam Bill it’s call protection for himself wtf where is the love smh Mase said it best so 4 times would’ve been enuff wow that’s why he ain’t shit he sent his son in there unprepared and listening to trolls on his twitter and ig sad ass business man Cam and Mase basically talking to diddy listen to em

  2. He sound so fake Mase calling em out he need yo help Cam press dis nigga he definitely lying and playing in y’all face like y’all ain’t doing y’all research

  3. Cam face says it all dats not Cam no more he see thru the bs dats Fleet from Killa Season 😂😂😂

  4. Ant man a better athlete Luka more fundamental. Ant has more potential yall need real sport eyes up there yall just talking

  5. Haney was going to get his ass beat regardless!! That 3 lbs overweight had more to do w Ryan beating the breaks off Haney than the performance enhancing drugs!!

  6. Ryan didn’t win bc he cheated, Haney is the weakest fighter out his class. Bill knows it, Haney knows it & his peers definitely know it!!! Bill came on here to create this cheating narrative like his son didn’t get the living shit beat out of him. He actually lost to Loma to keep it 1000!!

  7. Look your boy don’t have a Chin and got hit by someone with a one punch scheme. You said it years ago you were going to step back as his number one trainer and still there meaning no major growth or new looks hence the back-and-forth between you and Floyd.

    Kudos to the success in the past, but what’s next move out the way B diddy and surround him with people that can take him to a different level. Keep the father and son look, but you manage him. I wish Shawn Porter father would’ve stepped aside and let him get another trainer. You loss the 0 under controversy just like the Loma fight. I’m rooting for your boy just don’t like you.

  8. I feel these like angels on ur shoulder one on the left one on the right ofcourse a devil is a fallen angel but angels all the same cam and mase and stat is the human in between😮 just saying

  9. So I guess the backcourt of Avery Johnson and Vinny del negro is better than Luka and Kyrie too 😂😂😂

  10. Aye cant even cap I feel what Bill is saying. Especially if Ryan was microdosing to be sneaky with the PED usage. Shit boxers have died in the ring so for Ryan to come overweight and also been using PEDs up to that point is shameful.

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