Golf Players

2024 O60 State Carnival | Women’s Pairs | Grand Final

2024 O60 State Carnival | Women’s Pairs | Grand Final

Alison Hall & Denise Huender


Vicki Smith & Sheryl Atkinson
(Lilydale / Richmond Union)


Live Streaming | Powered by The Dandenong Club & Moama Bowling Club.

e e e e I feel like I need to get away a bar that’s where I want to go again where I can leave my cares behind take me to the river one more time take me to the river one more time Club bar take me to the river one more time good morning welcome back to Club Barum for our first final town the women’s peirs an all Metro Affair actually uh ten Wenda and Allison Hall having said that Allison Hall from Seymour although plays in the city Cheryl ainson from drwan but plays in the city Vicky Smiths out at Lily which is right on the border anyway so we got to be of everything on the border SLE dig Vicky Smith on the M now leading up for Cheryl ainson you end up leading up for Allison hall both these combinations highly fancied from the beginning yeah that two that if you would have told you a few days ago that been the final you wouldn’t have been too surprised and good start from Vicki giv touch of the Jacks they one down there’s no time limit in this final so no rush saw a cracking mix pair semi-final just before this Nick dor and Carol prus getting through in that one D just going to duck under the Jack reckon I find the youngest player at this over 60s MH M O’neal He was did he a week ago Friday great timing yet he looked like the sorest guy here this morning didn’t he he did he he came in and said I feel like I’m playing over 80s played a lot of balls yesterday did Mick his partner snowy it’s a men singles action quarterfinals three of them after we already you know the winner of one which is Chris Young also on this screen and one of the ladies semifinals Denise Hender is in the other one so she’ll play that semi-final after this it’s Robin Thomasson but we’ve got uh ly Ward and Linder Emma in the other semi-final got Michael Wilson Tony Lang Steve conington Ray Johnson Peter roow and Neil crisp on this screen at the moment keep you upd with them scores Samy should be live scoring as well quality matches as you look across the screen see some very very talented players don’t know if she’s got the journey Cheryl on this one cracking line there and her lead Vicki first year they’ve been eligible for over 16 coming with a bang does it then become a younger person’s game yeah pretty much I’d love to know the figures on the I’m going to do it I I’ll do it I’ll do it once I get five minutes back in Melbourne in a few weeks time the average age of the winners of all our other 60s events quite interesting average age of entries and I tell you what they don’t miss on having fun up here though Inside Edge would have helped but it’s floating through from Cheryl it’s up and down for shot I saw the f um Denise Wenders blue one four dash yep Lon Hall giving it a stalk but no Journey on that one either almost rolls her own in Denise favors her own as well yep and it will be one Allison and Denise to kick us off first blood to the MCC ladies one ZIP 15 ends in our peirs matches time limit remov for the final yeah morning Adam morning Josh thanks to Club Baron for hosting us indeed all the other host clubs it’s had a fabulous wake up here they’ve all done a cracking job it’s been uh thoroughly enjoyable week everyone’s been looked after exceptionally well had at least 100 people asking what the dates are for next year so that’s that’s a good sign early bird entries might have gone off the head this week we might have to go book our coming already for next year you know we might as well do that while we’re here it’s a good call I was be traveling from auker each day fact that’s that’s on the to-do list cuz I very much enjoy being 27 steps away from work most days while we’re up here does generally mean later nights but for you t another good start from Denise nailing this line early it’s a very very good synthetic green here players will be able to trust what they want to do is what they can do have the second one up and running by the Tom back here next year look it’s opening September October cut an impressive S Club bar then FL from Vicki she was do in early here Denise a great ball puts a smile on Allison Hall’s face morning Rosemary morning Tris should definitely be a cracker this pretty well matched up I’d say both Vicky Wilson Denise you are in two events still aren’t there were as in two today yeah yeah Vicki obviously just going down in a mix semi-final just before this Denise still has a singles campaign she’s a semi-final be sort of the round three game today and then the women’s final and round four couple of doubles up Chris Young was in the was a men’s double up the men’s pair final which will kick off in about 25 5 minutes so staggering the start so we can capture both games and then uh he’s also in the singles this morning so he’ll play PE now and then he’ll have two singles games to go he’s already in the semi-finals to winning this morning yeah great weeks for all those players not only managed to have a bit of fun but managed to get a bit of success as well morning Rosie hope you’re well on this fine Sunday so Denise holding a very good one as we go to the skips balls she’s got a few behind as well so Alison can just add in here draw as close as she can going op on the forehand Allison’s always got that big high back back swing in her delivery looks like she’s about to launch it down there and then just Sly let’s go accelerates fast oh she just misses sitting that white well well it’s obviously easy to get to that point of the green five balls in the same spot essentially trying to drop anyway land inside of that last one of Cheryl’s and she’ll had another L’s pretty good again does she stop in time yes she does should be the straight of ball and count for a second definitely Toad the Denise and Allison now Andy be three now great shot I mean gives Sher some to work with a bit now she was sort of on a complete dead draw before now she can land that last ball try flop back in she’ll go close to getting shot come back enough he trying does and that’s exactly what I spoke about she could use it and try and flop back down she still won down but cut a couple out yeah and it gave her an option of getting close or having a tiny bit of margin for error still a good crowd here at Club Barum everyone sort of a lot of people heading home yesterday this morning or continuing on up north in their Vans and M homes it’s a fair few doing that actually one in West Eight it’s been a great week it’s um definitely been a success this Carnival and it’ll only get bigger and bigger it’s pretty big this year but T going to get bigger and bigger props to you Jimmy and the broer team for changing up the way and improving the way we deliver bows for over 60s previously these were region events and just one qualifier from each region come through yeah it was a like was it it was a pretty uh un atmospheric day or days with the over 60s State events before there was literally like 40 participants no crowd three people one dog yep now it’s a full week of festivities including some evening activities that great trivia nights and uh a a tribute shows I like who I was talking to Joshua Club manager yesterday he’s he’s already got his ax lined out for next year who’s he got he’s going back for the Roy Oris and okay Alvis gu but he’s got to put a bit of pep in his step because I he went too Ballard for most yeah who else did he tell me I can’t think you H he told me oh no he told me for the women’s country Carnival which Club AR also running in um early October he’s got lined up uh Michael Bo not they Michel tribute that’d be a good one and a Robbie Williams night as well oh dear Rock the socks off good fun fabulous facility you got a big Auditorium that holds a couple hundred or more we had 240 or 250 in for the Elvis and Roy Orson tribute big old space couple of BOS Don’s kitchen sponsoring our play of the day got hold it’s great track again just a touch shy just going to drop anything really alon’s been so good early she will just drift around that last one of f is so mly scores on the other games two a piecing the women’s one of the women’s semi-finals in the singles lwood and Linda emit but of a local Derby Dan Nar Warren been played in baram just down the road Vicky urging this one to turn does get down up up and down for shot between probably that one and couple of Denise’s the camera angle makes them look a little bit closer than they are two and a half ft behind but with u Allison and cherl three balls each I don’t think it’s going to stay like this good chat den and Vicky Wilson Vicky Smith I kept calling her Vicky Wilson I’ve got no idea why you were doing that yesterday I was andison op in for the back end all on a speed now Law’s pretty good and uh great stuff Steve Weston says he’ll be here next year plus one in the entries then yep it’s uh going to be a very big event next year on pump for 2049 when I can it Cheryl Lon in reply just doesn’t quite get down enough and unfortunately for her now HIDs that ball to almost the back Hopper Alison h Ellison of Denise both state representatives at over 60 level you imagine the other two have just crept into the 60s will not be uh too far off getting one of them caps also correct got to be in consideration couple of the men’s three the men’s quarterfinals been played now we already know Chris Young is beaten Ross Higgins but Neil Chris spids Peter ow five zip Dave connington he Ray Jansen 61 Michael Wilson and Tony Lang is two something because G McKenzie is right in the way of that scoreboard two 4-2 to Tony langi actually i’ realized I could look up up the top M Allison’s got it on an absolute string this end they are three fantastic balls it’s pretty awesome yeah there trouble everywhere here yeah the jackbacks thray down as well to the RO three more five zip early days but Smith Cheryl ainson will need to get the skates on 15 ends we play in pairs big shout out to our markers and umpires Jimmy got a few of the uh local celebrities come down to Mark some of these singles matches Genie fairchild’s out there Ms out there oh they’s tripping over there’s a chuckle about it get a thumbs up on the jack roll yeah EXA some early uh pressure here Denise and Allison they’ve pretty much held shot every single end Vicki and Cheryl trying to wrestle it back off him but not been able to do so yet it’s all sort of starting with Denise she’s opened the door slightly for Vicki though this is when you’re 5 no down after three ends and you really haven’t held shot need to make these sort of moments count Steve kington picks up another one now leads 71 over Ray Jansen r on Q Vicky finds a good one that’s handy for her pretty good correction from d y yeah good second shot she’s casted this out pretty well on the change of hands for gy gets a piece of her own she’s laughing just drifted under today we looking to try and try this Jack back to herself feels a tad narrow very similar to a second ball almost an identical ball good homes so because gives Allison plenty of options only he just down as well Vicki if she can just change the look of this head now if she can move her own in a bit towards the Jack or back towards the two blows of Denise’s it would be great she’s a little bit wider than a first which is good news for her has a speed not quite going to get there Sheely nailed that line there are is a big opportunity here for Allison Hall to a tiny tral of that Jack and put Cheryl in a world of Pain still Smiles Galore Jimmy both teams she won’t be smiling cherl if Allison does move his I’m telling you there’ll be a scowl up on her face well don’t think she’s qu got the journey on this with the Laine looked ominous for a second then does not quite sent it cherl opting to probably take the that away now and Tra it first I never mind this tactic always thinks it’s good it’s good try and play their shot before they play it obviously gives you a ball close to whatever they were going to do played it pretty well yeah played it very well actually adds another covers the balls I mean the trial’s still there but there’ll be f a little bit better about the situation obviously holding a couple is good right she’s definitely got more Pace here tone don’t know if this turns enough for the Jack drifting past there another one there though she does nail it Allison it’s she TR it for four so I think sh will just try and draw past the Jack now l good and this is going to maximum pretty good home does give Ellison Hall something else to sit on he kind of frames a shot a little bit for her now as well she can see it probably slightly better it’s not just a bear Jack sitting there needs to sort of split the difference on her first and second balls possibly too wide this not there right now Cheryl can uh at a third and swing this game back around four yeah sorry at a fourth yeah big pick up interesting change ofan back feels that yellow was in the way navigate away through these balls no that’s three to Cheryl and Vicki there’s one there’s two three from our angle and he’s three good pickup very good pickup work for it a little bit with a measure definitely three 3 five now we played Four ends there we go Vicky Smith saying what do you want shees she says stretch it out a bit Neil crisp who’s going to be very hard to beat in that M singles his eight one up over ped Ro he would play in a environment like this almost every day of the week down at City Memorial warnable yeah hell of a player I marked one of his matches in sectional play and he wasn’t too well had a bit of vertigo that day and still managed to get through the Section but just looking over he’s got another couple rod on it as well Steve gon also 81 up over Ray Jansen which st’s a very good player but Ray’s also an exceptional player that’s a score line I wouldn’t expect that big of a margin but early days yep and uh Michael Wilson it’s Tony Lang six3 to Tony Lang in the women’s semi-final Linda Rema slight advantage over Lim wood four three what correct in thinking Michael Wilson’s won an over 60 singles yeah recently last year it’s pretty handy when you look across I mean Ray J has an over 60 Australian rep NE Chris semi-final of Australian Open singles and one of V open singles there’s no short to tell him then of course there’s James Whitehead sitting behind the commentry desk all Talent gee a good win in his last singles match decided not to play anymore you um shout out to JT Mar Wilson actually just a random bit of trivia for you he’s looking to extend the run of the MCC bows Club in men’s over 60 singles would be good call five in a row if he collected it PM maret in 920 time ristic in 2021 and 2122 uh oh we’re missing a few there Marco Wilson would have been 223 who won it last year then some people got to be updating some websites around this or this joint right well that might just completely ruin my fact then so ignore me we’ll get back to the ball well actually it wasn’t at the over 60s last year so I’ve got no mental image of who W I know when the peirs I’ll find out time you call the game right Vicky Smith on the map it’s the beauty of balls link Jimmy you can find out anything you like well not anything but nearly Google image search again yeah sure would know White’s good just missing the line slightly finish is in not a bad home so the men’s pairs final combatants just arriving at the end of the Ring they’ll get underway short once this match is finished we’ll hopefully depending how many ends they all play show a little bit from that match too all right Michael Wilson did win it last year beat Chris Young 2114 in the final so he won it in 20 with his 234 now so I am right then yeah but it’s four not five yeah maret two ristics and a Wilson yeah he going for far knowledge knew it of course once this one’s finished we will move over to the men the reminder of the men’s pair phal how much turn is on this one and how much run has Allison got just giving up a shot Shing beautifully there two and a half 3 ft away then she been all over that Jack it’s not a bad shout Clark here there’s a lot of Jacko balls Denise has had a few behind couple of times a jack could have move for a few not quite happened yet but the risk is there Peter Rose just picked up a couple against crisby as has Ray Jansen against Steve Cannington so mirror games 83 both of them yep all right let’s feels further from Allison needs a big turn to get the inside of this white get the outside yeah that’s okay from chery one in one out sort of thing doesn’t really affect anything Denise changing hand yeah I I reckon sometimes you just got to look up and let your Skipper play that ball there you might cause confus usion trying to offer another option Allison like any good skip though confident in what shot she was already going to play here we go interesting get all of it okay yeah that’ll do for Allison Jack moves as well just the one she manages to fashion shot out of that yeah had the speed to reach the hit I know anything can happen from there ignore that just put five shots in for f i I’ve put five in there it’s not even remotely near it on the cable the ultimate power play no selectors up here doing a fabulous job for the over 60 as well they have a series against New South Wales couple of months time and then of course the Nationals the end of the year up in the Gold Coast region this year P last year Gold Coast for this year Vick obviously doing it better winning the women’s for two years in a row the men’s have had a win and a runner up in the last two years taking the overall was it one tiny loss last Jo cost it didn’t it yeah it’s a close competition there are some very very good players from a few States most of them victorians and it’s a constantly evolving pictur as people age in saying this yesterday you could be you could Dominate and then all of a sudden six people age in yeah you’re on the cusp it’s a cut throat Denise pretty good here men’s pairs final going through their trial ends next door catch him on camera he can see Stan slinsky at the top right there play in M Pierce up against Warren Paris and the ever Young Chris Young has Vicki gone in reply here looks good this can it hurry tried its absolute hardest Denise still got it though Chris has just picked up another three now leads 113 in their race to 21 over the singles quarterfinal spot on Tess lovely to see up here this week very good campaign from you as well this is a good ball from Vicky Smith in for shot yeah great last ball Paul Davies is watching from Chicago Illinois just finished a Route 66 Drive how good that very lucky man Paul Davies we got streaming all day today and the uh early hours of the evening all our finalists all our Champions will be crowned just coming through with a bit of speed there looking to change it up just a touch wide I’m going to take JT in now mate thank you Jimmy do appreciate it JT coming in to the uh second spot in this match which is obviously very pleasing we love having JT in the house whenever he can but more importantly we’ve got the one and only any miles who’s going to join JT thanks T welcome in thank you Josh how you going well thank you how you find the match so far um I think it’s a great it’s um seems to be a fairly good standard very high standard you would have nearly if you had to asked yourself at the start of the competition would these two be the potential teams in the final and you probably couldn’t have ruled them out could you oh definitely not um they’re all been playing extremely well and uh in all the competitions and Vicki and Denise are still in a couple of things correct how have you found the weekend I’ve loved it had a fabulous time where just CU I want to give the perspective to the viewers listening at home maybe some of the ones that are going to fit the demographic and might want to play just stay locally here in baram what what did you do movements around the the the clubs and stuff like that stayed in in baram and um was very lucky I had to go to Kang and Kang twice and baron once so yeah it was very Central and you’ve got everything here so it was very easy y good good and those who obviously listening you would be encouraging them to come next year absolutely I think everyone’s had a ball people I’ve spoken to Y greens are beautiful everywhere that I’ve been too uh Vicky and Cheryl probably holding three here at the moment Alison’s played oh good effort if they can get this H it is sh’s Last Bow the chance to actually draw leveling here May long game with lots of twists and turns we’ve been fortunate that most of the live stream matches have been really good matches um I think I think and I’ve been lucky enough to playing this screen a few times it’s conducive to good bows yes and um it’s good leveler so most people can play all the shots and you tend to have um some really good ends and good matches obviously not played here on the sing in the singles and it was lovely lovely to play on very true yep good thing compared to other carpets are played on you can get a bit of turn out of it some other carpets undercover don’t necessarily get that turn no very nice oops two maybe two it is two so that’s two ends for the match for Cheryl and Vicki they’re now TR 56 and we’ve played six ends Paul Davies is giving us a shout out you know he’s currently traveling Route 66 in America at the moment he’s getting around isn’t he and still watching a lot of vs hi Paul we’ve had many battles of the yeah I have I have as well obviously uh you’re still Mar player and where I grew up yep you’ve Barbed me from all mixed pairs events though we discussed earlier well you know I gave you a couple of chances but you know comes the time I deserve that what’s next for you balls wi in um nothing much coming up I’m actually going to play at lightning Ridge in the triples this year end of June all right so looking forward to that that was on my bucket list to do so have you ever been a lightning Ridge before uh I have many years ago but not y clubs actually Chang a fair bit I was the RBM based out of Duo and I had to go out to lightning rge with my job when I first started working for BS Australia and um uh back then they had two greens and now they got an undercover green they’ve covered it up they have the really big opal classic I think it is which I feel like it’s around September don’t quote me on that for the men yeah it’s a huge huge prize m one y i I found the town quite unique there was I remember going out there and I had to book some accom up to go and visit the club cuz it’s such a long way and uh I was Lo in a caravan Park cabins and the only place that you could get a drink outside the club was at that that was like the pub was within the Caravan Park how handy is that I thought it was pretty good yes it seems to be renowned for you know being a bit different I got told that if you want to hide somewhere in the world you go out to light Ridge yeah got everyone’s got nickn I should fit in what’s I know you was an or Annie oh I’ve got a few nickn kilo kilo miles oh yeah yeah fair enough oh unfortunate there for Denise and the men’s peirs match has started now next door so that’s the men’s peirs final we deliberately staggered that match in so that we get the entirety of the ladies pairs final and we hopefully will see probably the last four or five ends of the men’s pairs final that’s a good idea bit of everything and we’ll do the same with the uh the singles this afternoon as well too good balls from Vicky Smith now Vicki’s I don’t correct me if wrong not long turn 60 is that correct uh as far as I know I don’t really know for sure I’ve got to be very careful around ages and stuff like that I don’t think it’s been long no yeah I was just saying our over 60 States so which you’ve been a part of now um so strong in both the men’s and ladies and all of a sudden we’ve got I think I feel like another three or four now verging on coming in you know well that’s right there’s all these people turning 60 and other ones getting older so that’s the way it works um Jay there is no other ladies match going on at the moment this is the ladies pairs final um all the other matches on this screen are either the men’s pairs sorry a lie there is a ladies match over there is that a lady singles match my apologies it’s Lyn wood and um EMT I’m not sure of her first name Lynwood is currently leading 85 uh it’s 105 now jeez that quick on the on the D that must have been Neil Smiley then flicking it over we also have men’s singles quarterfinals is three as already played one already Cheryl is looking awfully close here mhm three although it has created a little bit of a Target that it has and Allison doesn’t mind having a little trundle every now and then no um Vicki and Cheryl do have one at the back it’s kind of green where you can play a bit more control pace and you can and you can control it pretty good wait for the shot and stays on and gets the T too if she needs it yes something to be always aware of especially when it’s fre spot I’ll give some score updates from across the green so Neil crisp is leading row 143 ah Stan Linsky center right me away for that next one um he’ll he’ll move in a second we got a couple people sitting in front of the scoreboard too and Howell dare they that’s not right all right Allison’s definitely a lot closer she’s just gonna slide underneath there’s two options you can try and cover and or you could try and TR yourself first on the back end and take the shot away you could do that what would you do I’ll probably try and reach that blue one at the back did you see the mixed pairs semi-final morning a little bit of it did you see Nick Do’s last bowl y wasn’t that amazing what a bow I know oh what a ball and the big fist pump afterwards we loved it oh yeah he was so close with the first two yeah all right how’s Alison going here this a shots you dream about absolutely just couldn’t quite find that line oh four that’s a that’s actually one more than I thought it actually was that’s big end big end scor is now 96 did iue w SW the game in since we’ve sat down Cheryl and Vicky just gone WKA WKA yeah yes they have give them a bit of confidence you’re not going up north to the Australian Open or anything like that not this year decided just to do the um the lightning Ridge yep Black Op um and then obviously there is an over 60 Interstate Series against New South Wales if you’re happy to be selected I can’t be too for shest with that you know me either yes that’s coming up then yes and then obviously if if if successful Nationals at the end of the uh start of well it’s actually more middle of October this year right in Western Australia no no oh no no it’s up the golde so um tweet EDS has the Juniors the over 60s the open broad breach has Paris and then the actual national championships that’s right yeah couple good venues very good so we will see what happens yes I I reckon another good positive about this the way we’re doing the over 60s and and the carnivals that if you’re a state selector for one of those sides now you get all the over 60s all together one hit and you can see how they perform against one another exactly yes it’s much better for them great St by Denise see everybody [Music] oh great correction Vicky excellent prior to this event had you ever played a baron before and um many years ago in the pennant oh the state pen pennant finals yes at the old so not not at the end or though no no this is the first time I’ve seen it fabulous facility going to be better still obviously if uh we look to our West not that the viewers can see that uh the uh second green is currently sort of being worked on because they’re going to put a canopy over that one it’ be amazing and the world champion Champions will be here next year you just got to go through and win the uh Champion Champions next couple years and just get a chance to play here in the world problem sure you’re more than capable yeah how good’s that for them oh awesome amazing yeah they must put in a good application for it well you would think so now I’ve had a bit to do with uh Jason the CEO here uh since I’ve been in the area um he he proudly sponsors our Junior development squad for the m m and um he’s very Pro bows and it’s fantastic to see and well obviously the members get a benefit out of it and then probably to the extension the white area does you know so having a venue like this as uh look at Brad look at him he’s just sort of panning away from the the other green there look at that beautiful and the weather’s been Sensational yeah we’ we’ve definitely like out um there’s no doubt it’s bit chilly in the morning and getting towards the end of the night mhm but uh in general it’s once it gets to the middle of the day like now it’s it’s it’s amazing it’s always a bit cool under here but once you’re if you’re out there bowling it’s not too bad Colleen made a comment hi Annie contexto driving crazy every day does that make any sense to you yes okay we won’t go there wor hi Cheryl very close here oh what a bow she’s another one I think who’s just hit the 60 Mark yes and Allison’s looking just to arrive here yeah she’s got every chance to just pick that jack up oh very close definitely taking one out hasn’t she would have thought chery change too much from my first H I wouldn’t think so still going to battle to give some of those scores for the men’s singles quarterfinals cuz I can’t see the bottom we need a messenger to go over there we we both know G and Karen I think we politely asked we would probably be able to get something movement’ got their number you could ring them oh got K I’ll text her hey can you tell us the scores please move that’s a good cluster of balls there W I have inside that first one that Vicky played um all of them are nearly within a yard MH did you play with Claire in this yes yes your old partner from way back how long have you guys been playings together yeah and you throw in Loren in the mix you know that’s it Happy Days now correct me wrong I think we suffered similar fats in one way another this year so we both were lucky enough to go to path last year for Nationals and the Falls you were a part of the rink with yes CLA Loren and Kylie yes I had my guys from muray Downs that’s right we went down on the last end in our final to go back to Vendo this year you guys were awfully close to weren’t you again were you not did I get that right uh let me think didn’t um wasn’t it Mary rink Roger was that right yeah we didn’t we didn’t make it anyway yeah again simple fate yes we didn’t get back yeah pretty much we are that’s right just show would been nice to get there again just shows you how hard it is oh it’s hard all right all right someone’s actually listening to this and giving me some score updates well done Gussy MAAC uh oh hang on even even as we say that we’ got some school mov so Mick Wilson’s playing Lang there are eight allall and Steve cunnington’s playing Ray Jansen Steve’s leading 97 Neil crisp is 4 and4 over row and as that other rink’s just a bit to update the score wood is leading EMT 145 correct that’s in the ladies singles match and uh in the men’s pairs final it’s 2 N after one in favor of Warren Paris and Chris Young just a fraction wide I reckon I find with this green that it has a really good draw on it but when you play a little bit of away it hangs longer than probably what you expected to does yes so you need to play a few of those shots to get the hang of it cor yep and you don’t need to play huge weight for it to actually hold its line well so mhm think we’ll have a good little crowd here for the remainder of the day what’s your plan you’re hanging around for a while or you’re heading back home to probably get home before all the Kangaroos and wombats get out wombats oh well possibly not I don’t even think I’ve ever seen a one bat of the RO before maybe personally perhaps not in uh this northern part of Victoria kangaroos yes yes definitely I’m just trying to think the quickest way home for you would nearly be Go From Here across to Denny is that right that’s the way we’re going Denny sort of towards Finley beran across that way on the New South Wales side yep obviously me being a an exwc boy when I head home from Swan Hill New South Wes way is the quicker way yes yep was another one then to Vicky and Cheryl that was a bit slack then come on Josh pull me finger up goodness you give me a slap or something with you 10 six no I’m just a typical male is that what you’re going to say no it was something else actually we’re not going there no no definitely don’t and uh ym jcr your home Club how you shaping up for The Following Season well you know this time of year there’s a lot of talk going around but um hopefully no movements and you know like oh I’m sure there’ll be movements you know my brother as you know my brother he’s always trying to keep me in the loop of what’s going on back home and he’s doing white and all the rest of it you know so yeah yeah car RSL will do well he’s trying to build them up bigger H why not get them back to their former glory days I yes well they’ve got a very strong side haven’t won a division one Grand Final since 2008 eight yep well could be the year I played in that match did you yeah oh is that why you bought it up oh of course any chance I get you say 2008 doesn’t seem that long ago but when you think about it a years 16 years well tell you like how much it does mean cuz I was obviously easily an adult then but my brother is only was only 14 back then the youngest brother so he wasn’t even playing balls yet oh thought you were a lot older than that [Music] Josh don’t I got asked this week when I was playing in this come on give me a spell I’m not near there yet you know some good leads balls there by both Denise and Vicki are you a fan of the three ball Piers it has a place in the game I and and I still believe the to walk has a place in the game too I I think from a state and National Title thing you play the what you would call the traditional two and walk game and then I think all these other versions like a Vic open a 16 over Carnival straight and open with the three ball pairs yeah I I do it’s probably we’re probably doing a lot more streaming of those games which means the three ball pairs is a lot more conducive to that yes it is probably the only format I dislike and I think it’s phased out a little bit in our game is the three bow triples match oh no it’s boring and long and tedious and two bow triples is fabulous game the moment uh score update wood is leading EMT 155 in that ladies singles match the men’s pairs finals 3- nil after two in favor of Chris Young and Warren Paris Vicky thought she was going to send the way the whole time then so was holes for balls Ian Hoskins said you got to keep me in me place too oh there is a challenge or I’d argue it is too not sure anybody can keep your place can they I think so oh oh nly I still hey I still remember uh this was a few years go you and the one and only Great Joy Johnson were running the uh the M um the C gang Juniors at one stage and I think i’ not long met Kelly used two wanted to grill grill me about it and actually meet her Kelly yeah and you believed it wow you you’re keeping me on my toes at the very least I think for memory I’m not sure you’ve ever met it Idiot still no I’ll keep her away from you don’t know why had someone say to us at the time the Kelly gang you can’t call it the Kelly gang he was a bush Ranger I actually know I actually think I know who would have told you that too we won’t mention names he cuz he I think he rang me up and gave me the same we said yes that’s right that’s good true Aussie Spirit definitely very subjective at it anyway righto another one to Vicki and Sh they’ve got four ends in a row five out of the last six taking control of this match a how things change only takes one good end back the other way though Denise and Allison started off very well and now it’s changed a little bit I still remember looking over yesterday I reckon it was the quarterfinal and uh it must have been the quarterfinal and um romor and Allison Angel were playing Denise and uh Al Allison and they were 60 up Romer oh look at that and then next minute bang yep was gone again like can change yes you have to be on your metal all the time don’t you absolutely bit of a longer end here yeah do you have a go-to when you start a match um I think you know a medium end so you can get your rhythm going so that you know what’s going on get your lines take it from there see how the the match is progressing change if you have to you I well it’s not always the same but I I definitely have a clear game plan whether it’s singles or Team games it’s uh I have a this is where our first point of call this is what I’m going to do if it doesn’t go Wells maybe go for a drink or something like that it’s not going that well really changing up you know so good M of Mind someone who actually happened to play Under um many many years ago Nathan Bush uh you know one of the best leaders I’ve ever had been involved with in in our Sport and he used to say if not going well get away from the ring for 5 minutes you whether you go to the toilet you Splash a bit of water in your face change it up change it up so I think that’s important you know I’ve always remembered that always turn around three times on the spot I’ve never done that no nor have I I think I’d look a bit silly on the ground if I just turned around on the spot three times what’s he doing they already think I’m strange enough as it is they do just trying to find that spot here at the moment it has thrown him out a little bit hasn’t the longer end as it can Vicky’s a good one there nice correction do you have any gamesmanship things you do and like little things to maybe to I’m just super nice I don’t think I can say this same about [Laughter] myself might always come across that that great correction from Denise there yeah lovely bow I really needed that they did hang on to that it’s funny saying about being super nice is people I know that when I play against them you be nice to them cuz if you actually get a little bit aggressive or whatever they get their back up it gets them going and and and the flip side is that there’s some people that don’t like that so you can use that so you know I’m all for uh a bit of gamesmanship pick your moments and yeah you just got to work out what’s best that’s a great shot end of the day you probably don’t need any of that stuff if you can actually draw a shot though say that’s it and you don’t want to make them angry M o’ri twisties has got a comment Annie’s got lots of tricks up her sleeve don’t you worry about that JT good on your Maddie there there’s a bit of a Alexander Alexandra connection here coming on CU Kenny and’s on say good day as well too they’re coming out of the Woodworks went and played there recently I saw that I saw you know you always can keep track of things on socials and you can can’t do anything these days that’s why they put anything on socials good idea but someone else does what is that called the merand Indy classic that one is that what it’s called yeah oh nice bow one in one out very good balls in the [Music] head I missed that yes Morty was also commenting as well too so you’re obviously super nice trick them allall Alison stay in the back end you reckon try and split the two white balls I think so yep think she’s tight looks a little bit that way she doesn’t want to push Vicky’s up either not enough for adding anything more they both caught one left each all right while uh Cheryl’s walking back score update across to Green uh Chris Young 3-2 up over Mike Pierce in the men’s pair final three ends wood is leading EMT 75 in that ladies singles match uh Wilson over laying 119 in the men’s singles quarterfinal cunnington 12 Jansen 11 and crisp 17 row s with the three ball pairs you often forget that you’ve got another one you look behind oh you beauty I’ve got another one trying to work at what Alison’s going to do here cuz the last ball she played has mov that white into a spot yes it’s not a very good spot might change what she does here thinking maybe forehand maybe underneath her own she Happ to turn those over could go in for shot but if she’s under it she’s a chance getting Jack and or set the bow they’ve only got one in there Alis tracking doesn’t look too bad looks pretty good just got to miss that oh great effort one far away one again it’s 126 mm and we’re 2/3 of the way through the match yes last five ends coming up soon we’ll be getting tagged out very soon an with uh the understanding was that we were do an N six to to 10 and Sam and gassy were coming into do 11 and 15 can’t s them at the moment so they probably been slack so we’ll just hang off a second or so okay that’s all right well we need somebody here and they’re not here I’m sure they W be far away well I know gassy must have been listening cuz he was the one that he sent me a score he did yeah got them moved away so since we’ve sat down six nine straight shots for Vicki and cherl that’s correct what’s your preference front knocker back knocker um well either way I’d be really happy probably way to S on defense have you got one behind already um no F first ball first ball you know you’re playing the last end what’s the what’s the best bow I’m just okay without context possibly front what about you no I agree with you yes regardless of situation they can they can see the back one yes they can see the Jack whereas front knocker they can’t see the Jack Y and in theory if it’s touching if you hit it it goes with it yes in theory yes these girls will sleep very well tonight after all this concentration all week definitely been a big week and if you happen to be half decent it’s even a bigger week think he’s awfully close here he’s very close yeah I can see it now yeah totally agree with Cheryl’s comment there’s a stack of people watching in from inside the the glass where you did you lose your spot when I took you away that’s okay it’s nice and warm in there it’s a good spot to view though do view from all right there’s a question for you from J and H Annie from an experience and quality female bow so she’s pumping up pumping you do you believe it favors a skip lead or neither in three ball pairs I well I think the lead is super important in three ball pairs if you’re not set up you’re chasing all the time I agree Sher wasn’t far away there question from Helena who was doing the comment Tiding it’s the one and only miles and measle old Josh Thor correct oh it’s good ball coming in very [Music] nice who’s got the shot there Josh I do favor Denise just from this angle never want to pretend I know because it’s always hard and now it’s Allison it’s probably two lovely ball I think it’s two great balls beautiful every opportunity here for Cheryl L’s not doing a bad job of it here great shot What She Done has it pushed it too far back possibly still if it was two she’s probably definitely got her back to one at the worst we’re doing one more end in because Sam is currently eting oh okay probably works out well because what we’re going to do as soon as this lady’s peirs match finish as I said we’re going to move to the men go over to the guys yeah Brad’s got to move cameras which he loves doing you know and it means Gus and Sam will probably just have to do the completion of that mat too oh well I see you really feel for him right there measures out MH Denise’s initial reaction was one and I thought at the distance the Jack went back say the blue ball was the shot yes the blue ball it’s my guess o it’s fairly close one it is so they stop that momentum MH it’s 127 we’ played 11 four ends to go fire the diff it’s manageable it is man if you’re in that deficit probably would like to win this end Denise Andis I think the what you got four ends I won’t say you need to win every game but you definitely three out of the last four and hopefully there’s a couple multiples there that helps you bridge a gap anyway they need to start with this one yes correct bit of a different tactic shorter end that’s seem easy you might slap me for this comment but I I I I’ll still ask it all phrase a certain way do you find that is this got to be come on in in ladies matches you guys tend to measure the the Jack length a little bit more than men I don’t know Josh said I haven’t really noticed no feel like he do hey Fred’s a technician not even a bow either got no hope here surrounded well you could I said you probably could slap me for it if you thought it was offensive okay what a big bang noise good started by Denise MH see ly wood over there is just on 20 one more to go for her further score update from across the green Chris Young 52 over Mike pier in the men’s pairs final they’ve played five ends Wilson versus Lang in the men’s singles quarter final 1411 in favor of Wilson Jansen 14 cunnington 13 next men’s singles quarterfinal in crisp 9 row eight in the final men’s singles quarterfinal as mentioned earlier one men’s singles quarterfinals already completed as uh Chris Young was in a couple events we had to do some jigging around and movement of schedule to to fit everything in wouldn’t be right if it was all just smooth without someone doubling up look it’s happened for years in state champ opens you name it he played another good ball here little touch is good for them yeah very nice good shots no back balls no so if you wanted to play White NOW regardless there’s no disadvantage no you’ve got three balls yes well you could play forand get the Inside Edge of the white and get the other one if you wanted to if you wanted to attack app that’s what you do wouldn’t uh nearly in the way this head’s shaped I probably nearly would it doesn’t mean i’ hit it but can’t play but got a good head for the game you I say have no Alison’s we should have a game sometime told you have sack me oh this is close this is close it’s a fair draw ball she’s going to flop back the other way if she does fall feel like Vicky’s might be still shot from this angle I’d say yes sure’s not far away either first glance might not get there what she might do however is become a nuisance yes I’m definitely playing white now I’m getting something moving out of the way this doesn’t look bad trying hard yep the other reason why I probably would have played weight then too I would have played with white where I’m leaving the bowl in the green I’m giving myself a chance for the next two if I have to now it’s hard I think for Allison well she can use her own last ball probably looking at that nice little track in there do you think well it’s probably now a chance to get now that her Bow’s moved up a little bit she could get to her own Allison and flopping it’s probably definitely shot um for that I’d argue she might have been in some trouble you know yeah might have done it don’t know Cheryl’s come down for a good look do you do I do sometimes yeah you yeah even with the minimal fingers I’ve got I still think I can make it work we make most other things work yeah I saw what Sheryl was doing then and she’s obviously saying look I can just full draw up there chances under the yellow and if she happens to play that I’d say what do you say the eight inch of weight 2T of weight she happens to get the wi ball up she’s a chance of getting shot that way as well multiple multiple chances oh Vicki thank you Vicky he must have heard me must try hard oh tape’s coming out Vicky did a nice Bell step there it was a little bit of a twirl p pette is that the right word close how do I even know that terminology might been a PA so I don’t know what you’re talking about now sother what are you just making words up sounded good so they pulled the yellow one away oh no it got moved then didn’t it sorry I was there was a yellow bow next to the other white two two well that is definitely good for Denise and Allison yes they needed that end 129 we played 12 Here Comes our Replacements all right thank you an we’re going to step out thank you for joining us we’d love to have someone of your experience join us for five or six ANS no problem thank you thank you Josh 12 ends played 129 the lead the way Vicky Smith and Cheryl ainson in this women’s pairs final few runs of momentum to either side early on game looks to be very even now so to join me for the last three ends it’s none other than my best friend in balls he’s been in average form on the greens but probably best on off the greens this week up here at Barum G macarak how are you good mate you got to do something well 50% strike rate that’s usually good yep yeah it’s been a lot of fun though a lot of fun a lot of good competition yes and J there’s been some strong even just in like SE play where sections of three in singles and four in the team events not easy you had a tough section in your pairs the other day so many yeah we had play on the greens up here Mike and Mark Pearce Stan lski in the final here the final we managed to beat them actually in in the section of play but we didn’t beat crispy he another one to H to get over but uh it was pretty tight we all won two games was pretty tight but winning your sections just uh is the start of it and then you got to go through this these guys have just been playing game after game they have multiple of an just crashing out in the semi-final the mix pairs this morning yeah she’s been playing very very well and I think this pairs games are you know very lead dependent you need your lead lead gets on it gives you slight advantage and that’s what the girls have been doing it’s been a really even tussle I’ve been watching this game from afar and um both Vicki and uh Denise have been playing very well was a good two they just picked up um Allison picked up two yellow balls there so gives them they’re back in the game they were just falling behind the eight ball a little bit Yeah stopped the Run of five in in a row the way of Vick and Cheryl we’ve got uh uh men’s singles crisp crisp versus roow on the far rink not 911 shots from Vicki yeah um Neil Chris was absolutely flying early on just picked up the last couple ends to stay in touch here Goods the um Stevie gunnington versus Ray Jansen game it’s taught up again now 15 it’s been back and forth I was watching that I was over there watching that a bit closely just listening to Ray saying he’s just struggling early to get the pace um you know when you get on a green you can just feel you’re not quite right um I think he’s going all right now it’s a good game 15 all and the sun’s been shining all week block out on I don’t know what you Melbourne people have been doing in the cloud but we’re having a great time up here get up here played reports has been miserable but we’ve played as some great little club we been out to a few great clubs you and I during the last week terang and uh we had a bit of fun down at gumb the other day in the single well you didn’t but not on the green but JZ the grein were good well maybe again you probably I did win one game yeah hey8 50% that’s exactly right but uh the gunbow pub driving drive past there looked awesome and I did play a little bit of golf at muray Dans i w won that had a little bit of golf a little bit of fishing this morning as well morning Happy Days some great pictures of some cooker barers down there they came pretty close we’re feeding them some worms so we’ve done a bit of everything and that’s what it’s all about getting up here and enjoying the uh great Hospitality of the country clubs which have been so great to support this event for us again all righty so N hall lucky a bit of weight there be a couple by Vicky and gereral in a couple of this stage of the game see well unlike Denise helpful I watch Denise playing the um semi yesterday she was all over it you know awesome great ball here turning all the way back down perfect white it’s got to be close to Counting don’t know if it flopped in or not Alison Hall has just been on fire but a lot of good draw balls this week from what I’ve seen very rarely balls a short ball she’s got one there I no I don’t know if she ran into a ball there and she’s going to prove me comment curse C 101 this is cut out CH still got one left ladies were Keen to declare they had no faith in Cheryl not to give away the shot clearly so two probably three Sher looking at another one in here it’s going to make things very very hard for Den Allison and R down so fall back down going to be a measure you’d think look to be three across sort of Jack a there that look to be counters I don’t know that no you don’t like that no I think that white short ball of Vicky could be they’ve taken one out yeah I took one of Vicky out I don’t know whether that was just not being measured or close to three plenty happening here this morning women’s single semifinal action as well play that L the front one’s going to be in as well four it was in huge count with just two in to go in me score line 169 it’s a seven shot lead Gussy and if Allison and Denise don’t win the end this one’s all over now first B the inal over 60 State Carnival will be decided just like that how quickly can happen change I mean you know Denise just missed missed that end there and then and um Allison ran talked about with the leads you know it just puts you under pressure and the it was an awkward head and she didn’t clear the balls just getting back to that the the semi final in the women’s single so ly wood has won that won that 21 shots to seven over Lind emit so Lind is into the final the other semi-final to be played this afternoon Denise is involved in that taking on Robin Thomasson from Moma the final to be played later this evening men’s pairs final update on the ring next door we’ll be flicking over to that one very shortly but it is a 72 lead to the way of Warren Paris and Chris Young over Mark pier and S Lewinsky Vicki good line here run it out it’s good opener really good opener just a foot short see toise nail a couple here I think just to put a little bit of pressure back on the uh leaders probably need to it’s not bad pick up a multiple two or three would help solid ball Cheryl won’t mind if Vicki reaches just reaches here changes the look at his head lands the ball moves the kitty first she’s wanting it to turn a bit I was going to say was well pointed but struggling to get down be the added weight more than anything not bad home yeah it’s good watched a bit of the footy last night there was a lot of footy on yesterday actually we’ve watched a lot of sports this week yeah we’ve watched a lot of balls oh if I C was on last night yeah it was I don’t know who won if anyone has got a result on that they can send us through this the red side of Manchester won that one 2 for your interest there you go there you go you you even know when you don’t watch Sam I always know what’s going on well sometimes keep you know what you know how often I know what’s going on 50% of the time and that g that’s enough that is enough all right Vicki looks to be tighter here but has the way to hold on she wants to grab still holding on still holding on and gets all the way through and that’s going to make things very tricky now for ten and Allison they need to at least score on this end Jack out in the open it’s be hard a number those two balls of Denise’s have been nullified taking out a play yep and that was the shot we were calling just before that needed to be played it CH that up although she’s uh played a change so toucher because uh they need I would say they need a three here yeah at least they’ve picked up 13 on N3 apart from that just it’s been pretty tight singles and one two on n12 so they’ve struggled to create big numbers just scored the nine shots through 13 ends the concept I’m sure has been discussed by our commentators this week and uh I’m sure everyone’s seen what a great success this is uh initiative’s been to put on a carnival for our over 60s our largest group of Ballers uh and uh gee it’s almost like a a Victorian open field people that are watching walked into Kahuna the other day I thought jez just about every good baller you know fell out of a back of a truck and you’re like I don’t want to be here that’s well put tough tough sections good attemp by Allison here stopping in time may have run too far might be just the one can use that to Trail it with the next can that’s a good ball what do you reckon the pace of the line of the Granny’s you think it’s slightly tighter than the run or do you think it’s a fairly even no I think it’s pretty even across obviously the gu guys probably earlier would have touched on it that we’ moved over half R in the last game so it’s always always changing previously when we’re half R closer to us the forehand coming this direction can be fraction wi up think here it’s pretty even you can play sort of a tight positive ball through the Jack something similar to this although it doesn’t have the we to Trail it I don’t know if it’s in for two either it might still be just the one no it is two apologize Cheryl turns around to have a look at the board and going well two we can probably we don’t want three to be given away at this stage of the game no they’ve only got one there abouts needs another one she switched around on the forehand she’s looking for the uh through the Gap no you can see what she was trying to play there a forand way and try to get the Jack and pretty much yeah end the game but in doing so has given Allison Hall a chance to add a third in that keeps them in well and surely in the game and she pretty much she got to draw this she can’t play their ball out possibly she could back hand and sit it underneath they’re looking at it doesn’t have to go far to bring Allison’s other back one in I think it’s a forehand shot which is dangerous cuz she gets under that ball she could upset the head no backhand the other way guys yeah got to be yeah forand yeah you don’t want to be coming back towards the head that b does not have to go far to make a four and make things very interesting heading into the last end she could just drain a third shot couldn’t she well that as well she’s already played two good draw balls this hand obviously only one of them counting has a good feel for the line the better balls I’ve seen played to just those draw over the draw shots you don’t see a lot of driving going on I think she’s elected for the draw yeah it definitely isn’t way to sit the ball through get down needs to run the line again didn’t give it enough chance it’ll be just the two so it keeps them mathematically in the game so we to the last down 161 now the lead W Vicki and Cheryl five required minimum yeah for this game to go to an extra end picked up one three for the game everything else ones and twos that was probably their best chance nise actually played a pretty good couple of lead bowls there then bigy was able to change things up and get the Jack out in the open that was the ball of the end really that that changed the whole complexity so similar sort of length here throw by Denise tricky to pick up this sort of number especially when playing the race spot there’s no chance to to kill the end here have to be this end and it’ll have to start with the first ball it’s just going to be up to and pass the Jack just not going to quite get there not going to be past the Jack it’s close being up two but as soon as there’s any Jack movement now that ball you’d think is going to come out of play looks like Chris Young has got the uh wood on Pierce 92 they’re leading there early days yeah it seems like early days but all of a sudden it’s eight ends of 15 played and the lead is seven so big ask handy start here by Vicki it’s a little bit under through the Jack into a good area when trying to defend the five gives them a good starting point denisea Foreman you said Wales baller now playing in Victoria always pleased to get good Ballers back and it ran that one just pulling up as well this is going to struggle to get there I think still open there so tenise can play a little bit more positively but he doesn’t want to overplay this and go flying through the head try and keep your balls in in the similar sort of area VI two spread out Vicki shook her head at that one she’s that’s yeah understands the situation that’s not she’s trying to she’s trying to dead draw the shot really this a good ball here just needs to get down to the Wi it needs to sit the white Gussy it’s it it does sit the white well that’s going to push that out to make that three doesn’t it yeah I think Sharon will draw the shot here she’s had a exceptional tournament she’s still going in the singles as you said she certainly yes Cheryl said this looks better it’s not going to run through is it needs to set the back blow good good A little touch from his pass well she was forced into just making sure she was there wasn’t she yeah I think that’s three but I’m uh okay here’s three of them G they just need to get to an extra end just need five this is a big ball she needs to add a fairly nice close front toucher I reckon it’ be nice where you can’t see the kitty increase that degree of difficulty you can sometimes tell by the look on their face whether they like it she wants it to turn a little bit she wants it to turn a little bit it’s going to stop in time yeah B’s back lay look at the lay turn back down the line there’s four Gussy game on there’s four of the five they need Cheryl’s going maybe it have the way maybe not there maybe not there Alison Hall down in a fifth still both with two bows to come she’s just fat in the object but we saw Allison’s ball turn quite sharply at the end so she will be clear of this purple ball just needs to have the right weight here on a nice enough track again I like this track similar it’s very similar is it getting back down watch it bite wow there’s five Gus what are you thinking I don’t want to be too loud cuz the noise out this where we are sort of Echoes out into the ring that’s not water enough Angus she’s well we we saw the Nick door ball a couple of games ago Allison Hall is drawing to add a sixth for the game hold the title she’ll do it she’s got nerves to steal this girl she’s already played two good ones just has to have a nice enough weight on that same High Line She’s Got The High Line Line’s good again Gus is going to be good enough the way here balls turn is the pace enough going to run oh I think Cheryl goes for a look Denise takes a deep breath very tough work adding the six in Vicki thinks it’s just five you can see there there’s still a lot of room for a shot to be drawn but the same time they just have to run and take one ball out and they win the game you unbelievable finish does she does she switch hand and just try and get up to the blue balls on the forehand can we get a look from the back look it’s a clear R she’s got a clear option they’re saying this just get up to the two blue balls and make sure you’re there I think she’s got a switch Sur you just got to search with a weight and take one of them out C I agree so if the last Alon Hall b b does not count yeah then it’s only five you got to take one out you try and back and draw like there’s a lot of room there’s still room for the shot to be drawn so Cher you turn that as yeah Cheryl’s saying if she sticks to the other hand and adds the weight it’s just going to fly yeah she will she will switch see well that’s what I’d be playing and I know that’s what you’d be playing and even if she’s underneath those Blues with two foot away she’s going to get down to the yellows you can Denise who end up holding possibly five shots to take us to an extra end she’s got an open forehand to play to she’s playing the forehand and getting up there with a bit of white this is the right shot pace is good it’s got to hold we wi enough it’s got to hold just drawn it she just drawn it I think that’s I think that’s cut Denise’s other one out to the left out but I’d be measuring she did there I think she didn’t want to be too wide that’s taking one two out the I think the front Blues are close to being in still it’s when that back blue still counts for five doesn’t yeah it’s going to be four doesn’t it it beat the front yellow I think we’re going to they needed an extra third shot on the last end they will be shaking hands she it is four got there eventually they made they made hard work of the last 10 they made sure they used every bow possible and great effort to Denise and uh Allison that a great tournament and and they were so close there she played remarkable B they played unbelievable balls all through the sectional and some The Knockout games J had a few convincing wins they play good balls the whole tournament they started started well here but fair play to Vicki and Cheryl got on a roll in the middle stage of that game put together five ends in a row and in a 15 fin that’s hard to bring the mar back and they nearly did it that uh that was a great finish another great finish we’ve had and uh some very happy girls yeah very happy even even the Lees are wowing yeah yeah great great balls so Vicky Smith and Cheryl ainson take home the first title it’s the women’s pairs title 16 shots to 15 and while that’s been going on Ray janson’s 20 to 16 up against Steve cunning 10 yeah so these are men’s singles quarter final games and uh crisp and row are still going crispy can’t move off 19 1912 no no they they’re done are they done are they there’s no one playing are gone they haven’t changed the scoreboard they are gone so Neil Chris from City Memorial into the men’s single semifinal congratulations and as you said Michael Wilson and Ray Jansen are just won away in their games yep men’s pairs final we uh we’ll shift the cameras is over there’s what is there gy there’s six ends to go so the score currently 102 away of way Paris and Chris Young and on this end here you can oh you can just pick it up on the ring next door as Mark Pierce makes his way back to the mat they will pick up one one well I think Mark still got another ball to come but I’m not sure where it is there it is so he’s got a bit of a free hit here he’s got met s room to add another one in yes I think that’s um stands ball second shot the aqua green Aqua yellow Mark’s got the dark balls is there one in the ditch I think that might who are you thinking it’s in the ditch I don’t well if no no that’s right that’s right the jacks just been moved a few T I reckon it’s been killed actually think they’re holding three now that’s young front one oh was it but Mark Pierce makes no mistake and adds in the second so they’ll pick up stay in touch here so it’s 104 now the score four ends five ends to play so could Michael Wilson end up playing Ray Jansen in the next looks like R 2017 now so Stevie cunnington who’s had a good he’s been playing some good balls Super Bowl I was watching yep he’s got a good crew he’s got a good support crew good one second yes there’s lots of support for the players here from the clubs ocean grive got a big support crew as usual always um Steve’s from um Chuka Chuka yeah and of course few the’s been president has been there supporting all huk girls and boys teammates even her Inglewood ones Englewood yeah that’s a place I don’t know where it is but yes yeah all right we’ll have to stick with the 45 cuz it’s a little hard to move the cameras around there’s a stack of people as you can see behind the rink here back towards the main Clubhouse so little bit tricky so we’ll have to watch from the side on we see but you get a pretty good view from there you can see what’s going on so this is my man Wayne peris from golf a tou funniest man in in balls how do you know that ah he tells some V stories Good you’d have to get around a campfire with him one day very entertaining fellow playy good ball here Stan he just going to get down it has in touch out what a ball CU Stan and Mark have been around high in balls for years and years with the Dorian of Premier League decade ago and now still playing great balls into their 60s and good mates Too Good Fellas on the grein Lang versus Wilson Lang’s 12 Wilson 20 and Lang looks like he’s holding two so he’s not going to go away hard to get that last shot right there we go Gusty boy the score up well done thanks mate on the screen so we can follow along what’s happening 104 um Tony Lang absolute superb fou niest BL he came down from I’m going to say 20 to9 came back in his last round that was a Kang the other night late finished that one he’d win the he’d win the um I’d want him on my side in the if we got into trouble with the locals or something he’s a he’s a sturdy fell I I agree he’s a he’s a bat boy y web Conor he’s got a good support crew there as well as Chris Young plays a bit of I thought pitch had the biggest cares from web Conor and super BLS gets the ball away beautifully well Stan’s done his job here he’s got a couple of touches there and Mike’s going to Mike’s going to add and he has we talk about picking up numbers Sammy this is just Vine they they can grab a a three or four and that just gets him right back into the game Chris Young will have something to say about it he hasn’t been missing he’s looking at it they’re clapping it it’s just finished short I still think they ‘ve got three here’s the split screen we’ve got here from Bradley we’ve got that’s great whoever’s on the mat what’s going on at the head and we can see a little bit of the bow and the other games across the green going down it’s kind of reminded me watching the uh World balls last month kind of not they split screen yeah yeah they did sorry I well done Samantha rson and Ry Pierce on fantastic I just wanted to give them a clap well they’re holding four will Chris let him hang on to that he he’s got a track in there he does he does but he also loves a bit of white and he’s not playing it it didn’t quite get out of the hand I think they’re okay I don’t think they’re fall down I think uh is it think that I think find one so the orange and orange and purple see orange and purple W Le B so um and the the two-tone and then the black skip ball you can see one color from this angle and gets a bit confusing that’s all right so it is a one the way of waiting Chris 114 the lead now there’s four ends to play in good control of this final although we saw a team in good control of the previous final and that nearly turned a bit sour we have seen twists and turns all morning um I think Nick door is the player of the that’s that was extraordinary that Bary played to win that match still talking about it here all right Warren time to shine mate very solid lead Bower well Bower in general CH young down the hill indicating needs to run a little bit it is running yeah he likes it yep yeah not far away R EDS in 2018 Stevie cunnington will not die he is still hanging in this and holding a couple only needs three to win the game Michael Wilson could be three down there on the head good he is he does have one ball remaining those are men singles quarterfinals of course Chris Young played his singles quarter final early this morning to avoid a fixture Clash that he’s already through to the semi-final to be played after lunch you guys must have been up all night reorganizing the draws to get this right today now we made sure we did that was the first thing we did to let the players know ASAP what was going on with the schedule another good ball here by Warren good Pace very nice correction Michael Wilson didn’t save that no he went through by a Gordon meter and a half as well so it looks like it’ll be a couple there to Tony if it’s three that’ll tighten it up to 20 to7 we’ll just see if they got them to kick one out back with Stan he’s got good weight on this oh he lands the ball and flops in beautiful ball was to langy so 2016 Wilson 20 L 16 will has been on that 20 for a while yeah Ray Jensen in the other game is holding game steevie cunnington playing a bit of weight yeah searching for the ball he’s got a few seconds he’s half interested oh GE that miss ball lot that Miss by paper paper th yeah takes his own one out great game by both players Ray Jansen through to the men single semis with a 2118 win over Steve cunnington congratulations to both players on a class game all these scores are been live scored as well through the results portal so we’re getting down to the business end of things now Chris Young with his first bow end number 12 I’ve been saying to Ray for 5 years you’ve still got one one there something around the corner has been going for 5 years this could be this could be the one runner up at new bar a year or two ago didn’t quite get the chocolates there but this could be the one he’s in good form I’m playing with him in this drain open maybe we’ll win the fours up there maybe that’s the one you got to always believe don’t you Sam there’s always a possibility yes you compete just like last game yeah Pier calls that he needs to get under that’s Chris Young’s ball on the way in turns that through so why and Chris possibly holding a couple here Gus do we think the balls a jack High one I think there’s one behind the orange one yeah trying to get that ball out War’s not saying much doesn’t want to turn that in it’s all right doesn’t change too much just just apologize I think they probably wanted to get one through the Jack there cover Any Trail yeah you got to play try and play it anyway always tricky to tell where we’re sort of sitting Gusty cuz we got the same angle as what the cameras have is to whether it’s easy to get to the jack for a trail or not definitely searching here isn’t he there is a gap needs to get under just waiting for the jack to move the Jack sort of blocked off it’s just the other side of that r tight pack of three or four bows on the the black line which is where the started so Chris has got to get some sort of cover here they’re holding a good couple he’s still on the back end maybe he’s looking to try and Trail it first around the corner it’s come off the ball oh well there’s one way of doing it yeah he’s worked off the wide black ball into the count back onto it’s actually fell back onto the line and I think the trail to get all the way through a little bit harder yep so Mark’s got to go back and play a similar bow to his last I think it was there is a chance to get in there he’s playing a bit more white can’t afford to drop another number Mark Pier is going to to come up with something pretty good to open this head up and kitty sprayed out wow they actually I’m not actually sure what it’s done if the Jack’s Jack’s G more sideways and it’s it’s still the two if the Jack goes any any further back they actually hold the shot goes to SS directly sideways and still two as we said I don’t think he got I think he hit a ball onto the kitty that sprayed it out he did it was the front one so 134 now and this is looking very very tricky for stance wiin more appears to get back into the game just three in remaining and 15 in this man’s peirs final we’ve got uh couple of ends to go on the 13th end it’s ready to go I don’t see a I don’t see a five or no I don’t I missed that did you already mention that Willow finally got to 21 there I didn’t mention that no he’s he was holding men single semifinal have been decided he’s having a good 20y a 2116 win over Tony Lane congratulations to him as well for making to the quarterfinal fantastic effort he’ll be very pleased with that and he made a very good game very good game of it W in handy area again JZ looks like a s I haven’t really seen him play much before but from the three or four ends we’ve picked up here very consistent he was on um look hard to beat he was on a live stream two years ago up at the Vic open at shepher and oh yeah in I think the triples we we called him plays with a few of the Dell boys Steven field guys down there um buzz ha yeah yes he hangs around with that group so pretty pretty uh good group of Ballers how’s the um how’s the men’s single semi-final matchup so Neil crisp City Memorial against Ray Janson and Chris Young against Michael Wilson they’re all more than worthy of an over six final we get the ringside suat you’d pay to see that wouldn’t you it’d be worthy we might see if we can find some other commentators for the next round while we just sit on the side and watch those games and just be fans just be fans just pulling up short with that one and it gives Chris Young a chance to P them on here in fact one of one of the need guy with two to go if they would pick up a four we wouldn’t play the last two WIS so so they do have one pass so one pass and still little bit of room for the shot to be drawn a couple buls to be sat on other side of the head longer end than what they’ve been playing so I don’t know if Chris is there probably great to see the potential boys from manizer going deep there uh we got Frankston joining uh the metro area next year in Metro pennant division four I think they’re coming in at one of their teams tell you you don’t know S no no I’m not sure if you’re telling the viewers something they didn’t know as well right well I heard a rumor but don’t believe the rumors I’m only that is unlike wor balls for there to be rumors around the place I’m not sure about I know they’ve been looking to come in let’s put it that way so um that they want to uh think they might be in as well guys yeah yes which is which is uh which is good Mar appears did a good job of drawing the shot with his first ball on the end can he now throw another couple in to make things a little bit interesting getting into the final couple of ends is he going here he he just overplayed it slightly there’s actually a chance here for Chris Young to maybe set this ball through has he got it inside of the ball oh gets outside and fors back in so there’s still one down so who’ll play the 14th end so going to get under that crashes into it doesn’t turn it far enough so after all that it will be just be a one and it sort of helps the situation I guess it’s better than one down they’re still alive and they’re still playing eight and two ends is what’s needed for Stan Lewinsky and mky Pierce to stay in this game I surprised waren rolled that long in there but uh well his first two lead BS were pretty good they were only a couple on the cross were but um these guys like the long e two but anyway to drop a one is probably dropped on two isn’t it really I’ve Just Seen yes you correct I’ve Just Seen Ray Jansen having a chat to Stephie cunnington and ring after their contest and R just sort of uh no no he just gave us a little bit of next door M Wilson’s delivery just a little pretends to fall over go head first into the ground yeah well if I was talking to our friend uh iing about this other day when he was here during the week breaking as his well us yeah the point of release though despite everything that’s going on off balance after he releases it the point of release is spot on every time yeah it’s the same I believe his dad Jack used to ball like that as well you are I’ve heard I’ve heard this apparently it was worst so yep Willow very effective played pennant for him have you yeah where at MCC yeah I don’t know it’s just like we’ve only ever played been playing for y I guess yeah I was at MCC 3 years ago four years ago decided to move to the west and meet a whole new bunch of BLS and girls and people it’s it’s quite interesting just to switch across to the other side of the metro area and there’s a whole lot of people you just never played against the best thing about when we opened up division one for us last season so to re all days we added some early starts on Saturday mornings but it was a whole new new players new clubs we went go and play yeah obviously it’s back to being regionalized now but yeah chance here for Stan falls back onto the line they’ve got this one pretty well surrounded Wayne still needs another one in there even if um even if Warren was just to move this a little bit oh Young’s already called this halfway down beautiful ball he’s called out a long way out I think he just a little bit more than yeah hold up to the Jack or was going to get a little bit further pass yeah doesn’t make it any easier though for Mar Pier there are a few there can he get the dra moving a little bit well balls probably he’s got to move it a foot at least he’s kind of got to get it back cuted a little bit they need a minimum of a two for the 15th in to be played he’s watching it he’s still watching it stand’s interested it’s close he going to back cut it yeah that’s that’s almost perfect down the line for a couple he had to back cut it down the line and he’s made three yeah two or three I think but he’s probably giving Chris a little bit more room Chris is going with white loves the dve Chris Young how is he going he’s a little wide he’s missing everything well do we have another Twist on our hands we’ve already had one in the women’s pairs final another one here I think you give these guys three balls to play any desired shot I don’t think Chris is going to miss that three times if he plays the same shot although see those balls like they all sort of lined up aren’t they and the one he’s going for the outside ball isn’t he oh I think he’s just he all looking for I’m not sure if he can see a pace of the Jack but even if he gets the outside wine even any of Wes as well is all going through the head taking balls out or maybe getting a piece of the Jack Warren’s shortest ball is on our side of the black line M so he must be able to see the kitty this one’s just over oh we didn’t want to touch yeah probably not but I don’t think spot I think the last one means Chris has got to go back and try and draw this twice you called it mate is he there no oh he’ll be disappointed with that he’s realizes he half a sniff so two maybe three Mike Pierce last ball of the end can he add another one in maybe a bit more of a trail of the Jack down the line brings in a few more pace is good got to miss Chris’s he’ll miss Chris’s then what land the ball then what then what more of a trail for the ja he might have made close to five G if the light back once in he could have done it’s at least four I’m not sure that back once a long way away is see the angles are very tricky to see we’ll find out here way don’t give us a good indication hopefully he’s he’s gone down the line twice for he’s saying I’ll go with four this will be a drive for chran everyone’s quiet he he drawing the shot he is he interested he’s got better weight he’s got better no no he doesn’t he’s still short G he he didn’t send it we’ve got another twist in this B good is the there yes there was so they’ll take three out four I think it’s five I told you it was five and you didn’t believe me well I couldn’t say the other one hidden and and Warren’s going well he said he’ll go with four he didn’t say yeah worst casee scenario I mean it didn’t you see you can see the angles from here this is a good shot of it there was obviously a lot of gaps in between all those balls on the jack so it’s hard to drive that like there wasn’t one ball targets here and there there was room obviously to draw it four four okay they’ve settled the four keeps things interesting for the last end they’ll need to repeat that on N5 for us to they’re going right end see they’re going long 139 you’re going to go Matt right back and bring the kitty back right not done yet good end couple of good travs with the Jack M Pierce TR with twice Gussy couldn’t have it better a couple and then TR it again for what was four couldn’t have played better I mean just just to draw close balls hard but to draw to clip something where you want it to go and do that that’s skill that’s practice they these guys I know a few of them practice a lot they’re out there every day they love the game love playing balls Stan’s got a fairly Good Start that’s in play there in the game waren play a f ball here just pulled up yeah good stting like the position of St though gives them a chance saw the Jack move last and yeah another good ball handy again good area Warren switched across onto the backand Chris locked it says he come out NOS it’s certainly not going to be sure it’s got to get down yeah good ball second shot yeah does well more importantly gets into a spot that sort of splits the back stuff up for now yeah it’s about denying them numbers now yeah P ball here for Stan he’s already played two pretty good ones and it’s another one in the area well stamp slips through the same hole maybe gets to that looks under from here G it’s got to clear this ball it’s got to clear this didn’t making things harder straight away only three ball pairs he had it cleared it would have been fine Pace was okay yet yeah good Warren yeah Chris likes it hella says Chris Young and that it is he played two really important balls there in wine they hold two and I’m just telling Chris he needs to concentrate on the way back down bit Chey have fun getting four out of that gas when you’ve only got three balls to play and there’s no kill allowed so uh Mark’s going to play a bit of weight I think I on the backand what’s he looking to do I’m not really sure I think he’s just going to try and get the Jack moving but finish in a good spot trying to draw this get him another one there abouts they sort of at some point this Jacks got to move all those shot Poes have to move so he all right four to time to go to an extra end appears he’s playing a similar sort of ball he could get up to his last ball oh he oh yeah I mean that was the right idea to try and change something cuz the Jack had to move there it’s crashed the front there you go only got two pass Jack makes it really hard what was he say Chris was just making the point that that Stan and Mike only have two bows past where the Jack is so the Jack moves they’re going to have to get two of their own BS coming through with it to make the four y I think if you Chris you’re pretty right in the head the way that’s set up you might just trying to look for some sort of coverage out to the left or just mix it up a bit Yeah I think he’s just going to try and block block here is he yeah it’s just awkward to get to those two balls to get them out without moving the kitty he’s going up underneath needs to make a forward as Mary Pierce to keep this men’s Pierce final alive looking for his black ball to go up through the head and he well he’s played a pretty good shot for maybe what was one but it wasn’t enough the winners have been decided a win or Paris Chris Young take home the meirs over 60 total Warren puts his fist up he’s he’ll be he’ll be drinks all around the club just make sure you hang around the bar tonight was the shout no not just yet Chris Young still has one more title he’s after he’s after for a couple this week do we have a player of the tournament single semi do we have a player of the tournament yeah AR and Don’s kitchen can sponsor that one see if they can hit us up with anything tonight what do you reckon all right well we’re going to have a bit of a lunch break now be back here for the mix pairs final is the next game up on stream congratulations to both their women’s pairs winners and men’s pairs winners and we’ll see you back here Club baram is over 60 State Carnival week continues here we’ll see you very shortly [Music]

1 Comment

  1. In the ninth end, last bowl, Hall tries to get the jack and just misses it. What a great moment and you commentators are too busy going down memory lane and not watching the game. This shot was worthy of a comment and you guys ignored it. We would like commentary on the game not a walk down your social lives . THANKS!

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