Never Failed – 4 Stages To Guarantee Perfectly Struck Iron Shots

Want to create the perfect impact every time with your irons???? This 4 stage process will allow you to do that. Ive been lucky enough to help thousands of golfers improve the quality of their ball striking, and over the years I developed this 4 stage process that will not only allow you to feel the perfect impact, but build it into your swing forever.

Perfectly struck iron shots only actually require a few things, in this video i walk you through step by step what those key elements are and show you exactly how to achieve them in your swing.

If you follow these 4 simple steps you will see dramatic improvements in your ball striking, distance and accuracy, and the game is a lot more fun.

As always i’d love to hear your thoughts so drop down into the comments and ill get back to you as soon as I can


#ironimpact #strikeirons #golftips



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00:00 Introduction
00:28 Feel The Perfect Impact
03:31 Create The Perfect Impact
06:23 Move Into Impact
09:28 Perfect Impact Everytime

in today’s video I want to talk to you about something that I know can help you and your golf game how do I know that well because I’ve given thousands and thousands of golf lessons to Golfers just like you wanted to get better and they all needed some help in this department what am I talking about talking about strike well I’m going to give you my four stage process that I’ve done with lots and lots of gols over the years is really help them understand strike and develop better strike in their golf game you know what it’s actually really quite simple to do if you follow these four steps you will start to strike it better so the first thing I always like to do with with golfers he’s really just give them a clear concept of how setup is very different to impact and how the two feel and how they look when you’re over the golf ball this is a great little exercise and the good thing with this you don’t have to be at a golf course to do this you can just be anywhere at home take a setup and this is my normal 7 ey setup where I’ve got a little bit more weight into my lead side I’ve got the board just for the center I’ve got my feet back shoulder width apart you can see that I’ve got my hands a little bit ahead of the club head this would be my setup position now if you ask me to move the club head towards the top Target it’s going to move in that direction there’s nothing to stop it there’s no resistance there remember that’s my setup so this is how I’d like you to move into your impact position you’re going to keep your head pretty much in the same place I don’t really want to move that you’re going to take your hips and you’re going to push your weight over onto your lead side you can see as I do that my hips move laterally towards the target then I’m going to take my hands I’m going to push those forwards so you can see that the grip of the club is over the inside of my lead thigh I’ve now got a lot more shuffling at this point and then I’m going to take my midsection so my kind of hips my thighs a little bit of my torso and I’m going to add a little bit of rotation towards the Target now for each of you you’re going to have a different amount of rotation some will have more some will have less but once you’ve done that and I’m keeping a little bit of Bend in my trail arm this is now my impact position very very different to where my setup was and you’re going to feel that straight away now if you ask me to move the club head towards the target guess what it’s different the ground is now in the way I’m not trying to physically hit down or push the club down it’s just the nature of my body position meant that my hands are now forward and there is some resistance from the ground so I’m now using the index finger on my trail hand and that knuckle to put some pressure on the back of the shaft and I feel like that golf club is bending this is me putting pressure through the club shaft through the club head on what would be the golf ball but obviously it’s the ground at this point and if I had speed at this point the club would be going into the ground which is why so many great players almost all of the great players take D’s Target side of the ball it’s not because from the top they’re trying to force the club head down or they’re having the intentions of hitting down it’s because they’re creating this impact position which means that the golf club wants to be lower than the ground just post impact now from here what I’d love you to do is go ahead and just scrape the golf club along the ground still feeling that pressure and you should be able to scrape that Golf Club until it probably reaches some somewhere level with the inep of your lead foot and at which point you’re going to find it starts to release and when it releases allow your body to follow okay see we’ve got more rotation here let me just TR that once more because this is a really key move we go into our impact we scrape the club and then it releases and we follow that with our body and we get this beautiful sort of post impact position where my elbows are closed my arms are extended and my body is rotated and if you look at the best ball Strikers in the world that’s what you’re going to see you’re going to see that beautiful post impact position step number two we’re going to put some movement into this we’re doing that kind of statically we’ moved from one to the other but now we want to add some movement and having a good quality strike with those irons is really all about yes having a slightly descending blow as we’ve just created but also making sure the club lands in the same place every time because I’ve seen lots of golfers and this might be you in your game who might hit 10 shots and for each of those 10 shots the club is always descending into the ground but the club is land ing at different parts or different points of the ground relative to the ball and if that’s you you’re going to be inconsistent even though you’ve got that downward hit each time you’re going to be hitting some fat some Thin and then obviously some good strikes as well so you can see what I’ve done here I’ve taken a line stick and I’ve placed it behind my golf ball by round about two Club head widths it will depend on the club that you’re using but for S iron that’s a really good guide then what you’re going to do is you’re going to take your setup and you’re going to go from setup into your impact position that we’ve just gone through and then from here you’re going to make a little back swing move really really short so hands only just outside thigh club and it just above my hands and you’re going to land the club and turn through now obviously I did that without a ball little back swing land the club and notice when I’ve landed the club I’m not stopping I’m still continuing to turn through into this position the last thing I want to do is feel like I sto my body and land the club cuz that’s going to cause my arms to bend my left wrist to buckle it’s all because this stopped rotating so we need to make sure yes we’re Landing the club but we’re also rotating out with our body to face the target this is a really really key point so many golfers I’ve helped over the years when they think of strike they’re aware of attack angle and where the club should land and because they’re so focused on what they should do we get these sort of impacts well they’re like this because they’re stalling out their body because they’re so focused on what’s Happening Here yes we want to be aware of strike but we also want to be understanding that strike is just a point that we move through it’s not something we should be fixated on so let me go ahead and show what this would look like I’m expecting these balls to go you know 6 to 10 ft High really quite low and not a particularly long distance so here’s my setup here is my impact little back sing land the club very very short distance but I can tell you the strike was perfect and you can feel that even though they’re only going 30 yards you can start to feel strike now if you have a quick look here I’ve marked I’ve bruised the ground there’s no diver simply because my club wasn’t really traveling at high enough speed to create a diot but you can see that I’m starting to land the club and I’m starting to make a mark on the ground that’s really important so let’s go ahead and show you that again here’s my setup feel where my impact is and put a little movement into that now phase three is a little bit more difficult as You’ expect as we start to work through these phases the challenge of striking the ball well does become a little bit more difficult here we’re starting to to learn how to move into impact now for this little exercise I like to do this initially without a ball using one hand only you’re going to take a setup I say lead hand only imagine there’s a ball down there and this time I need to keep this quite relaxed you’re going to make a little back swing so you’re going to move the club sort of back up this way so the club gets above your head and you’ve got a little bit of wrist here now from here if I was to Simply let that lead arm drop to the ground my golf club is always going to land behind the golf ball it’s always going to land behind the golf ball if it doesn’t land behind the golf ball it’s because my lead arm has buckled or my left wrist has done something pretty weird on the way down so your job here is to make a little back swing move the club down to the ground but start to shift with your midsection and rotate and as you do that where the club hits the ground will start to move closer and closer and closer to the top Target that’s the key so now what we’re starting to blend is the fact that the club wants to go down to the ground and your body is going to help that contact move more towards the target you can see where my club landed so as I take a setup here I want to watch me go ahead and do a couple of these just going to go back swing let the club drop control where it is with my body turn okay let the club drop control where it is with my body turn okay if I turn my body to aggressive the club landed over here and if I don’t turn my body at all Club lands back here so in terms of strike in terms of where that club lands it’s a blend it’s a blend of the club going down to the ground which you always will do because that’s where the ball is and your shift and your body turn controlling where relative to the Target that lands now I said you’re not going to hit balls one handed it’s absolutely fine if you want to go ahead and do that let’s uh give myself a fraction more room so this might not be the best shot I’ve ever hit but I’m going to go back let the club drop and turn and shift and again it’s not a particularly useful ball flight on the golf course but the strike was perfect to came right at the center low ball flight well struck that is what we’re after so then you can start to put sort of two hands in but we want the same thing you know we want the club to go up above our hands we want the club to work back down to the ground and you’re going to shift and you’re going to turn and when we do that we start to get really good strikes and there’s no effort it’s not being rushed I’m not accelerating the golf club I’m I’m simply taking the weight of the club which I really feel down here and I’m starting to just sense where that is in my golf swing I’m starting to move it towards the ground and I’m trying to control where it hits the ground by what my body’s doing that’s what the great players do that’s what you can do with that little exercise once you’ve kind of mastered that stage and you feel like you can do that we’re then ready to kind of scale up to full speed and at full speed all we’re going to do is just give you a couple of key kind of feedback points that you can use this last stage you won’t be trying to basically put it all together and add a little bit of speed little bit of power and kind of work back up to full speed so you’re actually getting the distance off these really good strikes now there’s two things I’ve set up here I’ve got an alignment stick in the ground obviously there and I’ve got a bottle down here now when I take a set up to this golf ball I’ve still got my 79 you can see just how I’ve set those up the bottle is right outside of my trail heel and the alignment stick is just out in front of my lead heel and it’s probably just over a hand width away from my lead thigh now in order to strike the ball well what we’ve got to do we’ve got to understand we’ve got to get our setup and our impact to be different so here’s my setup where would my impact be here notice I’ve moved closer to the AL stick when I do that and I rotate through my heel lifts and I do not make contact with the bottle lots of the goes that I’ve coached and there’s a very good chance you’ll be the same when they swing through because the club has got some speed they’re always going to be rotating the body but if you haven’t shifted well enough that rotation ends up being a spin and you don’t move closer to the alignment stick and your heel starts to back up and knock the bottle over so now we’ve got two really key points of feedback if you hit shots from a station like this and this bottle keeps getting knocked over and you finishing your golf thing and you’re not touching this alignment stick those are the signs that your body isn’t working well enough and you’re probably not Landing the club in the right place Therefore your strike isn’t as good okay there’s my finish look I mean contact with the alignment stick bottle stayed in place and if we have a look at the ground the only reason I’ve got a bigger diver here than I had previously was because I had more speed the impact was exactly the same I just had more speed more force and when I created that impact the club went down into the ground now let me just show you a demonstration of someone who potentially would have a poorer strike and have a look at that end position I’m absolutely nowhere near the alignment stick bottle got knocked over because I didn’t move Mo my body well enough I didn’t understand I didn’t move from a setup condition and I didn’t move into an impact condition


  1. Therein (#4) is the challenge 🙄
    … rotating the hips WITHOUT rotating the shoulders with them.

    Most of our (us mere mortals) problems come from OPEN SHOULDERS at IMPACT
    … causing over the top, outside-in path, slice, etc

    It’s as if our shoulders and hips are tied at the waist (no pun intended). We just can’t clear the hips (rotate them) without our shoulders also rotating.

    So, how do we separate the upper and lower body?
    … especially those of us a little long in the tooth 🤷🏼‍♂️

    OR, is it ok to have both the shoulders AND hips square at impact? (NOT rotate the hips)

    As always, good, clear and concise instruction. 👏🏻
    Keep up the good work, Chris

  2. Good lesson, Chris. Side note: Do my eyes deceive me or is that Alistair Davies in the background? Looks like he's recording a lesson as well. LOL.

  3. Watching Alistair filming in the background. 😊 How did two great teachers end up at the same club?

  4. Another great video Chris. Congratulations on making the 20 greatest golf utube channels. Your channel is the source of great golf player information. I have watched your channel for a number of years and it contributed to my improvement particularly over the last couple of months. Despite some ordinary putting, my golf handicap has improved by over three shots not bad for an 87 year old. Thank you for your contribution.

  5. Great lesson! I’m always so impressed by your backswing: your left arm is so straight, high and deep. Maybe you have made a lesson about that too. Will look.

  6. Thanks! Chris how much of your weight should be on your lead leg at impact position (roughly?) I have a tendency to 'fall' into the shot i.e. as a reaction reverse pivot too much, so by the time I am at impact I feel I am on my lead leg but my spine angle is indicating otherwise 🙂
    What I feel is probably at P6 where I can see in head on slo mo that my spine is more on the vertical plane

  7. Chris, we spend most our time in the ROUGH ! could you show us how to get out of, ball high grass and higher ? with 60yd wedge . with a 150yd iron ? with a 180yd hybrid/fairway wood ? Our Fairways and Ruffs are Not like Carpet !

  8. Hello Chris, I switched to hybrids / fairway woods, and I now have a Wonderfull day at the course. I use irons for chipping and close in shots, best decision I made was to abandon long irons

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