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Charles Leclerc: MONACO’S F1 hero!

Charles Leclerc finally broke his Monaco curse when he crossed the checkered flag in first place at the 2024 Monaco GP! It was an extremely eventful sunday the Monaco F1 race, we saw a Monaco boat crash, a Monaco GP crash and a Charles Leclerc home race victory! If you want to know everything that happened at the 2024 Monaco Grand Prix, make sure to watch the entire video.

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good day Charles first home win plus two crashes one on the track and one on the water I was there to witness it all and I’ll share it with you in just a moment Char Clair is the first monast to win the Monaco Grand Prix since 1931 when Louis Chiron driving a Bugatti won that race in fact Bugatti has a Chiron in their current lineup but I’ll get back to that in a moment first off I want to start with the first of two crashes this was the one after the first turn I was positioned about 400 m from turn one the cars are coming up the hill at speed towards me I take a number of shots and then I pull back because I can see Sergio Perez getting awfully close to me I still took a couple of pictures but obviously my head had moved away from the viewfinder uh they weren’t in focus and then after that pass you have to turn away because there’s so much debris in the air that you don’t want to get showered with it so I’ve turned away I’ve looked at my camera and I’ve selected a picture to post to my page and then I look up and see the yellow flag and a marshall runs past me oh better get a move on so I’ve only got two cameras they’re strapped to me so I start running with this Marshall and it’s clear something has gone on something big and then about 40 seconds after I took off I see this scene and it’s very clear that someone is on the ground and not well so at that point I take this photo because we’re tryed to always take the photo you worry about what you do with it afterwards but you have to document what you see I then walk past and I see an Italian photographer lying on his back back and he’s holding his head there’s no blood and he appears to be moving and even perhaps chatting but there were a number of Marshals and photographers assisting after seeing he’s okay I continue up the hill and then I find the first photo window to stick my head out of and my gosh the debris on the track was something like I’ve never seen and I can very clearly see the damage to the Armco fence at this stage I’ve still got no idea Who’s involved but in my mind I’m very clear that a car has hit the fence so at 307 I see Kevin magnuson’s car being hoisted above the fence then I swing around and see the medical car which is stopped and Sergio Perez is looking into the back seat um I also take photos of the car which is severely damaged these Marshals are working their backsides off trying to work out how they were going to hoist that out now at that point I’m thinking Sergio’s got in to the medical car but he hasn’t because I see him with one of the marshals walking back down towards us thinking why was it because Kevin Magnuson was in the back seat or indeed was that um niiko hulkenberg I couldn’t exactly tell at the time because all this is going on so darn quickly the marshals have worked incredibly quickly sweeping the track and all up along the side of the track we could come across all of this car paraphernalia and then the crews rolled up this was uh at 316 we get all of these crew members rolling up to fix the Armco fence and they worked at such speed it blew me away there was lots of banging and uh rattle guns unscrewing nuts and bolts and obviously they take out all the panels that are damaged plus a couple either side just to make sure that fence is not compromised but I can tell you that by what are we here 325 it was all fixed then I went back to see what was happening with the photographer and he’ gone apparently according to one of his colleagues he had walked back down with crew to the medical center I understood from speaking to that gentleman that he had an injury to his knee which they weren’t sure was caused by the fence or debris now looking at some Vision I don’t think any of those photographers were still close to the fence at the time of impact I think it may well have been debris and don’t worry I’m acutely aware that that could have been me that could have been any of us and I did note that Sergio Perez after the uh race did do a video where he apologized to a number of people including the photographers although whether or not it was his fault um the juries are out on that but certainly when those cars came past me I thought well that is very close cuz rarely you see him on that side of the track at the point that I was shooting but from above in this shot which my son took from the top of the Amano building um you could see that there was a lot of sparking going on and then this is the impact point then there was a healthy delay while everything was reorganized and at that point uh it’s quite funny what goes on because as photographers often we’ll have already posted our pictures to wherever we have to post to then it’s a matter of just sitting around waiting and that’s the time we normally go through social media and that’s when I learn a lot about what had happened because as I often say in my videos I can only tell you what I see and often I’ll go and make a mistake one case in point was this incident with George Russell and valry botas going back to Ima a couple of years ago 2021 where the two came together and I actually thought George was going to see if valry was okay turns out you all knew if you’re watching The Telecast that he was giving valry a piece of his mind then of course there was a restart and I actually came up to the spot at about where that crash happened but I was acutely aware that I was not going to be standing next to the fence when those cars got anywhere near me the rest of the race so so and then we had charlot Clair’s win which I’ll get to in a second because I now want to go to the second crash now if you happen to see the boat crash video from yesterday in Monaco this is the spot that had happened a boat out of control seemingly has come up this Gap here and ended up on this part of the jetty all our guests were sitting in behind me here and I was kind of looking at it and I just saw this speed booat coming full speed coming around the corner and it was happening so fast but at the same time in slow motion I was kind of like what’s going on here and the next thing he’s bouncing off everything the fenders are flying everywhere and he crashed into the boat on his starboard side hit this little boat on its Port quarter hit the dock and slid across and then went into theat back of this boat the guy that was on gang way watch in the boat next door to us he was actually standing staring straight down at it and it was coming straight for him so he had to jump out the way real quickly the boat got on top of the dock and the artboards were still in the throttles was still in Full Throttle motion so the artboard was still spinning once that guy jumped over he ran over pulled a kill cord and killed the engine so yeah that’s basically it but get this that was a water taxi they had no passengers on it it just had a cap and he’s accidentally hit the throttle he’s gone off the back of the boat so there’s no one on the boat and the thing’s just taken off and done a dramatic left-hander and before it’s hit the dock it swiped the Mercedes tender boat so the boat’s come in here it’s cleaned up this part of the dock and you can see that some of the wood is damaged but this power unit was wrecked and they had to fix that overnight so the boats ended up facing this direction this gentleman’s boat here and uh did he get any damage uh nothing it is quite a sensational story and it’s almost unbelievable all this took place in the middle of an on track session so the people that weren’t watching it thought when they heard this noise it’ been a crash on track and of course there wasn’t but this is the damage to the Black Swan minimal but certainly an inconvenience and there was another boat parked in this spot here that is now gone this could have ended up very poorly but the fact that nobody was hurt just Beggar’s belief now charl Clair’s emotional home race win he’d had chance in previous years but this was his crowning Glory winning in front of his countrymen and of course dedicating the win to his father this was a big win for charl and for Ferrari but I think the bigger winner was probably Formula 1 this year we’ve had four different race winners from three teams there’s no doubt this will bring a lot of people who have left the sport because of Max’s dominance back to the fold and Max had to settle for sixth I think there was only a couple of overtakes in the whole race and my son tells me that the first 10 started in exactly the same order that they finished after the race I was in park F and Sh was clearly thrilled with the result jumped into the arms of his team did his press interviews and then went and had a chat with both Carlos and Oscar and then he came over to where I was above the fence where a number of his crew were giving them a big hug including his chief mechanic the very popular Alesandra fusaro I was a little disappointed that Oscar piastri didn’t win I thought we might have had a very good chance of hearing the Australian national anthem at the end of the race I had a quite a large wager on him but the bookmakers have kept all of that but certainly Monaco was a buzz following that win and I’d like to tell you I stayed around for all the post-race celebrations where he jumped into the drink but uh no I had to take off to Barcelona and a video about my trip coming up shortly you’ll love it now this race I think probably has the most celebrities well maybe Vegas had more but certainly we were blessed with celebri is here if you like the likes of Peggy goo I love her music mbappe if you like football Becky G A Diplo was there now he actually played for us on a boat party the other night about 60 people uh which would be one of his smallest audiences uh he was actually here to do another show and came for a 20 minute set for us Michael Douglas pops up at a lot of races emata popular with many as is Joe Jonas and I’d heard that Matt Damon was coming but I didn’t see him the whole day until the end of the race and I’m walking back down pit Lane and I spot him he was um he was not Incognito but he was hard to spot and I managed to get a couple of great shots including this one where he smiled for me Heidi Clum was there I shot her in Las Vegas and those pictures have appeared in magazines all around the world and you might know this man Liam Cunningham who comes to a lot of races he was in Game of Thrones and I had a chat with him he’s got a brand new like a camera and he was struggling to work it which I probably would have the same drama with too but what was interesting was he said he follows all my videos I thought wow that is impressive so thank you Liam in fact he might even be watching this one now I’ve mentioned this before that a number of celebrities are actually paid by teams to come along to the races and that might seem amazing because a lot of you don’t like the fact that they get tickets for nothing but how do you feel if you know they’re getting paid so typically um they will get perhaps not cash but it might be yes we’ll fly you here maybe private we will uh put you up in a glorious hotel and pay for all your meals for your 2 or 3 Day visit or it could be a cash payment I know €20,000 50,000 100,000 depending on the star and obviously the the more impact and the more influence you have over people the greater your pulling power is were any of these people at the weekend’s race paid I have no idea I can tell you that one high-profile person uh was actually given tickets by a team I won’t say which one and they didn’t even go to their Hospital ality Suite or their garage which I’m pretty sure would have disappointed whoever it was at that team who stumped up for the ticket now if you like my driver’s drove series of videos you’ll be disappointed I won’t be doing one this race because it’s pretty simple most of them come in on scooters bicycles or by boat and this is p hour at the moment one boat I can tell you about is this one this is a rap city tender worth around $200,000 us pretty flash looking bit of Kit and a number of those have been used getting drivers to and from the track and what have I been driving to the track well I’ve been riding two wheels a motoike which is a system whereby you rent them through an app it’s 8 for the week and you can take them for as many 30 minute trips as you want included in that 8 and the trip down from our apartment in BOS is fantastic because it’s all downhill and while they’re electric on the way up the hill you still need to Pedal now I’ll spend a fair bit of my day out here waiting for drivers to arrive as will TV this is F1 TV and on race day the drivers tend to arrive between 6 hours and 3 hours prior to race start one thing I can tell you is because they have such low crime rates and there’s so many CCTV cameras everywhere that um people are very comfortable wearing very high-end watches and I have seen some absolute rippers this race was the Monaco GP a success yes it did provide us with a couple of Great Moments a lot of dullness uh with a procession around the beautiful city streets but in in terms of a setting for a race I don’t think there is anything better it is visually spectacular and if you are lucky enough to be on one of those boats lucky you unless of course you were the one that was cleaned up by The Runaway Water Taxi now with Oscar pastry’s marvelous performance and his Podium finish in the Monaco GP many of you will be wanting to grab a copy of this print you can get it in A3 A2 and A1 depending on how big your wall is it comes as a print or on canvas you can go to click on the shop and then go to wall art with that said I’m now going to discover Barcelona and of course I’ll be sharing that video with you coming up shortly thanks for watching and stay passionate


  1. Good video Kym. I was sweating bullets watching the race hoping Charles could finally win it. Question: Do you think Esteban Ocon will be in the Alpine car at the Canada GP? I'm doubting it myself.

  2. I am delighted for Charles. And, must say, Monaco is a stunning venue to race. The red Ferraris and yellow McLaren cars in the lead must have helped for some vintage photos. This race feels iconic already.

  3. Biggest Farce in F1 history, total joke of a rate, as much as dislike Vestappen, he was correct in his report on the race

  4. You must have been more like 150m from T1 if they went past you Kym, 400m is the entry into Massenet and that pedestrian crossing in the image of Leclerc is only 150m from T1. Anyway i watched the footage over and over to see if you were 1 of the photographers at the crash point which no doubt you have mixed feelings about wishing you were, but also probably glad you weren't. Still waiting to see if any of them captured it in that last millisecond before diving for cover. And how cool are Michael Douglas and Liam Cunningham, both huge followers of f1 unlike many of those celebs that poor Martin tries to interview

  5. No talk on the alpine duo clanger.. and the lucky Spaniard keeping his 3rd position due to both haas demolition crew and the slow start the kick sauber that was behind them saved his spot.

  6. It’s the most dull, boring, and uninteresting race of the season. It makes no sense to keep racing on a track that doesn’t even meet current track minimums

  7. What I love about the modern f1 cars is the safety they have for both the drivers and audience.

  8. When I first saw footage of that boat crash I thought it was fake. But believed it when I saw your yt short.

  9. You photographers are in the second most danderous position, behind the Drivers.The track marshalls are watching the race, you anre looking through a small aperture hole.

  10. No no no Kym. This race was pure poetry for Leclair! It would’ve been a grave in justice to have your young Aussie friend on the top step in Monaco this year. It was Charles time. After so many disappointments for so many years this one was a Disney fairytale ending. You’re young man has many years and many races ahead of him to prove his own dominance and I’m sure he will

  11. I know these guys are like jet fighters ..they have an incredible sense of winning the race but Kevin Mags should be banned for life .
    That crash nearly ended Checko's life… w t f and the stewards dont care about it WOW What a suck lot they are
    I hope Sergio gets his win off track

  12. We have 23 other races in a year now of all types, so what’s the problem with this one being the most processional given its other unique qualities and historical significance? Apparently “diversity” is fashionable.

  13. Hi Kym, do you have chance to photograph Nicholas Galitzine, new breakout actor? He went to Monaco GP under Tag Heuer brand and presented the pole tyre to Charles.

  14. Kym, I'm sure you'll listen to Australian anthem in F1 soon since Oscar is very highly likely to be celebrated with his 1st win in F1 race near future 🙏

  15. Great round up of a spectacular setting for a grand prix, Monaco is unique as a race track but I would love to see the safety of the circuit improved, and spice up the race a bit with 2-3 mandatory pit stops would make the race really juicy. great stuff

  16. If im not wrong the hotel photo you so randomly put here is the one i had stayed a few weeks ago in Turkey which is in a city probably only known by Turkish people so I had a good laugh when l realized that 😂

  17. So happy for Charles, but it was such a boring race with everyone just going as slow as ducks…. Atleast with Max in front he will always go flat out and do another pitstop. They seriously needs to change the track or it must be scrapped from calendar. Thank you for all the great content.

  18. All that money yet the boat driver can't afford to wear an engine kill cord.
    They should never be allowed to drive a boat again.

  19. Qualifying was excellent
    Make the race more like qualifying
    Ultrasoft and super soft tires only.
    This would mean three or four pit stops

  20. And now that a Monégasque has finally won the Monaco GP, let's go out on a high and retire this race track.

  21. You sir, are a really fine FINE presenter of all that is Formula One along with your truly amazing well taken images – absolutely LOVE your site. You, along with Peter Windsor are the real deal . . . the rest are pretty well amateur charlatans profiting off of the popularity of F1 with their sensationalistic titled YouTubes 🙂 THANK YOU for keeping your titles so well grounded!  
    I've also had the good fortune of being involved in racing along with the huge privilege of meeting such likeable FIA luminaries as Prof.Syd Watkins and Race Director Charlie Whiting so I can easily separate out the B.S. banter that goes nowhere and is sometimes disrespectful to teams and people who make up the sport we all adore. Once again thank you Kym for keeping it real WHILE being so entertaining !!! And did I mention the PICTURES ? 🙂 Cheers from Montreal . . . hope to see you here in just a few days !!!

  22. Yes, congrats to Charles! The race itself, however, was the most boring thing I have watched in Months, Kym. Absolutely the worst from a spectator's point of view. ZERO passes in the top 10 for position…ZERO. It was basically a 78 lap parade at high speed. The race was decided after qualifying the day before. I'll remember not to watch next year and spend a more productive use of my time watching paint dry. Pathetic!

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