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[CardsHQ] Pop Won’t Stop Until We Are Out of Stock! [!cardshq for breaks]

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threw up some drafts I listed some new items today they’re not necessarily new new but like we got restock on tribute baseball let me ask about WNBA I found some WNBA prism in store here we are hello welcome everyone welcome mentioned us having this before as well this is the uh only Marvel product we have in the entire building Marvel annual 2023 just came out not this this week’s Wednesday but the Wednesday before so uh since it is a brand new upper neck product we have to do group breaks on it it did do a evener odds of course no individual spot limit right two people could split a box one person could uh do a whole group Break by themselves not a personal break totally a group break everyone yeah listen to the bin evens are odds one person gets all the even cards out of the box one person gets all the odd cards out of the box because I don’t know how to do team breaks that are skunk proof on Marvel annual you know like X-Men or Avengers or whatever it may be but you know we’ll see yeah Upper Deck things JP welcome in h dolo got pirate Chris clicki Steven welcome welcome everyone else we got nine people watching on whatnot I don’t see the number on YouTube and twitch but I’m sure there’s people there welcome Ranger Joe PSA 11 John hop welcome time roller welcome watching King and Queen of the Ring if it’s on TV is that a that’s a pay-per-view this weekend breaks come wild super sad we didn’t get any allocations on Chronicles hopefully we do get in some next week I know release day was yesterday but it’s on now in Saudi Arabia oh yeah yeah that pay-per-view yeah no it’s not on TV we have baseball more baseball college baseball I imagine Jag welcome I throw up another pop Sentry draft as well know we’ve tried doing some archives Signature Series as well drafts but you’ve had more luck with the pops entry whatever you all would like to do today let me know it’s Johnny welcome patpa three welcome man talk to me chat what plans y’all got this weekend nope no mail on Monday remember Memorial Day hopefully Stephen you’re feeling better Smith boy 39 welcome my personals in the bin on my personals are drafts sign my favorite BL baseball player of all time start off as an expo nice break scum wild who would that be not ta cob I don’t think oh nice Alan hopefully you have an umbrella andrees galaraga oh nice you have some nice my mom has some nice galaraga Autos my mom still has her her kids fan club member card from when she was growing up in Montreal so I got a little toasty last night buying trying to get Nat’s breaks from uh break Scott wild last night at 3:00 in the morning on Chrome platinum anniversary but you do have boxes in stock if anyone wants it’s a really fun product I was like chat please trade me the gats I just want the Expos base CS Nami welcome in Maple welcome in re did you run those other two boxes yet you find like a no not yet okay are you going to do them while I’m on today W Gates welcome it doesn’t matter I will try and get the NAT if I if you’re doing them while I’m not on I will try to get the natat spots so I feel like there’s got to be something in those last two boxes if they were kind of skunky oh who knows what’s in there oh you’re still sorting all the Pokemon Jeff P85 welcome CW Gates welcoming Aron welcome also uh randomize packs do an eight person or so split on Chrome Sapphire here if we want to get into some of that I want to see more of the set I haven’t opened my box yet since I’ll be traveling this weekend I don’t think I’ll be able to record videos but I have that to open I have some Marvel product to open I have something else coming in to open I got a case of Jojo yesterday to open the card C the crowd cam is Frozen let me fix that hold on it started doing this ever since that person flipped the breaker on accident the clicker tgn card fear welcome would you see the the next month it’s a the cheese Pikmin I’m excited playing cards I sleep cheese event iwake JD Tony says putting a box of sapphire be fun if anyone else is down yeah cuz there’s there’s only right the boxes are expensive there’s only eight packs of box those like we could do it eight eight spot everyone gets a pack kind of deal Jack welcome in he flipped the breaker it wasn’t Lou it was someone else from the sci side that accidentally shut off the power to the entire building one day when they were trying to like fix something do a a front flip or back flip no I can’t do it I can barely do a cartwheel flip the breaker you know I was thinking more like flip like cuz that sounds like something Lou would do to be honest also sounds like something I would do I’m the breaker well not Me Maybe him to like someone else I don’t know he does it verbally by calling people lemons someone popped in yesterday and their their username was King L’s lemons and they just had a profile picture of like a basket of lemons and I was like that’s great I love it or even better yet someone shouldn’t be going in there and just randomly flipping switches when they’re not supposed to in the middle of the day while the store is open his customer inside and all the electronic equipment is on and it messed up the cameras for a few days oh the lasagna welcome ECW hardore 3D MJC goofy goofy welcome so many buttons must play with them okay fair but WWE welcome in Darth Maul will stare at us Thunder Chief welcome yeah it really messed the it took a while to get the cameras to even like sync back up with the computer but now like either sometimes both of them are have the tendency to just freeze randomly so it’s just a matter of reset it reelecting it as the source but it’s still it’s like annoying that it does that it didn’t do that before you know just the $6,000 cameras you know happen red shiver welcome you know what thankfully it wasn’t me cuz I that person didn’t mean to you know but still everyone everyone was like it’s like I was just trying to help but like you know I said it wasn’t me it wasn’t me it was me I’m thankful that I didn’t do that I don’t like I don’t mess with stuff like that but I I could see myself like trying to fix something else and making it worse but I I I’m not trying to get electrocuted so I wouldn’t I don’t touch any kind of things like that hi sports guards welcome wearing it I got a new frog shirt Chad got a little nice scarf he’s happy shirt debut [Music] oo Ben Earl welcome oy goofy says I personally don’t recommend electrocution Al comes in with a DA Kingo we know what happens they were trying to flip one that wasn’t the main one they were trying to flip something in the office you know but I don’t know what they’re why but they just flipped the one for the entire building so emart welcome happy ster War’s day dork Supreme Miss say Don King reference nice yeah nice I totally know what that is oh my my stickers came in yesterday Rich Jeff coat welcome Darth mom welcome I posted the ni One on Instagram makes me happy I really like the niin sir poops a lot welcome how would you rate your level of fiber imagine you would rate it pretty high I mean I’ll probably have them on like whatnot I don’t it seems like so annoying though to like just pay like $1 and then like what $4 shipping but since I’m listing like more Pops and like trimming down my collection a little bit I’ll do it I’m going to add it to my profile be like free stickers with every purchase so I wish they were a little fancier and then I would sell them individually but I mean I could put them up for I a dollar $2 I don’t know like a five pack well I only have the two different kinds I mean I suppose like my logo one no one would want a five pack of that but a five pack of nib stickers doesn’t seem badad I’m trying to think how many I have how many did I order think I ordered 250 but the pile looks kind of small maybe I only ordered 100 I probably ordered 250 not like they’re very thick so it’s like a stack This Tall like 250 check my order slip Jace welcome Aaron welcome back Aaron are you finally back home after your 29h hour Excursion at airports and for letters welcome misung Park welcome the rescue of baby posum no that’s Z cards’s job that’s not my job oh you’re heading back to signore tomorrow night oh nice May a five pack with a bonus logo sticker see my question is then does the sticker come with free sticker with purchase is it just a recursion of stickers I’ll think about it Sports necessarily I mean there’s more I mean right now we’re zoomed in on the sports but there’s lesso Sports here than usual on the table did I pull any fire from the signature series no no the signature series we’ve opened up over the past couple days has not been great we did have a nice jarar Auto last week the jar jar is probably the best we’ve seen since day one where I pulled a Lupa nongo I mean we did have we did have a Caroline blakiston out of 10 for our lowest numbered card we’ve seen in a while but that’s not you know you it’s fine yeah it’s out of 10 it’s fine uh but still a lot of Base Autos back the Clones plon a premier collection statue gentle Giants are like the mini busts right yeah that’s actually cool that’s really cool looking I have no need for that Acorn but thank you for sharing that was the wrong link it was cool though I was like this a good link oh pad made Premier collection there we go her face looks weird why is she kind of why does she kind of look like Brendan Frasier you have no use for Jojo cards and yet look what you did yesterday no I do have a use for them putting them in my binder is it bad I’d be afraid to get in the ring versus Nia Jax doesn’t she hurt people a lot I feel like that’s not that that unreasonable that actually looks more like clone that actually looks pretty much like the Clone Wars Padme that one looks good doesn’t look like d Portman but that’s what the Clone Wars Padme looks like the other one does looks funky Michael G Eddie sport codude epic era Collectibles welcome andom man Frasier or whale Frasier let me copy and paste the link I don’t know just vaguely like more like inkart Frasier but less less chiseled more soft especially picture four it’s a really cool Superman statue but is $725 yeah gentle giant stuff is really expensive I mean that makes sense break gun wild right for Nia there’s probably not many people in WWE that would be in her regular weight class so it’s just probably easier for people to get more injured against her but I’ve heard that she’s kind of a meanie but too so I know that could just be kayfabe I don’t know meanie butt yeah a mini butt look there are like four kids under 10 in front of me right now Mei butt Jolly Tam mly welcome he wants to get in some more pop entry drafts your stream is PG y pure greatness yep PG I like the Olive Garden playlist last night it’s good stuff J 95670 welcome running a little low on free cards to hand out that are not garbage pill kids do a draft for DBS I call sayans is there anything besides sayans what what is the the species for um like Frieza you too David have a good day David is the uh second Oilers game on tonight are you rooting for the Oilers or against the Oilers since they beat the Canucks I’m curious nean sounds like a UFC fighter I mean you can that’s right you can I mean we did the random color magic stuff before Piccolo is a nan Piccolo’s a pickle [Music] mcdavid’s evolving as a robot AI he actually had some humor slip out the other day he’s going to get reconditioned seminal wind MJC 6798 02 welcome my friend wildy welcome David’s like sorry I didn’t end the game earlier I like oh personality leaked out Joy me welcome David’s becoming more sentient Eddie sport welcome Hey Jay got a box of chrome black nice Jay today get something great there we go that kind of rhymes like I’m here to touch cardboard not wrap so not my wheelhouse but all right Jay I do have these three boxes here you’re not feeling any of these and you want me to go get you a different one out of her showcase I can do that as well let me know and get these to stand up straight that’d be cool while I write things down oh I forgot to get more sleeves that’s what I didn’t do I knew I didn’t do something proper before we got started the right one please all righty all right Jay thank you so much for letting me open this on up for today would you like me to start with the pack inside or get straight on into your autograph onebox of chrome black excited to see what we find here hard mantle welcome teal welcome but which one first Jay you want the pack or the autograph Tommy o 311 welcome pack first all righty best of luck luck here we go we find for you like we have base insert and another base perhaps major brand Derlin we do have the Mandalorian versus moth Gideon feel like we see this fantastic fights the most often to be honest and size noodles base as well so yeah two base and an insert hopefully we see some more color on our autograph since we got all base here the inserts do fall I believe one in every four box boxes is the odds on them still want to see some color in this box all right Jay best of luck oh looks like a gold Auto so this should be number to 50 let see for our autograph you have that Captain pinako yeah H Cori as Captain panaka that is number 48 of 50 all righty gold autograph number to 50 Captain panaka here Jay thank you so much Jay for let me open that on up for you I hope I got you new Auto for your collection and that you’re excited about all of these cards been seeing actually a couple gold Autos out of chrome black lately and I see wildy hopped in with a Kenobi Blaster as well WDC welcome in very wildy I got two Boba Fett blasters by my side I’ll let you pick from them just a second that was right hey WDC how are you today all right wild he wants the left one sounds good all righty wildy best of luck I’m doing well I had a lot of fun yesterday a lot of Pokemon we having a lot of fun today so far so good getting into some Star Wars hope to find everyone some stuff they’re excited about all right wildy the shrink wrap here is fighting me on this one yoi welcome in all righty wildy best of luck see if we can find you some color maybe even a hits each Blaster does have those manufactured commemorative patches they’re exclusive to The Blasters but we’ve seen some low-numbered cards we have yet seen any Autos out of any blasters seven hammer M horn welcome blue Vader tader Heroes pickle welcome supply store clerk you have Reva here for our manufactured poster that is number four mp4 we say I do like the way these look rogue9 welcome inw Gates welcome Owen Lars Heroes Reva insert Lial there you are Lial linal you disappeared yesterday where’d you go andex welcome you did I was like I was waiting for like seven hours for you to come back so I can open your Kenobi Blaster I ended up being like well the stream’s going to end in an hour so if you want to watch the replay I think it was like 9 hours and 10 minutes into the stream on YouTube or so I was like I don’t think I can wait any longer and I was like [Music] Li yeah was it like 9 into the Stream So Lial with the $20 tip no you didn’t have to do that Lial I appreciate that thank you but I hope that you get to watch that black and enjoy it thank you Jared 34 welcome I appreciate that Lial thank you thank you I’m gonna use that for for Jojo cards since I learn buy a TV I I will buy a TV as well I did I lot of case of Jojo yesterday so probably going to be that first 878 welcome in I will I will it’s on my to-do list acquiring a TV is on my to-do list you are here now yes welcome back sorry you missed your opening yesterday well one of your openings but welcome back welcome back Aira creatures and aliens Fortress Vader pickle welman haja Heroes you did get to see the mystery packs yeah it was good yes the Demonic tutor was nice Ray Ray welcome fifth brother purple Colin there’s Vader in the inquisitorius Ryan Martz welcome baru Heroes OB poster fman says check out brandart for a TV what’s brandart I’m not familiar like a brands or like a a TV store kind of thing all right last pack here for my friend wildy haa helps mother and son off da Bor Heroes and Tika righty so no color here a wide variety of inserts and of course our Blaster exclusive commemorative Reva patch number MP4 we have three creatures and Aliens two inquisitorius one droids three posters two purples and two concept Arts thank you thank you wildy for let me open this for you I hope you enjoyed it and excited about some new additions to your collection Alex welcome on in huge discount plays ah I see Acorn says TCG player is weird well yes we knew that what did they do now acorn oh yeah that’s just the post office all right chat what do we want to get into next we could also do a few box drafts if anyone wants to try their pick at a couple boxes of Signature Series I’m down to get creative oh wait these are why don’t have any large topl loaders or regular size topl loaders all right Chad I’m going to go get more supplies real quick be right back e next time I go out on the floor I think I’m gonna need to get from the supply rack over there I don’t have any more back here any big big top loaders weird like too much lra chicken soup PJ heavy metal dad welcome in welcome in everyone let me know if you have any questions if you’re looking for anything was I blink too much how’s it going no Chronicles we did not get actually allocated any we should be having some arrive hopefully by next week yeah apparently Panini doesn’t like it I found out I found out Wednesday that we weren’t actually getting any Chronicles and I was like but I’ve been telling people you said we were getting Chronicles yeah we got shout out on Chronicles we got shut out on Immaculate I know that but we should be able to get some of that in later it just rated some getting in afterwards like from other stores but right now yeah we don’t have any we get a lot of yeah new shop same problems we have a a better because we have a direct account with tops so we tend to get a lot more tops product in but not as much Panini we still rely on we don’t have a direct Pini account unfortunately MJC welcome that’s good since they own everything except certain soccer sets and WWE oh blink too much got half got half of the box of Marvel anual no no you’re going to make me actually split this box of Marvel annual golf well yeah upper deck is golf who wants the other half of this box Marvel annual who wants to actually make me do work yeah welcome in raria welcome want half a box marble annual people didn’t understand the assignment no blink too much understood the assignment blink too much just likes risking it for the biscuit I’ve not opened this set yet at all five cards back 16 packs per box instructions unclear bought a case of shakan no sh well reflect on a meaningful year in Marvel Comics One Premium insert per pack on average all right link too much legs drafting all right chat we got four spots open on SP game used one spot open on annual heard Seeker welcome pickle Chuck welcome blink too much welcome back you want to do some hockey one spot left on annual chat come on I never really got into annual I like annual because it’s a a comic set that’s actually kind of Cheaper right it’s cheaper than things like masterpiece or flare or flare Ultra you know so I wish sc’s cards were a little more prevalent but we’ll see maybe we’ll find one here Rogue n got a box of Star Wars Hightech oh exciting Rogue n here middle one righty R Rogue n thank you so much for letting me hop on into this box for you I haven’t read comics in over 25 years so half of it I have no idea what it is but that’s the point of annual is you read all the packs of the cards and it tells you everything you need to know from like last year it’s literally the comic book catchup set it’s why I enjoy annual because now I feel intellectual when I open annual because I’m like oh I know what this is now cuz I saw it on the card PS happy Saturday Rogue N I hope to find you an autograph in here or some really low-numbered color we either go really big or we go home on high-tech so I’m hoping to find some fun stuff for you here you’re all pop cented out all right no problem blink too much yeah trying to we can also do archive signature you know Baseball hit drafts we can do Star Wars signature hit drafts anything we want to do pick a pack on Sapphire you know all kinds of stuff I just need chat to tell me what they want I’m quiet and then chat stupid quiet so archive baseball is um it’s not the paper archives it’s archive Signature Series so it’s one in cased Auto so it’s like if we do like two boxes there’ll be two Autos to pick from so I was thinking probably maybe like four and then you could pick from the four Autos it’s like pop Sentry but one card per box instead of four yeah it’s not like regular paper archives it’s archive signature but it’s the buyback Autos they’re on card so all righty Rogue N9 best of luck RTX Beast welcome righty is that black in there number to five perhaps I think that’s black enhance enhanced got director kronic start off with a nice Rog one card here for rogue n be black and blue Cassie this box is good for you Rogue N I know’s happy with this so far good base cards to start we got blue Duchess Satine 37 of 50 and yep that’s black two of five five director kenic nice r nine there you go and I’ll Grievous and mace window there you go congrats 20 five that it looks almost like Pokemon energy symbols in the back there you go good job director krennic rainbow starter yeah out of five black nice one Rogue nine congratulations and also that Duchess Satine number to 50 Grievous mace W cranic and Andor on the base cards can’t go wrong with that I’m sure you are pleased thank you so much for letting me open for you I really hope you are super excited no Auto but some nice low-numbered color really hope that you do enjoy it congratulations the clicker DC vs welcome mega blaster welcome in barimo welcome we do a pick a pack of sappire we can yeah eight spots what Sapphire list is at 350 let’s see yeah 350 me break out that calculator Tre fit five by eight 44 $44 a pack it sucks but let’s do it quantity eight price 44 hey much cheaper to buying a whole box like 10 you know breaking it down $11 a card is not the worst I think most base cards are like five bucks I mean pretty high ceiling on it oh we go up we can split a box of that we have we are halfway Alex welcome in blink too much grabbed half the Box annual someone wants to grab the other half in odds BL too much also grabbed a third of the box of s game used if we want to build that up as well I think that’s the same price as almost the pick a pack on Sapphire you want a hockey card instead 8 Tony taking pack one of TPM and I’ll mix up the packs out of the box and then you guys can each pick your pack once it’s all filled you know out the C we haven’t seen an auto yet out of this case you find a Portman who knows virtual CT shop e welcome cell welcome arimo welcome why did you get so large sticky out there we go J BOS welcome you have any baby Leia 23 finest red or black autos we don’t really have a whole lot of Star Wars singles I know that in the case one on the show floor we have like a tops industry conference Rosario I think that’s like one of the only Star Wars Autos we have no we don’t have any Li blares in stock to my knowledge mpu but I hope you can find are you trying to finish a rainbow there Lots do I need pass the block on the hunt remember I’d open up out of chrome I’d open the superfractor for someone oh she has a nice signature so I hope you can find those those red and black ones you need Hulk High welcome Earth Papa welcome CD welcome welcome yeah I’m going to go grab a box of SP game use since we’re working on filling this we’re filling that do the SP game us Alex got a box of WNBA prism I will actually go get the SP game used afterwards all right Alex I do have just one box here we do have more in the show floor there actually in the corner of that case you want this one if you don’t want this one Alex you excited for the the new Toronto team this one’s fine already cats welcome CD welcome Darth POA welcome all right Alex super excited to see what we find I haven’t opened up WNBA prism in a while two autographs per box 12 cards a Pack 12 packs per box look for gold black gold Mosaic and gold vinyl parallels color blasts all righty go ahead and hop on into it Alex if you are ready you can bet that 2024 WNBA prism will be more expensive probably yeah I mean 100 bucks here on WNBA prism you know I know we’re usually like wow prism Racing’s cheap you know that’s four Autos a box though 165 uh two Autos a box you’re 100 a box so not bad not bad all righty here we go pack one all right I think we have our first autograph already I will say I do really like this this prism design these these cards stuck together Lou Lopez rookie Veronica Burton theong rookie for auto like a base Auto here of uik for the Sparks I like with the jersey number description Base auto AUM Leong rookie silver Merc Mercedes Russell and the Ivon Turner Red Wave Erol Ford base TAA Harris widescreen insert syia fouls Jenny welman we’ve got a hyper Bridget Carlton on number Red Runa Williams as number 52 of 199 her first numbered card Robin Parks Taylor Mike cell top tier Candace Parker uh silver prism rookie Lou Lopez cesal and we have a purple Jackie styles that is number 12 of 149 purple prism Grace Burger rookie Lisa Leslie all monitors kayy uh Katy Smith insert silver prism jqu Jones silver and Runa Williams Red Wave Ariel Powers Tiffany Hayes dangerfields Alicia Clark Asia dur Shakira Austin Diamond Miller rookie danana boner Diana terasi you go Alex get hyped Ariel Atkins inserts we have a prism a hyper prism piaria macallen and a solid red Courtney Williams 16 of 199 she was really ni when I went to I went to Chicago Sky game when I was at the national uh courtesy actually of grator grator got me press tickets and um she was taking a lot of pictures and signing stuff for a lot of kid fans is I have a very good first impression of her it was really cool you know a lot of the play were like you know if you were down like you went down like pregame like around the the court like they would like talk to you and stuff so Brian welcome in Pok man welcome Scott welcome Ashley Jones rookie we got so what’s this Fearless insert Skyler diin Smith how are you doing today I’m doing well how are you Brian got welcome in Lauren Jackson Blue Wave unnumbered and Tina Charles that is 26 of 99 good open up some Star Wars today getting in WNBA I listed this today because I know some people have asked we have any so you had a good nap nice I woke up at noon today I also went to bed at 400 a.m. elaya George Maya Caldwell we haven’t seen any cards of why am I blanking on her name she’s literally my favorite player for the aces where is she oh we have a Redemption we’ll check that out after aun silver prism and Kayla George and Redemption yeah Kelsey Plum there we go how did I forget her name syvia fowls is our second autograph of the Box Redemption looks to be a base Auto since it just says signatures all right I wonder if we’ll find any other Lan number because we have had two base Autos here in this box for Alex Sylvia fowls and Chin he samelson Alana Smith’s my favorite Chicago last year Minnesota this year Scott Taylor Soul Fearless Jackie young Grace Berger hyper prism and Britney Griner blue prism that is 73 of 175 WWE says Caitlyn Clark Caitlyn Clark should be in next year I remember from another time I’ve opened up for Alex Alex’s favorite player is di terasi which I believe I I pulled an auto out of her of her out of Revolution for you Alex Once Upon a Time my my brain works Night Chas have a good day Chason Wigley Evans BR Stewart Willoughby Laney Thomas Leah Brown rookie DOI rookie con rookie fireworks Chelsea Gray silver Cheyenne Parker and Lisa Leslie blue 60 of 175 smoke welcome in Jordan hon rookie stepanie sores that’s a good basketball name sores Rihanna Stewart all out insert ogum silver and Cheryl swoops another good basketball name Red Wave all righty gy Plum there she is base card she’s so cool Melbourne rookie Natasha clown juel Lloyd top tier Lexi Hall hyper prism lorda auway welcome and Alicia gray red prism 52 of 199 athletes wearing glasses love to see it roario welcome all right one last pack I think our lowest numbered has been to 99 let’s see something lower here for Alex on come on Candice Parker base Amy here rookie get hyped Asia Wilson Asia Wilson’s a really good player too we do have a Blue Wave Marne Johannes and a purple Nisha Sals 53 of 149 our lowest numbered card out of the box was just numbered to 99 but we did get we did get a lot of color we did get we did get let me sort them 199 199 175 175 149 149 99 okay we did have three cards to 199 2 to 175 2 to 149 and 1 to 99 here we had the Tina Charles nikisha sales Jackie Styles Lisa Leslie Britney Griner Alicia gray Courtney Williams and r Williams and for autographs unfortunately we did have a Redemption here but syvia fouls is a base signatures and the base signatures with the jersey number inscription chin for the Sparks local card guy welcome in thank you so much Alex for let me open this on up for you I hope that you did enjoy it and are excited about these new additions to your collection we did also get a good amount of unnumbered we had some blue Waves red waves the hypers some regular silver prisms a lot of insert saw a Diana terasi base card in there for you I didn’t see her on any inserts decent size stack of rookies as well I hope that like I said you enjoyed it and are excited for your new cards you yeah uh whatnot is where all the sales are for like all the different stuff but I also stream on YouTube and twitch too so that way more people can watch what kind of card do you guys collect football Mix Sports you can have this do some basketball football Hockey baseball all kinds of stuff you’re welcome have fun Kathy welcome in all righty chat what do we want to get into next got some drafts almost filled breaks almost fil Marvel annual as game use hockey B Mana Sapphire yep up uh can you give me a box s game use no the hockey yeah thank you trying to get a draft filled on this I didn’t have to get up all right CH I got some drafts open got more personals in the bin hope everyone’s having a good start to your Memorial Day weekend hope youall got three-day weekends Frankie welcome in one spot half the Box R remaining remaining remaining remaining on Marvel annual col on a meaningful gear in Marvel Comics brand new Upper Deck product just came out the week prior halfway full on that one yeah we got restock on tribute baseball got more WNBA prism in stock more Star Wars stranger things tip of the cap Relic carts I’m imagining that’s like the um guessing those are hat relics see I I would have thought a pen Relic like Bast work like a a pen tip or a pen cap I you’re probably right though it’s probably a hat Relic Kathy welcome in yeah I think you’re right it’s probably actually a hat Relic but I was thinking like a p a pen Relic like Masterwork but it makes sense to have it be a a hat Bill Relic or something get mascot relics at SP yeah you can get gritty relics you get Conor Bard stuff but you can you can get gritty cards such Matt says hi Alie love listening you while working awesome Matt you have a good day at work and some nice days off coming up soon yeah we haven’t opened any of this year’s SP game well we did open a one person bought a box in store let me open it we saw a nice patch Auto um but we haven’t seen any we haven’t seen any Bard stuff he could be in here he could be lurking let’s see what these tip the hats look like game use cap I’m not really into that I actually don’t like the way that looks i’ rather find a cut Auto big save stuff welcome in [Music] hello oh we’re up there too thank you looks like they cut up a hat in a cap shape yeah it’s like a cap shaped silhouette they put the Hat Relic in there I I I feel like it looks kind of gimmicky it it doesn’t look fancy enough for tribute you know what I mean I’m not I’m not really into that but I mean depending on the name too like I mean if you linked me one that was like a Derek Jeter one I’d be like oh that’s cool so as of anything I suppose it depends on the player but my hockey background’s cool Marvel annual affir mating on the Marvel annual some spot still open ongame used and The Phantom Menace oh that’s cooler interesting that it’s pink those look cooler I still feel like it’s kind of gimmicky but yeah they have different colors Drew McIntyre versus Damen prze for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at Clash at the castle in Glasgow that’s cool June 15 is that newly announced today WWE Allan welcome Allan 060 with the Groot the holiday Groot Anthony Ramos 24 welcome in people are weird a printing plate Ellie Dela Cruz sold for like $1,100 but another 101 from inauguration tribute sold for 7500 both 101s it’s the the the plates the plate people don’t like plates I like plates I can see why people don’t hold plates to the same value as the regular 101 right because there’s four different colors but still you know but yeah if that was like a regular 101 over a plate 101 I can see why but I like plates McIntyre was just medically clear to complete nice congrats to to compete congrats to him Grim gun Renegade says hey Ellie great to see you again hey Grim gun how are you today e all right chat Marvel annual halfway full SP game used third of the way full phant Menace 1/8 random pack on The Phantom Menace hit draft on the sgame used even in odds on the Marvel annual get those fil chat or more personals in the bin we just hang out and talk chat me just talking to myself anyone have any fun plans this weekend you got going on chat what y’all got going on I’m cold re welcome yeah you know how saying I’m not going to buy a scale I bought a scale rgq 425 just for me to check in oh the Mighty Fall I know Matt Tech I know but I’ve been because I I want I’ve been starting to track my calories again because I’m not um want to do better and I’m like man how much was I overeating because I feel like I’m still eating a lot but I’ve I imagine it’s probably a lot of bloating though to start but I have lost five pounds this week by measuring out my portions of cereal instead of just into the bowl and not munching on stuff when I get home from work and just eating like an actual meal and then not eating again while I look at the internet my problem is snacks I’ve realized I halberton unlikely play game three one two three Cancun as a welcome in one an easy one to solve eight more meals Le last time to snack you know I mean it’s like I think it’s I don’t know I like like I think I just like munching on things and I think probably I’m just not actually even hungry I just like munching on things I need something to chew on you know or like you know and like you’re watching Youtube and you’re like oh let me let me get something while I watch this video and then you’re just kitchen crawling at like 4:00 a.m. looking for snacks so we’ll see I just want to feel better about myself like anytime I look at the pictures that like I’m tagged in from like the Cards Shop I’m like I hate this I’m like I don’t like the way I look I hate it so I eat a little better Dracula flow welcome change the light in the fridge for a fog horn popcorn’s good for that like low cal stuff is not I should get some like low cal stuff I a ziggy Holo there was a a low cal white cheddar popcorn that was like 35 calories per cup I don’t remember what brand it was I used to find at TJ Maxx and that was like good for a while and then I you mean that gives me something the munch on while I’m like you know not going crazy on calories so ice too I’m not an ice chip person beard toe car welcome smoke 13 13 welcome popy on it super easy I don’t really like regular popcorn I like white cheddar popcorn with the dust on it I’m not crazy I’m not into like regular like even movie popcorn like I get at the movies because I feel like that’s just I don’t know that’s the only place I’ll do it though like at home I don’t want regular PP Cobra Kai 3 welcome but chat we’re looking to fill a couple of group breaks here the Marvel annual the SP game used Star Wars phantom man a sapphire PK High welcome in Marvel annual halfway full one third full on the SP game used can also do some pops entry some archive Signature Series personals as well me know what you’re looking for plain popcorn has very little calories well maybe I need to get on the plain popcorn Trend then but I like the cheese dust Ziggy I just want the cheddar part of the popcorn I don’t even know that I want the popcorn rice cakes are good I like rice cakes problem is I’ll eat like I’ll get a like one of those the stacks of the rice cakes and I’ll just eat like the whole thing and I’m like oops the lack is the lack of self-control is the problem honestly I think for me one of the best deterrence will be if I buy if I buy more expensive snacks so I don’t eat them all at once CU then I’m like oh these were expensive I can’t eat them all have you tried freeze drying fruits I have not not I have a lot of problems with certain textures though that fruits have I don’t know if that would necessarily work for me but my frog my’s a a little frog he’s got a little sweater or a a scarf new shirt debut well thank you Ziggy for the shirt compliments mittens or boxing gloves are the only thing that’ll stop me from [Music] snagging the frog goes blip wasn’t sure if it was a frog or a lizard very cute thank you yeah it’s a frog I’m pretty I mean I think it’s a frog e one thing that I also personal welcome him one thing for me too is you guys ever heard that thing we like you’re supposed to wait like 20 minutes after you’ve eaten before deciding if you should eat more cuz that’s when your body will like realize it’s full or not instead of just where you eat and then you are like oops I’m full I don’t feel good I’ve ate too much I have a problem with that where like I’m eating and I still feel hungry but then I only feel full when I’m like uncomfortably full but if I force myself to wait I’ll realize like no that was actually a good amount of food and not be hungry I’ll just kind of go infinite on food until I don’t feel good instead of so that’s my problem I think when I get home because what I’ve been doing is like I’ll make myself like a DE good amount of food and then you know I wait you know I’ve been trying to not eat later well I I had to break it yesterday CU I didn’t get home till like after 1:30 but I try not to eat anything after 1:30 at all so then I’m like so I eat and I’m like go I’m still kind of hungry but it’s after 1:30 and then like you know I’ll be looking at the computer or something and then like I’ll be like you know I’m actually not even hungry anymore I’m glad I didn’t eat more so slower helps with that I’ve heard that I tend to eat like really really fast though I I think my problem is is growing up I was more like kind of competitively eating cuz my dad also eats a lot like anytime my mom would make something where we’re like especially where we’re like this is really good and like wolf it down and then I was like well if I don’t eat F I can’t go get more food cuz then what if my dad eats it all and then we’re just like racing to who can eat faster to go get more food this is so good so poai say it’s cool Star Wars cards getting popular again just found my 90s ones oh very cool poai yeah I feel like Marvel Marvel and Star Wars have been on the rise I would say since um probably around like 2018 I feel like it really started to see more and more people I personally got in the Star Wars cards in 2017 so it’s cool seeing the community grow I mean stuff has gotten more expensive though but it’s cool see more people in the Star Wars I like it used to play the old decipher game whenever I was little oh nice yeah I’ve SE I never grew up with a decipher game but there’s some really cool like foils and such I’ve seen in it cuz I’ve seen I’ve seen a lot of singles like online and even in person the new Star Wars TCG is really popular game to play as well so I’m curious longterm how that’s going to go first set was really really a hit second one comes out in I think mid July so Jasmine how are you we should also I did get an update I know some people were disappointed myself included we didn’t have any Rarity collection 2 yesterday we should be getting in some of that next week week should have that by Wednesday looks like it just arrived a little late so monkey fat welcome in I’m excited hopefully open some of that up next week I want to get some for myself as well because I like Yu-Gi-Oh even though I do nothing with Yu-Gi-Oh cards I tell myself oh I’m GNA play Yu-Gi-Oh again and then I don’t glad to see you doing box openings thank you I’m I’m glad to be back I like touching cardboard it makes me happy oh Logan Paul is very good at being a heel in wrestling I will say that b cutie welcome in haly welcome I like your Pikachu e all right chat halfway full on the Marvel annual more spots open on the sp sp game used and the Phantom Mana Sapphire also do pop Sentry group breaks pop Sentry drafts things like that Dracula flow welcome ch07 welcome yeah halfway full on Marvel annual game used we’re getting there Pam Menace random spot random random pack for spot open as well Ziggy welcome in to what new adventures with John and Vicky welcome hello hello Latin Heat cards welcome personals in the bin few group breaks as well Marvel annual pin below that one is the closest to filling followed by the SP game used and then the Phantom and a sapphire n n what n Red Sox right-hander Garrett Whitlock he’ll miss the remainder of the Season undergo an elbow procedure Acorn how many how many Red Sox people’s that out now om welcome what n Whitlock 27 set to undergo an internal brace procedure that is a one-year recovery time as opposed to potential 15-month recovery time from Tommy John surgery Callen cards welcome Ben Lawrence welcome yeah a few d a few few group breaks almost fell uh the hit draft on SP game used random pack on Phantom menet more of a box split than a I guess it’s a group break of a box but it’s you know a pack out a pack out when the box is confirmed to be full suppose on the Phantom menis and the fun more random activities on the Marvel annual still skunk proof roario welcome mega blaster welcome Astros sloth welcome in deep welcome lot’s of the Marvel things a Marvel annual is like a comic book Set uh One Premium insert per pack so per box usually it’s you get one of one the two hits like a splash TI and then either an autograph a sketch card or like a short printed Splash TI based on years prior 15 cards a pack 16 packs per box so typically 100 card base set some numbered parallels um so looks like the inserts this year we’ve got the top teams of 2022 back scatters again those were cool multiple Dimensions curious what those are number one spots as usual there’s the crystal clear is number to 10 Again those plexiglass cards that be cool so sketch cards battle booklet sketch cards creators Corner autograph suspended animation um those are cool we saw those last year those are the um acetate cards gold linearities which are numbered to 88 hologram parallels number to 23 Crystal Clear parallels number to 10 purple diamond parallels are 101’s and printing plates combined to fall one and 16 so those will be your hits of the box so a sketch card a booklet sketch an autograph animation acetate inserts or lower numbered parallels would be considered your hit um all fall all combine the fall one and 16 yeah yeah aor we I open that I open that and I I told Lial I was like Lial you disappeared yesterday and I was like yeah we opened that about nine hours and 10 minutes into the stream yesterday but yeah so essentially you’re getting half the box with the evens and odds I couldn’t think of a way to do a group break on it where it’ be skunk proof outside of just half half and half so even you’ll get if you get even you’ll get even base cards even insert numbers if it’s like an insert or a hit where it doesn’t have a a number and instead has a letter whatever the first ID number of it the letter is like so if it’s letter A that goes to odds because it’s the first letter of the alphabet if it’s B it’s the second letter that goes the evens so more brain power required having to actually do a group break on this instead of someone just buying both dra both spots but but yeah blink too much said Ally I want to have I want to spin the wheel so yeah so I mean some people do that but it would just be you know one through 26 right my friend wildy but yeah so we’ve seen some cool hits in annual before I like the battle booklet sketches so fun sketches an annual hopefully they’re a little more prevalent in years past it’s been a varying number per case you know two per case one per case depends don’t know this year but Matt welcome in wildy welcome back yeah SP game used is the more normal hit draft and then then Phantom Menace is a random pack out of the box pop Sentry is up as well no spots taken out of that the other ones all have spots taken so for [Music] all right Chad I’m actually gonna take a really brief break brief break anels pinned down below all of the other personals and drafts are in the bin if you guys have any questions let me know in chat like I said I’m going be back in a couple minutes just got to run and take care of something real quick and then I’ll be back hang tight chat e e e e e e e e e e right I’m back chat hello hello nice Ziggy Ziggy grabbing the other half of that Marvel annual exciting my first time to check out this year’s Marvel annual first time doing an evener odds hope that’s both blink too much and Ziggy you both get some awesome stuff in this box thank you for sharing it but welcome in chat looks like I missed some people coming in while I was gone let’s scroll up a lot of people in and out while I was gone but hello hello everyone hello hello all righty let me go ahead and unpin that so that way it’s out of the way all righty blink too much blink too much is good luck Ziggy okay you two are both here osup of Sorrow Diva Sports guard standup displays big red jaff fish boy Wayne collectionist Frank Sky bear K KY larent Tik Tok Tony anyone else that’s in here welcome sorry if I’ve missed your name all righty five cards a pack 16 packs per box let’s get on into it we’ll open the whole box then I’ll sort afterwards right I’ll sort on screen but like we’ll open it normally and then we’ll sort through it after since the numbers are going to be on the backs of the cards you know but thank you m so much you two excited to see what I find for you guys my friend wildy welcome all righty let’s take out these packs sort them out sort them out sort them out and if anyone watch and is interested in this we do have more boxes we can do it again can run it back all righty best of luck you guys here we go backs are wobbling may there’s something thick in here zoom in here we go all right I like the design this year off Sabertooth star rookie star Brands canvas monolith real Brooks Miss Marvel Heavy Metal Dead welcome in Mr Fantastic number one spot you have the multiple Dimensions md1 right R out so I didn’t run the R I gota run the random too I’ll run the random after CH uh you guys sorry I just was excited to hop into it oh I like that Mystique art MK games welcome top teams of 2022 the Exiles Emma Frost canvas Bon shatter star de wcom chaa the thing number one spot Amazing Spider-Man number one we have a human torch white speckle unnumbered okay Gas Lamp Our Brands 2022 superheroes of the Year Moon Knights number six marari canvas moonight shangi black hearts mother righteous number one spot Spider-Man Invincible Spider-Man number one Dr Voodoo white speckle dazzler miles Jack of Hearts number one spot Daredevil Nighthawk Phoenix Falcon Cleo superheroes of the Year inserts Captain Britain canvas Leo super of the Year Magneto not used to seeing Magneto without his helmet Hope Summers canvas get Omega in the general I’ll check that out Acorn after we’re done here gold Goblin binary old Goblin number one we have uh back scatters I think of the Box She-Hulk back scatters number 10 Queen Goblin believe these are actual functional stickers by the way yeah I like the back scatters okay so we do have one of the acetates here number one spot shangi and suspended animation bathe the Blood Moon number 402 out of 699 that is 20 of 20 so that will be evens though the lenticular was odds this would be evens this should be our two hits of The Box we’ll see if there’s any bonuses like one of those red guards in Star Wars see that maybe a little bit agath hardness top teams the Marauders Luna snow canvas Dr Doom Sher Spirit Rider man thing number one spots cryp Shadows bastos white speckle Hulk Alia warro the X-Men top team Nighthawk canvas Jubilee Scarlet Witch I’m liking a lot of the base art two pack lefts Iron Fist Spider-Man number one spot black panther mateline prior white speckle Cersei senzo 9 welcome in all right last pack here no bonus hits we do have a She-Hulk superheroes of the Year Human Torch Thunderbird and exhaust all righty don’t blink too much Ziggy I’m gonna sort it out real quick oh this was number 20 evens I said md1 that’ll go into the odds back scatters is n even 6149 so six and four Magneto and moon Knights shehulk and Clea number one spots look I’ll even sort them for you 1 three 13 19 4 8 10 22 looks like you guys are getting about the same amount of cards too so far Big C baby BX breaks welcome in top team 64 nine here canvas cards 60 29 53 15 37 48 68 39 Nighthawk monolith Luna snow seems pretty even then for the odds and Mari Human Torch Hope Summers Emma Frost and Captain Britain star rookie number four only one of those star brand goes to even let’s see 13 39 meline prior Nighthawk on the evens 13 39 69 on the odds so evens got more canvas odds got more Speckles so far yeah honestly the piles are pretty much the same size right now I’m not going to I’m not I sorted your guys’ inserts I’m not going to sort your base cards let’s check real quick I mean not bad split here so evens even spot you are going to get this chunk of Base cards the star rookies your canvases your top teams your number one spot inserts the superheroes of the Year back scatters and the suspended animation of the Box odds you’re going to get this chunk of Base your white Sparkles canvases lovely ladies in here on top teams number one spot superheroes of the year and the lenticular of the Box all right you too the number one is odd number two is even for um little self-explanatory reasons go ahead let’s randomizer all right you two best of luck run it one two three four five six seven all right it ended the way it started blink too much at odds and Ziggy at evens thank you so much you two for letting me do that that was a lot of fun a lot of fun I’m glad that you guys got about even amounts of cards hope that you both enjoyed it I had fun and I will actually list another one chat if anyone else want wants to hop in on that Vikings here to the party hippie stink Big C baby blink too much welcome in welcome in welcome back rather hi Cam welcome that was fun though let me let me list Another One MK games welcome um my friend wildy welcome all right I made another one play too much grabbed another spot running it back night show breaks welcome in I started here in April it’s been nice so far has been good to me all right chat so what we just did there the Marvel annual splitsies even in odds do have another one up and running one more spot available on that spots open on SP game us pop Sentry pick a pack on the Phantom Menace do some drafts on Signature Series doing on archives baseball signature uh archives yeah archives signature baseball there we go C Ranger welcome in chat cards welcome chat we got some spots open in our group breaks our drafts got personals in the shop that was fun I actually really like that even in odds I feel like heartbreak would come though if we pull a sketch card right pull a sketch card and then I’ll be Googling what like let’s say oh for example like ly Lee or something what what what what number of the alphabet is L be my Google search Joey welcome in personals and group breaks in the bin chat closest to filling is the Marvel annual one spot of it remaining down below how are you today Joey Jas guy welcome Dracula flow welcome in one spot left on the Marvel annual doing pretty good Joey nice good to hear how’s your day it’s been good we’ve opened up some Star Wars found some cool cards open up we did our first my first real group break right that’s not a draft right was my that was actually my first real group break that was not a draft uh we split evens and odds on the box of Marvel annual and Ziggy and blink too much got about the same amount of cards each got one of the fancy hits per box was fun we open a box to WNBA prism that was fun we got some more some more stuff hoping to get filled here that way I don’t have to refund anybody but you know just getting started here it’s only been two hours only a fifth of the way through the stream so we got time we got time je welcome back in yeah hoping uh find some more cool cards we opened a box of Hightech earlier as a personal break for rogue N Found Rogue N9 a really cool Rogue one card number to five I know they’re excited about that Ed Tony welcome back yeah Hing hoping they get more spots build so that way we don’t have to refund anybody but yeah we did that one box annual we got another one up on Deck halfway full it’s easy to be halfway full when there’s only two spots but what’s a config Hightech so Hightech has a whole whopping what seven cards eight cards six cards so it is typically four base cards and two numbered cards uh at least two of them are numbered if you find an autograph it’s typically a third bonus numbered card and you lose a base card so there’s no guaranteed autog in here it’s pretty feast or famine to be honest but I like the design for this year chat card says what are the cards look like which ones uh chat cards you want to see Hightech you want to see annual I’ve got some some boxes open here I can show you on that you’re asking about things like SP game use or the pH of sapphire I don’t have any on hands annual yeah yeah yeah for example so this was blink too much blink too much randomly got the odds out of the box so blink too much did get the boxes lenticular multiple Dimensions so this year they’re called multiple Dimensions instead of Splash TI uh this is the base design for this year’s annual 100 card base set then there are the the white speckle parallels these are unnumbered the canvas parallels also unnumbered we didn’t see any numbered cards we did see a acetate um suspended animation uh top teams iner this is the number one spot designed this year and superheroes of the year as an insert this year as well halfway full and then the uh the back scatters this year which are like the stickers on that this is suspend animation this is the out of 6.99 we found a b the blood moon um we also had one of the the rookies inserts oh yeah chat cards no I like it I like I like annual annel’s pretty is is one of the cheaper ends of Upper Deck comic products pretty simple in terms of design does have a a formula it follows each year but I like it temples welcome joyo welcome Claud a [Music] welcome Parker welcome Joey welcome back bbyc welcome oh nice Joey got a box of WNBA prism exciting Joey I will do you want me to go grab a couple for you out of the case or just one at random I mean I can bring a couple back anyways in case we go through even more yeah two Autos a box and I think we found what six numbered cards last one Ziggy welcome back in grab a couple all righty sounds good I will be right back guys’ll be able to watch me right there e e e big red season welcome Joey I was talking next door with hobby about WNBA that’s why it took me so long to get back sorry uh let me up the uh quantity we have we do have more I listed half just in case I mean we can I I’ll just list all your four so there should be six left cuz I mean I I will be able to see right in front of me if someone buys some to lower the quantity so Inception all welcome good day so far Rog n welcome back oh this one’s got funky shrink crap totally up to you though middle box I right this one here any wingman cards from Galaxy I don’t think we have any 2023 Galaxy fortunately big red season but best of luck on your hunts wish we had boxes I never got to open any Galaxy 2023 forunate but all righty two autographs per box 12 cards a pack all packs per box Joey are you ready to rumble yay all righty best of luck what we can find ready pack number one here we go all right stting off sub bird see a red at the back no rookies just quite yet Asha clown naticia Hyman Isabelle Harrison Banna Jones allout inserts silver rookie Diamond Miller and a red sub bird nice for the Seattle Storm 133 out of 199 Good Start Good Start AR McDonald’s Jordan Canada Elizabeth Williams B Nalan Lissa Thomas Nia coffee Leticia Amah here rookie first rookie of the Box Stevens seagrist rookie top tier Asia Wilson Nelissa Smith Silver and Red Wave Carly Samuels Queen Eggo wigle Dana Evans janon Johnson Bridget Carlton Luxy Hall J Petty Tyler diin Smith ler get hyped and serum oh we have a hyper aru McDonald’s Orange jqu Jones that is 40 of 99 orange prism have not seen an auto yet down a Stewarts Clarendon whitcome I like all the different colors yeah this product and also NASCAR prism you’ll get a lot of different colored parallels unnumbered and numbered Shephard stole rookie Becky Hammond Taylor mixell Fearless Ryan Howard Sydney Coulson Blue Wave and purple ayia copper 28 out of 149 purple prism bam Guston Kelsey Plum bait Tori Walker Kim bro nikisha Sals Marine Johannes Victoria Vivian Diamond to Shields Grace Berger we do have our first Auto by the looks of it let’s see looking like a base Auto Big Daddy 209 welcome in do have Cynthia Cooper DJ the Comets nice penmanship here I think I’m David welcome the base Auto here and that Grace bger rookie for our first Auto of the Box Cynthia Cooper DJ got a Christy Wallace silver and a red wave Alana Smith still another Auto in the Box hiding Monique Billings Rebecca Allen Candace Parker Lauren Jackson Milani Brown di Nolan Lisa Leslie Diamond Miller rookie danana Bonner two bird top tier inserts Diana terasi hyper and a red Cheryl swooper or Cheryl swoops 126 out of 199 C5 South Borg Bay Traders Whooper swooper yeah swoops it’s a good basketball name she swoops in I like it Robin Park rookie to rasi base Ashley Jones rookie get hyped Kelsey Plum danana Bonner silver and a blue Brianna Stewart that is 135 of 175 blue prism crazy J welcome clone Captain welcome Brian C 1983 welcome sooko Abby Meyers all monitor T Catchings silver Stephanie dolon and auro Stevens Red Wave John hop welcome Ruthie Bolton denque Coulson please Clark Ryan Howard haly Jones rookie Kayla Thorton Fearless Natasha Howard Jordan Canada hyper prism and another orange here Yasha Harris that is number 99 of 99 oh cool more orange so far we’ve had two red a blue a purple and two Orange grass anchor welcome all right three packs to go still chasing another Auto I’ve never pulled a color blast that would be fun aah Boston rookie Natasha Howard widescreen insert Blue Wave Alicia Clark and bred Isa dur or the Atlanta Dream 88s of 199 all right looks like our Auto should be here I see the back of something Jen Jen Pierre welcome in you has rookie all right let’s check our [Music] Auto look like another basee Auto we’ve been played by base Autos today let’s see Jordan Canada for the Sparks our second Auto of the Box the two base Autos here the rest of our color out of this pack we have the Danielle Robinson and the Mercedes Russell red weight got a Jordan Auto you did you got a Jordan Auto Jordan Canada all right last pack here for you Joey Asia Wilson Zia cook rookie Cheyenne Parker fireworks Elena Del Dawn Elizabeth Williams hyper and we have another purple aella gantes 128 out of 199 or 149 rather all righty the lowest numbered parallel being to 99 but we did see two of them two orange T Tasha Harris and jwell Jones to 99 Kia copper and aurella gantes to 149 ran Stewart to 175 swoops to 199 sub bird to 199 and Asia D to 199 you enjoyed it hey glad to hear it your two Autos Cynthia Cooper dye and Jordan Canada but I’m glad that you enjoyed it uh Joey thank you so much for letting me open that on up for you really happy I got you some cards and some color Autos that you are excited about for your collection i s the yeah of course unfortunately it does look like it actually has a little bit of uh surface damage there I’ll sleep do we have any other ones that was the only one we had U let me see I think you had a silver rookie probably not her but someone yeah we had the diamond Miller silver rookie we had two blue Waves several more red waves and for our unnumbered hypers yeah there’s a terasi in there too smoke welcome back back in one fireworks one Hall monitors one WID screen one all out couple G Hypes couple top tiers look all the shiny yeah big pile of shiny a lot of unnumbered shiny may come back from more Lady Of course they’ll be here waiting for you than Joey Joey open me Joey allow Ally to touch me I need [Music] it MK games welcome in right CH one spot left on our Marvel annual break spots left on sp sp game use hit draft seven spots left on the pack out uh Phantom and a sapphire Grand 55 welcome picker Collectibles welcome what Tommy welcome one spot left in the Marvel annual group break Bots available in Sp game use baseball 500 welcome Frozen Beaver welcome four spots left and SP Gam used wonder what the pull rates are on color blast out of WNBA prism say ultra rare that’s like a case hit or a multi-case hit gold black gold Mosaic gold vinyl rare V ultra rare color BL [Music] what I want oh how what are the pull rates on color blasts out of what WNBA prism like if it’s a case hit or a multi-case hit CU it just says ultra rare but Panini doesn’t publish pack odd so I don’t think we can find out president BB welcome one spot left on Marvel annual doesn’t say yeah Jason welcome back it says SSP ultra rare who knows be cool I’ve never pulled a color blast I pulled a kaboom before I pulled a couple Kabooms I’ve never pulled a color blast have I ever pulled a downtown have I ever pulled a downtown I feel like I have but I can’t remember what Val m66 welcome big cat Collectibles welcome one spot left on the Marvel annual couple spots left on SB Game use personals in the bin cards HQ shop welcome in welcome everyone one spot left on our group AK a Marvel annual a couple spots left on the SP game used hockey personals in the store as well hope yall are having a wonderful start to your Memorial Day weekend and that yall have three-day weekends here hello everyone welcome welcome let e Bay listings say case hit on the on the color Blast for about 150 300 I mean hey that’s a couple boxes a nice find yeah I’ve never pulled a color blast I honestly can’t remember if I’ve ever pulled a downtown Acorn do you know if I’ve pulled a downtown does anyone know if I pulled one I know I pulled a couple Kabooms Edwin welcome in I don’t think I pulled a downtown on video I might have pulled a downtown on video like pre-2020 I really don’t know I cannot remember yeah I don’t think I pulled one on video I have it’s been pre pre- Channel Ryan Jones welcome in one spot left on our Marvel annual couple spots left on the SB Game use the spago SPO Frankie welcome evans’s epic welcome MJ Brad welcome e kind of hungry like kind of hungry I mean I’m hungry zards welcome in P vanp welcome you ate pizza the pizza does sound good the coacho welcome what kind of pieces did you have Z drank too many energy drinks now you got the shakes well that’s unfortunate Z hopefully that goes away for you soon you’re partying it up this weekend already pizza and energy drinks Ricky 411 welcome one spot left in a Marvel annual couple spots left in the SB Game use and the pack out your sunburnt that’s not good Z cards more like Z Lobster Z Lobster 215 I’m done well you’re well done right now aha got him goodbye Z hope you feel better soon I did pull a downtown I’m watching the video now that’s why I’m like I feel like I’ve pulled a downtown I don’t know what it is what’s set was it Acorn downtown Paul George how old is this video how did you 2021 what optic a how did you find this how are you so resourceful J Tony welcome back I have pulled a downtown before type prism downtown in the search bar interesting I wonder if I metat tagged it prism downtown if I tagged it downtown two downtowns in this one box maybe it was just like an insert maybe it wasn’t like a fancy downtown how you figure Ben Lawrence welcome one spot left in our Marvel annual group break ow my shoulder yeah it’s probably that’s probably just a regular insert then at some point now they’re like SSP inserts R Collectables drvc V lt88 welcome one spot left in a Marvel annual hit hit hit draft not hit draft group break four spots left in the SB Game use hit draft MAA welcome J Ry welcome baseball 500 welcome e c cap draw 132 569 welcome yeah no I’ve never pulled collar blast 2024 Caitlin cart collar blast we’ll see we’ll see be nice to find one here today in the 2023 product Orlando BRS welcome in one spot left in Marvel annual four spots in SBG Cal in the bin sherps welcome Darren welcome you guys can you hear this when I tap on the boxes making music Darth Maul is staring at us I want to open him so that he stops looking at me like that I don’t like it Rambo 214 welcome sends welcome in four spots left on spago one spot left on Marvel annual seven spots left on The Phantom Menace I just dropped my pen CJ’s card Corner welcome [Music] kind of want to get more chick buly e yeah what what should I have for liner why does Chuck-E-Cheese deliver that’s so weird goodness why is McDonald’s charge $7 to deliver that’s insane freay Fray welcome Anthony tag zards says go zards is mad at me because I called him a lobster because he said he was sunburnt I call him Z Lobster Taco Mac is free delivery I could also just go pick up food from Taco Mac though that would be quick to I don’t want to go anywhere though fashion dance hall King welcome butter Panda puff says delivery Freez are crazy wanted chipot and after fees a bowl and chips was like 40 bucks I know I always look at it cuz right they the order it builds in like the places they list the door Dash fees or whatever Uber eat fees like it build it into the price and then there’s tax and then there’s tip and then there’s delivery and all this stuff and it’s crazy like I look at this and it’s like I feel like I get less hungry looking at the order be Moon welcome especially cuz I have snacks here but like I want warm food you know they’ll most likely arrive like kind of room temperature though anyways healthy options to explore great Greek Mediterranean Grill Z delivery fee oh let’s see cnap welcome in one spot left on the Marvel annual four spots left on spago yeah got a euro PL locky Bak laava is $811 oh my place doesn’t seem rated very well to be honest send someone out on a food run I don’t know what I want though you want Chick-fil-A $1.99 get meal about 12 count nugget meal adult Chan iio 07 welcome Hey s taking down that other half of the marble annual awesome s s we had actually a lot of fun with this earlier we did a box um blink too much are you still here there’s a Cava there is a Cava near here actually awesome send so the Box you did earlier the two got about the same amount of cards so everyone got one of each one of the hits went the odds one of the hits went to even so was nice but all righty but I’m actually going to run the random first like I’m supposed to this time but exciting excited to split this up for you guys I’ll sort your inserts and everything and then I I don’t numerically sort the base I do separate it but I’m too lazy to numerically sort the base I hope you understand but let me get that randomized but whoever ends up in spot one gets the odd numbers because odd one is odd and then two is even so let me bring that back up thank you s where’s that inspect button here it is list randomizer let’s paste the Boop all right so best of luck blank originally starting at odd s originally starting at even just based on you guys got spot the first spot and the second spot we’re going to run this seven times see who ends up getting which cards best of luck you two appreciate appreciate you hopping in on this three four five six one more time and seven all right so SS you’re going to get the odd numbers blink too much you’re going to get the even numbers thank you thank you too let’s go ahead and rip this box we’ll open the whole box then I’ll separate everything out afterwards and then I’ll show you guys your respective piles all righty thank you thank you all right s blink too much are you too ready you ready to rumble fre welcome in s is ready blink too much are you ready yep yep all righty here we go s who’s your favorite Marvel character also blink too much who is your favorite Marvel character or I guess favorite group if you can’t pick someone spe specifically all right five cards a pack 16 packs per box I mean we’re open to find an autograph or a sketch card also if we do find something like an insert or a hit where it doesn’t have a number on it and instead has a letter it’ll go by whatever letter the alphabet it is so like a litty Le sketch for say would be probably start with L right and then we just just find out what what number L is in the alphabet that would go even or odd BL to much has an affinity for Gambit don’t know why Ziggy vot says vote for I boy for your favorite character oh my goodness wow wow all right do I need to zoom in a little more I’m GNA zoom in all right Mar Jane Venom Base number one spot insert Crypt of Shadows Ghost Rider white speckle and Laura Kenny B boom boom superheroes of the Year Magneto Wolverine canvas parallel Black Panther and Sam wilsonm Cyclops moonight superheroes of the year and Uki silver lady bright hly GRS Eddie G Steph says I’m a basic X-Men fan so M’s Wolverine Uki star brand star rookie mother righteous canvas Electra Captain Marvel a jack Adam web gold Goblin number one spots Kate p white speckle Phoenix also Bloodstone Miles Morales number one spots black panther and O 77 of 88 meline prior all righty this counts as one of our hits of the box for 88 that is card number 50 so that’ll go to even uranos the uning undying all right so here an and prior going to evens card number 50 gold linearity parallel CJ’s card Corner welcome Carnage top teams of 2022 the X-Men Scouts canvas stick his name’s stick who are you stick said that to revive the fist Daredevil and Electra would need to defeat The Souls of the hands dead it had been a long time since the fist existed he’s got full marks and speed mid marks and intelligence low marks and strength okay I mean the dude’s name stick I guess it makes sense right how much damage does a stick do Ghost Rider number one spot Shang Chi and multiple Dimensions we got the miles that is number 11 so that goes to odds Miles Morales Spider-Man number number one lenticular goes the odds hey we have a we have a split here one one goes the odds one goes the evens so cool miles lenticular let’s see if we can find more bonuses in here still looking for a back scatters more parallels remember lizards I love lizards Kate Pride top teams the Marauders saber-tooth canvas Kang and storm Jack of Hearts She-Hulk agath the Harkness canvas Boton shatter star s beautiful card lra Bloodstone star rookies Spirit Rider variant canvas moonight a dazzler chathra the thing number one spot or back scatter of the box is the Hulk number five goes to odds Belle Brook pickle Chuck welcome Brown top teams Brotherhood of orcko Man thing canvas Chang Miss Marvel black hearts mother righteous number one spots midnight Suns number one Venom oh that’s a nice white speckle I’m gonna sleeve that up that goes 98 that goes the evens all right two packs left Sabertooth Wolverine is the year Ghost Rider Clea canvas Dr Doom baites MK games welcome back last pack Falcon Mr Fantastic number one spot Spider-Man number one Mary Jane and Gas Lamp all righty let’s take a look the top teams X-Men is nine rers Rocco evens we’ll double check at the end just to make sure I didn’t goof uh four and two both the star rookies go to evens 4 six nine hul 246 evens 90 33 73 57 canvas these are quick they are pretty quick uh most the Sorting takes longer 62 78 175 19 looks like a even split on the canvases it would take less time if I didn’t feel compelled to sort them for y’all but why I don’t sort the base cuz that would be too much time so 1 3 86 U 19 6 8 14 21 here wait you are 7 2 49 26 28 58 6 17 8 5 3 1 three 9 5 3 2 Z 5 2 1 1 3 12 7 all right we will check these once again all right let’s double check our odds pile the odds pile is SS the sends you got that that Miles lenticular very cool also got the Hulk back scatters so this you can peel actually works as a sticker I personally would not peel it but if you feel so inclined you could use that as a sticker like these back scatters inserts make sure these are all odd numbers 3 S 3 n 5 9 1 1 n 3 one three one five five seven [Music] all right so s here’s your pile of Base you got out of the box inserts here number one spot inserts some canvas parallels unnumbered white speckle parallels unnumbered uh superhero the year insert and top teams of 2022 yeah free alley elevator music and double check for you here blink too much get that Venom speckle is nice unnumbered and the meline prior number to 88 card number 50 gold linearity here for the second hit of the Box on top of that lenticular check these four [Music] once again about even even piles too I like I like that it’s splitting about half and half you would expect it half and half oh but very cool but thank you so much blink too much and S for hopping in on that I hope you two had fun they’re excited about your new cards cards hope that SP gets filled yes I hope we filled that SP draft too the SP authentic as or uh SP game used s enjoyed it awesome glad to hear NBC welcome in s all right chat I’ll actually go I’ll go ahead and list another one if we want to do another one anyone wants to hop in on that Ben State Kathy welcome I don’t have any more annual buy me but I can go grab more as needed y I hear John Cena music I hear the John Cena theme music in shop I’m I’m scared I think it’s coming out one of the TVs I’m just mining my own business I’m like oh God John I pin this spago he could be anywhere he could be like why I mean we can’t see him he could be anywhere Jane omac welcome who’s that clone told me go uh Anthony Ramos said go and I said Z won’t because he’s mad at me because I called him a lobster DJ’s card Corner welcome I’m about to get clotheslined I know I’m scared John Cena’s gonna pop out all right Acorn take care not you you can call me a clown too though I I I was mean z by calling you a lobster I was mean I deserve it Allie the goat I think camera Frozen again no there’s just not much activity on TV I’m going set up another Marvel 50/50 though that was fun I like like those we haven’t had any heartbreak with someone getting a sketch or an auto yet over the other but it’ll happen if we keep doing it let me go list another one here’s my first real group breaks that are not just drafts where there’s like actual Randomness involved thankfully it is becoming an even split but you know noren welcome we get another one of them set up now we go grab a box out of the Showcase we have I’m pressing duplicate listing it’s not duplicating here we go what’s new how’s it going norin all resales welcome four spots left in our spago hit drafts let’s go spago all right let’s another Marvel annual I’m going to grab I’m going to go grab another box that way we have it on hand I’ll be right back e e I brought more I actually brought all of the remaining that we had those are not pinned but they are in the bin I’ll be right back e e e e e e e e e I’m back all righty hello welcome back yeah what do we want to get into lner welcome Skyler T 2008 aquab bomb Matt H do welcome why does so many people come in whenever I take a short break CJ’s card Corner welcome hello everyone sorry I missed you how’s it going chat what are we feeling red fork welcome four spots left on our SP game use hit draft e 808 West Coast cards welcome in four spots left on our SP game use hit draft chat Marvel annual pick a pack on the Phantom in a sapphire in the store as well as personnels pop Sentry tribute Signature Series archives a lot of stuff going on today yeah I HED a lot yep so it’ be McDavid Young Gun and Jack EO canvas Young Gun potentially it’s a tough one for sure but yeah that’s why it’s so expensive that’s where you’d find the McDavid Young Gun should be averaging six Young Guns above bu if you get like the clear-cut acetates or canvases those would be bonus sometimes you can get unlucky and have less than six but in all the years I’ve opened up Upper Deck Flagship you’re getting six or more yeah there’s some other not bad names in there too based on the checklist it’s been a little while since I looked at it but I think uh like Dylan Lin in there H panarin I think in that year 15 16 I thought it was the vassy year unfortunately it’s it’s not the Vass year but scroll down to that checklist yeah Frederick [Music] Anderson Ryan gets La no those are the base cards hold on never mind hold on I was like that doesn’t sound right where is there is this is base C the Young Guns oh there’s the uh Blackhawks day with the cup cards Young Guns there we are okay all right all right forget everything I said before so yeah Conor McDavid let’s see best Young Guns I’d say Conor McDavid M Ranon in still plays Max doy I think still plays Andrew cop still plays Kevin fiala still plays Conor bu be a nice one um J mccan still plays panan would be a nice one Ellers is still in there Dylan Lin would be a nice one right you got this Sam Bennett Conor McDavid checklist card Colton pero still plays faab still plays spra still plays FL cuckoo I don’t know if he still plays is is a fun name though used to play for the lightning yeah canvas Young Guns you have Jack eel yellu canvas Young Gun panarin canvas Young Gun Dylan Lin canvas Young Gun Jack eel Dylan Lin canvas checklist canvas signatures you get a Rick Nash uh 2015 NHL draft SPS checklist one in 4,000 hobby boxes you get a Conor McDavid you get a jack eel you get a Conor McDavid autograph 1 in 35,39 Hobby packs bro these odds are insane there’s a Steve eer and cl cut insert that’s cool fun fun yeah but definitely high risk High reward scary product Wicked 11979 welcome Luke 288 212 welcome pray for a welcome I will say h dock if you’re still listening I do believe the top left front of the box has a little bit of a soft corner but it doesn’t look very deep but if you definitely want to look at it before you even consider thinking about it anymore I can definitely go grab it for you it’s literally just over there one more cast welcome Cantu 1983 welcome I wish we had Chronicles in stock I want to touch the we cardboard maybe Wednesday e e CJ’s card Corner welcome back in cader welcome noren welcome back Ben Lawrence welcome in four spots left in the SP game used RG q425 welcome I ordered Chick-fil-A by the way chat I succumbed to the Chick-fil-A craving a holiday weekend you know get some get some nuggets let’s go nuggets ask chat what do we want to get into Marvel and new four spots left on SP two spots on annual seven spots on Phantom Menace do a couple boxes hit draft to pop Sentry we can do some hit drafts on Signature Series archive Signature Series Baseball split up a lot of things what you just chat know what you’re looking for Bears 63 welcome oh my neck three welcome four spots left ongame used two spots on annual seven on Phantom menes my kid and I are debating between Marvel or Jojo and spoo what do you think I mean Maple you had a box of more Jojo yesterday wasn’t the luckiest wasn’t the worst wasn’t the luckiest Marvel and spigo are around the same price it’s it’s hard to say you you’ll get more you’ll get more cards out of your spot for sure on annual a lot more spago will get you one card uh annual will get you you know a little pile probably for quantity of cards for Price probably the Marvel Maple um but of course it all depends on getting the spots filled right oh it all depends they’re all quite different products for sure tgn cards welcome can we buy both spots for Marvel if you wanted to you definitely could Maple I I’ll run the randomization just for fun do Maple 153 and M play m m 125 or whatever however I botched your name last time yeah if you want to do both spots for Marvel Maple senior Maple Junior Justin H welcome redfork welcome WWE says I’ve seen some WWE Chronicles at Walmart I go to GameStop as only one blaster box remaining yeah I’m so sad we didn’t get allocated any I do hope we get some in next week I was really looking forward to open that up with all of you guys oh unfortunate Cleveland sports guards welcome in how’s it going Cleveland how’s your weekend so far bleacher creature welcome it’s good it’s been fun so far I’ve done my some of my first ever like group breaks there not drafts everyone’s getting about the same amount of cards though so that’s that’s nice doing a Marvel annual we’re doing split and like even and odds in the Box I’m open up some Star Wars today open up some WNBA prism it’s been fun so thank you next time I get if I give you my card I can send you out to go get for both of us look at that look at that chicken fet chat hell yeah I’m GNA put up the BRB Evans br R 82 jeni Mormon welcome me eat my lunch real quick yeah I’m still here I’m still here I just got my my delivery party weekend delivery Gods got some God’s chicken rck Sanchez 89 welcome Jed Mormon grabbing a box of Signature Series you much Jedi Mormon give me like four minutes and I’ll eat my Chick-fil-A I appreciate that thank you thank you I just got it delivered so no rush okay thank you CJ’s card Corner welcome in e I don’t know what they put in the Chick-fil-A chicken to make it so good but I love it if that’s what it takes then that’s what it takes Ian welcome why is the John Cena music on again I’m scared the time is not now I’m eating imagine it’s just someone’s ringtone and I’m just scared of someone’s ringtone he’s in my Chick-fil-A bag uh oh mtgl welcome Evin Gator 47 welcome yo they give me hold on hold on no I was going to say they gave me extra nuggets they didn’t though they’re just some of them are some of them look like two cuz they’re weird shaped Obi-Wan 1976 and jp21 welcome in Ziggy welcome back e e I know nuggies for e Orga welcome in temples pop for you welcome all righty thank you for your patience Jedi Mormon I ingested the Chick-fil-A infused with the blood of the Younglings for extra flavor I do have these three box of Signature Series here if you’re not feeling any of these go grab you another one out of the uh show floor I pick okay um this one’s having the funkiest shrink wrap so I would go with this top one totally up to you though you’re okay with that one Captain pugwash welcome you’re good with it all righty thank you thank you let’s find you something super awesome more when you are ready just give me the words I will flip it open it’s going to be Evan Peele I hope not for you I hope it’s not going to be an Evan Peele we have not been peeled yet at cards HQ though now I’m nervous Mormon whenever you’re ready Jedi Mormon let’s go hey not bad we do have Taylor Gray as Ezra is a base Auto but not bad at base Auto at all so Taylor Gray as Ezra you from Star Wars Rebels nice they not peel animated but not peel but thank you Jedi Mormon for let me open that on up for you hope that you enjoyed it hope it’s an auto you didn’t have for your collection fun times fun time CJ’s card Corner welcome back in have a few but you’ll end up giving away and Star Wars CC oh nice well very kind of you to do that I will say I don’t visit the group too much anymore I’m just not really on Facebook that much I like to check in on the sketch Fest but we haven’t had a lot of stuff come out with um sketches lately so crazy card rips welcome MTG boo welcome what up crazy cards rips how are you today having a good Memorial weekend hopefully goofy welcome yeah it’s nice how they do that I I don’t I don’t really jump in on those because I’ve been trying to be better about my budget and then I end up going crazy and then I’m like oh I got to pull back and then stuff it’s just but it’s a very good cause that they do that for for sure I’ve seen some of the PO they’re great cards oh Maple Maple said let’s for Maple senior maple junr a waited until I set up the display is it actually true what sports card nonsense said on their podcast about Jeff um I don’t know what they said what did they say crazy card grps cheating on his wife uh I have no idea I mean I wouldn’t think so but I don’t know him like that you know I hadn’t heard [Music] I say that’s one of the more out out there things conspiracy theories I’ve heard about Jeff all right Maple Maple one and maple 2 thank you so much for hopping in on this group break even in odds of Marvel [Laughter] annual for fact let’s see Maple a or Maple B chaos cards welcome in let us interact with our browser and run this random a maple Maple a maple B best of luck mles one two three 4 five six seven Maple b gets odds and maple a gets evens wow all righty I will you know what I’ll separate since it doesn’t take very while a very long time you know I’ll separate them out anyways you know what we’ll see anyways well thank you Maple for getting most spots in this group break emphasis on group break chat this is a group break the group break Maple just happened to buy all the spots we have ran two of these group breaks today Maple Maple just happened to buy both spots but all right Maple best of luck we haven’t seen an autograph or a sketch card today we saw one numbered parallel a gold linearity number to 88 and a suspended animation numbered to 699 could see my brain working overtime there my brain emotes through my eyebrows all right Maple one Maple 2 best of luck the kid gets half all right is the kid Maple a or Maple B maple B okay all right best of luck maple a and maple B we go pack one Maple and maple syrup merp Envy welcome righty Heroes of the Year Ghost Rider Adeline prior canvas monolith and Luna snow gate Pride top teams of 2022 midnight Suns Electra canvas Captain Marvel Professor X visible woman magic number one spot Legion of X oh we do have an autograph here creators Corner Jason Aaron writer for Avengers Assemble Alpha all right so our first Auto we’ve seen of the day goes to 12 this is going to odds or even spot which was Maple a yeah because went B and then a oh Maple a congrats on your Jason Aaron autograph yeah I thought when crazy crazy card rips asks if it was going to be something about mezu again be honest do Voodoo base card collectible card Corner welcome collectiable card Corner Nick Fury Mr Sinister number one spot their first White speckle we have Daredevil heal Iron Man blade number one spots midnight Suns Black Widow white speckle mcari heie Ghost Rider number one spot Planet Hulk and sister Grim back scatter that goes to Maple B odds back scatter to the odds autograph to the evens be Miss Marvel Superheroes of the Year messing up our piles all kinds of ways here we go black widow canvas Bay the blood moon lra Bloodstone star rookies variant canvas doctor Voodoo Destiny and ghost spider I think that’s our first ghost spider base of the day boom boom a jack Miles Morales superheroes of the Year first time seeing that one Captain Marvel canvas storm Alo kasm number one spots X-Men red Electra speckle Daredevil Cyclops our rookies uranos the undying lady bright Canvas black widow and Lady bright base got welcome in Captain America uh Brotherhood of oraco bastos canvas Captain Britain and Emma Frost Robbie Reyes black cat number one spots X-Men Hellfire girls lady brights white speckle Hope Summers all right we’re looking for lenticular expecting a lenticular here oh nice Scot got death loock new Fantastic Four top teams Daredevil Nighthawk and Human Torch TJ’s card Corner welcome minoru one spot Fantastic Four multiple Dimensions got black panther that is md1 that is going to the odds oh May B congrats on that one black panther multiple dimensions and last pack here Mary Jane Venom number one spot dark web and Captain Marvel white speckle all righty go ahead and divy these up make sure each spot did not skunk all right we will check after to do to make sure there’s no sorting errors we’ll go through the piles for a little recap righty looks like Evan’s getting more of the less of the inserts except for the number one spots in general yeah so far Maple B’s pile is larger thank you Maple Maple a and maple B maple and maple Jr for letting me open this up for you to hope you had fun splitting this box Congrats on finding our first Auto of the day oh a lot of canvases going to Maple B all righty hopefully someone pulls a sketch would be nice to see a sketch would be nice to see a sketch again heartbreaking for when that would get split up but Maple waffle and maple pancakes but all righty we did end up little more little more in the wind column here for Maple B with the odds but Maple a did take down in the even spots that Jason Aaron creators corner it’s number 12 nice pile of Base cards canvases the white Speckles a handful of number one spots the top teams a star rookie and a superhero of the Year KY lent welcome Maple B in the odd spots taking down that sister Grim back scatter and the Black Panther multiple Dimensions lenticular pile of Base canvases the white Speckles the odd number number one spots top teams times two a star rookies and two superheroes of the year that miles is a cool card thank you thank you Maples let me open that for you fun these group breaks these even in odds are fun I wasn’t sure how fun they would be when I was coming up with ideas but I like them I like them I like that we’re seeing pretty much consistent about the same amount it’s not like one person’s getting shafted you know so when a sketch appears tear it in half so both people get it no thanks it was fun glad to Maple glad to hear her right let me go ahead and list another group break on this Marvel four spots left on our SP game used let me get another one of those Marvel’s listed Freedom sports cards e e J 95670 welcome oh someone bought soccer awesome Captain pugwash got a purchase thank you sorry I am I was telling Carter about um the question and real listing annual yeah I don’t man all [Music] right thank you so much for the purchase captain pugwash sorry I’m just taking just doing a little thingy right here back back end activities wait that sounded wrong back backend whatnot activities wait that also sounds wrong dang it uh I’m almost done how did I make that worse oh youa Club Champions champions league Sapphire awesome Captain pugwash would you like me to just grab one for you at random or you want me to grab a couple for you to choose from we’ve seen some nice cards nothing too too low though in that product random all right I’ll go grab one for you and I’ll be right back be right back e e for e e I’m back sorry I was texting my boss my boss was also confused about the Jeff conspiracy theories sorry about the delay there Captain PG I picked this one out it was the only one that was a little puffy that we had on the uh showcase so if you’re good with this one rip that football box yes best of luck so two number of cards inside we’ve seen up to four actually in a box here we go eight packs four cards 30 four cards per pack 32 cards [Music] total let’s fine use some great parallels and of course Captain pugwash any rookies or extra things you’d like me to sleeve let me know I’ll sleeve and topl load all your color and your inserts but if you want me to sleeve any of the other stuff let me know there’s the advertisement for Tops Total Football print your digital cards even Topps doesn’t like nfts you know just print them out easy tops want you to print your own cards so they don’t have to print them anymore SLE all rookies we’ll do we’ll do all righty best of luck here we go pack number one all righty viol rookie lowski leji rookie and Paul skols Legend Number Three insert get one Legends per box our rookies think I grabb more sleeves today righty D Lo kellah rookie and galvini rookie zigy welcom in Raphael Leal in the Siri John stones and Harvey Elliots Future Stars inserts all right no color just quite yet besty Richards rookie wagor base and we have Felix mumi rookie yellow for young boys that is number 20 of 99 first color of the Box be arangi base person rookie orge rookie and Marcus R for base milpool welcom in Maple Matt welcome Kathy welcome Anthony Pepe rookie modri and and Muhammad Salah base Jeff P85 welcome all right two packs left we still need another future stars and another numbered parallel s welcom in D Maria Val for Barcelona rookie doy rookie I still think this is an unfortunate picture it looks like he’s picking his nose at first glance and mukoko future stars all right last color in this last pack here for Captain pugwash Shaw welcome all righty marinho Rodrigo just the pack of all single names no jota and we have a purple Stefan de purple is number nine of 25 all right so number to 25 I do think 25 has been the lowest we’ve gone like there’s a little bit of pacus there seems like that would come off with a a cloth like a microfiber cloth I’m not going to mess with it for you I’ll leave that for you to assess Captain PGW go ahead and get that top loader for you but all right one yellow one purple so out of 999 and out of 25 so Mimi 20 of 99 and the Stefan dege nine of 25 very happy to get that pul schulls thanks awesome so the pul schulls Legends inserts two future stars mukoko and Harvey Elliots and we did have a decent Siz pile of rookies thank you so much Captain pugwash let me open this for you glad I got you some cards you excited about and hope you are looking forward to adding these to your collection am indeed thanks glad to hear it thank you thank you for letting me open this up for you Darth Chef welcome great day for manum oh what happened with man you today Maple toys welcome oh they beat Man City Man City also just won the some sort of Championship right baseball 500 welcome DJ’s card corn welcome Manu won the FA Cup today oh nice congrats Manu my dad’s a Manu fan my dad’s been a Manu fan from when they were really good to when they got really bad and I guess they’re getting less bad now all right four spots remaining in the Marvel annual not getting better yet but we’ll do in a so in about three years well that’s good well I mean at least they’re wi at least they they won a cup today right I feel like every time my dad like watches menu he gets in a worse mood he’s like Yay soccer and then he’s like I hate this team this team sucks and then he’s like oh we’re gonna win next year and it’s been the cycle for a while fortunately he was like that with the buck too anytime they make a head coaching change he like this is going to be it they’re gonna they’re going to be good now and then they’re not but then we got Tom Brady and they were good now they suck again so it is the cycle of sports teams though right I think the Tampa Bay Lightning’s kind of approaching that point where it’s going to be a rough while but see we’ll see David Snider 1977 welcome and no love for archives Leon Kim Welcome four spots remaining in Sp game used hit draft everybody gets a card for all right chat what do we want to get into next what shall we do next chat four spots left and SP game used two spots in Marvel annual seven spots in the one that’s not on screen put you some somewhere Darth Maul where shall I put okay there you can look can stare at us at the bottom ominously seven spots left in that Ziggy welcome back in E Orga 56 welcome there’s a frog on TV I liked it oh it’s from the aquarium e e e all right chat quiet in here Make Some Noise Kev user welcome how are you today zi says noise hello thank you you shoulder hurts comic Kaz welcome four spots left in our SP game used I know I saw that Acorn everyone’s just talking about the cards no one’s actually talking about how they got that I guess at this point it’s just kind of like not that weird it’s like oh someone else got it right like leaks have been happening for a while so it’s just you know WWE is making noise jeffp welcome back but four spots left in the SP game use two and annual and seven in the Chrome Sapphire Star Wars crazy welcome yeah I really wonder how they got that much that early like where did it come from you know um I’m sure Wizards knows where it came from and they’re the ones that need to know so [Music] card Corner welcome wouldn’t they all be the same UPC code though or I wonder if they have different upcs per distributor I really have no idea how that works but I’m sure they can track it somehow that we don’t know about maybe based on like local placements I don’t or on like sticker placements or something but Del Legacy 23 welcome in I’m sure they can figure it out because also I mean right like all it takes is an employee to like buy one and then they have the address that it was from right so then you know like what stores are in the area what Distributors service that location there those stores that could have potentially gotten it things like that you know so I’m sure they got they got sths on speed dial [Music] I gu I get the Pinkerton again I mean they could just call the Pinkerton again seems a little excessive but I mean like I’m I mean I feel like you get some people that are bored on Twitter to look for it they can figure it out too I don’t know how people on Twitter like internet detectives you know what I mean like some celebrity will stop being in favor and like someone will find like a 25y old video of them like being mean to someone and like 20 40p and like post it like you know what I mean like it’s internet internet the internet is kind of scary when you think about it when you really think about it yeah if you want to hide never upload anything on the internet yeah the guys yeah but that’s the thing too right is like someone just needs to buy it and get their shipping atos and then they can like figure out like okay what shops are nearby what Distributors service those shops you know you know I’m sure they know who has product he’s a jewelry dealer until he all of a sudden Cas mh3 I know but I’m saying like if the guys in New York the product probably didn’t come from California it probably was somewhere in New York that he got it from or somewhere Northeastern United States you know what I mean he’s probably not getting stuff from Georgia or Florida or Texas so I’ve seen a conspiracy theory saying this is watsy all along and they’re doing marketing I mean I could see that for like the the old very blurry leaks you know from like a month ago I don’t think they’re out there giving some dude just that kind of money you know what I mean I could definitely see waty being behind like leaks in general but not like this this I wouldn’t believe it I think no one seems angry about it because it’s just it’s just kind of normal at this point and also cuz the set’s good right aftermath was not good it was aftermath that leaked right the uh the Pinkerton stuff it was uh yeah everyone’s just excited to see the cards because the set’s good I don’t feel like anyone I don’t think it’s that people don’t care I don’t I think it’s just people aren’t focused on that because it’s like o new cards o and also it’s I mean it’s three weeks but still it’s it’s not crazy crazy I also think that public reception you should get the week of pre-release so pre-release on Saturday we would sometimes we would get product like sometimes Monday Tuesday maybe Wednesday but usually Tuesday so if pre-release is the 7th then you shops like Titan would get it like probably the third or the fourth the third I don’t know like stuff like cool stuff games and like Channel Fireball that have probably hundreds of thousands of dollars in pre-sales like obviously they need to crack it but they also have more employees but you know what I mean I’m saying I’m sure Wizards knows how much they sent to each distributor you have to report which Distributors you use as a shop like you know you know like like they know that southern hobby provides you know what I mean I’m sure they can figure it out JW U en ra Alicia hay John 79 welcome I’m just curious what distributor it came from you I mean like was it stolen was it you know but that’s the thing too is like right like public perception of them sending after the P the Pinkerton after some random dude on YouTube was not good for watsy I’m sure they’ll do something about it but they won’t do anything like that so I mean the punishment will go to the people that supplied him if it was not stolen or taken off of a back of a truck like he claimed right cuz he was very insistent that it’s not it didn’t fall off a truck this product’s totally fine to sell everything’s above board right so here is big old Wookie welcome Marine Alex 13 welcome that’s the problem right like you can private your past streams on whatnot so like I don’t know that you could go see also like you don’t see it on desktop I don’t know if anyone on mobile can go look and see like what that other dude is like if he’s ever sold magic before should do Parry that what not but it’s mh2 instead I mean you could probably s you could sell set we it’s F you could sell set boosters at H2 at $10 a pack you get all gloved up we hey who wants to open mh2 we got mh2 in the bin 10 bucks let me pull y’all some fetch lands let’s go I also got boxes any wants to rip a box at mh2 why play boosters and not collector boosters because well hold on I was going to say because it’s collector boosters aren’t available for sale for pre-release so they probably only shipped out play boosters early but now you can sell both I think I I mean it really just depends on where they got it from I don’t you know what I mean like I don’t know the distributor like how early they get stuff you know I know sometimes they flip back and forth on whether you can or you can’t so I don’t know but in the past it would be because whatever’s closest the draft boosters goes out early and then the rest of it comes after however there’s been historical issues with getting collector boosters out on time like lost Caverns at Exelon remember collector boosters just came out like two weeks late may maybe the collector boosters are running l late I don’t know but I mean if everything’s printed it would make sense for Distributors to start getting stuff in for TCG usually honestly with sports product it was in the day it would go out in my experience so I mean if something comes out on Friday it would it would most likely arrive on Wednesday two Distributors and Distributors ship it out to stores on Wednesday like in and out but TCG would I don’t know could be hanging out early I don’t know Jon welcoming four spots left in our SP game news draft chat two in annual seven in the Chrome Sapphire Phantom Menace Valentine 8 welcome D’s wearing a b blast toy shirt we don’t even know who he is AAR no face he’s all gloves we don’t even have his he doesn’t he didn’t leave his fingerprints on the cards just his shipping address I I’m curious to see what happens with that I feel like it’s going to be one of those things that never gets resolved but we’ll see we’ll [Music] see I hope he gets away with it I want to know if it was stolen like how did you miss that many pallets of modern Horizon 3 yeah we had the two cases of Galaxy 2021 get lost in transit but that’s different than pallets of modern Horizons 3 arriving at a jewelry dealer oh where the the ca that those cases of hockey got like just de demolished in transit that was weird I remember what set that was oh yeah we opened that case of clearcut that was a sealed case that had boxes missing yeah that was weird I forgot about that but but not only is that like large in size it’s large in weight DJ’s card Corner welcome Jason yesterday we did a lot of Pokemon we do have boxes available in the bin of the new set yeah we did a lot of Pokemon yesterday it was a lot of fun a lot of fun Japanese product English and of course Twilight masquerade in the bin available for sale Doo welcome in you watch the Pay-Per-View today hello how are you no you’ve been in London oh nice having fun out on the [Music] town want to visit my friend to get cards grade oh nice nice nice best of luck with the grades who are you submitting them with I imagine PSA since she said you were going to submit to PSA the Mando insert she mentioned pop Sentry and I was like OMG men your stream she said she knew Jeff and stuff that’s cool Jeff knows people all over the world is crazy I don’t know her I think I don’t think I think um Don Diego trading is dropped by the stream on but no I’ve never I’ve never interacted with Pokey Chloe but I’ve seen her on like Instagram like uh her videos and stuff oh I think she does a lot of collabs with whatnot as well choren breaks come wild welcome she said she’s gonna come check out your stream for pop the tree that’d be fun I I named the YouTube stream the pop won’t stop and then we’ve done literally no pop Sentry today so I guess it has stopped but R SC got caffeine I thought you said you were quitting caffeine seeon to welcome in there a Honey Boo Boo Auto that was probably from a couple years ago there’s some there’s some interesting things in each year of Pop Century there’s definitely some interesting interesting ones like I think I think it was 2022 Pop Century had either 2022 or 202 three had like fetty [ __ ] and tekashi 69 and I’m like aren’t they in prison on the vinyl signs inserts I was like these are these would have been cool for some people a couple years ago but not by the time the product came out wasn’t fetty [ __ ] pop fetty was popular when I was in like high school what Tommy welcome mega blaster welcome I appreciate you mentioning the stream though some pops entry came to me oh from the other oh okay I was like the package didn’t go out yet well I mean I check the tracking I was like it did go out but it shouldn’t have arrived yet like I paid for expedited but I didn’t pay that fast did the did the Customs people come after you for that one oh yeah yeah that one yeah that was that was a different day they did ah no oh oh not as bad though so it’s fine that’s good that’s good no but the other one yeah the other one it was it was cheaper than I expected I was like well that’s good it’s it is like a 12 it’s like a 12b Box by the way we found we we found the Strat no I I I think it it should be all right oh yeah I packed it all nice for you [Music] secure it’s good I I did the shipping man the shipping I talked to shipping manager he said that next time I don’t have to mail it and then they’ll do it because I shouldn’t pay for it I’m like cool I was like that’s that’s good for that is good for me but yeah it wasn’t as expensive as I thought it would be thankfully collector fit welcome in Joey welcome back be moreing more in the future Every payday forever so all right the only American store I’ll buy from well thank you I try and then I’m glad that that they’ll also do it so I don’t know if it’d be better to still ship for me though even if they pay from the label how’s it going collector fit got UK gang in chat right now Manny 18 welcome there’s more yes D D’s from the UK why I’m saying UK gang and then the last break we did for Captain pugwash is also from the UK um any hits today we didn’t open we had a box a high-tech had a director kenic black card number to five non autoed but Hightech tends to be feast or famine um we’ve done some boxes the WNBA prism that’s been fun nothing super low-numbered out of 99’s been our low but it’s been fun and I found I found the hacks for for Marvel products his Upper Deck has to be group breaks we’ve been doing even or odds and it’s actually been fun it’s been my first time doing like real group breaks but everyone’s getting about the same amount of cards so it’s been good but nothing nothing super crazy lowest lowest number parallel was the uh the black krennic out of high-tech but it was not autoed still fun though make sure they turn on the TVs to the real game so you don’t watch the junior hockey we are back in Quad baseball land there’s four different baseball games on right now saltic is 8:30 and the oiler star starts at 8 okay so we got a little bit of time all right drive safe doco hang out again soon we go back to conspiracy theorizing about modern Horizon 3 bont says proper working conditions require at least one TV on hockey I mean we didn’t have one yesterday it just happened to be uh CHL which was fine it was a fun game but rip and ship Mo by moonshot says what’s the conspiracy about modern Horizon 3 so last night on whatnot there was a jewelry dealer in New York selling cases upon cases of play boosters of modern Horizon 3 and we’re trying to figure out what’s going on where did they get it from was it on purpose was it planted they were approved and gotten from a large yeah totally approved to sell the product that hasn’t been fully spoiled three weeks early yeah totally the guy was also claiming and the product already came out but the show note says that it’s early so that’s what we’re that’s we’re we’re talked about how did they get it that much you know what I mean like where did it come from Friday night modern at its finest fell off a FedEx plane they claimed that it was not off the back of a truck totally legal nothing Shady oh I mean like did it get shipped to them by accident like did they get it from store and the store is like hey can you sell this for us to cover like I don’t the thing is is like the packs weren’t I would have honestly thought the packs would sell for more so it’s I’m just kind of confused by the whole situation no B I’m not I’m not going to go down that rabbit hole twitch chat y’all could go down that rabbit hole I’m not going to even go by that rabbit hole how do you lose a palets though you know what I mean I don’t know it just see is weird all around seems weird all around maybe he is a mob boss jeffp welcome in a Howard for welcome CJ’s card Corner yeah we were talking about that too rip and ship I feel like if if anything the older leaks that were really blurry were like just kind of cuz there wasn’t anything really good in there but it was it was really like hype inducing but I wouldn’t I don’t believe they would do this like that to me doesn’t make any sense at all I could see you know some like okay maybe for like some of the other leaks but yeah I know there was like oh is it is it weird at first I was like why are they only opening one pack and I’m like oh probably because they want to just sell as much as possible as fast as possible why they wouldn’t open all of it it’s also easier to Ship Packs than it is to ship loose cards that kind of make sense you know and by kind of I mean it actually really does make sense how long did their stream go on it was in nine hours oh my goodness I wonder how much I wonder how much money they made jab Ren welcome four spots left in our SP game used two spots in Marvel annual seven in the Star Wars Chrome Sapphire e definitely an interesting situation Maple yeah there are a lot of people asking questions I know we were asking questions to each other I had pulled up the stream for a little bit and then I just decided I was like I don’t want to watch this but I saw questions too no I I saw a little bit it’s CU I was just looking to see what was popped on what not and I literally just opened it the homepage and it was just there and I was like what the heck Howes this dude have mh3 I didn’t believe it was like a real mh3 Stream So I clicked on it and then I was like what oh was it the Pinkerton no right like that’s the thing is like I imagine Wizards is going to investigate but last time they used the Pinkerton they it didn’t go over well for them in the court of public opinion for in my in my opinion good reason you know it seemed excessive I could see why but also it’s like I’m sure you can find out through internal investigation you don’t need to do that but oh yeah the seller flas some case numbers yeah I imag imagine and the thing is too right based on his location like they can all it takes is someone to provide the shipping address and then you know like in the area what stores are there and then Wizards know which stores are provided by which Distributors now it doesn’t mean it came from there but if they were in New York I doubt they got them from Texas if it’s something or but if it was a lost mail auction it’s just how would it not I mean I could see something like that maybe getting shuffled around to the wrong place but how would it not have a any how would all those boxes not have a label to know where it’s supposed to go I don’t know I don’t know it’s all there’s all different kinds of that’s why we’re just over here just brain brain rotted trying to figure out something that we’ll probably never get an answer for it too but gives us something to do you know grusi Anthony CJ’s card Corner welcome at least the set is good that’s that’s true that’s true that’s the thing I I have I don’t know I’d like to know I’d like to know the full story someday I don’t think we will I don’t know if anything will happen from this at all if we’ll ever hear about it again only time will tell favorite card open so far today um I mean I did like that we found a black parallel out of Hightech number to five that was cool I don’t know though I mean we did pull an a we did pull an autograph that creators qu an autograph out of Marvel annual that’s always fun we haven’t pulled any sketches we haven’t pulled any sketches in a while out of anything actually the only products that we have that you could pull sketches out of in theory are actually literally like top Series 2 baseball and Marvel annual and gter in theory you can get many sketch cards out of gter or or the the Star Wars blasters actually as well I don’t think stranger things has sketch cards in it Toops doesn’t put their pack ODS on stuff anymore just The Blasters was like the Chrome the Hightech Signature Series Chrome Black Phantom Menace don’t have like we just sold out of chrome right we don’t have any finest anymore I forget about the blasters cuz they’re not hobby boxes but in theory we could put a sketch out of one of those but yeah no there’s no sketches in this it would be cool but some Sapphire products don’t even have Autos so Autos a hard pull in here but they do exist if anyone would like to try their hand at it we’re doing a pick your pack seven spots left those come out to $44 a pack it’s kind of obnoxious but still cheaper than buying a whole box if you want to test your luck for the same price you can get one card out of SP game used or almost half of a box of Marvel annual for a little extra money we yeah two spots left in here four spots left in Sp game use seven in The Phantom Menace Sapphire spitzies e e e smoke welcome e all right chat what do we want to get into next what are we looking for [Music] chat e any news on a new Stellar no I’m imagine Galactic Antiquities will kind of replace it hopefully not as expensive but we’ll see will that have sketches I don’t know we have no information unfortunately um just a vague description that came out of the Topson distri conference where it’s high-end high-end autographs and stuff so apparently somewhat similar to like a National Treasure style product but I don’t know I don’t know if that was descri I doubt that was described that way by tops because NT is Panini but from the people there maybe I mean Masterwork I would imagine would still have some semblance of sketches like Acorn says probably sketches and Masterwork but sell welcome good how are you no unfortunately I don’t sorry yeah I remember when Master used to have like two three sketches of case so tough to get sketches of anything nowadays CJ’s Car Corner welcome yeah it’ be cool if there was a I know it would be very very interesting but if there’s a product like archive Signature Series but like with one sketch card per box oh yeah I mean I would I don’t know this I was thinking it was like a a dynasty I thought it was one autograph the way I interpret it I thought it was like one autograph a box kind of like Dynasty like that kind of high-ends but I guess it’s not just the one card product but we don’t know until they release the you know official details on it but I haven’t heard anything I haven’t seen any new pre-orders pop up but I so yeah hopefully we get some more information on that soon because those are supposed to be coming here second half of the year it’s almost June wow the abbit welcome oh let me review my let me review my Uber Eats person real quick before I forget my my Uber app e how do I review my Uber driver I don’t see it Aaron wcome in four spots left in the SP game use two in the Marvel seven in the sapphire we’ve been trying to fill the hockey for a while now that would be that would be fun we’ve done a couple of the Marvel breaks today that’s been really exciting only seen one autograph no sketch cards only one numbered parallelity out of 88 gold linearity uh no individual spot limit Maple a and maple B bought two spots in the last one other ones we’ve actually split the 50/50 it is actually quite fun and I’m pleasantly surprised right in theory it makes sense right if everyone one person gets odds one person gets evens it’s like should be about half and half but it’s actually been working out that way so it’s fun I like doing that that would be something interesting to try for more Marvel products too in the future like if we get like I think flare should be coming out in a couple weeks and flare Ultra Wolverine and things like that so no yeah yep SK series would sell a lot better it depends on the sketch list of artists um I think it’ be really fun but you know it could also you know you know what I mean not everything is to everyone’s tastes I think it would be I could see the sketch series being something hard to Market I think people would be interested in it I think a way that you could do it that would guarantee success would be if it [Music] was one one one sketch One auto you know what I mean like a signature series plus you got one one in case Auto One in case sketch there two cards card warlock welcome in card mantle 97 zero welcome I’m I I’m a big sketch card person so any op8 unfortunately unfortunately not card warlock we had a Japanese box last week I was like Chad if it doesn’t sell before I have to put it away for the weekend it’s going to go and it did it sold in store we have some loose packs of Japanese Memorial col collection and maybe some promos packs but that’s all we have left we had a bunch last week it’s all gone but blink too much hopping in on some more Marvel annual odds and evens chat blink too much says it was fun let’s run it back one spot left in that yeah card Warlock it it’s all gone it’s all gone on Saturday on Saturday during uh I was using the cam to like zoom in you know the this cam here and I zoomed in on the table and there’s just people bust in one piece and I was like and Chad it’s not going to be here anymore yeah we have some Japanese we have some packs of Japanese Memorial that’s it we still have some sleep boosters of Paramount War because I have them hidden back here other than that I don’t know of any other one piece besides the memorial packs open in the case clner welcome and Aaron took the other half of that even in odds woo exciting more annual all righty yes this is fun fun Shenanigans all righty so thank you so much Aaron and blink too much getting this one done I’m going to go ahead and run the randomization give me a second all right so I’m going to yep BL too much you and Aaron got in on it we are going to flip you all around seven times see what happens whoever ends up on top spot gets odds bottom is evens is one one is an odd number two is an even number easy easy peasy lemon squeezy but best of luck bling too much and Aaron let’s see two three four five six and seven so Aaron will get the odd numbers and blink too much you’ll get the even numbers out of the box all righty let’s go ahead and open it on up we’ll open it up normally and then I’ll sort it out at the end recap to make sure I put everything in the right piles of odds and evens and that way you all can see what you got thank you so much YouTu for hopping into this hope to find you both some awesome cards maybe we’ll we’ll pull our first sketch and have our first heartbreak but here we go let’s hop on into it like too much say Aaron stop trying to take my cards you just have both you both have good taste pops send Marvel Star Wars just good taste all righty five cards a pack 16 packs per box zerks welcoming ready he best of luck you to upgraded welcome Heroes of the Year shangi Mr Fantastic canvas Charlotte witch and Cersei Ben Lawrence welcome Iron Fist Spider-Man number one spots Terminators K Omega white Sparkle and the Thunderbird minoru cap number one spot Daredevil the general white speckle Captain Britain aorn says I had a really good idea for M top toes H me what is your idea Acorn Iron Man superheroes of the Year Clea uranos the undying canvas Emma Frost and mcui turbo 85 Captain Thunder welcome H km number one spot shangi and Scarlet Witch white speckle Black Widow hard mantle 970 King gnome welcome Cyclops the Marauders top 10 te or top teams of 2022 moonight canvas lady bright and Electra all right no hits yet black cat we do have our first lenticular all right hit number one number one spot Amazing Spider-Man and oh we do have some sort of spider person here multiple Dimensions md2 so that goes to the even numbers oh Riley cannot concocted a plan to retrieve his memories while pyro transformed Janine into hollow’s Eve okay but here for Evans or lenticular bruha welcome cool Spider-Man we saw a nice miles lenticular earlier death lock moonight superheroes of the Year shatter star Human Torch and Dr Voodoo wildy welcome for hollow Eve star rookie stick canvas Fury Mr Sinister number one spot Sabertooth and O Venom back scatter goes to Evans 14 evens EV looking strong here the Venom back scatter going to evens hey the blood moon Avengers top teams Maria Hill canvas ghost spider and Marvel girl gold Goblin binary number one spot we do have our second hit of the box is suspended animation mateline prior 331 out of 399 but what card number is it this is number 10 o even sweep on this box no even spread here for even and odds even sweep suspended animation melin prior card number 10 all right we still odds still be getting of course inserts baits maybe any bonuses we will see visible woman magic number one spot Iron Man man Jubilee Beckle Beast star Brands Gas Lamp canvas Ann prior Daredevil how we lead welcome in Blade Magneto Marauders Green Goblin monolith DJ welcome back all right last pack here you have Robbie Reyes top teams Exiles Photon canvas Luna snow and Hope Summers all righty let me sort these out real quick all of our hits going to evens the back scatters one per box suspended animation and the lenticular all righty 81 Bears welcome in all right more number one spots going to odds gotten quite loud in here not sure if y’all can hear it they’re getting rambunctious Scarlet Witch speckle go into odds 9682 all right I’ve sorted numerically all of your inserts and parallels Aaron and blink too much I’m not going to numerically sort your bait uh I mean I will sort them out but I’m not going to I’m not going to put them in numerical order okay let me double check these piles real quick check our odds they are all [Music] odd yep these are odds hit pot welcome Jabra fear MCC the Beast welcome everyone welcome the odds Aaron your Spoils of the Box got a nice chunk of Base cards a lot of lovely ladies in here actually some canvas cards Maria Hill moonight Mr Fantastic I’ll even sleeve up that Scarlet witch for you one speckle number one spot inserts Clea top teams Avengers and the hollows Eve star rookie but thank you Aaron for hopping in on this I hope you enjoyed it did have an even sweep but still some nice cards for you so I hope you had fun hope you enjoyed it then here let’s check these or blink too much I’ll go ahead and list another one we do have just two boxes left the Marvel annual and Chad don’t forget there’s no individual spot limits as well but we do have to do group breaks for upper deck products that are newer than 180 days but yeah no individual spot limit so two boxes left then blank too much pair share a base here canvas white speckled Jubilee is pretty number one spot superheroes of the Year top teams inserts and a star Ricky for you as well yep I’ll put another one up and then the suspended animation mine prior out of 399 the Venom back scatters and the dimensions lenticular yeah I’ll go ahead and put up another one I just putting up one at a time so that way it’s not like there’s too many listings and people get confused so I I just do them one at a time we only have two whole boxes left and then we’re gone then we’re back to having no Marvel ever until we get in another Marvel product and I have to get creative again I like this though fun Bears [Music] welcome Lex welcome CJ’s card Corner welcome all right next one it’s in another one is up play too much hopped in on another one more spot available in the next box beer 1992 welcome so we’ve seen two suspended animations a gold linearity in an autograph today that sound right chat sounds right to me this guys look nice looks like the Venoms are all even numbers by the way from what we’ve seen yeah Maple got an auto a couple Autos per case now we had what like seven boxes we had like a one under a half case mle got a Jason Aaron Creator Corner Maple Maple got both spots so Maple a maple B I put some more do Ash break UK welcome whing welcome four spots left in Sp game used one spot left in Marvel annual how’s it going it’s going well but having a good day having fun getting a lot of people stuff they’re excited about getting to open up ma uh not magic today uh Star Wars Marvel basketball been fun stuff fun stuff how’s your day been Dash breaks it’s all good tune in from UK awesome yeah it’s uh is it tomorrow yet for you are you in are you in Sunday right now dash breaks r n welcome back congrats again on that black parallel earlier tonight new time travel to Sunday oh nice what do you collect Dash by Ming says I live in Hong Kong happy to see you oh thank you for watching from Hong Kong why is collector fit still lurking I know Doo said he’s on the road but he’ll pop back in I do feel like after 700 p.m. we get a lot of UK people in chat that are bored at midnight on the prow for cardboard soccer mainly but I dabble in Star Wars oh nice we opened up even actually some uh Champions League Sapphire earlier it’s fun I like opening soccer products because they have a lot of cool designs especially a lot of the champions leagues where they have the Champions League logo as like a foil Hollow in the background but I am absolutely bad with pronunciation on names I feel so embarrassed anytime there’s there’s soccer fans in chat and I’m like I’m sorry I’m saying all these words wrong who am I rooting for in the final four I mean Rangers Dallas Panthers Oilers in that order I would say the end of the day it doesn’t really matter but aeden welcome Nick welcome who Rangers well it’s just because I’m Runing against the Panthers so so if it’s Rangers versus anyone else I want the Rangers to win if it’s Dallas Panthers I want Dallas to win if it’s Panthers spoilers I want Panthers to win because I’ve been saying for years that Conor McDavid will not win a Stanley Cup with Edmonton Edmonton is a t a talent graveyard he needs to go somewhere else so I am being a hater and hoping that he doesn’t win I really I really do think there’s something wrong in Edmonton like Austin Matthews spinning his wheels in Toronto we’ll see we’ll see who’s my favorite baseball team I yeah I grew up in Tampa Bay Rays I grew up watching the Yankees but you know I grew up near the Rays so and I really like sting rays so i r for the Rays i r for the Yankees I’m not that passionate about baseball that’s cool I’m going to try and go to some games I’ve never been to a game I feel like that would be what the game changer may be for me is to like actually see it in person so like I was never into basketball but last year at the national I went to uh Chicago Sky versus Las Vegas Aces game and I was like oh this is so cool this is so cool cool to watch so I don’t really I don’t follow basketball but I have a new appreciation like anytime we pull like Kelsey Plum cards I’m like oh she’s so cool I like her Jabra rley says mine’s a St Louis Cardinal so nice says being from Wisconsin I want to see pavelski and sudor get a cup I mean I’m fine with I mean I I you I have a lot of Dallas stuff you know you know that Rog Rog you know that that’s aong I can use this cam too Grand 55 welcome like you know you know how it is the rooting for the Rangers is more so like anti- panthers if anything but also I still can’t believe lanquist never won a cup so it’s kind of like the even though he’s not on the team anymore it’s like the apology cup for Henrik list you know that’s Mr Bishop can I go zoom in anymore that’s as far as it zooms in we found Max Zoom yeah that’s kind of crazy how Zoom that in that gets that is insane how zoomed in that gets I am going to show you can I show you guys on it’s the wrong way up okay so so for context the camera that is zoomed in on Ben Bishop is here and the it’s on the wall and then the the thing is on the wall up there and then you see how right like that’s an impressive amount of Zoom like that’s crazy that Zoom is crazy yeah they’re doing so let me reset this one and then this one so cards HQ shop where’s the I can this one’s hot keyed so they’re doing basketball breaks next door I can hear them that’s kingl and right now they are doing some sort of basketball they just pulled some kind of Wy card I heard it so that’s cards HQ breaks and then this camera’s taking its sweet ass time for some reason uh but cards HQ shop is the one that you will see the guys next whenever it makes its Journey over there uh they’re currently doing sudden death baseball singles they’ll do football baseball basketball different streams like almost every day everything’s starting at like a dollar sometimes there’ll be random hockey cards in there like I crawled up Eric’s butt he was saying Patrick Roy drove me nuts and I was talking about over here I was mumbling about how drove me nuts then someone in chat went over there and ratted me out that I was talking smack about their pronunciation and I was like yeah it’s Patrick W hey uh oh who bought the one spot that was a JD Tony so the sapphire break will be for everyone will get a pack but I’m not going to split the Box until it’s fully split you know and then we’re just stuck with a bunch of loose packs so so yeah right it’s like are they still here I mean I can tag them I can summon them yeah they just have one pack so there’s seven packs left in the Box it comes out to $1 a card it’s you know it’s pricey but you want me to tag him Rogue nine if you buy if they buy M more you’ll buy Six all right JD Tony uh JD Tony is a 93 I gotta check I check the orders I’m I type in JD Tony and there’s four different people with JD Tony yeah it is JD Tony 93 that’s what I thought summon see yeah now you can see them so that’s so Ethan it’s our residence Rangers Fan he is the one at the vertical screen and then Eric is on the left he’s that’s Eric he’s with the horizontal screen but yeah so seven spots left in Sapphire four spots left in the spago and one spot left in the annual Chad I’m going to take a very brief break and let give me a couple minutes I’ll be right back you know mean I just got to run off every couple hours you’re back e for e e e e e e e e e uh oh I see activity I’ll change this so you guys don’t have to stare at their butts anymore we’re still quad base balled up on TV alrighty did could pick their packs first if they want yeah so yeah JD had the first two so JD you Pi you’ll pick two me let me write this down real quick [Music] yeah yeah yeah I’ll open them up I’ll mix up the boxes I’ve only opened one box I literally have no idea if there’s a pattern but just to be careful uh I’ll mix him up can you like go down faster please SWAT dingo welcome bigy Mo welcome Yello kind of close Wing in it all righty did everyone some bangers here if I ion ironically started saying bangers but all right JD Tony and Rogue n thank you so much for hopping in on this what I heard them talking about me all righty super excited to get into another box of this oh I’m so excited to open my own box let’s first make sure one two three four five six seven eight yeah all righty I will do a little Shuffle skis what if the one-onone Droid squad’s pulled in this well then someone’s getting nagged in their DMS to sell me it no I’m excited to open it I’m I’m not excited to you know put on makeup and let me feel fat ugly and depressed Acorn geez sometimes I just don’t want to record videos it’s bad enough I have to pull up the work looking like this every day [Laughter] and all righty I have shuffled embarrassing Which packs would you like St left top right all righty and then Rogue nine this pile put that JD go through your packs first Rog n that’s that’s good with you right JD first yep all righty JD best of luck there eight cards here but hopefully we find you some beautiful ones super excited to see what we find best of luck here we go all right JD see what we got here all righty the Royal courts rescued look at all the battle droids battle droid activities the Queens disapproval more Padme Anakin’s protocol Droid you know Anakin un leash c3p on us kind of takes him down a peg in terms of the character ranking Anakin’s protocol Droid and oh purple purple oo Earth Maul is sent to tat 103 out of 125 cool purple the cards are so pretty they are I’m definitely going to try and put together at least the full base set all right JD pack two at last we shall reveal ourselves to the Jedi all right JD pack two we’ve got the main reactor fails the gungans are surrounded there’s so many of them I love them imploring the gungans for help M thear oh we have green o Mish beans Green 72 of 99 creatures of the deep there’s always a bigger fish 72 of 99 creatures of the deep all right so looks like even color splits however we’ll see if there is an autograph in this box nice JD got you a green out of 999 and a purple to 125 parallels in two packs can’t beat that thanks Alie thank you you too for letting me for letting me open this box I appreciate you all splitting it on up but thank you so much JD really hope that you enjoyed it and are excited for these new additions to your collection Darth paaw Jay-Z blend welcome [Music] and Rogue nine here we go best of luck oh we got purple I saw it peek out a little bit dispatching the Seeker droids hey Will welcome in Pat May activities meeting Anakin Skywalker are you an angel are you are you an angel um’s disdain for Republic politics oh I’m sure I’m sure you’re not a political Prof figure at all yeah purple 53 of 125 meeting Anakin are you an angel nice [Music] purple all righty Eddie wel in t to a virgin in the force yo it’s Mr long the Mr Q-tip in the back Oto gunga deserted hunt for the Jedi I was also tempted to get this card I like this I might rainbow this card too I have a badass sketch of this card of the scene yeah oh yellow Yeller you got a yell 14 of 75 o look at that swaggy chip here have necessary repairs on tat 14 of 75 and all right so this box has had two purples a green and a yellow doco welcome back all right let’s see we can find you and autograph it is it is I put it up for uh eight spots for people to split the box so JD got two packs Rogue n got six JD got two numbered so far we’re two packs in Rogue n’s had two numbered now we’re going to see if there’s an auto in here or any bonus color battle droid I love this card man I hope there’s not would love to see an auto all righty we got an R2 the heroic Astromech R2-D2 uh protests from Padme Rog KN say see o Bibble uncoming we’re under attack new BET with w and we have dead Qui-Gon insert yo Duel of the Fates yeah du of Fates 18 Qui-Gon Jin’s final request train that boy all righty Victory Didi versus Sith droid army deactivated we just got Droid butt cheeks over here what the heck yeah another dual of Fates insert cool my friend wildy says I can’t stop laughing I’m glad I’m good for something Quon Jin advances wait but wasn’t this 19 and that was 18 this numbering doesn’t make sense after he died somehow Qui-Gon returned all right two more packs let’s go all right poisonous gas fil the meeting room can’t see anything in this picture seed falls to the Trade Federation Army okay I was like yo is this an auto no this is an insert here Sapphire selections boss Nas Sapphire selections insert freed from W is the pod racing insert you are 10 all right we had a double insert pack interesting what does it mean Mark wman right last pack here rogue rogue nine let’s go yeah have dispatching the pilots my favorite card my favorite card I have the purple and I have the red of this out of five so far lot of droids arrive boss nass there we I had to I had to and another insert here victory for Anakin woo he won all righty I think Sapphire selections a case it oh interesting I don’t I don’t know enough intrusive thoughts won they did they did win there go ahead and give uh Mr Mr nass here a Toploader now this is POD racing JD Tony all right so no Auto we’ve opened two boxes out of this case we’ve not seen an auto but did get that Sapphire selections inserts purple 53 of 125 meeting and Anin 14 of 75 necessary repairs on Tatooine we had two dual of the Fates inserts Qui-Gon dying and then advancing in this sequentially numbered insert uh fre from W and victory for Anakin Skywalker n says I call that a nice split JD says definitely thanks for finishing off D to see some of this product but thank you you two going in on this I appreciate it thank you so much for letting me open this thank you thank you fun St fun time I hope we do see an auto I feel like you know with this product it’ll definitely take a while to go through it but can’t wait to see what we eventually uncover here but thank you too for letting me share the experience thank you fun time all righty we have one spot left in the Marvel annual split and four spots in the SP game use thank you too that was a lot of fun I’m glad you guys are happy with the split both got some nice color nice inserts there for rogue dine mer welcome all right things with open spots all right Acorn enjoy your pregame nap four spots in the spago one spot in the Marvel annual uh we got some Century of Pop got my B right back sign I forgot to put away once again we should all we shouldn’t someone might actually do it I was going to say we should tally up how many hours I’ve had that b right back sign on screen where I’ve actually been here and I just forgot to put it away at least one certainly I would say at least three which is not that bad considering how many hours pregame stats for Oilers Stars I think hockey’s on TV chat got to see the OT Ander warm up yo grety Gretzky looks kind of evil I don’t know if anyone else is watching thee feed the pregame right now Gretzky looks kind of like an old evil man from a Doctor Who episode I don’t know how else to describe it it’s some some the way they did his hair he looks like a medium tier Doctor Who villain Pro Ace how we lead welcome zodiac Comics welcome a mid card heel pretty much he looks like he would rival Peter Capaldi one day my undercut will grow out long enough that I could actually put it in the rest of my Ponyta and not just kind of things um I’m good have a good have a good holiday he pack welcome any Sor is unlimited we only have the two player starter kits left AP packs we’ve been out of boxes and packs for quite a while unfortunately uh we should have a a good amount of set number two when that releases in July however I’m looking forward to seeing the uh Dr afro cards it’s I know it was we we open up like a lot of cases when I first started working here we found a Boba Fett we found a Cassian we found a Jin showcase cards awesome stuff and it’s just all then it just vanished yeah yeah Fantasy Flight like has struggled a bit with their previous releases like I like the art in Destiny but I had no interest in playing a dice game but I think they did a good mix of Chase cards art that people want to collect and also being a very fun to play game I haven’t tried it myself but I’ve heard really good things from a lot of people in chat nordique 842 welcome in so Z he turned on B Bo and got Rick Rolled makes sense of course Jabra welcome the mechanic development already looks sick I’m excited that they’re including stuff that’s like non-movie like I’m super excited to see cuz I haven’t seen any Dr Afric cards yet but she’s on the box art so I’m like o I’m excited for that exited MJC welcome in Dan Mel 16 welcome oops all right four spots left in the espigo one spot left in the Marvel Championship Collectibles welcome Ray Ray 96 welcome o yall hear that bler cats welcome all right chat four spots left spago one spot in the Marvel annual tro toown royalty welcome where’s the camera wiggling I’ll do it there he is look chat we have a customer gter say hi to chat hell yeah where did he go what the hell JP welcome mck welcome Ben Lawrence welcome they says where do we go to get hockey boxes so for personal breaks the only things we have right now are 2120 or 2122 ice and 2223 series 2 but if you click the link days at the top of chat it’ll take you to the the cards HQ page where is where all the streams um and yeah we have four spots left in a hit draft to SP game used but yeah we have personal breaks available of ice and Series 2 from 22 23 I got a 12count nugget meal some Dr Pepper and some fries Rog nine I got it via Uber Eats was I was like well holiday weekend I really crave Chick-fil-A so I spent $27 or whatever it was to get it delivered you know 22 ice that has to be older than 180 days uh 22 23 series two and trying to you got four spots left in this hit draft of um spago the Fri mushy no they actually cuz the Chick-fil-A is really close to the shop it’s not like it’s walkable in general but not like what I’m on stream and I’m hungry kind of walkable you know what I mean it’s not like next door it’s like a couple blocks down so like it’s really quick to get there so it was it was warm it was good it was fine it was crispy Kasa Bonita welcome all right I’m going to zoom in see if anyone else agrees with me that Gretzky looks mildly evil he’s on TV again I don’t know why the glare is so weird right now he he’s dressed like a doctor who villain I don’t know why it’s so so weird coloring on this lens sometimes it’s like the outfit and the way he they did his hair it’s like extra poofy Pro ace good see you e e Mr tater tot welcome Market manipulator 2006 welcome put the OB away SMH fishing 77 welcome when do you think 2024 WNBA cards will be out October feel like new WNBA usually comes out October me check a historical precedence three years ago that doesn’t help ooc yeah October usually mid to late October is when WNBA prism releases aperture Omen welcome yeah one spot left two spot uh four spots yeah it’s definitely not going to be affordable you know NBA Revolution prism Origins all that jazz are not going to be affordable like they have been so far when people are like they want their Caitlyn Clarks you can’t blame them it’s just like ah then prison boxes won’t be 100 bucks when Caitlyn Clark’s in it oh jco welcome M LaVine 3 M1 1991 Reyes welcome [Music] I think boxes were 250 or like 275 250 to 275 when it was hunting Sabrina iesus uh so I really don’t know what they’ll end up being crazy a wise cards welcome John Chamberlain welcome yeah we’ve been finding six numbered cards and two Autos in these boxes for 100 it’s all we have right now for WNBA two spots one spot remaining four spots remaining making my own music here oh Ziggy sniping up the second half here Ziggy versus blink too much running it back round two fight that a pretty good pretty good MK impression I think all right I’ll actually randomize your guys’ stuff first like I’m supposed to this time y’ll blink too much wake up you guys went one two last time right and then I think all the other ones blink too much is ended up in evens I blink too much blink too much BL blun too much you are here I was going to say you blun too much and now you’re asleep but you’re here okay let’s go Gamers best of luck please best of luck you two right one two you don’t you don’t take you don’t take pre-event naps three four five six and seven yep one two you guys went one two again I mean it makes sense right blink too much you’ve had one odds and two evens so now you have a an odd again so you’ve been two two it make it honestly it makes sense right numerically so one two split odds and evens thank you thank you you two best of luck here we’ll open up the box like normal see if we can find our first sketch card and then uh we’ll sort them everything out and then when there is one final box remaining I will get that last box listed up after we are done with this one and then we are all out of Marvel again all right Ziggy and blink to much good luck you two Ziggy BTO and the one who blinks too much Mojo 89 welcome pack one alpha Pokemon welcome Miles Morales top teams of 2022 midnight Suns Electra canvas back of Hearts Falcon number one spot dark web black cats white speckle that’s a nice one that goes to evens card number six are you six are you nine that is actually a good question that should be card number six might have to check that there should be another card that has a six or a nine in it that we find a check okay so they go this way yep that is card number six evens number one spot Legion of X Magneto superheroes of the Year Miss Marvel Black Widow canvas they’re fantastic miles superheroes of the Year Captain Marvel canvas one spot X-Men red and oh is that that Rogue in the new outfit who are you he’s got white hair I don’t know let’s see that’ll go to odds tiger division oh it’s Luna snow okay the Luna snow here from Tiger division number one md7 goes to odds first hit of the box going to odds Pro Ace 360 welcome burnage Elsa Bloodstone number one spot Planet Hulk Robbie Reyes you like shiny but you’ll take three superheroes of the Year Clea the thing canvas star rookie uranos the undying lady brigh canvas see top teams Avengers cha canas there’s our back scatters here of the Box Marauders number one then we have Cersei back scatters number eight goes the Evans all righty looks like no sketch no Auto here we do have another suspended animation Sabertooth number one spot and number to 699 Spirit Rider cool 850 653 out of 699 Spirit Rider is is number one that goes to odds oh Spirit Rider those two odds odds in this box ending up with both the lenticular and the suspended animation still several Packs to Go what else can we find Brad oap welcome Knights of X top teams Lor canvas Captain America number one death lock Wolverine Heroes of the Year first Wolverine that we’ve seen today and last pack of the box we got a second back scatters that’s cool number one spot Judgment Day we have o storm storm back scatters a bonus back scatter going to 12 interesting I wonder if that’s a short print I want to check the checklist real quick is this 2023 annual see inserts back scatters no it doesn’t say doesn’t say short print but MD didn’t we have an MD earlier the Miles Morales I think was a short print lenticular if we hit Miles number 11 that was a short print that was an SP one and uh 64 every every quarter case on that one interesting so we just got an extra interesting all righty we did have a two two split here the odds with the suspended animations and the Luna snow lenticular evens with both beautiful purple on the back scatters Cersei and the storm go ahead and divy up these inserts Wolverine of the day goes to evens I think that’s literally been our only Wolverine card we’ve seen all day unless he was on a base card but I feel like I would have noticed wow odds taking down all three of those top teams inserts kind of crazy was Maple I can’t remember Rogue n welcome back in mega blaster welcome all righty y three four I’m going to topload up that black cat that’s pretty really like that art there white speckle black cat all righty but thank you so much Ziggy and blank too much for letting me do this box break for you hope that you enjoyed it you both got some cards you’re excited about for your collection we have just one single box remaining we’ve seen an auto today we have not seen a sketch we’ve seen three suspended animations and one gold linearity see you Sor that was really loud chat I yelled in your ear didn’t mov my head up enough that’s what happens when I talk to people I don’t know how to talk all resales welcome in all righty ziky I’ll do your recap first again about even piles here about even piles I know that blink too much took down technically both of the hits but back scatters I remember from last year especially collectible fun throwback design but let’s check make sure these are all evens yep nice so here’s Ziggy for your base cards nice chunk here got all the Venom cards Venom is an even number Canvas black widow we got some nice lovely ladies Captain Marvel Laura Kenny number one spot in SS and of course that superheroes of the year The Wolverine like I said literally I think are only are you an angel that one I mean that one I ate the mic for that one uh it a very pretty black cat the Cersei back scatters and the storm back scatters D’s collection with a bies profile picture hello welcome do you collect these nuts your beaver beavers don’t collect nuts though uh jabberers but it looks like a squirrel though we’ll say J him thank you Lou welman then for Blink too much the Luna snow and the spirit Rider suspended animations I will say I like this year’s design on the suspended animations better than last year’s all righty here is your base and your parallels your canvases just the one speckle number one spots Team of the Year top teams of the Year superheroes of the year and the star rookies Valley thanks really want that SP to fill we’ll still be around for a bit me too I would love to get into the sp sp hit draft four spots remain on that hockey chat come on we doing thank you you too for letting me me do that for you I hope youall have fun excited no this one the sen Sen’s got the um short print miles Knack dead King welcome all right one last box of anal me List It four spots on spago all right and the the last Marvel should be up now it’s our last box of Marvel for who knows how long all right chat what do we want to get into next four spots on the spago two spots on Marvel Jeff P85 welcome he Chad I need to go grab more water I got to take my medicine be right back the wrong button there we go be right back e e okay Phoenix welcome oh Dallas up with nothing at gaming welcome e what’s up chat what do we wanna [Music] do four spots on spigo John pad 53104 welcome Ziggy said give me that box that’s what I want to do and St Kathy welcome you feeling like a sketch coming up yes all righty wonder if Ziggy or BTO is going to get evens or odds all right Ziggy best of luck let’s find you a sick sketch card I’m hoping we see a sketch listen more let’s see it let’s go bug bug for odds two three four it has not moved five six and seven all right your name is in order Ziggy gets the the odds BTO gets the evens sweet Lou welcome all right thank you so much Ziggy for letting me open this up plus I have no no odd base other that is true you’ll only have even numbered cards so here you’re guaranteed to get some odd cards but all right excited to see what we find for you in here yeah no spot limits on Upper Deck products you can take down the whole thing although all of our new Upper Deck products released within the past 6 months have to be listed in a group break format I cannot stop you I cannot physically stop you from buying out all the spots grumpy base welcome all right here we go best of luck let me take all out of the box what you could I can try and stop you but you’d fight me zig’s like don’t make me come over there I know we’re C’s HQ is I’ll come find you don’t make me road trip righty here we go best of luck baseball 500 welcome in yeah so you can’t do personal breaks on hobby skes for us buyers within the first 6 months and outside of the US within 360 days of release the 180 days in the 360 but you do you got to do group breaks that are skunk proof otherwise like if we had like a bazillion spots one the spots got zero cards you have to comp the person in product this is only for Diamond dealers so like someone could could buy like all the hockey and then like go do like pyts and stuff online but for for Diamond dealers so starting off they Jess oh no that’s the Laura Kenny x23 right number 10 I think that is not a short print but you have multiple Dimensions lenticular number 10 going to evens storm trooping Jedi welcome smash ogre Pro Ace [Music] welcome top teams of 2022 nigh HW canvas but evens the evens and odd splitting is really not that bad definitely do this for future Marvel releases we get if that fits within what the product has to offer Captain America Sparkle shehulk superheroes Human Torch Luna snow Hope Summers Merrick welcome think we got a printing plate like a yellow plate it going to go to odds or evens is the question midmost sports cards welcome in so not a sketch but we do have a oneon-one plates see is’s a number one spot Legion of X yellow plates that is number one spot Legion of X inserts yellow that’s cool upside down why are you sleeped upside down driving nuts nice Ziggy that is number 12 going to evens looking like even sweep here this be our second even sweep of the day Rick Sanchez 89 welcome sir chrisk welcome Fantastic Four number one spot Iron Man white speckle top teams Brotherhood of oraco bastos canvas Knack dead King welcome back scatters coming up we have Wolverine back scatters that’s a nice one Nuki nukes in Wisconsin going to odds here nice had had to guess probably a 15 to $20 insert honestly oh nice Wolverine back scatters number 15 going to odds odd W King Stones would not know I I mean that’s I’m pretty sure that’s what we sold them at last year when we cracked cases annual so I would imagine is probably on the same H picked up your brother hi Joel that’ be my guess Wolverine we haven’t seen very much Wolverine at all think you’ve had all the Wolverine we’ve seen today Jang Chi number one spot Mr Sinister Greg and Milwaukee welcome not Joel you have another J brother that’s not Joel nooki what when Marauders Luna snow canvas you have another brother wow no idea Magneto superheroes of the Year Hope Summers canvas ghost spider and Marvel girl temples welcome in run spot gold Goblin Meo minoru one one Edmonton tied it up superheroes of the Year Ghost Rider Adeline prior kvas got blade oh and a bonus the suspended animation as well number one spot and Valkyrie 246 out of 399 so that is like a tier two suspended animation out of 699 out of 399 and then probably out of 199 out of 99 for tier four the valkyrie here going to evens yeah pretty much an even sweep here outside of the uh Wolverine back scatter 46 out of 399 triple hit box triple hit box lra Bloodstone star rookie Dr Voodoo canvas Dr voodo is our last base card as well nice box there for Ziggy and BTO all righty where did I put one canvas down there hey Ziggy but thank you so much for grabbing both of those spots divy them up see how even or odd the piles are looks like honestly Even’s getting a lot more in this box is BTO is my father’s name 21 37 39 all right odds is taking over the canvases though is it enough to catch up it is not put them up dang it why are the canvases numbered like that they look upside down yeah so even even not a full sweep but in terms of hits the lenticular printing plate was a bonus which is nice and the suspended animation Back scatter Wolverine though do go in odds for our our base or amount getting a Marvel flare that I don’t know I certainly hope so I mean we got some annuals maybe yeah we get Marvel flare we can split it like this again it’s probably the easiest way to do it honestly yeah evens did Come Away with more I think though the pile is taller because the top loaders I do believe odd got more base CS yeah for the odd pile here got the Wolverine back scatters this assortment insert and base parallels L more expensive on flare yeah I would imagine so and then Even’s getting that x23 the legion X printing plate 101 and the suspended animation Valkyrie tier 2 number to 399 prehistoric collection do you collect dino stuff that’s super sick but thank you so much Ziggy for letting me do both these spots for you really hope that you enjoyed the break this this group break and love these new additions to your monkey fat welcome in Pro Ace welcome oh Johnny got John John pad John pad got a monopoly prism Blaster awesome John pad don’t have any pick me do you want me to go grab just one at random for you or you want me to grab a couple for you to choose from let me know to you how do I get a nip sticker uh I’ll have the I’ll be listing stuff on my whatnot store for sale and I’ll put one with order and I’ll probably like figure out how to sell them as well we’ll figure out nooie we’ll figure out but John let me know you want me to grab a couple for you to pick from or if you want me just grab one for you John pad 531 that was a box I’m glad that you got both spot Ziggy CU whoever got odds on that box would been depressed John would you like me to grab just one box for you at random or a couple for you to select from oh oh okay I didn’t see on YouTube chat just grab one okay okay I’ll be right back sorry sorry sorry sorry I was looking on whatnot chat I didn’t realize my brain didn’t work I didn’t connect e yeah no worries I just hadn’t I I had not been looking at uh YouTube chat for a moment there I saw nooi asking about a sticker Al let me update I noce we only have have six boxes of chrome platinum anniversary left oh got to that welcome in act dead King welcome Kai welcome thank you so much John and Vicky for letting me open up this box for you you are ready go ahead and rip it see if we can find a wemi we haven’t found a wemi in one of these in a little bit been not super lucky so excited to see what we find here we can even find our first wmy purple that would be nice numbered would be even better but purples would be a nice one to hit as well so whenever you’re ready go ahead and extract the packs let me know when you want to get on into it right is it the box of onean I certainly hope so as well would love to see him like I said it’s been a little it’s been a few blasters since we have found one oh Hing that he is hiding in here are you in here Mr wanyama speak to me speak speak to us Kathy welcome back in sees bash Stone welcome there John Vicki rip him open let’s do it your call welcome and all right starting off with SAR Thompson Lori marinan kuminga and Kellin Johnson and of course John if there’s any other any other rookies or anything you’d like me sleep let me know Benedict Maan Bradley Beal Austin reevs and Donovan Mitchell Kade Cunningham Julius Randall dear D rozan and our first purple wave we have Zack LaVine by nooi take care H Robert Williams III tyres Maxi and Trey young Kevin Durant jic Giannis and Chris meddleton we’ve only had one rookie card so far come on there’s more Lively all right last chance for some Wy action we have Brandon Miller rookie and Joe kit on the purple wave fortunately no Wy here unfortunately no Wy here we did only find three rookies star Thompson Derrick Lively and Brandon Miller out of these design cards we have the Giannis and the Donovan Mitchell and for our purple wave Zack line and the Nikolai jic here for John but thank you so much John for letting me open up a blaster for you sorry I wasn’t able to find you a wmy but I hope that I still got some players you’re excited about and ready to have added to your collection alen 060 and maple welcome back in appreciate it thank you some good pulls in there hey glad you still enjoyed it GL you still enjoy what’s the best Pokemon to get well smoke that is a very personally dependent question on what you are trying to accomplish are you trying to get a lot of playable cards you want to chase Charizard all right so if you’re chasing Charizard Charizard there’s Charizard in shiny starv the shiny one um shiny Treasures which is Japanese pan Fates so those sets have the shiny Charizards for uh regular Charizard EX and also can get the full arts and the sir Charizard you that would be in obsidian Flames as Charizard to this set has Charizard this set has Charizard 151 also has Charizard we have seal boxes of 151 as well well I have a box open here for packs but that’s what this one looks like this has Charizard these have Charizard this is the cheapest but probably honestly probably the worst chance of finding aard you could get a base Charizard X but you can also get a base Charizard DX out of here um but in terms of like the hardest Charizard to pull this is probably your least likely chance oh where the big money one is at I mean which one has the biggest money I would think the big the most expensive one would probably be the sir Japanese out of 151 I’m saying let me check dcg player yeah I don’t know the Japanese price is off hand I would think the Japanese 151 one is probably the most expensive um but for English let’s see PDI and Fates sort high to low on price to this one the Charizard this sir English Charizard is $110 you s a pick of one don’t know what okay let me check the pick let me check your picture and I’ll tell you what set that’s from that is from brilliant stars do we have any that is the alart zard from brilliance um we should have brilliant star sleeve booster packs if I can find those those would be $5 a pack also have some Elite Trainer boxes from the Pokemon Center if I can find them those would be $65 each and those should have eight packs inside and a special promo and the special box like the ex like the storage box but yeah that zard in particular is from brilliant Stars it is it is a really big card what is it at this Charizard V the V 200 bucks I mean that makes sense I honestly I’m not brilliant Stars boxes at now’s boxes are like approaching 200 bucks if you want me to go look for smoke if you want to look for me to look for the uh etbs or the Sleep boosters I can go check Buddha welcome Stellar 74 kilograms welcome you’re going to wait a little bit no worries no worries wor right chat four spots left on spago four spots remain who wants spul e chat what do we want to do what do we want to do smoke welcome back Anthony welcome in Anthony we actually should be getting in Rarity collection next week we apparently we did order it it’s just arriving late l r welcome are you playing my with my emotions I don’t know why why are they play with my emotions four spots left on SP game use chat four hits per box everyone gets a card can find Connor Bard rpas find some sick relics you can find net cords I entered a break last week and I got a sick net cord I only like talking it’s never too late to start liking hockey never too late not too late never too late Rich Gang 05 welcome since your profile pictures Anakin saying liar are you rich gang or not rich gang Martin J welcome ak’s collection welcome the sir zard is not the most expensive in terms of the products we have though I’m saying I think probably the Japanese one oh okay okay here Santi welcome Pro Ace 360 welcome four spots left in our SP game use hit draft double art rare or something yeah Joe Jeff welcome remember right there’s four chars RX in obid now there’s the regular is the Full Art there’s the gold in the sir a lot that’s that’s I say maximum zard activity is probably obsidian highest price ones probably the shiny Japanese or the shiny or the uh the one that you find in a God pack in 151 JP I just don’t know JP prices I would think the 151 one’s higher than the shiny but I really don’t know so I sold a box D for my case that he pulled the sir o well good for them then they’ll be like yo this Kos so F’s got the loaded boxes let me keep buying from him welcome four spots left in spago chat let’s get it going they throw my pen I’m GNA keep throwing my pen until this this fills everyone walks away with something your hockey fix right here right now let’s do it let’s do it I literally keep throwing this CH I got take a very brief break I’ll be right back the BRB sign where’s boss let’s get it e e yeah e e e e e I’m back hello chat hello dontonio welcome David Snider 1977 Star Wars collecting Kira’s dad 42 Joey GPD welcome running low on tops scrome platinum anniversary we got six boxes a lot left for 2023 four spots left in spago order the swine welcome we got Star Wars Signature Series Hightech blasters we’re out of chrome we’re out of finest permat welcome yeah that Magikarp is expensive out of [ __ ] dead welcome in four spots left in spago draft everyone gets a card no one walks away empty-handed you may be slightly disappointed but you will not skunk also a hard pull rate on The Magikarp was having fun back there and they’re doing um baseball breaks next door I’m having fun today I just want to fill this spago so that way once you know how many times I’ve had to refund hockey breaks for breaks uh blink too much I think at least like five times because they don’t fill I’m like please let’s just fill the box spago so I don’t want to disappoint blink too much once again Greg welcome Pro Ace 360 welcome I’m hoping we get this filled J dub O2 welcome four spots left in spago someone was willing to buy a spot for me says gbd that’s more Yu-Gi pack oh nice Shannon good luck with those Yugi locator two pro welcome you know good play for theme binders I don’t think so yeah GPD we’re down to six Pro Patrick welcome I don’t know of any I don’t know of any Kos be honestly I mean maybe in Japan like they have bu bers they probably won’t be like Board license but like anime themes you know cuz there’s all those places that do the sleeves like comicat and whatnot or the waifu sleeves maybe there’s wfu binders out there but I haven’t seen there’s the blizzard Legacy set that came out a while ago that’s the one that had the cool minis the Hearthstone minis Kos so you remember that was one of the ones where you’re like I came over to YouTube for this Knack dead King welcome yeah it’s on TV Shannon it was on the middle screen haven’t really been able to like watch and been you know busy talking with chat but yeah it’s F that gbd I don’t know I don’t know who determines that you know gbd you can get Arcana instead yeah we’ve been doing shannel we’ve doing a lot of uh we actually went through all the Marvel annual we did it even in od group breaks it was fun everyone got about even amounts of cards thankfully and we did see a plate we saw one Auto we saw a plate we saw no sketches unfortunately but it was fun it was fun fun fun super fun now we’re all out of Marvel again GPD we do still have blasters though Imagine The Blasters will last for quite a while then you can still have your fakes a little bit yeah it’s like one piece Marvel goes in and out like one piece RNA Collectibles Ed dog1 welcome are Blaster I think you 30 or 35 I don’t remember allendorf dcg welcome Happy 72 welcome Jen genen LV welcome like the the shirt thank you shirt reveal little frog that little heart he’s happy with his little rainbow scarve so happy and comfy and he go BP Cosman welcome Chronicles yeah if we get Chronicles and I’m hoping we get Chronicles on Wednesday yeah magic will make theme binders like I have an Ultra Pro sahal binder from Aether revolt or kaladesh one of those whatever the kalad one of the kaladesh blocks I have that sahili Mythic on a binder and that’s nice it’s just you know it’s the regular Ultra Pro binder battling Bard welcome back how are you today I don’t know on that GPD I imagine P I think Panini does make retail Blasters for wrestling I haven’t se I haven’t seen any our Panini allocations are still pretty tough so that’s why we didn’t actually get allocated any any Chronicles so that’s why we don’t have any cuz release date was yesterday but we’re hoping to get some in next week I’m doing well B Bard we’ve had a lot of fun today with some Marvel Star Wars has been good trying to finish getting this boxes spigo filled for a hit draft so fun stuff fun stuff surprisingly no Pokemon today it’s actually been mostly Marvel we’re all out of Marvel now though so it won’t be Marvel from here on out tonight but oh nice Shannon I know gbd as Acorn was saying earlier different store same problems tbhk welcome you like the UD Marvel anime side I have a box of volume two I haven’t open jet volume one I love volume one I’m looking forward opening my volume two you got booklet Auto from volume two awesome Alex what characters mega blaster welcome four spots left on spago it draft dark Avengers that’s cool I’ve heard the Hana futas are booklets though instead being individual ones I think I’ve seen some pictures of them the pictures I’ve seen from anime Volume 2 look really nice I try not to look at it too much though cuz I have that problem where I’m like oh this is nice oh I like this I like this I like this next thing you know I’m on eBay just it’s not good for staying in the loop but I do have a box of that to open down the road you know I was supposed to open it in January and then I didn’t record that video now I’ve got other stuff to record happens to us all yeah we’re all we’re cardboard Anonymous here so if we’re not Anonymous all resales welcome four spots on [Music] spoo or spond on the goo everyone gets a card Skyfall 314 welcome four hits per box supposedly here on this year’s spago I haven’t opened any of it did open I don’t remember actually I did open one by someone in store bought one and then let me open it I remember we found that barov tricolor patch Auto I don’t remember anything else about that box cuz I was like oh this is a cool patch but it’s the wrong floor to [Music] team so four hits per box autographs memorabilia and the tech cards six total cards so six spots four remain you may hop in you may get four spots and then Feast it’ll be random selection draft style well randomize list to get the draft picking list so kid card breaks welcome yeah four spots left on the spago looking for Conor Bard for rookies Leo Carlson maack Dead King welcome back David Snider 1977 hello pop centry we can run some drafts on pop Sentry we got personals as well got Signature Series high-tech got a restock on tribute baseball got some WNBA prism more hockey we have we got these in we got a case of Series 2 22 23 anyone wants to look for a j schav kovsky what do we want to get into chat what do we wanna do Jamie F1 1287 welcome e I’m sure Shannon if uh Oilers make it to the uh the final and say McDavid wins a Stanley Cup that that young gun’s GNA bounce up real high I know H dolok was looking at that box of 15 16 we got he was like tempting but high risk High reward you know there’s McDavid short prints in there too you know other nice Young Guns in that class and then you got the you can find a Jack eel canvas but you also got like Dylan Lin panan huk in there I mean if you can hit all those in a box that’d be like a dream box right you can also get Rookie it’s like one in 35,000 packs but you can get Rookie short print Conor McDavid autographs so you can get some crazy stuff in there D welcome however instead of spending $1,100 on a box of series one we can spend $45 a spot on [Music] spoo in hint chat or spots remain CG pickups what up what up how’s it going good how are you I’m doing well we’ve opened up a lot of Marvel Star Wars today it’s been a lot of fun lot of fun trying to finish getting this uh hit draft of spago fi I mean that does seem like a flesh and blood binder it’s a different kind of binder than what you’re looking for Eli welcome it binds the Flesh and possibly the blood exactly exactly heos so GPD would like to know if you would buy them a spot of spago yep flesh and blood still putting out a new set there has a new set spago the hockey yeah new set of Flesh Blood with some nice artwork coming out next week I don’t think we’re getting any though I asked if we are and no one answered me Port yes one one one sports card dpd I don’t think it’s going to work I don’t think singling out people on Twitch chat to buy the to have you buy them uh oh Dallas on the pp Dallas on the p PE why is it okay that is the oiler Zone that was just a really good goalie Shield I literally couldn’t see the goalie you said pop Sentry might have bought myself a spot I mean we have a single we have a two box draft up it has no spots taken out of it we can make it a single box and we just need three more spots though that’s the problem all hurts to do that how was sad no camaraderie km22 [Music] welcome smoke welcome back yeah yeah no we don’t have any cases left so we ran a few like mini drafts can’t do any more big big ones yeah no no I’m not I’m just reading comments Nick welcome in what would we like to do chance [Music] yeah I don’t think it’s gonna work GPD my sadness knows no depths these collection welcome got of try never know can I have 1 million Subs please ma dead King welcome aj4 f8 e P9 TM welcome small loan of 1 million Subs amazing investment opportunity all right chat four spots left on the game used heavy metal dad welcome in Ryan sud still going 100 1,444 Reg season games 128 season postseason games yeah yeah yeah yeah sud still chugging away but four spots left in spoo four hits a box everyone gets a card do not walk away empty-handed see welcome you do not like the word spago why not I mean what’s wrong with it spago it’s like spaghetti but not it sounds gross well you know if we sell these last four spots then I will not say the word anymore because and there will not be a box of spago somebody touch a my spago touch a my spaghett and says sounds cool we got one vote for GR one vote for cool JY dollins Kyle David am I a gamer I mean I like to play games I don’t say I don’t I would think I’m good enough to consider myself a gamer but I do like to play games are you a gamer David 1977 Kyle David welcome says spago for the win zi says someone free me from this torment gamer doesn’t mean good get good yeah but like my my desire to play games is higher than my actual time playing games as an adult you know still playing peglin I haven’t play I honestly haven’t played anything I don’t think since March or early late mid- March it’s been it’s been busy Swit I have a switch I have a PS4 I need to get a PS5 um I’ve been playing a lot on the computer is if I’m just sitting in front of the computer it’s easier but still I haven’t been able to play in a while uh because I moved up from I moved from Florida to Georgia I finished one job had a week to move up here and I started this job right away after a week though I’m still like on my time off I’m because I’m three days on four days on three days off so I’m I’m sleeping having to figure out living alone and doing dishes and laundry and unpacking and going to the grocery stores and cooking and all this stuff so I’m learning how to be an adult properly and why is the case of Jojo instead of PS5 well I don’t I don’t have a TV so I’d have to buy a PS5 and a TV and also if I’m going to buy all the foils I may as well just get the entire set of Jojo rares out of a case instead having to buy them all and get two SPS and hopefully an SSP and then not have to buy those and there boom and there content maybe I’ll make I might make $5 in ad Revenue should add spaga every sentence that I can instead of being a anime girl that says Disney you’re G to say spago welcome Galen 09 spago I do still have that Ren girlfriend card that says I’m an adult I’m an adult Raa Ruka it’s Ruka her name’s Ruka awesome spago TV with an even spago PS5 definitely sounds better than hundo P that’s true SC welcome in Mike sh 03 welcome I hate these Great Clips ads where it’s just the hairlines on the Billboards the it makes me want to try and guess who they are I’m assuming it’s NHL players and I’m trying to guess their haircuts hundo spago hundo pigu Ziggy does it bother spago P I like that one hundo equals worst insert ever chor welcome spago P I like that blink too much says add an incentive for Chad if spago hits I’ll redeem 10,000 points for kerit time I I will okay if the spago fills I will open the box as Kermit and then blame it on the shirt for any new people that come in and are as it says I should have never said anything GPD says insert evil laugh here Al you’re getting a PS5 best get a 4K TV with an HDMI 2.1 port to best take advantage nice just like when allly said she Ates garbage pill kids and everyone bought it pretty much Zig I have a question for you do you think teu sounds weird aie Big Mike welcome in Dave 9377 welcome Pony car 67 welcome or it said like tenu was teu t e g teu how are you tonight bossy Big Mike spago Pony car just gotta change all the words to spago doesn’t really bother me I guess what if it was spango instead of like tangu spango the Spa part what if I made it Spa goo chat we got four spots left in this this draft of spaghet I’m doing good it’s been fun fun day with Star Trek and Mar Star Wars and Marvel not Star Trek I wish we had Star Trek cards but Star Wars or Marvel and we’re trying to finish up this uh hit draft of we need to four more spots in the sp sp game use hockey because I’m Italian it’s because I’m Italian because it’s no better all right someone someone touch a ziggy spaghet M LaVine 3 welcome or spots left in the spame news chat to sell my old Star Trek C so nice got him from Goodwill nice I see a lot of posts online of people finding like Collections and stuff at Goodwill Myers gem welcome didn’t you buy a box of soccer today how was it you guys that email the tops just said there’s two Autos missing monkey F welcome in it’s Caboose welcome four spots left on game use chat let’s run it me touch the the ice hockey cards that’s what I want we touch Star Wars We Touch Marvel I want to touch hockey we got to go for the trifecta my voice goes in and out as I get closer and further away from the microphone Ricky F75 welcome go fine only times ever happened though I feel like it’s hard to find like higher TI your stuff now at like thrift stores because it’s like popular to like go Cruise thrift stores to find stuff to like sell online I used to find a lot of cool books at the like Goodwill and Salvation Army as a kid Frosty mug welcome shir’s Poké stop welcome in Scotty Rippin cards welcome four spots left on SP game used Edition hockey 2324 Conor B rookie year Jumpman 77 welcome e chat’s too quiet in here four spots on the goo the game used don’t do it GPD don’t do it Asner 27 welcome SP go SP game use for spots the second period right not the third yeah we’re closing on the end of the second then two something minutes yeah one one yeah says Lazar Mont struck out Michael lyo scored the top of the first not that anyone cares but nothing’s going on e hen Jack welcome KN dead King welcome aen say the Celtics are playing like complete garbage MJ Brad welcome all right chat why are we not open up series 2 hockey why are we not opening this up we’re literally watching the Dallas game we could be pulling Wyatt Johnston Young Guns right now 75 bucks a box six Young Guns cnap welcome in cnap do you like hockey we’re trying to fill this SP game used hit draft we got four spots left anyone that doesn’t want to do that wants to do personal break we can find Wyatt Johnston your left kovsky we can find Buoy the mascot for the Kraken in here I want to touch some hockey cardboard why Johnston’s in here it’s like almost $60 it’s a $60 Young Gun I’m surprised by that used to be like 30 Maple’s like oh snap I’m sold [Laughter] bro yo sign me up that’s fine liosa welcome sorry Maple you want this one here you good with this box it is a full we have a full case oh this is just one I grabbed all the top boxes are like a little torn on the shrink W but the seals are intact sh let want take a walk no the whole thing is right here next to me it wouldn’t even be a walk Maple but thank you so much maple for letting me open this on up for you best of luck end of the second period 1-1 Dallas Stars let’s see if we can find you some Wyatt Johnston 6 SC welcome PSA 10 and Wyatt getting three 300 to 400 Canadian on eBay I know I looked up and I was like holy crap I remember last time we’d open up some hockey someone was saying that the Johnston’s boosted the 2223 year products and I was like oh let me look and I was like oh my goodness I now they clear cut Riley Smith for Vegas arov Young Gun Kevin mandeli janloo French variation bonus Young Gun here goalie for SS Lucas Johansson Young Gun for the capitals another Young Gun nuk the Devils yeah that’s when we’re open up the blasters of AI Platinum we were Wyatt Johnston hunting mik sh O3 welcome cutter wise welcome four spots left in our SP game use hit draft chat got Patrick ly lunchbox Legends on a roll Elmer Soder blo insert World Junior grad Jack eel Al tool canvas oh pink dazzlers bradden Schneider for the Rangers bolts 9999 welcome not b a hockey but my dad would take me to see the Atlanta Thrashers back in the day when they’re still thinging I loved it oh nice I’m hoping there’s there’s been for years like oh will they won’t they try and bring back the Thrashers to Atlanta I hope they will I I would love to go to games we’ll see we’ll see clones of the 51st welcome Nicholas 7988 welcome four spots left on the SP game use hit draft chat rookie portraits Matas melli rip coyotes caval regenda Young Guns for the Ducks it’s our third regular the box right we at yep three regular Young Guns so still looking for three more at least jurin canvas checklist jurkin versus Bob this this predicted the future this canvas card predicted the future whiz of cards welcome four spots left in the SP game use hit draft poke uh rookie portraits doal how are you tonight Wiz of cards heavy metal dad welcome in the regular dazzlers Braden Tracy instant Impressions Tanner Jano nyell ninja welcome lunchbox Legends Tage Thompson these aren’t Star Wars cards no we opened a lot of Star Wars earlier we open up some Chrome Sapphire Phantom Menace some Signature Series Chrome black high-tech Kenobi blasters then a lot of Marvel today some WNBA another Young Gun here we have Grant Hutton yeah we open all kinds of stuff here whiz oel all right I think we should be chasing one more come on Wyatt Wyatt Johnston please yeah GPD we opened some boxes of WNBA prism today too two so far Kev canvas well Junior grads kale marar no I got a different job last October and I was there for six months and then I had this opportunity arise and I took it so I’ve been here since April San Jose the welcome to inserts I like those postcards play catchu Superstar all right two packs left here for Maple best of luck Maple no thank you Alex foron canvas yeah I I like my other job but it’s just I I missed I missed touching cards and you know talking to everyone all the time so happy the way things ended up the way they did we have for the penguin or h no not penguins different black white and gold team yes yesper froden for the Bruins unfortunately no Wyatt Johnston in here but hey we did get a bonus young gum with that French variance for the Senators we got a pink dazzlers but yeah whiz I’m on Wednesday through Saturday from two to midnight so like doing a doing a whole mix of stuff he each and every day very Maple let’s go ahead and take a look here recap we had the froden lixel Hutton regenda ohuk Johanson and the French mandolesi we had a clericot acetate Riley Smith and the Braden Schneider pink dazers for the Rangers I appreciate that whiz that thank you thank you Maple for let me open that up for you I hope that you enjoyed it and love these new additions to your collection even though we didn’t find a Wyatt Johnson I hope you still had a lot of fun very chat we still got four spots left in the SP game use hit draft four spots new Star Wars kns coming up I mean tonight we have it in the Star Wars category we did open a lot of Star Wars earlier today J maxia e yeah I like to stream on on YouTube twitch and I mean whatnot is because that’s where all the sales are oh but I know a lot of people that enjoy watching me enjoy watching horizontal videos which is why I like to have the other streams as well so I’m glad that Not only was I able to stream that way but also that they let me do it on my accounts those was nice RC vrd ft Wasteland welcome four spots left on the SP game used look Ziggy I’ve been making an attempt to say SP game used to not the other word for you I’m actually trying to not make your life miserable you know no it for me I mean I have some Marvel coming up I haven’t recorded it yet Marvel okay I will try Ziggy I will try got some Weiss coming up right I just ordered that case of Jojo where spots on the SP game used maybe it hasn’t filled because everyone hates the way I say spago you never know no it was U Marvel annual Marvel annual all right Chad I’m gonna take a very brief break very brief break yeah Mar Marvel annual and uh thor1 thunder coming up on Marvel on my channel but um I’ll be right back chat four spots left and spame used and would love to get into that when I return other personal is in the bin as well yeah buddy welcome in be right back be right back e e e e e for e e e e all right I’m back cell of jello all righty [Music] chat four spots left on SP game used e [Music] four spots left third periods Buck drop there we go upgraded welcome donut Patrol 24 welcome you want any of the metal posters from displate some look great I’m not familiar with displate what’s display Channon you know what other non-sport stuff you might be getting down the road like Marvel’s TV stuff that sort of thing um Doctor Who series 5 through 7 House of the Dragon season 1 um hopefully more Marvel it really just depends on Upper Deck allocations should probably I mean based on you tend to get a lot of tops allocations hopefully every single Star Wars product going forward so just depends more so on when that that’s revealed nothing for the rest of the year has been put up for order yet to my knowledge so H Captain welcome in copy that makes tons of license metal posters oh interesting no I don’t I’m not really poster person I buy a lot of paper poster well I used to buy a lot of paper posters at the anime store but I never put them up so I forced myself to stop buying them cuz I just have a pile of paper big man in West Virginia welcome Steve welcome four spots left in our hit draft of SP game used personals in the bin jell of jealous is prised you got my name right you’re were the first many people say CEO I think the the weird kind of plastic hanger packs or maybe like football and basketball they might be called cell packs which always bothered me because it’s like a cello you know what I mean like I so but that’s crazy that I’m the first person to get it right I I find that hard to believe i’ I’ve always said cello packs I don’t know if it’s right or wrong I think I hear people say cop packs so Cuba Cuba go roar welcome Doctor Who 537 still tener Matt Smith uh I believe it’s Matt’s in the set it’s actually pretty crazy if you go look at the uh written how uh Written House archives website um so it it’s like the 1 through four expansion plus 5 through S so there there’s Matt Smith Autos David Tenant uh Katherine Tate more more crazy stuff Alex Kingston in there it’s it’s it’s a really stacked list like it is an actually incredible set um so I imagine the base cards will be like Matt Smith themed because that is 5 through 7 but uh it’s a it’s a crazy crazy crazy checklist from what they revealed Ian welcome Mike sh welcome cello do you happen to play cello oh nice nice I am a a rare Viola player I mean the boxes I would imagine should have probably be around 150 GPD but they’ll have like four Autos a box so that’s you know a little more than Chrome Platinum but H welcome in cello for some reason your message got muted what not’s very whatnot will not censor profanity and then just flag random stuff that I can’t see so I don’t know why it blocked your message but Hawaiian ins shirs welcome let going good F we went through we went through a lot of Marvel today Marvel and Star Wars yep Viola and then we got we got four spots left on this uh hit draft of spago so I try to get that filled before stream ends so I don’t have to refund blink too much for like the fifth time yeah we’ve opened a lot of Marvel we opened all the Marvel annual we had we did we did actually even odd breaks my first time doing like real group breaks that were not drafts yeah BL Blake’s always going in BL blink likes the I’m like blink you could just get the whole box blink’s like that’s not fun though like because we were doing a 50-50 splits on boxes right even in odds and blink went in on like three different boxes instead of getting just one whole box blink kept going half SE the it’s rolling the dice is more fun but it was good though it was good though each box it was about a 50-50 split on on hits and everything too there were a few boxes where it was like oh even sweep or odd sweep but for the most part on the when it was two people in on the breakes it was a pretty good split it was fun neack dead King welcome in maxl TV welcome baseball 500 welcome yeah oh wow we got like 13 people and whatnot right now hello everyone four spots left in the hit draft everyone walks away with a card Conor Bard rookie Autos Grant welcome back oh Dallas I missed it nice good evening Grant why Johnston’s in series 2 we got boxes in stock 22 23 Series 2 75 a box do we have a hockey stream schedule for next week because if we do we at least have hockey product any one piece um we have some loose packs of Japanese Memorial that’s all that’s left and the the sleeve boosters still of whatever that one is Paramount War the expensive one whatever the expensive one oh yeah unfortunately all those boxes that didn’t sell last week those sold those were gone by the time I came in on Wednesday unsurprising for me so yeah they’re all gone Let’s Get It On welcome you have a lot of new Pokemon the black one yeah that the black one the Japanese box did sell we just had that one left that that front case in shop is like so empty now and sad again call Captain welcome back picked up some cherry cola today above average soda how nice Shannon I like the cherry flavored one like Dr Pepper Cherry is good Nal ninja welcome back Griffin 78 welcome Anthony welcome four spots left and SP game used everyone gets a hit what baseball blast is are available right now I mean I can go take a look I go for little walkies why I go for little walkis often does the the store get sword and shield upcs the one was zard I don’t know that’s a thing that we get in every so often but I can go take a look I’ll go for little walkies I’ll go look uh maybe we have I don’t know swear we we buy a lot of Pokemon I know mikee is down at collecton Orlando buying Pokemon and stuff this weekend so we might have next week hopefully we get he brings back more one piece I think Ryan and Mike are in Orlando B welcome in all right Chad I’m I’m going on a little little trip four four spots left on spago look for baseball blasters and up e e for e e e all right bad news bad news GPD someone I guess bought literally all of our Chrome Platinum blasters the entire showcase is empty we do have 2023 Bowman Platinum blasters 2023 Chrome update series blasters 20244 Heritage blasters 2024 Big League blasters 2024 series 1 blasters uh 2023 Heritage High number blasters and 2023 Heritage blasters I thought we have the the m new upcs we have a celebrations UPC that came from we got no zard upcs but I found someone’s behind one piece for me found some wings of the captain English I don’t if you want English or just Japanese but I thought I’d come throw a pile on the table for effect says nice one piece is nice but Star Wars the limit is so good get anywhere we went through so many cases when I first started working here and then it’s just all gone it’s just evaporated yeah I know not a great not a great selection of blasters but that’s what we got that’s why we got them yeah the celebrations one was like almost 400 I think Sloppy Joe’s welcome uh the wings of Captain are 13 little disease welcome in those are store specialize in I mean we honestly have the most of baseball yeah I have no idea if this is is the English is a good price or not oh but the shop carries everything this is yeah this is the shop here so 499 Target hard to find yeah Kennedy welcome in curious I’m G look on TCG player TCG player is my quick reference for the captain sleep booster pack the TCG law is $10 how many packs I have I don’t know how many we have total there was there was more there I brought here 1 2 3 6 9 12 13 14 there’s 14 here there was probably another stack around this size he was on a peg behind the counter Bo Marvel platinum’s a nice set I’m glad I got to open a box of that yeah the TV’s on [Music] Acorn but 717 left in the third how far is the store from Milwaukee the store is in Atlanta oh a decent ways away I don’t know exact time I’m going to guess like 12 hours oh yeah quite far away cellos four spots left in the SP game use hit draft chat Celtics are a disaster tonight they getting stomped acorn there’s no basketball on TV it’s one football and two baseballs I think the seven-point game feels like 27 ya Charter One malcome stupid be right back note I always leave it up four spots left on SP game used e when I hit 100,000k Channel Point 100,000 Channel points what can I get I don’t know since I’ve started was been my favorite product to break M probably MCU Black Diamond was hot too um grass anchor welcome hi master master work Black Diamond o stellar no I know that’s the thing Stellar is like really fun but also like you always know where it’s in it it’s not super mystery four spots left and as B welcome e someone just get on into Marvel on a limited budget what would you recommend annual annual blasters night dead King I was talking with someone about one piece and they talked about blue bottom box isn’t the early 1.2k blue bottom I think is the first printing prara of the first set but do you know if that’s true I think that’s what they said for sprinting okay blasters not homie what are blasters 30 uh 25 they’re probably also easier to find them should be 20 25 to 30 on those they used to be 20 once upon a time but getting into Marvel on the limited budget I I recommend the annual blasters I mean annual boxes are not the most expensive either but still you know also just buy some bunch of blasters all cardboard used to be $20 Once Upon Time I know I know I know 1999 blasters couple years ago it’s gone gone are the days now they’re like $29.99 sometimes you can find them for $24.99 baseball 500 four spots left in the SP game use chat he Final Fantasy Flight sent Star Wars limited cases Europe and America so bu the back not taking off in Europe I hadn’t heard but it’s honestly a lot more popular than I expected I didn’t think it would be that crazy menen breaks welcome bezzi 2381 welcome if um about Star Wars unlimited in Europe yeah I honestly we had two people I did two cases of boxes for personal breaks like we had a lot Once Upon a Time um but I opened up a lot first box I ever opened I pulled a Jin jerso showcase for Ziggy so that was cool first box of Star Wars unlimited I ever opened Jin Jin showcase uh did also find a Cassian showcase and eventually found a Boba Fett showcase it’s really nice really beautiful card oh they’re so nice mm cards forever fire serpent welcome yeah basketball and football blasters are more expensive than baseball you haven’t been so lucky I mean none of it was for me there was a lot of people that opened up a ton and didn’t have any um but in total out of maybe I went through like 10 or so cases yeah had maybe up to 15 or so cases is a lot did end up finding the show GPD don’t even look at it they’re like $900 Boba Fett cards don’t look at it don’t do it stop make it 48 Fox welcome I locked my chair up what did I do here epic era Collectibles what did I do to my chair I can’t lean back anym what I I do ad welcome no you’re leg Grand Inquisitor so you like to get a showcase that’s cool sorry I am just freaking out as to why my chair all the way in I don’t know what that was that doesn’t sound well that makes it go up and down H dock welcome broke my chair don’t mind me what is going on here this is what happens when I don’t have the the handles to just play with hold on how you figure smoke welcome wait I don’t know what I did I’m I’m not touching anymore I’m not touching this chair oh I’m touching it right now with my butt but okay too much excitement four spots left in thiso oh Dallas scor again oh empty net there it is with that heads up I’m like most excitement we’ve had in a bit sure excitement lowkey colx welcome right chat what do we want to do got a little over an hour left tonight hour left to party four spots left in the game the SP game use draft otherwise we got to refund that back on up for Blink too much Oilers trying an empty net again all right Acorn enjoy the Celtics game can we been out here attacking people again six on four yeah that was bro why are you hooking somebody and they got I don’t think Jamie benon is that intelligent it’ll be a six on four for the Oilers here goer srank 88 welcome four spots left in this SP game use hit draft Rangers won last night GPD yep still four left Anthony not looking so good but we still got a little over an hour Miss Valkyrie welcome all right six on four Oilers time let’s see what happens be moody ma dead King Miss Valkyrie welcome back bball 500 welcome GRE 7722 welcome wise cards welcome back penguin 500 yes let me see if I can find that penguin picture I keep thinking your profile is e e BS one it’s like this photo baseball 500 for some reason like at first glance I see this one like real quick or like a picture very similar to that you know what I mean like I just see it the shape the The Fluffy The Fluffy shape arimo welcome four spots left in Sp game used spago e D Rose welcome T Pro welcome Aaron is time welcome Skyfall 314 welcome e we don’t have any blasters annual I’m just saying GPD that would be my recommendation Mason welcome index welcome good it’s a little quiet have fun still some those chips Jack Burton 23 welcome we’ve opened no pops entry today four spots remaining in the SP game used mm cards forever welcome DQ 29461 welcome on shot first Mr Anthony wel e e guy wman baseball 500 welcome penguin penguin 500 acers win 109 106 is a close one your profile picture took like 50 drafts just for me to miss seee it as a Peng we got aity I got Cricket on TV cool or is that lacrosse might be oh they got lacrosse now cool they’re lross on TV e in fubo there’s a whole Channel strictly for cornhole interesting MJ Brad welcome 5 fall 314 welcome oh wait the basketball game’s not over no cab 24 welcome Kell welcome back Cody goo welcome e Alan welcome back what’s up Alan H still lock welcome back you know if the post Games filmed in Atlanta I wonder if like lanquist could like ever come to the store maybe I should bring a blue paint pen just in case is the audio not working is what having whatam sometimes has audio issues can you not hear me Alan hello hello Cool Breeze welcome okay Maple can SL me that’s weird G mush welcome aor zigg you’re testing the audio audio works all right weird weird weird there was that one day though that there actually was like no audio for like two hours and no one said anything like very early on so sometimes there is the weird audio issues but DD breaks welcome maybe I should get some paint pens on Deck just in case my lung qu is right right right there pickle Chuck welcome Nan welcome back Jeff welcome Alan can you not hear me at all what not audio works fine for everyone else yeah these I only hear every other word I don’t believe you Robert ar1 welcome see I heard I believe you I see you I I don’t don’t think think that that I I believe believe you you there you go that’s night it’s been fun Robert we open up a lot of Marvel annual Star Wars some hockey hoping that we can finish filling up this uh hit draft of SP game use not looking super great but would love to finish that on up how’s your day been Robert Crick TX welcome cool cool Bing good nice good to hear array 18 welcome we Triple A pulled pops c a couple weeks came into oh really wow that’s so quick Roberts wow I’m really impressed I’m glad they got that out to you so quickly what’s it number two it’s number to seven wow that’s awesome congratulations Robert Ricky 411 welcome of course thank you for joining the draft congrats on on that awesome card e no no worries mccow welcome I don’t think so blink too much want me go ahead and give you a refund now or you want to keep waiting what do you think H do loock welcome in wish we could have gotten this field four spots but still I mean we can wait till the end of the stream just in case anyone hops in and wants to grab some more spots and see how it goes but unfortunate always have spigo at least I know we may not have it open but we always have it in our hearts SPO Jamie F1 1287 welcome has anyone had any experience with panini redemptions for WWE product I have not beld welcome Jack welcome in oh Feld got a Booka Boba fet Blaster exciting Feld thank you so much for grabbing that from us here tonight let’s see I should have a couple by my side Lagan welcome in four spots left on that hitop the spago CH all right Feld which one would you like left one or right one either one think this one shrink wrap there I like the way that looks a little funky feeling lucky with this one FS if you’re good with this one go ahead and hop on into it zoom in a bit more excited to see what we find for you here so you are guaranteed one of those commemorative patch cards those are Blaster exclusives we’ve seen a printing plate coming out of a blaster we haven’t seen any Autos come out no Autos or sketches just quite yet Perhaps things will change right here all right F thank you for picking this up and I hope to find you some awesome cards for your collection we go one two three four five six yep here we go prin play would be cool we saw a plate earlier today out of Marvel annual I’m a big fan of plates myself so I always love finding them no not everyone’s crazy about him but I do like him Gusto welcome in wett Starship rins down fire blue Rancor Arsenal insert four spots left in the SP game us hit drafts concept Arts rancor purple fenic Shan and Boba Fett hold quartz oh horizontal Boba Fett for our commemorative patch mp10 like the way that looks yeah the manufactured patches are actually like pretty cool I like the way they look rash blue bua Fett’s final step Greg welcome yeah the ones especially in the book of Boba Fett look cool they’re more creative Shan recovers from her injuries waran guard aliens and creatures night of a thousand tears big daddy worm welcome grou concept art Vice chest grass anchor welcome dusin Warrior villains and heroes Oba Fett’s Vision purple Mandalorian Heroes B on patrol katar welcome in a wild drummer welcome Luke Skywalker Ahsoka Ponder Gru’s fate knee pad rocket Dart launcher imagine be able to launch Rock uh Rockets from your knee pads how’s it going it’s it’s been a fun day katar how’s your weekend been so far Gad and dra concept art rcore all right last chance any numbered cards Let’s see we have the modifier and a purple Boba Fett surrounded unfortunately no numbered cards here for f but we did have a really neat commemorative patch we don’t see the horizontal one super often so it’s nice that to get this Boba Fett Bounty Hunter I like how the patch is also shaped as well that was MP number 10 we had one aliens and creatures Four villains and heroes two Arsenal and three three concept Arts as well thank you so much Fel oh Fel grabbed the other one Fel do you want me to grab the uh the other one that we had here I’m assuming try again all righty all right phel let’s see if we can get you some numbered cards maybe a hit all righty best of luck phel let me write back inventory real quick welcome four spots left in the game use hit all right best of luck F also I love your little profile picture all right 1 two three four five six seven eight nine 10 yep here we go fell best of luck tuskin Warrior inserts scad and Dr blue Mando anding Cott in the ranor grasp we do have a different Boba Fett patch here boba livs MP6 one does not want to go in sometimes you just got to flip it around don’t know why it does that uh those are 13 Jack that and some loose Japanese packs of we have a red parall here Japanese packs a memorial collection then we do have a few fely boosters of Paramount War still left yeah this is from a blaster Shannon the patches are Blaster exclusive you have red pets Arsenal seismic charge 52 of 99 like I can hear the noise in my head why is nice to see color out of a blaster concept art twins eting Gara FIP modifier well F the top has bantha we like major Domo skills of the Bounty Hunter mayor’s Chambers husin cycler rifle con of darts local crime bosses of Tatooine purple two more packs to go here for Feld have CAD Bane heroes and villains tropy from Battle and final pack Boba Fett in the aftermath of battle and the troan aliens and creatures X has got my memoral box you opened last week going to get the hits graded want to get a few more should have got another box yeah unfortunately I came back on Wednesday and like all of it was gone all the sealed boxes were gone I was like yep not super surprised all right so box or blast number two yielded the Boba lives vertical manufactured patch and the 52 of 99 red Boba Fett’s Arsenal seismic charge parallel thank you for let me open up these two blasters glad was able to find a numbered card although it wasn’t a plate for you hope that you enjoyed it you’re excited about these new additions to your collection all righty there’s like four more in the Showcase I know crazy hey Will drummer welcome all right chat four spots left in the SP game use hit draft 40 minutes left to the stream for any more personals if anyone wants to get creative anyone’s feeling lucky and Jack welcome anything interested coming next week week hopefully that’s when Chronicles will arrive uh lurana will be available for sale next week other than that I honestly don’t know let me look at the release calendar on blowout city in basketball Stars Stripes gust welcome back H Jack welcome four spots left in Sp game use hit drafts yeah out of the stuff we might get we might get some select Premier League I feel like probably not we haven’t been getting too much Panini soccer maybe some obsidian basketball some Stars and Stripes baseball but oh the Yu-Gi-Oh rarity collection should also be coming in next week that came out yesterday but we didn’t get it on time so Kevin cart welcome four spots left in spoo every spot gets a gets a card one walks away empty-handed hna welcome Scott welcome great night you too Scott have a good Memorial Day weekend inter oh Jack got a Paramount War sleep boost back exciting Jack exciting exciting all right jack which one you feeling one two three four five six or four from the left one two three four this one I got it all righty pickle Chuck welcome in all right jack best of luck best of luck Jack here we go yeah Domino right uncommons yeah Monkey D GARP rare and Marco rare all righty so two rares here let me leave them on up for you fortunately no Sr or higher Rarity but nice art on these cards Marco and monkey Dart right thank you so much Jack for letting me open up this pack for you hope I got you some new cards for your collection that you’re excited about thank you thank you let me open them for you what all righty chat four spots left in the SP game used chat can call me penguin how’s it going penguin Val welcome got four spots left four spots left Val m66 are you the real Val deep red Domino’s welcome Risha welcome e it is a really cute frogy he’s all bundled up and happy e welcome back how are you sweet Lou welcome I heard something I hadn’t really looked into it too much I feel like I hear a lot of rumors about like Star Wars content I hadn’t really looked into it very much penguin e Jedi Mormon welcome back yeah more so recently baseball yeah people come up and talk to me a lot of kids will like come over and hover and I’ll ask them like what they collect and then I’ll try to like I have a pile of like base that people like don’t want me to ship that I’ll hand out to like kids and stuff so I’m like oh what do you collect oh oh yeah P penguin sorry sorry Nick Bolas imporium welcome for not top pops welcome yeah I’ve had these hidden back here for a little while fires Jam Welcome pickle Chuck welcome e e just tired star yeah I I’ll cook something not quite sure yet what I’ll get star but probably pasta or something pasta or nuggets Denny love 89 welcome nice star enjoy McDonald’s breakfast is my favorite McDonald’s the turtle 07 earlier this week was like nationville sea turtle day sea turtle you celebrate what do you get at the uh McDonald’s star e I like turtles saage make McMuffin with a hash brown of drink don’t get M I never actually had a a mcgd I will say the McDonald’s scrambled eggs are pretty good pancakes or the hot cakes whatever they call them and then the Egg McMuffins what I like usually Egg McMuffins and hash browns s’s nuggets are Elite they are just welcome smoke welcome MJ collections welcome Wendy’s came to the UK and I tried him was horrible in my opinion Wendy’s I is very hitter Miss for me I’m not really crazy about the fries the Nuggets can be really good sometimes you guys have Taco Bell now enjoy I like the bean burritos and the cheesec quadas Janet are you getting a chickfila near you I saw that they’re opening new chick-fil in Toronto narb welcome you hear nothing close to me well hopefully they open one near you Shannon so you can go try it try the elusive Chick-fil-A Jeff welman e ex breaks welcome I’ve never actually been to a Crispy Cream they’re not too frequent here Marky welcome that’s is he stashing or passing penguin 500 welcome back now I’m not a spicy person Shannon so I’ve have not eaten a Spicy sandwich the um the sandwich the regular chicken sandwich comes with I’ve had a if I have the make it without pickle I can eat it but usually it comes with a pickle so like if they put it on then take it off I could still taste it but I’ve had once like where they didn’t put it at all and it was like good but I usually just get nuggets I’ve never actually been on that channel uh penguin maybe someday but oh that could be that could be any I don’t know I don’t know who has the account password they’ll like bounce around they pop in here and I’m like hi are you real they never answer me so I never know if it’s like you know how sometimes it says people join when they’re already in chat like I don’t know if it’s me or someone else but I think it is someone see it’s the mystery cards hqt CG person thank you aor have a good holiday weekend our last call to try and finish up this hit draft chat we did a lot we did a lot of group breaks today a lot of personals we got a few more minutes get on into anything else if anyone wants to hop in on anything do you hear they found a new spider fossil in the US with hairy legs oh shs welcome I did not hear that star ah more spiders MK games welcome hello how are you MK games has take she’s good she’s very active right now it’s getting quite warm in Florida that’s where she’s still there for the time being she’s very very active running around causing a ruckus you know I be General g57 welcome Mr Jets welcome nope no unlimited we just got the two-player starter X Burwood 84 welcome no packs no boxes just the starter decks it’s probably like my boss or something floating around there’s a lot of people that work here that I think have the password so lurking checking Ina welcome back yeah last chance for us to fill this uh hit draft on SP game used everyone gets a card four spots remaining e clutch City Welcome Anthony welcome e Johnny photo welcome seven Hammer welcome Penguins welcome retro Gros Myers Jam welcome for yeah it’s not me not me baseball or uh penguin resales welcome all right Penguins thank you for hanging out dog pound breaks welcome e yman 505 welcome Dark One 027 7 welcome Roy Boy 336 welcome e it’s SE dog welcome Rebel Without a clue welcome Ryan welcome how are you penguin welcome back Ryan when are we going to get more Marvel and Chronicles can we get Chronicles next week please trying your best okay we did group breaks on all the Marvel today it’s all gone and I sold out of the Star Wars Chrome the other day so that one showcase is just has an empty Chunk in it now by the way yeah it was fun it was fun right cuz the upper deck rules has got to be skunk proof so I was like only thing like I don’t know what like how we could do it skunk proof with like teams and whatnot like groups so I did evens or odds was a two spots yeah people are having fun with it one person got all the even cards one person got all the old cards anything if we didn’t run into it but like if we had a sketch card and it was like instead of a number ID on it right it’ be by letter and it was like whatever letter the alphabet if it’s a it’s one if it’s B it’s two so on and so forth so but yeah it was fun it good there was like two boxes where it was like even sweep but those boxes was pretty balanced so everyone everyone was pretty happy was fun I also don’t just Hemorrhage money like they do so you know Ry Robin welcome but last call in any personals tonight chat otherwise I’ll be back on Monday uh my Monday is Wednesday Wednesday at 2 we’re going to hope we get in some Chronicles I may need to reschedule that wrestling stream once again but oh you met the Monkey De Luffy in uh collecticon nice did you guys find more one piece I told people last week you know once we didn’t once we didn’t you know open those you know there was we had one box of the Japanese wings of the captain I was like chat if you guys don’t buy this today it’ll be gone and then I came back on Wednesday and that whole case was empty and I’m like I told you chat you know how any we’re asking today so unfortunately no more one piece all right well perhaps someone will stumble in with Japanese boxes once again guys find other cool stuff find any whoopers it’s very cool nice dollar spots run it easy run it dollar spots get the people going now whoopers aers Ryan did you know I am the number one world ranked PSA 10 Whooper collector I have proof did not fruit for me watch I open it up and then it turns out that I’ve um been dethrown see look I’m number world world rank number four rcus collector and world number one rank Whooper colle look chat look how cool I am chat and I’m missing a lot I have a lot of random obscure ones there’s also a lot where I own the whole population because I’m an [ __ ] so you know at one point I had the whole pop on the aquapolis this one but people keep submitting them so it’s kind of hard see Tyler welcome I pop ones in here as one may imagine um is Whooper the most popular Pokemon ever right so all right chat last last last chance Last Chance if card man’s still lurking card man’s still thinking about tribute or not but I did list that called cornering the market exactly like how that that red refractor battle droid that I have four out of the five that exist all right I am going to send you guys over to go troll Javi and Lou I don’t have the 505 I know I’ve never seen the 505 pop up otherwise I buy it I do check regularly I have alert scheduled on eBay so but all right what not chat YouTube chat twitch chat thanks for hanging out with me today it was a lot of fun doing our group breaks on Marvel first time I’ve ever done a group break like that it was really fun glad everyone seemed pretty happy with their polls open up some WNBA prism today that was fun A lot of Star Wars we split up a box of phantom man of sapphire everyone was got some nice polls in that too so glad I was able to get you guys some stuff have fun and improve your collections have lot of fun but have a great rest of your weekend happy Memorial Day hope you all have a 3-day weekend and a good time stay safe stay happy be responsible this weekend but I will catch you guys guys and girls on Wednesday next week hopefully with some wrestling if not with more of the usual and perhaps some other new releases but yeah it’ be kind of neat to say I have all the ones that exist but I’ve never seen them pop up never seen that last one pop up but take care everyone have a good night what not chat I’m gonna send y’all over bye bye go hang out with the we we boys uh whatnot YouTube and twitch chat thank you for hanging out have a good weekend and I’ll will see you guys next one byebye


  1. Ally, enjoy your weekend and hanging with Niv! If I hit a QCSR Ash Blossom in my packs I’ll let you know!

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