Golf Babe

Surprising My Friend With a Golf Date

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there’s a girl on the pudding green right now she looks like she’s in college if she’s in college D we have to we got to ask her if she wants to be on Jackson’s team watching their cart games together oh my God like this so uh what do you do I pray she’s a freshman in college there’s no way do you want to ask her no cuz I’m I have a mustache I used to dude but it’s kind of weird it’s kind of it’s kind of weird I can ask her you’re like you’re more of like a I’m married yeah you’re married be like yeah listen I’m all right never mind we’ll just see how it goes there’s no way she’s she’s actually in college wait this could actually work this is going to be entertaining MO is the real MVP I have a question for you we we lost our fourth today yeah you said you are in college right I yeah are you playing at all like today I’m actually not would you want to be in a video I would love to and like play like cuz our fourth our fourth Bel what’s your name I’m sorry mlan mlan I’m Mo I’m okay that’s awesome mlan right meet you yes this is Garrett how’s it going Garrett this is mlan I’m Garrett she’s got back from college nice to meet you our friend needs a teammate today did you tell her yeah are would you be interested in playing we’re filming a video I would love to really yeah Jackson you have a teammate today you got a teammate teammate you’re not Al what level of college do you play D2 she’s the one perfect she’s the one oh yeah you’re the one like player the best on the team no she’s the one handicap and you are the number one on the team yeah well we just lost our team later so hey I’m so excited you’re done I’m so excited you’re done since we already put a a bet on the line if we lose I’ll jump in the water she doesn’t have to she’s cool deal and if y’all lose y’all jump in the water good with it she’s good with it yes you’re the coolest person I’ve ever met let’s go well we’re not going to lose so we’re good no you are going to lose all right let’s go we got to get miked up Y come on good luck today you you good luck today your your teammate better be able to carry you oh yeah what I’m literally a better golfer than you that was so perfect oh my here we obviously don’t know like her relationship status and stuff like that but can Jackson RZ that’s the real can Jackson RZ what if at the end of this he asked her on a date like say she’s single oh my and we go to the movies tonight I feel strong cuz there something about a mother’s SI well it’s funny we were talking about it in the C we were like we should just challenge somebody today cuz playing with three is kind of tough we didn’t know what video we were going to do it works out yeah where’s one you got to tell me it is so it’s up here and to the left okay up there yeah perfect this course looks pretty nice uh we’ll play probably the back and then where do you normally play from I usually play whites then you can play from the whites okay and we’ll play from the back which is an advantage for us cuz you will be a lot longer than them I’m assuming is what we’ll do and then we’ll just play 2v2 Scramble what did she say she’s like she like looks at like I like your balls like his his golf balls right there just the audio load audio alone is going to be great for that I like your balls know I like your balls he’s like thanks they’re talking about us up there so they’re going to talk about us all day today so be ready for it I love it a lot of smack talk I thought today was respect Jackson day though hey you’re welcome respecting you by giving you a partner hell yeah by the way I don’t golf I I golf but I’m not a golfer play all in high school I played two years of SCH in a good good video all right on let scale 110 how hard is this o it’s hard actually I would say like an eight really she said it’s an eight out of 10 hardness hey she’s playing from the whites okay how about you play from the white too with her wait yeah that actually don’t disrespect me like that no that’s not a disrespect thing you just don’t hit it far it’s a handicap thing how far do you hit it uh I I mean probably like 270 not far yeah he just said 270 I hit it 270 you’re being weird said 27 he yeah he might hit it 185 all right guys before we go on with the rest of today’s video I’d like to announce that it’s actually sponsored by liquid IV I don’t know if you guys are like me but today currently I walked outside and I was like dang it’s hot and what I do when it’s hot is I take a water bottle 16 oz of water to be exact open up my liquid IV right here and actually I’ve been using it so much I us don’t have that much left so not only am I going to talk to you guys about liquid IV but I’m going to give you a little review of it as well this right here this is the raspberry melon flavor it’s sugarfree and it’s only got 15 calories per serving this right here is your serving for me personally when I’m on the golf course one of the things that I struggle with most is staying hydrated one or two of these throughout the the round of 18 holes in a matter of 4 hours for me just like gets me locked in here we go we’re going to we’re going to dunk we’re going to dump the liquid IV right in here it’s as simple as putting the cap on for me I’m going to give you guys a little taste review that’s one thing for me with like anything other than water and hydration beverages uh sometimes I don’t think the taste is that great especially I’m not like typically a big sugar-free guy it almost like helps me drink more because it does taste better than just strictly water it like it tastes like U raspberry melon who would have thought who would have thought right who would have thought it’s absolutely delicious if you guys want to try liquid IV I used to play tournaments I don’t anymore but like when we’re out filming and stuff it’s hard to explain but I feel like when you’re talking to a camera 24/7 on the golf course you’re exerting yourself in that way you’re swinging playing golf and then it’s 90 Plus deges in the Texas humidity it’s just like so important to stay hydrated uh so for me it’s it’s a big deal with liquid IV uh consistently being able to use it on the golf course but for anybody out there like if you guys play college tournaments junior golf tournaments I highly suggest this product if you guys want to get liquid IV there’s a link at the top of the description and if you use code GM Golf you’ll get 20% off uh again that’s code GM Golf Link at the top of description shout out to liquid IV for sponsoring today’s video uh it is much appreciated hop on board liquid IV baby let’s get back to it wait so we’re back here Mo yeah I know I’m just looking Jackson gets to play forward boys versus girls today all right here we go boys vers girls today big match how are we feeling today how’s your team feeling today she knows the course better than y’all yeah she said it was like a 7 out of 10 hardness so that sucks for me okay we get to play up though so that’s really nice and I think we’ll probably beat you are we playing match or stroke are you want to introduce your partner to the channel yeah this is my partner mlan she is a is D2 right D2 D2 college golfer out here and we’re going to try to win where did she play college golf couldn’t tell you beaver I play uscb there you go USB you feeling good I’m a sophomore nice I didn’t get her to ask her all the questions we’ve literally been in the cart for 5 minutes all right good luck Good Luck Good Luck Good Luck Good Luck Good Luck Good Luck G I guess we’re not t living yeah yeah we’re not t we’re back here okay it’s respect Jackson day though I can’t say anything mean to Jackson today I love this course it’s kind of tight it’s short Country Club style course very unique I haven’t played out here very many times but I used to play some junior golf out here you can go very low if you get hot you can also make some high numbers so 6300 yard from the tips that’s how you know it’s a oldfashioned country club style course this first hole is almost reachable today hey good to be back oh yeah sorry for my breathing last oh yeah yeah we’ll talk about that later we’ll talk all right go ahead Mo let’s let’s lock in baby I don’t dead straight that’s a stretch feel like it lowkey might be hey good first ball kid so that went far did that kick out right next to the car path I think so pretty sure this is driveable wow yeah that looks really good go okay all right we get it we get it good shot thanks let’s go baby let’s go we need to come up with a handshake the fact that you and Jackson have a handshake but not me and you yeah it’s tough it’s pretty sad actually feel jealous every time I watch you guys I’m just like on the outside looking in like we’re playing from the whites obviously I think we’re going to let her go first and she’s going to hit it right down the middle cuz obviously that’s she plays golf in college she’s going to be good and then I’m just going to hopefully hit it a little further she probably going to out drive me let’s be honest yeah I mean the plan is just to aim on that right side just hit it right down the middle wait that’s perfectly fine yeah go no she’s probably past you dog a little laugh we’re perfect a little laugh but it was a good swing it’s a good swing I’m surprised he didn’t go first I’m surprised he didn’t go first all right we we got one in play I’m going to try to uh hit it a little further draw up the right side let get it Michael pay to his ball please pay to his ball right now why just get just hit we got to go just two shrugs you’re so weird to oh heed it he’s got that competitive energy right now come on come on let’s go they think they can talk crap he was like at least re balls in front of the team yeah should we revoke his shot since he was in front of the team marker he’s a little nervous we’ll get we’ll cut him some he he shows up under pressure I’m I’m I’ll bet five bucks on them okay thank you to mlan in the comments down below yeah big thank you yeah let’s see if we can get 15 20,000 likes for mlan this is kind of a crazy spur of the moment video I think the big thing today is you’re just going to have to tell me where to try to hit it and I’m going to try to do it okay cuz obviously you know where to play like your left side right there would that have been a bad spot probably yeah okay I don’t like that spot okay it’s cart path only today and I hit it right next to the cart path let me just tell you that’s not even a bad golf shot that’s just smart look at this dude these greens are pure they just make me want they’re obviously going to talk crap all day today and they’re going to try to get in my head you’ll see it gets pretty funny perfect like do you have green balls dude it’s kind of a weird color choice you know why why cuz when I was editing shot tracers you’d see them I’d be able to see them oh we you bring my towel Garrett hey I read your mine 61 16 or 61 yeah 161 she’s going to shoot the distance I’m going to get our club fourth it’s car path only out here today so is that mine or yours yeah this is you all right cool I thought it was in the Fairway you got 105 105 what club do you want ooh uh I’m going to do a gap wedge okay I’ll grab it that’s a very that’s a gentleman move hey you know out here trying to make moves hey respect what are your first impressions of sploosh he’s a character he’s a really funny guy I’m honestly excited that he’s my partner though keeps things very interesting let’s see if Jackson makes any progress today see if he gets that Riz yeah we talked about I mean can he Riz that’s the question of the day all right 61 yards here we go okay it’s going to roll watch it that was horrible I did not feel comfortable with myself I’m not mad at it is this the right Club yeah uh I can’t find my ball though oh no sit please sit spin I tried to nip it and it WR it was a face Rider those were bad guys those were really bad bad those were really bad Mo that’s on me that’s on me I’m the first goer door’s open what was it 105 yeah all right I have 56 I think the short run up will be nice they have a long putt so yeah it’ll roll up there perfect oh no fit well that sucked can’t lie this where I need you go sit right there that’s perfect not bad that’s fine all right I’d rather have the uphill putt all right you can make that work I nked mine okay I totally at the good good house we have a room with a bunch of clubs and Bubby was like yeah just take three new wedges so I finally got some new wedges and I’ve never hit a 56 before so I didn’t know how far I was going to hit it it’s not a good excuse though we taking yours it’s up to you I just think the ball has a better chance of going in from yours than mine we need to start off strong get one stroke ahead of these all right all right go ahead byebye go go that suck that was slow are they fast no that was slow that was slow are they fast no wow good par thanks hey I appreciate that man thank you I would probably like to chip this but I don’t have my wedge so you want me to put it yeah I’ll check currently mlan is carrying Jackson we use my drive thank you very much not a shock though neither of us are surprised here he’s already roasted me it’s okay though I’m going to make this and okay it’s a good layup you got this yeah oh that nipped all right we got some work to do here yeah I can’t even say that’s a gimme I’m sorry all right we really got to make this we can’t go down one we can’t go down one yeah just be thinking about going down one I like you putting first okay I like you putting first cuz she knows the the read and I don’t want to give her a bad putt she’s going to make this I don’t even have to putt it’s a lot of pressure on here no I trust you I trust you little right sure like I said she’s making it that’s par par we’re tied we did it the ugly way yeah [Music] I’m not going to lie I’m so glad you made it cuz I probably would have missed it yeah we needed that that was huge they really thought they did something she she’s going to carry him today 100% was that even in question feel bad we’re actually kind of we’re kind of going crazy on ja yeah we should chill where’s full to oh right here back part five did I hear Eagle I think I heard uhat have you seen that video have you want me to go first I I I got it okay let me Lo let me cook we just said it other other hole but it didn’t work we made it part dude valid point just left the Fairway not bad though not bad kind of necked it kind of hit it right in here I’m going to go more towards the cart path for obvious reasons also a good one I challenged never mind where’d that go I’ll be honest I have no idea she’s going to put one right down the middle again we were talking over there by the cart par fives I think we need a birdie to keep it tied because they’re going to have advantage on par fives we’re going to have to do something spicy that’ll be okay we got one in play that’s all that matters got one in play in play All That Matters here we go if you were an animal what would you be a silver back gorilla yeah yeah yeah cuz I got like a big back and short legs kind of that was crazy Mo’s making some noises in the cart all right driver let go is that good yeah do do a long neck we’re we’re playing today big fella is that is that in the Fairway yeah okay good shot is that actually in the Fairway I think it yeah it covered the oh it did yeah what would Jackson be he would be like a little uh oh my gosh koala bear no no no porcupine he’d be porcupine but see I could weirdly see that with your little mustache being a porcupine too yeah but I shave it off he could also be a penguin have you seen the way he walks yeah so how long have you been playing playing golf I started playing golf my junior of high school and I would have graduated college last year but I play video games for Liv do you like that is that cool really yeah that’s really cool it’s all right that’s how I met Garrett actually we started playing video games a a couple years ago no way yeah and then he let me move in you know that uh dinosaur with a long ass neck that could be me too cuz mine kind of extends forward look at you’ll do a long neck dude Jackson pumped it yeah there he is got to respect it the cover is like 190 do you think you can cover oh yeah I can cover that definitely cover think so I’m going to try to go for the green do you think you can go for the green do you like that for you yeah what do do you think I can do it I think you can I mean the last that last hole there I’m going to hit hybrid we had to come to play today they’re going to have advantage on in part five where are they at where youall at no we’re good don’t worry about us all right maybe see what I do then you do for that yeah I’ll do that that’s good you do for that all right I stuttered you do for that oh my no that was actually going to be so good got a layup here you striped that you did are better than that Jackson thanks that was literally going to be I actually feel bad she’s going to put a good shot here we’re she’s going to lay it perfect perfectly we have a nice wedge in I feel you guys compliment each other really well we do yeah you guys your game will work out perfect oh yeah oh yeah stripe jez perfect sit down maybe just a foot good ball perfect let’s go come on get bird there come on I feel like there’s some animosity from Jackson today I think he’s kind of he’s playing with some seriousness like he’s kind of upet he wants it can you feel that 197 though bet yeah he wants it for sure huh like like you you got like that that fire on you I always do people doubt me they don’t know me son you’re him yeah him today I’m him today don’t don’t gas me up girl come on it was a high cut I me we’re safe Mo yep it’s more into than I thought see that’s why I got a five I like five what would you say is the best part of your game o I would say just like consistency respect I’m not like far yeah yeah 100% that’s exactly I again cuz I don’t get the ball f as you can tell probably like 270 okay yeah Mo come on Mo number that was good come on Mo sit down come on Mo number come on Mo looks really good come on son thumbs up Come On Son Come On Son yeah we love it Dam okay we can’t be mad that was a great shot they’re going to hit golf shots like I mean they play golf for come on now mhm like what weirdos they don’t know you they don’t know me oh wait they don’t know you let’s go come on dude I love that hey oh he didn’t even give knocks he didn’t he’s he’s locked he’s locked he’s in one of those moods right now he’s swinging well he wants to prove himself he does and I think he has every right to cuz he’s lowkey he’s a solid player he really is I feel like Jackson’s the perfect uh scramble partner you know the best part about this we’re complimenting him so much behind his back we just never will do never in person he’s going to have to watch it actually you get a compliment I’m sorry Jackson we love you love you all we got 76 yards win in the face handed pick up and a high throw wait that was actually a DOT I got 56 Mo put one tight that’s sow Bueno we have a good layup though up and down for bird tie the hole this one would actually make them mad if we tied have you seen up by the way oh my God I have yeah you think he looks like Russell uh little I I don’t want to do him like that so all right NE that’s that’s crazy cuz she totally believed it all right well now I’m going to be only thinking about her roasting me on my back swing who cares you suck Jackson sorry I was only thinking about Russell and up and all right I need you here okay sit watch his spin watch his spin perfect we have a hey oh got the come back T you know where to hit it yes come on wow oh if we make that there dunzo the friendly roll sometimes good content makes itself you know leave a like for this guys that’s is sick also if for some reason you guys haven’t subscribed I think over 50% of you guys aren’t subscribed to the channel it’d be really cool if you guys could just check it out potentially think about hitting it not going to force you guys into any decision that you don’t want to make but come on Mo all right baby for his own Eagle right to the left here we go not too much though yeah you like my new good good grip I do thank you I like it where’d you get it I bought it like two years ago from I I good good good nice that’s a natural Eagle let’s go baby come on Mo come on Mo hey go come on come on we love it that’s how we do it baby wow natural eagal you can’t be mad at it Mo playing it out of his butt today it’s a Super Bowl he wants to beat me bad yeah okay I say we don’t change the lineup we don’t let’s don’t let’s don’t let’s don’t change the lineup and our game plan on the T is if we make birdies that’s all we can do and looks like that is needed right now stay up all right that’s a good put I really need to make this yeah really bad oh tough tough all right it’s a good part though down [Music] two have you heard that song Call on Me never heard what never heard of the original Valerie Valerie come on oh yeah yeah still have it all right she said I look like Russell did she really yeah uh part four driver I’m going to try and just hit one straight m cut good ball kid that’s fine you say it was drivable I don’t see how this is driveable no hey is this match or stroke it’s stroke okay sorry Jackson sorry he lied to me first Eagle on GM Golf who am I big mosy let him cook yeah that’s what you call up mess up after Eagle I mean you’re by the other cart path dog I was honestly trying to play that fair way wrong Fairway but hey we might actually be be playing that you just never know I can’t believe you’ve never heard that I have I [Music] have no that’s not it all right left side is where we need to go on this hole perfect for me cuz I literally hit a draw the entire time she’s going to put one right down the middle and I’m going to swing really hard stay right kick right o draw over the trees come right back in the middle of the Fairway boom [Music] oh my do that good ball let’s go good [Music] ball that’s like off of a surfing yeah yeah and then they redid it and they called it call on me they said called on me that’s we might I’m not joking with you I’m not even joshing you’re not joshing we might take your that’s Jackson really Jackson I’m not kidding he’s playing with some fire in his eyes you can tell right 141 we bring my pitching wedge oh so much mud you got this brother my ball rolled backwards oh I need the sand I’ll go get after okay you got this just start sprinting as soon as you hit okay sand four right yes Mo yes I like this hey come on baby yeah let’s go I really like the way that swing felt good job come on brother all right we got 125 we shot it side Hill lot she’s got nine iron I think right nine iron perfect closer than be okay sit down just a little bit closer than that oh perfect good shot great shot thank you come on all right I’m I’m going to try to hit a cut all right let’s see it [Music] wrestle sit all right I just hit too far sorry oh well I mean she got in my own head she’s my teammate that that was on me I mean that was on me there’s a thing I do on my channel where it’s uh make it take it mhm one-handed one look you make it you take it do you have a YouTube channel no not really oh I was going to tell you to plug your YouTube channel if you want MOSI golf check her out yeah let’s get MOSI to 25,000 subscribers 15 let’s just get to 10 today let’s try it today I’m serious today today we can pull together the GM Golf universe but don’t subscribe to him yet finish this video yes and then subscribe to to win for them to subscribe to me I want to make this clear right before I swung she said let’s go Russell did she really it’s a 3 one all right you see a little right to left little right to left all right perfect not that much it stayed dead straight all right that’s fine oh it’s a good try we’ll give you that all right they’re in for par they’re even par honestly they’re cruising they’re not playing like bad Mo just made an eagle so come on MO pulled it yeah why did you hit that so hard I don’t know that’s [Music] good such an easy putt I I did I hit that part you did I just were you trying to hit the back of the cup I don’t know I think I got excited that’s what I will say like I was just excited to make that putt honestly I felt very confident in it I just got a little excited you let M beat you as of now no but I I wish a comeback for them hopefully they make it interesting you know what my favorite dance move is right go one two just keep [Music] going can you eat the worm yeah I can hit the worm I’m not going to do it though you can yeah but not right now imagine if you hit the worm the day that we did the cheeseburger challenge I would thr projectile I got a driver in hand feel bad I hate food challenges hey you’re by the car path yeah that’s the way on the Bri side move all thanks brother draw keep coming good ball that wind’s pushing it good ball I think it hit path maybe oh we’re up there Jackson you can play a te up if you want from the white oh that was maybe a little too far that that was that was cut throat that was too far that was a cut throat I didn’t like that one said you said in a serious way that’s messed up man ja you can take play from the woman’s te and have her play from the I can’t wait to move back home kidding I’m being serious that one fell too far Jackson it was now I’m just mad stay that’s fine look we don’t like to see that no that’s that’s fine you’ve been hitting every other shot good today and I’ve only been hitting driver good so let’s keep that let’s keep that rotation going well you’re on with your driver so we’re fine no sit a little left is it good all right we’re barely outside the Fairway okay yeah that’s fine what the right Garrett’s making me mad today I haven’t been too nice either it’s okay that one shot it’s fine I it’s literally if I’m not getting made fun of it’s like something’s wrong with the day I feel bad genuinely yeah there was one time there was Rider like in one of my first videos with Garrett he said put sploosh the type of guy to in the comments and they were like probably the funniest thing I’ve ever read they they’d be like sploosh the type of guy to like clap when the plane lands or sploosh the type of guy to order five big maps from the freaking McDonald’s menu oh my God it’s cruel out here off yeah they’re back there we’re going to hit cuz they’re getting ready to hit we played C path golf nicely like we’ve done this now three shots in a row yeah it works in a scramble especially [ __ ] no be fine it’s into the wind brother that was a knuckle ball look at that divot though I know that’s my problem when I’m in the rough up the hill it always is a fly cuz I hit so down yeah I got a gap wedge actually you that’s what I hit yeah yeah that road that road that was a face Rider the face Rider it’s okay we got 158 I have seven iron hopefully that’s enough she said it’s going to play pretty far up so I didn’t have a six iron should play like two clubs one or two clubs go go yeah that’ll be fine he’s playing good he’s playing good Jackson like Jackson’s a good golfer that’s what people don’t really here we go complimenting him behind his back but not to his face oh if it runs that could be pretty good go go roll up there oh that’ll work that’s fine looks like they brought a putter they’re on the green so we got to make our putt not problem come on not a problem I almost lost the club when I swung there that’s why I dropped it we don’t have a bad spot I’d rather there be ours in Theirs to be honest all right what’s the plan here I mean it’s going to break right right it’s got to break right definitely I feel like there’s going to be a lot it is going to be a lot maybe like outside that the flag I love that I love that one it love it okay honestly was not a bad put it’s a little hard I feel a little hard okay yeah Jackson’s going to clutch up at some point today it’s not right there it’s yeah that’s that’s good great read great that’s actually good speed speed was awesome 3T dude you’re not missing that hit it halfway there shocked honestly kind of shocked shorty good layup Z I’m really giving them runs today Mo you are you’re kind of crushing them we’re still down two we kind of dodging some bullets we really are we’re only down two and it’s because Mo made an eagle we got to you know step up the game a little [Music] bit how do you think their date is going by the way their golf date do she have we figured out if she has a boyfriend we have it should I ask him I think he should ask her yeah no I’m saying like should I ask him to ask her cuz I feel like he needs to figure that out if he had any sort sort of RZ he would have asked her by now you think so yeah already I feel like it’s going better than I expected right she’s laughing at him yeah he is a funny guy so do you watch Garrett or have you just like known i’ I’ve watched these videos before okay so like is this what you thought it would be like no like I I don’t know what like what to what to expect yeah but it’s respect very chill it’s very chill it’s so fun I thought there would be like more video I don’t know yeah usually one or two people and you’re chilling we got to tile it up though come on yeah we do come on we’re not we really do we’re only down two Striking Distance wait okay I’m and I’m being you’re going to take this the wrong way no I want to play from here I want to play from here I’m being serious okay because there’s no difference between the tea box should we what tea box do you guys play in tournaments I usually play like white it’s like 59 60 gotcha yeah perfect okay perfect hit your ball kid I’m literally I didn’t mean that in a like bad way I’m just saying there’s no difference my and I got to keep the the pedal to the metal here’s what I’m going to say Jackson has been clutch in a lot of videos that we filmed he has been so what I’m kind of nervous about is that he’s going to just turn it on and out of nowhere to start playing really good golf the date’s going well I’ve been asked her if she has a boyfriend yeah you got ask you got ask I got to ask a question I’m going to do one those that nine I don’t know if I want to hit kick down down oh that’s rough you should hit yeah you’re it but you got this are you thinking a little squeezer or what are you thinking no I I was think I mean damn need to take a breather sometimes no a squeezer a squeezer what I said are you thinking a little squeezer or what I thought you said are you taking a breather cuz I cuz the the Darth Vader Darth Vader great shot babe really good okay you that’s insane Mo dude you can’t I did yeah yes good perfect very nice good ball thank you all right I really need to step it up here I need to come clutch like Garrett was talking about we need your length all right come on they need your length need your length oh and they got the length the l oh come on baby wow big J SP you got you outd drove me you actually I think you just out drove me I’m not Kidd you no I didn’t come on how are you enjoying the trip so far this this little Excursion this little golf date as you would call it golf date so fun yes so fun all right that that’s a win in my books chat so glad I was on the fighting range yes it you know wait were we like set Jackson up we start setting Jackson up on golf dates and do this multiple times with other girls cuz he’s always asking find me a wife find me a wife yeah he’s always wanting to find a wife or find a girlfriend so does Jackson have R we might have to start this series where we’re just competing against them yep and it’s just a golf date Jackson let’s see if the comments like that idea and if you do comment below the girl they make fun of me for not hitting it far but look how much further they all Drive Me by it’s really not that much 104 we bring my 56 yeah thank you that’s so sweet of course all right let’s switch out the order let’s do a little something different here we got 106 I just know you’re clutch with the wedges so let me mess up first go yeah that’s really short isn’t it yeah it’ll do thanks Ryder it’ll do I got caught up in the wind I hit a cut that was weird whoa sit whoa come back dang not bad okay it’s not bad all right got it there I’m going play a little cut spin yeah low cutter doing the same thing I’m going to pinch a 60 low cutter no that’s a roller this might be it Ryder never mind Nipper it is kind of did it but I didn’t spin it harder little cutter in there that’s the goal I don’t know why I thought I I don’t know why I thought I had 110 yards dude it’s literally 70 yards why did I do that all right we’re both on the green I thinking we’re like we like mine better I think you like yours better okay we can do that see yours is a little bit downhill but honestly mine is too so we’re kind of in the same boat yours is a little closer we’ll do mine then sounds good perfect yeah I like you putting first no no no I like you putting first I’m good with going first you putt first try to give me a line okay hopefully I make it stay up woo all right not going to lie that was a beauty what are you not going to lie about shut up and why were you going to lie first place oh it’s a good roll though yep I didn’t hit it I can’t get a like how fast these greens are that’s good I haven’t been giving you much on the greens after you putt so I feel like since you’re the better putter today let me go okay respectfully hey let’s go a three putt would be awesome you touched that yeah horrible putt not really that too much speed all right on the whole six we’re down two we got to step it up you guys still in this it’s stroke play all right do you have a boyfriend I don’t sh left all right kidding kidding we’re just going to keep it going hey you guys have to comment below if Jackson got Riz dude this would be this would be cool to see Jackson’s like hes transformation through the next like year or two and like what if he found like his wife doing this would be unreal like we got to see if we can set up like one every GM trip we set up he’s trying to play cool I don’t know if she I think she has it give us a thumbs up and thumbs down it’s 200 there it’s like 150 um 150 that’s a 50 yards downhill I like a seven for me okay I feel like I would have to hit it that’s down straight down win might need to sit Mo dude go in the hole Garrett oh okay eight you got to hit eight why are you being so nonchalant right now you got to hit eight you just such a good shot you’re so nonchalant we can’t get distracted with the goal here job’s not finished job’s not finished job is not finished I have an eight iron as well I was aiming that way but I was hoping it would hook more watch it bounce off a sprinkler head and go in watch never mind I’m going to go first here perfect I’m going to try to throw it close I’m aiming right at Ryder so we might might have to go four nope stay there sorry that was terrible not going to lie my bad you’re going to need to step up here oh yeah oh be a number mlan be it mlan great shot way to carry me wow wow wow she showing up that was a great shot you car you’re carrying me well I know I’m a large load to carry but yeah I mean you’ve been carrying off tea so yeah I just can’t e my irons I don’t know why I don’t know what I’m doing that’s just that’s our our team that’s our chemistry we’re already it’s our team goal we’re bonding what a shot from mlan they make that we miss they’re right back in it for a second with my t-shot I thought it was going to spin a little would have been nice see I think your irons are your best part of your game when I was asking you earlier I was like thank you I think the irons are the best part of your game you might have thrown it closer than Garrett oh a little bit of spin rips off this hill seeing a little left to right actually a lot of left to right I don’t want it to end up like last hole we definitely do that way short do you want me to give you the read yes okay I’ll give you the read that would be great I want to give her the read I want her to make her own birdie thank you I appreciate that get in there oh oh Jackson robbed just she made it no oh my gosh good put thank you this is not enough that was bad that I red it end in that was cool oh my go wow when you’re on you’re on what can I say what a absolute side wer oh that’s crazy d That’s crazy good pot alternate shot in that hole [Music] respect you like those sliders left to right are my putts really I hate right to left putts it’s not very common for righties yeah I know but I think it’s cuz I I naturally play the fade so you just kind of add some extra spin on it and I play the hook and I like the right to left see man we’re so uh good weird long drive contest here you and I yeah cuz I did accidentally throw a stray at M Mo saying I hit it farther than him which I didn’t mean Fairways don’t count you just hit it hard as you can whoever have the distance look at how tight this hole looks everyone look that’s what that’s the challenge of this course yeah that’s all that’s all country clubs I feel yeah all right mosy and I are swinging hard oh shoot that looks really good and you hit that high I don’t know it’s kind of top of the face tough to say wow oh my I think you got me I I’ll tell you I think you got me wait did you did you play nice we need a team meeting real quick okay they’re up three we really need an eagle here we’re going to go Eagle bir let’s go Eagle right here nice right down the middle perfect might be a little L the way you said perfect perfect perfect I went in on this long drive contest I haven’t outd drove him once from this TX so wow Jackson might get that was pretty good that was awesome thanks man great ball if I could be a fly in their golf cart I would where about about to be cuz we’re going to get to watch this back you know what it might have not been our score that we wanted today but it was a great day it’s a nice day out here it’s not too hot not too windy and we didn’t play Bad been having fun we’re literally even they’re three under you can’t get mad at that and we have a chance to go under as well I want to try to finish at least the round under so we need to birdie one of these two and I’d be happy successful day today would you say so I think so I mean there’s a part three and then okay this hole here you can get a birdie here easy easy birdie easy birdie here I love our game plan I see your ball perect it’s right across from right here I got you wow I thought I hit that so good I hit mine a little high in the face but it made it go farther I think cuz of the wind it rode the wind hey good job little face Rider gett beat me we’re not in a bad spot here don’t like being under that tree though we got 2011 to the pin 2011 oh God do you want me to go first yeah you can if you’re ready love it let’s see it wait that’s going to work out so good that might be perfect keep coming oh it got stuck hey that’s not bad that’s not bad that’s not bad I I love that shot out of you nice thank you nice oh yeah go just a little left go ball Jackson great shot come on pound it boom thank you little nine iron here mosy going to kind of open up the face play this one a little softer hopefully I just couldn’t commit to it I couldn’t thought I had too much Club that’s on me you didn’t get it there I thought yours would run unfortunately it didn’t mine was the club I just it didn’t turn as much as I thought it would we have an eagle putt wow any other day it would have been on oh yeah we’re actually really close let’s go yeah I already know Mo’s going to put this close just cuz he’s having one of those days today oh it’s overdrawn yeah that’s we suck no I’ll take the blank we have nine irons in hand I think I should have mused a PE wedge but that’s on me and I’m sorry I hope they can realize that we just messed up and they can take advantage what are you going to say you asked me this I I’m a two sneeze guy how are you I’m a two sneeze guy too if I hit three sneezes in a row that’s crazy yeah I can’t get a third out yeah at that point might pop a blood vessel let’s chip this in yeah you guys are going to chip it in I have it it’s just it’s one of those days for y’all oh that just nipped dang all right Do’s open I’m just sucking right now you want to go first I’m good with that okay I trust you I trust you it’s going to break a little bit to the left we’re in kind of a dead spot so it’s going to react kind of like the normal green needs more than that it just you just didn’t hit it but hey that’s a bird that is bird what do we talk about in the cart we talked about that hey pull that flag I’m going to make this thing no way get in there no way oh why I Really T bre back to the OG order Mo’s going first knock it in stay three up onto the last two wow wow nice putt good putt thanks here good birdie nice confidence there thanks I like the walk in all right on to the last two still three [Music] up your go-to dance move what is my go-to dance like you get thrown in a in a in a match in a in a circle I’m probably just you know what I’m saying interesting the Hat no I probably don’t have a hat on I’ll just oh so you’re just going to do that in the middle of in the middle of did you go to school dances and stuff yeah I did I just Vibe just vibing out you know not a big dancer yeah do I look like I have rhythm I feel like you have like that weird Rhythm no like that lengthy RI that weird with them one under on the day can’t be mad we have a par three to end it we have two holes left par three and a par four we’re down three still unfortunately but I’m happy with I hey yeah whole Eight’s out of play they have like a short part three up here oh yeah yeah instead which they’re playing as whole nine three up two to play it’s looking pretty good for team what’s our team name are we team 10 or is that is that Jackson and I no yeah we need to have our own thing yeah we got to have our own thing Jackson and I are team 10 hey did we talk about the punishment yet yeah okay we haven’t talked about the punishment Jackson and I are team 10 team 10 you see why in the comments if you add Mo it’s team 100 or Apple Jacks anyway so we were thinking we’re Team Apple Jacks I’m the cinnamon you’re the apple and you’re the box cuz I’m a square and I’m round like an apple well we haven’t been on the same team yet so once we do a 3v3 scramble against some people team Apple Jack is coming at you uh yeah but when MO is seeing there is a forfeit at the end of this challenge so we’re down three right now and if I L I have to jump in the water yeah there’s a there’s a pond just right over there and you have to do it your entire like your my fit with I’ll get you a new stuff with actually after this video should I try and sting one up there mosy who could hit the lower Stinger yeah K can just gol mine would definitely be lower than that more entertaining to me yeah mosy that’s really cool nice that wins oh yeah perfect let’s go come on let go give me some thank you boom her is actually so perfect that I’m going to try to swing as hard as I can at this that was actually killed yeah good ball wait that was actually [ __ ] deed I’m probably right of the Fairway yeah yours is like money maybe that’s me up there actually I might have outd drove you again brother I really hope it’s going good for him like do you think he gets his number after or do you think he gets her number after it’s tough to say I believe in Jackson I lowkey think he’ll say like let me get a snap and that’s just not a gentleman I thing hey yo let me get you snap it kind of comes off as like kind a douchy or whatever yeah be polite be a man yeah be in color I want to take you on a date where do you think Jackson would take a girl on a first date like Olive Garden or something Olive Garden and like probably like to like an arcade yeah cuz he’s a gamer which to be Fair arcades are fun if I was a girl I would love that you would mhm if I was a girl I wouldn’t mind yeah I mean I don’t mind it but like Olive Garden makes me you don’t like it I just don’t like Italian food it’s heavy on me two good drives two good drives both in the Fairway this is a very hilly weird course someone is calling me can’t answer it right now we’re we’re in a cart cam serious business serious business we’re trying to we’re trying to clutch up and come back I think that’s probably me right there I drove one of them nice shot come on I got 103 103 little cut spinner it hasn’t worked it’s got to go cut spinner good cut spinner look at that thing rolling man all that spin on it I know I really did hit a cut spinner we forgot the sand I’ll go get it full Sprint one go go you’re telling me that’s faster than me he could run backwards all right bud you didn’t have to say all that I don’t want to hurt your feelings but I think I could walk faster than you could run hit your shot hit the Drone that was so close to hitting the Drone I think I went long doors open I like you’re going first yeah come on let’s keep that let’s keep that Mojo let’s keep that motion going [Music] going good swing nice got a putt daning come on thank you it’s like 105 all right perfect it’s my favorite distance oh Jackson that’s cutting back so pretty good that looks good all right door we need to do something I haven’t hit a good approach out all day so I’m glad I did that nice oh my God come on come on it’s a line it’s a good roll I don’t think one up I think I’m just going to trust it good line G’s the type of guy to make this I haven’t made a put all day I exactly why I just said garr’s the type of guy to make this oh my gosh that was really close C we need to make this but let’s make a birdie get within what if it’s in within two now we make this yeah wow he clutches up that a Natty bird both that’s a Natty bird nice come on now we bogey you guys birdie we go to a playoff yeah true we’re down two we’re only down two we fought back two birdies come on uphill part three to end up dude we’re perfect they’re going to Bogey this hole I can feel I have a feeling if we birdie this hole and they bogey I’m going to have it’s oh it’s real bad news for them hey where was this pin at again was it in the middle of the green that’s why do you want to know I was just curious sorry 2 three four five 6 seven eight who do we appreciate what’s that I’m going to hit the ball cut should spin right don’t spin not probably a little short yeah 56 32 I got a f i got a f go in the hole I love your swing bro be so good oh a little short that’s fine it’s on the green though right yeah yeah wor can I be honest with you you have you two have two of my favorite golf swings in all of creation really yeah wow that’s a compliment like you see me you don’t think like wow he’s a golfer right I do I don’t right mlan like if you saw me just like out and about not in golf clothes you like he’s a golfer uh I think so with that hat on damn take the hat off of course right like backwards hat like say rugby rugby yeah all right like some sort of like football we got one 12 while they’re talking about rugby and other sports we’re golfing it’s pretty good maybe a little short he gave it not bad for mine and not for them so I can’t be [Music] mad I have to pee so bad oh if that goes that’s great if that goes that’s great oh that could be really good that could be really good ah a little short it’s a great shot though we’re on the green we hit two on the green we have to make it like if we when we have to make this shot really don’t want to jump in that water cuz it’s going to be cold look we we fought today we fought today so that’s all we can be happy about oh look we got four on the green so we got to make and hope they threw cut up the hill come on strong here though we’re up two right yep good read never looked up I wanted to I love that keep my eyes over the ball way a solidify the dub he said good read you want me to do it or no do it I want you to make it knock it in I want you to I want your self-confidence through the roof for this next nine hit it with your purse all right make your own birdie I did what I did what gett did I didn’t look up oh my good roll you’ve hit you’ve hit good lines today cuz they’ve been like on the proide that’s try to that’s good let’s make this make it respectable come on Michael get in there yeah dude honestly give it to you hold on hold on that was fun bro hey nice meeting you thank you well shout out mlan we end up winning only by one only by one clutched up Jackson clutched up there at the end start playing a little better um shout out to Lake huier Country Club for having us out today hopefully you guys enjoyed that video more videos to come from here in Kansas City again shout out to mlan for coming on today very last minute for literally last minute last second decision there appreciate it yeah of course but hopefully you guys enjoyed that any closing words Mo Jackson mlan anything had fun thanks for inviting me on this week see you guys on the next one par no no no no I want to jump in I want we lost um yeah jumping that way you’re going that way yeah it’s closer to the the the thing good luck all right peace out [Music] y’all that wraps up that video you what a timeout here at Lake H beautiful lake and a beautiful course I got my phone in my pocket and I have mine in mine I have mine in mine I’m kidding I’m kidding we’ll see you guys peace [Music]


  1. Sploosh the type of dude to give up his head coaching job at newly integrated TC Williams High School and not be sold on it at first but over time realize it’s not only great for the team but for the world and when he loses his chance at the coaching hall of fame and his starting quarterback he stays true to his values and overcomes while learning something about himself and others. Sploosh you a hall of famer in my book.

  2. Ryders ability to ignore the near kill shot & still get the shot is so f*ckin underrated!!!

  3. That was fun. Mo and Sploosh are so much more entertaining than the Good Good regulars these days. What's up with them? Too much money in the bank to give a shit anymore?

  4. For some reason Garret is literally only a prick to Sploosh. I’ve never seen him make fun of anyone else ever 🤣

  5. Scharf is trying to pull in the Christian likes. Steve has disappeared completely and Bubbie has become a nothing burger. It's basically Brad and Garrett trying to hold things together. I really miss Kwon and even Hadden. They were personalities. Sploosh and Mo should replace them.

  6. Overly enthusiastic Christians like Scharf are either in recovery or are suffering from a neurological disorder. He was always likeable but now?….

  7. Yall need to coach this boy. He is gassing up the situation in his head. you can see him trying to play well and trying to make her laugh. Just needs to take a deep breath and relax.

  8. So first off, massive hats off to McClain!! She was a trooper. I started this video when I needed to go to bed for early AM work, it caused me to open another bottle of wine to watch!! Sploogh was awesome and I think McClain should become a regular on the channel!! Best video so far!! I was doubled over, Sploogh is the guy floating down the river enjoying, till he realizes he can't get out of the tube and starts flailing till he has to dump the tube……in 2 ft of water!!!

  9. Sploosh the type of guy to be the most genuine friend in the group who would do anything for the homies. And would tuck them in at night.

  10. No sorry Jackson doesn’t have Rizz…he’s an anti boner pill, but maybe good good affiliation gets her digits.

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