Scotty Cameron Circle T – Tour Rat II vs. LAB Golf DF3

Are you wondering how a Scotty Cameron Circle T stands against a L.A.B. Golf Putter!???

Watch my latest video where I compare the putting performance between my newly fitted L.A.B. DF3 putter against my trusty Scotty Cameron Circle T – Tour Rat II.

Watch my L.A.B. putter fitting here:


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let [Music] oh hey friends finally the day has come um I’ve just received my new lab golf putter um that I was fitted for out in crestwell Oregon at lab HQ um and I was fitted for the lab df3 um it’s 33 in in length and then my li angle is uh 74 and um we have the upgraded Acra shaft with the lab golf proprietary putter uh 2 Dee um which usually means that um I have a forward press um the putter grip is a a little bit offset hard to kind of see in the video but it’s not perfectly centered but to be able to um accommodate for a forward press um up to two degrees um and we’re putting it against my Scotty Cameron Circle T tour rat um I’ve been historically using a blade putter for many years so I am Keen to see if the hype is real on the lab golf putter um so um I’ve set up aoup couple of distances 5T 10 ft 15 ft to kind of compare these on um the practice screen here at my club in Oregon and yeah let’s go ahead and take a look all right guys again this is the uh Scotty Cameron Circle T tour wrap prototype kind of have a pretty um angled putt here but um let’s see how this is currently performing and what I’m think feeling yeah so all right guys switching over to the lab df3 again 5 ft really filling the alignment here with the triple track system yeah putter feels great little to no rotation of the putter head now I do have a forward press that I play um lab says that they have roughly about 2° of uh Loft already on the putter so when I forward press it um it should perfectly just a little bit to the outside there that was me not the putter but overall impressions of the putter um just from 5T no um rotation of the head um weighting and balance is perfect um loving everything so far all right guys we’re switching over now 10 ft um going back to the Scotty Cameron Circle T to a r 10 feet um I’ve been putting with a Scotty Cameron blade for many years now so um taking a look at what the lab offers it’s completely different for me but that’s why you get fit and see the right model that works for your game yeah right off the bat straight pull oh wow W barely winning okay okay we’re now switching to the lab putter df3 um again 10 ft um as you saw from the Scotty Cameron putter um dispersion was really good on it in terms of the misses but let’s see how this one performs wow so as you guys saw better dispersion with the lab uh Miss put a little bit closer obviously to the hole um yeah off the initial feedback I have from a 10t uh foot putt is feels like the putter holds line better than the Scotty Cameron does um yeah like I said from the 5- foot putt very similar to a 10-ft putt with the rotation of the face being pretty much uh headon straight on uh I I don’t feel like the manipulation of my arms um are coming into play at all so so far from 10 feet really great performance all right guys so uh a little bit further route we’re 15 ft now on uh the Scotty Cameron Circle T let’s see how this performs okay let’s do that all right so now we’re switching over to the lab putter again 15 ft um yeah let’s see how this performs against the Scotty and let’s take a look just got to hit it all right folks so the verdict is in um Scotty versus uh df3 lab um definitely feel like the lab um is more stable throughout the hitting area of a putt although um it does take some time to get used to this from my understanding it takes depending on how much you practice I mean um I’ve heard people say anywhere from 6 weeks to six months to get used to something like this like the lab um where I have been torically used to the Circle T um there is more manipulation of your hands um and manipulation of the putter face so if you guys are not familiar Scotty will turn open and close at impact whereas the lab pretty much stays pretty straight so my overall all review is that this is the game Cher not knocking down this but um definitely got to put way more practice into using this if you want to be successful with a Scotty Circle te so um check them out lab Golf out here in crestwell Oregon uh but you can get a fitting online by submitting a video and they can give you all your specs for this or you can go to your closest uh Club Champion uh around the nation and get fit for one of these as well uh thank you guys for watching if you guys have any questions feel free to comment or message me on YouTube thank you see you on the next one


  1. Looked like you were over rotating with Scotty. Get a little larger grip and you may see some of those left misses go in.

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