Golf Babe


We went to a golf course community garage sale scored huge!

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all right folks welcome back today we have a gigantic Golf Course community garage sale but never know what you’re going to find though so let’s go find it let’s go find it before we jump further into the video it looks like only 27% of you guys are actually subscribed which is weird because over 99% of our viewers enjoy the video so if you’re one of those viewers that enjoys the videos and hasn’t subscribed yet we’d really appreciate it I don’t see one but that’s okay C all I think it is it has a head cover how amazing is that amazing who I thought this was a McGregor sponse a giant dead center interesting fascinating wonder what that’s done good morning that was an old one yeah it almost look I retired it oh yeah you remember the McGregor response the one that Jack used the giant one oh that was a big H that’s the first putter I ever had oh really big big uh Mallet and I I got one now that I like really like and I’m never going to I I’ve had it and I yep time to on got time to give it up that’s that’s aall retriever yeah that’s a head cover too I’ve never seen the head cover before well yeah well that cway made it but I’ll tell you what I mean this thing you’ll get balls that you’re going to get that’s intense you’re going to get balls you’re going to get balls at the other the rookies uh most of of them are half that yet my golf game so bad I had to get my ball retriever regrip I’m that’s a that’s my my goto line this is this is the reason they have this is because this is for the guy that you know some people are embarrassed they don’t want to put the B retriever I I’m proud the only reason I have the only reason I have two of these is cuz I had one in Wisconsin and here that’s why there’s nothing wrong with it I mean it’s just that it’s been still does job you’re still testing it look what’s out there oh yeah yeah it works we got 10 20 30 and 40 cool thank you unimited supply here in Florida all right an interesting start to the day to say the least actually a pretty good pickup on the vogi and the ball retriever with the head cover but this guy right here the titals dead center SP 747 believe it or not is not the weirdest putter that we find on the day this thing is absolutely gigant kind of similar to the putter that Jack Nicholas used to win the 1986 Masters the McGregor response but for being so big it actually feels pretty good but like I said not the weirdest putter that we find on the day you’ll be about to see that one morning oh she is watching those golf cles like a hawk oh nailed hor golden retriever before her no we did too we lost her yeah how long did your what was the age of your um golden doodle uh 12 and a half she’s going to be 13 this summer okay that’s yeah our um golden retriever only lived till 9 and a half wow our like a p yeah and she was a trained golden but her legs never and she did shows she shows a mirror it’s like a side view mirror a whole new that’s pretty interesting did you make that or did you buy it oh he made that oh really my favorite poter is a pink dock so I thought what it look like a ping do yeah but it was that’s clever to see where you’re going yeah I just were you selling it yeah how much did you want for it well we were going to sell the whole set one that one’s different special so you tell them how much you want for it it’s your goal I don’t know 10 bucks sounds good that’s why it’s a lot of fun oh we see if it cures my putting what an awesome fight with this homemade putter right there Speaking of awesome let’s see if we can break the world record of 6 foot putts in 60 seconds which is 36 as we tell you about the sponsor of today’s video as you guys know we do not take sponsorship deals unless we know and trust the product so when Duracell reached out to us wanting to sponsor we knew it would be an electric deal the Duracell m150 is a portable charging Hub we have been using to keep our camera gear charge on the go and on the course it can power our laptops on long road trips where we have to edit and upload in some crazy locations with limited charging options it also has wireless charging for your phone which is tiltable so if you’re out on the range for a long practice session you know you can use it to hold your phone while recording I use it while filming my golf sessions all the time which is quite handy when you’re out there playing for the whole day you just never have to worry about the batteries running out it features 150 watts of power two usba a ports two USB C ports and weighs only 1.8 lb not to mention it looks like a giant Duracell battery which is awesome so whether you are a golfer traveler or just need a reliable powerhub on the go the Duracell m150 is a smart choice and that’s it no world record for putts at 60 seconds but this putter is amazing almost as amazing as the Duracell m150 click the link in the description or scan the QR code on the screen to get charged up with the duracel m150 portable charging Hub and thank you once again to Duracell for sponsoring today’s video vulic the r it again yeah how’s it going how you guys doing good how are you find anything H not too much today still early Patty Berg example of Medicus on why oh yeah but that’s the one I like it because oh there’s a master’s hat well it doesn’t break so it makes me feel good cuz it’s rusted okay that’s why my swing’s perfect double Masters vulvic Let’s Go Disney you have a five sure yeah I think that’s all your stuff well five ones oh wait hold I do have have on oh okay great yeah so this whole box is $20 okay so little but there’s like paper weights but these are the two cutest I mean detail is really nice I literally picked it up you see the back of yeah absolutely those are cool they really are I just don’t have a desk anymore so would you like a bag for your hats oh no it’s okay I’ll wear all three at the same time oh good you want to fit them in there yeah I we’ll take the box too okay take the excellent let’s put these back I am so happy that somebody is going to enjoy these all right what a deal right there $2 a piece on the Master’s visors we got the vulvic hat for a dollar but I think you guys can tell that our favorite f of the stuff was all of this Disney stuff for 20 bucks look how cute this is you got the stapler oh we had to go with the stapler we got this for when uh life’s mistakes happen a stapler remover Mickey glove got the gangs lady in the Woody Mickey we got a little like uh it’s a k oh no it’s not a cake topper that would have been icing on the cake for that find it’s still amazing though W oh look how they just by the head covers that’s awesome oh I think those are pink Zs oh it’s a yes Tracy Too 30 something now no 40 something now I just found my old ones and I put them on E yeah that’s why I it [Laughter] was best one is yeah is not good hear that a lot on the GOL course of me that’s a good point oh they’re not ping zings what Wilson those are sick those are that green is so nice it’s like a piece of metal through the middle oh wow it’s cool SC Cameron Pro Platinum cover oh nice test of is it actually it is not for sure P answer another yes what are these wedges Tom Hunt these are just shafts how often do you find shafts at not very often dim on a red what rail yescome got to get that head cover my guy sweet ad meant to be actually it’s a how a training it’s a Training Club look that oh yeah I didn’t even know that’s cool yeah your failed Mis L is nothing new here oh my good one get a these watch out for Homer all right so you want Rory yeah Rory parrot tasa and then the Peng one morning Hi how are you good how you doing good thank you this is a clever display case too we should try this make stream open club sandwich this is not good am I touching it I don’t know where I’m touching it thing little yeah in that little sack there a I got you that’s that’s not a that’s not a garage sale I I I probably P $45 oh okay cool so I want you to get all fired up we’ll we’ll talk to the boss about the price okay how much are the uh Master’s towels uh you know it’s it’s funny they make them in white and they make them in green I put this one back there white one just to see by notice RSE but um probably six bucks piece cool we’ll definitely do those sweet you got a sport I what you doing go what what doing nobody buy eight head we collect and buy and sell stuff we buy and sell stuff to fuel our little collection really on the internet mhm really yeah it’s a lot of fun how do you I mean you have your own website or uh we saw an app called whatnot it’s kind of like a live stream version of eBay we start everything out at a dollar and people bid it up to whatever it go to so Sometimes good sometimes bad yeah sometimes we get hurt sometimes it’s it’s a good day all right so I’ll hold what I this one was 45 that’s cool enough yeah yeah oh absolutely and then we had the did you want the itams with it um that’s a few how much are um this one I got to get my I got to get I got to get the the uh the grip back so I mean that’s probably 15 you can just keep it then it’s fine the star for sure yeah and then this was a yes Tracy too yes butter I sold one for five bucks cool just a minute ago so sounds like a deal and that’s probably right head cover is yes cover it’s a good condition for the head cover usually they’re flaking like crazy she never uses it oh okay and then that’s another yes putter okay and it’s a loose [Music] shaft they went hey the biggest sale of the day no no no just leave I’ll get him in a second guys you sure oh yeah yeah yeah got these guys then I got 61 for Homer and his friends okay 61 then the two are six there’s a lot of math right now for the morning things are happening okay 61 and uh 12 12 61 12 733 75 cool and these five 10 15 75 90 90 90 thank you what’s this place called which one oh where we sell whatnot whatnot it’s just an app that you can download and then yep it’s fun you probably won’t see that for sale on there but maybe some of the other stuff I I kept crusty the clown well thank you very much thank you that’s the treasure Tru also Scotty camon Pro Platinum I cover it the pro Platinum of garage sales nailed it that’s why we keep you around for the titles if you ever don’t like the titles it’s Ashley’s fault I’m so sorry everything else is my fault all right what a treasure chove right there we got the Roy maroy head cover we got the Scotty Cameron Pro Platinum absolutely minty that thing’s over 20 years old and this guy I’m pretty sure is over 20 years old and an open face club sandwich it’s still works and it has some amazing dad jokes on there also we got the Master’s tow but no joking around with this guy right here the yes Tracy 2 I really like this one yeah it’s like a modern classic now Matthew Fitzpatrick used one for a really long time and then he had bet nardy clone one because he liked it so much uh yes unfortunately went out of business although Adams just brought him back out but everybody’s trying to get that now but super awesome find right there almost as awesome as the last find of the day definitely mind-blowing in my opinion but hopefully you guys did like this video stay tuned for that fine but we’re going to end it cuz it’s so epic in the end for me but I hope you guys did like this video if you did hit like Buton subscribe and we’ll see you next time see you next time we’re getting close to 275,000 subscribers so thank you guys for that let’s see if he’s got any words of wisdom for us this is not good it’s probably how a lot of people feel about the video but we’ll see you next time guys thanks for watching oh my goodness it’s a Golf Pride bag I’ve never seen one of those trying to read the logo that’s awesome golf P tev the best scripts for the past 50 years I don’t care how much this [Music] is that is so sick out I didn’t even finish my cookie Ashley gave me a breakfast cookie and I can’t even talk my mouth was full one brand new attached oh I saw that oh my God it was amazing regardless regardless it was I want all your money come on okay it’s worth it 60 70 got 65 on the bag yes cool all right enjoy that thank you thank you you got five I think oh sorry my bad I ran out of fives you just hear the me can 65 at no even look I just hand her whatever or him whatever she I carry the money so like he just he barely holds on to it thank you than a good oh yeah it’s awesome very cool thank you I can’t talkar cookies have peanut butter it in like mouth Stu yep you hear my lips smacking made for great content like turned on the brake and turned off the car you like just I almost forgot yeah you just like roll the car was still rolling it was in neutral that is amazing people are going to be like why is this guy so obsessed with his bag and I’m like why are you not look at that oh my goodness that’s thumbnail I don’t care what we can find five Scotty cameras after this this is the this is the find of the day for me brand new Texs oh nailed it let’s get it that way H yeah oh there that’s probably perfect I can’t see the camera strapped to me oh he’s happy oh hey how’s it going buddy he approves he approves nailed it my mom’s in the background hello nailed it


  1. I inherited that same Titelist Dead Center putrer from my grandpa, and I putt better with that than anything else.

  2. I have that Callaway ball retriever, it's one of the best things iv ever bought, I can retriever balls no one else gets close too, that and my UV light mean I have not bought a ball in approaching 2 years. I keep the TP5's chromesofts, prov1's and other premium balls and pass the rest on. £25 for the retriever and £13 for the torch, I have hundreds of balls for less than the price of one 12 pack of new ProV1's.

  3. About subscribing. Every time I watch your videos, I check the subscription and I Always Have to re-subscribe.

  4. Been a watcher and subscriber for years. You two never disappoint. My dad was a club pro at a course in San Diego in the 80s. He was MacGregor rep and played the Jack Nicklaus Muirfield irons. He also rocked one of those giant putters for quite a while. Ashley, who makes that sling bag you are carrying?

  5. Love the old Yes putters. Those C grooves on the face are awesome. So happy to see that they were brought back by Adam's another golf clubs that Im also happy are back

  6. Love the content of you guys. Wish we had these type off garage sales in the UK. Amazing with the Headcovers you guys find

  7. Good morning both
    Just watched today’s instalment
    Not jealous at all
    I lie
    I’m very impressed with some of the drives
    Pure class
    Keep up the good work !

  8. Damn Son. You's a nature. Spruik that Big Copper Top. No auto cue, no cards just a man in a mansion with a passion for perfection. Big ups. Looks like a good product and keeps the wheels in motion. With some good ol' grease, and whole a tub of lotion. The search is addictive is it not? And you are both fortunate to share. Fun. Thanks.🐨

  9. Great video can you tell me what you are called on what not so i can follow you guys and my bid on some clubs also do you ship to the UK thanks

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