Golf Players


I made it back to the redwoods for another vlog! Last year was Redwood Curtain, this year it’s Brooktrails! Shoutout to Ro and Jared for running the unsanctioned event that brought us all out here! Amazing course! Of all the things we did here I have to say the glow round was my favorite of course! 🤙🏼

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I freaking hit chains and then I aced it [Music] a what is up welcome back to the channel I am here in Northern California at the beautiful Brook Trails disc golf course in the red woods these are a little bit smaller redwoods beautiful just right off the bat whole one and uh we actually have a little unsanctioned tournament going on here tomorrow that I signed up for it’s just a perfect little get together for the off week before the Portland open and uh got quite the grouping of Pros here we got the GK Pro crew out here here’s none other than Lou comre what’s what up what up and Conor O’Reilly yes sir and Connor and I have made a friendly wager for our double Vlog here that whoever gets a first shot Ace is going to get 20 bucks so I guess uh we could match somebody could be 5050 from Luke okay that’s 50 for everybody then you know jeez Luke UPS the all right all right I’m in he does got make it worth it I’m down shot Ace is something special all right let’s do it hey good luck get let’s get right into it oh flip oh I’m just going left today Connor and I just took a moment to appreciate this sign call faster players through simple and very effective you know I always like to pay attention to the little Keynotes that make a good disc golf course great and look at this place wow basket there basket here Big Trees everywhere we just finished up the OTV open and I’ve got uh quite a few tournament Recaps for you guys it’s been a while since I vlogged I filmed one in Lake Tahoe before Las Vegas didn’t even get to talk about Champions Cup yet didn’t talk about Las Vegas yet and now OTB has passed and I have had three really good tournaments in a row um yeah we’ll get to that later this is an exciting day I’m very very happy to be here oh there it is all right there you go one one to keep you coming back tomorrow that’s something that I just heard from somebody they were traveling with Paul MC Beth and when they’d have their post round recap and you know decompress feel like everybody does that with their homies Paul MC Beth would ask well what’s the shot that’s going to keep you coming back tomorrow and uh that is something that I think everybody could learn a little bit from is little self-evaluation and appreciation you can see the basket there straight ahead it looks like it’s a little elevated shout out to Danny Corbett OTB give me a fresh stack of teal and red and blue and white Skywalkers to take home we exchange I haven’t had a teal and red in my bag for a while because I’ve been rocking with my blue and white but I lost my blue and white one yesterday or one of them I I still have this beat up one in the bag got to put a freshy in the bag here it is Virgin Flight drop just keep dropping keep dropping oh oh my drop just keep dropping keep dropping oh oh my God I just hit off the tree behind the basket and then it almost went in it hit the cage that is unbelievable wow all right uh to luck that’s more like it oh no they’re both too high yo I just hit the tree behind the basket off the cage first shot so let’s start with the Champions Cup keep it short and sweet if you saw my Instagram post I went to as much depth as I was capable of I ran out of characters on the character limit for Instagram posts but anyway I led a major for the second time in my career the biggest difference is this time I was not scared of having the lead I felt like the greatest dis golfer on the planet and it was the most rewarding most inspiring feeling I’ve ever had as a professional disc golf and uh north of black is just that course that I feel so comfortable on and I feel like it makes my opponents kind of get scared you know it’s a little uh little intimidating to be throwing that many tight shots down those Fairways where bogey as just possible every single time the disc comes out of your hand and man I was just so confident and so ready to just get out there and play my best and I did exactly that until we played two rounds in one day and my finger split halfway through round three when I had a six-stroke lead at a major now a six-stroke lead at any disc golf protour event is a pretty big deal to me pretty big deal to anyone but to say that it was out a major is just that icing on the cake and of course I’ve dealt with finger issues before it happens happens to the best of us but I just uh really couldn’t believe that the one time that I really really needed my finger to hang on it uh it let me down and I had a big old flap of skin hanging off my finger causing me to just basically lose trust in all my release points but learning experience as good as any and I’m very proud of the way I persevered even with the finger I still committed to every shot even if it hurt or you know I I didn’t have the best confidence in my release point but yeah if I got a power on whole 18 I would have got fifth place at a major and I got D bogey so that one stings lesson learned and when I say lesson learned I don’t just mean like ah lesson learned like you know don’t let your finger blow up I mean lesson learned like bro you let a major and you felt confident you felt like it was your tournament to lose just to have that memory and hold on to it forever it’s just in itable that it can only do great things for my future of my career and I’m very very excited for my next opportunity to uh showcase my skills on that level at a course that is as wooded and difficult as north of black and I just felt like it was an incredible opportunity for me to really prove to the world who I really am as a professional disc golfer and uh just go out there and have the time of my life I have a feeling that this is going to remain a trend and I am just going to get to throw a Skywalker on every hole 275 if you see the big stump it’s to the right it’s in between the right of the big stump and the Tall Tree just barely through that crevice there oh I flipped it bro you threw that 20 too many feet and that’s where the white blue and white was supposed to be wait no maybe oh I’m not sure how close do it do it for real do it for real oh too high man I had the line though okay this is not a good shot and this is going to be really tough to make I’m going to try a little turnover flick putt here ah get it let’s go well that’s just go for you you just say why don’t I put with my driver something really cool about this place you see all those little Turf mats those are golf teas and it’s like a little par I mean they call it like a I think they call it like a pitching putt or Ching putt whatever golf course I think those are underrated heavily my favorite part of golf is chipping and uh it feel like every single chance you have or every single hole you are given the chance to basically get a hole in one or at least stick the green and that is what that’s what really keeps you coming back in B golf right there behind the tree so this one’s going to be hard especially if I Ace backhand P2 nothing but chains oh bro yeah four sorry ah not far enough Ryan was a live score for me in round two and uh he did a great job and here’s him throwing what looks to be a Berg bur X all right okay that’s a look and you probably heard me yell four and that’s because that is where Connor and Luke were teeing off from MD you know what it is oh it’s way too high off the train in almost hey hey look who it is Sam gaus ladies and gentlemen Sam works for the Pro Tour and I met him when I was 14 he’s the first stranger to ever invite me to play around a disc golf with him and uh now we travel the country like together basically pretty cool where did he go there he is hello Casey’s Vlog you doing B good good just vlogging have you been here before nope first time me too yeah and uh I’m on whole four right here cool yep Conor and what were you doing over here uh I kicked off a tree and landed over here moving on from story time after the Champions Cup I had a long drive to Denver and after a triple bogey on the last toll of the tournament it uh it was a rough ride let me just say that uh just like kept like going like ah why why couldn’t you have just committed to your last t- shot and gotten a par instead I got trouble bogy um but that’s okay because what I was doing in Denver was going to pick up Ellie and it was her 30th birthday on Tuesday after Champions Cup and I was just like so needing to get Disc Golf out of my mind at that moment CU I went from being king of the world leading a major to dropping outside of the top 10 and uh yeah it was in a rough place but you know time goes on I had a great weekend in Lake Tahoe with the boys much needed uh reset and I hope you guys checked out that Vlog hourong boys weekend Epic Times Like Tahoe got to love it when I just framed up this basket actually I just talked to the camera you you probably see the basket now it’s gone cuz a guy literally just walked up and took it into the woods yanked it all right well I’m just going to throw he always wanted one found one at the park well all right well that was pretty wild that that guy just took the basket so now I just threw it out into the open beautiful freaking Fairway though look at this place I mean you just can’t go wrong with this golf in the Redwoods they were meant they were meant for each other the most beautiful forest and the best sport to take in nature or just like uh be a part of nature that’s part of the reason I love Lake Tahoe so much oh man the views out there park it up at the cabin play some games sing some tunes we have Brennan professional guitarist strumming away just keeping all the Vibes as high as possible and it’s just after uh you know pretty heartbreaking finish of the Champions Cup that was the weekend I needed and I hope you guys watch that Vlog even if you don’t finish it it was uh it was a fun one I have officially located the basket and this will be like a normal standard turnover but I really want to throw this Heiser flip backand no not like that bro you overcommit you get too hyped up you get too hyped up isn’t the putt I was expecting or deserved but here I am dude what are you doing come on I let this little plant get in my head not easy oh never mind it’s that easy to hit the cage and roll away and you have to go get the disc God look at it Go still rolling nice it’s clearly this course is kind of a mash up of holes it’s not very good for flow but it is beautiful and I’m having a great time that’s all that matters this one is a big turnover says 365 so I’m thinking a little CD cd2 action all right it might be a sidearm but let’s try the backhand first cuz we’re trying to Ace all right got a look Old Glory cloudbreaker 2 oh yeah just as good as I remember man that’s a far shot it’s not high enough but it is a good shape or maybe it is oh my goodness I just missed it chain High Skywalker always surprises me with the Glide let’s make a birdie putt today huh the only put I’ve made so far today was actually both of them was Skywalker tapping on Two And The Skywalker flick through the freaking Woods yeah all right there we go we’re back he’s back and he’s gone again all right hole seven it was a nice pleasant short walk to this tea all right uh looks like we got multiple options that’s a loose board man that might be too sharp the basket’s just dead straight H I wanted to try this Heiser sidearm Skipper no it’s too early this is very unlikely to work oh and never mind I threw it perfect and it’s just short okay but I hit the line perfectly that looks like the one that’s definitely the one a just skipped too high Las Vegas challenge this year right after boys weekend in Tahoe aunt and Drew Trevon and I got an Airbnb in Las Vegas it was a great week ant and Drew is first time ever playing a pdj event and they played npl at the Las Vegas challenge it was awesome uh we had a great week together great two weeks together and I had my best finish in my career at Las Vegas even though it was only an AER you know the top of the field screamed Elite Series and I got fifth place I was on League card third round third round unfortunately was my only bad round of the tournament and I stabbed myself in the Palm before or uh as I had the Box on whole six you probably wondering how the heck did you stab yourself in the Palm while you’re in the middle of lead card that’s cuz I just put a disc retriever holder on my cart with zip ties and I just grabbed the pole and I started bleeding but that’s no excuse really just was very unfortunate and got in my head and I don’t even think you can see the basket right now but but that’s okay just listen for chains oh oh you almost heard him you almost heard him you know Luke was right Luke said on the first hole the depth perception when you’re around trees this massive it’s really hard to grasp and kind of wrangle in like I was looking from the teapad back there I was looking at this skip shot around the corner and it looked like that it was completely blocked off but there’s clearly like a perfect alley as you can see I put two fd3s on the green Conor and uh Luke are back to spectate me Park this 560 foot hole it is so far oh no too much too much flip on that disc okay it’s over there somewhere looks like we got a forehand into the green bask is kind of tucked behind some trees over there looks too high but it looks like I got the distance right all right all right turns out I had a pretty good shot yeah buddy ooh sometimes those putts don’t stick on a mock five all right this one’s pretty epic 375 straight down this low ceiling tunnel no it’s not that flippy bro that’s it Go in I just hit chains I just hit chains that would have been the sickest Ace of my career all right cd2 flip up yes yes yes yes yes yes flip up yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Ace baby let’s go not the first shot guys let’s go I freaking hit chains and then I aced it ah man this course is fun I can’t even do twice HS luck that was my twice HS luck let’s go look at this freaking hole right here and look at what just happens to be sitting in the basket right there all right I got to tell the Vlog as I’m walking up here Gabe says hold nine is super sick and I walked up and said that is super sick and I’m going to ace it yo Connor third shot Ace doesn’t count I got a third shot Ace over here it’s a nasty one that was freaking awesome man I got to watch it back coach Rod you got to do a little slow-mo for the people there flip up yes yes yes yes yes yes yes there she is little third shot funie Ace never heard anybody looking back down the tunnel all the way up there and uh my FD over here tick a little left side chains and if that ain’t a little twice or it’s luck then I don’t know what it is if I wasn’t already having a great time I sure am now oh too low okay it’s not that flippy bro why so high 2021 was in the OTB open debuted we played a completely different layout from what we know nowadays that was uh the last time I cashed theb open and I’m pretty sure I got last cash like outside the top 40 at that time I was like whatever about it but then like you know the last two years I’ve gone out there and just played so ridiculously bad or just like not so much bad it’s just like not sharp not putting my disc where it’s supposed to land on a pretty you know not maybe not so demanding shot it’s just like simple and I’m just taking it for granted and uh this year made a rule that I wasn’t going to throw rollers unless I truly felt like it was the best option not just cuz I wanted to or just like felt like it would be fun and my putting was the best putting performance I’ve had since Waco I mean Champions Cup I putting great but this tournament I was putting like lights out for par and over the weekend I put it over a th000 ft in made putts across three rounds which I mean anytime you are averaging over I don’t know 15 feet in putting that’s pretty dang good and I averaged 19 feet in maid putts across 54 holes that’s something I’m pretty proud of and the only person that beat me in the entire tournament in putting distance total is cupcake but I heard that his stats were skewed the first round and he was put down for longer makes than he actually got but I got 21st place this weekend shot two down bogey free the first round four down or no six down four better and then eight down yesterday 21st Place feeling great basket is right there little low ceiling Skipper SL roller hole oh no no no no no too high Swing Swing and Skip yes big old skip okay those were identical thank you got a approval from the gallery I know you guys have a probably a tough time seeing truly how massive these trees are but like let me just put a hand on it for perspective let me go wide angle that’s my hand and this is me one of my favorite dyes on a dd1 another one of my favorite dies on a dd1 easy bird there’s like feather Banner Mando here so yeah I don’t know if you can see him but it’s kind of kind of a weird rule on a hole this far up hill all right let’s try and just make it in oh I made the Mando oh I definitely made the Mando that was awesome that was epic if that truly is aando in the tournament tomorrow I’m probably just going to send it anyway yeah ah oh nope let me show you this Mando which I don’t necessarily agree with but I did just nail it first try these two banners double Mando on a 400 foot uphill turnover shot par three too if it was Par Four I get it like make people lay up that’s a little whack 450 ft uphill to the right similar hole to one we just played except farther and more right that is not far enough not even close too far up hill to do anything but just try and do a little toss here shout out to Mato best in the world well not the best in the world but best on my really close friends mattio and Greg barsby these little shots here well not When You Yank It Right I feel like we’re on top of the world right now and I know that this is the correct basket cuz I walked by it earlier it is right there and I think this is the holy grow of Aces on this course this is so far downhill and it says it’s over 400t and I want to try like a flip dog out to the right but I don’t know if that’s the ace line yet so I think I want to just rip a I’m just going to rip the CD too bro little flip and then a little fade little fade little fade little fade little fade oh it’s too far okay I mean ped it oh my God what are you doing dd1 Mega flip dog I mean usually this is like my vertical to turnover disc but I’m going to throw it so gentle it’s going to just heer the whole way yeah that’s it right there keep the height keep the height keep the height keep the height oh it’s short all right so my night strike ended up in this Creek and I was looking for it it’s hard to tell exactly where it went in but I don’t know if you can see it on the camera there she is under the little piece of land but I’m not trying and document the rescue it’s crazy how it got under the lip of the freaking Bank come on come on come on ta probably the most epic scenery I’ve ever had on the Vlog for a putt woo that’s a two 15 here basket is dead straight down this hallway I’m sure there’s a heer line in there somewhere but man all I see is just md3 right at it we’re going to give it our best shot here but it’s probably going to be the only shot I got because this is the only disc I can do this and I’m going to just run up all right come on baby you got this no that’s so depressing oh I could Flip Flip Flip Flip Flip fli FP flip just like that just like that just like that just like that right off the pole all right so there’s the teapad and now that I see the corner here the skip shot is wide open I should have definitely tried the skip shot on the first go for our Ace Bounty that I have with Connor and Luke I just had to do a little investigation where we’re going we’re going to that like up slope right behind that Big Pine that’s kind of off to the left so I’m just going to smoke a Heiser flip dd1 ah yeah it’s just too far but I mean I give myself a chance not my favorite hole on the course not going to lie all right well this is definitely the type of course that wants you to wear yourself out and then give you the longest Hol is right at the end nothing wrong with that you a couple backend turnover offers unfortunately I can’t see the basket although I know where it is come on come on come on come on oh too far oh man ho 18 we’ve made it basket is right there and I think it’s like 500 it feels farther so it says 540 Par 3 or 666 four I’m going to throw probably one air shot one roller and just see where that gets me feel like I want to go airshot first yeah that that’s a good flyer get past it please man that’s so far oh it looks great it’s going oh I could zoom in okay it went towards Nine’s basket but that’s like almost pin high right there if anybody remembers the 600 foot Ace on Simon’s Channel after we hit the ace Simon and I did the world’s longest frisbee catch he threw Putters off the cliff there down to Zach and I and he would just Chuck them and then Sprint to grab the camera and zoom in not uh very reminiscent of that right there right there run into some fellow redwoods Explorers look at that guy Cal Joe tournament director right here how’s it going and I have to say I absolutely love the course awesome beautiful beautiful and uh now I want to hit some golf balls so I’m going to tap on an 18 that’s what I’m going to do excellent good luck out there thanks look at this beautifully framed up putt I have to finish and like I said I don’t know if this is for eagle or for Bernie but it’s for two on a really long hole that’s all you need to know stay up ah it’s just too far too far Brook Trails man what a course just peaceful private beautiful fun fair and just overall just wow like being in the Redwoods is just something else this off week like the pro tour last year didn’t give us this off week and they don’t know I think how sad it made a lot of us knowing that we had to just gun it up the coast and have no time to Leisure the way that we want to to get to uh to get to the Portland open or last year it was Beaver State first but anyway that’s was going to do it for today’s Vlog and more to come just from this week that’s going to do it for today’s video guys Brook Trails highly recommend use udis you will get lost but anyway thank you for watching like subscribe we’ll see you next time [Music]


  1. Congratulations on your excellent play! During Champions Cup, the commentators on DGN were really rooting for you 🙂 The people here are rooting for you, too.
    Haven’t you had trouble splitting open that finger before? You might want to consider taping it if it starts to get bad. Once you get used to it, it feels fine, like wearing gloves. On coverage, Nate Doss said he used to play taped up and he could help you with that. You might want to ring him up.

  2. Im a big fan of the channel and was stoked to see your Van parked at Pier Park the other day! It would be really fun to play a round with you if you have some time. If you have some time free with the upcoming events that is.

  3. Brooktrails is easily in my personal Top 10, I've been checking your channel for this video for a few days after Luke put out the F9 of his. Hole [redacted] is a bonkers ace!

  4. A bad shot, then over correcting to the right with another bad shot then cheering about an ace😂
    Come on man, in due respect to both of you, don't be a cubby

  5. Finger is tough and rough to have injured but love how you didn’t quit didn’t DNF You could have and that is totally understandable but you didn’t. True competitor and love of the game. Amazing play this year Thanks for these videos

  6. One of my favorite courses ever! My buddies were able to make it down and play the tourney and were on Ravens card, bummed I missed it!

  7. So awesome you took the time to come to Brooktrails. You’re a really chill and awesome dude. Good luck on the tour and good luck for your Celtics.

  8. That's a cool new intro. I'm glad you kept the old outro too, it makes me smile every time. 🙂

  9. I really enjoyed this video. I’ve played Brooktrails a few times and it’s really impressive to see how a professional handles it. Good luck with the rest of your season.

  10. The white cloth-like athletic tape comes in clutch when the skin on your hand starts to get raw. The key is to catch things before the skin splits. You don't need multiple layers (most of the time) and after a little trial and error you can make it where you hardly notice the tape is there. Saved me many a round. Play around with it. Also, not all tape is created equal. Buy a couple brands to compare.

  11. Sweet as you know, that actually used to be a ball golf course. I grew up in Willits and actually learned to play ball golf on that golf course. Now I’ve got to make the long trip from San Antonio Texas back to Willits so that I can play that as a disc golf course now. Can’t wait. Hope you enjoyed it man.

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