All the Best Putters Use This SIMPLE Method

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In this video, Adam goes over the simple method of seeing straight lines when putting. All the best golfers draw imaginary lines from the ball to the hole. With any break putt falling off the straight line. This makes putting more simple and it will give you the confidence and comfortably to hole more putts, dropping your score!

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a lot of people will take the putter inside and then push it out online to accommodate that break well that’s going to ruin the way the ball spins the way the ball rolls off the face and he held the putter up like this and closed one eye he’s taking the line on that and drawing it in an extension of where it’s going to aim as people put pressure into the ground and then it’s just hard to make a good stroke and hit the equator of the ball every time with the center of the face beautiful okay so Ethan just recently got a new putter now um Ethan show what you got this is the AI Odyssey 11 putter a lot of Pros have it on tour right now beautiful putter how easy is it for you to square up okay because that’s the visual is got to help you square up next part about it is you know is it easy for you to keep on a nice path and control the face right now no better way to check that than our straight putt no matter what so this is the aid that you know I I I invented a couple years back just love this little Aid we have 5 in of the backstroke that it’s going to be dead straight back before the putter naturally starts to Arc right why 9 in on the through well any putt 3 ft or longer no matter what the break at the pace you’re hitting it will start on a straight line for 9 inches before it naturally starts to break so we frame that completely you know for the player helps with green reading helps with being being able to square up to see the line a lot of our players who use this it’s helped their putting big time in a big way Ethan I’m going to have you get in here and let’s roll a couple make sure it’s very easy to run it down that line consistently whether you use a line or not see I don’t use a line when I putt well it’s great because this helps me really line up well for them you know a lot of players even when they use a line they come back here and they go well I know this is inside right that’s where my line says they get over it and they don’t trust it well this helps train your eyes and uh I think that’s important for a golfer to be able to train your eyes how many people stand over a ball or stand over a putt and they’re being told they’re aiming at the right Edge and they’re like what I feel like I’m you know a cup right the hole or a cup left of the hole or whatever that is that’s a that’s a lot of great players struggle with that we found that this Aid right here really helps in them being lined up more and training their eyes and being more comfortable over each putt I mean d those are perfect so he’s able to square up perfectly five inches of that backstroke is perfectly straight before it naturally arcs and that was a perfect stroke right there awesome so what we’ll do is we’ll do like a right to left like this and then I’ll have Ethan set it up from a left to right the reason why we call it straight putt no matter what the reason why we call it that is we want you to hit a straight putt no matter what you know that’s a right to left one you know how many people from a right to left putt do this you guys watch this this is so common Kev right back come back behind me here say I’m hitting this putt to right Edge well a lot of people will take the putter inside and then push it out online to accommodate that break now all of a sudden they come over here on the left to wrer and then the stroke gets more outside and this way cuz they’re trying to pull it online to accommodate the break well that’s going to ruin the amount you know the way the ball spins the way the ball rolls off the face and it’s not ever going to give you a true roll so this allows you to not only read it correctly and respect your read by aiming straight but hitting a straight putt no matter what makes it a lot easier in the long run to become a better putter so here we go let’s find a left or wrer here Ethan so this what’s cool too you know say the ball’s right here and this is what I like my players doing you know say it’s right here and you know if say you want to practice green reading here Ethan read this putt and you set this up accordingly okay all right let’s test you so we’ll have him read it he’ll pick the read and then he’ll line that ruler up accordingly where you playing that one bud um I’ll be playing it maybe a ball just a ball and a half maybe left of the so here’s the trick look at what he’s doing right now do you see what he’s doing this is so important this is a big one for a lot of people he backed up and he held the putter up like this and closed one eye he’s taking the line on that and drawing it in an extension of where it’s going to aim now I see a lot of people just put their line down their ball and then they just eyeball it and I’m like H don’t eyeball it like what do what do you I know it looks like it’s in the realm of the hole but we’re trying to be perfect here if it’s going to be outside left Edge by this much well hey put that ball down close one eye get the putter up measure that you know absolutely so it’s cool let’s test this guy this put’s got some movement on it’s not this is not an easy putt so and now we’re just going to find out hey was it red correctly perfect I mean couldn’t have made that in a better spot ball went in right in the left Center which from the angle it’s coming in on was dead center of the hole beautiful Ethan beautiful one of the things I’ve really liked about this thing too now there’s a little groove right there to be able to roll the ball up on the ball can stay right there okay now that little Groove doesn’t affect the roll at all it’s just enough to hold the ball but not get in the way of it rolling true now if I were to press down on that thing hard or put a lot of pressure into it a lot of times the ball falls off the device so what you notice is notice how gently you’re able to put that putter down and that’s a that’s a big thing because people put pressure into the ground and then they it’s just hard to make a good stroke and hit the equator of the ball every time with the center of the face so I like that I’ve always been real big on putting any pressure in the ground if you see me set up to a putt I don’t even hold the putter really I just let the putter lay there and then I close my hands but I’m not applying pressure into the ground great Putters do that okay and that’s something that the device promotes as well so good everything checks out here buddy nice job good stuff thanks Adam you got a bud yeah at porac golf we take a lot of pride in having developed some of the best and most consistent golf swings on the planet we do this through Simplicity our full swing master class will take you on a step by step easy to understand process on how to get your golf swing better than ever join the many before you who’ve utilized our full swing Master Class to take their games to the next level and Beyond [Music]


  1. I never use the ball line. I like the white side up and use my mallet putter lines to line me up. After that it is the line in the green I put to.

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