Golf Babe

Closest to the pin ⛳️ Birdogey vs. Fit Golfer Girl #golf #golfmatch #golfcouple

Closest to the pin action with your two favorite inconsistent golfers! 👩🏽👨🏻
Who do you got, @FitGolferGirl or @birdogey ?

⛳️: @pganationalresort – Hole 5 – 130 yards

#golf #golfmatch #golfbabe #birdogey #pgachampionship

little closest to the pin action here at PJ National who do you think’s going to win Bogi or fit golfer girl uh oh oh my god oh fin it to win it but it’s not going to make it all right friends this was actually a lot closer than I thought it would be I’m there b doggy’s over there there but he still takes it home he’s not bad I’m just inconsistent oh no


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