The Right Grip as Simple as Possible Shown by Golf Legend Gary Player

Grand Slam winner and Golfing Legend Gary Player shows you the grip in the most simple way possible!

You will be able to hit your driver, irons and wedges much, MUCH straighter and more consistently with a good golf grip!

A good golf grip will simplify your backswing AND downswing. If you’re struggling with either of these two, chances are you have a bad grip.

Double check you have a good golf grip, the most important thing in golf, and you’ll be setup for success down the road!

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[Music] there’s no question the most important thing in the golf swing is the grip you can have all the correct movements of your body you can put the club on the right plane you can hit through the ball you can do all those things that are correct but if you have a bad grip you are never going to play consistent golf every great player I have ever seen any player that has lasted a long time has had a beautiful grip let me say this the grip is quite complicated and you can talk about the grip for 30 minutes alone so we’re going to try and give you the right grip and be as simple as possible now the correct grip is this this is the grip that suits every single player that that plays the game of golf the left thumb must be slightly on the right hand side of the shaft just slightly on right hand side of the shaft this hand the right hand must run parallel with the left hand you never want the hands fighting each other you don’t want this hand over there and this hand over there because that’s twist your body all out of position the hands must work together as one unit the left hand is gripped not in the fingers not in the Palm It’s a combination of both there it is slightly to the right hand side another very good tip and easy way to remember there’s a line formed here between your index finger and your thumb there’s the line very clearly indicated and with your right hand between your index finger and your thumb there there’s the line those two lines must point at your right shoulder so if you do what I said there and look down that line there’s pointing to my right shoulder that line there is pointing to my right shoulder and that’s the correct grip now if you want to hook the ball then you’ve got to change your grip then you move your hands to the right hand side of the shaft like that now you’ll hook the ball if you want to slice the ball all you do is the opposite you move your hands to the left hand side of the Shar like that and your grip will be so weak that you’ll get an automatic slice when we standing in a tournament and we’ve got to go around those trees what we M basically do is change the grip if it’s a slice we weaken the grip if it’s a hook we strengthen the grip and it’s as simple as that remember another very good tip when you stand at attention there you are your hands are not Twisted this way or Twisted that way stand at attention and be relaxed put your hands out in front of you and that’s basically the correct grip if you want to bring that club back to the ball Square you’ve got to grip correctly take my advice and I mean this sincerely this will really help your golf when we’re on the tour invariably I’ll say to one of my friends just check my grip here and I’ll practice shots changing my grip cultivating feel it’s amazing if you change your grip and some of you try this just change your grip half an inch and you’ll feel how awkward it feels visit your pro if I’ve got a sore tooth I go to my dentist go to your pro have that grip checked sometimes people play badly for years they try new clubs they try different swings but the trouble is at the heart of the problem and that is the grip have it checked if you ever want to test if your fingers are strong and you have a good solid grip try hitting three drives without changing your grip whatsoever hit the ball have somebody teed up for you hit it again teed up again hit it and see if your hands remain the same on the club as they were originally that’s a good exercise to work on your grip

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